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Jun 2022 · 1.3k
Adam Jun 2022
What is it that I truly seek?
What happened to the beauty,
in all that I used to see?

Can someone explain what happened to me?

I used to have the buzz and the impetus, that you'd see in a bee.
But these days, I look like a stone tied to a tree.

Asking myself,
at which age did happiness decide to flee?
Posted this 3 years after writing it
Jan 2021 · 5.1k
Siren Song
Adam Jan 2021
Oh, men.

How we lend our ears to the siren's song

Just to realize

that the siren's wrong
May 2019 · 2.0k
Adam May 2019
If we were happily in love,
and then I began to stray a little farther-

I’m sorry, love,
but you can blame my father.
Apr 2018 · 865
Adam Apr 2018
“Just pick a path,
and pick a vice”

Is what the old man said
when I asked for advice
Apr 2018 · 684
A Letter
Adam Apr 2018
It has never been clearer,
that I’m lost when I stray too far from You.

I really wished I said this earlier,
I hope it’s not too long overdue.

I suppose it’s better late than never, so:

God, how do you do?
Feb 2017 · 437
Adam Feb 2017
The distance is apparent,
but you cannot see the wall.

Nothing matters
Should I even care at all?

Everybody knew I was coming down,
but nobody thought I’d fall

Days are getting vapid

I need something to call

A purpose

A reason to live
until I’m in a hearse

And when that day comes

On my behalf,
   please recite a holy verse.
Nov 2016 · 424
Adam Nov 2016
Morning arrived
earlier than I expected;
while I was reflecting
on the minutes I neglected

why do you elude me?
Everybody else is in peaceful world of slumber;
but my insomnia excludes me

The Sun lights up the morning
And I light up my cigarette
But the night makes day look boring
Or is my normalcy just illiterate?
Nov 2016 · 803
My Last Will
Adam Nov 2016
Seeking solace
in the impenetrable fortress that I built
Only for the walls to be pierced
by the arrows of my own guilt

Can anybody really differentiate
between the truth and the lies?
Is our failure to do so
the reason we resort to temporary highs?

Deep down I know, my true Love
looks down upon me from the skies
I just hope in my silence
He could hear my prayers and my cries.

If you awake to news
that I have died in the morn
Be still
Don't cry, don't mourn

No need for you to get down on two knees,
all I ask for is a little prayer
And remember me for my good deeds
so I can be prepared to meet my Maker
Sep 2016 · 797
Adam Sep 2016
The reason on this trip we came
was to forget about superficial dames
chasing money and fame

Our senses piercing through the veils of reality
stuck in a vortex of time and perpetuality
questioning the true nature of reality.

Seeing things for more than what they seem
like how rain resembles life’s intricate themes
and our union, God’s great schemes

Forget the scientific name
and what love looks like conventionally
for LSD means love, serendipity, and dreams
Sep 2016 · 703
Adam Sep 2016
As the sounds of morning begin to meep,
I told her good night and went to sleep.

I realized,
the secrets of happiness aren’t too deep;
but the climb up the mountain is a little steep.
Sep 2016 · 368
Adam Sep 2016
Life is short,
Life is quick.
But there’s always a wonder of sort,

even when it looks dreary and bleak.
Sep 2016 · 870
Adam Sep 2016
She flew into my heart like a dove,
and left a mark like an earthquake.
One day I was writing poems about love,
the next, I’m writing about heartbreak.

— The End —