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Sep 2020 · 931
Being Drawn to Father God
James Sep 2020
Depression at its finest,
from the darkness ever shineth.
Save me now O my God;
Jesus, my King, here I stand.
If this Your punishment be,
I willingly accept with glee.
If this be of the serpent wee,
O Lord deliver me!
God, I've sinned.
A seed has rooted deep within!
Your chastisement Lord,
of love it is; I'm in accord.
Perhaps not over but bring me through,
Up from the bottom of the cold, deep blue...
Repentance is daily. Turn your face to the Lord and bow your heart at His cross. Rejoice! He is the great Deliverer! Up from the grave rose Jesus Christ! There is victory in our Lord of lords.
Sep 2020 · 345
Letter to My Lord
James Sep 2020

Help me decide help me to know,
which seed it is You want me to sow.

Be with me and never leave,
through all this joy and even grief.

Wisdom impart lest I depart,
I'll follow Your will;
We'll be Writer and quill.
Which way does Jesus want me to go? I know He'll tell, I only need to follow and obey.
Sep 2019 · 540
My Lord
James Sep 2019
Christ: by sinners slain.
He rose again, to forever
He is my Lord,
He is my God,
He is my King.
My Father, He will ever be.
Creator He is,
Sinner I was,
But now my heart
Is His.
Praise Jesus for His redeeming heart.
May 2019 · 413
Deliverance is Near
James May 2019
Thoughts of death,
Images of suicide;
In my head, do they reside.
I try to withdraw,
I try to escape;
But instead, my soul goes blank.
The enemy encamps me,
They want me so greatly;
But my Father, keeps me proficiently.
It's just for now,
For the hour is approaching;
The kingdom is at hand: my King is coming.
Be not afraid,
Ye children of God;
Our Father in heaven, is more than a god.
He suffered and died,
For you and for all;
Be not afraid, for Jesus won't fall.
As Christians, we will endure longsuffering. We will go through things that are unpleasant. The enemy surely surrounds us, they encamp against us. They lay seige to us. But our Father dwells within us, and the demons cannot enter. God will keep you, turn to the Lord <3
Apr 2019 · 488
Questions and Answers
James Apr 2019
What if the world was perfect?
What if man never fell?
What if the serpent had no lie to tell?
There would be no enemy to resist;
But I would cease to exist.
No sorrow to feel, but no deal to seal.
No stumbling block,
But no promised Rock.
I thank the Lord for the way it is:
For this broken world, which is still His
God sent Christ to die, to take our sins away;
But raised Him again that glorious third day!
Here I am, a child of the King;
my sins forgiven, what a wonderful thing!
I walk this path, close to the Lord, He my shield and portion be.
Life You've brought to me, because of the blood of the sacrificial Lamb.
Wings like eagles You have given me:
From the enemy my God has delivered me!
Thank You, for the cross Lord.
The Lord is so great, and merciful beyond imagination. Give your heart to Him, and ask our Father in heaven to give you His grace. To forgive your sins because of what Jesus has done for you.

"How that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures." -1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Feb 2019 · 401
God's Salvation
James Feb 2019
My Lord the Redeemer,
Lord God my Deliverer.
Reaching down from above,
As graceful as a dove,
Never ceasing with Your love.
I owe it all to You,
Because when I was sitting on that pew,
You called me into life anew.
You washed away my sins,
Life You breathed within.
On calvary hill,
You were still,
Lord You bowed to the Father's will.
You died for my sins;
Laid in a tomb,
In which You did not stay,
You rose again that glorious third day!
In Heaven You are,
Waiting for me,
To bow my heart, and bend the knee.
I worship You Lord,
Because all that for love,
The least I could do,
Is praise Your name above.
The Lord God, my Lord God, is greatest and above all other names. He reached into my wretched, sinful life, and pulled me up into His love. He would do the same to you, if you would only hear His word and believe it.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -John 3:16
Talk to God, admit that you have sinned and that your sin is wrong. Believe in you heart the verse above, and ask the Lord to come into your life and forgive your sins. God bless
Feb 2019 · 450
O Glorious Lord
James Feb 2019
Your awesome power Lord,
Never ceases to amaze me Lord,
With Your greatness and glory,
You write out Your story,
My Lord goes before me,
And lights up for me.
God Your creation,
Bows in amazement,
You control the winds and the seas,
You form the rocks and the trees,
You give provision to the birds of the sky,
You make my soul not shy.
You bring honey from the bee,
Life You breathe into me.
Lord You shine bright,
To the darkness You give fright.
You are cloud by day and fire by night,
You are the light.
God is so glorious and greater than all you problems, focus on Him.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." -Matthew 6:33
Feb 2019 · 242
Sweet Pain
James Feb 2019
Here I am,
With seething pain,
Lord wet the sand,
Bring back the rain.
Though I sit, amidst the storm,
You hold me still;
Lord You reign.
Please let me feel,
The rushing waters,
Of Your Holy Spirit,
Full of love.
My strength and shield be,

"For thou hast been a shelter for me, a strong tower from the enemy." -Psalm 61:3
"For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth." -Hebrews 12:6

"For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth." -Proverbs 3:12
Jan 2019 · 241
Depression: Not forever
James Jan 2019
Seething pain, deep inside,
I'm a wretch, why can't I die?
Through the valleys deep and low,
Sinking down how far must I go?
Dark and scary getting weary,
Falling faster falling further.
Deep down I go, into the abyss,
No light in sight, oh how much I miss.
How can I do it, what must be done??
The deeper I go the darker this gets,
How evil I am with many regrets.
I'm falling now, suspended in stillness,
The further I go, the darker this is, all my feeling just vanishes.
With feelings bled away, happiness can not stay.
I'm lying here in numbness but I'm here okay?
Can't feel anything,
Make it go away!
This is not for nothing, it's all for something,
The Lord's returning, I know He's coming.
Though I can't rest, it's for the best,
God's will is the awesomest!!
I'm suffring here, but more He did there➕               
On the cross He hung, dead and still,
Thank You Lord, for dying on that hill.
But up He rose, on the glorious third day,
So here I'll wait, for His happiness again.
He's still with me, as from the start,
I'm filled with joy, because He won't depart!
Bless You Lord, for your gift of love,
I thank You Lord for Your loving heart.
Depression is hard but the Lord gives wings like eagle's so we can fly above
Jan 2019 · 337
James Jan 2019
Do not fear,
Do not forget,
The Lord is here,
And has forgiven your debt.
He was and is, and is to come,
Do not fret, for He won't succum.
Through the night and through the storm,
Do not fright, He borms you with oil.
The day is clear, the night is warm,
The Lord is here, and gives you ear.
He was always there, in the night and in the storm,
Right with you: because of love.
Jesus my Lord,
You're all I need,
Be with me please.
Jan 2019 · 299
The Lord's Delight
James Jan 2019
In the beginning,
It was alright,
Until came along,
That black dragon of night.
His evil deeds were sly as a snake,
Though they seemed,
A shimmer of light.
With deeds of old,
And stories untold,
He wraps you up with self delight.
Do not let, your heart go cold.
There He is, I see Him now,
From over the hills my Savior comes.
"Why do you follow him?" He asks with His eyes,
"I don't know Lord." I say in reply.
"Come over here, let me touch your eyes."
His gentle hands pry open my eyes,
The veil removed,
My heart renewed.
Listen here, I tell you now,
Go away to never return.
The dragon of old with stories untold,
Shakes and trembles at the name of the Lord.
Do not fear,
Not filled with strife,
The Lord is here with you,
Through the night.
Jan 2019 · 192
God's salvation
James Jan 2019
There I was, in the midst,
Of that dark world, with a twist.
The days dragged on with pain upon, it will not stop,
What must I do?
"I'm right here." He said with glee,
"O Lord God please hear my plea!"
"Confess your sins and open your heart, then we'll never be apart."
"Yes my Lord you are all, please fill up this maw filled hole."
He filled me up, to the brim.
Now overflowing, not found with grim, I serve my Lord with love and joy!

— The End —