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 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
The river of lies
They're filled with tears
The tears of hearts lied to
If only mankind hadn't have existed, or were just honest
This river wouldn't be there
*And it wouldn't be the most hated or used
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
People online say I'm fine

Is it fine that I am depressed?
Is it fine I hate myself?
Is it fine that I hate every, and I mean everything about myself?
Is it fine that I'm suicidal?

I don't think it is
Whether or not it's my fault I'm not sure

But I'm not fine
I'm not beautiful
Not in my opinion
People say I'm fine, that there's nothing wrong with me, that's not true at all.
 May 2014
Mahalea Isis
He makes me feel beautiful
Which I have never felt before
I've always had my doubts and could never be too sure
Cause they told me I was ugly
They told me I was fat
They joked about me and never had regrets

And I sat there and I laughed it off but it hurt me inside
So bad that I got off the bus and ran straight to my room to cry
And I got on my knees and prayed at my window and asked the lord
"Why is this happening to me?" and it started when I was four
And yes, I still remember that far back
Cause being bullied is it's own feeling of being jumped or attacked

And *he makes me feel beautiful

Cause he looks me in my eyes and tells me that I am and I can tell it's not a lie...
Because instead of posting pictures I have edited and cropped
And having boys tell me I'm pretty through messages in my inbox...

He makes me feel beautiful
Cause he means what he says
And a few other people have told me I am cute but I thought they were just kidding
Cause I have programmed myself to thinking my beauty is forbidden
Which means that I could never be a girl that is praised
For her good looks, her perfect body, and her Aphrodite face.

He makes me feel beautiful
Cause even though I have flaws
He accepts them and makes me feel like I have none at all
So maybe I am pretty and I am starting to think better
Of myself instead of looking in the mirror with a look so bitter

He makes me feel beautiful
And when he tells me so with such a serious voice, I get chills
Cause he's the first person that hasn't made me feel completely ill
By insulting or pointing out one of my many imperfections
But instead trying to help get rid if that negative venom
That people have slowly injected into my mind
Making my optimism die slowly over time
Making me get violent and defensive and making me less kind
To the point I get a rush to commit a deadly crime

Then they say I'm crazy and continue with the names
It's a cycle, a stupid circle, a horrible made up game
That has expanded to the point where death is how you win
And I would of won this game if it wasn't for my kin

He makes me feel beautiful outside and in
So I wrote this in dedication to that special him
For helping me realize more than ever in my life
That maybe I am beautiful and I've been this way for a very long time...
Inspired by my ex-boyfriend and was written while we were together. A very personal and deep poem to me about how he made me actually feel perfect for the first time in my life.
 May 2014
Meenu Syriac
I am haunted by my fears even in the morning sun
And irrevocably consumed by some daunting shadow.
At night they come in forms of terror
And in my disdain I cry and shiver.
Lost in an illusion my mind sowed
And in that realm I die a thousand times.
Tethered to life by a thin rope
An infinite foot fall to the unknown.
Those lines are waiting to break
The fog rising and the lights dimming,
Darkness engulfs and seeps into my blood.
Now in its arms I find solace
This paranoia feels like home.
This darkness sparking a storm,
And with the storm comes chaos
And in that chaos, *my mind revels.
 May 2014
i am
the lion
under your bed

i am
the noise
waking the dead

i am
the boy
banging his head

i am
the trust
reduced to only rust

i am
the struggle
of going completely under

i am
the life
that broke in the night

i am
the monster
in your open closet

i am
the woman
screaming ****** ******

i am
the lie
that infected everything

i am
the secret
you hide from yourself

i am
the demons
swimming through your mind

i am
the honesty
that you left far behind

i am
the dust
on your recorded thoughts

i am
the allegiance
left trampled in the dirt

i am
the power
given to your pain and hurt

i am
the sadness
that defines your person

i am
the reality
that numbed your heart
 May 2014
there are times
i am supposed to be happy
like when i am with my friends,
throwing my head back and covering my mouth
as i shake with laughter
at a joke someone jut made.

but then day turns to night
and my carefree grin turns into an unexplainable sadness,
etched on my face like a tattoo.
and i lay in bed,
thinking about all the things i wish i could say,
and all the things i'm afraid to admit.

it's nights like these when i realize,
i am many things.
i am happy and sad,
outgoing and shy,
crazy and quiet.

but mostly,
i am just empty.
 May 2014
Blake Rogers
It's him again. The reason why.
I start anew, my pen has pride
It's him again. The reason why.
My pages are blank and full at the same time
It's him again. The reason why.
My joyful laugh, my sorrowful cry
It's him again. The reason why.
Days where I just can't get by
It's him again. The reason why.
I've cried so much, my eyes are dry
It's him again. The reason why.
Can't bring myself to say goodbye
It's him again. The reason why.
 May 2014
Jolene Heather
And then one day I just loved you
I looked at you and it all came together
I saw us
as old people
having made it through so many trials but still holding on
It was the first time I had ever looked at a man
and saw the future version of him
all old
and fat
and LOVED him
I knew this old man had hurt me
probably had an affair or two
but I still loved him
I knew that we had suffered major grief
maybe there was a child lost
but I still loved him
We had survived babies
and putting kids through college
We probably both had times
where we were so distant from each other
that hope was momentarily lost
but I still loved him
I saw this old man and all his imperfections
and me
old with all my imperfections
and I still loved us
And that is love
To know that this person will deeply hurt you
and you will deeply hurt them
and you see yourself loving them through it all
Even after you get bored with the ***
and you or they get fat
lose hair
or manufacture an abundance of nose hair
you still want them at your side
through thick and thin
That is love.
Coming of age, to grow and one day realize that love is not perfect, like everything in the this world, it has it's flaws.  But it is worth it.  Don't give up on love. Because if you do you give up on yourself.  Let your heart be broken and then let it heal. Then repeat. Love again, and again, and again. And one day true love will reveal itself to you, and you will be ready to accept it when you find it. And then every heartbreak will be worth it, every tear cried, every embrassing moment, every hurtful word, every horrendous act, every lie, every thing... it is what brought you to the place where love can be found. So embrace your broken heart, embrace your struggle, so one day you can embrace love.

resist the bitter.
 May 2014
I want you to know
That I love you
More than words could ever show

I want to tell you
That I adore everything
That has anything to do with you

I want to say thanks
For all the little things
You do that make my days worth it

I wanted to let you see
That the way you breathe
Has so graciously saved me from myself

I wanted you to know
That thanks to you
I've been set free, so please don't go
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
Rain water soaks me
You undress me
You dry my body with your lips
You hold my hips with your finger tips
Your touch burns my body with original sin
You look at me and ask "Are you ready?"
I look back "Yes." I say, "Don't ask again."
Our hips now connected
We both gasp and sigh
as our connected hips move together
The looks on our faces after we're done
The looks of sighs and pleasure
My head fits perfectly in the hallow between your neck and shoulder
Our eyes flutter closed and what we did is repeated in our dreams to relive again...
Another ****** poem. Enjoy
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
Life let me go
There's nothing to hold onto
Cut my string
   give the rest to someone who deserves it
End my life line Life
Life, friend, you're holding onto nothing, just like someone who holds onto the love that is no longer there
If there's nothing to hang onto you're falling
Life let me go
There's nothing, nothing good what's so ever by holding on to me
But if there is I don't know it
So tell me
Tell me if there is
I know there's nothing
No one wants to know my story
My story is not worth your two cents

*Life loves everyone and when it's time death falls in love with you too. And life may miss you while death has given you his kisses, but after a while, you may fade away from life's memory.
 May 2014
Rotation is Optional

What makes up the Dance of the Spin, whence to forth have came of This from??

What happened to have Spun such a Spiral to arise,
~ of such likes as this kind, from the Void of Shadows unspeakable Bliss, what only Knows of this depth's Abyss.

I decline, this current paradigm, make to rumble, thus impending rise would grow beneath to tremble
the ground, of outgrown belief.  

I weep in prayer...on bended knee...before the alter of the quaking Core.  
If not the many visions before, mine have eyes once forseen, then from the Sacred Secret,  it's Truths have been.

When the Wings of the Mother are rightfully addressed, our tears will flow, bring heave to our chest .  
It is then will we contend, of what such Powers we provoke & offend.

Then do we enter without Vision in Center, the Dance of the Spin
For surely we fall Dizzy, Heavy our State....Flux will Flash if not with the Flow, that throes asunder now thrash and grow, stronger than this only One we all know, With Hope we pray for what we sow...but She is all that's left to Go...

Of what I speak I dare not Know
My first ever poem on HP
From the NS collection
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