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2.1k · Feb 2015
The Luxury Of Time
Manas Feb 2015
You'd be pretty lucky,
if you caught my eyes
staring back into yours.
I'd like to tell you a good reason,
weave a tale of heartwarming lies,
Alas, there's no story behind my evasive eyes.

I nod when I mean to scream 'yes'
To every whim you have.
I smile when I mean to laugh.
I compliment you with the most beautiful of words,
In my silence, I hope you hear me say.
I was born a misdirecting sign-post,
hoping to lead you the right way.

If you'd know me, I'd like to believe,
You'd fall in love with me.
Indefinitely. Instantly.
But in this infinitesimally small moment
that we share,
In an obnoxiously loud world that we stay,
That little space between us is all it takes
For all that is unsaid to lose its way.

If you'd know me, I'd like to believe,
You'd fall in love with me.
Instantly. Indefinitely.
If you'd give me a while,
You could hear, you could see.
You'd know how hopelessly in love I am,
as inarticulate as my thoughts may be.
But with the years it has learned,
This stupid, hopeless heart of mine.
That it simply does not have the luxury of time.
1.6k · Oct 2013
Convincing Faith
Manas Oct 2013
I am invincible.
Unbeatable. Headstrong.
Each step I take today,
with a marked conviction.
My blood pumps with purpose.
Over-saturated adrenalin
Finds rationale a bit overrated.

All I remember next,
as my thoughts follow my fall,
Is a question that has haunted me often.
Where'd I go wrong?
Wasn't I invincible?
Unbeatable? Headstrong?
I hope this makes sense. Tried writing something after ages. Any feedback is sincerely appreciated :)
1.6k · Mar 2015
Take A Moment
Manas Mar 2015
Take a moment.
Your life is taking you places.
And I will be forgotten
Amidst all the faces.
Take a moment.
For some, day it might all make sense.
My words can be deceitful.
But you can hear my love in the silence.
933 · Nov 2013
Manas Nov 2013
Within the stories that define,
and memories that linger.
Within the words I write
and the words I whisper,
Part woven, part entangled
Partly hidden, never quite lost,
Similes jump in
to find the expressions I lack,
Partly stuck, partly you hold on,
Like a needle in a haystack.
707 · Jun 2015
Thin, Frayed Rope
Manas Jun 2015
Sinking into the quicksand
of open-eyed dreams,
fading out the noise,
following her voice,
With his fingers he tries,
To hold on to her sighs

Weaponless and blind.
Tonight he can’t face
the demons in his mind
So he watches the lights burst
into a million sparkling fireflies,
through the pupils of her eyes.

His heart, bared.
Inside, he’s scared.
With all his might,
he holds on tight.
To a thin, frayed rope
He doesn’t expect her to wait.
But he certainly can hope.
688 · Jun 2014
A Chink In The Armor
Manas Jun 2014
He trains every night,
for the enemy is strong.
His limits, they beg him to stop,
but he pays no heed,
for the night is still long.

Inspiration people find,
in his commitment, relentless.
The fiercest of enemies would shiver,
at his strategies so flawless.

Yet this warrior so perfect,
fails every time he goes to war.
It is not the strength,
the weapons, the planning,
the training, that fail his attacks.
Excruciating - the pain that travels through his spine,
As he stabs himself every time, in the back.
620 · Apr 2014
Manas Apr 2014
On his deathbed he smirked,
Knowing he would leave behind
His sins with the rest of his mess
Death, after all,
was just eternal blackness.
Just as he took his last breath,
He stood there gloating
Proud of everything he'd done wrong
Till the smile vanished from his face,
As the lights came on.
529 · Mar 2017
Manas Mar 2017
All that I think is mine,
All that I think is me,
is a summation of what I've been told,
of what I've been instructed to see.

'Who am I' is not the question.
The crisis is not one of identity.
Don't be misled, my friends.
The real illusion is this 'me'.

There is nothing new inside there.
Just scribbled notes and summaries.
A bunch of borrowed opinions
And some stolen memories.

I know I can talk and share today.
I can scream to make some noise.
But I hope by the day I die,
I'll have somehow, found my voice.
463 · Jun 2014
An Oddly Placed Gift
Manas Jun 2014
You stare at her and she stares back
You smile, and behold, she only stares back
So beautiful, so...perfect,
"Could she be mine?"
The brain, it backs off
as you start thinking from your groin.
For a few moments, reality loses it's power
to the frozen face of a woman,
that simply stares back.

Rejected, dejected, somewhere
Lies another girl turning to ether,
For ugly and shy rarely mix together,
Unlikely a place to find a gift,
A gift that lures men to what she's not.
A pity, for this angel with her wand
and a flash of light,
Captures all shades and colors,
from white to black,
for men who hate her and drool as they watch,
the beautiful girl that only stares back.
446 · Dec 2017
Manas Dec 2017
I close my eyes

Because it is easy.


I am lazy.

Memories play on cue.

Tears obey gravity.

My watch feels awfully creative

It goes tock tick.

And I do nothing differently

Except, maybe breathe a little slowly.

The beauty in our hate

I open my eyes, they're

Infected by retrospection.

I try too hard to make things look simple.

Because my wisdom

Is a string of pop songs.

So you ask me when we’ll meet.

And I tell you where, instead.

A place called Someday.

You mistake my tattered love

For intellectual ambiguity

And though I’m dying to explain,

I am painfully lazy.
Late-night poetry.
388 · Mar 2015
Manas Mar 2015
I fear silence.
Not because I will hear nothing.
I fear it,
because I will hear myself.
385 · Oct 2013
Somewhere In Between
Manas Oct 2013
I owe you an apology.
For my behavior is erratic.
But if you could hear the voices within,
Maybe it would be quite clear
A confused soul is worth nothing.

Things aren't going as they're supposed to.
I could correct their course,
if I only knew how they're supposed to.
What I have is not what I want.
And what I want,
Is probably not worth having.
Like, I said: An apology is due.
For a confused soul, is worth nothing.

Hopefully one day,
I'll get what I want.
Or learn to love what I have.
Till then, I hope this struggle rips me apart.
I hope it keeps me up at night,
as I remember a thousand goodbyes.
And hopefully one day,
it'll make sense.
Because I've lived long enough,
with the feeling that something's missing.
And baby, I know it better than anyone else.
A confused soul is worth nothing.
374 · Dec 2019
Let It Hurt
Manas Dec 2019
You tried all you bandages
Your meditations
And your meds
And yet it pierces
through all your distractions
This faithful pain
that wishes
to whisper to your heart
That what it ought to hear
And it won’t stop
Till it reaches.
So, open that wound
And pick on your flesh
Look at your gods
And watch them shudder
This is your moment
Make it loud and clear
Don’t you dare go numb
You need to remember
How this feels
Raw, just like you
Don’t let Time
rob you blind
Before the time to heal
Comes your right to burn
You shall have your day
To let it go
But, for now,
Let it hurt.
221 · Nov 2019
Keep It Simple
Manas Nov 2019
Burn down the walls
That hold all your clocks

We're getting where we need to
The night is always young

Don't let all your words
Do all the talking

Write each one down
On the back of your tongue

Don't wait in the trial room
Looking for a fit.

Interlocked, interspersed
The grooves of our fingertips

Do away with rhymes
Tire yourself of poetry

A language lies buried
In the cracks of your lips.

Leave in a hurry
Jump in a rush

Others will find your footprints
On those warning signs

Let them look for reason
And search for meaning

There is nothing written
In between these lines

Take a leap over faith
I'll hold you tight as we both fall

The cautionary tale of our love
Shall remain unsung

Burn down the walls
That hold all your clocks

We're getting where we need to
The night is always young
216 · Dec 2019
Manas Dec 2019
One day
As I sit there
with Death
by my side
Before my life flashes
Right before my eyes
Though the person
I loved
and the person you are
Are no longer the same
I am certain I will ask Her
To slow down the parts
With you in them.
206 · Jan 2020
Manas Jan 2020
Dreams now supine
Rotting into fantasies
Oblivious to the schism
Preferences decided
By an algorithm
The scorching sun
This burning pyre
What more will it take
To set yourself on fire
Killing your instinct
Shaming is taming
****** oozing
You were born to be
A statutory warning
An inherent cast out.
The fuse is in your hands
Don’t you dare fizzle out.
You feel it
You repress it
A dynamite
Convinced it’s a firecracker.
Time to smell the gunpowder
Clickity click.
Trembles the wicker
To dust off the ashes
You must
Burn down the empire.
Proceed with no caution

Set yourself on fire.
181 · Nov 2019
Manas Nov 2019
When the heart breaks
It crumbles
Into nostalgic dust
By a timely gust
Onto glistening city streets
And its sodium-vapour lamps
In the haze around the moon
And the salty mist of the seas
In particular bottled fragrances
And certain sound frequencies
In the place where it began
And where it truly started off
Try as you may to move on
Some day,
you will inevitably cough
As your watery eyes adjust
In this little cloud of dust,
Forcing you to concede
All efforts shall remain futile
Till you continue to breathe
154 · Nov 2019
Manas Nov 2019
Once, in my heart.

Now: in my block list.

Always, on my mind.
Manas Mar 2020
Chin tucked in,
Relax your spine
Calm your fluttering heart
Repeat: everything will be fine.

Forget your luggage
Grab on to some faith
Perpetual turbulence ahead
Take a deep breath.

Under no circumstances
Should you close your eyes
Under your seat is no parachute
Feel free to use the floating device.

Inconvenience is regretted
Your heart shall not make it intact.
So hold it out anyway
And brace yourself for impact.
119 · Mar 2020
Manas Mar 2020
As time slips by
And the heart heals the wounds
I tell myself now
That it's okay to think of you

So I close my eyes
And I go back back to that place
Wait, something is wrong here
Why can't I see your face?

On the rooftop, on a cloudless night
You a shadow, me a haze
I remember hugging you tight
But why can't I feel the embrace?

Was it not all your fault?
I thought you parted ways
And yet, as we held hands,
I see I left some space

Every time I looked into your eyes
Or told you that I care
Or pulled you closer and stole a kiss
Or when we lay next to each other, bare
Your memories shall remain my penance
Because I was never really there.

— The End —