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2.6k · Jan 2016
Limerick 1
There once was a mage named Stella
Who looked just like Cinderella;
She sang with the faeries
And ate lots of berries
Till she was big as a fella!
2.5k · Jan 2016
Faerie Dragon Dance
Everything around me starts to sing,
Everything’s like an enchanted dream,

As the faerie dragons dance together,

I feel the warmth of their light beam.

All the little creatures gather round

I'll tell you a story about a romance
About a sparkle and a flame who burned
As bright as the faerie dragon dance.
2.0k · Jan 2016
Sweet Lullaby
Sweet lullaby take me away
Cuddle me in you arms
Help me find peace one more day.
1.9k · Jan 2016
A Brand New Day
A brand new day
I open my eyes
A glow on my face
To see the sunrise

A friendly smile
A hug or two
coffee's brewing
A love so true
1.7k · Feb 2017
Look at me
Look at me
I'm here
Like a snowflake
Passing you by
Like a teardrop
In your eye

Look at me
I'm here
A speck of dust
Floating in mid air
A small fly
Tangled in your hair

Look at me
I'm here
Before your eyes
I won’t be shown
And just like that
You'll be alone
1.2k · Jan 2016
The Doll
A doll was tattered and worn
Made with white porcelain
And tangled white hair;
worn out from despair.

Sitting in a graveyard,
Nowhere else to go.
Leaning against a tombstone.
A place she cannot leave alone.

And the snow begins to fall
On her tattered silken dress
Thinking of what she once had
A soul like her that she called "dad"

Nothing to be heard for miles,
The silence is almost dreary.
The only sound you hear is snow
Not even from the ground below.

A small knock she hopped for
A small sign of presence.
But the heavy snow fills the space,
Until it covered the dolls white face.

The forceful wind began to blow
the piercing cold hurts her so
An icicle falls from her eyes of blue,
This was the moment she finally knew.

She realized he couldn’t speak
That dreaded disease had made him weak.
All is white without a trace.
She closed her eyes for one last time
As she felt his warm embrace.
1.2k · Jan 2016
The Fool
You really where a fool to think
That I believed the words you said.
I think back now and laugh out loud,
You where the foolish one instead.

You showered me with lovely gifts
And gently played with my blonde curls,
But you must be a fool to think
That I'm one of your little girls.

And now I think of all those hours
I spent with you for nothing,
Cause you are just a fool my friend
To believe that you are something.

If only you weren’t a fool dear
You would know how much you saved me,
By disappearing from my life;
How so happy you have made me!
1.1k · Jan 2016
Winter In Montreal
This cruel winter wind
Is like a thousand daggers
Piercing through my skin
My first Haiku :)
1.1k · Feb 2016
The Pervert
I was unlucky to cross your path.
As the helpless butterfly
trapped in a spiders web.

The more I tryed to escape,
It's web covered my body.
Pressing down on my lungs,
I can't breathe.

I didn't cry for help
Pride consumes me
like the spiders web.

Your perverted voice is what I hear.
Humming like a bug in my ear.
Looking for your next prey

You make me sick.
I was unlucky to have met you.
You filthy *****.
883 · Jan 2016
Poetry Without Rhyme
Does a poem have to rhyme?
I always wonder
I wonder if the words have to make sense
I wonder and I ponder.
Oh there I go again!
“Just stop rhyming it will come to you!”
The voice in my head speaks out loud.

Is poetry without rhyme more respected?
I always ask this
I ask myself, if the words need to blend.
I ask with each task.
Oh stop it, will you!
“Just bare your deepest feelings on paper”
The voice was a friendly one indeed.
816 · Jan 2016
My Sweet Death Knight
So brave and yet so humble,
Carries a sword of might.
A cold death glow around him,
Yet gentle, my sweet knight.

His mind is indeed cloudy
Of memories from past.
Hoping he will find his way
And be at peace at last.

He’s different from the others
As if he’s not from here.
He’s honest and he’s loyal.
Intentions are quite clear.

Refers me as “My lady”
A true sir always should.
And every waking hour
I’d spend with him, I would.

I’ve seen him only briefly,
And as we part each night.
Tell him with a gentle voice:
“Sweet dreams, my sweet death knight.”
755 · Jan 2016
I thought today it be easier,
But the pain is there each day.
Like a lost soul I wonder about-
For my half that's gone away.

Just end this pain of mine my love,
And help me to believe-
That you're gone and have moved on-
At last got your reprieve

I wish I was naive my dear-
Forget of every word you've said.
This pain would go away somehow,
And I wouldn't be feeling dead.
723 · Jan 2016
The Nightmare
A nightmare visited one day
To test my strength I do believe.
He hunted me till he was pleased,
And left me there without reprieve.

He tortured me with hurtful words,
That no one should ever hear of.
He made me do horrendous acts,
Some I'm too ashamed to speak of.

I got away from him I though,
When I found a place of healing;
This haven gave my courage back
And picked me up from kneeling

Although upon returning home;
The nightmare was there waiting.
To torment me again once more
And hope to see me failing.

I got the courage to stand up
And fight him to the core;
As angels joined me in the fight
And help me win this war.

The nightmare vanished in thin air
As failure was his fate.
I'm Hoping he will not return,
For I miss my soul mate.
676 · Jun 2016
Three Years
Three years ago I said I do,
To my best friend and love so true.

A stranger with a tender heart,
Who's vows will never break apart.

He holds my hand when I am lost,
And see me smile at any cost.

He'll fight for me right to the core,
And strong enough to hold the door!

He's my best friend and lover too,
A bond so strong, a love so true.

I love him so without a doubt,
And surely cannot live without.

The past three years have felt like home,
And many many years to come.
658 · Jan 2016
Clear Minds
Clear minds open your eyes
To precious things around.
The simple gifts you always had
Are suddenly being found.

A few simple words on paper
Are written while apart.
And hoping while they read them
Will mend their broken heart.
513 · Jan 2016
Celestial Dreams
She sits, a lonely soul apart,
Away from mindless faces.
Dreaming of celestial dreams,
Of far away and magical places.

Her white hair tangled in the stars.
Her heart is filled with love.
Playing with the constellations,
of the universe high above.

Who can she really talk to?
when there's no one there to share,
except for the million nebulas...
who only seem to care.

Although in her own solitude.
her mind begins to sway;
of one day another lonely soul,
to take her heart away.
493 · Jan 2016
The Poetry Book
The poems in this book
are not for all mankind,
They are carefully selected
with you in mind.

They will bring you joy,
they will bring you tears,
Some even, you'll find,
will bring out your fears.

I hope you enjoy them
as much as I do,
And always remember,
how much I love you.
484 · Jan 2016
When We Grow Old
You sit in front from me each day,
And look at me as if I’m gold.
I wonder If you’ll look at me like this when we grow old.
430 · Jan 2016
Never Had A Dream Of You
I never once dreamt of you
Never saw you in my mind.
Never think of you and say:
“I must have been so blind”

Never miss your gentle words
Never miss those long soft hours.
Never wonder would've been
Without those red flowers.

Never have an ounce of hate
For a love that’s gone blazing.
Never think of you and say:
"Oh he was amazing!"

Never had a dream of you
Never had to unearth it.
Never think of you my dear,
You are just not worth it.
427 · Jun 2016
My Soul
Sleep for now, the time has come
To close your eyes and mind
Sleep my soul for you are weak
The years have not been kind

Drown in to the velvet night
Caress it's sweet abyss
Drown forever and let go
And feel eternal bliss

Dream of nothing once again
As you fall in a trance
Dream of empty space and time
In this eternal dance

Wake tomorrow, not today
For time has not come yet
Wake another day my soul
Remember to forget
410 · Mar 2017
Worthless and lost
Hide from existence
so no one can find.
Since worthless I am
no one will ever mind.

Nothing for miles.
All hopes and dreams,
Vanished and lost;
drowning in fear;
my cries no one will hear.

And I need to keep going
for three souls I love.
I'm dying inside me
they will never know:
The emptiness grow.

No propose nor light.
An overcast of doubt.
A shadow of dreams,
it's clouding my sun.
I'm worthless and done.
399 · Jan 2016
Why does my heart hurt so much
for one that loves me so
Knowing he will always be there
and never let me go.

Why can't I just forget
the sweet kisses from his lips
and when he sways me side to side
while holding on my hips.

Why do I always dream of him
when we are both apart
Knowing that he will come to me
with love full in his heart.

Why so many whys I ask
Can someone tell me please?
For I just long to be with him
and put my heart at ease.
379 · Jan 2016
I Found My Love
I feel I found my love again,
For he was lost and missing.
I knew that we was back to me-
One night while we were kissing.

It's been so long since he's been gone,
That I found myself straying-
To other worlds unknown to him;
Of endless days of playing.

But now he's back here in my life,
With love full in  his heart.
I welcomed him with open arms,
For we cannot live apart.
375 · Jan 2016
The Artist
She appears distant
And she might seam cold
But deep inside her
A heart made of gold.

Always the shy one
The distant and gloom.
She spends all her time
Alone in her room.

Solitude is sweet,
When paired with an art.
On paper appears,
What comes from her heart.
371 · Jan 2016
The Best Friend
I lost a part of me today
A best friend I thought would stay.

At my worst moment in time,
They just vanished without a sign.

Left without a word to say,
As I lay there with my soul astray.

And with no one else to turn,
I felt their presence slowly burn.

Although my best friend is now gone,
I must find strength to carry on.

For if they where a true best friend,
They would be there till the end.
257 · Dec 2016
Trapped in this hell
Look through the hole
I don't remember when
This nightmare began
It must have been summer
Or winter, who cares!
I just want to bury myself
No one will find me again
Leave me  alone!
Don't reach out and help me
My hell is my only companion
The one who's been there
Since that summer...
Or was it winter?
203 · Feb 2018
And so...I'm never happy,
no matter what you do.
You see...I'm just a selfish *****!
Or so it seems to you.
What's the point of going on
without a life of my own.
No choice will be right,
nor will it be wrong.
I'm disrespectful and I'm cruel.
A monster you might say.

How can you go on with me?
Why do you even stay?

You try to make me happy,
and say your love is rich.
You're right my dear, I'm sorry,
I'm just a selfish *****!

— The End —