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Oct 2020 · 861
The Art of Saying Goodbye
Pamela Oct 2020
A song of beauty, a storm of sadness
Coexist in my heart
Neath the stone cold outer, it hurts and heals
Letting in gale after gale, not once the lock holding fast
Limerence and love collide, collide
Reality and fantasy alternate, tide after tide

In one life, we live a million different lives
In one life, we traverse a thousand miles
Knowing or unknowing, we touch many a life
Some left despondent, some with smiles

So much to do, so much to say
So much regret we carry, each and every day
So many lessons learnt, yet not one nigh
Not one nigh the art of saying goodbye

Clouded by hunger and bound by thirst
We see what we want to, unless coerced
Nostalgic, for the past we mourn and yearn
The present awaits us, undiscerned
Life passes us by, mutely we spectate
Gate-crashed by ebbs and flows, rendered desolate

We do things wrong, we do them right
Lost in the immense horizon, we lose sight
Whatever our secrets, we confide in the night
For, the moon and stars, hold wisdom erudite

Long after it is gone, we stay and wait
What holds us back, it never abates
All the will we summon goes awry
For never have we known the art of saying goodbye
This speaks about how difficult it is for us to let go and say goodbye to something that doesn't exist anymore.
Aug 2020 · 468
Pamela Aug 2020
Me, I'm loveless
Chasing empty dream after dream
Holding on for so long
To something that's already gone downstream

You, you're loveless
For reasons I cannot fathom
Though I sense love seems to you
Like a bottomless chasm

Somewhere in this struggle,
love found you and me
When we need it most, love never lets us down

My heart, breaking into music
and my senses drifting away,
I fell for you.

It seemed like a heavy moment
You and me, cooped up
In the interval between one waning second and another..
Such a miniscule, yet such beauty

I swear I saw it in your faltering eyes
In the seconds you lingered near me
The throes of solitude
The longing to come close

I swear I heard it in the strain of your voice
You feeling that you had no choice

Why do you hide behind a veil of disdain
when your heart tells a different story?

Will we always remain two soundless hearts in love?

I have waited so long
To clasp your hand and take you far

I have longed night and day
To breathe in your scent and never let you go

Trust me, the daylight will never fade
And I will never leave your side
I know love's hard, but let's do this right
In our fanciest fantasies, let's reside

So my love, there goes it
A tiny piece of my heart, I place before you
Hoping that it renders my love true
Broken and bleeding, yet beating for you..
Jun 2020 · 166
A heart that once loved you
Pamela Jun 2020
When I see you smile
When I see you laugh
I wanna cling to you
Like you're my pillar
Once upon a time
You meant something to me
There ain't no one
Who could be your filler

Oh, who put this distance
between us?
Overwhelmingly long
for me to cross
Oh, who chalked out this plan
for us?
Because I don't talk with you
Even if you're across

Oh, how do I comfort        
A heart that once loved you?
Oh, how do I explain?

Oh, how do I destroy
your memories?
When I wanna live them all again..

It's so hard to say
But it's only fair
To say that I loved you
Though I didn't make it bare
I knew you cared
Just not enough
To say no more, I dared
As I called your bluff

Oh, why did the good times
have to end?
Like dew that melts
At the touch of
the morning sun?
Oh, why am I slipping
down a gaping hole?
Wishing with all my might
that the past were undone...

Oh, how do I comfort
A heart that once loved you?
Oh, how do I ease the pain?

With a single word
And a single look
You set me on fire again..

So soon a friend
So soon a stranger
It all happened overnight..

You lit me up
Like a thousand lights
Now I'm dark but my tears are bright..
This poem is about a love that existed, but remained untold and in the end, just vanished, leaving pain in its midst.
May 2020 · 205
Father's fetish
Pamela May 2020
My father doesn’t talk to me anymore.  
When I was two, I was his bundle of love. Every time he held me, you could tell that his eyes glowed with pride and affection.  
When I was seven, I ran to him crying. I told him there was a monster under my bed. And he told me, “Sweetie, monsters aren’t real.”
And when I was eleven, I knew he was lying. Because, he became the monster on my bed.
It started suddenly. The trips to my bedroom. The recurring hugs and kisses. The lying next to me. The caressing my hand. Then caressing everywhere.
And then the sudden mood swings. The looks. The alcohol.
Then the disrobing. Of me. The forced disrobing.
First, I resisted. Then, I gave in.
Later along the way, I gave up.
There were times when I tried to escape, but couldn’t. The ‘monster’ caught me when I tried to run. “No one runs away from home, sweetie” his dry voice still haunts me.
Every time I tried to talk about it, somehow the words stuck in my throat. ‘No one will believe you’ was what I told myself.  
Those cold fingers found their way about, just everywhere. Those colder eyes had seen everything to see.  
Then, the blow fell. I was destroyed. Wasted. Emotionally and physically. Now, the picture was complete.
“What did you even raise me for? For this?” was all I could manage before I fell into a deep slumber.
At times, I wondered. Just for a day, could I see? The dad I loved? The dad I believed in? At the least, a decent human being. And not the sick monster who preyed on me every night.
Then, one sunny morning the cops came. I’d finally done it.
“They took him away to a bad, bad place where bad, bad men live. You are safe now, sweetie” the officer told me.
The look on my father’s place was a mixture of regret and hate and disappointment. And curiously, relief.
My father doesn’t talk to me anymore.
May 2020 · 143
Gone but no goodbye
Pamela May 2020
I held you close, I felt your lips
I knew you so much, like I knew myself
I took in your eyes, I took in your warmth
I dissolved in a pool of your soft voice
I unlocked your being, I saw you unravel
Until you faded into the mist of nothingness
I had been dreaming again
Now I’m lonely and in pain…
Life stole you from me….
My soul shatters at your absence
Your memories wring me in and out
How do I ever unlove you
When I’d betrothed my heart, soul and existence to thee
Was I not worthy
Of  a single goodbye??....
My breath struggles as I try to suppress a scream
And then they flow, the tears and the madness
Like river currents
Unleashed by the pressing sadness within
You! You made me believe in love
Every inch of me longs for you to return
Oh please! Come back
I can live no longer
My breath’s struggling
And the end seems near
I’m lying abandoned, but there’s no ‘you’
No ‘you’ to steer me away from this grief
No farewells, no goodbyes
Just empty promises
You’re gone, and with you, gone is everything I ever had
I am still mourning
That you’re gone, without a goodbye…..
May 2020 · 130
Easy to love
Pamela May 2020
Curled up in your arms,
Looking into your eyes
And in them I see
A million reasons why
I fell in love with all of you
The moment I realized you were mine to hold
And mine to kiss
And mine to make love to
Only, how time passes!
And today, you’re still here
Not a passing dream
In love with you
More than I could imagine ever
I don’t want a candlelit romance
I don’t wanna dance under the stars
I don’t want a bed of red roses
With a sprinkle of rain upon my cheek
I just want you to hold me tight
And coat me with your kisses
Hold me close, let go never
Shackled to your eyes
Welded to your body
By the fever of excitement
That ripples across me when you come closer
This is enough, to last me for a very long time
Lying curled up in your arms
And looking into your eyes…
May 2020 · 243
Something more
Pamela May 2020
I can’t seem to get sleep today. I’m thinking about us.

Being friends with you has always felt different. As another friend of mine puts it ‘You look like you’re over the moon, around him.’ And it couldn’t be truer, I feel it too.

We are always together, during the break or while hanging out or wherever. I can’t seem to remember what my life felt like, before you happened.

I find myself looking for reasons to touch you. No, mister, that brush against your hand wasn’t unintentional. Don’t you ever believe that.

When it’s time to say goodbye, I see your eyes searching mine. I see your emotions clash, so do mine. And I see us wanting to do nothing about it.

I see us, in the distant future, old and wrinkled, carrying a baggage of regret.

Yesterday, I looked into the mirror and asked myself this question: ‘Are we mad?’ And I swear, I felt like a total sucker.  

And yes, we are mad. For finding something beautiful and not stopping by to appreciate it. For holding this incredible piece of treasure and trying to shove it all away. For feeling this lovely emotion and attempting to shun it.

Whatever you do, whatever you say, makes me want to laugh a little harder, love you a little deeper and trust you a lot more than I’ve ever done anybody.

That day you told me this ‘Love is nothing but wanting to be the best version of yourself for that special somebody.’ And that’s exactly what we are, to each other, our finest of the finest versions.

And yet we do not want to realize the truth, hanging between us like a ghost.

Are we so blind that we can’t recognize love even when it stares at us full in the eye?

Yes, sir, love finds you. But only if you’re willing to let it in.

So next time someone asks me if I have a thing for you, I will say ‘Yes, I do.’ Then I’ll sneak behind you and give you a big hug. I’ll hold your hand and tell you that you are not just a friend. That you are something more.
Best friends or something more???
May 2020 · 270
Mangled in love
Pamela May 2020
Oh heart! Let go
It’s way too late
How long can I stay at the mercy of fate?
Oh heart! Let go
Else I may break
No more sorrow can this soul take
Oh heart! Let go
For I no more can bear
Tread lightly upon this adulation’s lair
Oh heart! Let go
Of those eyes that shackle
For all of me is in shambles
Oh heart! Let go
Of the searing hunger
That let you walk alone in love’s cloister
Oh heart! Let go
Of those vacant stares
For in the end, no one cares
Apr 2020 · 110
Bruised and in love
Pamela Apr 2020
It's okay, it's not exactly heartbreaking
When I'm already broken and mending
But it hurts when the happiness I imagined
Seems close to ending.
Apr 2020 · 203
Find your flicker!
Pamela Apr 2020
You ever feel like driving a car
with headlights off,
in the middle of the night,
on a hazy day?

You go over that conversation
you had yesterday,
thinking that you could have been less incriminating.

You ever spend time writing out your plans
on a sheet of note paper and find it,
days later,
crumpled in your shelf?
And that tiny speck of self esteem inside you just dies.

You ever feel you have to tiptoe around your thoughts
because the 'real' you wouldn't approve of them?  

You lie awake half the night,
staring at the ceiling fan,
at the shifting shadows,
at the person next to you, lost in skepticism.

You remember that look somebody gave you
five years ago
one drizzly evening.
You remember that situation from last month,
wondering why couldn't you
have acted differently.

You ever feel like you're stuck in a loop?
An infinity loop?
Because that is just what over thinking is,
an infinite loop.
An endless assortment of 'what-ifs'.

Press 'Stop' and abort the mission.
Pull yourself together.
Give yourself that pep talk
go do whatever you always wanted to.
Every beam of light starts with a flicker.
Find your flicker,
it's out here.

Because one thought
is all it takes
to give you the most messed up picture of life.
And because one little thought
is all it really takes
to set things right again.
I've always felt that the main cause of unhappiness is overthinking. This poem is dedicated to everyone who thinks alike. Hope this motivates y'all!
Apr 2020 · 243
Sea of life
Pamela Apr 2020
Sail through the sea of life
What storm may be
With treasures awaiting
That you never can see..

Without worries,
Just with dreams
Sail through life
And cherish its realms...
Apr 2020 · 136
Pamela Apr 2020
You're my spring...
Without you,
I'm just one of those
fallen autumn leaves.
Apr 2020 · 157
Not gone
Pamela Apr 2020
And though he was long gone,
he wasn't gone from her heart
She knew that there was nothing
that could prise him apart.
Apr 2020 · 506
One question
Pamela Apr 2020
I'm not perfect, no one is.
I'm broken, like a thousand others.
It's no handicap, yet it's hard to live with.
It's no luxury, yet it's impossible to live without.
'It' meaning 'you'.
Thoughts of you.
Fantasies of you.
All of you.
I have loads of questions to ask of you, tugging at my brain.
Yet I prefer just one.
Out of curiosity.
Who broke your heart so that you chose never to love again?
Who broke your heart so that you choose to give others pain?
Quick fact: 'Sorrow doesn't go away if you share it, it multiplies a millionfold.'
Why don't you,
for once,
try giving away those
'still alive and breathing,
still expectant and waiting' pieces?
And get some of mine in return?
Let's see how our souls interwine.
You in?
This poem is a question that all one sided lovers have. This poem starts off with the proclamation of love, followed by the question and ends with a proposal of love.
Apr 2020 · 442
What's love?
Pamela Apr 2020
What happens to love unrequited?
Does it go back to the lover?
Or does it find another target?
Does it dissolve in the pool of tears shed?
Or does it stay in the heart and weigh it down?

What happens to love untold?
Does it stay in the silence of its own being?
Or in the many little gestures?
Does it find peace in the saddest of melodies..

What happens to love denied?
What happens to love destroyed?
Does it stay in the injustice of it?

Is love all-knowing?
Or is it an ignorant fool?
Is it a product of vulnerability, or maybe the cause itself?
Is it the stairwell to heaven or hell?
Is love overdosed, like *******?
Does it overshadow real pain?
Does love even exist?
Or is it a phantom of your dreams?
Is falling in love the vertigo 'dizzy' ?
Or the comfort 'fuzzy'?
Is the promise of love an eternal lie?
Maybe love is just that - a million unanswered questions, a thousand gazes unmet....
This poem is a result of my musings and curiosity about what love is, when it is one-sided. This poem is a conclusion.
Apr 2020 · 234
Quiet Disquiet
Pamela Apr 2020
The world is sleeping
under the covers of a silent night.
The stars are peeping
from the recesses of a languid sky,
musing about the unusual calm of an
else boisterous planet.
The night air ridden of its usual clamor, seems to sing a silent eulogy
to all those lost lives.
we humans try to maintain
a facade of calm
masking our ruffled insides,
as we catch on to the air of edginess surrounding us.
Apart from the gentle rustle of the trees and the occasional bark of a dog,
even the cacophony of the birds and insects has died down,
as every living thing is hushed.
They lie in a drugged slumber.
Along with sun up, rises the anticipation of yet another day,
as we feverishly repeat
the actions of the previous day,
with an undercurrent of
self righteousness.
This abides day after day.
This poem is about the time of quarantine, about how different life was. This is an ode to that crisis which shook the world.
Apr 2020 · 1.1k
Nail polish
Pamela Apr 2020
That day when we first spoke,
your first words to me were
'Your fingers look cute'.
To which I replied
that I didn't think so,
that my fingers were too thick and my nails shapeless.
You said that they were
the most beautiful fingers
you'd ever seen
pink nail paint suited them.
That day,
I fell in love
my fingers, pink nail polish and you.

Every time we met, you made it a point to tell me that
my fingers were beautiful,
rubbing against them with yours and smiling that crooked smile of yours
when I blushed.

Each of our meetings, every step of our love story
was witnessed by that pink nail polish, as if to bear testimony to
our secret relationship.

That day when you confessed that there was someone else,
my fingers broke down before I could.
I asked you point blank
you'd been calling her fingers cute too. Your silence was chilling.

The pink nail paint bottle is empty, just like my life without you.

'Now, who's there to call us lovely?'
my fingers ask me.
I have no reply.
This poem is about a girl who gets cheated on by the boy she loves. It describes her sadness and hopelessness in a figurative language.
Apr 2020 · 124
My stormy heart...
Pamela Apr 2020
Sometimes I have no clue
Bout where my life is heading to
Sometimes everything seems plain obscure
And it just doesn't come to me to see what I need to
I'm so full of thoughts
But I can't find the right words
I am the picture of loneliness
Or so I think
I badly want to talk about it
But I don't tell all even to the closest one
What is it that is happening ?
Have my worst fears come true ?
Is it love that has come ?
Or is this some sort of wild despair ?
That's caught hold of me.

I only fear the day
When you see me the way I do...
Then will every single thing be put into place
And fit into its assigned space.
Your deductions may be right or wrong
But they'll sure hold some truth

I keep telling myself that it's not what I think it to be
I keep acting like a despo
That whole stupid side of me
That's meant to be hidden is all brought out into the open
For me and me alone to see and relish.

Oh ! It's too confusing
And, man, isn't it complicated too ?
Am I drunk or what ?
I feel both high and low

"Leave me alone thoughts !" I say
"Just ******* gimme a moment."
"And emotions, you all **** at timing !"
"You're possibly the meanest on Earth."

Every little thing, every little event
Every little laughter, every little gaze
Adds to the pain
Only effing adds to the already high pile of **** accumulated.

One minute I laugh, next minute I cry
You can't even fathom what's going on inside me
A hell lot of crap to be dealt with
I only hope it's not just me.

Is it or is it not ?
That's gotta be the eternal question
Who's eternal answer is the elixir of life
God be ******, I'm so confused rn.

Wish I could die and rot away
Like what the heck is this ?
Hell's better, underworld's calmer
Than my stormy heart.

There's nothing that could calm it
It's all a mess
One Big Mess - this is official.
I'm done with all this, done with the world
Done with everything forever.
This poem is about a girl who finds herself on the verge of falling in love and is not able to accept it.

— The End —