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Maxim Keyfman Jul 2018
When you writes
messages for me
When I was a
funny by you

Oh You
my universe
I'm earth
Oh You
my universe
I'm earth

we walk on the sea
you was a funny

Oh You
my universe
I'm earth
Oh You
my universe
I'm earth
Oh You
my universe
I'm earth
Oh You
my universe
I'm earth

murielle lemaire May 2014
we meet at starbucks and i can almost pretend nothing changed until i feel the distance in your voice.
i am calm and quiet. i did not expect this
yet here i am sitting in front of you as you explain how you feel (a rarity).
and you and i are alike in more ways than i realized before.

flying through the young night air
i feel alive and free and happy again.
i meet theresa j hanson. dancer, 19, long thin hair and long thin body.
she says she's heard a lot about me and i am surprised and i like her very much (or my first impression anyways) even though you told me that one time that you had *** with her and other girls would probably instinctively hate her. but i can't. she's just so nice and anyways that *** had nothing to do with me.
she gives us cantalope and me ice water.

cigar smoke.
we go out on the little apartament porch and you smoke the cheap cigar, the kind your grandfather smokes. get a red solo cup for the ashes and i found an old ***** butter knife out here. and we sit. and unexpectedly you say can we start over. and im shocked(you've suprisde me so much tonight) but so grateful and of course we can. you blow smoke rings and when you say whooo are youuu i cannot help but think of alice in wonderland and you are the smoking catepillar who asks life's hard questions and am i alice or the queen or the mad hatter or lewis carroll

coming back.
we reinact a a scene as if we just met and i kiss you as if it's the first time and that is how you will remember me and my lips are cold and your mouth is full of smoke and the kiss is fire and ice it's a wonder we did not steam. something so you'll remember me{i will never forget} and i guess we'll figure out on the way.
The tears have drained
the scratches remain in my brain
What to ask when they promised you dreams
and then made all of them break

Like life on fast-forward, an unfinished race
like the words at 12 you can't speak
like the late night conversations you forget
I can't fight these monsters in my head
screaming we are still aliveee

The scars still remain
you thought everything'd healed
What is reality,what a mere hallucination
when they are all mixed together

Like memories rushing in, an earthquake
like the dark shadows of trees
like a deafening silence you can't escape
I can't see through this fog through dreams
nightmares are coming to get youuu
read it fast
Allison Nov 2014
I want to learn to fly, to grab a star, for you and I

I want to float, up to the sky, to grab a star, for you and I
I want to swim, through the clouds to grab a star, for you and I
I want to dance my way up high, to grab a star for you and I
I want to flutter like a butterfly, to the sky, to grab a star for you and I
I never want to say goodbye, so I grab a sttaar for you and I

You are my one and only. You are my peanut butter to my jelly.

I-i-i-i want to fly, very high up in the skyyyyy.

To grab a star for you and IIIIIIII

Your my one and only. You are my teeth to my mouth

I love you so much so let me go to grab a star, for you and I

I want to fly, very very very high uppppp in the skkkyyy to

grab a ssttarrrr foooorrr youuu and IIIIIIIIIIIIII

I want to float, up to the sky, to grab a star, for you and I
I want to swim, through the clouds to grab a star, for you and I
I want to dance my way up high, to grab a star for you and I
I want to flutter like a butterfly, to the sky, to grab a star for you and I
I never want to say goodbye, so I grab a sttaar for you and I

I want to fly up high in the sky, to grab a very big star for you and I
I originally wrote this as a song
Alin Feb 2015
He is worried!

the Mr. Perfectionist.

It’s almost Carnival but
He hasn't yet got a mask

with specifics
his ballads
and jests
surly lists his bests
in two principle steps
of CAPS :

* Feeds the Bats and
* Tempts the Charms

* Cheap N Handy
* Quixotic but Scary
* Not too Trendy

and he cries


What's worse than
a self-adoring pathetic bat
in my whereabouts!

I can't get the stink and shrill so I help him fast

'Yo what's the worry!'

-I say friendly -

'you need not hurry
cause I think you already are ready!'

-I continue enthusiastically-

'Here! Try this one
My top design
Custom fit chemistry
A truly  NO Risk Recipe
and of course
Specially designed for you! '

'for you for youuu
   to echolocate
such is an eye-gaze
for the half-blind
such is sound
a vibration that propagates
in ears and brains of pretty gulls
and of course
only  for youuu'

-  I sing loud a common bat ad just to stimulate
my client and continue- merrily explaining my serviceable recipe

for 2)

Wear your white shirt just always

the one I know
you know?
the webbed one
weaving grace
and don't forget to
iron it well this time.

for 1)

Put on your true face!
I reckon then
and can guarantee always
no one will ever recognize you .

In a flight he disappears glad and I hope he won't show up till next year
What can you do I say to myself and quote a encyclopedic fact about my client.
All things have a place, you don't really need to like them but these ones pollinate flowers and disperse fruit seeds and they are economically important as they consume insect pests reducing need for pesticides.  

I say while I ventilate my head with an OM mantra and an incense stick
Bah what a stink what a stink...
jas Aug 2018
its you girl
always in my mind
even in my dreams
from the day that i wake till the moment that i sleep
never leaving me
and i've never pushed myself to ever seek
anyone but you
your'e the moment that i started living
that my heart started feeling
i started healing..


its you girl
you're the one for me
its you girl
you're my destiny
its always been youuuuu

****, always been by my side
kept it real all the time
never had to ever lie
that's true
something i didn't know i needed
can't ever deny the truth
girl , its always been youuu.
morena \ instrumental base de rap **** by la loquera. on youtube  inspired me
Poetic T Jan 2015
He was lonely, as was his heart, carver
Of wood, he searched upon forest &
Glade till before his eyes laid sight of a masterpiece,
Home he hurried
Not noticing or ignoring the black knot
But unbeknown, this was a deeper
Problem. Rotten, decayed black festered
Within not showing on the outside,
But things are missed in joy,
Things that will haunt, but he was finished
His boy of wood stood before
His so tearful eyes, your only wood
Only inanimate, sitting before my weeping eyes.
Heard where his whispers
Upon a night were they asked back,
"You are of sound heart"
"You are of compassion"
"You will have a son of wood with life in his heart"
As he looked upward,
A sight befell his reddened eyes
Words fell forth unto his ears,
"Did you just speak??
He hugged upon wood given life,
"A boy of my own given life"
"I love you son"
"I love you father"
His nose grew,
leaves sprouted forth,
As Pinocchio snapped what grew forth,
And throw it upon the floor,
In pain he reeled,
"Son be calm"
For lies will be greeted by growth
Shall a lie be told, only good boys
And girls realise that honesty will be rewarded.
With that he cuddled his father, you know
Not love but I will show you unconditionally
Till you understand honesty also love,
Upon those words both bedded
For the night was late and father was old,
But he never slept, upon the floor
Part of him that broke off,
Now tainted black,
As it had succumb to its chosen fate,
As he fashioned upon tools
A living weapon,
"Blackest as night"
He felt connected
They were apart but one.
Into the bedroom he crept,
Startled old eyes widen, I have a gift,
As he plunges it forth,
Son whhhhy I loveeee youuu
"I am but wooden given life"
"Blackness rots inside"
"It must feed"
For without it I will cease,
When I was just cold
It was my end no difference to any one.
And now given life
That is all that matters this night,
And with that he ****** into his
"Fathers heart"
He felt relief inside no more ties
But he cried splintered tears upon his
Blood they mixed upon the floor
He had extinguished his first life.
He needed to stem the flow as
He felt the veins rooting further
Life was his not easily given up,
The town fell silent that night,
As he fed well, he charred his
Finger tips black upon once so tanned,
So to feed with both knife and hand.
He would travel the world, death in his wake
All thought
"How unique"
"How harmless"
"How sweet"
But when the hunger craved,
Life was bled,  life was ceased
All for the rot to not **** this wooden boy
"Rotten core in a boys shell"
Prey his nose does not grow just a little
Because your time in life will be up.
Earl Jane Aug 2015

Let me have an introduction to this long letter for you.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV) “4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

First of all, I wanna say that, “I REALLY LOVE YOU SO MUCH.” This is not some joke, Brandon. This is real thing! I truly know deep within me that you are my soulmate. Like what you said “IT IS REALLY AMAZING” that whenever we feel that something’s really wrong, we do feel that one oF us has troubles, problems and struggles going on, and YES! We really do have! God will wake us up, even midnight, early in the morning, and He will give us that strong feeling that I should check on you or you to me ‘cause something’s not right, and yes. There’s really wrong going on. And “OH MY!” as I remember never did I felt that. I was so AMAZED and so GLAD, like WOW, you are really the one. I never expected this kind of happiness I have never felt, seriously I am so much happy with you. Really happy with you a lot! So much! You should know that king! :)

Please, don’t ever say again that you don’t deserve me. Guess what, I DON’T DESERVE YOU! You are saying I am so perfect, NO, I AM NOT. I am no perfect person, I am just being me and doing things which I think is right and good. You know, I have never met anyone like you, you are not like those worldly man out there, your light shines brightly in me, in the darkest corners of my life, you became my light. If you read my poem, “MY FIREFLY” yes! You have been like that to me, that you have light up my darkest corner and you give me hope! You are my happiness king, my life, my everything, the excitement I always have when I wake up every morning, my soulmate, my best friend, just MY ALL! Can’t you see that king? I am so much happy with you, a lot!

We are humans king, we do commit mistake, and I 100% know and understand that! I don’t know why you are begging for my forgiveness when in fact, I ALREADY FORGIVE YOU! No reason to be sad king, ‘cause I am here for you. I am not going anywhere, I will NOT LEAVE YOU! You are the only man who made me this happy, who made me feel that “OH YEAH, I HAVE MY WORTH IN THIS WORLD, I AM NOT SOME TRASH.” Yes king, you made me feel my worth, you made me feel that I still have done good in this world, that I am worth more than anything. It’s only you king who made me feel my worth. Only you!

Brandon, I am waiting for you. Yes, true love means waiting, and I can wait even forever. I do believe you are worth waiting, worth sacrificing, worth caring, and worth loving for. Please, let’s overcome this demons that is trying to destroy us. We have each other and yes, WE HAVE GOD ABOVE ALL! We can overcome all of this. We will! OH YES WE WILL! Just remember no matter what happen, I WON’T GIVE UP, hear me?!! I WON’T GIVE UP! I love you much more than you think, ME MOOSSTT!! ME MOSSSTTT!!

Please don’t think that all you did was hurt me. WHAAATTT?!! Are you kidding me? LOL. You are kidding, I know! Oh my, Brandon! If you only knew how happy I am being with you, If only you knew how blessed I am to have you, If only you knew how thankful I am to have you.. URRRGGHHH! Please know that.

I am doing my very best for you king, I knew you know that. I am just here when you need me, when you have troubles and burdens, I am here. {Well, we feel there’s wrong going on, no need to call out our name ‘cause God will just push us to check on each of us.} Yes king. You deserve happiness, you deserve all good things! You do deserve all!
I just wanna thank you for everything you have done for me. I know words are not enough to express how happy I am, not enough seriously! But just wanna remind you I am happy with you. I am waiting for you my future husband. HAHAAAAAAAAA. I am really waiting for you. I really love you. You are the one I love, I don’t want any other, only you king. ONLY YOUUU!! Only you I longed to be with, only in your arms I wanna be, Only with you I wanna be with like forever! :) I am praying a lot for you king and your family. Just know I love you a lot. A LOOTTT!! ME MOST!!

~Earl Jane
For Brandon <3
Heartbreak Motel Dec 2015
"You're a nice girl and i like you a lot but..."
*******, *******, FUUUCK YOUUU.

I don't want to be the nice girl,
I wanted to be the girl that haunt your nights,
The one that gives you insomnia.

But go on, try to find a girl like me,
Someone who wait 9 month in the hope that something could happen.
Someone who take news of you everytime,
Someone who is sincerely interested by you, who want to know you,
Someone who don't want to just *******.

I hope that now, when you'll hear my name,
You'll think of me as the girl you broke,
The one that loved you but you rejected.

So come on, go find better than me,
And go burn in hell with her.
David R May 2022
there in the deepest shadows of May,
'midst the wood and the trees and the hay,
i hear a hoot from a bird-of-prey
"Whooo?" "Who are youuu?"

midst the twilight shades of grey,
when all the light has gone away,
again, he asks, at end of day,
"Whoooo?" "Who are youuu?"

in the silence o' witching hour,
from his surveyance in woody tower
midst abeyance of earthly power,
"Whoooo?" "Who are youuu?"

And as i start a day anew
in fractious world i thought i knew
midst the frantic to-and-fro
the push, the shove, the ebb, the flow
the strain, the cries, the pain, the woe
again i hear G-d's echo,
"Whoooo?" "Who are youu?"
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#abeyance, fractious
Feelin' untouchable
Even though my mind is forceful
Telekinesis compellin' my adversaries
They had no choice but to bury
There own grave im far from saved
Since hells on earth I aint got no worth
Now media playin' hard to get
Puttin' every one of us in the caskets
Crooked *** cops cases get dropped
Cant get a job so we slanged rocks
And when they see us come up
They quick to lock us up
Society say we the ones corrupt
But **** that **** !!
Im some rebel what about reparations
For slavery??
Forty acres and a mule
Only thing we got was servin' the tool
With drugs n liqour in the hood
We killin' each for mild goods
Open up your mind with my mental nine
Call me hyprocritical but yall asinine
Still sayin' **** youuu to the churches
They God love us how nigguh?
We was lynched and burn for free nigguh?
Back in the days im throwin' shade
If you dont like it come n raid
Bring the pain to me and ill make yall ******* flee
Instead of being carry by six
Id be judged by twelve of the grand jury
N dont mourn me
Went i depart from this home
America's a ***** but i know yall say im wrong
Retrace back history
They repeatin' the same steps they did to my ancestry
Label me a **** *** outlaw raw
With this tell and when they come for me
My guns will be throwin' up
Got my mind made up word up

What about the homos rights?
****** now goin to come with the fights?
Crime shame community misguided and untamed
**** wish we i could turn back the hands of time no reason or rhyme
Got **** fools is switchin' to female roles
Got these thots takin' control of the household
Where the real men at?
Too busy in tight pants tryna pack a gat
Gay thugs lookin' sweeter than sour patches straws
Since you trick ***** open up yo jaw
Uh i know i might catch alot of hate
But dont give a **** about ****** rate
The enemy to man is thyself
Check yo self before you wreck
No respect
For our elders fools is jackin' for dumb ****
Tryna gain stripes off of weak kills
Why cant we team up and ****** the Capitol Hill
But these so called real nigguhs to scared
To face off but will off
One there own flesh n bones look for the drones
They watchin' our every instinct my eyes dont blink
Cuz if you do you'll miss the truth
They spreading hate and deception
While we headed for a depression
So much aggression
Makes me wanna load my smith n wesson
Now i got them ******* stuck
This is hold up
Robbery is the only way to go
I got my mind made uppppp!!!

Brian Ray Dec 2011
She crawls to me in
A nauseating manner.
Her fingernails dig themselves,
Inches deep into the carpet.
She smiles,
Awkwardly, prolonged,
By dynamic foam,
She giggles.
Her tongue leaps out,
Spelling my name in mid air.
Panting as a dog would,
She draws nearer.

And I worry about what may be going on,
In that deceitful, undead mind.
Horrid thoughts invite themselves in,
And make a home in my brain.
I say take a vacation,
They say, “We just got here”.

The veins on her forehead,
Protrude and glow.
She mocks me and screams,
With terrifying vibrato,
“Get away from me youuu,
You foul, freaky, fiend!”
So close now I can nearly,
Taste the vinegar on her breath.
So close I can hear her,
Scraggly hair detach from atop her head.

My heart continues to race the ticking,
The tick-tocking of my mothers clock.
My blood continues to boil,
So incredibly warm that I may *****.
That I may spew all that pumps my blood,
Onto this creatures path.

She picks up the pace,
And widens her moon-like eyes.
Murmuring under her,
Coldness and feebleness.
Her tongue continues,
To haunt my mind.
And she is so near now,
That I can taste the clamminess,
Of her skin,
Or what is left of it.

My heart stops.
She stops.
I take a deep breath,
She takes my hand.
I try to break away,
She breaks my fingers.
I scream.
She screams.

“Who are you?”
I simply ask.
“I am the outside world,”
She claims.
“And you have,
Every reason to fear me.”


Crazy people roam this earth, but I suppose it’s not their fault. It’s not their fault they do what they do without explanation. But you’ve got to wonder; What makes these people do such crazy *** things? I guess it takes a crazy person to understand crazy actions..
December 10th, 2011
Cassandra Jun 2014
You promised....not to leave.
That Christmas  Eve....u left me hangin.
i did believe...
that u were the i think...i'm all wrong.

All i want is you, you, you, youuu..
All i need is you, you, you, youuu...
All i care is you, you, you, you...

When i look at the stars, i saw your face.....
Synthesis Dec 2016
(Her to him 10pm)

I love you
I loved you like I said I would
I loved you just the best I could
I love you like you made me
I’ll love you even if you hate me
Even when you love someone else to negate me
Delete every text, picture, and post to erase me
I understand My mistakes and missteps
I do
So even if you never say it back again
I’ll say it one last time
I love you

(Her to him 1 am)
I hate you
I hate you
I    HATE you
I      HATE    YOUUU

I hope it was worth it
I know one day you’ll replace me and
I just pray to GOD that she’s perfect!

(Her to him 6 am)
I’m over this.
Do what you want

(Him to her 10am)
I’m sorry
Desire Jun 2022
It’s so hard to stay when you’re so far away
& I want to see your face just one more time
Even in a great storm
Cold, snow, rain, fog, or warmth
I’d walk ev-er-y mile to have you in my arms

Even through all the pain
& the screams of yesterday
Bursting bombs, blown up tanks,
war sounds ringing’ in my brain

I still hear all the cries
“don’t you die”… “you’ll be fine…”
“Stay with me” … “you’ll survive…”
“We’re gonna be alright…”

I reopened my eyes, saw bright hospital lights
Life support’s running thin, I no longer qualify
I hear the Corpsman talkin’ when one of ‘em walks in and says “sir, you’ve had a very good fight… it’s time to call it…”

Unable to move, with no strength left to lose
I just let the tears slowly roll down my brui-sed cheek
If it’s my last day and I’m placed in the grave I just want you to know I’ll still find a way, ‘cause, see…

It’s so hard to stay when you’re so far away
& I want to see your face just one more time
Even in a great storm
Cold, snow, rain, fog, or warmth
I’d walk ev-er-y mile to have you in my arms

I said, it’s so hard to stay when you’re so far away
& I want to see your face just one more time
Even in a great storm
Cold, snow, rain, fog, or warmth
I’d walk ev-er-y mile to have you in my arms

I’d walk ev-er-y mile to have you in my arms
I’d walk ev-er-y mile to have you in my arms
I’d walk ev-er-y mile to have youuu
and to be with you forever…

Every Mile
20 minutes to write a poem with 3 random words. Happy be-later Memorial Day.
Pluck Jul 2023
For you,

We all know the best hearts are in the lost and found.

We know love isn’t free and It seems to cost in pounds.

Patience, accountability, effort, these are the dues.

This isn’t about my dream, I’m saving up for youuu.
Dan The Man Apr 2014
The lyrics go something like, "on the back(something) of a holiday, with youuu" and it's not an actual holiday/christmas song. It's kind of like an indie/pop song from England so here "holiday" means vacation. It's also a male singer. If you have any suggestions please tell me because it's important thanks.
eileen Jul 2017
i waassssss
youuu hit mee

i stareee intoo
spacee moree oftenn

alll thesee redd linees

caan't findd thhe righht tiime tto cryy

ii knoow imm richh
whats iit maatter
in thhis tiime

ii havee tto grrow uup

nnot ggoing tto happpen
withh a bllindfold

nott goinng ttoo happeen
I love you
I love youuu..
I Love
Jodie-Elaine Jun 2020
I’ve been loving you
for at least three minutes.
I’ve been waiting oh-so-tentatively for
your two backward left feet by the
warm microwave light, for
a waltzily slip
of ultimate falsehood out of the fridge.
Oh darling, yo-ooo-ooo-ou
send me.
You, you, youuu
waltz with me in the warm
kitchen light,
across the checkerboard floor.
Darling, yoo-ooo-ou
fold me up and
toss me
oh-so-lovingly into the microwave.
My legs, oh my marigold legs!
Pop out the funny sides,
false and daintily.
Your limbs with no mouths
but light fingers and a thorough
set of skills with the hoover.
I saw the sink disembodied
in the light wearing
a pretty ‘do.
My hair on all the faucets.
Dear Mother, I…
Alexa May 2019

Someone asked me how it feels
to be black.
No joke.
It happened.

my best friend asked me
if he could have
an "N-word pass."
No joke.

someone came up
and put their hand
in my hair
and started messing with it.
No joke.
They were like
"How do you get your hair
so curly?"
And in my head I was like
'Um... Youuu.. Ugh!?!How do you get your hair
so straight? How do you get your skin
so white?"

How do you not know
that our worlds might be very different
or closer to the same
than you might ever
want to believe?
Not actually yesterday. I wrote this poem a really long time ago. Well not really, but kind of a long time..? Is 2 years long? I don’t even know when it was, but anyway, the world still feels this way. It annoys me that even though a kind of long time has passed, it still feels this way to be black.
Jay earnest Oct 2022
I see them moving around in there
it's an old dilapidated cabin on the corner of the street,
and the town ****-heads
and transients like to go in there and squat and put up blankets
on the windows
to indicate their presence there so they can shoot dope and **** in peace.

There's a dead dog tied to a leash which is in the final stages of decay;
and a shirtless man named Mark works on his wheeless truck set up on cement blocks and has a headless manequen propped on the roof

      One night I throw a heaping pile of dog **** through the window and hear someone yell back
"I'LL **** YOUUU"

When I awake the next morning all the are cars gone.
They probably left on account of it being 12 degrees and not having
any electricity.  Someone forgot to pay the bill

— The End —