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 May 2014
Paula Lee
Last night I came onto the hellopoetry site to try to drown out my mom's death rattle in some good poetry. Quite a few people, good decent people who have gathered around me and supported me during this agonizing time and one of those sweet Poets was being verbally and mentally attacked by
                                   LOGHAIN CARV'O
His criticisms were malicious and very hurtful and his taunting her was more than I could bare for a friend. She related the conversation to me and she was really upset. She told me what he said verbatim' It was way uncalled for. And she is not the only one he is doing this to. He's being offensive to the extreme.Calling her a peasant and telling her she couldn't write. And I'll probably catch all kinds of hell for doing it but I paid a "VISIT" to his site and left this comment and I Quote

"Stop picking on ---------You call this a poem. You have some nerve telling her she can't write and you write crap like this. Well 1 out of 82 reads isn't so hot is it. Come on and kick me a few times. I should be easy pickings for you. I dare you ******"

Well he responded with and I quote

"It is obvious you do not have artistic vision like I, that or you did not read my poems and just came here in a petty attempt to demoralize I in retaliation to the criticisms I have revealed to most peoples "poetry" I wish to waste no more breath on my lessers. Just remember I when you see my talent spread out across the world. Remember how you showed the Greatest, most renowned and revered artist no support" End Quote.

Loghain carv'o also stated  that "The community on this site is rather poor"

He also stated
"This site isn't exactly known for it's Grand Community"

So now I know he doesn't even mind kicking some one who is already down. and i for one would like to know since he doesn't like this site or the Real Poets why stay? If he doesn't like the"GRAND COMMUNITY" why the hell he's still here. If he doesn't like us "lessers' why be among us.

And I didn't even tell you the most malicious comments.

When some one attacks a friend I will respond. That's what friends do.
And Loghain carv'o is proving to be no ones friend. And his
                          GOD COMPLEX is offensive!


I only have one thing to say to Loghain carv'o and that is and I quote again

My visit to hellopoetry last night to get away for a moment from listening to my mothers death rattle, to read a few poems and find a little Peace for a few moments was ruined by you and your offensive attitude and comments and since i'm already in a living hell right  nowI can find you some room here so come enjoy hell with me. Oh but I almost forgot you don't want to consort with us "lessers"

                   YOURS SINCERELY

This is for you friend love Paula

You can dish it out but you sure can't take it!
Okay  this is where you tell me how wrong I am Dave. I'll be waiting.

P.S. The Coward now has a Friend Verbally Harassing her.
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
Tear stained face
Blood shot eyes
Blood stained arms and legs

Destroying yourself is so easy it hurts

Hands are too slippery for the razor you try to hold
Blood turns brown as it dries
Trying to clean up the bathroom floor and sink so it's not so obvious
Nothing works
The razor can only make it better as it eats into your skin

*My legs are dangling off the edge, stomach full of pills that didn't work again.
Gone too far, yeah I'm gone again. It's gone on too long, I'll tell you how it ends. I'm sitting on the edge with my two best friends. One's a bottle of pills and one's a bottle of gin. My frienemy's behind me, and his name is sin.
 Apr 2014
Kerrigan Reyes
What do I say
                When all you've done is fail me
                     What do I say
                         When you were the one to beat me
                             What do I say
                                 When you were the one to leave me
Dear                             What do I say
  Mother,                         When you were the one to leave me hours alone
     You                                 What do I say
         Failed                             When you are my own mother.
            Our                                  What do I say
              Family                              When you want back into my life?
 Apr 2014
As I lay snuggled in these blankets,
I feel the need to talk to you,
But it's hard to remember who you are,

Today I talked to you again,
The whole time I wanted to get up,
And press my body against yours,

To bring me back to life,
But I have to remember,
That this isn't Disney this is life,
 Apr 2014
Depression for me is something that kills you mentally,
That constantly eats your self-esteem,
So when you need it,
It's gone,

It brings the blade to your skin,
The pills to your stomach,
The smoke to your lungs,
And a glass of ***** to your lips,

Making you think it's all my fault,
Because to me it is my fault,
And it will never stop being my fault

So here's to the people,
The people with no self-esteem,
And trust issues,
For we have one thing,
We are all the interesting.
 Apr 2014
The bottle stares at you with defiance,
It's the one thing that makes you different than the rest,
One wrong move and your an outkast,
Pushing in the middle of a crowd going the wrong way,
Shunned out forever,
So you try to blend in but people know,
Your secretly marked forever,
With a symbol of different.
 Apr 2014
...She had been punctured from the inside~and Her shattered Core harnessed the wailing waves of this Primordial Mourning.
... Into violent vibration arose the Creation of this Principle...
~ We are all but the Sacred Wounds of Her Original Innocence.

It's not the Sound...It never was the Sound~
It's what I heard before I fell back into this All again~so Now all the Things I've Lost~ I find It All in Time...
I can't pretend It anymore.

It's not always in this Place to Go and Live and Lose and Love and Be All that ever was...

No one tells You anymore what to expect so You just have to guess...and You guess...and You get what You get.

But You won't know what You knew before...Oh No.    


That's restored to Everything that could ever have been explored..

...And You fell to It All again because You knew It was something that you would have to find..

Lost in the Rhythm again Love...
No one but Eye could be able... too wrapped Inside.

And Gone...Emeraldly
And Gone In...A Head

And I fell again to Heavens Dance~to Heaven's Bed.

I guess I took out of my Heart...
I guess It made Itself known why I Love You so~

Nothing here pretends to know~it just goes on and lives and grows and knows that it falls back to its Heaven


and Heaven begins again.
Never, Never did It end too long to go back again...No!
~too long to know that Nothing lasts Forever.

~Just your Soul...just your Holy Sigh, You leave the rest behind because You can't refine and You can't resign in this
until you've lost your Heart~
The broken pieces You can find went Home~

...Are never's just to find them again...That's All.      
A special stash passed from the recent past
 Apr 2014
Lucy Marie
And when you fall for a girl with hips like hammers and lips like pens, never let her go. Though it may be difficult, do not let her go. She will be the girl who is there to keep you safe. She will be the one who saves you.

She is everything you've ever needed in a person and more.

You always said that all you need is someone who can make a dull day be seen in technicolor
And who will love you for who you are.
And that IS her.
But you never mentioned how you need someone whose eyes are so blue that you could drown in every shade of her iris.
Or how you need someone that will make you bathe with her even though you're not the one who needs cleaning.
You never spoke of how you need someone who is able to make all of your insecurities melt-
Even if only for a second.
You never talked about how you need that girl that will tease you for how tightly you grip her hand when it's dark
And who will make your body thrash and tremble in pleasure rather than terror at night.
You never said a thing about how you NEED that girl whose laugh is too precious to ever forget the shape of her smile.
You never mentioned it because you had no idea.
 Apr 2014
Chalsey Wilder
I think you're beautiful
Your curvy body
The body I want to touch so gently
You hate your curves
The curves I love so much

I love your face
Even with all the blemishes
Your face is so beautiful
But you hate your face because of the blemishes

I love your **** and hips
Because they're a part of you
You hate them, but I don't know why
Sometimes I wish I could hug and kiss you so much that you wouldn't hate yourself anymore

Where you hate yourself I love
Where you love yourself I love even more

I see your beauty
Why can't you?

I guess I am the beholder of your beauty

You are the beauty in my eye of the beholder
This is about a girl I have a crush on. Her name is Mackenzie. Haven't seen her in about two months. Whenever I think of her I think about how beautiful she is and how she doesn't believe it. She hates her body, but I love her body. Sometimes I feel like holding her till she does believe it when I think of her. I want to be her friend if I can't be more than that with her. She doesn't know how beautiful she is.
God she's so beautiful it almost hurts to think about her sometimes.
 Apr 2014
Chalsey Wilder
I can barely move
I can barely talk
I can't breathe when I'm this way
It's gotten worse
And it happens more often
I'm paralyzed in a nightmarish dream and I come out gasping
I smile in the beginnings
because it tries to pull me under and can't
But after a while it wins and pulls me under
I fight
I try to move, but all I get is a bit of shaking
And I try to talk or scream, but all I get is a short puffed out breath
I try to breathe more, but I hyperventilate
I half wake up from it to try to get free, but it pulls me under and smiles at me
I hate it when it happens to me, sometimes it feels like your falling and you can't wake up until you flight yourself or startle yourself awake or hit the ground. It's so sometimes. Mostof the time it's just the darkness I'm falling into. Other times it's something else
 Apr 2014
Chalsey Wilder
Torture finds you
And it slowly peels you open
While you go insane with pain
While you go insane from the silent screams in your empty quiet shell
While the whispered words start to sound like your own voice
And it kills you slowly
Aren't you supposed to destroy monsters?
That's why I should save myself before they turn me into one

I realize I've got to destroy myself
Too late
They turned me
And no one knows
I was once told
"Do you destroy monsters or be their friend?"
You told me "you destroy monsters. There's no befriending 'em"
Now I'm a monster
Which is why they're torturing me
I'm torturing me
And I'm destroying myself
Driving myself insane
And there was nothing to fix
Nothing to save
I'm just a girl who was never the same
I kinda feel a bit like this poem ain't completely right but eh. Give feedback please♥♥♥
Thank you
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