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 Feb 2018
ew you’re on your period
that’s disgusting
and whenever i get a "feminine product"
i have to hide it deep down where nobody sees it
but you see
we live in a world where our own girls are getting *****
i’m a girl, not a *** object
but in the eyes of a ****** that is
i am
but i’m not an object
i am a person
i am a life giver
just imagine if men were as disgusted in **** as they are with periods
in the sixth grade
when the word period was mentioned
the whole room would burst out in laughter
i am a girl
my lady bits bleed
and that’s what makes me strong
and that’s what makes me a young woman
and that’s what will make me a mother one day
so ew you’re on your period
that’s disgusting
is not an insult to me
 Feb 2018
Tim Amaru
Crazy how in life when love comes along you don’t think about all that’s at stake.. & when it doesn’t work out it crushes you...but that doesn’t mean it was a mistake. It wasn’t a mistake, that collision between us.. 
How you came into my life and I made more room for you than necessary. More room than you could ever really take up.. 
My mom sold me on that idea that this is how it was supposed to happen, that there will come a time where things will begin to make sense. Things will begin to come together in an effort to manifest something more beautiful than you could ever truly imagine.. 
five weeks after it ended, I instilled belief in the idea that after all, this is how it was supposed to happen.. 
We were supposed to intertwine our lives in the only way we knew how.. 
All those phone calls, the late night text message threads in which I first mentioned a future in which we’d end up together...forever.... we also spoke about the 
the fallout...
How you had a new dude in your bed the same night you broke my heart... 
How I cried all the way home that night and began to move my feet towards the door, 
and how eventually in time, I grew strong enough to leave you..
Last night at the dinner table, I came to the realization that this is how it was supposed to happen... You served your purpose, you opened up my heart, you gave me enough to grow hopeful once again, and then, you were on your way.. & now it has begun to make sense... so this is to say thank you. 
thank you for arriving at the time you did and for leaving when you were supposed to. 
For not dragging out your stay.
For not ruining all the good you brought out of me.. 
For leaving me while my love was still good..
I thank you for being who u truly are, for not hiding it behind a disguise...
But most importantly I thank you for showing me the GOOD in GOODbye..
 Feb 2018
I have alcohol in my veins
Telling me I’m not ok.

I have anxiety in my brain
Slowly driving me insane.

I’ve a heart that I’ve kept caged
Even though it can’t be tamed.

I keep looking for beautiful change
Knowing life’s an unfair game.

 Jan 2018
Ben Meraki
Tear-stained pillow.
Crimson sheets.
A broken heart at rest.
A troubled mind at peace.

Weeping willow,
mighty tree.
No longer bound by your own roots.
Fallen yet free.

As the river takes you on your journey.
The machine that cut you keeps on turning.
We are but single grains in the shifting sands of time.
A flame that burns and fades in the blink of an eye.

I've been waiting for you here.
I'm your protector, have no fear.
My darkness hides you from the demons.
No pain, no anguish. No more reasons to cry those tears.

You lie so still now,
wrapped in velvet sheets.
Photograph clutched to your chest.
Snow-white cheeks.

A smile that never fades.
No furrowed brow.
Those emerald eyes no longer betray you.
All's peaceful now.

Don't grieve for the ones you left behind.
They all will understand in time.
Those who loved you most take comfort that you're free.
Your ever-youthful ghost lives on in memory.

I've been waiting for you here.
I'm your protector, have no fear.
My darkness hides you from the demons.
No pain, no anguish. No more reasons to cry those tears.

Weeping willow,
sacred tree.
No longer bound by your own roots.
Fallen yet free.
For an old friend, lost in time
 Jan 2018
Ben Meraki
We've been betraying our children for generation after generation,
government turned state education into indoctrination,
media no longer speak the truth; experts in fabrication.
How the **** am I supposed to show allegiance to my nation?

Fascists masquerade as liberals to silence anyone
who disagrees with their agenda, will the day never come
when people wake up and realise this **** just can't go on?
There can no longer be Right and Left,
there's only right and wrong.

Immigration, regulation, European legislation;
fighting over **** while they indulge in self-congratulation,
laughing in our faces while we're running the rat race.
Working fifty hours a week to put food on our children's plates.

Do you really think they give a **** about democracy?
Do you think they care about the suffering of you and me?
Do you really think that anything is what it claims to be?
All you have to do is open up your eyes, it's plain to see.

It's an illusion.
It's all collusion.
Make no mistake.
Let there be no confusion.
There's only one solution.
This is my conclusion:

We need a revolution!

When the tide begins to turn
will you flee to higher ground?
When the sky begins to burn
will you lay your weapons down?

Incarcerated in our own land
yet we keep them on their thrones.
Emancipation only comes by our own hand
then together we'll atone.

Don't want to do this by the bullet, the blade or the bomb.
If we use violence then we're giving them what they want.
Any excuse for the use of firepower.
Send in the troops whilst they regroup up in their high towers.

They won't hesitate to slaughter us like animals,
and so it's evident that we need a new kind of war.
But if necessary we will still take it by force.
This is a New World Order we're fighting for.

Our greatest weapons are our minds and our eyes now.
We need to read between the lines, see through the lies now.
Draw the digital battle lines. We can rise now!
Are you with me? Had enough? Do you despise how

we're being asked to select our own dictators?
But if we refuse to elect you, you ******* **** takers,
and we can keep our resolve, with you repudiated,
you shall not be absolved. No adjudicators!

We're disillusioned
with this intrusion.
This is your fate.
This will be your occlusion.
Our world's reperfusion.
Inevitable conclusion.

Hail the Revolution!

When the tide begins to turn
will you flee to higher ground?
When the sky begins to burn
will you lay your weapons down?

Incarcerated in our own land.
Yet we keep them on their thrones.
Emancipation only comes by our own hand
then together we'll atone.
Call to a revolution in thought
 Jan 2018
Ben Meraki
I want to tell you
that I can do without you.
But I'd be lying.
 Jan 2018
I am a woman and there are many of our breed,
some like to be out partying but some like to stay in and read,
Some break into arguments others like to leave words unsaid
Some have a legion of friends others like to be alone
But at the end we are all queens of our throne.

At the end of the day, we all bleed when cut
Cry when hurt,
When nervous, have a feeling in our gut.

So why treat us as inferior,
Creating an unreasonable barrier
Treat us with motives ulterior.

Before you act, stop and think about your mother, sister, daughter
Would you be comfortable if this was done to her
I fail to wonder how some of your thoughts occur

I am a victim of **** and I know how if feels,
It takes time before it heals,
Its feels like your life is stuck on its wheels
And it even hurts me more that apart from me there are many more ordeals

It's time we raise our voice,
This is not a request or a choice,
I am African but not ignorant to what is going on in the world. Be woman, be proud.
 Jan 2018
when i became the sun
i felt the trees and rivers run
along the deepest parts of me
i sang the oceans roar to sleep

the clouds arrived to give me space
at times the moon would take my place
and i would gladly let her shine
knowing it never could dim mine

no reason to feel jealousy
for everything is one with me
i no longer feared dark at set
for my own light, i can’t forget

my warmth fills me even in snow..
and when it falls, my glimmer glows
the contrast is just what i need
it is the planter of the seeds
to flowering love inside of me
 Jan 2018
we sit in the backseat
of his parked car
on the edge
of something close to a revelation
the night sky is hidden
something like a secret
and we are cloaked in darkness
but next to him i swear i can feel the stars
i tell him this feels like my favorite song
something i heard once and will never forget
he kisses me and my heart beats so fast
it slows down time
this is everything
and we both know it
he asks: why didn’t you tell me?
i open my eyes
and then
i’m awake
cold sweat
alone in my bed
he’s gone before i get to tell him:
i always thought you knew
 Jan 2018
When peace finally comes
A softness in the winds
The fires are gone
The quiet has come
Except for the nightbirds
which sing their songs

The shadows get long
Children's egos disintegrate
Meltdowns fry the atmosphere

The skunks come out

Moonlight after twilight
Sometimes to linger
Call out to the coyotes

Get old but stay young.
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