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Asher 14h
Beneath kind words lies,
Silent strings pull hearts like thread,
Shadows weave their will.
Another haiku; I enjoy creating these poems. They're easier than sonnets.
Asher 1d
Hate envelops itself in an aura,
Seen by those who have not experienced suffering.
Bigotry, the darkest of all,
Distorts the truth with every look.
You could meet their gaze and say,
"I am transgender," clearly and honestly,
But they would distort and manipulate it,
Mold you to fit their narrow perspective.
For they do not value life,
Nor the hearts that beat around them.
They care for nothing but themselves,
Their opinions, their distorted view.
It is sickening, this poison they choose,
To hate what they refuse to see,
Blind to the beauty of being free,
Lost in the darkness of their cruelty.
In honor of the new Project Sekai Story release, people's hatred never seems to end.
Asher 2d
Write the notes and send them out
To the friends who knew your worth
The ones who lit the darkest clouds
The ones who've known you since your birth
They've stood by you through all the years
But time has turned the tides somehow
They'll never know your hidden tears
They'll never know you’re different now
The weight you carry deep inside
A pain they’ll never understand
Each day, a battle, hard to hide
You’re not the same, you’re slipping sand
Tie the knot and wrap it tight
A quiet farewell, your love remains
"Thank you," whispered in the night
For staying with me through the pain
Trigger warning. I've been going through a lot lately and I'm using this to express my feelings. I've been trying to keep it together.
Asher 3d
A patchwork of souls,
Borrowed voices weave my self.
Echoes, nothing new.
Asher 3d
Hold me through the night,
Endless love in whispered breaths,
Stay, my heart’s one light.
My first attempt at a haiku. Sorry if it's not the best.

— The End —