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The above poem is what you want to see in my neighborhood
I take it back...
there's at least
one thing to see
and hear in the Varrio
on my block.....
Eli the poet who's
10 times been shot.  
His philosophy
resounds with me
and I must give him
credit for at least
two or three. . .

Pearls of wisdom that Mellifluously flew
from his mouth...
inspired by something
deep in his soul
that had to come out
which my hand
snatched from his air
to pencil as poetry
and to all of you reroute
Parking lot carwash Sign:
Eses and esas
listenin to oldies
playing with Hoses
Four güeros pull up
eight *****
up their noses
Roll down the
window give the
cholos some props
"Hey guys..glad
your supporting
the country"...
goes silent




......"whatchoo talking 'bout ese.....this is For Us Eh!"
Crank the Johnny Chingas back up, the hoses all squirting
as the white boys drive off
in their own **** stained dump
Bear false witness.....
Beware of false profits, idols and scribes....they like to lie in your midst.l
I know some can't help but want to slap me with their 10" dictionary....but think outside the box people....we know it's false prophets...have you thought there could be a deeper darker more personal meaning to "profits"
No siempre Caza El Tigre y cuando Caza no Siempre es la misma Cosa
**** those Beatles wrote some killer sick love songs....have a listen.  Cloud nine baby!
There were bells on a hill but I never heard them ringing no I never heard them at all til there was you....©Beatles
The process of the soul
The hand exhausted me.
I was inspired in the wee hours to call all my peeps throughout today in NY, TX, AZ, OR, WY, WA VA, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Argentina, Canada, Japan, the UK, Italy, Spain......tell em I'm alive and haven't felt this alive in 20 years.....they all thought I was dead!
Oh yeah UT FL Akaska
I won't pay your toll
My little green friend
The bridge is for all
Travelers to cross
not yours to defend.

I'll walk where I please
and if I step on the grass
Don't call me an ***
Lighten up don't be so crass.

Take care that your children
don't take to your ways for lonely you'll be in the end of days.
I've already said it but you deserve to hear praise twice
...and if you see in my poetry
I fancy myself God but compared to yours my poetry's just "nice"

Release me from your've got me drooling all over myself. It's not envy at all cuz you're on a way different level. Gem quality facets and brilliant bevels. To catch up to you I'd sell my soul to the devil.
Read Darcy.....this young poet is beyond the many dimensional universes that I can fathom
Toño Toñito mató a su mujer con un machetico tan grande como él... sacó sus tripitas y las puso a vender y con esa plática compró otra mujer.
Colombian magical realism at its finest.  The bizzare is normal in the small towns in my parent's country. Here's a bedtime ryhme I was told as a child.  They Grimm Brothers have nothing on this. Horrific! By the nickname is Toño.
So I'm yapping with
my nephew about you
He says you're too good
to be true....
"Ask her if she can fly
a fighter jet too!"
**** Gage...the poet that don't know it!
I've seen dwarves and elves and mean ol witches but I knew my eyes deceived me.  And if I thought these Ayes don't lie I'd blink then sleep then think again.  Tell me why you can believe someone something who's make believe versus flesh and blood and poured for thee.
Lay beside me ....relax and close your grey-blue eyes.... fingers teasing your golden hair so lightly as warm breaths roll from your wholesome ear down to your neck and nape.  Lost am i in your hills and valleys where my language speak is golden tongue.  Seeking refuge in your cave of love, languishing lapping sipping from the sweet sweat your womb exudes.
I want to be the sun that warms your face and the blessed rain that washes away your pain
To the poem snorer
Some reader's leave a ****** trail of broken poets ...along the way collecting tiny pieces of each to Frankenstein their perfect ONE!
1.  Noun.....  A capital crime committed by a retching wretched wretch or two.

2.  Noun .......A pseudonym for
the US treasury

3.  Noun........projectile of *****
post perfidy
Inspiration: The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce.....
Had to change the title for those stuck in the box
The bulk of the word contains reason
Up a hollow in the hills of the Angels....into hunter gatherer morphed. 'Neath the caverns of decomposed granite they bathe in the waning glory of Helios' eyes. Under Artemis' watch two reapers sling Kaiser blades in the full moonlight.  The matins harvest...tribute to the God and Goddess of light.  Tomorrow night the rest is ours!
Trim trimmy trim trim trim trimmy...trim trim trim trim trim  trim trim trim trimmy.....

Time to head back up that hollow and finish trimming my ****.  Colby you better have a couple Starbucks double shots!  Come on Bubba...outta bed...mountain time again.
Tengo unos amigos panameños que me dicen el Triple Hijueputa....o de cariño, Triple
In Colombia, triple hijueputa means triple sob
This to me is not a game but if for you this is amuse, I'll chop my heart out to mend the wounds of word abuse
love lusts
for only
You can't bring me down from my cloud....maybe grab my hand and drop the negativity shroud.
Watch this poem trend and backfire on you because you Mr.Mrs.Ms. Troll had to read this to stay angry
Soy el fuego que arde tu piel
Soy el agua que mata tu sed
El castillo, la torre yo soy
La espada que guarda el caudal
Tú, el aire que respiro yo
Y la luz de la luna en el mar
La garganta que ansío mojar
Que temo ahogar de amor
Y cuáles deseos me vas a dar, oh
Dices tu, mi tesoro basta con mirarlo
Y tuyo será, y tuyo será

Songwriters: Rodrigo Amarante de Castro Neves
Tuyo lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
Again ....for the Poem snorer....I wish I had written says it all.  Have a listen to Rodrigo Amarante.   Theme song from Narcos
I'm the fire that
burns through your skin
I'm the water that
quenches your thirst.
The castle, the tower...
I am the sword that
watches your back

You, the air
that I breathe and
the light of the moon
on the sea
The neck I long to kiss
So much that I fear
I'm drowning in bliss

And which wishes
will you grant me?.... say,
"my treasured jewel,
you have only to look
and yours it will be...
yours it will be"

© Rodrigo Amarante ....translated by ANu poet
To my speed demon angel queen bee
Maybe its me but Edmund Black and Ilion Grey sure look like twins....and those names...hmmm a Grey lion and a black world....sure y'all aint related....Brooklyn and Jersey?
When two Gods collaborate even the angels can't sing along for it makes them shed too many tears of joy.

RIP CHRIS CORNELL & PRINCE....Nothing compares to you.
Hágale pues mijo.. que si aquí a cualquier hijueputa se le dice doctor pues a cualquiera mierda se le puede llamar arte.

No te preocupes por
lo que dirán los demás..
Síguele duro y parejo,
fuerte y tenaz.

Exhibeselo a todo el mundo con entusiasmo y fervor y.....
Si ese es tu don
tu deseo tu ardor....

Dile a todos los que piensen pararte... pues ud. con su arte
y yo con mí arte
Colloquial Colombian double entendre that says don't let anyone get in the way of your artistic passion or hold you back from developing the gifts the universe has granted you. Tell them you do your thing and I'll do mine while ******* on you.  .......Impossible to truly translate the comedic double meaning
Have you ever seen the sun rise from the border of Utah and Wyoming. . west and south of Lyman?  I have....I know every fishing hole there is....trout galore!
The universe must expand to contain my imagination.  Like wild horses that roam seeking new pastures to nourish their first born, my mind exponentially multiplies seeking truth in every corner unborn of the skies.
Epiphany at Starlight right? In and out of Dreams Twilight. Caged inside a cell my mind, I pause reset unwind. Reality reflects the mood so much the heart the soul and mind are touched. Begrudged for non-complacent views, firm I stand when Spirits sense the silent truth. Vindicated by my own God's eye, light and love engulf  me now, the hate I've dealt the world resigns.
silkEN KIng I know
It was you and not ANother
that first fashioned Adamu
and have championed our cause ever since.

Bochica Kukulkan Quetzalcóatl great healer, protector of man .....from the Spite of his Father's hand.

Who smites and annihilates,
sends plagues to his people
and demands their first born?
Who calls for war and blood and keeps man in the dark?

Compared to Yahweh your picture is saintly
yet you bear the blame
Of all evil in this world

The blind shall open their eyes once the truth unfurls.
Another hymn from Hems Heard in Heaven & Haws Heard in Hell
As long as she keeps loving poems that sound like she's thinking about me... I'll keep writing poems for her specifically
Radio silence *****
My numerical value:

The Antoine Equation
P * = eA−B / (T + C)
Ego dormivi et
Figured this one might go over your head
I'm starved screams the blank page on the table.  I need food....maybe some italiano....aspeta, aspeta.

Aspeta... perché.  Fine then..anything...even two syllable hillbilly road ****.... anything...just unsheath that pen and feed me.
My boy Steve from Palo Alto has this great to wake the Delta sometimes jump in and just float.  At night the scene gets creepy as we slowly motor home...looks like something out of Deliverance...a bayou, a fog creeps in the unknown
It is not the old wolf here that is the predator.  This wolf can eat when he wants...he just chooses to wait for the "last request before the electric chair meal" to enjoy and slowly devour the delicacies blooming on his plate if only for the last  wonderful hours of his life.  It is the young howler who's thirst is unquenchable and hunger insatiable that will spoil the meat of each of his kills as he  devours only hearts.....10-20 a day.  

See thru the youngsters parlor tricks my friends
Sounds to me decently well rehearsed....but ** ** come the bulge, the hearse
I'm caught in a
web of deception
two spider's playing out
a poetically failed romance
on these pages..... conception.

Imagined personas
tres plus noms des plume
glitter and sparkle
as I watch these two dance.  

Pay attention
all Roman Generals,
all you down
and out uptowners,
don't let that house
fall straight into the ashes; unwanted metastatic carcinogenic glances

It's your right to
up and move on
but I get it the siren
sings a sweet song.  
Her golden surprise
your mesmerizing eyes
and both of you thinking
I planned this whole guise.

I'm just an observer
on the moon looking down laughing at how
my Word makes you both stumble,big footed clowns....
Young star crossed lovers
playing hide and seek
like the shadows in
my empty park.  

But as I love
leaving clues
yours are easily

Some may say I'm God
others Luis Cypher.
My eye sees all as my hipocracy and blasphemy knows no bounds
I told you I would be that for you too....if that will give you peace and fill you with light again to illuminate another's path...I wish nothing but the best for you....I guess I couldn't fill those shoes
Am I the good bad guy or the bad good guy?
I see whole families of poets ....a traveling dad, a drunk absent mom, a self mutilating daughter, two other sisters and maybe a brother.  And they repeat ...some families black some families white some from Texas and others from New Jersey....funny how they don't write how they speak...I know accents and words and these folks are all cut from one pattern. Hmmmm
Because we're both in a hell a shallow dim flame each running from ourselves. To reach heaven we need but meld and fly through all our self loathing, and insecurities loving each other's imperfections to the point of spontaneous combustion.
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