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It's weird to think a year ago
We never even spoke
Now I tell you everything
Now you tell me everything
Now I trust you with the world
You now mean the world
And we never spoke a year ago
You were just kind of there
I had this best friend
As a little kid
She meant the world to me
We had been friends since babies
I thought we'd be friends forever
We don't really talk anymore
I had this other best friend
I met her when we were five
I spent everyday with her
Got into trouble with her
Our parents were best friends
We got poisoned together
By nightshade berries
We did everything together
And last year we started talking again
And now we're inseparable again
We do everything together
Get into trouble together
Sneak out late together
Cry together
Vent together
Rage together
Everything together
Adventure together
I've always wanted that kind of friendship
And I'm so blessed to have a friend like her
Soul sisters
Your an addict
                   I know
do you know what your doing to her?
                             I am reminded with every wheezed breath
do you know how much you mean to her?
                                            not a clue
do you think you can ever love her the way she loves you?
                                                            ­ *from the way things are going,
                                                          ­     I think im going to die trying
I love you, no matter what you think, no matter what your told, i do
thats from my mouth, my lips my mind my heart,
its undistorted,
i realise i have failings,
please dont pick on the one im trying to fix,
and decide im no longer worth your time...
Dont go
Im used to running away,
from my problems and pains
when I just wanted to stay..
Id crawl into your arms right now
across the mile of broken glass between our bedrooms
If you took the effort to say
Please dont tell me to go
An Empty tank of gas
An Empty heart of glass
Empty thoughts
An Empty cranium now filled,with last resorts
An Empty spine, im a coward it seems
Empty skin, Im  too stuck to move forward, bursting with a lack of ambition at the seems.
An Empty tone,
An Empty phone,
An Empty house
An Empty home
Without you ill have:
how else can i say those three words,
but to say what i will be without you
Im in love with you
The way you lean in
Close to me
To whisper something
In my ear
To make me laugh
To make me smile

The way you sit a little closer
When it gets too cold
And your fingers
Ice cold
Burning against my skin
You smile
That stupid
Crooked smile
And tickle me
With your wit

The way you grab my arm
When I'm on the verge of tears
Pull me away
From the torture of today
To ask me what's wrong
And pull me in close to you
Arms tightly around me
Not caring how wet
Your shoulder is getting

The way you message me
Good morning
Just to check on me
Because its been a day
Since we've talked
And you can't bear to wait

The way your chest feels against mine
Hearts beating together
Your arms tightly round my waist
As I'm lifted and swung around

The way I go to pull away
And you pull me back
Closer to your chest
Arms tighter
Because one hug wasn't enough

The way I feel protected
Whenever your around
Because you've always told me
You'd always keep me safe
About time the pretty smiley ones spoke out
I used to look at them like
"They need a reality check, they have no idea
What pain and torment
A girl like me has gone through
What it's like to be cheated and lied to
Spat on and *****
What it's like to regret waking up each day
Only to face the cruelty of a hormonal imbalance"
Oh but they do. Only they deal a lot better
Than me.
They put on a brave face and deal
Just deal
Because they may LOOK like they have friends
And a home
And love
But inside they are just like you
Just like me
And it's about time they got honest and started speaking out
And helping others
**Like me
To all you gorgeous smiley creatures like me who deal. Speak out, don't be afraid what someone's gonna think or BELIEVE, let your demons breathe.
I want to feel your name burning in my head
I want to write your initials all over the page
I want to curl up next to you at night
I want to fall asleep to your voice
And wake up to your eyes
I want to go everywhere with you
I want to tell you everything that amuses me
I want to touch your lips and watch you tremble
I want to dance with you to the soft drone of Twenty One Pilots
And smoke until we don't feel bitter
I want to acknowledge all the good we had
I want to go on forever with you too
I want to share my food and tears with you
I want to see you grow like roses
And be the person you've always wanted to be
Sitting here with my hand around my throat
I've never felt more
 May 2015 kassie robinson
She is mean in a good way,
I kinda like it.
Always reading my mind
but she ain't physic.
I just can't  let her go
She's like my side kick.
I love her more ever second, and **** I like it.
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