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Eve Apr 2018
I remember the night I realized you changed
We were sitting on your bed together
As close as two people could possibly be
The comfort we had grown to know
was tainted by a strange unfamiliarity
that I did not understand
I turned to you
We were so close it was all just blurry lines
face to face I stared into your eyes
a deep brown comfort I had grown to know
had somehow changed
No longer bright at the sight to see me
The love I once saw had vanished
Darling, I could see the pain in your eyes
You knew how close the end was
though you tried to hide it
I could see the overwhelming dreams escaping your stare
The desperate longing for something more
I then realized the uselessness in trying to keep you here
You sensed my painful epiphany
and pulled me close
holding me in you arms
Suddenly I felt an unbearable pain
with a sinking stomach,
I realized that I was here in your arms
but we were already oceans apart
Your thoughts were miles away
and I could not reach you
I finally understood nothing could make you stay
You had already left
Eve Mar 2018
I will never forget the moment I knew
I loved you
The night before you left
the first of many journeys
you would take
Three long months you would be gone
you were almost finished packing
I laid on your bed
my head on your chest
listening to your slow heartbeat
your chin comfortably rested on me
occasionally kissing my forehead
your arm draped around me,
softly resting your hand on my waist
we laid to together so naturally,
our bodies seemed to fit together perfectly
for what  seemed like forever
we held each other
what a short forever it was.
we walked outside together
as we said our final goodbyes
quickly and suddenly we embraced each other
holding one another in a desperate closeness
knowing the emptiness we would soon feel
in that moment,
I realized the deep love that had grown for you
the small seed planted long ago had suddenly grown
blossoming and rooting deep into my heart
I realized that I wanted desperately for you to stay
close to me
for you leaving I knew
would cause my heart to break
Eve Apr 2018
They say burned out flames
should never reignite
but my love,
I always thought you might.
I'm still forever hoping you will come back to me someday.
Eve Jul 2020
In that moment, what do you remember seeing?
       :My eyes were closed.
What do you remember feeling?
       :His hands. 

Tell me more about that?

       :Him touching me. His breath.

What did you smell?

Where were his hands touching you?

Was this on top or underneath your clothes?

How did it make you feel? 
       :Like a doll. Like I was a *** doll. A toy.

What if anything, you can’t forget about that moment?
       :I can’t forget how helpless and alone I felt. I can’t forget how long
        it felt.
Tell me more about that?
   :I don’t know… can I take a break
What happened after that?
       :I don’t know. I don’t remember anything after that. I don’t
        remember falling asleep.
Let’s talk about the following morning. Was he still on the couch with you? 
What if anything you can’t forget about the next morning? 
       :I can’t forget the feeling of waking up naked not knowing what happened. I felt numb and empty. I was alone in a city that I didn’t know. I
        remember looking at him sleeping on the couch before I left, I
        couldn’t believe he did that to me… I thought we were friends
Eve Mar 2018
There is nothing you wanted more
than to leave this place
constant fantasies
of running away
with your hand in mine
a beautiful dream
to forget this town
just the two of us
starting fresh
a new life

You did it my love
you followed that dream
made it reality
in hopes of a new life
you left this town
and started fresh
but my love,
you also left me
Eve Apr 2018
I was never really afraid of the end... Rather I was afraid of the way I knew that you would pretend like we were never even friends.
Eve Apr 2018
I have a deep fear
One I cannot get past
A fear that controls me
Making me distant
Preventing me from moving forward.
I’m afraid of love
Of making connections
Of being vulnerable again.
I’m terrified of opening up
Of showing people my heart
Terrified that they will leave
As so many have done before.
I'm alone and broken
left with only fragments
Of my shattered heart
Unable to pick up the pieces.
A brokenness caused by the very person
I once trusted to protect it.
I need someone
Someone to sweep up my shattered mess
Someone to love me.
But my fear prevents me
From letting people in
From asking for help
Because all I’ve grown to known
Is the cruel pattern of abandonment.
I’m desperately longing
To create something of substance
So that my heart can finally mend
To fill this emptiness
but I can't--
fear trumps desire
As I meet new people
people I want so badly to trust
people I want to love.
Fear hardens my heart each time
Stone walls to protect the remains
Of my brokenness.
The terror of falling in love again
Trusting people with my fragile heart
Being vulnerable
separates me from these beautiful people.
The fear I’ve created for protection
Only causes me pain.
Eve Mar 2018
Forever is a lie
an idea conjured up
for comfort
and relief
Forever is a feeling
not a measurement of time
nonexistent in reality
but only in our minds
within simple moments
it can feel like forever
but sadly,
a moment cannot last that long
Eve Apr 2018
I don't hate you
I hate what I let you do
the way I gave you control
I hate that I still care
When you don't think of me at all
Darling I don't hate you
Even though I try and make it seem that way
It's easier like that
To pretend I don't care
To pretend your leaving didn't hurt
But the reality is it did
It hurt like hell
It broke me
But even still
I can't hate you
In fact,
I am thankful for you
I'm thankful that you came into my life
And taught me how to love
You opened my eyes
And showed me who I could be
That love exists
That life has meaning
You helped me grow
And impacted my character
So how could I hate you?
When you taught me so much
It's true I still love you
It's true I still care
But how could I not
When you made me believe
In love
In a future
Even if
it's not with you
Eve Apr 2018
I realized something today
As I am stuck in the same place
As you are far away
I've let you control me
Even when you aren't in my life
You've dictated my happiness
For much too long
I was in love
With everything about you
For so long I've made myself believe
I still loved you
And yes darling it's true
I am still in love
But not with you
I'm in love with who you used to be
I'm in love with the way you once made me feel
I'm in love with the beautiful memories
But that's the thing
I'm only in love with who you were
And all you once meant to me
I don't know who you are now
So how could I possibly be
Still in love with you
When you are now a stranger
I don't miss you
I miss who you were
I miss being in love
I only miss the moments I have lost
So yes I admit
I will always be in love
I will always miss you
But not the way you think
Eve Apr 2020
The sun runs away
cruelty brings the cold
your power and strength
I'm under your hold
Empty and alone
no one around
don’t say anything
don’t make a sound
Yes I stay quiet
when you call me lover
Yes I stay quiet
as you mock all my words
My body your desire
my heart collapses
my thighs on fire
I’m silent, so quiet
in the night
in your hands
Bound by Silence
dreading the sun
And all that comes
With his return
Eve Mar 2018
I still water your flower
planted in me long ago
constantly nurturing the small hope
that someday a flower will grow again

    The moment we met,
a small seed was planted our hearts
we spent each day together
the dormant seed remained

    With time I realized,
the tiny seed inside of each of us
had begun to sprout and grow,
blossoming into the most beautiful flower

    We were connected to each other
through the beauty we shared.
an unmatched closeness
that I believed would never break

    The flower continued to blossom and grow
as our time together passed
rooting deep into our hearts
it seemed nothing could grow between us

    As time went on I realized
Your flower was different
your roots weren’t as deep as mine
and my heart constantly had to water for the both of us

    Your roots were shallow
barely penetrating the surface
my roots were deep and strong
a labyrinth of chambers enveloping my heart

    The undeniable day has now come
as you realize you cannot water our flower anymore
you move on
ripping our flower out from between us.

    Our feelings and emotions were the same
both sad about what we had lost
although similar,
a drastic difference separated us

    when our flower was ripped away,
you pulled yours at the roots
like an unwanted ****
yet my roots remained

    They remained
naked without their flower
a hideous plant
empty but surviving

    So my love, I will continue to water your flower
that was planted in me long ago
constantly trying to nurture the hope
that someday your love will bloom in me again
Eve Dec 2018
It felt so good
To slowly watch
As you slipped from my mind
Faded out of my life
As I gradually let go
Of you,
Someone I once begged to stay
now glad to watch go
And even though it hurt
It felt so good to finally forget
Now free to be happy
And live my own life
And no matter how much you meant
No matter how much I loved you
I'm finally at peace
And this is not to say
That I have forgotten
Because I will always remember
The beauty
The pain
The love that we shared
Yes I still love you
But I’ve learned to let go
Eve Apr 2018
I will forever remember
Those beautiful deep brown eyes
That you thought were so plain.
But darling, you could not see:
how could you possibly see?
The way they shined in the sun
breathtaking hues of mahogany
Melting into golden rays
Circling an eclipse
your “plain brown eyes”
truly aren’t plain at all
they are a stunning mixture
of every color known to man
The most beautiful sunset on earth.
Your eyes are the most vivid memory I have of you, even after all of these months. You always used to call your eyes "boring and plain" and even called them "**** brown." But to me, your eyes were the most beautiful color I've ever seen. You know when you mix a bunch of colors together and it all turns brown? Thats how I viewed your eyes... The deep brown was just a mixture of everything you could offer the world.
Eve Mar 2018
Love today is worthless
Now the norm
Society has developed an obsession,
with obsession
quickly diluting love;
Once rare
fresh blooming roses.
now dull;
stripped of color from overuse.
love should be rare,
a needle in a haystack
what is love worth if we always have it?
Eve Aug 2019
A child of the Sun
      Her golden miracle
            The touch of Midas
                  like melted caramel.
She flows through your veins
      and seeps through your skin
            A breath of warm honey
                  I thaw once again.
She caresses your face
      leaving stains of rose
            With benevolent kisses
                  she dusts your nose.
Hair touched crisp
      by her scarlet aura
            Burnt orange hues
                  Warm curls of lava.
Through gentle strokes
      you paint my days
            with transcendent smiles
                  like soft morning rays.
Oh your sparkling eyes
      glazed in undying fire
            You are my sunrise
                  It’s you I desire.
Eve Apr 2018
Why is letting go of you
the hardest thing I'll ever do
when you said goodbye to me
so easily
I can’t forget it
though I’ve tried
I can’t erase it
from my mind
I just replay your love
I think of it all of the time
because I don’t want to live
in a world without you
so now I’m stuck
in an everlasting blue
constantly wishing for your return
but you have moved on
we've had our turn
our beautiful fire
has already burned
Maybe its foolish
to hope for a spark again
but I will never let go
I will never give in
my darling I loved you then
I love you still
I love you now
and I know I always will
I feel so pathetic for still caring so much about you when I know you never will but I don't want to imagine a life without you in it. You have moved on and started a new life but I am still stuck in the same place, in the same town, and I'm still letting my love for you control my happiness.
Eve Apr 2018
Your eyes changed
just like the seasons
In the springtime
Your eyes were happy
Bouncing with curiosity
tracing my face
with innocent wonder.
As warm gusts of wind
thawed our frozen hearts
Beautiful buds of premature flowers
anxious to blossom
rooted deep into our souls
as spring showers nourished the hope
that something fresh would soon sprout
The excitement of new beginnings
quickly appeared

Summer came in the blink of an eye
a comforting warmth
enveloping us in a heated passion
familiarity cascaded over us
as we grew closer
spending every moment together
hand in hand
eyes warm and peaceful
endless clear skies
softly yearning for my touch
your stare was carefree
brighter than the summer sun
nothing else mattered
As summer faded,
a chilly breeze delicately brushed
our innocent faces
an unsuspected warning
of what we would become

Fall entered our lives
an uninvited visitor
changing everything
Your eyes changed their color
as life drains from fall leaves
the beautiful love
that once danced
in those deep brown eyes
soon faded
into dull emptiness
your love fell apart like the trees
becoming barren and empty
Once full and beautiful
only fragile branches remain
skeletons of past beauty
a constant reminder
of what we had lost
your branches finally broke
out from under me
I guess I was just too hard to hold
yet somehow so easy to let go
and just like that, you were gone

As fall turned to winter
a cruel frost
swallowed the earth
mercilessly destroying
everything beautiful
that desperately tried to survive
My world lost it’s color
every sky turned to grey
your silence was colder
than any winter I’ve ever known
The bitter day I saw you
on that crowded street
your unexpected return
tying knots in my stomach
I didn’t know you were back
our eyes met
for a brief moment
immediately my heart sank
unprepared for the brokenness
I suddenly faced
Your icy stare
stirred a blizzard in my heart
swallowing it whole
destroying the smallest hope
that kept it alive
your cruel winter eyes broke me
They encompassed my soul
in a bitter ice
an everlasting winter
that will never meet springtime again.
Eve Sep 2018
Oh my love, tell me why
things didn’t feel right to you
you look at me its like
you’re looking right through
Theres a look in your eyes
I can’t place anymore
it’s like you don’t love me
like you did before
Darling the sun is setting
on you and I
my heart is broken
by your solemn goodbye
shadows are settling
on the place you left
all that remains of me
is just a silhouette
my soul is empty
I am hollow
for I know
you will be gone tomorrow
Eve Mar 2020
Empty parking lot
So long, no real plans
An open ended invitation
I guess- Why not?
Keep your distance
Draw the line
Too late, too late
Red windows, white lies
the earth falls away
And there’s no one around
I waited too long
I can’t make a sound
My desires
Left to interpretation
Trying to scream
Lungs on fire
Surge of desperation
Muffled by silence
Eve Jun 2019
I will shed
All of this skin
Down to the
very bone beneath
If that’s what
It will take
To rid myself
Of your sin
Its so difficult- to keep experiencing things that have the power to break me to such an extent that I can physically feel the pain in my heart. It’s so hard to continue to be strong, despite everything thats happened and It’s hard to keep smiling for the sake of others when I feel like I’m breaking inside.
Eve Apr 2018
Time, why do you run from me
destroying everything
I’ve tried so hard to build?
Why do you tease me
gifting precious moments
only to rip them away?
Why do you play your evil game
causing the people I love
to suddenly disappear?
Why do you hate me
stealing my happiness
each time you move your hand?
Time, you are my enemy
Im constantly fighting
to hang on to the moments
I know you soon will steal.
So I desperately beg you
“please time please
be on my side
why can’t you just once
let him stay
I love him too much
don’t play your cruel game”
but you turn with a grin
and move your sly hand
I’m defeated again.
I know its too late
with tears in my eyes
I look at my love
and watch you laugh
as you steal him away.
Eve Mar 2018
It was an early Monday morning
when you said that we were through
Though I knew it was coming
the words still cut through me like a knife
I was on the floor
wrapped in your familiar embrace
you sat behind me
your lips slowly brushing my forehead
the comfortable silence we once knew
was tainted by an agonizing anticipation
of the inevitable conversation that soon would follow
your dreaded words sliced through the silence
“we have to end things”
these five simple words were filled with emotions
of sad wistfulness and pain
it amazed me how
these heartbreaking words could be said so lovingly
I turned to you
Choking back tears
I begged you not to leave me
I stared deep into your eyes
desperately searching for something familiar
a comfort I could not find
The eyes that I had once recognized
were somehow different
though they were the same on the surface,
I could now see the hopes and dreams deep inside
an overwhelming longing for something more
something that I could not give you
sadly I knew nothing else was keeping you here
it was selfish to try and convince you to stay
Even though I was breaking,
I told you to go
that I would be ok
I grasped you tightly
in a familiar embrace
with tears streaming down my cheeks
I breathed in your scent for the last time
trying to memorize it
For I sadly knew
that you would never come back to me
One of the saddest things in the world is feeling like you are holding someone back. Even though I love him more than anything else, I knew I had to let him go. I let him go because I loved him. There was nothing left keeping him here.
Eve Aug 2018
I once believed
the beauty of the fall
Lies in the purity
The ease and simplicity
of loving the right person
I believed this wholeheartedly
Until I fell
only once
And it broke me
I Fell so hard and deep
For the right person
The most perfect one
Everything was so natural
So beautifully simple
But I fell too fast
I took a leap of faith
I jumped off the edge
Into the terrifying unknown
I was in freefall
As I watched him slip away
Into the blackness
Like a shadow
Without a trace
It was too late
I was already falling
Spiriling so fast
towards nothing
Slamming into the emptiness
Shattering into a million fragments
the fall broke me
it broke my spirits
My idea of love
Theres something about falling
That just doesn’t seem worth it
Eve Dec 2018
A year and six months
Since the last time I saw you
Your sudden appearance
long overdue
you look so much older
Your hair is so long
Your eyes somehow colder
You ask me what’s wrong
And what can I tell you
What could I say
I guess that I miss you
I wish that you stayed
I guess I forgive you
For breaking my heart
For all you put me through
So I send my regards
To the man I once knew
because you are not the same
and neither am I
only life is to blame
so this is goodbye
Eve May 2019
Even still
No matter how long it’s been
Or how much I’ve grown
There stands a man
Somewhere unknown
Muddy locks of hair
Soft lips, sharp features
A soft golden stare
He stands with confidence
There’s love for him in me
And I in him
A love deep inside
He could have been mine
He should have been mine
But not in this life
Not this time
He was not meant for me
I am not meant for him
But still when our eyes meet-
And rarely they meet
We both know how the other felt
And all that we could be
There’s a spark that ever dies
Brighter than sun herself
But must remain inside
For there’s a man
With muddy rivers of hair
And beautiful brown eyes
Somewhere in the world
Who will never be mine.
Eve Mar 2018
Your name,
makes my stomach drop
fills my heart with an overwhelming joy
initiates a peace within my soul
comforts me
I do not say your name anymore
for I can’t bear the empty feeling it brings

Our songs
fill my mind with happiness
a connection that only we understand
beautiful melodies evoking emotions
that never grow old
I cannot listen to our songs anymore
for it doesn’t seem right to hear them without you

Our places
secret locations that only we knew
are special
not because of the place itself
but because we are together
I do not go to our places anymore
because it was you that made them special

Our pictures
filled with laughter and happiness
that only we can remember
these moments are special
even if only to us
I cannot look at our pictures anymore
for the beautiful memories are too much to bear

Our love,
the easiest part of life
exclusive to only us
the most natural connection
unwavering and strong
I do not think of our love anymore
because I know the connection we once felt is gone
Eve Mar 2018
Tonight we are strangers
knowing nothing about each other
I stare at you with infatuation
as you glance at me with curiosity

Tonight we are friends
playful teasing and harmless flirtation
our friendship blossoming
each hoping for something more

Tonight we are lovers
hearts racing in spontaneous passion
and an undeniable connection
fulfilling every desire

Tonight we are in love
blissfully sharing secrets and fears
comfortably embraced
nothing could come between us

Tonight we are different
your once familiar eyes have changed
you dream of something else
something that I cannot give

Tonight we are apart
there was nothing left for you here
your heart is somewhere else
while mine still belongs to you

Tonight we are strangers
knowing everything about each other
I yearn for our love to return
but you have forgotten
Eve Apr 2018
I will always be
the person
who remembers everything
about the one person
who forgot
Isn’t it ironic how all of it started out with me being in love with you and you weren’t in love with me? You didn’t even know i existed. Now it’s the same situation where I am hopelessly in love with you and you don’t love me at all. The difference is that now you know I exist, but you pretend I don’t.
Eve Jan 2019
You with your new love
And me with mine
I love him I do
and I know you love her too
but I can’t help noticing
Your all too familiar eyes
The way they crinkle at the corners
And sparkle at my sight
Theres a slight warmth in your stare
Subtly revealing the emotions
You’ve trapped deep inside
Our eyes meet
For a fleeting moment
a silent conversation
longings for the past
Flames dancing
The mouth’s sly grin
Your eyes softly whisper
What I always hoped was true
They say you remember
They reveal you still care
Memories flood from the past
Time stands still
And just for a second
I felt like we were back
Back when love was new
but as soon as it began
The moment was gone
And I was left staring
At your now apathetic eyes
****** back into reality
the wistful realization
The painful truth
Our time had passed
We each have moved on
So you turned to your love
as I turned to mine
and with one last glance
our eyes whispered
a silent goodbye
Eve Mar 2018
We used to sit together
in a comfortable silence
there was no need to speak
just being with each other was enough
We still sit in silence
but not because it is comfortable
now we just don’t know what to say
What changed my love?

We used to be together constantly
because being apart was unbearable
Nothing in the world mattered
only each other
Now you are always busy
there is no time to spend together
other interests have replaced me
What changed my love?

We used to dream of our future
magnificent plans of travel
promises of tomorrow
nothing could stand in our way
Now the dream is faded
too good to be true
slowly the promises you made are broken
What changed my love?

We used to talk every moment
constant texting when we were apart
talking on the phone all night
until one of us fell asleep
Now I can’t reach you
you ignore my calls and read my texts
gradually we talk less and less
What changed my love?

We used to hold each other close
nothing could separate us
our bodies merged into one being
two pieces in a perfect puzzle
Now you are distant
a chasm grows between us
replacing the closeness we once felt
What changed my love?

We used to know each other
Staring deeply into your eyes
that were bright at the sight of me
I could see that you loved me
Now your eyes are unfamiliar and dim
deeply yearning for something I cannot give
I don't know you anymore
You’ve changed my love.

— The End —