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346 · May 2018
A Wish
stargazer May 2018
I wish there was more
I wish surprise was at my door

I want to see everything
If I could I would sing

And no one could stop me
I'd be totally free

If only there was more
If I had a little more in store
I get bored too easily. Routines will be the death of me :}
339 · Jul 2018
Parts of Me
stargazer Jul 2018
You burned every part of me
That you hadn't claimed for your own
336 · May 2018
stargazer May 2018
The warm liquid traces down my face
A deep ache follows wherever it travels
They flow like blood
              ­                                               Dripping
Like sweat
But not

Sweat is a sign that your body is getting stronger
Tears are made of your body breaking down

I wonder when all my tears will run out
When I will simply cry dust
Because the pain is too much

I wonder if one day I will drown
On the liquid agony that leaks from my eyes
331 · May 2018
Sadistically Speaking
stargazer May 2018
Sadistically speaking
You're out of time
The world is shrinking
You've lost your last dime

Sadistically speaking
You've played your last round
You should stop seeking
For the approval of the crowd

Sadistically speaking
We are all dead
Or breaking
Just a group of empty heads

But if we're speaking sadistically
What's the point of anything?

If you can't look at the bright side
Why look at all?
Does it hurt your pride?
Is negativity some kind of protocol?
Look on the bright side, jeez
328 · May 2018
Dust to Dust
stargazer May 2018
My breath rushed out of my lungs all at once,
an ocean of air flooding from my mouth.
Shock waves crashed over me.
The pure wonder that enveloped me was like
All sensation, with no time to think.
Just pressing,
In the moment I felt helpless.
Lost at sea,
wave after wave pounding,
pushing me from the surface.
Trying to breathe,
Panic seized the depths of my mind,
each a sharp needle,
digging into the flesh of my brain.
I began to crumble from the weight of it all.
All of the expectations,
T­he weight of everything crushed me.
Dust to dust.
Nothing more.
327 · Jul 2018
Save Me
stargazer Jul 2018
Save me from this battle
That I have declared
It is fierce and ******
I am trembling and scared

A knife pierces my side
An arrow reaches my heart
Please clean my wounds
Or from this life I must part

Save me from this war
This tidal wave of death
I am no longer my own ally
I'm breathing my last breath

Save me

Save me from myself
325 · May 2018
stargazer May 2018
LIMITS are all I see
Controlling who we are
And who we want to be

What are we doing?
We are making more
If we keep pursuing
One day we'll hit the floor

Where's the progression
Everyone says we're making?
Life is in session
The dawn is breaking

LIMITS are all I see
How can we be who we are
If no one is free?
Society needs to clean itself up...
316 · Nov 2018
stargazer Nov 2018
she had made so much of me
that when she left
i lost a piece of myself
she has been on my mind so much recently, and my heart aches with regret; i never told her how i felt.
315 · Nov 2018
Girls and Boys
stargazer Nov 2018
This is the only thing
That I am not indecisive
Or unsure about

Don't make me second guess,
Because I will

I will overthink
And analyze
Until my brain is splattered on the wall

So let me be sure of this one thing
This one small thing

I know
For a very fact
In the deep recesses of my heart

I like girls and boys

I am not confused
Nor am I calling for attention

Let my love
Love how it wants

Let me love
Who I yearn to love

Love looses her beauty
When she is rigorously controlled

Let my love be beautiful
I guess this is my coming out poem....

Take it however you wish
313 · May 2018
Raise a Glass
stargazer May 2018
"The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic."
-Joseph Stalin

This is for the unnamed.
This is for the unwanted.

This is for those who were never given a chance.
This is for them that live without a voice.
The ones who were never given a second glance.
This is for them who have no choice.

To those who watch out
But aren't watched out for
To those who pout
Because they don't have anything anymore

Let's raise a glass
Let's make this useless gesture
To appreciate those who won't last
To observe those who falter

Because there's nothing else we can do
For those unfortunate few
That have no one to turn to.
Appreciation is the only thing we can offer, and yet we so rarely do.
309 · Jul 2018
Thunder Maker
stargazer Jul 2018
You can't make a storm cloud
And expect it not to rain
I dunno
305 · Aug 2018
Let's Smile
stargazer Aug 2018
Let's smile
To hide our pain

Let's smile
Even if it's fake
It will be real in a while

At least, that's what everyone says

But I've been smiling,
For quite a while

Is it working?
I still taste bile

Still, I have to believe
That one day I will be whole
I have to keep going
Until I'm in control

Let's smile




301 · May 2018
Broken Haikus
stargazer May 2018
Looked into my eyes
You said, "I will be okay"
I don't believe you
Worried myself sick
I am tired of these lies
Just let me help you
You don't say a word
I just see it in your face
Sadness spreads from you
I am here for you
Please, please, please remember that
My heart can't take it
Tell me if my syllables are off. I get caught up in the pretty words sometimes :)
294 · May 2018
Little World
stargazer May 2018
I have a world
I keep to myself
Galaxies unfurled
Fit on a single shelf

A shelf in my mind
That way it stays hidden
Upon entering you shall find
My little world overridden

Overridden with hurt,
within and without
I am an expert
On fear and shame and doubt

This is why, you see
My little world, so far away
Is shared with only me
I think we all have little worlds, little parts of ourselves, that we long to keep hidden.
294 · Jul 2018
Photos and Journal Entries
stargazer Jul 2018
You cover every page of my journal
That you'll never read
Your smile is in every photo on my camera
That you'll never look through

I keep you close
You will never know
I treasure every piece that I have of you
Photos and journal entries
All of it

The photos are tacked up on walls
That you will never see
The journal entries have become a blog
That you will never visit
And all the while
I'll be loving you
293 · Jul 2018
Young Heart, Old Soul
stargazer Jul 2018
I have an old soul,
But my heart is still young
Treat it with care
It has not loved for very long
292 · May 2018
stargazer May 2018
IS THIS how it ends?
285 · May 2018
Blurred Vision
stargazer May 2018
Try not to make decisions when you are sad
Tears blur your vision
One of the cruel ironies of life: when you are sad, the time when you most want to make a decision (in some cases, anyway), it is the worst time to choose something.
279 · May 2018
The Brink
stargazer May 2018
Left my opinions at the door
No one cares what I think
There could be more left in store
But I'm standing on the brink

The brink of losing
Losing all that matters
I take my time choosing
But everything is in tatters

I'm at the brink of falling
All it takes is a breath
I'm only really stalling
My spiral into death
275 · May 2018
stargazer May 2018
People have masks
They hide behind
No one asks
They all are blind

People have masks
It's true
No one asks
They have one too

The masks smile
All around
All the while
No one makes a sound

When the mask comes off
You see a face
The smile falls off
They have given up their hiding place
You are much more beautiful when you take off your mask. Even if it is not a happy face, it is what is real. And that is truly beautiful.
270 · May 2018
Old Days
stargazer May 2018
I miss the way things used to be
I miss my old reality
I miss the way we used to sing
We'd sing about anything

I miss the smiling
The old laughter
Now there is only whining
Among the chatter

But the old days
Have come and gone
The old ways
And the old songs

I'm left with the pieces
The shattered remains
Can't hear what anyone says
Just broken refrains

I wish that I could take it all back
Return to the past
Slip through the cracks
Make everything last

But the old days,
The old songs,
The old smiling,
The old laughing,
The old dancing,
                                                         g    o   n    e
I hold on to the past like I'm trapped in it.
269 · Apr 2019
stargazer Apr 2019
"The most important part, is the part that hurts"

~John Green
This quote just hit home

Book recommended: Turtles All the Way Down.
266 · May 2018
Dear Time,
stargazer May 2018
Dear Time,
So many have sought to escape you.
Either that, or they want more of you.
They beg in desperation.
You turn your icy shoulder,
denying them in their cries for mercy.
In the end, you claim everyone for your own.
Wearing them down until they are nothing but bone,
and after that you grind them into nothing.
You rob people of their long lives.
You move quick and just out of reach.
Unless there is suffering,
then you move like a calm lake,
I understand.
You just want to feel wanted.
You are tired of being used,
taken for granted.
This unappreciation comes from every direction.
Squeezing you tight into a box of neglect.
You just want to show them.
To make them see.
To make them pay attention.
Their grief.
Their hatred.
Their longing.
But you are like the hammer to the nail.
It is hard for the nail to appreciate the hammer,
no matter it's intentions.
The hammer wants them to appreciate it,
after all,
it is putting them to good use.
But all the nail sees is the method.
Never the outcome.

Sincerest regards,
Time is screwy, and messes with all of us, but consider a different perspective. Or don't.
265 · Aug 2018
only one reflection
stargazer Aug 2018
i test the word out in my mind
it tastes numb
and empty
while at the same time,
inviting pain to dance in my skull

it should be painless
just void
a lack

so why does it press me from every direction
squeezing out the air
trapping me

i am in a circus
funhouse mirrors all around me
showing reflections of just one person
tears dripping down her delicate nose
reflecting me back on myself
making me more lonely than before
261 · Jul 2018
stargazer Jul 2018
Makes us
Love to be in Love

When, really
She is using us
To be Loved
stargazer Jul 2020
step one.)
think. think of everything that people must hate about you.

step two.)
let it consume you until you forget to breathe

step three.)
drop microscopic hints to people that you're not okay

step four.)
breakdown when they don't get it

step five.)
make excuses for them

step six.)
fear that they do get it, but you just bother them so much that they don't care

step seven.)
stop talking

step eight.)
start overeating, or eating nothing (with practice, you may be able to do a combination of both)

step nine.)
watch tv until you fall asleep on the couch every night

step ten.)
don't shower

step eleven.)
go numb

step twelve.)
receive a notification on your phone that sends you spiraling into self loathing and wondering why the hell you did this in the first place because it doesn't make it better. it doesn't. it doesn't

step thirteen.)
feel selfish for even thinking about bothering anyone again just to satisfy your own stupid craving for attention

step fourteen.)
finally reach out

step fifteen.)
repeat steps one through fourteen. again and again and again.

step sixteen.)
sick of this.

246 · Nov 2019
left on unread (10w)
stargazer Nov 2019
you don't read my poems
they're all for you
244 · Jul 2020
the cost
stargazer Jul 2020
i used to think love was free
when you came to me
but then you had your fill
and aphrodite came back with the bill
242 · Apr 2020
brain hurt
stargazer Apr 2020
people don't label my pain
as real as others

but i promise, it's just as lethal
240 · May 2018
stargazer May 2018
Just when we think everything has been said
Someone says something new
When we think everything has been done
There is something to do

We don't fully comprehend the meaning of everything
We use the term so casually
But really we don't undersatnd
Everything happens gradually
237 · Jan 2020
stargazer Jan 2020
even 'zero' has
an 'are'

all i have is
a 'was'
232 · Jan 2020
empty calories
stargazer Jan 2020
you are so sweet
yet so bad for me

you taste so secretive
so deliciously mine
but you're only a recipe
for a broken heart

no matter how many times
i put you on my tongue
you drench it in your savoury promises
that you'll never keep
leaving me empty
with desire

and somehow, i can never say

231 · Nov 2018
I Never Told Her...
stargazer Nov 2018
I never told her
How her laugh filled me up
Or how her smile made me shiver
How her voice made me weak
Or how her gaze made me quiver

I never told her
That she was my reason for living
Or that she made me feel worth something
That she made me want to wake up in the morning
Or that she slowed my turbulent thinking

I never told her
That I loved her
To the first girl that I ever loved. The regret still stabs me, even two years later.
231 · Apr 2020
you aren't
stargazer Apr 2020
you aren't sweet
you're salty.
but i like to lick
the sweat from your

you aren't soft
you're sharp.
but i like the way
your nails feel against my

you aren't loud
you're quiet.
but i like to sit and
just think with

you aren't poetic
you're poetry.
but i like to write
you into
you aren't with me.
you're too far away.
but i like the way
you sound on the
218 · May 2018
Scarred Tree
stargazer May 2018
When I was younger,
My temper had run out
So I took a small piece of metal
I believe it was from our fencing
I took the slender stick of metal
And I hit the tree
and again
Trying to release this monster of anger that consumed
There were lines in the tree from where the metal had clashed with it
The bark split where I had hit it
I felt bad about what I had done to the poor tree
But other than that I didn't think much of it

That is until I saw it today
It has been years since I abused that tree in anger
The bark is white now,
It healed over the scratches
But you can still see through the bark where it was split
Where it was broken

I am jealous
For that is not how my scars are
My scars cannot be seen
No matter how deep down you look
My imperfections lie in my very soul
I have covered each blemish carefully
They are not visible even with the most complex microscope
The most advanced magnifying glass couldn't catch a glimpse of them

My scars will forever remain unseen
The hurt that you can't see is often the most horrible kind of hurt
216 · Nov 2018
stargazer Nov 2018
I tremble with the feeling of a million
shattering emotions. They swallow
and crush and lift and destroy.
Too far out of my control,
taunting me, relentless.
I cannot contain
This feeling
That co-
my veins.
There is no tell
ing, what might be
come of me, the girl who
feels everything. One day I just
might burst. Not capable of handling
this spectrum of emotions that envelops me.
I feel, and I feel, and I feel
214 · May 2018
Thoughts in the Sink
stargazer May 2018
Not many do
Wash their thoughts down the sink
I wouldn't do that if I were you
It's not so hard to have your own opinion, so why doesn't anyone go and get some?
209 · Dec 2019
stargazer Dec 2019
as much as i say i do,
i do not blame you
the only one i blame is me
for everything i cannot be

for all the times i've fallen short
when i couldn't think of the right retort
for every single time i cry
i only blame my own eye

when i scream your err
pay no attention
it is only lack of self care
and increasing muscle tension
just stressed
199 · Feb 2020
Your Local Grocery Store
stargazer Feb 2020
Your Local Grocery Store
so much to offer
and always around the corner
giving and giving

he lays out everything
on shelves
for you to see

some take without giving
anything back
saying to themselves
that they take only
what he doesn't need

most, though
gather their things
take them to the counter
and offer empty
slips of paper

he takes them
without complaint
knowing that
they don't have
anything else to give

people think of him
when they need something
and he's always so happy
to oblige

always giving and giving
so much to offer
just around the corner
dedicated to Evan, known as the poet, Your Local Grocery Store. may he get better customers.
196 · Jun 2020
stargazer Jun 2020
i still wish you never showed me that song
because something so beautiful
shouldn't hurt me so much
194 · Jan 2020
you ask why i'm quiet (10w)
stargazer Jan 2020
being ignored doesn't scare me

i'm afraid of people listening
188 · Jan 2020
stargazer Jan 2020
i've been staring out of this window
for so long
i can't tell who's

the people i can't see
183 · Feb 2020
blue flannel
stargazer Feb 2020
you leave my flannel
hanging up with your clothes
it was my favourite,
and you were too

its only company
is my heart
which you left in the corner of your closet
to gather spiderwebs
177 · Nov 2019
gaze (6w)
stargazer Nov 2019
please, love,
do not look
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