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 Jun 2015 Carlique King
 Jun 2015 Carlique King
Everything about you is sad,
the kind of sad
that is
absolutely beautiful.
And I love everything about you.
Wordsworth** of this generation?
They want attention, fame not transformation.
where are the revolutionary poets?
 Jun 2015 Carlique King
Maybe I have to learn
From the falling leaf
And its fading color
As it laughs along
The blowing wind
Despite the fact that
It soon will dies
Just so the tree
Is able to grow
Even greener
girl: Why do you love me?
boy: why does the sun die every night for the moon?
girl: your so mushy and poetic, but it's cute
 Jun 2015 Carlique King
If only you could look at me
They way i look at you
If only you could love me
The way i love you
If only you feel about me
The way i feel about you
If only i make you happy
The way you make me happy
If only you smile at me
the way i smile at you
If i only you want me
How much i want you
If only you desire me
How much i desire you
If only you were mine
Do you care if I don't know what to say?
Just lie in y arms and forget that which troubles your mind,
I see the unspoken feelings you keep inside,
I want to chase away all your fears,
And allow you to be the person that I see inside you,
All my hopes, fears, and innermost feelings I have placed in you.
Please, just stay in my arms forever.
Have I fallen in too deep?
So many things are uncertain,
Never leave me,
Never let me go,
Show me my faults,
What is this feeling that causes me to shake?
 Jun 2015 Carlique King
You make me feel at times
like a putrid scent that lingers
or the fistful of unwanted dimes
jangled in between your linty fingers

But I guess you keep me in your pocket anyway
June 8th
He's so terrible.
I want to hug him and love him
But he doesn't want me
So  I wait in silence

I don't want to want you
Please leave me alone ..
But you make me want you,
Then you leave me alone.
You're so terrible
But I like you,
I think.
I think I like you,
A lot.
I  hate the effect somebody can have on you especially if they don't care about no feelings but theirs .
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