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 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
You say my face
Resembles beauty
You say that my heart
Does too
But when you tell me
I'm beautiful
It's not what I see
It's not how I feel
Maybe I am
But imagine not
Being able to Understand
Why someone
Can look at you
And say your beautiful
And you sit there
Trying so hard to believe
But you just
You just don't feel it
You don't feel that's what you are
Your more
Like nothing
Not ugly, but definetly not
Anything like beauty
 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
Lost in a world which I'm drowning
But I'm not at sea
Swimming against an invisible tide
Thinking that I can't breath
 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
Magic and lies
I don't want people to see it either

I read a play
about a woman
who was slowly
being drawn into insanity
A Streetcar Named Desire
her name was Blanche Dubois
pronounced 'Dubwa'

and I could relate
to the way she swayed
between reality and fantasy

how she felt
when she said
she wished to give
to people
and that was the only
reason she lied
so to cover up the darkness
the unaccepted insides
the parts she knew
nobody would like

the way she craved
to fill in a space
which she deep down knew
would never go away
I was in her shoes
I heard the polka music too
and the BANG
I felt the pain
in my own way
through this women
who was made up
for entertainment
who doesn't even exist

and I'd never tell a soul but you
will you keep my secret?
I based this off of a play *A Streetcar Named Desire* By: Tennessee Williams. We took it apart in my English class for school...and I felt so drawn to this character. She's one I will always remember. I highly recommend to read the play, its amazing, especially when you get so deep into the characters.
 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
I think I loved you out of my life.
Out of existence.

*The shadow stayed, though.
 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
I       would      like       to pick up the pieces

    I'd    create      a mosaic work of art   


     trying     to fit  them       back together       won't work.      
      It would    show
                             every    flaw

      every line   /  every crack

It     would     show

just how broken

what should be one and whole  

The      glue

would goop up   

   & each piece       they'd


                                           apart                                                 again

Only   this time  it       would


create         a       mosaic.
Thin waist, long legs
Smooth hair, big chest
Angel eyes, full lips
Pink cheeks, wide hips
Tall but not too high
With a gap between her thighs
And long lashes on her eyes
Hourglass figure

Sweatpants & scarred legs
Damaged hair, flat chest
****** eyes, dry lips
Pimpled cheeks, no hips
Short and stubby
No thigh gap, just chubby
And eyebrows? Shrubby

they say love is patient
they say love is kind
but how would love be
in the wrong state of mind?

you think you're attracted
but what if it's just the looks?
you're only feeling lonely
which is the reason you're hooked

don't fall in love
when you're feeling alone
fall in love when the time is right

for i know how it all ends up
our memories that were once so colourfully vivid
have turned black and white

so please don't break me

so please don't love me

so please don't try to understand me

almost blind
so please don't misguide me

so please don't rush me

so please don't step all over me

so please don't mess with my mind

missing you
so please come closer

craving you
so please hold tighter

needing you
so please don't leave

pulling you
so please stop pushing away

I've been writing of hopes and dreams
Seeking happiness from this life takings
Who is it meant for you're wondering
Is it for me or for the general viewing
Or am I reaching out too short within
Till you forget your very own living

I'm a fool fulfilling inquest of a portrayer
Illusions to soothe the eye of the betrayer
Creating encryptions lock to every scribbles
Even a space I can spare no farther

Lets just **** this rhythm and blues
Death is inevitably thats what i conclude
Now let me make this clear and true
Only through my poems you'll find the clues

But don't be mad if you get confused
For we are twins alike I hint you
Maybe through my riddles you'll produced
Or you could just give up its your calling too
For the end of the day eventually you will
Spent your nights stuck on your own puzzle too

©2014 Maman Screams
 Jan 2014 Shane Bernardo
Your arms and legs are the sky
Full of formations of stars
That used to be clear
When the sun used to shine

But with darkness comes night
And with night comes being alone
Cringing at the sound of silence
So many questions
Now imperfect visions
Of what used to be constellations
Blurred through the telescope

The clocks are backwards turning
Stomach uncomfortably churning
Although it's concerning
That your heart is burning
Those pills mean no returning
From where you're leaning towards going

You can't go down there

Down in the ground
When your body was found  
You seemed to have drowned

The thought of it sends you away
Mind now spinning
Like the Milky Way's silky waves
Swirling in a circle down the drain
The color of crimson red
Or down the toilet
Like your last meal

All you have left
Is the darkness
From your fingertips to your toes
And those dark constellations
Sweeping across your arms and legs
Like the night sky
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