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 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
my heart has been feeling both numb
and heavy at the same time

there are so many souls but all of them
seem so untouchable

or maybe that’s just me
maybe i’ve shut myself off from everybody

and maybe it’s also just me—
but is there a fine line between happy and sad?
because i think i’ve blurred it out
and mixed them both up

(i am both happy and sad;
i am both brave and afraid)

i am a contradiction
and i am tired of walking along the fine lines
the way is steep and dark, filled with ghosts,
and things that haunt my heart

please clear this muddy path again,
or i’ll end up on the ugly side of the fence.
She sat up, drenched in sweat, panting. A cursory glance out of her window presented nothing but darkness beyond the fluttering white curtains, the cool night air seeping into her bedroom. She shivered and pressed herself further into the blankets, wrapping layers of warmth around her like a fluffy cocoon.
With a forlorn sigh, she tried to coax herself back to sleep, trying her best to ignore the bright red numbers of her alarm clock that flashed a disappointing 4:00 AM. She knew this would be pointless. She could never sleep on this night- this night where she was annually plagued by a steady onslaught of nightmares on the anniversary of that grim event. To fall into the foreboding arms of sleep meant to curl up in a flurry of gaunt eyes and hollowed skin among other things- terrible things that slowly slunk back into the light, try as she might to push them into the back of her mind and deprive them of memory or existence.
The worst thing she dreamt about, though, was his face. It rushed into her consciousness like an angry dark secret with blinding clarity and startling vividness. She counted several prominent wrinkles on the yellowing, sickly skin. His hair was thinning, falling out in wispy clumps. Perhaps what bothered her most was her recollection of the eyes. She had looked into those eyes much like one would peer down into a chasm: knowing that there was a place down there deprived of light or joy or laughter, simply an empty void. It had been painful to look into those eyes and realize that there wasn’t any hope left for him. And so she had held the withered hand connected to the emaciated excuse for a body, and the eyes looked towards her one last time, remorseful and hopeless. Then they had closed and he was gone.
 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
This house in the hills
Mountains I should say
far from the cities
or from people who play

I enjoy the solitude
the pup who sleeps by me
the man who comes back home
to endearing company

This adobe house, built by human hands.
No machinery needed, helping tend the land.
The river flowing near, and the magpies who visit.
I do enjoy this home, and the people who are in it.

Still, this place lacks joy
from the kids whos laughter echos through the world
from the corners of my mind
an emptiness spreads, and i can not help but feel a lonliness instead.

I am too young for children
I have not learned to teach
I have not learned to reach what is needed to find peace
so what is it I lack?
What more could I seek?

Why should I feel a depression that runs this deep?
Does my past still hold strong
to the young one I once was?
What more do I need.. to finally feel strong?
Do I not understand, my desire to know more
before I bring little ones into this world?
who am I anyhow, to mother, to teach
To preach any message, to those who know peace.
To those who know joy, and more then I remember.
To the ones who are divine with enjoying simple pleasures.

How can I at twenty two, enjoy my life in simple pursuits?
She was the wave of a flood, the tremor of disaster,
The bitter truth that left in ruins all the laughter.
He was the dawn, the warmth melting a winter moon,
The laughter of a child, a poet’s boon.
She touched a life only to dance it into grief,
Her smile was broken, or was that a dream?
He was a dream, a moment of truth,
To a heart so homeless, a comforting roof.
They danced along a path, destiny playing its hand,
Writing music, so effortlessly, along the dropping sand.
His magic so flawless, so was her curse,
What seemed beautiful, turned its page for the worse.
Tears made rivers, rivers evaporated to dreams,
The glittering gold of happiness, was darkness, indeed.
Fate called it love, they had almost called it a defeat,
When he called their victory, in a strong belief.
Tears made rivers, rivers evaporated to a mystery,
How the seven oceans in between, failed to stop destiny.
 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
Fade to blue

Fade to blue
In starlight drippings
The full moon sings
Hypnotic song
When turquoise tints
Horizon dreaming
Can sunrise wait
For very long
In lines of gold
And amber teasings
Of Jasmine breeze
Your scent does find
My heartbeat swirl
At last believing
I breathe a sigh
That you are mine
Simple expression
I am free
Genuine music
Critical of me
Created with words/phrases chosen from descriptions of poetry.
If I am salt
In your wounds, I burn
In your mouth, I leave distaste
In your glory, I am the particle swept away
In your ocean, I am the invisible lost one
In your life, I am salt
If I am salt
Then what good am I?
In your burns, I bring cleansing
In your wounds, I bring healing
In your distaste, I bring flavor
In your glory, I stand aside smiling
In your ocean, I bring life
If I am salt
Alone a soldier stands,
deaf in ringing ear,
from fire of the battle,
that happened far too near.

His jacket and his boots,
stained with blood and gore,
his very thoughts pain him,
the sight of all the horror.

The body lying at his feet,
the body his friend once manned,
lies broken, twisted, and lifeless,
on the fearsome land.

No time to mourn
The men untimely lost.
He must move on,
No matter the cost.

The soldier hears footsteps,
the enemies pounding the ground.
He knows his time is coming.
He knows that recurring sound.

The enemy is ‘round the wall,
the soldier’s courage rising.
As he prays to God for safety,
his memories are sizing.

He thinks of his home,
his country, his state.
He thinks of his family,
whom think of the date.

The date of his return,
the time when he would weep.
The day when life went on,
and the night he could sleep.

All these thoughts in his head,
pouring in like rain.
The enemy rounds the corner,
and sees the one yet to be slain.

The enemy loads his daunting rifle
and begins to take his aim.
The soldier takes hasty action,
both men doing the same.

The enemy fires,
the bullet whipping out like rope.
The lone soldier shouts in silence,
“I still hold onto hope!”

This hope continues to remain,
In every soldiers heart.
For a battle in a war,
is only just a part.
Original Poem - 1st Place at St. Mary's County Fair, accepted in GMHS Literature Magazine.
Night engulfs
But do not fear
Light breaks through
Every falling tear
I fell from the stars that night
I feared the clouded dark sky
And severed all ties with my world
I collapsed from within
And cried

A Birth called forth my fear
Brought about worry, my tears
For five long months it had built within
Until it happened and I fell to the ground
And cried

An excuse to begin closing my windows
Yet no blame can I place on him
Inwardly broken and frightened of the unknown
That weary cool night, my brother was born,
I cried

No control had been placed in my hands
No one had asked me what I wanted
My God simply had different plans
For my family, for his birth, for when
I cried

Plans that would prove greater than I could imagine
For a boy to show us all what life truly is
To prove that love is more powerful than sin
To teach us what it really means
To cry

That night was the foundation of following feats
My brother would breathe and walk,
His mind would prove stronger than possible
The miracle of our home caused us all
To cry

Despite the distress caused by his birth
In time I grew stronger in mind and in heart
For that night I knew that everyday I’d see his face
And realize his joy, his mind, his life. And I’d smile
And cry.
Dedicated to my younger brother with HPE.
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