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Jun 2017 · 566
Minority of a Minority
Elliott Jun 2017
a black,
woman (***),
???? (gender).

Life is going to be so hard.
Oh Trumps
Jun 2017 · 815
Elliott Jun 2017
Drink her words up,
They make you forget you’re forging
A fire deep in your soul
Burning you alive.
Her mind
is stronger than her words,
so let that burn
in the back of your throat,
As it goes in your system.

Her words intoxicate me.
Jun 2017 · 353
Elliott Jun 2017
I don’t want to die anymore,
I just don’t know how to exist.
Why hello my dear friend

Darkness, you’ve paid me
Another visit.
Oh god
Jun 2017 · 841
Another Love Sick Love Poem
Elliott Jun 2017
I wish I was her world
Her everything.

I wish I was that coffee cup
That get the pleasure of touching her lips
every morning

I wish
She was mine.
Like the movies in my cabinet,
Except I would watch her
even when I’m not sad.

movie plays.
The boy
kisses the girl,
I imagine myself as the boy,
I imagine her as the girl.
I imagine her
As mine.

Is it possible for her to love me?
Another one I guess
Jun 2017 · 195
Elliott Jun 2017
I’m afraid to die alone.

I’m so scared to die alone.

I’m not afraid to die,
I’m a little afraid to exist,

I know I don’t live.

I’m still
Jun 2017 · 486
Elliott Jun 2017
I have tried many ways to think of her but
Astronomy was the only way I could write on.
I've tried to comfort her out of despair, but
I couldn't find the words to take her out of pain.
When I heard he made her cry,
I wanted to take the pain out of her,
put them into his face and my fists as
I hit him into the oblivion space we know space to be, and
him see the stars closer than any telescope had seen.
I wouldn't mind being in pain for a little while so
the sun could dry her tears,
she was trying so hard to hide.

Would it be so terrible for me to remind her
how the stars bowed in her presence?
Would It be so terrible for me to show her
nobody sees the stars
and the beauty of night anymore
because they are afraid of her
and the beauty she brings?
I too scared to ask if she knows
how you left her after class
to scream at the universe for
making her believe
she was anything less,
than the closest thing to perfection
the universe has to offer. Does she
know how you've collected books of
nebulas in your heads that show when
she decides to laugh? Does she know
you how hard this is for you, to sit here
and smile and joke like your heart
doesn't break with hers as you see her
in a pain deeper than imaginable and you
know it. It spans across all universes and expands
further than your love of poetry and your longing to
hug her and tell her it's going to be okay, but
you know that's not true,
and you can never make that true.
So you sit here,
and write a love poem never to be read,
because that means something would die inside you
or her
if you shared how much of the universe you could give to her
how much of the universe
and the stars
and the planets
and the comets
and meteors
you could shower her with
if she knew how beautiful she was....
Jun 2017 · 667
I'm Reaching Out for You
Elliott Jun 2017
I am reaching out for you. I reach to the deep corners of my heart where the darkness begins by its shadows cover; where there was a small hole from the first woman I loved.

I'm reaching to pull the arrow that grown baby in the diaper shot me in the *** with,

I'm reaching for where he's missed and shot and left scars is big as that gaping hole in my heart that Never seemed to heal correctly.

I'm reaching. I'm reaching for the day I saw you in that wheelchair my first day of marching band and someone said we'd be a cute couple of shorties.

I'm reaching for the day I switched seats and you were directly across my black eyes and I could feel my pupils dilate at least 45 percent.

Oh god this is amazing.

I'm reaching into the corners of my mind where I keep my biggest secrets and I'm reaching for you.
Another lovesick love poem
Jun 2017 · 256
Another One
Elliott Jun 2017
I should be smug,
tightly wrapped around your finger,
cozy even.

A rope of insecurity
fastens around my neck.

I fasten around you

My grip on reality without you gets
Jun 2017 · 1.6k
False Faith
Elliott Jun 2017
s-these aren't words to say in church.

A flower bloomed in your hair as I
told you
I loved you. your
chest rose up to my face as i lay,
you had taken my breath away.

The tattered book scattered through
my mind as you whisper
into the night’s ears.

I remember winning bible study challenge
in fifth grade
then losing my faith in eighth,
I can honestly now say,

jesus christ,

you calling out my name
you calling out his name
brought me back.
I can never sleep at night
Jun 2017 · 1.4k
Elliott Jun 2017
I drink you up,
as if I
could drink
to the bottom
of the bottle
of whatever you told me you are.

You taste sweet,
like the type of chocolate
your eyes remind me of.

I touch my mouth
with my tongue,
The feeling of something sweet
hasn't been there a long time.
It feels like my first cavity.

I touch my heart with feeling,
I touch my spine with fear,
I let you win in a debate,
I wanted to make sure
I hadn't gone soft.

You look beautiful.
Jealously isn't my thing
Jun 2017 · 1.7k
My Thoughts on Hell
Elliott Jun 2017
"It was just a joke, stop being so serious."

I haven't been to church since I was 14.

At age 7,
I was introduced to my new baptist church.
I recited scriptures and played game and was always excited to go.

At age 12,
I was heading into middle school and won the church's bible challenge.
I was queer, I was Christian, I was unexcited to go to church.
It felt like everyone was staring.

When I was 13,
I had my first kiss with a girl,
my first major girl crush,
my first run in with homophobia.
My classmate said **** off with someone else,
my church said mothers should protect their children from homosexuality.
I wondered what was wrong with that.
When I was 13,
I watched my mother clap to the pastor not knowing she had one.
I watched the youth church pastor make fun of queer kids, not knowing he had some in the room.
I watched a girl I knew was gay clap along like she wasn't one of them
-one of us.
When I was 13,
I watched my first crush date my best friend,
she didn't want anyone to know she was gay.
When I was 13,
I came out to my family.

When I was 14,
I went to church for one last time,
A woman prayed the devil take this phase out of me, and put the holy spirit in.
I broke down in Walmart afterwards.

My mother said I never had to go back to that church again.
I still have some dreams about it.

When I was 15,
I declared no religion, I declared no ties to anyone.
I was just black & queer.
Churches make me nervous
Jun 2017 · 1.8k
I'm Running out of Music
Elliott Jun 2017
People have ruined so many songs for me,
I hope yours is the one I get to play for the rest of my life.
I need more songs.
Jun 2017 · 465
Elliott Jun 2017
Kisses land all over your body
like raindrops.
Your breathe
reminds me of when I first started playing music,
a metronome played on beat,
as you breathed in rhythm,
in time.

I dreamt of this,
many times in
late conversations.
I dreamt of kissing you,
our hearts never synchronized
but right on
Our respected parts.
Jun 2017 · 632
Feelings Have No Chill
Elliott Jun 2017
You’ve traveled to the corners of my mind and into my deepest thoughts.
I never thought anyone would make it that far without ever touching me.

You’ve blushed at the way I put these words together, and
trust me, if you let me keep this up it can go on forever.

And I don’t mean forever as we’ll be together
because I know for a fact
the statistics about high school couples,
I looked them up. Perhaps I’m being presumptuous.

Perhaps I’m thinking too far ahead, because you haven’t even
asked me on a date yet and I’m thinking of you past friendly,
going to poetry written about you,
talk about hitting on you like you were my woman crush Wednesday
but I can't anymore,
You're my woman crush everyday.  

I listen to love poems as if they were meant for me and you and
golly gee if I could,
I’d paint a thousand portraits,
take up my whole SD card in my camera,
Just so you see your beauty in my eyes

Dye my hair into your favorite color
because it puts me closer to you.

I hardly feel lonely anymore.
You’re in the shadows of my poetry, the goal for 2018,
I can’t wait to get honor roll so you can give me that hug and say
you’re proud, because that’s all the motivation I need.

And can I just say,
my medication alters my mood, but it never alters it enough for me to forget what makes me happy naturally,  
what makes me smile when I can’t seem to do it myself; will you be my
daily dose of prozac?
Doctors prescribed 50 ml grams a day but 50 minutes a day hearing you say my name is good enough too.

You’ve gotten me down to a science.
I sutter thinking about you asking me on a date and you
blush at me telling you the truth;
what does that tell us about our past lovers?

Is it alright I see you covered in a sweet truth over romanticized by my words?
Is it alright I say your name like Christians talk about Jesus and hope on our seventh day we create passion?

Jesus Christ,
if you were a word,
you’d be whatever means indescribable feeling between two people;

if you were a song I’d like you to be My Girl,

if I were a ship I’d be the love boat  
because I’m making another round tonight and you are welcome aboard, you are always welcome

because I am in trouble & you like that.
You love me being in this kind of trouble.
To you, it means I’m already yours.

I like you already but
if you let me I could fall in
deep, deep liking
for you.
I need you to stop doing whatever it is you are, because if you don’t, one of us will mess around and fall in love.
Jun 2017 · 389
female, but not a Girl.
Elliott Jun 2017
I’m stuck between
girl and boy.

a person whose stood tall
against the patriarch like
it was a height rod,

was stuck between becoming
the Woman i never wanted to be
and the man i’ll never become.

the first female child

In those fakely supportive
christ loving houses,

the third to come out of my mother’s womb

Was not a girl, not a woman

Not a boy, not a man

But still female.
Jun 2017 · 177
Permit Tests
Elliott Jun 2017

each and every one.

I should be practicing,
but I think of you instead.
Jun 2017 · 780
Elliott Jun 2017
Mr. Cole plays on
In the background as I
Continue to type,
but my writing feels dry.

I want to call someone
Just to hear a voice that’s not
A character from a show.
Everyone I know
Is sleep,
related to me.

My cotton sheets feel
hot, even
against my skin
and I can’t focus on anything
but my concealing passion.

but the only Companionship
I find,
is with my dog
and depression.

Who cares?
is just a
fancy way
to say
"You're hot"
Jun 2017 · 1.2k
Vanilla Laughter
Elliott Jun 2017
A trunk of stories fill my comforters with tears
as I marvel over the letters I've never
sent to all the women I adored. I think of
you as wax drips off the candle of time. I
suppose you loved this scent.
Oddly satisfying
Jun 2017 · 1.8k
Color Me Yellow
Elliott Jun 2017
Color Me Yellow

I grew up knowing
to never look at the sun,
to just trust it was there.

I was taught,
to never look forward,
if the light is yellow.
"Prepare to stop."

I don't see color anymore,
except red.
except when the pain in my eyes
almost reached a different pain on my thighs.

we're Bright
even when nobody can ever see it
nor direct or indirect
Nor behind or in front.
nor in front or above you,

hanging like the photos of
when I used to be happy.

Got into a fight
Jun 2017 · 1.1k
Elliott Jun 2017
I scream at the universe,
until it begs for mercy.

The stars dim,
meteors retreat,
The moon cries;
it thought I was talking to him.
"Lie to me again,"
I cried,
"Lie to me again,
I dare you"

I screamed the
Earth into new orbit,

Space heard a faint noise
The government tries to
hide from the public what they just heard,
Space engineers throw away theories.

"You need her"
Jeez late night sessions
Jun 2017 · 349
New Americana
Elliott Jun 2017
A new Renaissance
has started,
they one we made
through conversation and fate.

My masculinity mixes
with your femininity,

and just for a little bit,
we forget
that the world was built
to destroy people like us.
Opps, someone unleashed my inner thoughts
Elliott Jun 2017
Keep Out,
my body tells
with all its might.

Chemical Hazard.
I was bored

— The End —