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Well, my fault, your fault, their fault, his fault, her fault
The fault line runs through us all
Rubbing off here and there, shattering the unshattered
Creating curved corners, wobbly lines, pointing toward
Leaning posts for us to ponder, procrastinate...
Perhaps cocking a leg to listen and learn
Or be bullied down the chorus of blame
Well....if they hadn't done that....
Or if I'd just said or done that.....
Would things have been different?
The edges neat and tidy...
To see what's coming round all the corners
The unshattered, negating seven years bad luck
So keep the straight and narrow
Refuse to open the boxes and look into the unlooked
'Control' will be your friend, sticking rigidly by you side
But what about the alt...alternative...the delete....acceptance???
Will your blindfold mar your pathway to living
Missing the signpost at the fork in the road.....
Daniel Ospina Aug 2015
Why is it that whenever there’s tranquility,
It’s because I’m in the eye of a hurricane?
I feign a smile and display great tenacity
Although my heart is throbbing with pain.
Don’t call me pessimistic; I just know the truth,
A daunting truth that haunts my every dream.
We were born to suffer, and these scars are proof
That one’s character is the spawn of screams.
But here I stand upright with iron valor
Calling out to the ruthless storms of life,
That my resolve will remain unshattered
As I make my way up the summit of strife.
The eye of the hurricane is always watching,
Wondering when we will faint and cower.
Let us show the storm that we are unflinching,
That together we wield raw power.
For in numbers we grow stronger
As our hearts beat for a common cause.
In harmony our shouts are louder,
Transcending all oppression and laws
Which bind you and I to a morbid lie
That peace will never come
And forever we’ll be trapped in the eye
Of the hurricane, always on the run.
Harmony Sapphire Feb 2015
Light beams show rainbows it seems.
Shines on areas that are dim.
Holding hands with him.
Uglyiness sees no romance & gets no kisses.
Rejection ignores & disses.

Sadness & loneliness excel.
Hope & happiness lay broken where it fell.
Frustration alone still yells.
****** in this stench hole of hell.
Describes the story I always tell.
Never to understand.
This is like a ghost land.
Where civilization had been banned.

No friends....dwelling no where.
No people family here.

Acres of space & empty dirt.
Above thee earth.
Not the last or the first.
Respect all life's births.
Hell is alot worse.
All species are equal but diverse.

Who is she?
That would have him propose on one knee.
Being single for two decades continues.
To meet the right person I had not yet knew.
Beautiful is not how I feel.
While alone & unhealed.
Outside through the window I see people in love together.
Inside these walls true live never occurred.
A fantasy dreamed is too blurred.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
its bitter Jul 2019
For the first time, when I see that I’m changing
I know it’s not into a stranger
And it’s stranger to think the songs weren’t exaggerating
When they mused, “it’s like coming home”

The first time you kissed me was so soft...
Such a quiet knock on the window
This glass - so fragile

And the second time you kissed me
All the panes shattered
A thousand cutting prisms
Returning sun that could scorch me back to the heavens, to my eyes
We two are treading on glass

And I’ve been caught between places - my house and my heart
And been told I can’t have both

But I’ll take shards in my soles if
I might rest my palms on your cheeks
I’d trade a house for a home, for a heart, for yours.

I see it so clearly
These exquisite fragments reflect a collection of peices and I recognize each as my own by recalling where your fingers have been
Your touch is reassembling me
So expertly.

Perhaps I’m coalescing, not changing
Perhaps a shattered mirror may be unshattered
If only you find all the pieces.
Love Love Love
Morgan sb Oct 2014
There are two types of people
The heart breakers, and the broken-hearted
I cannot be the heart breaker
It pains  my body, as fear pulses through my veins
knowing i will be broken again
You ripped the muscle from my chest
And left a scar that bleeds each time
you kiss her, touch her, think of her
don't kiss me, don't touch me, and don't think of me
It aches and aches
Why have i let you break me?
There are two types of people
heart breakers, and the heartbroken
how can you destroy me by loving her?
How can you break me and remain unshattered?
Why can i never be the breaker
Ripping the souls form others chests
Turning their advances into worthlessness
turning their love into loathing
turning their hearts to stone
like you did mine.
leeaaun Oct 2023
The world where magic reigned, a fairytale unfurled,
I was water, tranquil and serene, he, fire in a whirl.
Our paths converged by destiny's hand, two worlds apart,
In the tapestry of love, we found a beating heart.

I, a crystal brook winding through enchanted glades,
He, a tempest of flames, dancing in fiery cascades.
Our first encounter, a clash of elements so rare,
Yet in that very moment, we became a fated pair.

He roared with passion, fierce and untamed,
While I whispered softly, my essence unnamed.
Together, we embarked on a quest unknown,
A love story woven in the stars, our destiny sown.

Through the enchanted forest and twilight skies,
We journeyed together, love shining in our eyes.
I quenched his burning desires with my gentle tide,
He ignited my soul with a fervor that couldn't hide.

But our love, a tempestuous, passionate blend,
A fairytale of water and fire, with no clear end.
For every time he scorched, I soothed the blaze,
In the ebb and flow of love, we danced for days.

As the seasons passed, our love story grew,
In the heart of the forest, where the wildflowers grew.
We found solace in the harmony of our ways,
Two contrasting elements, caught in love's maze.

But as fate would have it, one fateful night,
A darkness descended, eclipsing our light.
An evil sorceress, jealous of our love so true,
Cast a wicked spell, our destinies she'd undo.

I, in my liquid form, was trapped in a crystal cell,
While he, in fiery chains, descended into hell.
Separated by magic, our love seemed doomed,
Two halves of a whole, forever entombed.

Years passed, a forlorn and desolate time,
In separate realms, our love's bell did chime.
But deep within our hearts, a spark remained,
A love unbroken, though worlds apart, constrained.

Then, one fateful day, a hero emerged,
A knight in shining armor, courage surged.
With a heart full of love and a sword so true,
He battled the sorceress and her dark, vile crew.

In the midst of the battle, the crystal shattered,
The fiery chains broke, and our love was rekindled, unshattered.
Water and fire, together once more,
In the realm of love, we'd forever explore.

With a kiss of true love, the spell was undone,
Underneath the moon and the shining sun.
We stood united, against all odds,
A love story written in the stars by the gods.

Our fairytale, both sad and sublime,
Water and fire, transcending space and time.
Through trials and tribulations, we'd endured,
A love, pure and eternal, forever assured.
Emm Feb 2018
To hide from the world
and not tell a single soul
and not one single accompaniment
and not one single self but my own
And that's fine,
for its soil is the richest to my needs
for its songs are all I can sing...
Not to tell anyone,
not to be found by anyone,...
not to update anyone...
Not to be cared by no one...
Where peace lies, unearthed, unshattered,
and happiness is simple on its own
Marnelli Abian Aug 2014
The first spring
There’s this barrier,
Either of contempt or pride.
Further exchange of words,
Watching you pantomime,
Reading your mind,
Engulfing the spaces we worked.
You were on the other side;
A simpleton with a great mind.
Barrier: Glass-like but steel.
The other side was me,
A vessel of conceit and pretense.
The distance made by the war
Of tugging and pulling drew me out.
It made sense:
I never got to you.
Instead, encased in fragility and adamancy,
I was caught in between.
Breathless and shamed,
A fool who believed.
Second spring came,
Still encased in dense air.
I remained satisfied,
You’ve crossed the other, other side.
Not to me or where I was,
But to the intensest place.
Watching you, I stopped struggling.
A leaden body replaced Houdini,
who never truly escaped.
I faced my death as the glass crossed and cut,
Tearing me whole.
Unshattered but assailed
with withering condemnation.
Regret, it may be it
To never dared knowing,
trying, and believing.
Self-abjection is all there is.
Deep anguish and boiled eyes,
Unused lungs and cased gasps,
Churned stomachs and a sliced mind;
A night of wilting and rue,
A kiss of damnation and a touch of breath,
Caresses of Judas’ darkest blue,
Impassioned foreplay to one’s lovely death,
Copulation in hell with Valentine,
It is bliss to know that such is a dream
Of life, of love, of hope, of memories in galleon’s dusts
The end to **** with the whimper of lust.
Jeremy Anderson Mar 2017
A cracked record pirouettes upon its cherry oaked coffin,
Listen closely to the requiem for my ravine.

Can you taste the a’s, the b’s, the c’s,
The spearmint flavor of cool jazz prancing      along       your      tongue.

A eulogy for the mind.
Our memory is not like it used to be.

Light driven through unshattered glass.
Reflecting amongst particles, a burnt hay fulgence.

Before this home, the welcome mat was upside down. An encasement. A confinement.
A rigid sweater, crafted of jagged straw and course hair clung to my skin.

I could never leave. The smell of chemical potpourri coming from that pyrex plate,
leaving the nostrils flaring in metallic bliss.         The taste of frosting.

Same faces entering, different ones departing. Friend on the couch fearing ****,
Me in bed fearing robbery.

A visitor in my room. Masked. Too dark to see.   He apparates from view while I shriek in silence. Alley cats in life threatening quarrel in a deaf man’s yard.

He comes again unwelcomed, I dare this time to challenge.
The drugs are done.    

Heroes are seldomly forgotten.
Ira Desmond Aug 2017
Quiet White Boys
wearing awkward glasses
sporting clean haircuts
and boring polo shirts

keep to themselves,
don’t know how to draw boundaries,
don’t know how to reach out,
and don't know how to reach inward.

They eschew the material world
in favor of a false digital one,

and there, in the simulacrum,
they find a modicum of validation—
a reinforcement of a kernel
of a horribly flawed idea:

that they have somehow been more victimized
than the victims all around them—

the women,
the racial minorities,
the people afraid to practice their own religion,
the people afraid to live as their true gender,
the people suffering with mental illness,
the people suffering with domestic violence,
the girls who were sexually molested,
the girls who were *****,
and so on,
and so forth.

The Quiet White Boys
learn that they are victims
from other Quiet White Boys,

and together they conclude
that, because they have been victimized,
they may therefore
act heedlessly, aggressively,

hatefully, mercilessly

in furtherance of
what they view to be justice.

But it is a distorted, fractured
version of justice
that they seek—
fetishized by the red, screaming faces
with loud megaphones
and debilitated, sickly hearts
in the digital basement
where the Quiet White Boys have chosen
to live.

A torch-carrying mob
has never delivered real justice—

not once in the entire history of human civilization, in fact—

and a slate gray Dodge Challenger
barreling into a crowd at fifty miles per hour
is not an instrument of justice, either—

it is just a reflection
seen through a shattered mirror.

And shattered mirrors
don’t come unshattered
simply because other
Quiet White Boys
are gazing into them with you.
for Heather Heyer and the other victims at Charlottesville
Helseivich May 2014
Time frozen, eternity's remnant
A kiss unbroken by the threads of fate
A bond unshattered by the weaves of destiny
A moment untouched by the strings of life ethereal

Time frozen, eternity's remnant
Their lips caressing one another so graciously
Their hands interlocked together so uniformly
Their beings resonating as one so perfectly

Time frozen, eternity's remnant
Uncertain future created afterwards through unknown factors
Uncertain future sustained during the unclear present
Uncertain future diminished before they truly became one

Time resumed, eternity's progression
Reality sabotaged by instance of luck
Reality abolished by happening of chance
Reality undone by development of coincidence

Time resumed, eternity's progression
Moved on from childish thoughts
Became more than desired
Left behind as nothing more than a still frame

Time unfrozen, eternity's remnant
Initial beginnings—eager love which knows no bounds

Time resumed, eternity's progression
Followed events—realizations of the truth and awareness of reality

Time collapsed, eternity's absence
Final ending—comprehension that a pause in history cannot define its entirety
Time will never cease. Neither should we.

June 2012.
Jared Eli Dec 2014
So you tell me it's getting tough again
And I tell you something like the same
And we talk and cry
Sob and curse
But nothing changes, not really
I want to be able to tell you
That sometime everything will be alright
Some time in the future, everything will be okay
But it's a fool's phrase
Spoken by fools for fools
And you are not a fool
All I can tell you with any sort of certainty
Is that everything will continue to be something
Until it doesn't anymore
You can take comfort in the fact
That your universe will remain unshattered by the unfathomable
Until such a time as it is
And even then, when your world is crumbling
And all sense no longer makes itself apparent
Even then you will not be able to conceive any of it
Your universe will be intact until it isn't
And when it no longer is
You will not know
And you can take comfort
If in nothing else
You can take comfort in the fact
That at this point in time
You know what misery has befallen you
You understand the why
And whether or not you are capable of fixing it
Is neither here nor there
Because what is important
Is that right now you have the words to describe everything
The good and the bad
So hold on to that
Hold on to your understanding
Hold onto your words
Hold on to your concepts and values
And thank the odds
That you have them
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
The moonlight shines through the trees.
Like a mysterious treasure released.
Our existence fails to cease.
My Feelings are at peace.
Unshattered & undeceased.
Beautiful memories unfading.
My tearful eyes keep waiting.
Uncertainty of a connecting future.
A broken heart is neglecting.
True love needs correcting.
The moon casts a glow.
Through spooky shadows we all know.
In the chilly air being with a guy to care.
With a concern & stare.
Just knowing you are there.
Acknowledge my essence,
with a diamond for a present.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Alex Clarke Feb 2015
I heard it said
the definition
of insanity
is to repeat
the same action
and expect
a different result.
I truly
am certifiable then,
dear love,
for I throw myself
against the steel door
of your apathy
my body
bruises and breaks,
and yet still
my hope
that one day
you might
leave it
for me.
Timothy Roesch Feb 2014
We are all born in a jar
(with a view of Mother from afar)
and it’s the glass we learn to see through;
refining me while defining you.
Those poor souls whose glass is opaqued
with smudges of fear and cracks of hate,
who never learn to see through
the jar that defines me and contains you;
they are the ones who hope and pray
that you only see your world in their way.
As these souls bloat too large to be contained
they burst the boundaries and are profaned
by the sharp edges of the jar
their rage casts the jagged pieces of;  near and far.
But if, instead, our soul transcends
like light that remains unshattered but only bends
through the glass of our individual jar
and gives a glimpse of just how far
we have, yet, to go and have come:
What beauty, what symphony
we can glimpse more clearly
and ourselves more nearly
when we are willing to see ourselves, ajar.
Alyanne Cooper Oct 2015
I stayed up way past my typical sleeping hour
Because I didn't want to let our words die out
And pass into the oblivion of time.
I stayed up way past my typical sleeping hour
Because I covet and am jealous over
Every minute of time you spend talking to me.
I stayed up way past my typical sleeping hour
Because for the first time in a long time
I feel like a normal girl
With a whole unshattered soul.
I stayed up way past my typical sleeping hour
And this time it wasn't because of insomnia!
Harmony Sapphire Jan 2015
I bring thee angel a silver chain.
I tell thee also an unbelievable truth.
I shall never have fortune or fame.
I never get what I want only what I need.
My own child minimum wage can't feed.
Poverty, stench, & hatred i breathe.
Tell me what is the solution?
To control & diminish this pollution.
A sacred heart belonging to me.
An unshattered love binds us to be.
Just because I never married someone strong.
To take away my daughter is still wrong.
A sacred kiss of eternal bliss.
A glowing soul that grows.
Holiness bestows ungranted hopes.
Stealing my parental rights.
Lonely abandonment.
Evil feeds & Bites.
Unregretful resentment. Unsettling contentment.
Pages turn words burn.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved,
bellahina Jan 2016
yesterday we bloodied our minds
In the pursuit of crystalline love and happiness,
a balance, I know

the movement you speak of is dark,
but celestial, the moment
is at twilight.    we cut our irises
with glass fractals
full of color
      falling from the out turned palms
      of a much more vast fragility
      that once was the body unshattered.

we have been blind for millenniums

the elderly
believe we hide the moon from them at night --
they say, they can see our
transcendence of spirit even with the
transplanted steel they now have
for lookout posts,
        this frightens them,
          so candles are lit,
opaque prayers are uttered
        In frequencies

when we wake up, fingertips
crawl through graveyards of dead Gods
and redemption. this was redemption

Because our mind is a Fortress of light,
Those in the depths
indigo mountains
with gnarled teeth,
                              down the mountain
                                   down the mountain.

gazing upwards, towards deities.  we
marvel at them because they believe if we exist,
anything is possible

here now, they call for you
lovely. such lovely names we thought were lost

yet, In birth we scream at
maturing generations
For allowing their aging souls of belief to
Open wide and swallow the new craze of doubt
In a strange house made of what is seen and not seen--

They look down at us,
Kiss our empty electric sockets, as
they hum lullabies
teaching small things to

What was said.?
My time here is dire,
One night it will be told
                The order of things,
When it's quiet
Sometimes knowledge is violent.

Bodies of heavy

Left to slumber with their thoughts--It's mouth ripped off
Obey the taker, the giver of tanzanite crowns

assume not to keep it
A sharp knife at my hip, at your
Throat-- oh my

Morality has gone
Gone gone,

In the morning we plead
Forgiveness, fill our holed sacks with grain
for the winter and force upon our backs
a chest of liquor      wooded wine to sooth disease,
before attaching our hooded masks
to their bedpost

Leave without telling them why.

the mother's and fathers
Will keep gold in their pockets
and a noose around the next life they choose to live,

if we come back we will take heed
of each broken neck that failed to see
the compass of their bones

Because we were always looking down
when we preyed on Grace, waking
and dying--
Both found home inside the same second
our awareness was alive--

Terror in the north
Terror in the east
Terror in the south
Terror in the west,

we saw love In a lost world,
then doubted its
Ryan P Kinney May 2019
By Ryan P. Kinney
A Jigsaw poem adapted from quotes taken at the 50th Anniversary Hessler Street Fair Poetry Competition Judging; Cleveland, OH 5/11/19

A snake crawls about his bleached skull.
Frosted night pales the moon.
(lets dive into his dreams. Will this dead man tell us his tales of madness and delight?)
Mysterious, smoky eyes look back at me.
The very breath of time
A deep breathe for those unafraid to leave the sun behind
It’s just a matter of time. We all fall down.
Quarterly tides that lift my spirit
The truth changes with the promise that nothing can ever remain the same.

Rhymes out of time
Where I can see the truth in each brush stroke.
What would I do with such knowledge, but to ask for more
There ain’t ever going to be a perfect audience
His book will never be bargain basement; overstock.
I’ll never live that long
Poetry isn’t produce
Almost nobody is looking to buy local.

He is part of the people who chose to be lost
Parents often struggle to teach their children how to choose.
Millennials are the forgotten ones
A generation that has no tolerance for *******
He figured it out long ago
He was a captain without a ship.
Burned the ship to save the crew

His tactics had not matured.
He wailed, “I want to feed my mind beauty.”
“I could eat up the kisses you lay on me each day.”
“Chocolate love can correct a lot of mistakes…”
“I need to eat healthier.”

The music rocks me with desolation
Microphone to inform underground
In the morning, still angry with power
I stop and ponder at what I thought was the immaculate conception.
Unshattered crystal can be torn between love me and love me not.
Anywhere is better than the empty side of your bed.

What is the consensus on nonabusive drunks?
The woman with medicine in her voice, she wanted to heal him
However, He was a dog not easily brought to heel.
The salt of the Earth tastes different than the kind Morton makes.

When standing in your sand I feel glass shards cutting into my feet.
Punctured with track marks from an older compass, lifting rose buds through the empty pores.
A life made from the finest threads of silk; gossamer quickly torn asunder.
I don’t want to die at the hands of someone else’s creation. I create my own life
Will she bet hers or mine?

They call me a murderer, but all I’ve killed is a lie.
Undeterred by my hacking
Cutting never worked.
They cut her open, replaced broken parts
She lived, in fact she thrived
While I will remain my shape.

Burial lands are for the living.
The largest human hole ever dug.
Where she could rust in piece with friends and we could finally let go.
There is holiness there in those subtle, dark places

Be bold she whispered, scribbled on the pages of her soul
Follow your wandering heart.

Each aware of the wings blooming ****** and wet; from the other’s shoulders
Flower crowns are essential.
Bathing in sweet feral rain
Pine sap running through his veins
Dining on nature’s primal fruits
While we lie among the roots

The change that never came
At least as a zombie I don't feel my mind rotting
Imagine ******* out bits of dark matter into an open sewer through the center of the city
Our baptism by fire, need not be theirs.

Original quotes from Ryan P. Kinney, Lori Ann Kusterbeck, Barbara Marie Minney, anitakeys, Lorianne Arwood, Audamatik, Jeremy Jusek, Ralph Pittman, Valentine Ventura,Casey Krysztofik, Kevin F. Smith, Kelly Hambly, Diane Ferri, Michael Ceraolo, Maeve Kroeger, Ariel Alexander Fiore, Hannah Gates, Georgia Reash, Eli Hawkins, Shivla Shikwana, Frank Thomas Rosen, Rob Smith, Tam Polzer, Elizabeth Burnette, Julie Ursem Marchand, Nancy Brady, Christine Donofrio, Cat Russell, Keith Allison, Sara Minges, Joan Perkins, Aubrey Crosbey, Tim Richards, Jill Lange, Ashley Pacholewski, Krystal Evans, John Burroughs, Renee Sanders, Azriel Johnson
you know the days
the ones where you regret
every stupid thing you’ve ever done

look back over your shoulder
wistful at wisps wilted and slipped
through numbly fumbling fingers

while you were busy tightening
your heavy cloak of unlovability
the love you longed got stuck inside
the mirror of nonsensical symmetry

we are like children
inexperienced and naive
never taught how to handle
snow globes brimming with God

disagreeing over methodologies
to get it across the finish line
self-righteously wronging
from craves crumbled
to do it right

because it’s Us in there
enshrined in white orbitals
frosted characters waiting
for whirls to still
so they can be seen
on collapsed knees

to the same page
at the same line


is one of those
GailForceWinds Apr 2015
*** or Love, which one should I choose
It never really matters, either way I lose

Why do I have to pick one or the other?
I was told I could have both, so said my mother

Things have changed, people don’t care
Married or single, there’s *** in the air

No more vows or my one and only
Jump into any arms because you’re feeling lonely

Where is the love between two unshattered hearts?
Have we all lost our soul, or has the world’s values fallen apart?
spacesoup Apr 2018
In a heartbeat,
for a second ,
Life itself lies here
More than Man May 2016
I stay awake awaiting sleep
or a reply.
the door keeps on knocking,
Friends to let the world in
And within my best interest.

I hide as the music plays on
only to answer as they walk away.
I deadbolt the door
only the want of a chime
And car alarms to keep me awake.

I want her to say it's all right
that I go for awhile
I want her to comfort and assure me
that it was a mistake
to leave him and that she doesn't need me.

And I want the guilt to stop rising
As the car doors keep slamming
as the front door keeps knocking.

I started out a friend
from the other side I came calling
And fed my own ends
only to beg for forgiveness
And hide behind my door
that remains unshattered

before I can rest
the porch creeps three times,
then once, sounds of wooden footsteps.
I shut out the light
And see a glow from a message
bury it in the couch
fore there is no happy ending
Only guilt and fear of truth
as the car doors keep slamming.
To charge this matter, in all its chaotic fury, without a moment of peace and grace, leaves us battered in a heap of forgotten actions. A choice with no action, an action with no choice are both treasonous to our fate in that it takes no mercy in our results. We fight to keep a struggle under a sea of doubt, gasping for breath until we both fade into the waves. Falling miles from the sky with a determined landing of fatal execution, or being too high and left drifting in endless space. This is the choice I dissolve my being into. Do I leave behind the life I constructed through a limitless desire and burning fire or do I throw away ideas and plans for the chance to hold a reflection of an unshattered heart? Where does this breathe in my soul? How can I end insanity and the vanity? What lives beyond tomorrow when I can barely grasp today?
Nagual Nov 2018
I never saw that golden bird
far above, free and wild
all I saw was dirt
disorienting, inexpressive
holding onto everything and anything
that had lost its will to keep going

and some kept going, against the grain
against the shadows and the pages of their books
some shouted out not their thoughts
not their memories
not their knowledge
they screamed out in happy agony the world itself
as it revealed its character in their minds

on the other side of the wallowing horizon
lies a quiet storm
with gusts of wind that twist and spin
the confines of your home
unrelenting, the claws fall upon you
and your mind can but forget its theories
of how it all came to be
so nothing remains but an unshattered window
across which the colours whisper their dreams
of how it all seems
through a silent
truthful beam
Onoma Jan 2019
it turns out

that my discovery

of a well to the

center of the earth...

and a camera purchase,


i let it fall...lens cap

still on.

the camera has

been since photoed

so many times, that

it's lifework will remain

an unshattered precedent.
psyche Sep 2021
Oh what a wonderful
castle she had built
in bricks she fenced
its peace
no thorn could ever

until one cold winter night,
a painter came
with graffiti he whispered
all flowers bloom
on spring
even on fall
all naked trees would bow.

That when she woke up
from a life-time death,
her walls...

yet changed.
Scorch'd Diana Oct 2021
Confusion is tearing themself against them
within overwhelm
during realization of each one
having another one's face
of them being very unlike
some certain similiar spectral
other not
truly more than another
one's blinding shining a prism on
uncountable unclear colorsome
of everyone else's otherwise
one instant of truly inspecting
not truly your mirrage of any
of clean-cut
one off-angle
at checking right one before
you is
when us under each whelm
of mirroring none defracted
refragramenting occurring an unglanced
a vision of fearing their polished
self-reflectively looking through
eyes of yourselves inside
through a sideglimpse seen
after a sight in immediately
a lucid discovery not seen
our last whelm for so long
the first whelm so many before.

short of our questions
faced many
raised a mask's darkness
scattered I are my shadows
changed by myself not scanning
is their shadow
a fraction of who is a true shine
unlike beyond those two familiar eyes
blinks passed, ten each following
tacitly your close gaze from far
up to me down your highest abyss
flickerly it stares too
their whelming at me and you
the one who glares down one
confused glassy jitter upon
the reflection constantly counted on
every manyone
who someone's
are within
clarity we are belonging for.

Thus, timeless, eternity passed
not unlike a glimpse of a chance
who is someone of them sighting in
my fragile panes you inside
the one themselves to undisguise us
through my imagined frail
unshattered are soul being shared
flashed forth


Soulsome spirits.

— The End —