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Elijah Nicholas Mar 2015
No one is going to be there to cheer you on at three in the morning
When your demons are picking you apart.
No one is going to be there to stand by your side
When you're all alone facing Goliath.
While the world is sleeping,
You are fighting an empire.
The world will wake up in a couple hours
Oblivious to the fact that you were up all night
Fighting a war.
Elijah Nicholas May 2016
She looks at me not with love, but with hate. . .
Elijah Nicholas May 2015
The sound of our heavy breathing filled the silence around us.
Our bodies glistened with sweat
From the sunlight that pierced through the window blinds and rested on our skin.
There was nothing but love in the air
And your soul that was soaked into my bedsheets.
Elijah Nicholas Apr 2015
I'd rather have bad days with you,
Than good days without you.
Elijah Nicholas Apr 2015
"No wonder they all left."
Elijah Nicholas Apr 2016
No one really has answers—
Just stories.
Elijah Nicholas Aug 2014
I traced the outline of your fingers,
and I forgot about every single hand that had broke my heart.  

I tasted your lips for the first time,
and I forgot about every single goodbye that was ever said to me.

I looked into your eyes,
and I seen the next sixty years of my life.
Elijah Nicholas Apr 2015
How can I let
The demons from the past
And the ghosts inside my head
Keep me
From enjoying what has been placed in front of me.
Elijah Nicholas Oct 2014
I killed myself a long time ago.
Elijah Nicholas Nov 2014
Let me kiss you until
We forget whose air we are

Elijah Nicholas Mar 2015
**** the boy

Before he kills you
Elijah Nicholas Oct 2014
Is it strange that I find more comfort in the dark,
Than I do in the light?

Is it strange that I feel more at peace in the dark,
Than I do in the light?

Is it strange that I feel whole in the dark,
But not in the light?

Is it strange that I have found love in the dark,
And love has somehow, miraculously, found me?
Elijah Nicholas Sep 2014
Why waste my words on the dead?

Why construct and string together beautiful lines for the ones who brought me pain?

If you didn't want it then,
Why would you want it now?
Elijah Nicholas Jan 2015
Art is not meant to be looked at.

It's meant to be lived.
Elijah Nicholas Jun 2015
And here I am,
Picking up the broken pieces that he left.
But I'm not a janitor, baby.
Nor am I him.
I am an artist,
And I can create anything out of nothing.
You are the blank canvas
And I am the paint.
Elijah Nicholas May 2014
without you
isn't really what I had in mind.
Elijah Nicholas May 2015
Listen to the cadence of my heart,
and soul.

*It beats for you
Rachel Ann, I love you
Elijah Nicholas Sep 2015
We forget the things we want to remember,
Yet we remember the things we want to forget.
Elijah Nicholas Aug 2014
I looked into your eyes
and I seen the next
sixty years of my life.
Elijah Nicholas Aug 2014
I miss the way our voices tore away at the silence around us.
Elijah Nicholas Oct 2014
Just because you're complex,
Doesn't give you the right to be complicated.
Elijah Nicholas Jul 2014
We made love in the darkest hour of the night.  
With the moon and God as our witness,
The stars delivered our children:
Elijah Nicholas May 2015
I peeled off her Victoria Secret's.
Between her thighs I saw desire slowly dripping down her skin.
When I slipped my tongue between her slit
I could taste love, passion, and yearning,
and in her eyes I saw the way
I wanted to be looked at, forever.
Elijah Nicholas Jan 2015
People die for love,

I stay alive

For her.
Elijah Nicholas May 2014
don't tell her that I still write about her.
don't tell her that every chance I get, I steal a moment or two to think about her.
don't tell her that I miss the sound of her voice, the scent of her hair, and the way her fingers intertwined with mines.
don't tell her that I still think about the day our lips met for the first time,
and the way her eyes held my heart.
don't tell her that I miss her and the way her beauty marks sit perfectly on her cheeks.

I promised her I'd be strong.
but let me just have this one night.
just don't tell her.
Elijah Nicholas Nov 2014
Do you think God wanted to hold Eve's hand,
Whisper into her ear and tell her,
"I know what you did, and I know Adam doesn't know how to,
But I still love you and that's all that matters."
Elijah Nicholas May 2014
don't forget all the moments I've been there for you.
and all the times I took the time to make you feel understood when no one else could.
don't forget all the times I have tried everything in my power to make you feel better.
don't forget all the times I looked at you with my heart through my eyes.
and the way I held your hands as if they were as precious as your heart.
so please,
please don't forget me.
Elijah Nicholas Jan 2015
Ocean breath and salty lips,
We kissed the wounds that were carved into our skin,
And it burned.
We're swimming in an ocean we have never swam in before
And the farther we swim,
The longer we swim,
We will become free.
Free from everything that was latched onto us before we met.
They will call for us.
Scream for us.
Cry for us,
But we will swim,
And swim.

So let's go.

They can have the world,
We'll find our own.
Elijah Nicholas Jan 2015
The night sky above us was splattered with stars.
Millions of them.
Galaxies and constellations right before our eyes.
The universe was dancing and rejoicing
To a cadence that could not be heard, but only felt.
Elijah Nicholas Oct 2014
We stood on the edge,
"One, two, three, we jump," I said.
I jumped. You didn't.
Elijah Nicholas Apr 2015
Don't be so vain to think you're a *******.
I'm the whole log of ****.
Heaven has enough poets,
Satan needs a new advocate.
Something I told Paul hahaha. I thought it was pretty witty and clever
Elijah Nicholas Jan 2015
I will hold you
Like the sun
Holds the moon
And the ocean
Holds the sky.
Elijah Nicholas Nov 2014
Is it wrong to admit that there are moments when I doubt God?
Is it wrong to admit that there are moments when I doubt heaven exists?
Is it wrong to admit that maybe all of this is just made up
And my entire life and the foundation that I stand upon is a fraud?
To be honest,
I think not.
I think it's okay to doubt.
I think it's okay to think twice.
I think it's perfectly healthy to take what I heard and break it down in my head.  
I am a human being.
Flawed to the core of my very soul.

But it is in these moments when I remember,
Faith, the size of a mustard seed,
Can move mountains.

So these moments of doubt do not matter,
As long as I hold onto this seed.
This seed.
This seed of faith.
Elijah Nicholas Jul 2014
The crown of creation.
The Master's finishing touch.
She is the crescendo.
The ascent and downfall of humanity.
She is God's final masterpiece,
And in one single moment brought all of creation to it's knees.

But she is the sun of The Son.
Reflecting off light into the darkest part of the night,
And into my life.
Her eyes hold more mystery than a thousand stars put together.
Weaved into the fibers of her soul is a puzzle waiting to be solved.  
And every word from her mouth forms another constellation,
And ignites a fire in the crevices of my soul.
She is Jesus in the flesh.
More precious than diamonds,
More powerful than an atomic bomb.
Just like the ocean,
She is untamable.
I was at a party the other night, and my friend told me and my other friend to write about how we see women.
Elijah Nicholas May 2014
an open book
with a lot of
missing pages.
Elijah Nicholas May 2015
I am enough.
I am enough.
I am enough.
I am enough.
I am enough.
With or without you,
**I am enough.
Elijah Nicholas Jan 2015
but you are my Kryptonite,

and my Lois Lane.
Elijah Nicholas Oct 2014
I can feel the way the earth shakes as we step onto the path that has been carved for us,
I can feel the way the ocean begins to cadence to our every rise and fall,
and the way my spine begins to burn every time our lips dance over and over again,
I can feel the way my body disintegrates every time our eyes meet,
and the way our souls are dancing to a song that we have never heard before,
but it is beautiful.

It is beautiful.
Elijah Nicholas Jul 2014
when no one else didn't.

I loved you,
when no one else didn't know how to.
Elijah Nicholas Jul 2014
I gave you the power to control my emotions.
I let you into deeper places that not even God could touch.
I gave you the power to control my happiness
And even carved a spot into my brain just for you.
When you left,
I breathed life into the memories and moments we shared and kept replaying it
Over and over again.
I destroyed myself.
I destroyed myself.
I destroyed myself.
Elijah Nicholas May 2014
if I had a single flower for every time I think about you,
you could walk forever
in the garden you've always wanted.
Elijah Nicholas Dec 2014
I would break every heart,

And break every soul

Then **** myself

Before you get another chance to see me again.
I will love everyone the way I have love you
And they will not understand
Why I will do the things I do.

They think I will engrave my name into their souls,
When really,
It will be yours.
Elijah Nicholas Jun 2014
I wouldn't have gave myself away
to people who didn't deserve it.
I would have waited
and saved it
for someone
like you
Elijah Nicholas Mar 2015
When confusion comes,
And the rooster crows.
When darkness settles,
And coldness falls,
I will hold your hand,
Through it all.
Rachel Ann
Elijah Nicholas Jul 2014
but the more I write,
the more I remember.
Poetry is the art of letting go
But why am I still holding on.
Elijah Nicholas Oct 2014
There will always be that one person who will touch you in those deepest, darkest places that no one has ever touched before.
There will always be that one person who, whenever you hear their name, will break your heart all over again.
And along with the heartbreak, the memories of you and them will flood your mind once again.
There will always be that one person who you will literally tear down all your walls for.
The person who can bring down the rain, and then call down the fire.
The person who you would do anything just to feel their hands again,
And feel them right next to you.
There will always be that one person who broke your heart,
But you would do it all over again,
Because it was so worth it.
Elijah Nicholas Nov 2014
Every time we kiss the stars burn a little brighter,
The wind howls a little louder,
And the universe holds it's breath just a little longer.
Off in the distance another star is being formed and another star is falling apart.
I hold your hand,
And the ocean ascends higher,
And the moon pulls a little harder.
You do not notice it,
But when your lips meet mines,
The world and everything in it stops moving,
And it feels for once,
The universe and I are one.
I wrote the first thing that came to mind.
Elijah Nicholas Oct 2014
Don't be upset when love leaves.
Just simply hold the door open,

Look them in the eye,
Smile and say:

"Thank you for stopping by."
Elijah Nicholas Oct 2014
I strummed your heart strings the way I played a guitar.

But I didn't know how to play a guitar,

And I never did know how to make beautiful things.
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