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1d · 143
haiku no. 155
bluebird courting
on each branch he bobs
up and
5d · 254
haiku no. 154
well-loved cardigan
I glance at everything
but the calendar
Jan 11 · 241
haiku no. 153
dawn light -
the weight of the air
settles in
Slow morning
Jan 11 · 89
haiku no. 152
evening after snow
the trees limbs
are limned in light
Jan 11 · 77
haiku no. 151
savoring earl grey
my pen rests
between Masters
Jan 11 · 151
haiku no. 150
after a mornings snowmelt
the next morning
It snowed briefly here in Athens Georgia today.
Dec 2024 · 270
From the Corner of my Eye
Christian Bixler Dec 2024
Beneath the covers at night,
when I am alone. Past scrolling,
and all the other things that present
themselves for distraction. I find
sometimes that I am lonely, and long
for a companionship that is elusive,
even now. A likeness that calls to like.

I am aware of time, these days.
I hope that, in time, we will
find ourselves together, more
and more often.
Sep 2024 · 193
Vignette; Dandelions
Christian Bixler Sep 2024
I see you
bursting like dolphins
from a grassy sea.

it is for the light on your leaves
I would honor you.
Silver rippling, with the breeze and the thunder.

And you among them
still, with gold on your bent
stalk. My heart goes out to you.
Linger a little longer, fairest
one. When spring comes again
I will look for you.
Sep 2024 · 445
haiku no. 149
Christian Bixler Sep 2024
quiet morning
my eyes travel up the pines
to the sky


quiet morning
my eyes stay awhile
at the tops of the pines
Dec 2023 · 1.1k
haiku no. 148
Christian Bixler Dec 2023
pale gate
in darkness
the hanging lamp


pale gate
in darkness
the unlit lamp
Dec 2023 · 904
haiku no. 147
Christian Bixler Dec 2023
dim hallway
alone the hanging lamp
Oct 2023 · 900
Moon Song
Christian Bixler Oct 2023
I have a heart
used to yearning.

To swelling, full
to the brim of presence.

To aching when
presence is absent.

When it is I feel
like a man looking
at the moon.

White and large
on a clear

And reaching up,
up in vain.

I never hoped
I would hold the moon.

Though longing for it
has shaped me; has
made love a feeling
of horizons, of beauty
at far distances.

I loved, let
love fill me, and
did not hope.

And yet,

when I look at my hand now
I find it full..

And light spills from my fingers
to wash my arm, my face
in wonder.

I have found
what I sought.

And beyond hope
my longing
is ended.

For the moon is beautiful,
is beautiful,
is beautiful.

And all fears and doubts
are vanished,
for her light is cool
and blessed; and yet
draws a fire that flows
through me, bringing
hope, life, strength.

I have found my desire.

But my heart
is used to

I will begin a new passion
as true, and longer lived
than the old.

I will hold the moon to my heart,
and meet my desire with my love.

And my hand will shelter it,

May it always be so,
that my hand will shelter her.

That her light not dim,
nor beauty fade while I hold her.

That from my eyes
her light will return,
ever brighter and
more beautiful.

I have outstretched
my hand, and returned it.
And the light which
I sought dwells with me.

I am blessed,
and the world
is beautiful.

I am blessed,
and my heart
is full.

May it always be so.

May it always be so.
Jun 2022 · 1.0k
haiku no. 146
Christian Bixler Jun 2022
yellow sky
the winter grass
I wrote this as a draft last year, then forgot about it. After review it looks like it holds up.
Christian Bixler May 2022
how I hate it
It makes me want to **** a man for
dreaming, for asking me to dream.
What use is it, what use have you
in dreaming, in presuming
that I am not in my very essence
capable only of glimpsing the edges
the light-limned outline of the door
leading forward
and falling back again.
I'm too tired to edit.
May 2022 · 777
Christian Bixler May 2022
The bar of soap
smooth and curved as old driftwood
it is familiar to me.
Precious to me.
All of its shape and all of its use
is my own.
And with each use
it lessens and grows
in my heart.
When it is gone
I will open a drawer
and a new bar will sit
where it sits
and eventually I will forget
I ever loved it
and the whole thing will begin again.
Apr 2022 · 723
haibun no. 2
Christian Bixler Apr 2022
Every time I begin to clean with a magic eraser I feel sad, because of the pure white and clean lines soon to be smudged and torn apart. I console myself with it's function, the beauty of it's usefulness; but still.

on my fingertips
the small noises
of a still night
Mar 2022 · 1.2k
haiku no. 145
Christian Bixler Mar 2022
how rare
afternoon turning to evening
on my skin
Thank you for reading. Recently I’ve decided to work seriously on my poetry, on haiku in particular, so you can expect more regular posts. Also there may be a personal website in the future. If there is I’ll link it here. Thanks again!
Dec 2021 · 704
haiku no. 144
Christian Bixler Dec 2021
for awhile
the rain-washed limb
Nov 2021 · 1.2k
To the Sound of Pipes
Christian Bixler Nov 2021
There is a quality to desolation
that I have never seen.

I have been in a desert, touched
the aridity of it’s soil, and its
air like hot feathers
on my breath;
I have seen the sea far out
with only a blue smudge on
the horizon
to mark our return.
But I have never felt that terror,
that awe and loneliness
that has been spoken of,
and said by the poets
and deliverers,
to bring ones face
to God.

Do not misunderstand me.
I have felt these things;
at the end of a trail
leading nowhere,
on a *****
with loose stones
for footholds.
I have been in places of terror
and beauty,
and been overthrown.
But not wholly.

I have not been still
enough, have not lingered
in those part-wild places
that have seen the summit
of my fear, my longing.
Perhaps even they, even
they, have what I seek.

I have not been still
Oct 2021 · 672
haiku no. 143
Christian Bixler Oct 2021
fungal bloom
hidden beneath is
its source
Jul 2021 · 374
Blurred Lines
Christian Bixler Jul 2021
Clouds streak the
setting sun’s radiance,
like waves, like feathers
bowing leftward. A soft
rain falls, a breeze blows
gently from the west.
And from me the sound
of pipes, of words and
exultation, lamentation.
It is in me that the sunset
is exulted. It is in me that
the border of the blue and
purple is seen, the amber
of the center. Around me
the gloaming is falling.
I see, and am whole. I live,
and am not fractured.
This is evening.
This is evening.
May 2021 · 312
senryu no. 3
Christian Bixler May 2021
vanishing tail
after three the rock
goes with it
May 2021 · 706
haiku no. 142
Christian Bixler May 2021
scuttling tail
the rock falls
into place
Mar 2021 · 314
senryu no. 2
Christian Bixler Mar 2021
white petals
now the clouds have
Mar 2021 · 837
haiku no. 141
Christian Bixler Mar 2021
white petals are drifting
between clouds
Nov 2020 · 200
Christian Bixler Nov 2020
At times, in my
yet brief,
and ordinary life,
I have felt
that all that there is
to anything
is inertia;
a reaction
that begun, ends: and
all I have felt
of beauty
is but the
latest iteration
of atoms.

It is like this,
that all the world seems empty,
or worse
that in everything around there is light,
but in me
only darkness,

I have tried to be beautiful.

I have tried to hold
about me,
in me,
the mantle of righteousness;
of tolerance,
and all that
the trappings of the wise.
I have held to
old words,
and been content.
Not long.

For always there
has been some snag,
some frayed end,
that in the end
has been the cause
of my fall.
My very own fall
from grace,
in the endlessly
of myself.

And in falling,
I fall always
into myself;
and there all the walls
are mirrors.

If you tell me
that there is still beauty in the world,
I will say yes,
I see it too,
and when I do I see it everywhere
and all the world is beautiful;
it's only
that I can't all the time,
that's all.

If you feel
that I am unhealthy,
if you worry; don't.
For even when it seems
that I will be crushed by darkness,
it is a truth,
that I love
the darkness;
seek it,
yearn for it.
Not always,
but sometimes,
I love it:
For it allows for
circular reflection,
for positive feedback loops,
for the intensification
of those id emotions,
without which, I feel
I could not live.
So thank you,
but don’t worry:
I will take care
of myself.
An old one that still rings true. I thought it deserved the light. Thanks to any who read this.
Sep 2020 · 279
haiku no. 140
Sep 2020 · 276
haiku no. 139
Sep 2020 · 276
haiku no. 138 revised
Aug 2020 · 257
haiku no. 138
Aug 2020 · 204
Senryu no. 1
Jul 2020 · 189
haiku no. 137
Christian Bixler Jul 2020
from above
backlit waves
of plastic
Jun 2020 · 157
haiku no. 136
Christian Bixler Jun 2020
two red cedars
before pines
Jun 2020 · 183
haiku no. 135
Christian Bixler Jun 2020
grout lines
a row stayed
of fishermen
Jun 2020 · 177
haiku no. 134
Christian Bixler Jun 2020
in the bowl one
is chipped
A centerpiece.
Jun 2020 · 136
haiku no. 133
Christian Bixler Jun 2020
colored in
a trees bend
and a tune
On a drive.
Jun 2020 · 168
haiku no. 132
Christian Bixler Jun 2020
in its root is
every root
A rewrite of no. 131.
May 2020 · 322
haiku no. 131
Christian Bixler May 2020
the vitality that exists
under blossoms
May 2020 · 215
haiku no. 130
Christian Bixler May 2020
leaf and tale
in brief
May 2020 · 236
haiku no. 129
Christian Bixler May 2020
plain shapes
hose, cube, cone
colored homely
Lamp fixtures
Jan 2020 · 180
Prince Charles (A Tribute)
Christian Bixler Jan 2020
Listen, now my friends, for I
shall let, the thought that like
an illness threads, laced through
all the causeways of my veins,
that in the moment, threatening
decay, boils, and begs relief;
that all men, and women living,
made in the plan of this wide
and tangled tapestry, seek and
humor themselves to be, each
woven separate, unique in form
and station, and about them hung
the universe, dependent for its
character on their sight, which
itself by their hearts temperament is due.
Life, the lives of others, serve the
merest backdrop, the stage that
is the foundation of our act, and
our struggles, illumined by
measure of their intimacy, seem
in their importance to swallow the
world, and cast all that does not
pertain in a veil of contempt, disinterest.
Yet the world, as in untrammeled
thought we realize, does not sway
according to ourselves, move
whether sweet or bitter, along the
course of our presumption. But in its
step it moves to the tune of its creation;
wholly nothing, never fair nor foul alone;
a pool, in which like ripples man's every
thought and action begins, grows, dies,
and is reborn. Seen now, free of leaning
and imprint, the brush's work broad,
shallow, a truth is opened, that wiser now
perforce we clutch to our *******; that of
the living, who suffer, there are those
who suffer more, or less than ourselves,
and to the former in the halls of memory we
can do naught but weep, so shut our eyes
and turn, pretending the point less sharp,
the dose less bitter, that our minds may fall
again to the pattern, and our eyes again look
outward. Walled so, is it a wonder that these lives,
these men and women, shaped as they are through
pain are found forgot, abandoned in the memory
of their minds, their hearts? But memory is the
root of empathy, sympathy; so remember, and in
whoso you meet light their memory also; for it
is only when record fails that man's erasure is
complete; nor will ever his life lose its meaning
while there is one alive to remember.
Inspired by the episode Tywysog Cymru, The Crown, season three.
Sep 2019 · 395
A Sleepers Lullaby
Christian Bixler Sep 2019
Be unclad of all fear,
o child mine,
of all of its grip and
its guile,

and be light as the air,
as the air, my love, as the
light and the air at dawn.

                  * * *

Let your gladness be sought,
o child mine,
be sought, the desire of your heart,

and may those that pass by be
the gladder for your touch;
the gladder, child that I love.

                  * * *
Be you clad in all colors,
o child mine,
in all colors, my love, save one.

And that color you will hold
in the palm of your hand,
and your eye will always be on it.

                  * * *

Its weight you must ken,
o child that I love, its weight,
that you'll surely keep steady,

for it's woe to you, and loss
beyond loss, if that weight
should ever be greater.

Oh it's woe to you, and loss
beyond loss, if that weight
should ever be greater.
Derived from a melody of the kantele, the Finnish harp.
Sep 2019 · 300
Heart Song
Christian Bixler Sep 2019
Oh! Here in my
heart, in my
heart of hearts,
is the name of my love,
my love.

Oh! Here in the
cleft, in the
deepest of deep
places, sheltered
from the wind,
and the sun,
and the sea,
is the name of my love,
my love.

There, my love
in my heart of hearts,
in the dark
of my fear,
and my sorrow,
and regret,
within me forever;
comfort and

In the fires of
my heart, in the
rivers of my blood,
as life, as the life
of the land, is my love,
my love.

And on my lips,
on the wings of
my breath, is her
name, my love.

In the times
of my gladness,
in the gladness
of my soul,
when my skin
trembles with
the spirit and
sensation, then
am I the gladder,
far more than
any man,
than any at all
in the telling of
this earth,
for I know what
it is to hold
love in my heart.

Yes I know
what it is
to hold love
in my heart.

And I hold you
in my heart,
in my heart,
in my heart.

Oh I tell you
love, you who
dwell within me,
in my breath
as the lands breath,
in my bones
as the lands bones.

If that time too
should come,
if that most blessed
time should
come in its time,
in its time that is
its own time,
and our lips meet,
seed and seeds
desire, there
after long yearning;
after the longest
of long yearnings.

Oh, I know not
what I'd do,
oh my love,
oh my love.

Oh, to know
what I'd do,
oh my love,
oh my love.

But I think that
I'd burst, oh
my love,
my love.

As the dam in
the springtime,
my love,
my love.

But to feel your
touch, your touch
that burns, and
to drink your eyes,
as the pine and
to know of your
scent, that of
all others is
your own,
and to breathe your
breath, as one,
as one.

To breathe of your
breath, as one,
as one.

Oh for this
do I yearn,
oh my love,
oh my love.

And for this
I'd yet yearn,
oh my love,
my love.

though I withered
in the blaze, oh
my love,
my love.

For in my heart,
in my deepest
heart, yea, in the
deepest of deep
places, there you
are, my love,
and your name is on
the point of my
lips, to fly,
to fly.

To fly as the eagle
flies, swiftly and
with great soaring.

It is you and none
other that I love,
I love.

And in these words
do I tell it, my love,
my love.

Though they fall
unanswered, my love,
my love.

Here is my cry.

Here is my cry.
Inspired by the Kiowa love song tradition, of which I have long known and admired. Meant to be sung.
Sep 2019 · 477
haiku no. 128
Christian Bixler Sep 2019
to be held
three lines advice
and the horizon
Aug 2019 · 690
haiku no. 127
Christian Bixler Aug 2019
the grey
of this tin figure
wet tile
Aug 2019 · 310
haiku no. 126
Christian Bixler Aug 2019
a likeness
three concentric rings
and a tortoise shell
Seen in the round face of a dust cap.
Aug 2019 · 440
haiku no. 125
Christian Bixler Aug 2019
for a moment
ripples under gloss
a declaration
Tree rings seen in a desk.
Mar 2019 · 1.3k
Tribute for Kaori
Christian Bixler Mar 2019
It was in the spring,
season of new birth
that I first saw you,
weeping in a stand of
wonder that you had

You seemed then
as a grass, tall as all
the rest yet distinct,
caught in a wind,
and the scent
of blossoms.
You danced, and your
music wound its
way to the sky
and brought
the birds.

As the dawn through
a roof of young leaves
your coming woke me,
and showed me a world
of such beauty that
I felt alive, in a way
I had almost forgotten.

You were the dawn,
and the breeze in
Springtime; you were
wild and you were calm,
carefree and sorrowful,
heartless and compassionate,
thoughtless and full of
knowings. In my ignorance
you were a discord,
a tumble of notes that
proved beautiful,
despite itself. In my
ignorance you were a
wonder. In my knowledge
you are a miracle,
far beyond the reasons
of your being.

You asked if I would
remember you, and in
my heart I laughed as
well as wept. For how
could I not? To ask if I
would forget you, who
had brought such fervor
to my life; such joy.

It was beyond foolishness.

If I weep, forgive me,
for I could wish for
nothing more than to
make you smile; it is
this love in my heart
that does not permit it.

In love I say,
I will remember.
I will remember.
I will remember.
In love.

Christian Bixler Feb 2019
Take the thistle
seen by the roadside
that is remarkable
in your eyes above all
for its color, and for its
solitude, and set it in a
*** of good soil in
your house, upon
the window-sill.
There let it sit,
day in and day out,
crown turned
sunwards, and its
leaves outstretched.
Guard it well
from those insects
that would
devour it, and
give it water,
once per week.
Hold it as a
***** friend,
as a child,
before whose
passing shall
leave the world
many times its
number, that the
likeness of the
thistle be always
kept in memory,
and in time.

Here, and in such things,
is found beauty.
Jan 2019 · 941
Ode to a Spider
Christian Bixler Jan 2019
Beyond thoughts
use is the power of
her beauty; for my
soul is caught in
the sight of her, and
my heart in
its turn.

Her eyes
like long tapered
leaves, like vessels
sharply prowed,
subtle in their weight
and depth of
twin edged
they gleam,
and knowledge
is in them.

And her voice!
As the sounds of
growing things and
the cello's weaving
her words are song
and her song the

Like the stone rippling
and a cat content,
like the sweet bell
when hearts are


For thou, and thou
I contend.
This is an old piece I wrote after watching James and the Giant Peach. I was rather taken with the spider. It has though in the editing process taken on a form other than I intended. Instead of praising the beauty that is peculiar to its subject only, it has rather come to portray my concept of feminine beauty in general. Therefore the title, "Ode to a Spider" may not be the best fit. Ode to Beauty, perhaps. I leave it as it is, however, in tribute to the original.
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