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533 · Jan 2021
My love for you
is like a pearl
inside a shell
Safe, shiny and pure.

Shell ✨🐚
Love lives in the heart. You don’t have to talk about it.
531 · Feb 2022
Quote 93🌷
Beautiful thoughts make fertile minds
To grow beautiful gardens.

You are what you think.
530 · Mar 2021
Polluted oceans
Have you seen shell  friend of mine,
How the world has changed?
How they treat  the seas right now.
Nothing beautiful remains.
How all the oceans are full with dirt.

So many plastic things thrown in.
I’m very sad dear friend of mine
What they do is a sin.
All the fish are dying now .
Even turtles are suffocating too.

You’ll see where we’ll end soon.
They are so clever now.
With only brains and no feelings more
Their cleverness reach full circle now
I guess they are dumb again.

When ocean life will be no more.
They all will die slowly too.
Everything on earth will die
It will be the end of planet earth too.
Just hold my hand friend shell of mine we will die together too.

If we don’t change our ways soon it will be the end of planet earth
529 · Jan 2021
Beautiful soul
It’s not the way you look.
It’s not the way you speak.
It’s not the way you move.
It’s the way you write
the things you say.
That captures me
To capture your soul
Hello Poetry!!

Shell ✨🐚
You feel someone’s soul in what and how they write!!
Every poem is a little piece of the soul!
529 · Jan 2021
Expensive jewels
In silence
diamond drop shaped tears
Falling  down .
Sparkling the cheeks
The child sits down on the floor .
In the silence of the dark.
An  innocent  little one in pain.
For whatever for
Who will pay the price.

Many children all over the world are in pain!
522 · Jul 2021
Sea call
You came to the never ending
waters of sea
Searching the core, something ,
a mystery
Only to be welcomed to what was meant to be
New world of colors and bliss
First time breath freely in ocean depths.
Sea lover

A metaphor . In life listen to your heart. Do what you always wanted to do.
520 · Mar 2021
Living and experiencing life
depends for a great deal on
where you are born
where you are from
Some people sadly ,
always have
to look at life through
a veil of tears.

Things like poverty, education not only depends on you but also on where you were born!!! So let’s not judge on another
517 · Nov 2021
Lost child
Time after time
beautiful pastel dream I have
Sitting together with the one I lost, sweet child of mine.
On Jordan River to paradise
to never let you go.
While I hear a soft melody
Wind of the deep Valley
Like waves close to me ,
it’s the pain  deep within
Theme of life since losing you,
forever in my dreams.
Looking over Kings gardens
at eternal mountains high
where real beauty begins
where no one dies.
Where I know you are safe
and free.
Playing in the fields of heaven.
Sweet child of mine.

I’m often being confronted by the lost of a child. The feeling of helplessness, the overwhelming sadness.
It’s for those parents. I feel the pain everytime too.. I want to comfort you and share your pain.
Meow!! Wow!!
What is happening now
Why all the excitement?
Oh is it that ball again
how slow are these human beings.
Must have been a Cat’s game
You wouldn’t see a paw on the ground
It would have been a total different game.
Jump , float and take.
Well I wouldn’t score a thing
I would float, take and run away.
The ball would be forever mine.
You know I don’t get these people.
Sometimes I look at them and wonder.
It’s a good thing we are the boss here.

Shell ✨🐚
Cat watching a soccer game
509 · Jan 2021
Simple things
I don’t need diamonds
I don’t need wealth
Just pick me a flower
for me to smell
Show me the moon
to caress my eyes
Play me a song
to sing in my heart
Give me your love
to elevate my soul
Then I’ll be happy
wherever we go.

Shell ✨🐚
You don’t need much to be happy in your heart
499 · Jan 2022
Quote 82🌷
Don’t let hard times
make you harder.
It would make a harder world
Grow softer.

Shell ✨🐚
496 · Oct 2023
Self worth
She picked a flower
and put it in her hair
She felt beautiful.
They laughed at her at school.
It didn’t matter.
She smiled and the flower smiled too.

Shell ✨🐚
Always know your self worth.
What others think of you is their problem.
494 · Jan 2021
Kiss from the moon
I’ve been kissed in the night
by the moon
Everything so  light.
What a delight!!
Changes are following
Changes of  tides
During day time I am blue.
The kiss was tender ,It’s true.
It’s the key for my existence
For me to be!
I am the sea!!

Shell ✨🐚
493 · Jun 2022
Quote 117🌷
Today is just  another day to realize your dreams.
Another opportunity to try.
So don’t give up.

Shell ✨🐚
492 · Jan 2021
Hidden pain
Eyes like black pools
Filled with sadness
In the depth
A little fire burning
Hidden passion of a broken soul
An ink tear
Juice from a blue heart
For he has forgotten her
Left in a solitaire dance

Ultimate sadness
492 · Jun 2022
Almost lost
Lost in a cloud of darkness
cold heart freezing fear
Couldn’t breathe lightheaded palpitations screaming veins
Breathless mind
Almost fainting in thin air.
infinity ways with
friendly hands pulling me into fresh air.

Shell ✨🐚/
Many have Anxiety attacks.
492 · Nov 2021
Whispers of love ❤️
Not seeing
Like the wind
From afar or nearby
Restlessness in the heart
When you hear it whispering.

492 · Nov 2023
Naked life.
Sad or happy, it’s there
In everyone’s story,
No exception.
Feelings, universal.
we are,
with our own melody.
When dying we all remember.
In our own way.

Shell ✨🐚
We think we are different
We are not
Even world leaders
We are the same!!!
Same flesh, blood and
491 · Nov 2023
Autumn of life
In evening of summer
a change appears.
Cooler breeze is coming my way.
Looking at trees I feel thankful just to be.
Colors so soft taking all sharpness away.
Making me want to hum a silent song.
Watermelon leaves next to olive green and beige all going to the golden gate.
In this transition time of trees and leaves
it’s good for humans to realize
that autumn season
is like autumn of years.
Coming to the eve of our lives.
Life in pastel colors, softens the mind.
Going towards hopefully golden times.
Live well.

We don’t know what lies ahead for us in life.
Many problems can come along with getting older. Therefore let us do our part. Live healthy.
Take good care of yourself.
488 · Mar 2021
Past each other
We people
live alongside each other
Without really knowing
how very very vulnerable
we are...... that’s why
Let’s make a sweet gesture
towards one another
Let’s mean something more
then just passengers passing by

We must be there for each other!!
Nowadays it’s more everybody for themselves leaving many isolated and lonely!!
485 · Jan 2022
Magic  in the beauty of a book
Enchantment of the reading word
Takes you to this other world
All kinds of places
All kinds of people
New situations
So much knowledge
Keep an open mind
Puts a spell on you.
In the end....
Can’t say goodbye .

Shell ✨🐚
The magic of reading.
484 · Feb 2021
Baby birds
When birds fly high
they reach the sky.
They sing their song
They make their call
To baby birds
letting know
they’re on their way
With food to  show
collect through  day
Making chirping sounds
to say
Mama bird is on her way
Letting know that food will fall.
After babies hungry call!!!

Shell ✨🐚
Beautiful sight, birds flying chirping through the air!! I sit and watch this everyday.  How they bring food to feed They build a nest in my front yard.
484 · May 2022
Quote 111🌷
There is a thin line between love and hate
So they say.....
People often think they’re angry and that they hate.
Truth is they are just...
intensely sad.

Shell ✨🐚
482 · Mar 2021
Infinite love 💗
I love you with a love
I thought I lost
with the loss of all my saints.
I love you with the breath, smile and tears of all of my life.
And I know I will love you even more after death.

All feelings change all the time. Once in a while the love is infinite!
478 · Aug 2022
Quote 121🌷
Silent are the ones who can’t speak for themselves
Because in the world outside they don’t exist .

Shell ✨🐚
477 · Jun 2022
Quote 116🌷
While the eyes are still blind
and the heart is still searching.
The One has already arrived in the mind.

Shell ✨🐚
469 · Jan 2022
Cotton candy sky
Colors and nuances in the sky
Sweet cotton candy like clouds
caressing my eyes
Variety from early morning break to early nightfall .
I look up and see
blushing colors through
naked silent trees
They are telling a compelling story to me.

Shell ✨🐚
As a child we fantasize looking at the clouds. Still a fun thing to do.
467 · Oct 2021
Quote 71🌷
Walking  down the road of life don’t forget to watch the view.

Shell ✨🐚
464 · Mar 2023
Each living day
In peaceful calmness of nature
Upcoming sun blends smoothly
into horizon’s eternity
From soothing lightness of day
to enlightening light of afterlife
We leave this world behind in little pieces every passing day.

463 · Jul 2022
Mountains by the lake
Sky mountains waters
Eternity mirror view
Silent wind listen
Look as far as eyes can see
Inner peace will follow
Sitting, watching

Shell ✨🐚
Meditation in nature
Become part, become one.
462 · May 2021
Quote 38🌷
simplicity and humbleness
real beauty comes through.
It shines.

Shell ✨🐚
462 · Oct 2022
Translucent rain can’t hide behind it.
A necessity for the world.
Brings freshness to this Earth.
Translucent tears can’t hide the pain.
They fall like shimmering rain
Life itself is to blame.
Translucent waters, clean to drink from,
a must for all living things.
Translucent oceans, a necessity for sealife
to live healthy to have longevity
So humankind can survive
Translucent air to see blue sky clear
No misty fog to choke the throat and burn the eyes.
Translucent heart, like a crystal jewel
Filled with light, filled with love
For all our people
Just share love by being kind
Afterall we’re all humans, different, still so much alike.
We are all one of one kind.

461 · Jan 2021
Rainbow 🌈
Lying on a rainbow
Feeling colorful and bright
Looking from up there
earth is in another light
Everything .....
seems  black and white
Walking to the end
So I’ve been told
Will reward me a *** of gold
But all I ever wanted  
are these colors to hold
Coloring my life just enough
to inspire the soul.

Shell ✨🐚
And you keep watching a rainbow
460 · Apr 2023
Quote 149🌷
When looking at me
see yourself
We’re not that different
Just reflections seen in another light.

Shell ✨🐚
459 · Mar 2021
Colors of life
Let the beautiful colors
of the world
be reflected in your life
and in your dreams .
Be happy in life
and dream big
in colors.

Shell ✨🐚
Always be positive!! Colors are a good reflection of the life you’re living
Pastel breathing painting
Brilliant eye in changing sky
dancing flowers,
Majestic trees witnesses
Carrying wind.

Shell ✨🐚
Every time you look out of your window you see another spring picture
449 · Sep 2022
Autumn love ( haiku)
brown blanket of leaves
Inviting you to lay down
stay close to me.

Shell ✨🐚
447 · Feb 2021
Romeos  never come too late
to rescue your Juliets
Juliets don’t wait in vain.
Life is too precious.

Shell ✨🐚
Priorities in life!! The years are passing by much faster then you think!!
Always try to do your best. Be happy.
444 · Mar 2022
My beloved
My beloved is mine and I am his.

Walking  through the valley in early morning mist.
Where  there is this field of flowers
Where time stands still.
and only you and I exist.

Where there is no yesterday nor tomorrow
A silent promise to fulfill.
Where there is no pain nor sorrow.
A soothing feel is all there is.

The hope to meet you here and always
To lay forever by your side
To always be together
In each others arms in endless night

I’ll be yours  forever beloved
as you are mine till end of time.
Lost forever in each other
Where peace prevails and love never dies.

Shell ✨🐚
Solomon’s song verse 16 -17
My beloved is mine and I an his
He feedeth among the lilies
Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved and be thou like a roe or a young heart upon the mountains of Bether.
443 · Apr 2021
Dear friend
In my memory box I kept this special jewel.
It’s the memory of you dear friend.
Memories  forever locked up.
Safely hidden  for what once was.
Passed away but not forgotten.
Forever safe forever shining
Dear friend
You will always be this song
This precious jewel in my heart.

Shell ✨🐚
When a dear friend has passed away, you have a the precious memories locked up inside of you. Things you two only shared !
442 · Feb 2021
Sad tree 🌳
Look at me
How beautiful I am
lushes and so green
roots big and shiny
Now I am sad
I’m standing all alone
There were many more
I’m all that’s left over
Don’t hurt me  
you are hurting yourself
and this whole wide world.

Shell ✨🐚
Only a green life can save us
441 · May 2021
No distance
True love knows no distance
You’re connected by the heart
Two souls emerging
So wherever you are
You’re always on my mind

Shell ✨🐚
441 · Sep 2022
Healing moon( haiku )
The sight of the moon
enlightens my dark feelings
light on aching self.

Shell ✨🐚
439 · May 2021
Is he who
walks all alone with pain inside
Still seeing the beauty of nature
Still being kind
Still cares, still shares
Still saying thank You.

Shell ✨🐚
Many are in pain . Still don’t give up!!
438 · Mar 2021
Spring day
Sitting on a bench
On this lovely spring day
Everything awakening
Winter seems far away
Green trees surrounding me
Flowers in the bloom
Happy vibes are in the air
Fresh landscapes to see
While a pale sun Caresses me
even the birds are cheerful
they have no care
A gratefulness is overwhelming me
and I
close my eyes and pray
Thanking the higher hand
for this lovely spring day!

Shell ✨🐚
Thankfulness for just another beautiful day!!
436 · Dec 2021
Positive vibes
Float like a water lily
Let the water carry you away
To new destinations
Bloom at rainy days
Let sunshine brighten your colors and make my day.

436 · Feb 2022
Bride to be ✨✨
Feet on soft white sheets
Eyes open wide couldn’t see
it was a cloud taken me up into the sky.
To my Heavenly lover to be.
Must have been God sending for me.
This pillowsoft cloud
for my lover to receive!

Lover of mine I come to you
Send by the Gods
In a white cloud of sheets
eyes open wide ..ready for you
My love to receive you in me.

Valentine 🌹
435 · Dec 2020
Falling star ⭐️
Star formed light
Million years away
Still last.
Looking at you
in the night
Is looking at the past
Standing here
your future
waiting  for a falling you
To make a wish a dream
come true....

Shell ✨🐚
433 · Nov 2022
Life’s melody
Life is about the melody
you’re dancing on
Sadness, happiness
Love the key
to make music
to carry you through life.

Shell ✨🐚
433 · Jul 2023
Songbird, voice of art.
Fragile passerine  
Singing songs, expressing art
Seems you want to tell the world,
everything you saw up there.
Letting nestlings know
Mama is on her way.
Selflessness of love’s defense.

Shell ✨🐚
Precious songbirds bringing joy and beauty to the world.
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