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432 · Feb 2022
Quote 91🌷
Far apart but the closest by
Take you everywhere with me.
On my mind you’ll  forever be
In my dreams we’ll meet.

Shell ✨🐚
431 · Jul 2023
Elephant baby boy
Don’t walk away.
Stay close flesh of my flesh.
I always want to touch you.
Let my eyes never lose sight.
Mother forever I’ll be.
There will be enough alone time
when you leave me.
Please don’t hurt him, human.

Shell  ✨🐚
Elephant daughters stay forever with their mother.
The boys leave when they are 7 , 8 years old.
Humans **** these enormous animals for the sake of money.  Have a heart human.
A baby elephant is called a calf.
431 · Nov 2022
Early morning
Today in early morning
Smokey blue sky
Only one bright star to see
Searching for my moon
Where is she, unexpectedly
right above me
Gave me a smile
I stand still
Almost half moon I greet
Watching me and the star afar.

Shell ✨🐚
Part of my life. Daily routine. Searching for the moon.
431 · Sep 2021
Quote 68🌷
Don’t take from nature if it doesn’t feed you.

428 · Aug 2023
Quote 166🌷
Don’t fear silence
because there is always
music  deep within.
Just listen to your own melody.

Shell ✨🐚
427 · May 2023
Unopened books 📚
In every soul there are these emotions, these feelings.
In every mind there are these thoughts , this wisdom
In every brain there are these words,
this knowledge.
All coming  together in sentences as we speak.
Each of us are
many untold stories on our own.
So much one can say
So much one can express
Many words wrapped up
in deep feelings, in tactfulness,
stay inside.
Behind closed doors.
Inside each of us many unwritten books
which will die with us.
Never to be known to the people around us, the people we love, we know and don’t know.
To the world
When a man dies a library with many unopened books dies too.

Shell ✨🐚
426 · May 2023
Quote 150🌷
When we plant love
We’ll see brighter flowers
Even the weeds will be greener.

Let love bring us together
Leave all the hate behind
Life is too short.
426 · May 2021
Beautiful soul.
It’s not the way you look
It’s not the way you speak
It’s not the way you move
It’s the way you write
the things you say
That captures me
To capture your soul

Shell ✨🐚
It’s all about connecting our souls
To express feelings you can’t
talk about.
Setting yourself free penning it down.
Or to just share a wonderful experience .
Let people know
there is always light in the dark.
To write in simple words
a simple story .
Tell what’s on your mind.
Tell about a life changing experience worth telling.
So others can recognize
themselves in it and know they are not alone.
So you share to show you care.  
You write to create.
Create an image which
stays in the mind forever.
You write to set yourself free and to help others see!!
Let your imagination come to life
So others can see life through someone else’s eyes.
You are worthy!
Respect what others write and learn from it!!
Poetry to set you free!

Shell ✨🐚
Expressing yourself to set yourself free
and to share with others letting them know they are not alone.. That there is always light in the dark!!
422 · Mar 2021
Endangered bird
Shy, beautiful with sweet song
Bright yellow color

Shell ✨🐚
Haiku of the yellow cardinal
421 · Aug 2023
Haiku, summer
summer’s golden touch
bright fine flowers growing wild
hot air’s cloudless sky.

Shell ✨🐚
420 · Mar 2021
Have you been in a field of flowers
Yellow flowers in the sun!
Did you know they are always
Always turning to the sun
Let us be like those flowers
Always turning to the light
Always sharing always caring
What a beautiful sight!

Shell ✨🐚
Sunflowers always turn to the light
Let us be like sunflowers always shining
420 · Feb 2021
Jewel like
Each one of us a jewel
Beautiful  and worthy  
Together in this jewel box
Together we can shine so much.

Shell ✨🐚
We are all earth citizens!!!
417 · Sep 14
First Vow.
My Creator is mine and I am His.
I am from Him and myself alone.
All the days of my life,
till dawn meets dawn.
I’m nesting in His love and do not need more.
Till time doesn’t exist anymore.

Shell ✨🐚
Only through faith we can live and love and be at peace..
416 · Feb 2021
Let me take you by the hand
Lead you to my wonderland
Where  we all are equal!
We the people,  make
We the people,  break.
This world is what we make of it.

One world with humans.
416 · Jan 2021
The bird is eager to fly away
to sunrise
to sing her song
to welcome a new day
Let’s be like birds.

Shell ✨🐚
Be thankful everyday for having another day.....
414 · Feb 2021
Day ends
Night  falls
A dog barks
A baby cries
A mother with  tired feet
A father frustrated
ends didn’t meet.
Still  sitting together
Having a simple meal
Still praying together
Still thanking
For another day.

Shell ✨🐚
Life becomes a routine
That’s not a bad thing if you think about it. Finding comfort in the routine
Every day life
414 · Feb 2021
Almost my whole life
I’ve been writing
short simple lines for myself
I love all little beautiful things surrounding me.
Love to look and discover
all the beauty in nature
It makes me so happy.
I know there is so  much going on in this world where we’re living in. Things that make you really sad!
But then I saw a documentary
And all I can say
I can’t post a quote today.

Shell ✨🐚
We don’t know what’s going on in several places in this world. I mean you think you know. Until you see it.
Big moon is watching
as we are in each other’s arms.
Shining light on weeping willow,
our romantic hide away arms.
I lay down, look at you.
Big Charon is jealous of your view.
There are no ferrymen here
to cross souls over Pluto’s underworld rivers
Only surrounding loving moonlight’s auras.
Making our nights special.
Natural candlelight shivering with moving branches
Weeping willow sheds green tears.

Shell ✨🐚
Charon is one of the many moons of Pluto.
413 · Jun 2023
Driving in my car
Looking at the sky
I smile
I realize
Oh my Creator
I love you.

Shell  ✨🐚
In my heart I’m just happy to be.
406 · Feb 2022
Star fish 🐠
Deep opposite sky
Lightless star from deep in sea
Coral like beauty

Shell ✨🐚
A Haiku.
406 · May 2022
Sweet woodruff, immaculate
Flowing pearls moving with the wind.
In the shadows you bloom.
Peaceful white dream you hold.
Promise of warmer tomorrow’s.
That’s my love deep within .
Hidden love source, protected by majestic beings
Evergreen lasting.

Shell ✨🐚
405 · Feb 2021
Like the wind whispers everywhere
Caressing everything while passing
Such is the essence of this life
enlightening of heart and soul
to come to  peace of mind.

Shell ✨🐚
405 · Jun 2021
The cause
Trauma the roots
Everything is closing in
Tears like rivers
In the end you’re drowning in.
It’s not you....
It’s what’s done to you.

Every form of addiction has it roots in some kind of trauma. We must keep an open mind. There is much fear and loneliness there. With love you can move mountains.
405 · Jan 2022
Quote 80🌷
My heart was shattered
in so many pieces that
after putting it back together
I got a bigger heart full of love
When you break me that’s when I grow.

Shell ✨🐚
Grow after every heart ache
404 · Oct 2022
Forever in love ❤️
And when you leave this world behind,
let me be the last thought on your mind.
Know that I love you even after.

Shell ✨🐚
401 · Jun 2021
Veil of rain and tears
Like a veil of rain.
Blocking your view.
Standing in the dark
No movement in the
light outside
Life stands still.
Tears ike a veil before the eyes
Can’t see clear
Sadness in the mind.

Shell ✨🐚
The way many feel nowadays. Still we must find the strength to go on.
401 · Dec 2020
The eyes
The eyes
Lock of the mind

With eyes open wide
you  can’t
feel the mind.
When eyes are closed
the mind will open!!

401 · Dec 2023
Love and Peace✨✨
Snow globe moon is here.
Christmas is near.
It’s that special time again.
Cold weather, coziness.
Cinnamon scent fills the air.
Lights everywhere……
Let it come trough.
Let it be Christmas in our hearts

Shell ✨🐚
Please stop the wars for the sake of our children.
400 · Aug 2021
Oceans motion 🌊
Walking  on white sand
Soft waves moving,
everytime kissing land.
The song of ocean will come to you , inviting  you to stay
Caress your feet, so you won’t leave
Looking as far as eyes can see
like looking at eternity
Where sea and heaven meet.
Take a dive discover me
In my depths you’ll  find my mystery.
While your heart beats at my pulsation
Come find the rhythm within me.

Shell ✨🐚
Walking on the beach
The sound of sea waves calling you.
Nature colors intertwined
Caressing my eyes
Man made figures
Budded tulips
tell stories to my  mind.

398 · Mar 2022
Haiku, sunrise
shades of turmeric
diamond jewel coming through
golden layers roof

Shell ✨🐚
398 · Sep 8
Love’s ceiling
You have to fall in love with living first,
with moon and sun and stars.
With all of kinds of human beings,
to make this world
overcome all kinds of fears.
To be able to dance.
Dance with you,
dance with you all night long.
All night long under the light of moonshine.
Until the twelfth hour.

Shell   ✨🐚
Love living and everything will be okay.
398 · Dec 2022
Quote 137🌷
Everyone deserves a second chance
It’s then that you can really see
what someone is made of.

Shell ✨🐚
397 · Jan 2022
Purple field of love
Purple field of love
Happiness under majestic trees .
Sunshine peace.

Blanket of leaves
Changing your color
Yellow to gold
Changing my mood
A promise you hold
Caresses for eyes
Soothing my soul
Slowing my pace
Gentle cool breeze.

Shell ✨🐚
Sweet autumn time.
392 · Jan 2021
Dream love ❤️
In the garden of your dreams
I’ll meet you there
Close your eyes and dream.
I’ll be waiting .

Shell ✨🐚
In your dreams everything is possible.
In your mind you can go everywhere you want to go, You can meet any soul.
390 · Feb 2021
Life- haiku
Life, like the universe itself
Full of darkness, full of light
Always moving.

Shell ✨🐚
Life a reflection of the universe
388 · Feb 2022
Quote 89🌷
Let the beauty of nature
heal your soul.
Let us be good to nature
then nature will be good to us too.

Shell 🐚✨
386 · Dec 2022
Christmas mandala
Find peace and comfort in colors of nature.
Search inner-peace for inner self.
Be connected with universe and Maker
Have Faith, be good and kind
to one another and yourself.
Pray for victims of hatred, famine and
ugly wars.
Help to change pain and suffering
into happiness and joy.

Shell ✨🐚
386 · Feb 2021
Warzone fear
It’s a real thing

A world so bold so  raw
No love nor care
A world of fear
Surroundings ***** dry
so cold
Eyes hauntingly empty
Asking why
Damaged souls
With irreversible holes
Nothing left to remember
Except this  fear

Silence and explosion
the only things to hear
No one, nobody not a child
has been spared
All there is
Are burning tears
And the smell of this fear

Those are the people
from   the war
Totally forgotten
by this world
Left behind
With nothing more
then  this killing fear

Shell ✨🐚
People, children of war zones know nothing then war. How do we expect that they will be able to love? What will happen with them?
386 · Jan 2021
Let us be like flowers in the sun
Always turning to the light
Always sharing
What a beautiful sight!
Shell ✨🐚
383 · Feb 2022
Love tenderly❤️
To be loved deeply, intensely
you yourself must
love deeply, intensely
Faith deepens faith
Love deepens love
Tenderness evokes tenderness
Love tenderly.

381 · Nov 2021
Child of mine
Love of mine
When I get old
Only lines upon  on my face
My eyes with pain
Smile still there
Only silently for knowing minds
The heart stays young forever
Most memories are lost.

Will you hold my hand
and comfort me
Before I find my way
Inside myself, no place to go
Think of heaven , only God knows.
I look at you and see a fear.
Fear for when I’m here no more.
Deep in your eyes, you’re not there.
Come back my dear so I can find myself.

Child of mine don’t cry
when I’m gone
You’ve made my life wonderful
My sunshine you will stay wherever I’ll go.
Just wanted you to know.
You made me happy all life long.
My love for you so pure
forever that light will shine
My sparkle in my eyes
Carry that through in your own family
when I’m no longer here.

379 · Jan 2021
Delicate flower 🌹
Delicate flower in the rain.
Don’t hang your head down
The rain is to gain
Essential for growth
and strength for your roots
As the sun will come
you’ll be flourishing too

Delicate flower in the sun
hold your head up before
light is gone.
Flourish  and bloom all day long,
showcase  your colors till sunset will dawn.

Delicate flower don’t you weep
Hang down your head
it’s time to sleep
When a new day begins
and sunrise  sets in
You’ll be blooming once more
And we’ll be happy again!

Shell ✨🐚
The beauty of flowers caresses not only the eyes but the soul too.
Humans are like flowers.
You can read it as a metaphor.
379 · Feb 2021
Waiting room
Touching image

Sitting  in the waiting room
Half covered faces
With eyes that say so much
Six feet in between places
Everyone together
Still alone on their own
Waiting get a swab.

Shell ✨🐚
Reality nowadays in the waiting rooms
378 · Jul 2023
All it takes
It costs nothing to smile
but a kind heart.
It costs nothing to pull someone up ,
when he is down
but a reaching hand.
It costs nothing to share the love
you have inside
to see one as they are
as we are.
Warm embrace.

Shell ✨🐚
Smile, love, care
It will make you happy.
377 · Dec 2022
Sunflowers 🌻 🌻
Flowers of light
Mirror image of fire planet
All beautiful faces looking at mother sun
Attracting butterflies and bees
in love
To be kissed gently .

Shell ✨🐚
377 · Dec 2021
Quote 77🌷
Life, like a string of pearls,
some white, some black
Good and bad experiences
a concatenation of moments
of rendezvous.
It’s all about the people in it.

Shell ✨🐚
373 · Jun 2021
Everything is a matter of time
Sometimes you just sit
Watch the time
You wait while time goes by
Then time goes so fast
Not enough time
To do all the things
Always in a rush
In the end
Time doesn’t wait
Doesn’t wait for a
life unfinished
Clock is ticking while
time stands still
Everybody’s gone
The wait is over
The light has left the eyes
No more rush
The time has come
To go home

Shell ✨🐚
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