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Luna Jul 2014
The ground beneath my feet is falling, crumbling, snatched away
And no, I don’t like this, not at all
What once was solid beneath my feet
Is now nothing more than empty space
With nothing holding us up but a tank of fuel
And a stranger in a room what seems a million miles away
With his flashing lights and fragile controls, who’s to say
That he won’t just let us fall
I've always wanted to fly, but I've never much liked flying in airplanes
Luna Aug 2014
You, toying with danger and blood like a young child in a brightly-lit playground,
One day you’re going to get hurt boy, and then maybe you’ll learn your lesson
Luna Sep 2014
Cherry lips, cherry wine

No cherry's scent as sweet as thine

A kiss for you and a beating heart

Cherry lips, these cherries mine

Cherry wine still in a glass

But cherry cheeks drained white at last
I seem to be inspired by couples on the street
Luna Sep 2014
You pick out your lies from that handbag of yours
One by one
At the right time, never using one twice
Making sure your little bag is never empty of them, but oh
How they must weigh you down -

And there you are again preaching your own lies
That they all believe and love

But do you fool even yourself?
Luna Jun 2014
Can a poem be a dream or a dream be a poem?
Does it work that way, where one is another?
The seams between so tightly sewn
That you can’t unwind without ripping
Destroying the simple beauty that resides within
Or are they cold and estranged
Or are they both?
A distance so small they almost touch
Filling each others gaps
While being polar opposites
A faulty draft, nothing more
Luna Aug 2014
Raise your hands above your head
As high as they will reach
To feel the savage winds that run
Beyond your lines of sight
In currents that flow untamed
Streams of movement pass unseen
To feel them flood hot through your veins and live
Luna Jul 2014
Shattered fragments of a flawed heart splayed and lined up on the cold granite floor, emitting a soft glow and the gentle scent
Of lavender and pine
Luna Jul 2014
There will be a point one day when people tell you that your tall tales and wondrous dreams aren’t real.
Do not believe them. Not now, not ever. Your dreams will be your own to share and live and you tell them to back away, and you keep a tight hold on them, you hear? They’ll always give you hope.
There will come a time when you feel being extraordinary is something that doesn’t matter anymore. Well then, think again, because you always have been extraordinary and you’d better keep that going, because my god you are good at it.
You look so alive today, and all I can think is that after everything, you turned out amazing, so you sure as anything keep doing whatever it is that you did, because you did it right.
Luna Jul 2014
Rot and decay fills your mouth
And I see it fogging over your eyes
And when you speak I smell death and rust,
You’re either dead or lying and to be honest
I hope with all my heart it’s the first
Luna Jul 2014
You let them live.

They were nothing more than stationary objects, Caged

But you gave them life, gave them spirit. Released them from they imprisoning bonds

My little monsters and little beings that no one else could see
And now that you’re gone they multiply

They’re beyond my control, they occupy the space that I used to reserve for you

But i’m okay with that after all

I miss you and so do they
Luna Aug 2014
There’s a brief moment that passes when the mechanical beasts cease roaring across the pathway,
When the air is light but the sky is dark, and small leaves tumble uncoordinatedly through the air like snow
When the trees toss their dappled shadows upon the road which glints dully with a warm orange glow
So important a moment that even the silence in the shifting air listens as the clouds weep to the ground
Luna Aug 2014
Walk into the gasping night thats learned to breath smoke and flames
And survive on burning plastic fumes
That coughs and hacks through corrupted lungs
That chokes on gas and metal scraps
And enjoy the cold against your skin the only way you are able to
Through blissful ignorance
We befoul the sky and deny our part in it
Luna Aug 2014
When flesh turns to dirt and your bones to dust to become a part of the earth,
no longer human just scattered fragments, turned into wet mud in the pouring rain where little children play unaware
that their playground is made of you and every other being
that had ever laid to rest beneath the ground
Luna Jul 2014
I believe, and always have, that this is the only place on this planet that never stays still,
That spins in all directions, reaching out to every corner of the earth. This is where life means the most, in every aspect of the word
Here people say goodbye whether for the first or last time, and often it’s hard to draw the line between the two. Often it’s hard to tell
What goodbye even means, but I hold on to the belief that it can be defined in any way
And right now it means see you later
Luna Jun 2014
You don't belong here, please get out
Out of my system, out of my mind
You plague my thoughts with stones and pins
But I'll be rid of you someday
Luna Jul 2014
And you there rubbing the stardust out of your eyes that fell there upon a chance but has given you visions of worlds and skies far above
You are riddled with thoughts of far away worlds that you'll visit only in spirit and never in body
Where violescent atmospheres swirl above the dusty grounds and flicker behind your eyelids
But you'll be content even when others know you as the star-blinded child

         You'll be proud.
Luna Jul 2014
When I feel the world is moving way too fast,
When the stars disappear and reappear over the horizon in what feels like seconds,
When the moon's gentle crescent curve consumes the black around it and expands in the span of a night -
We’re moving so fast, you and I, we’re falling through space and time
The universe is expanding and we’re falling into the sun
Flying through space at a thousand miles an hour
With the sun hitting us at the speed of light
Life here is infinite, stretching out forever
So when I feel we’re going too fast
I rummage in my accumulated possessions and pull out the most valuable piece
I set up my still forest of ticking trees and clockwork animals
Plant the swaying grass within the everlasting soil

I'll sit in my unmoving meadow
And watch the world stay still
Luna Jul 2014
Pictures and photographs are nothing, just that-
They are still and do not show the emotion of the moment nor the person in it that you could see more clearly than this motionless frame ever could
I believe in the memories, where you have to try hard to go back and really see them.
You’ll notice that their features have faded, their hair turned grey, their faces longer and less than they were but that is not what you’re looking for.
Remember them by how they felt on every one of your days they touched, the silken pattern of their smile that was for your heart, not your eyes, to see.
The defined edges of their laugh, the intent behind their words and it won’t matter that you can’t remember how they looked because you’ll have discovered a form much more fitting to the beauty that no one else saw.
Luna Jul 2014
I’ve seen eyes that capture all that I am and pull it to the front so I see it all, good and bad.
Eyes that looked so deep I imagine I could fall into them and get lost.
Eyes that have seen until the end of the world and so much more.
Eyes that hold captive the beasts that dwell where we dare not go and put them to a deep sleep.
Eyes that have power and strength and ideas good enough to topple the world,
The same eyes that need nothing more than a warm mug of tea
And another pair of eyes to share the world with.
Luna Jul 2014
Tick tock, he said, tick tock
There’s a man behind me with the face of a clock
Vigil he stands and beyond towers
Immobile, as he marks the hours

I observe as his hands writhe about
As he says, my dear, time’s running out
But it’s not, I say, how can it be
When all there is
                                     is you and me
Luna Jul 2014
I’ll bear my chest unto the sky
so strike me down before I die
I’m waiting for a certain sign
For my idols to align
We fish swim in air thick as blood
The ground instead is caked in mud
Clean this dirt from walls and skulls
With weapons sharp and turning dull
We’re under control, unwillingly
From my bonds, please, deliver me
We seem to have been invaded by outside forces. Send help
Luna Jul 2014
Sometimes a person walks into the dark
and never comes back out
Perhaps because there is nothing left to find
Perhaps because they have gone blind
But I think that most of all
They know that in the dark nothing hides
Luna Aug 2014
I collect words that make things feel sweet
Words that taste like the truth hidden in letters that can be replicated a thousand times over
And still not feel the same

— The End —