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745 · Sep 2021
Love will lift her skirts,
Dancing across
The deepest lines in the sand
Bounding over
The highest walls we've built
Holding her hands outstretched
To those in need of compassion,
Carrying those too weak
To learn the moves on their own
She watches the sands of time fall
With an understanding
That she is transcendent,
And so through it all,
Love will lift her skirts and dance
Love is the greatest conqueror.
738 · Nov 2019
The Campsite
If you listen very closely
You can almost seem to hear
The sound of faeries dancing
Upon a sea of fallen leaves
To an autumn evening hymnal
Carried by the river's humming course
And the beat of bright red embers
Cracking in the frosty breeze
This is a poem about camping out in the great PNW during the beautiful autumn season!
735 · Sep 2018
Such a sight my heart remembers,
When heavy boughs rained autumn embers
So many warmly painted trees
Creating mosaics in the breeze
The leaves were dancing toward the ground,
They twirled and circled all around
We held our hands up to the sky
Caressing them as they flew by
Flickering through the smudge of grey,
Little fires to brighten our cloudy day
We watched them land on their bed of green
Creating a most resplendent scene,
A quilt of yellows, oranges, and reds
Woven from such brilliant threads
We gazed upon that lovely sight,
Until we saw the edge of night
And then we bid our friends farewell
And left them laying where they fell
This is a poem about a memory I hold very dear.
730 · Feb 2021
You let me
Trace the stars
In your skin
With my fingertips
Like constellations
In the night sky
727 · Jan 2023
we are all
of the universe

that is why
we can't help
but look up

717 · Aug 2018
Bloodstained sunrise
Slices through deep blues,
Pushing aside shimmering jewels
Lighting the way for grey ghost wisps,
Listless drifters warning those around
That red claws grip the earth
Dragging death in their wake
With all the wildfires spreading around the US and Canada right now, I was inspired by the red-orange sunrise this morning.
714 · Jun 2019
Black Dog
The dog has been
Nipping at my heels
For some time,
And I'm so tired
That I think
I may just
Let him carry me
For a little while
694 · Nov 2018
Ancient, languid pines
Paint a clouded night
Onto a dark canvas,
Muddled skies
Brought to life
Using shades of gray,
And silver moonlight
688 · May 2021
When grey clouds
Are always spilling over
With the ebb and flow
Of their seas  
Those with soft hearts
Will soak it all in
Only to pour it back out
A greedy catharsis
Under overcast skies

675 · Jan 2022
We were thieves
That night,
Stealing kisses
In the moonlight,
A candle lit
To guide hands
And hearts

672 · Oct 2021
I will mend my broken soul
Using heartstrings
And gentle hands
To fasten it together
I will patch myself up
Sewing lovely words
Over lonely thoughts,
I will fill in the cracks
Where the light leaks out
And the cold seeps in
This house will be
A home someday
I will mend my broken soul

655 · Nov 2021
Can I settle
In your heart,
A most fertile valley,
Let me fill
My lungs with you,
A breath of fresh air,
For I have been a wanderer
Traveling far and long
In search of someone
That felt like home

653 · Oct 2021
We stand inside
Stale air compartments
That we call apartments
Because we feel alone here

We spend our time
Earning daily bread
Feeding the constant dread
That wants to consume you

We see our lives
Plastered on screens
The eyes of machines
Ever watching us

We rip ourselves
From empty seats
Walking crowded streets
To find a sense of purpose

631 · Mar 2021
The spaces in between
Claim to be memory and dream
Though I can feel the walls around me
Things are not as they would seem

629 · Feb 2021
Haiku - Blackberries
Blackberry vines curl
Around wooden skeletons
Reach for sunny days
617 · Jul 2021
I'm lost in a trance
Caught in a dance
With memories abound
All twirling around
So light on their feet
And when we meet
Feelings take flight
Oh, what a sight
Reliving within me
A life only I see

607 · Jul 2021
I have spent
too many days and nights
on broken things
out of pocket expenses
given too freely
to those begging
for any amount of
someone else to get them by

I was spare change
jingling in hands
too full of nothing
to be so very heavy

604 · Dec 2021
I think it might be nice
To not want or be wanted

To not be an item to be grabbed
Or the hand that reaches out to hold

There is a simple sort
Of naive bliss
In being a wallflower

Never plucked and taken away
Another forgotten decoration
In a glass house

599 · Dec 2020
My eyes are always searching
For those hidden paths,
Escape routes
Through the ghost towns
That I am tearing down
With slow hands
570 · Jul 2021
It's getting late in the day

Silence lingers heavily here
Where gleaming fingertips
Dig into scarred horizons
Running red with the light of a dying sun

Open-air hallways full of empty windows
Reflect what is left of the day
Into the faces of passersby

The only warmth they will find here

Eyes without faces march in lines
Parallel to uneven streets leading them
To places where illumination
Is only a figment of the imagination

568 · Oct 2021
Floods in
Washes me away

Hay(na)ku is a 3-line poem with one word in the first line, two words in the second, and three in the third. There are no restrictions beyond this.
561 · Jan 2021
Sometimes I think of those nights
Flowing through the veins of the city
Coursing along the waterfront
Carried along by inky waves
Watching the wind dance a waltz
With the leaves at my feet
As I walked that concrete stage

556 · Nov 2021
Some days
I am floating free
Swimming 'round my head
Nothing to weigh me down
To keep me glued to the ground

But then again,
I suppose it's alright
If I drift about
from time to time

543 · Feb 2021
Rain - Epigram
We will beg for rain,
When it washes us clean

521 · Jul 2021
While daydreams reverberate
Off of blockade brains
We sit in wooden cages
Our painted faces
Plastered in melting windows

We watch pale skies
While waiting for rain
Or maybe the atom's apple
To break the monotony
Of thinking about the end

505 · Jun 2018
The Fox
Red fur glints 'twixt trees galore
Above, a flight of swallows soar
As they fly deftly through the skies
Singing their sweet melodic sighs,
The fox moves lithely through the bones
Of white birch trees and ancient stones,
Weaving his way through the maze ahead
Strolling where few have dared to tread
Green leaves blot out sun and sky
While crows on branches perch to spy
So shy a beast that roams alone,
The only way it's ever known
461 · Jun 2021
Passing through
Many hands
And many minds
Ever hiding
Around the corners
In the rooms
I'm trying to escape

Always the name
Perched on too many lips
Demanding penance
For crimes committed
Against myself

Voices fill
Empty chambers
Loaded, as bullets
Into mouths, like guns
Howling their grievances
Into open ears

Will it ever be

455 · Nov 2018
There is a rabbit
In the thicket
He watches
Death pass
From a distance
With scarlet eyes
Set in porcelain
Easily cracked
451 · Oct 2021
How do
I hold you
With hands
That are not
Always my own

448 · Dec 2019
Fox - A Haiku
Silent white morning
Hosts a red velvet hunter
Crimson stains the snow
446 · Feb 2021
These honey thick words
Stick to the tip
Of my tongue
And syrupy thoughts
Are hard to swallow

444 · Jul 2019
The Cat
I wonder if
The cat who stole
Your tongue
Decided to leave it
In a safe place
441 · Nov 2023
it is so hard
to be gentle
when I always have
the taste of blood
in my mouth

441 · Jan 2021
I have taken midnight station
Set in quiet contemplation
Sipping on the thickest silence,
Such a sickly-sweet libation

Silence can be addictive.
438 · Jan 2021
I am a phantom limb
Passing through the body
Of a listless lover

436 · Sep 2020
Sunset - A Haiku
This rose gold splendor
Sinks into turbulent blue
Wrapped in cold chaos
This is a haiku about a sunset I experienced at the ocean. It was a special moment for me, and it inspired me to write this.
389 · Aug 2018
I released the earth
From my clinging fingertips
Letting the hands on the clock
Carry me towards the end
It was only then that I realized
That I had become numb
To the lament of all of our days

374 · Jan 2021
When I am enveloped

In raw earth,

Microcosm in my flesh,


Will no longer haunt

Hollow bones
344 · Jun 2018
Please let me leave,
I'm ready to go
Into the vast wilderness
Of life undone
By my own frail hands
I watch my story
In monochrome
Radiating in my head
Like radio waves
Playing a funeral song,
A melancholy melody
Written in a language
Only I can speak
This is a poem about having suicidal urges and tendencies. I've lived with mental illness for a very long time, and suicide has affected myself, and many people close to me, so it is an issue that is very close to my heart.
305 · Sep 2019
You must see
Through roses
As thin as lips
Hiding such
Sharp teeth
Kalopsia (noun.) a condition, state or delusion in which things appear more beautiful than they really are.
301 · Jun 2018
I watched you there,
Drinking from the sun
Swallowing beams
Of the most radiant light
I saw with aching eyes
The shadow that you cast
And traced your silhouette,
Drawn into the lovely void
That trailed behind you
299 · Jun 2018
Come and sit beneath the tree
We'll watch the fairies, wild and free
Shimmering wings dart here and there
Carrying tiny beings without a care
On tiny toadstools they do land
With blooms and berries in their hands
Wearing broken twigs and maple leaves
And bits of moss torn from the eaves
Now that they've finished playing games
They'll dance and sing round brilliant flames
Underneath a shining crescent moon
Til' dawn they'll sway, and drink, and croon
And when the sun is overhead
It will finally be time for bed
Magic flows throughout the night
When dainty fairies are filled with delight
298 · Jan 2019
When I split myself open
You reached a steady hand
Into a garden overgrown
With briars and stillborn blooms,
Plucking them away
With loving fingers,
Ignoring the wounds
That came from tending to me

Once every wilted vine
Had been cleared
From a trellis made of bones
You began plucking
Even the smallest of thorns
From my punctured heart,
Planting new seeds
In the holes left behind

Then you took my trembling hands
Into your bloodied palms
And showed me how to  
Make a garden grow

287 · Aug 2018
The Witching Hour
Heavy eyelids flutter open to darkness so serene
Bare skin is cool and clammy with the slightest summer sheen
You walk into the night with moon and stars to guide your way
And it doesn't seem to phase you as the trees begin to sway
Because you're following a feeling you hold deeper than a dream
That in this moment everything is not as it would seem
Ahead of you a fire burns, a sun so very bright
Yet the silhouettes dancing 'round it sing their praises to the night
Porcelain figures move in time with a slow and primal tune
As you step into the circle beneath the silver moon
Chanting bodies begin their throes
As hands intertwine and magic flows
Souls woven together through the darkest power  
Of the overwhelming call of the witching hour
279 · Jan 2019
The Bird
Loneliness on gilded wing
Has nothing but a song to sing
Crooning softly to an evening sky
A dulcet and quite somber sigh
In flight through hues of red and gold
Warbling a tune that none will behold
A requiem from a chorus of one
Beneath the quickly setting sun
278 · Jun 2018
I need to delve into you
Like a reader with an open book,
Swimming through the fathomless depths
of every chapter in your deep blue past
I want to skim your pages,
Tracing your words with my fingers
Like so many rays of brilliant light
Breaching the surface
Of who you truly are
Adronitis (n.) frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone
268 · Jul 2018
As words spill freely
From behind loose lips
Rivers of thought begin to form
And while they ebb and flow
Around the heads of those  
Pouring them into the world,
One must wonder if they will manage
To trickle into ears to fill empty minds
Before spilling into seas of apathy
anecdoche (n.) Taking part in a conversation in which everyone is talking but nobody is listening
259 · Jul 2018
Once In A While
In the twilight hour
When grey light
Fills the empty space
Between your walls
Do you think of me?

Do I overflow your mind,
Cascading over the edges
Like too much water
In a shallow cup

Do I flood your thoughts
With dazzling colors,
A prism brilliantly shining
In technicolor splendor

Or do you think of me
Wooden and solemn,
A coffin for the life
You have left behind
256 · Nov 2018
I flip through
The written chapters
Of my life
And as I make my way
Through still blank pages
I catch a glimpse
Of the end
Moriturism- (n.) the jolt of awareness that you will die
254 · Jul 2018
I need a place to lay,
Somewhere deep inside the earth
Held tightly in the arms
Of many ancient roots
Twisting above and below me,
A cradle for my tired bones,

I need a place to sleep,
Nestled in a home
Made of small stones and soil,
Blanketed in the silence
That permeates the ground
Beneath my feet
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