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Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Adam Kobosky Feb 2015
You feel a sudden shift in time,
but you do not want to admit anything.
So we lie in bed,
because that seems like the only solution.
I fall asleep in your arms,
you write me this *ecliptic rhyme
Only one I can solve,
as the new moon and stars set.
I slowly can feel chills,
an emptiness consumes my every thought.
I cannot bare to hold it all in,
my knees and hands hit the concrete.
Blood runs from my ears,
I yell but nothing comes out.

All my missing feelings and emotions
come back and
  devour  my breath.
I frantically take my fist
and carve 'help' in the dirt.
Falling back I hit my head on the tree,
you wake me up hours later.
You swear I am alive,
but everything is drained.
Kenophobia is the fear of voids or empty spaces.
You can feel empty, but still that somehow could
eat you alive, more than being occupied
with the real world.
Adam Kobosky Feb 2015
Letting Go
What happen with us?
You told me we would be together,
but apparently we aren't.
Did I lie or was it something I said?
No, because you ignore me now!
That night me and you met,
was the greatest of my life yet.
But look at today,
you don't talk to me,
or even acknowledge me.
Its like you want to let go,
even though I don't.
I see your shadow everyday,
and as I see yours.
While all this happens,
I wonder if I could ever let go.

Giving In
(featuring Leslie Foster)**
You look at me like I ruined you,
like I ruined us.
I wish  I know how to tell you,
how to tell you how I care.
I can't bare looking at you,
because the pain shakes my very soul.
I love you.
But my love will never fulfill you,
I don't know how to stop feeling so empty.
I’m giving in to my demons,
and I'm dragging you down to hell with me.
I’m sorry,
You don’t deserve this.
I just need help.
Please tell me how to stop giving in.
We all let go, but sometimes it is difficult to give in.
Be careful and stay alive everyone.
Leslie's hellopoetry is HabitsofMyHeart !
Go follow her! <3
Feb 2015 · 987
You vs I
Adam Kobosky Feb 2015
I am a bucket filled with pain,
so will you pour me out and wash me clean.
I will never be the same man,
the one you want me to be.
I would say to run,
while you still have everything you need.
I have no imagination tonight,
but the thought of you never goes away.

You fly away so high,
as I lay here in the dust.
You cannot count the clock as it chimes,
but I swear time stopped.
You wish upon a star far far away,
while I chose the moon.
You went to bed already,
just knowing this I battle insomnia.

So here I am
**Lost and never found
A poem doesn't need to rhyme.
There needs to be inspiration and dedicated time to each line with sincere thought. Just like most of my poems, this one shows a lot of scary emotion and I do not know how I feel after writing at 3:15AM.
Feb 2015 · 1.9k
A Girl & The Universe
Adam Kobosky Feb 2015
I worry (a lot)
when I think (of other girls)
about how they (shine)
sparkle and radiate beauty
and about how I could be (brighter)

(and) nothing hurts worse than thinking about
not being with (you) my love, my heart
because I know you (deserve the) best,
you are my (sun), moon and stars
Notice the parentheses.
Read the poem all the way through,
read the parentheses next,
then finally just the words outside
the parentheses.

This one was rather difficult to post.
Feb 2015 · 2.3k
That Feeling
Adam Kobosky Feb 2015
I hate that feeling.
           that feeling when you're sad,
But you have no idea why.
           You feel so **** void,
but nothing has happened.
           They ask you what is wrong,
but you can not explain.
           Or they did not ask anything,
I do not know what is worse.
           It just feels like I miss someone,
someone I never met.
           I need someone who does not need me.
Loneliness hovers over me,
           takes control of me.
I do not even care.
           I extricate itself from the goals.
Sadness for now is my best and only friend.
           I begin to hate myself and
I want everyone to leave me alone.
          At the same time,
I want someone to hug me and
          told me that everything will be okay.

**I just hate that feeling.
That feeling,
when you do not even know what the hell you feel.
It's a feeling that only the heart and soul can feel.
Not your brain, because your pain will tell you are
okay when really your heart is altered by the world.
Someone please hold me, I really need it.
Feb 2015 · 577
A Small Poet's Mind
Adam Kobosky Feb 2015
Everything falls,
                    everything dies.
Nothing last forever,
                nothing says we can't.
Something can prosper,
                   someone can believe.
Believe in power,
             believe in yourself!


You are you,
                              everything you are

can be done by nothing with
something called believe.
I was cleaning out my desk and I stumbled across
many of my high school poems! This was dated
February 4, 2013
Feb 2015 · 879
Our Wings
Adam Kobosky Feb 2015
I remember when I was around six
soon to be seven
We met on a plain grassy field,
the first place where our lips,
never touched.
You swore this was not a game,
but why did you bring the dice this time?

Oh what did I bring?
Nothing but this blanket covered in dust.
Was I too lazy to brush the memories?
No, I just could not imagine
our childhood being in the air.
I reach for your hand,
like a baby reaches for their bottle.

Silly is not?
Please just listen.
The crickets are still and accept us.
No coyote is howling at our skin.
You swear a tree is falling,
but how sure are you about that?

Now we are nineteen and
moving on to our twenties.
You swear that we have changed,
but all I notice is our age becoming older.
More memories with
our wings damaged.

My wings?
Oh, you care to know now,
they are shattered as you left.
I have one healthy wing,
the other is bruised and crippled.

You can answer that one,
with your memories and imagination.
I believe this is my longest
poem on this site.
I hope you can relate to only
certain parts.
I will not say those parts,
because it is up for interpretation.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
No Title (Jill's Poem)
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
I am hollow and afraid
I wonder - do they see my pain?
I hear echoes of the rain
      the downpour inside my brain
I see the drops falling down
I want to stop them, but
I am hollow and afraid

I pretend I am fine, but
I feel very far from fine
I run my fingers through my hair
I fear judgement, everywhere
I cry inside, but only there, for
I am hollow and afraid

I know they say "life is a wonder"
I say life is a four-letter word
I dream of death, desolation, disaster
I just want it all to end, because
I am so hollow and so afraid
This is not my poem,
I know this girl named Jill and she is cute, she is awesome
and she understands, but she had to write a poem for school.
If there is one thing that I do not like about schools is they
force you to write, she clearly poured her soul out in this one.
I love it! It is scary good! What do you think?
Jan 2015 · 807
Wake Up/Live/Think/Sleep
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
I woke up depressed and I don't know why
I hate playing this game thats filled with goodbyes
Maybe I'm alive but I'm certainly not*  FINE.

Fill me up and tell me you're alright
as I avoid to start a fight
So it's the end of night
I promise I won't bite as long as you don't
The first part was written in the morning,
the second part was written right now!
I know it is short but I hope you all like this short poem.
notice the bold words together too and the poem as a whole.
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
She does not smile or frown,
she just sits there.
I wonder what she would say if
I really love her.
There is a fear inside me to
not even bring it up the same way
I used to.
What if she sees this?

What if

The fear shakes my stubborn heart.
I wish things did not change,
but everything grows new right?


Tell me I will be okay,
please time is not always on our side.
She gives me hope
and replaces my worries with laughs.
So who am I talking?
She is the one that tells me to
stop and continue living on.
This poem is dedicated to her
from my heart to the world to see.
I still love her. Cannot go a day without
thinking of her. It kills me in a good way.
Jan 2015 · 412
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
Dependence on or trust in someone or something.


I give myself to everyone.
Whether you like it or not,
this is my nature.
I wonder what life would be like
if I was different from
the differences I already possess.
Everyone is different in someway,
we must accepts this.
If you don't,
life will trouble you some.
You wish neglect was not a word,
but sadly I just told you.
Do not make this world only about you,
make it about others.

I will always depend on people,
yeah it hurts me.
So I beg you to stay a week or two.
because my strength is at all time low now,
and I need you.
I need you
This makes me feel like I should not have said
anything today, but how does one go a day
without saying anything. Even your mind
is never a thought at rest.
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
UnWell Wishing
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
Give me a second to gather all my thoughts, please and thank you

The thought of life is scary is not?
All my fears and demons laugh mockingly tonight.
Does that ever happen to you?
I have this crazy thought of
when we die.
So throw me a penny or nickel,
maybe even a quarter if you are kind.
All my unwell wishes deserve to be tossed away.
I cannot bare to hold them in much longer
and we are all meant to be creatures of family.
This world scares me.
I should not be able to change the view of you in a poem
You are you, love yourself.
I love me, but I am afraid you won't love me back.
tosses a coin *

What did you wish for?
I am scared. Don't lose hope everyone. Do not.
Jan 2015 · 1.6k
We're all a Cliché Road
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
They tell you life has many paths you
just have to find yours.
If you think it doesn't have twists
and turns, then you haven't tried anything new.
There's cracks and bumps and even
people on the side who ask to walk along you.
It's all your choice to accept them or leave them.
The path to greatest is not supposed to be straight.
Every time you choose something
your current path is split in two and you move on.
You might think what if I didn't
do this would I be even different?
Thats up to you to decide.
It's not a race to finish the road.
It never was.
It's meant to have your eyes ahead and keep
on moving forward because that's life.
I know this very cliché, but I wrote
it while I was depressed during my
finals of last year in college. I thought
I was going to fail so I cheated.
Jan 2015 · 398
The Woods
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
Walking through the woods on a rainy day.
Everything around me is quiet.
I stop and look at every rain drop that is falling down.
Then, it stop raining all of a sudden and the sun comes out as if it was never raining to begin with.
It's a new day, new life, and all new experiences.
The woods are dry once again and I'm walking through.
Listening to the leaves crunch beneath my feet.
Everything isn't so quiet anymore.
I hear footsteps coming up from behind me.
I freeze in my place and hesitate to turn around, but I do anyways because the curiosity kills me inside.
I turn around and see a boy with a hood covering his face.
He walks towards me, putting his hands
on the sides of his hood, pulling it off slowly.
He stands in front of me and takes off his hood completely.
I look at him in his eyes and he kisses me.
This is my friend Katelyn's poem. She does not write. This was written in 2011. I love the emotion and feeling she puts into each line. Let me know what you all think!
Jan 2015 · 559
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
You helping me,
now that is really kind of you.
Me helping you,
is what I strive to live for.
The day is nearly over,
and tomorrow begins.
Tell me,
did I ever once cross your
mystical fantastic imagination?
I will tell you,
you are always on my mind.
Does it **** me?
But that is really okay.
You make the cigarette
last a life-time.
Oh, the time just changed,
did you?
**I really hope not
I don't have any words for this one,
I really feel emotional after writing this.
My heart wants to bleed through my chest.
Just please promise me reader that you'll live on.
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
This Girl
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
You’re scared, to get ignored.
Scared she might not like you anymore
Scare she might move on
Scared of being left alone
You’re scared, but you take the risk anyways.
Because this girl,
Has a smile so beautiful and bright,
Her eyes take your breath away,
Her laugh makes your stomach fill with butterflies
This girl blows my mind away,
So I take the risk,
Taking the risk of getting hurt
Because I love this girl.
She's all I think about...
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
Three Rules I Learned
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
Three simple rules I've learned*:
1) Don't judge and you'll gain respect.
2) Having respect builds honesty.
3) Honesty reveals who you really are.
Yes, I know this is not something like a poem but I hope you understand what these three rules can do for you.
Jan 2015 · 609
Life To Me
Adam Kobosky Jan 2015
You got yours,
I got mine.
We're alright,
half the time.
This is my original first poem ever written. Tell me what you think!

— The End —