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Oct 2017 · 421
My Heroin(e)
A loss of orbit,
Her gravitational forfeit;
She no longer greets the moon

The galaxies have strayed,
From her intravenous decay;
A mind no longer in this celestial room

She cries tears of river floods,
And cascading molten blood;
That ravage at her innermost core

Now wildstorms of polluted rain,
Course destruction within sorrowed veins;

              ­                                    Her Sun,
                                                        My ******

Cannot Endure.
Little piece about a recovering addict dealing with the loss of her son and navigating the subsequent relapse. Have a few more pieces in the works around this story!
Jul 2017 · 824
Dissociative purgatory.
Flee the scene;
Mind, take cover - No!
We must abandon ship.

The battle is lost,
Cover will not save you now;
You must let go.

As the depths rust the ship,
Its living moments reorder and recast;
Transmute and alter.

Its iron-cast reality dissolves away;
It is no longer your ship,
It is no longer your memory.

Now you may float once more,
Undburdended, unhindered - unknowing,
Until the next screaming vessel

Meanders by...
A little insight into a coping mechanism and having a third person memory. Meander is one of my favorite words!
Jun 2017 · 341
The world has cascaded;
Have dispersed.
The wind has ferried
Our souls,
And distant,
Fear not,
My dear;
For you are
Everyone you meet leaves a piece of themselves with you; within this,  we are all infinite.
Jun 2017 · 802
We are alone.
We are,
Words are subjective to the reader; emotions are solitary to the subject.
Dec 2015 · 501
He lied so casually;
Such little meaning in such big statements.
When he said “I love you”, did he ever truly mean it?
Has he ever meant anything? Was his whole being merely a facade?

Chasing the answers;
Does he ever truly wish to find them?
He finds depressive thoughts comforting;
So lost in self-pity, he loves to feel sadness.

Something to hold deep within.

He bleeds words onto paper, too afraid to bleed in the open;
An ever-spiraling cycle.

He knows his demons are many;
He knows his demons are self-made.
Depression grips him, as depression is relief.

Is the world even real when his thoughts are so inward and selfish?

Lost. Lost. Lost.

Do I want to be found?
Do I want to find myself?

I think not; I fear I am not the person I would like to be.

When did he turn into me?

How did this happen?
The lines between fantasy and reality are so blurred. Paenitentia.
Dec 2015 · 653
Lux Stellarum
Burning blazes,
Warm hearts
Stars embrace,
Their counterparts
The forest fell away, and they now lay in the stars embrace.
Nov 2015 · 933
Two orchid petals glisten gingerly,
In the ripples of the moving pond

Two stars blaze passionately,
In the sky's veiled moonlight

Two butterflies flutter an auburn dream,
On the lilypad's emerald contrast

And two eyes radiate life and love,
As her cheekbones flush deep scarlet, and her smile steals my breathe.
Sep 2015 · 744
He spoke with such eloquence;
As he piqued her interest
He spoke with such intelligence;
As her cheeks did blush
He spoke with such confidence;
As she succumbed to his charm

He spoke with soft promises;
As the romance drew her
He spoke with burning passion;
As she fell into his arms
He spoke with sweet poems;
As she fell hopelessly in love

He spoke of their future;
As she was lost in their present
He spoke of his soul-mate;
As she was lost in his soul
He spoke of forever;
As forever took hold

He spoke of hopeless romance;
As she uncovered his disguise
He spoke of fate and destiny;
As she saw through his facade
And, he spoke of true love;

                    As she realized,
                             He had only,
Maybe Paenitentia was only ever in love with the idea of love.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
A bird sits alone,
In the forest of Vive
Its delicate whisper,
Another does heed
They flutter through trees,
In a tango of attraction
Intricate flight heats;
And ignites their passion
But one does leave;
And one gives heartfelt chase
A true hopeless romantic,
Lost in the forest's wake.
Paenitentia watches alone in the forest.
Aug 2015 · 830
Amâta est
She was the epoch of beauty;
As her silken hair cascaded,
Over the slender form of her shoulders

She was the epitome of purity;
As her gentle whispers dispersed,
The darkness from within his soul

She was the personification of heaven;
As her endless love entwined both,
Drawing them blissfully ever-skyward

She was the relief of weightlessness;
As her soul helped bear his grief,
The burden of sorrowed life extinguished

She was the extremity of destruction;
As she drifted from his presence,
The truancy leaving his soul condemned

She was the essence of life;
As he felt it drift from reach,
Her auburn eyes, fading from memory.

She was.
How can one be so far away; yet, so indescribably close? Paenitentia's light fades slowly.
Aug 2015 · 532
He stands by the pond,
And marvels her Auburn eyes;
The sun cannot comprehend,
The beauty with which they shine.

The cosmos cannot wonder,
For the beauty of her soul

Alas, this day is dark;
And he stands by the pond, alone.
Paenitentia in the garden of old.
Jul 2015 · 425
He awakes to her form;
Sleeping so gently
Alas, it is not her;
Her eyes are blue
Not the Auburn,
He knows so well.
Even in another's presence, Paenitentia can indulge no freedom.
Jul 2015 · 382
The quill welcomes,
His sorrowed soul
Upon weathered parchment,
His lost mind scrawls
The words are merely ink,
Yet scribed in blood
He asks her forgiveness,
But he asks too much
Paenitentia must remember what he did.
Jul 2015 · 559
Our lives lead down solitary roads;
Yet, these roads lie so close
How so often then must we just miss
A soul who could share our woes?
Solitary lives; solitary souls.
Jul 2015 · 717
I've learnt that I crave acceptance
So is this poem an epiphany;
Or simply, a cry for attention?
Paenitentia's pondered thoughts.
Jun 2015 · 845
The scholar sits,
To ponder his cursive.
Words are intangible;
Yet, so intricately immersing.
The garden of old.
Jun 2015 · 515
If only his hatred
Was as transient
As her love
His rage burns with passion
Yet all her love
Is lost.
Paenitentia's grief.
Jun 2015 · 619
They stood within,
The garden of old
Forgotten to time;
Left to unfold
The lily-bush bidden,
To grow wayward free
Birds of paradise dance,
With no eyes to see.
Jun 2015 · 331
The candle sits awaiting its charge;
Alas, I remain in darkness.
Jun 2015 · 402
Once my soul takes leave,
I implore no mourning.  
I float free and liberated,
In the empty expanse of eternity.
Paenitentia finds release from his burden.
Jun 2015 · 381
Candle flames flicker

As life does so burn

Those lost to the abyss

Do rarely find return
The poem from the beginning of the final story in my short story collection 'The Tales of Paenitentia'

— The End —