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Aug 2015 · 335
Red horned devil
brandon nagley Aug 2015
When thing's seemeth to be going good
That little red horned devil
Seemeth to findeth his way

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 474
Reading day
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Sometime's tis best
To read the poetry;
Rather than write it.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Today don't feel like writing much... Down and depressed today.. So better to read (::: as you all have beautiful writing!!!
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Saddened angel
Perched just beyond the universal step's;
Giving a last breathe.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Atop of Mount Sinai
Pious place noone goeth;
Sentinel's keepeth watch
Just in case the Devil showeth.


I came to an emanation
As the lambent dreweth me near;
She was wearing islander garb
She cometh from afar, not from here.


She explained she was visiting
With the other angelic's inside;
I dropped and I fainted
From tis her beauty I didst cry.


As tis the squamous underworld master's
Came up from their woeful sleeping;
Mine luminescence bearer held them back
I couldst heareth them yelp, mine body began shaking.


And whilst I was quivering
The rock's began to shaketh;
I kneweth mine queen was unearthly
For tis she saved me, and she fleweth me off, as hell quaketh.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Conflation groweth between ourn sinews
We shalt row upon the island's with canoe's;
The eyelet's aloft us shalt sprinkle celestial powder
We're long away from civilization, dusk hour's.

Fondu pupil's, art the culture to that moment
Her hug's, like gods cloak, encases me with a bonus;
Snug Creation's forgetting the cares around them
The only thing's we thinkest of, art the love's blend.

Justice run's through ourn courtship
As the scales art finely balanced;
None ogre's to looketh over ourn shoulder's
Ourn closeness, keepeth them silenced.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Cumulus nine
brandon nagley Aug 2015
On cloud nine
Tis mine queen divine;
Tis cloud mine, angelic cumulus.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Queen earl Jane dedication
Aug 2015 · 414
We shalt endureth mine love
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Thou hath uplifted me
Thou hath lit mine path;
Darkness topple's me
Thine light is mine other half.


thou art mine cherub
Mine serpahim;
Thou art mine angel
Mine cheribum.


Thou hath given me life
Before, I was dead and gone;
A brilliance of the curtain Sky's
Now I singeth joyous song's.


And in mine right and wrong's
Thou hath always forgiven me;
I couldn't ask, for a better lass
One whom set's me free.


I kneweth this long ago
I saweth it in mine and thine's word's;
That we wouldst be truest soulmate's
Forever to endure.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane/Reyna dedication
©Lonesome poets poetry
Aug 2015 · 314
Fear, to mine core
brandon nagley Aug 2015
That moment
Of just waking from a nightmare
Of being told in the dream
Thou wilt dieth tonight,
I canst lieth
It feared me;
To mine core.........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Real dream, took a nap and that's what was told to me.. Supposbaly was gonna be executed in dream... /: scary not happy... I know dream has alot to do with mine fear's all together in one dream.. Though also have real visions that come true.. and have dreams before real things happen... /:::::: scared me... Anyone who said nightmares don't scare em don't have human in them.. As I still have half human in me... As I have gift alot to see stuff before it happens in dreams scary but reality... As me grandpa has that problem or curse to or gift lol
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Ένας Έλληνας βασιλιάς
Φιλιππίνων βασίλισσά του;
στις ακτές του Κορινθιακού Κρέμα .....

( Greek version)

(English version)

A Greek king
his Filipino queen;
on the shores of Corinthian cream.....

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 590
Tis, yes
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Tis she is mine home
Tis she is mine abode.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 2.1k
Mother-naked pneuma's
brandon nagley Aug 2015
They were both ****
As ghost's;
Dissapearing into another's loving soul's.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedicated
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Mother-naked just means **** lol has nothing to do with mothers thankfully loll... Enjoy (:::
Aug 2015 · 565
Sweet, sweet jane
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Ive never, felt this happy in mine entire life
And I oweth it all to;
Mine soulmate,
Mine Reyna,
Mine best friend,
And mine life
And soul.....

Mine earl Jane
Mine sweet
Sweet Jane.......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Get some rest mine empress
Thine mind is full of doubt's;
Afraid I shalt walketh away
Afraid of me walking out;


Get some sleep
Mine queen;
Tommorrow thou shalt awaken
And again to talk to me.


Get some shut-eye mine seraph
None shalt separate us;
None jealous one's
None scarab's.


Get some peace mine rose
Didst thou not knoweth;
I'll be at thy side, we'll gloweth
Triumphantly as tower's.


Get some siesta mine lass
For the morn shalt cometh fast;
I'll be there at thy side, staring through thine glass
Glass eye's, that I shalt never walketh from.....

Get some peace mine Reyna......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015

If I dieth in the fire
Tuck me in Corinthian attire;

If mine lung's, shalt faileth and succumb
To the pitch black dusk, wherein their is no sun.


If mine eye's rolleth back
Put oriental pennies on them, to floateth down thy river.

If mine brawn doth frail
Be sure to giveth away mine treasure's.

Giveth charity to the poor man
Underneath I/75 bridge.

Mine spirit shalt be watching over thee
And ourn abode of bliss.


Just in case the morn doth not make it
I just wanted to telleth thee, thou art mine queen, and mine basis.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Mother, when I was since a young lad
Thou hath fed me, tied mine shoe's;
Cut mine noose.

Though mother, thou art getting older now
The tables hath turned, thine knees art weak;
Thine backs broken and torn.

An as thou hath done for me as a boy
I shalt taketh care of thee, to fill thine heart's joy;
And put shoes on thine feet, as thou hath done me, now its me

Taking care of thee;

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Juna nagley/mother dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015

I thought I was dying
Tis I was in midflight;
I was rushed out of the window,
A dark haired queen in the night.


Tis none fright
Her in a maria clara gown;
A tawny undertone,
The other cherub's danced around.


As she carried me, in the dark suspense
Ourn spirit's drifted peacefully;
Yellow blanket flower's, amour so immense,
I saweth the pearly gates, as tis she stood next to me.


She let me knoweth
The only way to enter beyond;
Was to promise her loving kinship
As tis I promised mine soul and all.


I shalt never breaketh mine vow
To mine asiatic rose, I am quaint endowed;
She gaveth me the golden ticket, for the ivory pass
So I was humbled on mine knee's, thanked God, I kissed her sash.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication/Reyna dedication
©Lonesome poets poetry
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Heavenly pencil's
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Mine oriental darling
Is mine Asian repunzel;
She was created by God's finger's,
Etched by heavenly pencil's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Off in the beaten path
An Echelon of secret tribal's;
I pirouetted with them in plumage
Mine queen showed up, just on arrival.


Her timing was perfect
As tis she watched me caper;
Me and mine Reyna's amour'
Like tambourines, shook with ancient shaker's.


Hot coal ember's
Igneous in ourn chest's;
Ourn pulmonary arterie's
Bracketed, by her tribesgirl dress.


We were gladden
Betwixt the wilderness;
Under mango leaves
Jane seduced me, equatorial phene's.


Whilst the darkness wore down
And the tribesmen went to sleep;
Me and mine protector
In the dusk, disappeared, into eachother's soul's to keep.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 768
Fulfillment, happiness
brandon nagley Aug 2015
For tis
By mine God's stripes I am healed;
For tis
By mine Queen's soul, I am fulfilled.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 2.0k
The rose without thorn's
brandon nagley Aug 2015
She is the rose;
Without any Thorn's.....

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 1.9k
Asian lampstand...
brandon nagley Aug 2015
God saidst let there be light
And the Filipino queen, lip up the land;
An Asian lampstand.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015

She isn't thy average
Typical being;
She sit's upon a loft
Only made for a queen.


Her bedstead is mine
We shareth ourn pillow;
I've never been so happy
Her love, pure as a meadow.


A battlement coordinates
Wherein we shalt be protected;
She's spiritually awoken me
Hari and his reyna, ressurected.


I shalt beget her, from her painful sleep
Now she's awoken, her face none more weep's;
Other's shalt Bestir us, from what they can't get
Though we shalt prevail, with love, forgiveness, them to forget.


Brigandine silver, shalt dress me in battle
For If beast's cometh close to mine queen, their boot's shalt rattle;
A Gilbertese I wilt carry, known as a shark tooth weapon
Mine Filipino empress is mine all, no faltering, none question's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication/Filipino rose......
brandon nagley Aug 2015
I tried to be the best peasant
As I bowed to mine Queen;
Then she lifted me up
She crowned me her king.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015

sacchariferous exhale's, I shalt insufflate into her bronchi
An Ode of enchantment, a beacon of escarpment, Filipino oblige;
We shalt junket all the way to France, the way politician's do
Concord, oh amour', at the end of the day Cogitation's, sky blue.


The artist's shalt adumbrate ourn outter appearance's, as ghost's
They shalt brush us onto an primeval canvas, Enlargement ****;
Phosphorescent simper she giveth, as I grace her foreign perfume
Thither the acropolis, to mine land of Greece, Corinth, in all tune.


The people their do greeteth her, they layeth out the red carpet
White wall's of these spítia, nacre full of plenty, open market's;
The children here art collaborated in epoch, decorative style's,
As mine queen shalt seeith, they weareth golden leaves, wild......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication/ pag-ibig magpakailanman.....
spítia means homes or houses in Greek..... For you who wonder lol
brandon nagley Aug 2015
If I'm gonna treateth mine woman as a queen
I shalt treateth her as a queen daily;
As tis Men just think special occasion's and holiday's
Art the only day's to calleth their women Queen's,
With me, every day's a holiday
Every day that I'm with mine queen...............

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015
When I looketh into
Mine reyna's Asiatic telescope marble's
I canst seeith, all of God's creation;
And all the time I seeith
Shooting stars
Passeth by
As the comos
Is full
Of life.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry.
©Earl Jane dedication
Aug 2015 · 1.7k
How art thou friend?
brandon nagley Aug 2015
What art thou doing today friend?
Art thou living in pleasure's;
Or materials.

What art thou doing today friend?
Art thou wearing a mask;
Putting on a good smile, screaming inside.

What doth thou doeth in thine spare time?
Doth thou hurt other's;
Taketh to never giveth, getting rich off poor and blind?

What doth thou feeleth dear friend?
Doth thou not realize, wordly pleasure's only last a second;
Until thine end.

What doth thou heareth O man?
The music to loud on thine speaker's;
Blocking out God whilst thou canst?

What art thou drinking oh brother?
Alcohol to dilute thee;
A well from God floweth much better.

Wherein is thine wife O mate?
O thou art not at thine abode;
Cheating again, with a hot date.

Wherein doth thou investeth thine time?
Material's that dissapear, putting loot into stock's and shares;
Loosing thine wordly mind?

Wherein art thy children?
Left all by their self, thy wife not getting help;
Whilst thou hath put them on the dusty shelf.

Doth thou even knoweth where thou art going?
When thine heart's pulse stoppeth;
There's a heaven and hell, beast's in cell's, where thy skin fryeth.

Doth thou taketh thing's for granted?
Living today as if there's another;
Forgot thy sister and brother's, as art purpose here is love.

Didst thou knoweth?
Thine sin's canst be forgiven, with the last day's to thee given;
Wilt thou except the creator's grace? Or turneth away?

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 612
One consortium.....
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Hell hath ripped asunder
Mine angel bursted in with thunder;
In the pit I was down under
As mine Reyna lifted me on her shoulder's.

She shuttled me to her rotunda
We flapped beyond ourn Ramada;
She was flamboyant, luminescent as a dahlia
Two separate soul's, making one consortium.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
Aug 2015 · 939
Twitter-light swooning
brandon nagley Aug 2015

In the snowbroth, in the chill of the eve'
Mine aficionado inamorata shalt swoon me;
Under the gloss, of the ancient moss
Under the *******, overhead albatross.


Thou art the apricity, when the wind bloweth cold
Thou art the castle, wherein is mine abode;
Thou art the rose, with none Thorn's attached
Thou art the night and day, a movie, stage, angel hatched


Gorgonized, thou hath done to me
Directing me under thine foretoken;
Thine voice is quiet, though so captivating
Thy locution is so spiritual, liberating.


Thou art a snoutfair, angel wing's, oriental hair
Freed I am, from the world of man, a perfected pair;
Thou maketh me want to do better in all of mine way's
I shalt loveth thee tommorrow mine queen, and more today.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
Aug 2015 · 2.1k
Canst thou spareth a dime?
brandon nagley Aug 2015
The poor man sayeth
Sir, canst thou spareth a dime?
The rich man replyeth
Hath thou lost thine mind?

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Filipino immortal of time
I'm courting thee now;
And making thou mine

We both kneweth
This day wouldst arrive;
Now taketh mine hand, stand by mine side.

I hadst amour'
For thee, for so long;
Now let's maketh, the sweetest amare song.

Ourn affection, tis obvious
For all to see;
We art the real deal, not some farce dream.

As tis we shalt meet,
As thou shalt get that engineering degree;
I'll taketh a trip, or we'll meet in between.

I'm courting thee now,
Tribal of tropic's;
I'll get ****** in thy saliva, bodie's close, bliss the main topic.

None material's needed
As ourn belief's state;
Ourn devotedness, not some internet kiss, everlasting mate's.

So now thou shalt knoweth
Thou hath been courted;
To showeth thee mine love, and to me thou art more important.

Other's shalt judge
As other wilt mock;
Yet we shalt be happy, in romantic cot's

Even if we art poor
With none food on the table;
Ourn love shalt speaketh loudly, none words needed, nor label's.

We shalt write poetry
As it becometh true;
Sweetest earl Jane, just wanted to sayeth, I loveth thou more to.

Tagalog language, thou shalt teacheth me better
Queen earl Jane;
This is thine courting letter.

I'm not all the other's
As thou doth see;
I am thy Hari, thou art mine Reyna, in whom I believe.

As I knoweth thou don't feeleth
Good enough for man, nor God;
Just wanted to telleth thee, thou art mine, and God's all.

I just wanted to let thee knoweth
I looketh up to thine light;
Thou inspireth me so much, as to other's, thou art vital to life.

So when thou feeleth down
And wanting to leap out of thy brawn;
Remember tommorrow ill be here, as well as ourn own god.

This is mine courtship letter
As now I'm courting thee;
We both want it and need it, mine best friend, life, and queen...

I loveth thee so much
We both none more canst hide;
Thou art mine Earl Jane, thou art mine life....

To thee; dearest Earl Jane..................

©Brsndon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication/あある じぇえん
We both knew this was coming queen..... Now is real... Not as some dream... I love you Reyna..  Mine Filipino rose... As you know I don't love u outta lonesomeness. Anyone can do that... We both know this has been coming... Lol love u more queen Jane...sweet Jane... We can't hide if no more love... I love u.. And not scared to be open no more ...
Aug 2015 · 397
Same pulse
brandon nagley Aug 2015
I thought it was
Mine heart
Beating in mine chest;
Yet found out
It was mine Queen's beat
As mine and her's
We're the same

Pulsing in melodic rhythm........

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
© あある じぇえん
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Her Bayanihan entity, maketh me Muni-muni in the dusk
Her Humaling for me is relishing, alleluia for her, wanderlust;
I wilt court her mine soon, so she shalt knoweth all is bona fide
I'll taketh her hand in courtship, pushing all the past hurt aside.


I wilt Siping with her in the sugar, in the bowl she dip's her hand
I'll dip mine finger's as well deep inside, inside her mind of tan;
I'll draweth her name on cardboard, and use black marker to,
Like bairn's in yard's, with relic yarn, I'll connect to mine muse.


And thus to be fused, from ourn electrical sensual Spark's
Naked in the world's view, just as actor's, playing the stage part;
Though tis no script, this page is written by ourn amorous desire
Indigenous bodie's, to light the torches, love HOTT, all sweet fire.


Mango to be viscid, between me and her's succulent tang
Her arm's wrapped around mine neck, not letting go, she hang's;
She is Makisig in perfect perfection, wearing a domino mask
Ballroom style, she driveth me wild, her love tis free, not a task.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
Bayanihan- means a spirit of communal unity and cooperation in Filipino....
Muni-muni- means to think deeply or ponder in Filipino
Humaling- means extreme fondness.,..
Siping means - to lie down beside someone.
Makisig means well dressed way I used it, can also mean dashing and georgious in Filipino.... Enjoy!!!!!
Aug 2015 · 583
brandon nagley Aug 2015
This hello poetry gig
Is a lifetime membership;
I shan't never leave
As noone else wilt be able to either
It's like a drug
A good drug
That I keep coming back to
As thou shalt as well.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 953
H.p, hodgepodge of heaven
brandon nagley Aug 2015
A HoDgEpOdGe of poetic heaven.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Aug 2015 · 643
Prisoner in her soul
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Ive been in prison
And hated the feeling of being some animal
In a cage;
Though I wouldn't mind being a prisoner
In mine Reyna's soul
Wherein it's warm and whole...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©あある じぇえん/earl Jane dedication
Aug 2015 · 478
God's medicine...
brandon nagley Aug 2015
As I've learned
God replaces the things that aren't good for ourn lives
And replàces those thing's
With the good....
To his purpose, all things work good for him
As for all of us as well....
As tis human's want thing's on their time
On their schedule
On their wishes
And wantonness;
As tis even In the bad
God removeth thing's not healthy for us
And replaces the thing's unhealthy
With medicine that healeth us.....
As God's medicine
Never faileth me...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Like an Oriental statue
She sit's upon a volcano;
As her beauty errupt's........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Whilst in mine death
I want mine queen
To smother mine lip's
With her's;
And taketh
Mine last breathe.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
Aug 2015 · 806
Mount Malindang's reyna
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Mount Malindang calleth me, it showeth me mine queen is there
She resteth up upon the greenery, picturesque perfect, I stare;
Inside the emulsion picture, her smile paint's the walls with red
Red for the love she engulf's me in, as roses align her sloped bed.


Sketched on is her hairdo, beehive swathed, fairy tale written
Her wing's hath Baguette's, as tis the Baguette's art from heaven;
Comely she supplyeth, a king's every need's, as tis amour' we feed
Companied she warm's me, swarms me, ourn amare to all leak's.


Concourse of the multitude, gathering beneathe ourn sloped hut
Ourn roof may be a little leaky, though ourn affection wilt fill up;
As tis we our a abode to ourselves, no straw mansion needed
A Convocation of cheribum watcher's, protect us in rainy season.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©,あある じぇえん
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Her roots stretcheth back
To tribal times;
As tis she is a tribal girl
Wild, raw, ****, tropical,
Her wild eye's like a panther's at night
Turneth me on;
As tis I seeith the primal nature of them
Pierce right through mine soul....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
Aug 2015 · 964
Web potion of love
brandon nagley Aug 2015
I fell into her amare web
As tis mine heart was trapped;
Mine soul was in elevation
As tis her web of amour
Made mine heart clap......

And whilst in her web
She layed on me Asian potion;
She cuddled me, and gripped me
With her skin as a lotion
As tis  she's mine sweet devotion ..

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
Aug 2015 · 2.7k
brandon nagley Aug 2015
As being a European, a foreigner to this land
Not a native, as the original people who art still here,
I shalt speaketh truth, on a topic, the European's here
Don't speaketh of;

I seeith politician's, speaketh of building a higher wall
As tis their art already wall's, lining Mexico and the united states,
I seeith wall's, to tryeth and keepeth out, the original people's.
As tis so many I'll heareth, so many sayeth the quote: ( illegal alien's, art coming over here stealing work) huh? Illegal alien's didst thou sayeth? As if their from another land? Or planet?......

Yet the fact is;
Who art the real quote: ALIENS!!!!
Us, the European's, as tis not mine fault mine parents hath cometh here, as not the other European's fault
That their parent's hath cometh here,
As tis I hath Cherokee in mine blood as well, from mine mother;

Though fact is, here's the truth;
The disgusting fact, noone want's to speaketh of, in
Politic's, in religion, in media, nowhere, is this fact..........

The European's and rich men now leading the country
From the quote: founding Father's, which may be other's founding father's, verily not mine!!!!!! Hath built wall's,
To keepeth out the alien's as many calleth them, in actuality us European's art the alien's, the one's who stole their land, built walls, and fences, and hath polluted their water, wherein water was once blue and green here in the river's and stream's,
As for example; in the town I'm in now, Rossford Ohio, some left from the older generation around here in their nineties Or 80's told me and mine family, the river that sit's behind mine place, native river called the ( maumee river) one fifty years ago people swam in, it was blue they told us, thou couldst seeith the fish inside of it, as children wouldst swim it... Guess what? Now that same river, is brown, is polluted, is poisoned, with the glass factories mess , and dump from work site's, into that river..... It's sickening... As tis the land once was open, free, no border's, no fences, here's the good part, see, the chief's all along this great nation, they all hadst vision's, vision's of these white men coming, as they saw it in spiritual shamanic ceremonies, as they saw the land being stolen, their people murdered by the thousand's, they saw destruction, from what? Men thou calleth thine founding father's? Thieves that hadst cometh here, to build walls? And killeth the native people's who were slaughtered, brought disease, and put on plot's of land a mile big? If even that... As tis they used to roam free, now forced into gvt debt, and the quote founding father's ancestor's and politician's hath given them medal's, as if that wouldst healeth them? No!!! As tis even the natives won't speaketh on this topic much. Though some will.... Fact is , àll went downhill, since the quote: founding Father's raised their flag... On a land not their's, on a land, not mine....though noone speaketh of this harsh truth... History channel hath now shown, with other archeologists, that the original people, now in southern Mexico, the Aztec people, once cameth from the north... Northern America, as in Wisconsin, see, in Wisconsin, their art pyramid's down below a certain lake, rock lake is it's name... The pyramids match the Aztec style as tis there art writings to showeth their presence their.. As come to findeth out; there is a map, sent into a famous Mexican archeological historical advocate, the map showeth on it something the u s gvt hath hid, as they do such much hiding from all of us... The map showeth on salt like, in Utah, is known place for the original Aztec people, purely factual, the story was told, the chief of his clan Aztecs, told his people, that he kneweth the men wouldst cometh to steal the land, so he told them they wouldst stop where the eagle eats the head of the snake...... Wanna know something ironic about that? Well here's proof of that, where the Aztecs now reside, southern Mexico, well Mexico hath a flag, like all have flags... Guess what is on Mexico's flag? An eagle eating a snake head... As chief saidst.... As in old map found in Spanish letters written next to salt lake Utah, read the words ( aztec territory) yet hidden in history purposely, these are harsh truth's, some may not be able to handle this, but when thou calleth one an illegal alien, thinketh who thou art... We art the aliens... as we aren't meant for this land... Though not our fault we were born here... As we must go with the flow as they say... As I loveth this great land, though reality is, I don't belong here.... As tis mine religious  beliefs state anyways, this world is just temporary anyways, noone owns this planet... God does..  Not man...its sickening seeing seeing mine own leader's, building walls to keepeth out ( illegal aliens) as they calleth them, yet were the aliens.... The irony... All for their greedy purposes and power control the native population hath decreased over fifty percent..Or more then.... Yet we tend to think, this is our place.. . as tis the u.s gvt hath stolen native gold, from their sacred places.... Places not meant to be touched, or dug into, though it's the good warrior's like Geronimo who decided and decides to stand against more such thing's..... As a European, it saddens me to seeith what mine kind hath done... And in this great beautiful sacred land what they still do....... That's harsh truth.... Much truth noone sais . yet I'm one who the man who hath received that map of the Aztec's didst sayeth, he put it perfectly, he saidst ( border's art imaginary, border's art only in ourn mind's) how such truth..... And we wonder why there is differences....

That's harsh honesty.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Know this won't be a popular one to good Americans, as I love all americans but truth is stated here... and harsh to some ears.. So before anyone decides to judge the poor Mexican farmer out in the field picking tomatoes for a lousy few bucks a day to send back to his poor family so they can eat... or a native American... Think of where your land got the corn u use daily.... And think where your at... That's truth..., as stated. Borders only exist in our minds.   Their are no borders.. Other than what man has made
Aug 2015 · 932
Asiatic loud
brandon nagley Aug 2015

In stormy sea's, And in the breeze, Wherein caliginosity doth hide
Behold mine morning glory, for thou art part of mine ****'s;
Whence death I hath came from, in the charnel house I laid
I was shackled in all debacle, lost, seeking, lonesome, in mine age.


Thou hath disenthralled me, and hath taken me to thine hip's
Thine craft was shiny, seraphic blinding, I floated onto thy ship;
Hovered I didst, as if a nasa takeoff to thy outter layered space
Thou hath sweetened me, with Asian tea, and put honey to taste.


Albeit I was just a campesino, with nothing to giveth mine dove
She soared me. Explored me, ourn kisses brought tear's of love;
Avouched me she hath done, she took mine side against the crowd, she hushes me with all compassion, her tiera Asiatic loud.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
Aug 2015 · 549
Die another day
brandon nagley Aug 2015
We dieth another day
Just to liveth tommorrow.......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Her cotton swab bolster
Marinateth her midnight sweat's;
She titter's thus from woe
Though I seeith when her heart burst showeth.
Dejection corset.


Epistle's art stacked up in her thought's
Of what she should writeth tommorrow;
Grief stricken, by none restful sleeping
Awaking for school,
Another day bottled.


Her way's art of God
He's her truest guidance;
She giveth truth
Sweetful tooth
A fruit of whom I shalt liveth.


Death she's tasted, as Dom Pérignon
Her word's, as the wine she speaketh;
Her back hurt's, her love's at work
She telleth star's, from whence their birthed
As tis she's a faraway light as well.


She's seen Gehenna, she's been trapped in cell's
She's seen misery, and heaven and hell
Though when I'm close, she heareth Bell's
She raiseth a toast, when I'm in her realm
A queen, a rose, a bud bloomed, sadly, she wanders her room.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
© あある じぇえん
Aug 2015 · 442
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Like an archangel
She taketh mine soul;
All the way up to heaven...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Enthroned she is
Upon her seat of tear's;
Aloft so high
Her feather's flyeth
I shalt unfluster
All her fear's.


We shant get old
Ourn young fashioned soul's;
To pirouette ourn secluded abode
And in this land of gold
Ourn solid mold
To fit into amour' letter's.


Nevi'im of the time's
Prescient of mind's;
Mine arm's shalt wrappeth thee
On plain's arrived
And when thou cryeth
I'll remindeth thee, thou art mine.


Stroketh mine hair
I'll pulleth thine own slowly;
Thou feeleth alone
Though with me and God, thou art not lonely.
We'll March, and be showy, showing all of us
We'll be the dream, other's seeketh, though canst not find....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
Nevi'im means in old Hebrew tongue, Prophets
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
At mine bedside,
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Eastern surveyor's
Dancing across mine face,
Her pucker's move
In Tagalog groove;
Heaven at mine bedside
She awaiteth.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©あある じぇえん
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Poor in material's
Yet enriched by eachother;
She's mine napakaganda girl.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
© あある じぇえん/reyna
napakaganda- means stunning in Filipino .
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