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This is a poem;
About a heartbreak.
But no, this is not a poem
about how boy meets girl,
and then fall in love.
nor a poem about how
the boy and the girl
fell out of love.

This is a poem;
about how when someone leave,
it takes a part of you.
big or small, still a part.
It will make you feel,
oh so incomplete.
It will leave you hollow;
which time can't fill.
The ocean
Is the embodiment of sadness

The saltiness
Does not come from minerals
Or rocks
But from
Every tear
Ever shed

The conch shell's song
Is every scream of pain
Every released
Silent or not

The blue color
Is the color of sadness
Of everything the ocean has endured

And the grey
Is from all of the anger
The ocean has taken

So if you're ever feeling
Or alone

The ocean is there for you

To take your tears
In its vastness

Your screams
In its shells

And your pain
And anger
In its colors

And if you can't take the pain
Any longer

The ocean will take your body
As well

So you are not alone
For the ocean is the embodiment of sadness
Let me be your confidence
Let me be your strength
If you think you're not enough
Just remember;
You're always enough for me

Let me take your pain
Let take your sadness
If you think you can't keep going
Just please,
Please hold on for me

Let me hold you up
Let me hold your insecurities
If you think you're falling down
Always remember;
I won't let you fall

So New Friend
Let me be there for you
Please just let me in
You are not a burden

In fact,
You're my best friend
I'll always be here for you
My poems are the life of me
They are who I choose to be
and if you read them you will find
the keyhole view into my mind

You will be lost in rhymes
hearing the ticking and chimes
of my life translated into word
with nothing obscure or blurred

You will see my imagination
overworked with frustration
It's an art of the mind
Twisting and unraveling refined

If you read enough of them
You will find the gem
That will tie them all you see
At that moment, you will know I better than me.
My poems
Words are dangerous
Be careful how you use them

Just because you can say something
Doesn't mean you should

And if you don't have anything nice to say
Don't say anything

Words are dangerous
Treat them like a loaded weapon
Because they are
Words can ****. Be careful with them, only use them to help
I feel lost at times,
Like I'm losing my mind
Everybody else letting loose,
**** dropping, pill popping
'*****' on pelvis grinds
Joint sharing, sniffing ******* lines
Unemployed but still no one has time
Everyone is commited,
But nobody knows why.

I feel lost because
The education system taught us
Mathematics, English
And a bunch of other stuff
But not how to apply for a job
Behave in an interview or
Maintain and mindset
That actually gives a ****
How our voting system works,
Whether we elect our leaders
Or if the system is really corrupt
So was it enough?
We weren't taught about hourly wages or salaries. How to get a mortgage, apply for a bank account. How to recover from loss and stay straight when we gain. Ask your teachers: how is your credit rating and who did you vote for?
My grandma committed suicide
When I was six
I'm sure it was my fault
Was I not good enough?
Did I not meet your standards?

What did I do wrong?

My best friend
For seven years
Left me last year
For an unknown reason
Was I not kind enough?
Was I just too weird?

What did I do wrong?

Someone said I am stupid
And dumb
Am I really?
Am I mentally ill,
Do you think?

What did I do wrong?

I don't know what I did
But it must have been me
It's always me

*What did I do wrong?
 Jun 2015 Carlique King
No name
I am melancholy itself.

I am a creature unable to find rest.

My faith has been asphyxiated,

My soul obliterated,

My body destroyed.

My mind has stopped existing.

This doesn't look like home.

I am hollow.

And in this moment I am nothing but a vast echo who once existed in an indistinct memory.
 Jun 2015 Carlique King
Don't think less of me for thinking too much of you
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