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Everything I see I eat...gotta fatten up for the slaving ahead....if I expend 6000 calories slinging that hammer 12 hrs a day....I gotta eat by the pound.  Ain't worried...I never get round but **** I'll get weak if I don't eat til I can't speak.
Twilight shadows gather
in an empty park,
to celebrate the close of day usher in the dark.

They run around and
chase each other
whispers on the ground
one last game of hide and seek
before they can't be found

They relish dusk until
our star finally bows its head.
Then in a rush
the park's hush-hush
til dawn gets out of bed
I've always believed in shadow monsters.  Inspired by the immortal Michaelangelo's Dusk and Dawn sculpture in the Medici mausoleum.
Shameless shapeshifters,
Lone drifters
Lost in the grip of vengeance and hate.
Presumed personas
Weaver's of dark spells
Dancing in the hollows of
Feeble minds....hiding, shifting...lost in the grips of vengeance and hate.
I prefer to slap with a hug....but if you don't want one
scurry off like a cockroach, a bug.
My hand just won't stop today, it's making me pay... for every time I've ignored it when it was  begging to play.

Just when I think that it's had enough, that it's tired... Down goes the pen, grab the torch spark the fire.

A small book of poems, a wall full of art all a day's work to my hand when it starts.

I get hungry grow weary my back starts to sir not done yet... you're staying up late.

I let my hand be the master, me it's slave for the day, at least once a week, so it's happy and I'm sane.
Like I tell everyone.... it's not me but my hand.
Sleight of hand
creates illusion
politicians the rich
in collusion.
Good slaves we
buy their Solutions
titrated diluted pollution.

They've got you wrangled
with the carrots they dangle.
I see black holes
You See Stars Spangled.

"Disseminate fear keep them numb and Confused
they'll reward our
egregious abuse"
but fools won't believe
when it's dark
they see day
so now I tell you
what's the use anyway?

They've got you wrangled
with the carrots they dangle...
You see white stripes.....
I see liberty.....***** and strangled

Keep it obscure,
then hand you a cure,  
their best phishing lure
To make you believe
that this country's great
they use a little bitty hook
and a tiny bit of bait

They've got you dangling with the carrots they're wrangling.
I see black holes
you see stars spangling

They've got you wrangled with the bait they dangle...
you  see white stripes,
I see liberty ***** and strangled

They got you dangling
with the **** they're wrangling....
Open your eyes
you'll see there angling.
I was blind but now I see
I'm a small pebble
making a giant ripple
A speck of black sand
on a coral white beach
The left foot
kicking up a storm

A hermit, a drifter
a paradigm shifter
I am a disruptive
not a destructive force
I think outside of the box because inside I'm lost

I've been Nero, DaVinci
Neruda, Dali
burned as a witch
and now I'm just me....
a small pebble
making a giant ripple
Poem written for a blow-torch painting I did earlier this year.
Some like Colombian
  Sleeping powder ....
  ounces up the nose.
  I prefer the effects
  of snorting hymns
  psalms and prose.

Others sniff crystal,
   ice, **** or glass
   I say poems are
   a narcotic of
   a much higher class.

Still others ride the
    horse talk smack or
   Stick tar. The dens
    that I frequent
    offer verses
    in their bar.
Tommy Chong from Big Bambu - "At first I was all ****** on drugs, now I'm all ****** up on the Lord"
She told me to ******* but didn't block me....hmmm...What does that mean?
I can squeeze an ocean from my pillow from just the first night.  If I keep crying like this it will be worse than the biblical flood.
I'm getting the feeling that the formula for burning hot is actually very simple....pose a question!
A wonderful sunrise a crimson sunset
A hero, a friend, a speed demon angel.
Conjurer of spells,
I stir phrases
in a witch's cauldron.....
wizard's breath to
tint the potion
Let it boil over
Reduce the excess
add emotion
and a four leaf clover

Temperature at serving time defines the tone and
type of incantation
Cold spells work
as heartless breaths
Warm ones jubilation
Hotter brew brings swift results
Careful even death

My sorcery is well disguised
as poetry and song.  
I'll have you laugh,
yank a tear or
make a day
feel twice as long.

I'll look you in the eye
as I feed you all
my truths and lies
None can break the grip
of words I wield,
won't know to even try voice enchants
let me whisper in your ear
You'll result bewitched....
but if I hold you high .....
there's never need to fear
Inspired by Jamahdi Verse's Spells collection
They all just joined me for crop-dust sesh....huuuuweeee
Don't spackle the bowl you nasty troll.  Did you think your mommy would clean it up?  Ah ah ah...don't say a word just grab the brush before I make you drink from your cup.
Leads to misunderstandings and broken hearts.  Talk to them directly, be honest from the start.
And realize that words not silence can tear a world apart.
Lord help me on my path back to whole....I didn't think I had tears to shed left...but you've taught me I not too old and cold..just why like this God?  Why like this?  Why did you have to play such a cruel trick for me to realize that you exist? I'm dying Lord..... paralyzed, salty eyed and wishing I was dead.
I drive 200 mph thru her curves at night until I can finally fall asleep.
I skate down those same hills.
Upside down on
the ceiling above
upside down
looking down at me
what does he want
I know he can see
He's got plenty of eyes
Is he spying for someone
whose lying about dying
so he sends his pet flying
to see if I'm crying.
My sister has seen me on top of the world and at the fathoms of a bottomless pit.  There she gave me the moniker...St. Anger.  
I've wasted so much life and blackened my soul so badly with hate and anger that it now longs to balance those years of self hate and worldly fate with truth and love.

I spoke with her today....she came to kiss my mom....she looked into my eyes and started to cry....tears of joy for she saw in me a brand new spark of life, the passing of all life's strife rife with distrust, no love just lust...hate of me hate of angel caught up in the fall.  

Two words she said and that was all.....St. Love.

<(      )>
Above festooned in love
Absconds with twinkles
into a grey glove...
the Angeles sky

Celestial bodies...
wild horses need never
be broken and bridled.
Instead slowly coaxed
to a gloveless hand
gentle reassuring
whispers caresses
for an unshakable bond
between one and
the spirit of the horse....
The soul of the star.
Only then will they allow themselves to be seen
in full glory and light,
Let us see what they are
You glanced at me I stole some too yet we both knew what not to do.
Subconscious vapors of lucidity whisper into the depths of my soul.  Pleading Pleiades, daughters of Atlas, exhale mythical wisps that wander in the constellations of my mind anointing me and by their
decree I am Divine.
More illusions of grandeur
My mom was in Guatemala, my dad had left before I had grown. The only one in the house besides me was my grandma who never did peep nor moan.

My big lil brother was living with our father and my younger sister was somewhere I don't know.

So what's one to do at 16 when you know they're all away for at least another 10 days?  Socal in those years especially for me was a 24hr. pharmaceutical what's one to do?  Let's play!
Three part poem
My only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey!

Don't know who to credit this to other than the French's Mustard Commercial
Enjoy your day peeps...headed down to the beach....catch some tasty waves eat a Georgia peach
Jeff Spicoli is a God
That's what I have done but I know God put you before me to help me you be Divine.
No es tamal pero está mala.
Sweating bullets in TJ
a Hot August Eve
want the filet but can't even
pay a burrito on the street.

Pop into a club
to quench the thirst,
then lose all my cash....
the corner casino,
ouch that hurt.

My brother smells tacos
I say sure swell then
up four flights
to a ****** hotel.

Rooms by the hour,
I just want a shower,
it's ******* hot as hell.

What should take one
turns into 4 hours
playing the waiting game.

Handed her green,
she left the scene,
came back with,
a quarter of the order.
Pack up our **** lickety-split
it's time to cross the border.

Long and slow we wind
our way through,
no passport, no birth certificate and now at the booth.

He's on a watchlist
the feds know me
where you headed tonight?
the uniform speaks.
Secondary sir
I'm used to it see.

Scolded for lack of papers
told they'll detain us next time
we're tagged and processed then he points to a line

Run through the scanner
& told to get out by
a badge on a boy
just outta the scouts

He scans us briefly  
looks quickly inside....
then he says free to go,  
Have a safe ride

Little did they know
of the contraband inside....
25 tamales
in a bag untied.
Tamale deals in which is it (the contraband that is)?  The tamales or what's inside the tamales? Hahahaha...I'll never tell.
Now these tears have made me sleepy...time to bury the flow of salt in my Bubba's neck.
I cry all night and sleep all day since you withdrew your love.  I can accept that if you promise to start Loving yourself.
I feel better already!
Thank you God for showing me that you have some grand plan in mind even if it isn't what I thought that plan should nor if I know not yet what it could be.
Restring the crossbow, wax to smooth the rail.  Sight in the little dot....ready for a shot.  Been quit a while since I've made a ****....tough to take a chance with houses on the hill.  

Maybe today my little fury friends....I won't make you suffer .....neck shot, broken, fall...the end.  Hang ya on a tree, strip off all the skin, bleed ya from the neck, gut ya now I'll cut you limb from limb.

Pack the meat in ice.....go home to make some dinner... venison enticed.  How should I prepare you ..grilled or slowly stewed. Perhaps I'll make a birria...Bubba...I leave it up to you!
Does it know more than me, know more about me than me? Is it this thing we call our shadow? Is it the same one that's followed our soul as it goes through the process? Perhaps it's not our shadow but our souls shadow. That might explain why it can anticipate my motions. Any Which Way, I know I've seen mine shine brighter than day.
None of these verses are authored by me...
My brain's being
held hostage by
a couple of thieves.

They drain me of images
and words every night...
They're so thuggish
I won't even dare
to put up a fight.

They tell me if I'm good
they'll expedite my release...
but now I'm on my knees
begging them please.

I have some deadlines
coming up soon
I need to touch-up some paintings so they
don't look like cartoons.

But the conspiracy plays out,
the plot thickens....
they won't let me refuse.  
These wanna be poets,
my demanding hand and
a partner...the pencil, its Muse.
there's a door
inside my mind
I use it to travel
through time
you have one too
look for the handle
when you're feeling blue

turn the handle left
to see your childhood
turn it right you'll see
what future generations
look back on
clear as the day
not dark as the night

so grab that handle
let's take a flight
I'll hold your hand
if you like ....real tight
no need to worry
no need to fight
the past, the future,
the world is yours tonight
If I had but one spell left to cast
I couldn't waste it on myself
I wouldn't change the past.
I'd cook such a potent peaceful brew... I'd offer it to you because I know you'd pass up the chance, to have your wildest dreams come true, Instead have your sister by your side, hand in hand with you.
Praying for you and your family  Power of simultaneous positive thoughts and prayers is miraculous when we all hold hands and channel love
There's a vato in the milky way sporting a fedora and a stash...
I saw him from a mountain .....high somewhere between New Mexico and Arizona .....smashed.

I took a pic to pinch myself
get proof of what I'd seen.  
And sure enough when
I zoomed in there
he was, looking really mean.

I never knew the Aztecs had gone to outer space....but I have proof... I can show could never miss his face.
They're killing each
other outside in
a bullet barrage
as I write this
from my varrio garage...
Stupid turf wars
'tween rival gangs
Shoot em up bang
bang bang....bang,
bang, bang....

Here come the jura
looking for rats...
alleys are full
of stray tomcats
The ghetto bird hoovers
Infrared light....
here come the pigs
looking for a fight....

This is what I
witness every
Single night
**** gangs....drop the guns...put up your dukes
The orchestra in my head has been playing dissonance all day Started off on one bad note
and since then I've had to pay.

The universe is reminding me that karma goes both ways
I let the "other guy" peek out
My plans end up astray

Discordant notes, climactic screams,
ohh...if it we're just another dream

But then the light
begins to wax and
I remember to relax
and breathe

Now the orchestra gets
tuned and warm
Finally see a sun
instead storm

A mellifluous chorus pours in from the rain
Sometimes we just have
to take the pain
when the light again
begins to wane.
I had big plans for today but had to refocus after it started out on a sour nite
Flying beneath the shadows in my mind, trying to catch a glimpse I hit rewind.

But every time I try to get ahead some fool steps in to paint my vision red and every time I try to do some good, the Beast escapes and chaos intrudes.

No brakes, can't stop... a mean old bull at heart.  No brakes can't stop once the fury starts.

The other guy is busting loose again run and hide cuz he's no one's friend.

Every time I try to get ahead some fool steps to make my eyes see red. Every time I try to do some good the Beast Escapes and chaos intrudes.

Flying beneath the shadows in rewind trying to catch a glimpse inside my mind.

Rising from these ashes I've called life.... Malignant thoughts subside no pain no strife.
My alter ego when I don't smoke enough herb.
Pump them full
of lead in protest...
that's sure to
knock em dead.
Use all your ammunition,
leave em ****** read.

Be the Gatling that
mows em down,
the bullet lodged
inside their head,

Be black powder
burning imagery on
their minds unkind extinguishing the misery
that makes them lost
and blind
I've become the penny
we've all thrown away,
tarnished scratched and worthless in the world today

Don't try to find me
I'm already gone.... someone else's
pocket in a world
gone wrong.  

Don't try to save me
I'm already lost
underneath the shadows
of an ice cold frost

I've become the penny in the world today...
It's definitely not my first
and I doubt it's my last
but I think it's brighter
than my lives in the past.

At least I'm aware
that I have issues to work out.  Next time I'll accelerate the process no doubt.

I'm here for a moment,
a stitch in time
to nourish my soul;
enough to last the ride.  

And when I've reached
the other side
I won't look back...
Just wave goodbye.
As did she when she left the court and all its jesters
It Rose in the east and settled in Southern California.
Yes it is true I am the Reaper...but I don't seek your soul, I harvest your smile. Don't want your spirit but I do love your style.
Won't want your sins, I prefer a win-win.
Don't crave your blood,
Cleaning up's such a dud.
I just need the laughter, the butterflies in your chest, the look in your eyes that's sighs..."you're the best".
For all to read but make no mistake....this is penned for MY girl....the Queen bee herself, the Speed Demon Angel and my Twin Crimson Flame.
The sky's disguised
as a ******* a butterfly
writing rainbows
in everyone's eyes
Ebb & flow, high and low
Tug and tug the moon above
Reaching for its own reflection
Narcissistic incantation
in my sky of love

Depths unfathomable of darkened light, the salt emaciates me when she is bright with crown hung low.

Pools of poems shimmer as she retreats, allowing me to ****** words, caress them before I nudge them from their nest, my chest and release the Word back to the sky.

Waves that slap, wake me from a slumber.  My turn to be the eyes and ears as the moon my love retreats petrifying souls to guard her celestial number.
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