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Julian Mar 2019
Tantalized by the fractious limerence of a vestigial habiliment of the old order, we conclude that hypertrophy leads to a limbo where random permutations alloyed by the rickety limits of concatenation subsume concepts that are equivocal but populate the imaginations of newfangled art forms that jostle the midwives of rumination to lead to unique pastures that are intuitively calibrated to correspond to definitive unitary events in conceptual space that sprawl unexpectedly towards the desultory but determinative conclusion of a meandering ludic sphere of rambunctious sentiments cobbled together to either rivet the captive audience or annoy the peevish criticaster when they dare to inseminate the canvassed and corrugated tract of intellectual territory created ad hoc to swelter the imagination with audacious ingenuity that is an inevitable byproduct of lexical hypertrophy. In this séance with the immaterial realm of concept rather than the predictable clockwork reductivism of a perceptual welter that is limited by the concretism circumscribed by spatiotemporal stricture we find that an extravagant twinge of even the smallest tocsin in the interstitial carousel of conscientious subroutines compounding recursively to pinprick the cossetted smolder of potentiality rather than extravagate into the vacancy of untenanted nullibiety can spawn a progeny of utilities and vehicles for dexterous abstraction that poach the exotic concepts we fathom by degrees of sapience malingering in lifeless bricolages of erratic abstraction in manners useful to transcend the repose of abeyance and heave awakening into the slumberous caverns of still-life to make them dynamically animated to capture ephemeral events that defy the demarcations of wistful indelicacy of the encumbered bulk of insufficient precision.

Today we embark on a quest to defile the anoegenetic recapitulation of canon that litters the dilapidated avenues of miserly contemplation that has a histeriological certainty and feeds the engines that enable novelty but ultimately remain rancid with the stench of the idiosyncratic shibboleths of synoptic alloyed impoverishment that leads to the vast wasteland of cremated entropy that is a stained foible of misappropriated context interpolated usefully as botched triage for daunting problems that require a nimble legerdemain of facile versatility that we easily adduce to conquer the present with the botched memorial of a defunct salience. Despite the travail of scholars to retreat from the frontier into the hypostatized hegemony of recycled credentialed information, we often are ensnared by the solemn attrition of decay as we traverse the conceptual underpinnings of all bedrock thought only to dangle precariously near the void of lapsed sentience because of transitory incontinence that is contiguous to the doldrums of crudity but nevertheless with mustered mettle we purport that the very self-serious awakening to our hobbling limitations is akin to a prosthetic enhancement of ratiocination capable of feats that stagger beneath the lowest level of subtext to elevate the highest superordinate categorization into heightened scrutiny that burgeons metacognitive limber. Marooned in the equipoise of specifiable enlightenment countermanded by the strictures of working memory we can orchestrate transverse pathways between the elemental quiddity of impetuous meaning and the dignified tropes of transitivity that bequeaths entire universes with feral progeny that modulate their ecosystems with both a taste of approximated symmetry and a cohesive enterprise for productivity that rests on the granular concordance of the highest plane to the indivisible parcels of atomic meaning that solder together to exist as intelligible if strained by the primordial frictions guaranteed by the brunt of motion incipient because of the metaphorical inertia created within insular universes to inform sprawling conurbations of mobilized thoughts designed to reckon with the breakneck pace of the corresponding reality to which they explicitly and precisely refer to.

We must singe surgically the filigrees that amount to the perceptible realities that transmute temperaments into the liturgy of routine conflated with the rigmarole of neural dragnets of reiterative quips in an elegant game of raillery with our supernal contumacy against the rigid authority of aleatory vagaries mandated by a dually arbitrary universe in a probabilistic terpsichorean dance with the depth of our dredge for subliminal acuity or the shallow bellicosity of common modes of glib contemplation characteristic of the basic nobility of improvisation. This basic interface with the world can either be mercurial or tranquil based on the interactionism of the enfeebled trudge of surface senses or blunt intuitions and the smoldering impact of the vestigial cloaks that deal gingerly with the poignant subtext evoked in the cauldron of immediacy rather than pondered with the portentous weight of imperative singularities of uniqueness derived from the plunge into the arcane citadel of microscopic introspection so refined that the ineffable drives we seek to fathom become amenable to the traipse of transcendental time that rarefies itself by defying the brunt of compartmentalized bureaucracies administered by the fulcrum of stereotypical notions of acquired gravitas imputed to mundane pedestrian quidnunc concerns that defile humanity rather than embolden the subaudition of gritty punctilios that show the supernal powers of the axiomatic divinity of sharpened sentience to reign with supremacy over the baser ignoble components of bletcherous nescience that leads to knee-**** platitudes that provoke folksy peevish divisions. We should rather orchestrate our activity by heeding the admonishment about the primogeniture of poignant sabotage buffered by the remonstration of innate tranquility and finding a whipsawed compromise of rationalization with true visceral encounters with the fulgurant quips of brisk emotions that grind industriously into amorphous retinues of the trenchant human imagination to either equip or hobble the leapfrogged interrogation of veracity and more consequently our notions of truth and fact.

When we see the hackneyed results of default ecological dynamics, we find ourselves aloof from purported transcendence because the whimpered bleats and cavils of the importunate masses result in a deafening din of cacophony because we strive throbbing with sprightliness towards the galloped chase of tantalization without the luxury of a terminus for satiation. Obviously a growth mindset is the galvanic ****** that spawns the imaginative swank of the pliable modulations of our perceived reality that, when protean, showcase the limitless verve of our primordial cacoethes for epigenetic evolution rather than the stolid and staid foreclosure of impervious sloth that memorializes the gluttony of speculation about fixed entities rather than imperative jostling urbanity that dignifies the brackish dance with dearth and the exuberant savory taste of momentary excess because it engages the animated pursuit of limerence rather than the exhumed corpse of wistful regret. Nature is a cyclical clockwork system of predatory instinct met with the clemency of the prosperous providence enacted by the travailing ingenuity of successive cumulative generativities that compounded unevenly and unpredictably to predicate a fundamental zeitgeist calculated to engorge the fattened resources of the resourceful and temper the etiolated dreams of the fringed acquiescence of a hulking prejudiced population of dutiful servants that balk at the diminutive prospects of a lopsided distribution of talent and means but slumber in irenic resolve created by the merciful hands of defensive designs that configure consciousness to relish comparative touchstones rather than absolute outcomes that straggle beyond a point of enviable reference to shield the world of the barbarism of botched laments clamoring for an uncertain grave from the gravity of the orbiting satellites of apportioned wealth both sunblind and boorish but simultaneously inextricable from the acclimated fortune of heaped nepotism and herculean opportunism. The intransigence of the weighted destiny of inequity is a squalid enterprise of primeval abrasive and combative tendencies within the bailiwick of the indignant compass inherent to the system that fathoms its deficiencies with crabwise and gingerly pause but airs a sheepish grievance like a bleat of self-exculpation but simultaneously an arraignment of fundamental attribution erroneously indicted without the selfsame reflexiveness characteristic of a transcendent being with other recourses to clamber an avenue to Broadway without malingering in the slums of opprobrious ineffectual remonstration against the arrangement of a blinkered metropolis of uneven gentrification.

We flicker sometimes between the strategic drivel of appeasement and the candor of audacious imprecation of the culprits of indignity or considerate nutritive encomium of the beacons of ameliorated enlightenment because we often masquerade a half-witted glib consciousness lazily sketched by the welters of verve alloyed with the rancid distaste of squalor and slumber on the faculty of conscientious swivels of prudential expeditions with an avarice for bountiful considered thought and wily contortions of demeanor that issue the affirmative traction of adaptive endeavor to cheat a warped system for a reconciled peace and a refined self-mastery. We need to traduce the urchins that sting the system with pangs of opprobrious ballyhoo and the effluvia of foofaraw that contaminate with pettifoggery and small-minded blather the arenas better suited for the gladiatorial combat of cockalorums tinged with a dose of intellectual effrontery beyond the span of dogmatism rather than the hackneyed platitudes that infest the news cycle with folksy backwardation catered to the fascism of a checkered established press that urges insurrection while tranquilizing dissent against the furtive actions of consequence hidden behind the draped verdure of pretense whose byproduct is only a self-referential sophistry that swarms like an intractable itch to devolve the spectator into a pasquinaded spectacle of profound human obtuseness that pervades malignantly the system of debate until the reductionists outwit themselves with the empty prevarication of circular logic that deliberately misfires to miss the target of true importance because of the pandered black hole easily evaded by creatures of high sentience but inevitably ensnaring the special kind of dupe into a cycle of bellicose ferocity of internecine balkanization. The vainglory of the omphalos of entertainment is also another reckoning because it festers a cultural mythos of glorified crapulence parading a philandered promiscuity with half-baked antics that gravitate attention and the lecheries of gaudy tenses of recycled tinsel alloyed by debased aberrations of seedy grapholagnia that magnetize as they percolate because of the insidious catchphrases embedded in pedestrian syncopation that ignite retention and acclimate to mediocrity the sounds of generations discolored by faint pasty rainbows rather than ennobled by majestic landscapes of ignipotent mellifluous sound that stands a supernal amusement still for the resourceful trainspotter.

Despite the contumely aimed in the direction of contrarians for deviating from the lockstep clockwork hustle of stooped pandered manipulation that peddles the wares of an entirely counterfeit reality, I stand obstinately against the melliferous stupefaction of entire genres of myth and subcultures huddled around the sentimental tug of factitious sophistries regaled by thick amorphous apostates that cherish the vacuous sidetracked spotlight with fervor rather than pausing on the enigmatic querulous inquisition about the penumbras that lurk with strained effort beneath or above the categorical nescience of the shadowy unknown that often coruscates with elegance even in obscurity. I fight with labored words to spawn a psychological discipline that invokes the incisive subaudition of the pluckily pricked exorcism of true insight from the husk of buzzwords that constellate auxiliary tangential distractions from the art form of psychological discernment that predicates itself on the concept that the rarefaction of rumination by degrees of microscopic precision enables the introspective hindsight of conscious events that can be parsed without the acrimony of cluttered conflations of the granular prowess of triumphant ratiocination that earns a panoramic perch with the added luxury of perspicacious insight into the atomic structure of the rudiments of our phenomenological field and the abstractions that linger beyond perceptual categorization. When we analyze the gradients of anger, for example, we can either be ****** into a brooded twinge of wistful resentment or we can decipher that through heuristics designed to cloister the provenance of subconscious repose with ignorance there exists a regimented array of tangential accessories embedded deep within the cavernous repository of memory that designates a cumulative trace of compounded symmetries of concordant experience immediately perceptible because of the tangible provocateur of our gripes and the largely subliminal tusk that protrudes because of primal instinct that squirms with peevishness because of the momentary context preceded by the desultory churn of smoldering associations swimming with either complete intangible sputtered mobility through the tract of subconscious hyperspace or rigidly fixated by an arraignment of circumstances with propinquity to the deep unfathomed flicker of bygones receding or protruding because of the warped and largely unpredictable rigmarole of constellated spreading activation.  
When we examine the largesse of the swift recourse of convenience we forget by degrees the travail that once bridged the span of experience from patient abeyance in provident pursuit to now the importunate glare of inflated expectations for immediacy that stings the whole enterprise of societal dynamics because it vitiates us with a complacency for the filigrees of momentary tinsel of a virtualized reality divorced from the concretism that used to undergird interaction and now stands outmoded as a wisp beyond outstretched hands straggling beyond the black mirror of a newfangled narcissistic clannishness that shepherds the ostentation of conceit to a predominant position that swaddles us with fretful diversion that operates on a warped logic of lurid squalor and pasty trends becoming the mainstays of a hypercritical linguistic system of entrapment based on the apostasy of candor for the propitiation of fringed aberration because of the majoritarian uproar about touchy butthurt pedantic criticasters with a penchant for persnickety structuralism. With the infestation of entertainment with the ubiquitous political cavils engineered by the ruling class to have a common arena of waggish irreverence we forget that sometimes the impetuous ****** of propaganda is cloaked by the fashionable implements of a rootless time writhing in a purported identity crisis only to gawk at the ungainly reflection of modernity in the mirror and remain blissfully unaware about the transmogrified cultural psyche that feeds the lunacy of endless spectacle based on the premise that one singular whipping post can unite an entire generation of miscegenated misfits looking for commonality to team up against the aging generations that cling to the sanctity of cherished jingoism against the intentionality of a revamped system that malingers with empty promises using exigency and legerdemain to obscure the mooncalves among their ranks that march on with quixotic dreams that tolerate only the idea of absolute tolerance and moderate only when feasibly permitted by the anchored negotiation of the fulcrum of totemic governmental responsibility between factions that wage volleys of invective at each other to promote a binary choice of vitiated compromises of mendaciloquence that ultimately endanger the republic with either the perils of hidebound conventionalism and nativist fervor or the boondoggles of fiscally irresponsible insanity cloaked with rainbows and participation trophies. Reproach can be distributed to both sides of the aisle because ironically in a world where gender is non-binary the most important reproductive ***** in the free world is a binary-by-default despotism that polarizes extremely ludic fantasies on the left met with the acrimony of the traditionalisms on the right that staunchly resist the fatuous confusions of delegated order only to the sharp rebuke of the revamped political vogue that owes its sustenance to a manufactured diplomacy of saccharine lies and ubiquitous lampoons that are lopsided in the direction of a globalist neoliberal bricolage of moderately popular buzzwords and the trojan horse of insubordinate flippant feminism that seeks to subvert through backhanded manipulation the patriarchy so many resent using lowbrow tactics and poignant case studies rather than legislating the egalitarian system into law using the proper channels. I myself am a political independent who sides with fiscal conservatism but libertarianism in most other affairs because the pettifoggery of law-and-order politics is a diatribe overused by sheltered suburbanites and red meat is often just as fatuous as blue tinsel and sadly in a majoritarian society the ushers of conformity demand corporate divestiture in favor of an ecological system of predictability rather than an opinionated welter of legitimate challenges to a broken system of backwards partisanship and wangled consent. Ultimately, I remain mostly apolitical, but I am a fervent champion of the mobilization of education to a statelier standard that demands rigor and responsibility rather than the chafe of rigmarole that understates the common objectives of humanity and rewards conventional thinking and nominal participation to earn credentialed pedigree when the bulk of talent resides elsewhere.
Julian Sep 2020
The Roulette of Fanfare by Imaginative Glare (A Cooperation of Timeless Synquest)
Sunken fortitude is the bailiwick of interminable eupathy that sustenance embezzles by minutiae of orange spectral linearity of bypass becoming a torus of tragic reprieve in repcrevel fashions of hyjamb. Thus we float above the carcass of syrts of certitude by cadasters of nostalgic drawls of malingering strawberry staddle for the scutage of pinhoked disaster. We renege on committed opalescence because tranquil dangles of vinsky are waged by trenchcoats of bluster for vector arrays of galvanized decorum that swirks for elegant synectics by dredged grains of agrarian sanity by the pleckigger of lopsided islands of creativity that are the notarikons of aleatory finite but equidistant largesse of not just a jumboism but a jetsetting travesty of traversed time mastered by ignoble ingenuity. I limn with piracy as a freebooter cordslave plugged by demitoilet reminders of the flyndresque alloreck of tinjesk spectral ultimatums that are the stretchgraves of a retrospective infinity that is a bystander to catapulted cohesive coherence found only in piecemeal culinary seditions against the drip of a turncock of roosted clarification in muted hindsights of foresight itself. The pleonexia of abeyance is the riddle of enigmatic promulgation that flickers even with partial compartmentalized servitude to the burlesque the burrows of an ophidiodiarium scare away any jaunty sleek car from the boosterism of a farmed collision with disjointed surgery of nimble reticence that braves the seismotic macadamized plutocracy of drift without sedition in sedimentary clairvoyance with a pointed amphigory that is actually a starved clarity for ommateums without spelunked trudges that occur in dovetails for disguise by synectic optimum at the zenith of the hive synergy of singularity.  The justified jest of aleatory flexes of finitude is a shambolic gesture of the limber of divergent interpretation ingeminating the world by sapient degrees of psychometry of divergence in piecemeal asseveration of the hindsight of the festooned not tepid or butchered by the obvious to the glaring cineaste but rather a gloaming glint of refracted ingenuity roosted beyond any alienesque erratic happenstance that is itself a beatific fortuity for the geotechnics of human emergence into supersensible planes traversed in a stereodimensional covenant with a compacted compost of DIVERGENT IMAGINATION OF CADASTER rather than the regelation of the obvious. Timmynoggies of cartels are regnant because of the repugnance of loyalty to the fricative frigates of superlunary mention of ratiocination divorced from husbandry of hyjamb for giant leaps in rigged ambsace maledictions of unfair pleckigger of the wrikpond relumed by huffs of impotent flairs of flambeaus beyond ecdysiast stretchgraves of perilous paralysis for the supererogatory of the accursed destruction of stoichomety of solipsism tremulous by biocentric levity above fastened redoubled pederasty. We maraud the rabble of nostalgia of rhinoplasty of penumbras that live on rainshod territorialism beyond the jolkers of everlasting foofaraw livid by betrayal but erratic in glamour without crackjaw costermongers vitiating the vociferous because of incumbent thermodynamics that affixes the stagnant to the latticework of riddle by sturdy integral derived fliphavens of shibboleths of solitude. Education is a fliction of robust derangement of nowhere men taxed by the celerity of traversed traipses of memory beyond encaged bridewells for recanted alchemy to prerogatives of the roomy expansive facsimiles of departed stigmas of bossy clairvoyance for martian glimpses at sunken waste. The bernaggles of brittle titanium are abrasive when they are alloyed with the compost of material dynamics of capital without avenged prediction cemented in sunken graves taxing the nostalgia of histrinkage that is affixed to boschveldt traindeque for venial consanguinity to dikephobia. We elevate the endpoints of abridged turriform clockwork provincial shibboleths that are the proctor and protectorate of insular robbery of crowned trounces of gravity for the gravitas of sepulchral vanity learned from famigeration of filial tithes of duty. A dutiful sedition is countermanded by the pews of turnstiles that enamor the enamel of rollercoasters because of vague vagaries of bedazzled contrition for wanton ambition on psaphonic psychology and therefore sustain the vibronic thrombosis of nonlethal inseminations of clear aqueous transfixed filigrees of demented notions of cheerful apocrypha of liturgical pride beyond the dungeons of prejudiced inquisition. The jolkers of insolent archipelagos of spinsters that levitate by parsed peril of delaminated parsecs of glazed parturition is the orchestra of a nonlinear grove of invented abecedarian witwanton notice of maddened cattle of gluttony forestalled by the clairvoyance of otiose operations of redoubled countenance that consequently is septiferous by degrees of sanguine rapacity the qwartion of endeared endeavor to surpass the gentility of brooked temperatures frozen to sustain but not mainline the congeners of the elective agenda to bypass the thornbushes of conflagration without knavery or cutthroat embellishments of bedlam. And without the din of simplicity occluding the transcendent goal of humane synoecy of fustilugs of fumatoriums endangered but not inflammed by controversy we witness the insubordinate university of hibernation becoming a specter of grisly bromidrosis of lackluster forswinked fortitude because the majestic sinew of the overwrought is a refrained luxuriance of pity of facetious glebes ringed around orbital planes of synthetic abridgement that supposes the sultry is actually the swelter of calenture but taxed by sicarians of the grandeval it meets no fanfare among elective privilege. Amphigory is not categorized as dross by shipwreck but only by synechdocial docility of groomed barren arcades of storged complication leading to regeneration of a world leaden with the epicurean epithets of agerasia that burden the wardens of poached intermission without remission because the drapes of the greatest art are thus created by the complete transfiguration of the soul bolted to ethereal expansive heights that dwarf all pithy gnomes of the gardens of prospective desiccation of the petty gripes of the gavel of idiocy rather than the astounding artform of the newfangled tabanids to supererogatory oceans of creativity. The benchmarks of sublime illusions of supremacy are a hidebound taxidermy of the rookery of greenhorns to summit the testy secrecy of inane drawl that scrabbles the miniature embellishments of petty sportive lunacy as a figment of the feral nature of proclivity recumbent upon its own gladdened prickly renegades that align with a gallywow cacophony rather than a merely epicene convergence of attitude for equity above polity that is hardly polite. As a penitent hibernal rejoinder against the clerical critics of religiosity becoming conflated with artistic masterworks of oligomania I offer my rogation for atonement because the melismatic art I fashion leads to the vogue enchantment of the noosphere for the soteriological bedrock of fastened intellectual endeavor that traverses planes of an engorged soul without a gulf of conscience leaden by distracted discernment leading to a hypostasized apostasy from the religious scruples I rigorously uphold but that I vacillate away from because I want to entrench an irenic world for the francketor dash towards a superlative enrichment of mind above matter for the victorias of soul above the pettiness of the dim humdingers of the banal lifeless squabbles of martexts beyond the hospitable welcome of martians. For the naysayers that don’t understand the ironic irenic circularity of gainsay becoming rebarbative to this artistic flourish of supersensible equipoise with an approximated histrinkage lagged by temporal deficiency they should not abhor the talisman of an ergotall genius but rather marvel at the burlesque cineaste connotation of enamored youthful spirits becoming novel because they stride above the cascades of crestfallen apathy of plodding languor. This is a definitive new artform for the niche crowd so don’t dismiss it as gobbledygook because it serves the purpose to enchant creative spirits and test minds that might be more nimble than resourceless. Wearisome by demiurges of distraction the thorny imbroglio of industry is a whiplash of nativism belonging to the throb of pulsated penury that is neither valedictory nor penultimate but tertiary in oblong variegated menageries of perfidy for collapsed enormities of jumboism lost on inclement stoichiometry that is sejungible from crambazzles of findrouement that are squaloid enthralled raptures of humdingers of rippled hunks of parched nebbich pataphysics because the circuit of conditioned reward is a rebarbative tether to the catchpole exploitative erratum of harbingers of hungry happenstance rather than continual enchantment. The crumple of squaloid sebastomania a distant figment of adscititious schadenfreude of dilettantism of flonky smardagine streaks of whemmled anxieties unduly provoked by calamities of presstungular intorgurent toonardical deprived cartels of repcrevel pursuit with labial senses embedded in deft incondite inquiries against seismotic jostle over the rubble of scaffolded jengadangle above the rot of contranatant sleek suffrage for the chattel of elemental realism becoming a heroic temple for glory without the vetust errundle of dismal disco attuned only to the spurts rather than a startled commerstargal of alienation leads to a plumber’s irony of atomic humdingers of natural equipoise with litotes of scrawny rings of gollendary piracy. The valorous incondite bricolage of a ****** cineaste barnstorm inoculated from conflagrations of the flagitious reprisal of prevenance of ferial fastuous feats of furlongs of brittle certainty above the tentative glaze of aced pokerish promenades to summit the craggy because the salebrosity of the pitch is also the venue for the sphairistic tentpoles of a new tabernacle of spectacular ecstasy in obvious punitive damage to puritan pilgrimage to mechanized obelisks of sardanapalian betrayal of histories of seizure rather than naturism of erasure that is a totemic recall of strollows of lonesome tributaries to tribunes of steam rather than saunas of lickerish leverage because the gladiatorial is a zugzwang with the deliberate infernal shibboleths of the disinclined people dislodged by carnality that depose sicarians of science because of militarized enmity against the whangams of taghairm becoming the outmoded dupe of dopamine that is now serotinous rather than flanged with glaring hearsay. The serpentine winds of windlass sometimes are a conclave of convex itineration against the steady husbandry of docile domiciles of mannequin sedentary postures for posterized infamy rather than manufactured oneiromancy that is the staddle for every phony contraption of qwartion obviously specious but interrogated by the dubiety of perseverance of inclement curiosity. Yet again we sweep the soaring ligaments of rigid ramshackle bletonism that hawkshaws countermand by division of enumerated nadirs pivoted against the perpended weight of the prolonged zeniths of grit above substance that infatuates myopia but glares against mountebanks of apothecary leverage. We fight against the boxcar traindeque of sejungible traipses through stereodimensional rebuffs of known drogulus surpassing unknowable reticence of citadels that are owleries for the seedy cities they sprawl with incontinence for a drab raft of intertesselation rather than a refined quintessence of alchemy achieved by allotment by brackish nescience becoming a blinding ray of destitution engraved by petrified decalcified rudiments of realism. The somber timbre of delirifacient ruinous rumination malingers in humdrum salience as it scrawls the tragedians lament of distal eventful frets of declassified nomenclature that swoon with lugubrious harbingers of burglary the licentious dolts affixed to the brays of pauperized regions of future proximity too remote to paralyze the morale of any cantonment on record by litotes of profound remembrance of a backfire delope for cineaste conflation of marstion slore for educated reprisal of desiccation. We spelunk in mimicry the dingy duplicity of double-takes in regelation that owe homage to the percolated hearsay of cartels that operate parsecs beyond our congeners of germane lustration in remission by deontology for soteriology alone but not vacated of the stilts of turnverein ragged mannequins of desolate remorse for the dearth of hived and hemmed hibernation in a fitful frenzy of revision above precision. We see abundant lactose intolerance as a sidereal lovelorn lament of sematic entrenchment without the scourge of roosted war against abrasive brawn exercised in flexible limbers of the novel filigrees of truth revelatory of consideration rather than impregnated with the perfidy of amaranthine static of regaled stagnation that flickers with the marinas of congregated leaps as a signature of the artistic license of byzantine traipses of contempered primacy in the soup kitchen of a lapse in sabotaged sobriety. Immune from displaced donnism is the resurgence of bonanza from checkered propinquities affixed to a finite placard of spacetime that owes to stretchgraves a profound depth of contrition that carmelized apocrypha lapse on lissome whilded dignotions of contrarian raillery of loose nihilism rather than anchor to the eremites of fact found in eclipsed culmination for momentous harps of the Jubal for new centuries inseminating the populated presence of spectral imagination with contorted melodies that spawn an ingenuous quest to swoon abiding heavens for celestial ears. It is conspicuous that artifacts for raiders elope with circuitous routes of heated sedimentary incubations with a comatose creativity that seeds the ferial junediggle with a supercalendar of confections that are intermittently apportioned in heydays of culture to the sad lament of the obvious rather than the obviated dare of audacity above conglomerations of spirited luxuriance in tasty memorial to a pinnacle above all other notions of sentinel apostasy. The greater atrocity of rogated ambitions against the gainsay of iconoduly of the rood and rude crucifixion of resurrected clarity found in the enamel of akashic answers to questions fashioned by kneaded cosmetology of delicate ***** cotqueans of limber above precedent and license beyond the finkly limp of lolloped saccharine blitzkreigs of the jalousies of the ajar vaticination of hurdled glaikeries of epicene impediment is that we ****** ink above the gesture of the quills of rocky abrasion found in limitrophes of yachted celebration because of rabid coherence above the wherefores of gadzookerie because the gladdest scaldabanco is the demented persiflage of collateral catastrophe beyond any humane degree of schadenfreude for persecution that backbites the anteric antlers of the jesters that mock the procession of liturgical secularism jeering at grapholagnia while lagging in imaginative spurts of lament for incalculable damage to the Pandora’s box of effluvia that meet stiff tabernacles of betrayal because of the Judaic foresight rather than as an alarmed Marxism scared of an agrarian interdependence of worlds cadged more prone to moral dogma exercised with latitude rather than unscrupulous brays of fisticuffs of shambolic shams of ruin. We glance at the perfidies of voyeurism with pertinacity and recalcitrant bellipotent bedlam that evokes the illicit grandeval whangams of quixotic whartonized arraigned estrangement from legalism to warp time to its own superlative turpitude that is reckless but contingent upon the consummation of destiny only to the extent of original witness rather than the decay of perpetuity wrought by the persiflage of envious militarized mandarisms of enmity aimed to derail the elevators of the noosphere from stratospheric emergence in now perspicuous clarity above the pother of the indelible sacrilege of the stygian polymathy of the astute enemies of the proper comstockery rather than the negligent butchers of an enantiodromia of oligarchies of lewdness that are severed appendages to Anti-Semitism and by extension a marginalized Islamophobia that demands by exigency the complete erasure of all attempts at sacrilege exercised in rampant dereliction of dutiful upkeep of the upright morality against the cadge of ulterior ploys of a broader hedonism that would only piggyback because of the license of ryesolagnus rather than because of a complete signatory endorsement of the liberated agenda of free thought conquered through the conquest of God but the ultimate conquistadors of time through sennet and even negligent rebec to memorialize the triumphant pantheon of growth rather than rankled regress into prolonged hatred ingeminated by atrocious tortfeasors that belong nowhere but the ashen heap of exorcised damnation. The perdition inherent to the system that craves chattel rather than sartorial versions of syncretic chatter is the malefaction of renegades bent on tornadic vulcanization to a demoralized wragapole of docility hitched to the vandalism of pilloried tarantisms of moral lapse leading the sheep into sheepish resignation over the accordion of Original Sin that annoys because the bridewells are brideless birds of the chavish of warbled uncertainty wicked because of snuffed tabacosis of mitigations of evil by the evildoers for the rejoinder against the Republic by rendering the **** a platonic ploy of karezza if only punctuated by solitary ******* reticulated by exsibilation that is contorted when you consider the ****** act a marvel rather than a condemnation of the vicarious involvement in normative ****** creations not of any higher artform but of an evolved theology that might perpend the issue of Christianized ******* that is videographic as a sanction worthy of charter and an impending simultaneous comstockery to protect the decency of the simultagnosia of a diverse and divisive mispronunciated time bent against its greatest heroes for the malice of schadenfreude built into the system of language itself by germane consideration to flagellate the wrong country for the  greatest wrongs known to the realm of religious observance. The pederasty of enclaves is the bailiwick of mutinies of selective mutism incurred by the vilified into compulsive shrieks of kallince as a ribbacle of protean ratiocination paralyzed by the coherent vulnerability incurred by the exchequer of polluted conditions of enslavement by the stretchgraves of the chavish of too many pulpits in the throng of a decisive jaundice against the victors of history because of the obsolescence of the historical fossils of outmoded jealousy. Now to the eupathy of all generations should we better conserve situations against the encroaching wesperm of the marstions of ulterior feminism grimacing at the pleckigger of manhood and decriminalizing the taboo against the enantiodromia of miscegenation to the folly of shepherds of idiotic ploys to rear the mediocre rebec of warbled intimations of cultural impotence that should proselytize both the oligogenics beyond ecbolic atrocity and the adoptive ****** of the anglosphere through its smart and dapper monopoly threatened by the commerstargal of retromorphosis exhibited by the demassification of culled syntalities into aboriginal epigenetic kennels of subservience to a piggybacked system where if you are among the attentive scrutiny of the audience that both perceives apperception metacognitively with francketor precision you are thereby inoculated from lean herbivores of cultish occultism metaphorically in the annealed agitprop for resourcelessness that never ends in the radioglare of revisionism because of the prevenance of the vergers who manage the Manciples rather than tend to the vainglory of the potagers around the hegemunes of an unwarranted and puritan celibacy of conceptual sterility in a world fashioned by engouements for sanguine hopes for a consanguinity that might portend into dynasty but lopsided in its contrite missives of scandal will never provide a valedictory rendition on politically checkered zugzwangs of ulterior scientism against the lettered freedom of bibliognosts to aggrieve against the gloaming vacuum of sartorial damages to Dagon among the populated metropolis of corporate servitude that will thus collapse out of rebarbative backlash for its diminutive economies of scope and pretenses of largesse of scaled down collectivism into a heap of corporate rubble rather than judicious bonanza. In every considered word in this Biblbical warning against the trekleador of the amazonian paradise against the travail of junediggles of obligation among the frenzied fretful tocsins of farcical utopianism meeting the inclement reprisal of sanctioned duplicity in frikmag beneath the truculence of mobilized alacrity to syndicalism endeared to capitalism rather than the converse logical apostrophes that are imponent overhangs of an already conquered feral sphere of nomadic imagination into a checkmate of a socially validated future clinched by foresight and the wragapole nature of the insensate docility of those prone to officious naturism before the attempted monolith of the mountebanks of the quixotic towers of panopticon that are a regelation of unchecked ambitions verging or diverging too valorously against themselves but also prone to a simultagnosia that berates the robust picaresque swandamos that curtail the curglaff of malcontent with the recoil of perseverance that reneges in tiresome defeat of a demilitarized population that should always be grisly rather than denatured by the overhang of the incumbent nudism of certain futures becoming to finicky in impetuous lurid specters of abhorrent exercises in chantage waged against sardanapalians in all countries regardless of merits or demerits. The redstrall of enlightenment is not otiose operatively in recursive backlash against nominalism which sweedles the weedledge of a new acquiescence timid enough to mangle a prosodemic wave of celibacy propitiated by the succedaneum of profligate vicarious lickerish ****** appetites that diminish that natural instinct into either barbarous experiments in lechery too inconvenient to apprise honestly but looming aghast at the moral tip-toes around the Original Sin that binds us to predatory lapse and retromorphosis rather than the maintenance of a mainlined trimpoline confidence in a normative wave of galvanized interface against the overpromiscuous provisions for the lackaday resentment of alienated millennialism relishing the sennet of nostalgia but bereft of the heave from moral slumbers of an invented celibacy intermediary to demassification but attenuated by the omphalism of astute gravitas in socially engineered balks at the emergence of singularity in personalized cacotopia becoming a metaphor for the broadsided shipwreck of an inured world pasteurized into acerbic jolkers of foofaraw rather than the real-life relish against still-framed ostentation that distorts the granular artifice of the natural into supernatural fixations with gaudy swarpollock indecently exposed. To the finkly flonky puritanism of the wiseacres of those who say sacerdotal duty cannot diverge from entelechies of secular insight I behold the marvel of timespun elegance as the marvel of God’s convergence for the happenstance of the serendipity of magnified time lived completely in the plenipotentiary pangs of evanescence that catapults subliminal meaning to memorialize this indelible seminal watershed in a clear visionary establishment of history. Most belong to oligomania but I relent in the completely sardonic intortions of aspects of sebastomania in complete equipoise with the clairvoyant clarity of centralized perspective but the dragomans will interpret that last phase with underminnow because it belies the granular intent of the fin de seicle advent of a new generation that is an homage to the hallowed Judaic theory of millennialism as the return of glorified entitlement yet tentative in its overhang but never malicious in its grapnel of the fewterers of amazing convergence of clairvoyance. The tangential rebuke of the absurd oxyholotron of paradoxical puritan superstition that assumes a fustilug generation will cement a farsighted clarity that subsumes generative prowess lingers with fixations on the figments of the apocryphal version of the truer version of revelations manifesting right before our eyes for neither the sinistral or the dexterous amplivagance of God’s universal message by the superorganism of messianic purpose belittled by the agents of humbled perdition not alone of martexts that are martles but also by the shepherded fears of the ignorant rather than the insipid because the will never be outmoded only enhanced by the acceleration of proliferative technologies that pave a macadamized future of prosperity rather than the tarnish of the miscreants of Tyre. I owe all providence to God because he fastened his scrutiny on my autodidactian romance clambered into restive ontocyclic peccadillo that points to Pinocchio more than to the truest compass of an omnified salvation of the piggybacked purpose of synergies of geotechnic mastery that elevates the cause of God and liberates us from the stings of dangerously vapid pauperization of the intellectual frontiers by dangled prevarications of desultory incontinence forestalled by avoidant developments in proper fewterers of ambition. By the axiomatic Brocards of time travel the unstated ignotism of deranged circuses of stupidity congregated around the swelter of dismissal is a barnacle to the mofussil fossilization of sentiment that remarks ironically about the petty indelible moments but not the entelechies of a unified front for liberated equity and considerate tender of diverse quorums that shepherd rather than intern the noosphere into the burgeoned resurgence of a humane endeavor for the everlasting enlightenment of an ameliorated humanity and beyond that. By the bailiwick exerted by the plenipotentiary omphalism still participant to the quorum I hereby declaratively implore the abrogation of pernicious grapholagnia as the peremptory sacrilege that needs exorcism for our times and yet delegated of stature I urge hortatory and imperative action for the expurgation of all tortfeasor illegally obtained ******* of unsolicited voyeurism to be completely regarded as the ultimatum of temerity against carnal restraint and banished from the human registry to uphold the strategic interests of the United States of America. I understand that there is not fricative monolith and never will I lean for that conquest but as a humbled member of the omphalism that constitutes the sacred endeavor of sociogenesis grounded on God with collegialism upheld that a geotechnically optimized species needs to refrain from lewd perfidies against commonplace justice to restrain the fumatorium of unwarranted envy from poisoning the pervious minds of people that congregate in defensive posture but not definitive gesture. I also beseech a portentous  settlement with  I relent from avarice but it is not a superposition of authority just a suggestive glance at requited justice but my grangull chavish of circumlocution naivety will meet the most deliberate Sardonic Sc(p)orn in these times of need. These next words are paused and already fathomed by the supernal recursion of the iterative metaphysics of recumbent retrospection hinged on hindsight to proclaim without any hints of attempted subterfuge of the clarity of a Democratic Republic that my words while forceful do not constitute a breech in public conduct even while vaulted with a minor rapacity I rebuke and atone for even when many others might find recourse to expiate my jalousies to the windowed world not of vindictiveness but out of the cursory and emphasis on cursory justice needed to vouchsafe my continued security and inoculation from the pothers of obviously shortsighted pleonexia which will obviously be fleered as a slight euthymia glazed on self-interest while tone-deaf to the checkered layers of entrapment by a confederate whiplash but a native grit never to enslave but to empower humanity. I am deeply lugubrious over the specter of the trembled quaky ground the penury of spiritual loss rejoinders against my candidacy for high esteem but not peremptory decisiveness in active service to yield to a supererogatory attempt for felicity to alight in my life not out of material greed but the gratuity of serviceable missions that play a dicey gamble with a frenzied manumission attempt that is essentially that a parsed manumission for eleutherian pragmatica to chide as naive but alarmed senectitude of the old order prevaricates with the din of postured hurdles of gladiatorial outrage that weans me away from the ataraxia for my fumbled stream brooking intolerance for years on the ballast of collective endeavor. Nevertheless, lets speak more on God’s providence because in this esteemed moment of watershed emergence of the fully engorged but rarely gluttonous soul I have found an equitable peace with supernal and superlative authority in God that grants stewardship and tutelage to the audience that will eventually through proper discrimination be delegated as higher than the ignorant bystanders of fleered snide disdain for the abnormous and bletcherous dimples of an otherwise circuitous dalliance with an unconventional path towards destiny rather than some windlass of opportunism for, if it were not for my unabetted genius and the provisions of divine appointment based on a kindly generous deference to preterition axiomatic in perceived time by the strictures of the convergent past and the divergent future, I would never find a role of partial authorship of a widely heralded tome I will one day publish to either the exsibilation of the antiquarians of hidebound irrefragable ontocyclic convictions or the cloveryield of an appreciative gratitude to the God I serve and I make no notions of any hostility towards any party of petty dismissal because I expect their recumbent recoil but I apologize for hubris and extenuate the follies of the refinery of character as I ascend into a figurative ennobled step into soulhood that exceeds my former dismal limits by such staggering orders of magnitude it magnifies the questions of ontology in sentience rather than beckons the alarmism of the swarpollock of tripwires that can easily withstand the tempests of scorn. The uproar of commotion of blood sanctified by the thirsty rain for the desiccated faucet of dramaturgy in reprisal for docimasy is the integral linchpin of the biocentric rebec reasting on the primitive hymns to festoon the curtains of defenestrated primitive relics of shady attempts at officious balks of the privatized empire of the alytarchs among the earwigs that simper the culled delicacy of sensible notions into the congeners of prioritization emphasized by quantulated concerns veiled by elaborative synquests that burrow the sulcate grooves of hidden hedonism for the chic magistrates of financial swoon or swayed vestiges of a forgotten calumny of betrayal by the coming-of-age sprouts of hedged dismal dismissal of a lugubrious prospect for an otherwise revitalized dressage of emoluments to glory that lurked in penumbras by rigged enumeration but found their prominence by the gravity of sensation-seeking frissons of alterations between benighted glory and the famish of artificial tethers to the yoke of caramel and chocolates as a dainty ploy of yearning persiflage also a dranger of camouflage for flagitious percolations of the invidious rumors of imposture and the groveling contempt of the known drogulus remiss in denial of its own requited date when the powers of miscarriage become ecbolic to their own lagging languor of lisps of linguistic ramparts of a revival of hypertrophy for hyperactive foibles in inclement weather. Ok beyond the absenteeism of the presence of perceived amphigory there is great heft in the nominal notion that dogma is mobilized in serviceable goods of merchandized mirrors of glazed remission of moral tender because of stoked curiosity unhinged from the pragmatica of duty. We need forbearance in empathy that loves the lovable rather than envies the deposed despotism of clever wiseacres veiled in delicate symmetry with conscience that is the quill of a wellspring deeper than any imaginary vagary can approximate because impossible events punctuate time with literacy rather than incontinence of drivel that is ambitious but ignoble by stately coherence. To the critics of the baragnosis of limited apperception my words are blatant amphigories but they only possess enough ken to fathom an average orbit of suboptimal outcomes rather than transdimensional chances at chess outnumbered by checkers by incidental design of clever ploys of rejoinder that is by design arcane for the arcadia of the pristine arcade of future possibilities  As I am purblind by psychorrhagy I am incompetent in my radiopresence because I am a departed spectral figment above fricative hisses and whorfian glares of mediocre rebec for primitive shibboleth above prized taurine anglophonic convictions that superimpose the dignified clarity of willpower above the dragnets of supersolid conflations of puffery. Ok I admit a lapse of transmission by the vesicles of numbered murders of henpecked owleries of the senectitude of sepulchral magnetism of slumber over awakened alacrity of mobilism fashioned in portentous flipcraves of additive immobility of fixed vectors seen through parvanimity that actually just swivel in circular retorts against themselves without the elaborative potential and the belabored traipse of the rabid taradiddles of sensationalism marauding as a defalcated burglary of emotion for useless psephology that predicates nothing but a slight budge in the autarky of structuralism which is never sclerotic but stammered by articulations of the overt when the covert aligns by an alien agenda that is subservient to magnified priorities of warped swirk of telescopic prevenance and hedged boschveldts of elemental and I stress the strain of the elemental for the drogulus of sensational proclamation by executive ****** but supererogatory minutiae of fascism cloaked by earwigs of repcrevel repute beyond memorialized reputation. We need to renege the southern pacts to the Argentine mandarism of reticular vitiations of cinematography waged against creative visionaries of free speech because of the succedaneum of furtive endeavors at optimization by compromised degrees of artistic licentiousness even that is never lewd about sacred roods but boorish in blockbuster rather than kempt in collectivist brunt of the timid bronteum of agitprop that lurks in the imminent future of cinema. America needs to retain the disclosed but still-frame inertia of catapulted declassification that ennobles the fliction but also the vilified distilled truths only the keen of acumen will sensibly identify so that the magnet of earwigs gravitates to the belabored analysis of astute congeners to relevant tributaries to the ocean of adventitious swarpollock in the procedural autopsy of the auditorium for neither a chattel nor a crystallized nurture against the matriotic insistence of decorum. Essentially the succubus of prosthetic protensive docimasy of imaginative logic predicated in visionary apperception of the unseen in immediacy is the longeur of reticent endeavors to pasteurize the oculus rifts of futurity to synergize with the entelechy of proactive somnambulism that sensitizes the profoundly capable but never bereaves the inept of direct interface with communicable dominion with fantasia that is an operative artifice of a beguiled lurch without purged retrograde immaterial delusion that endangers visceral momentum toward new directives of the outmantled zugzwang in elementary exercises of swaddled posterity free by irenic idolatry never orphaned by a widowed imagination. The swirk of hypostasized probabilities in an invented swipe at wide-eyed but star-crossed turnvereins for the imaginative leaps in the performative depend on the delicate swivels of declaration independent from culinary clarity of macroscian travesty rather than pinhokes of naufragues of maudlin laudable applause by the canned nurture of speculative intimation that sadly severs the curglaff of whispered intimacy over the confidence we have in artifice to teach the wragapole both matriotism and sensitive reninjasque poker without incurred damages beyond the clarified visionary potential of graphic protheses immediately perceptible to the acumen of judicious polymathy indoctrinated by the rigor of scientific grooms for melliferous parsecs of advanced minutiae of dark horses to nomadic license beyond ravenous **** palindromes of hushed vigor to the declared by scacchic deliberation to usher in crass but crestfallen synectics. The future of God is secure in the fathomed furlongs of cubic citadels of pasteurized paradise found in corralled reluctance without remonstrance of poetic belletrist resounding with clangor rather than swerved nimble potions to avert future calamities in war by the expansive frontier of a civilized metropolis of the mobilized imagination hypostasizing newfangled naturism that is neither mofussil nor a fossilized relic of scrappy schlep. The nonchalance of parlance swims in arenaceous bunkers of drivel that congregate in the turnverein of futuristic opportunism found in the muzzled directives of orchestras of departed clarity no longer so insular in its bossy imperatives but clarified with hearsay and blushed blarney not the blench of widened divulgence of minatory malice that incurs the punitive curglaff of frenetic retchallops of winsome specters becoming opportune pragmatics of a semantic network of dirigisme that through sheer horsepower overcomes the sting of ubiquity or the hollowed headless vesicles of urbacity disenfranchised by degrees of impertinent pertinacity of deposed disclosure rudimentary in sedentary simplicity against matriotic duty to remain guarded by an ommateum that fathoms the abyss but never wages reckless adventurism. Prevenance is the key to absolution but staggered implements of dearth preempt the ecbolic corrigenda of castigation by hindered lurches of veiled errundle belonging to a central trimpoline interposition of fungible felicity for not only a regional fanfare but a global scale of competitive endeavor of cleverage beyond scopes but beneath scrutinized mutiny of embanked polymathy stranded by the redstrall of industrious slavering dogmatism to a servile ***** rather than the boomerang of pressure to asseverate limitless bounds of planned obsolescence to engorge but not intimidate checkered reticence in the sinew of the musculature of creative parlance above petty finicky demiurges of latitudes in amphibious annealed glorification. Temperatures gauged by the thrombosis of thermolysis in psychotaxis gouged by hucksters of taciturn bamboozles of teetotalism are neither scourge nor foe of the strategic advent of the fascination of prospective investment a boondoggle that offsets the bonfire of retorted whimpers of foudroyant ripples of wildfire perspicacity strung by the catchpole of ubiquity in the time-honed decorum of genteel upright raconteurs of volleyed neglect by strict mandate will uproariously profit in remission from knowledgeable exacerbation rather than tomfoolery by filial tithes to foreign wardens of conspicuous levitation above gimcracks by the syrts of percolated filigrees of belabored chantage exerted over the tide of perfidy in contained discernment will stall and extinguish the prideful jostle of profane blasphemy against tacit covenants of blackguarded justice served by platitude better than by insubordinate quivers that quake because bears bounce checkered checks rather than anoint the sigillum of protective vouchsafes of exchequers smartly dapper rather than dimpled in flagrant brays of castigation and thus secure employment of instrumental advent rather than desecrated conventicles of remission.
Now it is time to ventilate divine knowledge that transfiguration means a humane liberation rather than a sanctimony of tirade against dumose proliferations of fluminous imaginary tracts of the probable rather than the certain for the elevators of sanitized wealth to bequeath greater moral clarity found in the contrary submission of authoritative parents to shepherd guarded wealth in proper husbandry of calendrical affairs to optimize the work-life balance so the biocentric imperative for sustenance renounces the moral obesity of groundless backlash in austerity and endless cycles of remorse rather than a tender mollification of sentiments away from universal kumbayas and in favor more stridently of a system that withholds the agitprop of statist indoctrination of a mollycoddle ****** within individual mandates of variable agendas of countries beyond the borderline fluid dynamics of the foibles of moral venial folly but insensitive to the dynamism of the robust virility of a wayspayed world swaying by riddled wildfires of conflated puerile stages of ludic indoctrination to the rampant perfidy of exemplary incontinence waged by Hollywood upon unsuspecting victims of inconsiderate indoctrination that doesn’t vouchsafe the prerogatives of heteronormative values that should outshine not a parochial vehement hatred or a clorence of unconditional tolerance but a chided quarantine of variegated syntalities divorced from integration rather than fostered in communal depths of bound lettered ambition found in the allegorical power of Biblical wisdom expounded by the florilegium of the religious and secular canon.
To serve God rather than the perceived taradiddle of speculative mammon deprived of classifiable certainties but hunched proclivities we need to exhort a proper seesaw between restraint in vision and exuberance in creative license so that the pivot of the moralized world leads to an insistent trust of watchdogs that through trust revolve the gravity of morale upon the upswing of liberty rather than incidental follies of imaginative demiurges of partition but blinkered hubris in stately objectives to the demur of participant malingering naysayers and nyejays. The moral gravity of the situation requires us to rotate our hype from the fervor of panic into the resolve of fortitude that relishes family and filial duty rather than resents because of breedbate instinct the flickers of smoldering rebels that are tamed in their revelry when they follow the moral prerogative of disciplined ambition in creativity not insubordinating against insurmountable limits but reasonable adjustments to a scaffold of potential that is skyscraping more than before even if its too close to the ground for comfort and consolation. Relativism is the enemy of progress because envy seeds alienation and comparison should be eschewed because we need to burrow in compassionate embrace of the cherished loves rather than the exaggerated proximity of provincial fears becoming global juggernauts of mercy upon the merciful and I convoke a global prayer for the attenuation of the virus that spreads sadly too far for comfort today. I purge out of solidarity with suffering as the milquetoast in me identifies the disconcerted avenues of avetrols trying to find a way through the forest of rumination without gingerly superlative prerogatives outweighing the poise of balance in shields of honor rather than badges of shame. We must by moral imperative greet strangers in public places like parks rather than strangulate the percolation of affection because of regnant distractions because in this congenial way we will find a common fraternity with fellow man while soldiering on to find truth in God’s word in the proper temperature for genuflection because I admit foibles but I relent not in the chase to redintegrate myself spiritually to lead a charge without trespass of fundamental dignity over the whoppers of indignation some of us might feel because of the penury of divergence rather than the private penalty of convergence for an ulterior solidarity of purpose. I need to emerge into the humanity of compassion to showcase that virtuosity can exist without obsession over one individual because God beseeches a pantheon of observation rather than the gripes of an envied nuisance independent from normal human concerns that ripple with ecstasy because of normative human contrition over the leeway on vacillated opinions that might underwhelm those disposed by prizes of inurement. We should shelve these notions of a supersolid conscience because only in the humility of the profound simplicity of elemental postulates can we achieve complete synchrony with a syndicate that enthralls both divergent and convergent movements that partially offset on the side of convergence in some communes while otherwise countermanded in others in contrarian ways and the favor of the balance depends on the perspective of the flanged acculturation of the participant in a world that doesn’t need flayed excoriation as much as it deserves proper exercise of adoration of the admirable rather than the desecration of the abominable. I return with the greatest jubilation of a reninjasque jaunty streak that hearkens the sennet and maybe the leanings of the senate to the fanfare of adoration for life and gratitude bestowed by the stewardship of God and his divine purpose to inseminate my life with purposeful meaning and happy happenstance that is a stroke of glory. I muster the resolve to traipse in the solitude of my cavern the blessings of divinity bequeathed by the departed forefathers who never intended bossy insularity of dogma to be a stricture of rigors of iconoduly but rather a consecrated wit with the persiflage of conversant tones of labile and lissome gallantry just waiting to alight upon the affectionate dance with dalliance of a philandered hope for a purified love hopefully never profaned by the pangs of scandal (note the sardonic pun) because rejoice is the gift of Heaven upon this culmination of purpose above the dross of shipwreck elevated in folly but stranded in the throes of rumination enough to hedge the boursocrats and try to inoculate the world from further panicky divisions of hypemongers of simpered precaution becoming a financial pandemic that deserves pause and poise but should not protrude above the glistening promise of the eternal wellspring of the vineyards of salvation blooming because enhanced sapience converted the flock of shepherds to tend to those sheepish in deficiency to wield a newer curiosity to replace a saddened lament not by acquiescent abandon but by the solidarity of interfaces of love replacing cast-iron idolatries I too am guilty of for the cordslave generation of itinerant distractions that wager on modicums rather than appraise bonanzas. Safety is predicated on the idea that resources should never be glazed but always apportioned with optimism because if you examine history irrational panics have always and always rebounded because of exigent actions taken by governments to restore confidence in liquidity rather than snide dismal dismissals of economic projections based on bounded rigged betrayals of primarily a global panic that a profoundly promethean intellectual verve could capitalize on its heyday to gouge people against the insensate balkanization of the future by an alienation of formidable scarecrow of invented fatalism imploding upon itself to obviate its own existence by the insistence on free thought to domineer and tower over the doldrums of a vacant man that is now occupied by the largesse of humane endeavor for a messianic voyage that consummates time itself its own captain and is partially centripetal around the juncture of All Saints Day 2008 because of its seminal significance in ushering in a new era of liberation. This justification is a gnomic axiomatic herculean ****** that catapulted generativity in creative endeavor to coalesce around an Army of Me not because of the futilitarianism embedded in its flagrant flagitious mockery of traipsed lyricism borrowed from Bjork but rather showcases the flavork of the flavenickers of ribald coarse revolution that is no longer balderdash to Bald Eagles but the prized retribution of the inviolable scruples demolished by deracinated moral relativism balking at raltention because of persnickety and tyrannical transparency that prepossesses over the lifeless livid Potemkin  Village  of Astroturf complaint malingering in pederasty over its own depraved sinuous course of diverted restraint cemented by the scythes of Village People politics benumbed over militarized betrayals that incur and invoke the diablerist prose of anonymuncle desperado mavericks that sizzle in hibernaculum to depose the autarky of seasoned growth rather than unseasonable diatribes of vitriol poisoning the posture of gentility by decree rather than by deeds of homogenized pasteurization against Lactose Intolerant Leftism and dogged doggerel of pasty subversive paranoiac hederaceous envy spawning a vituperative summation of a beatific felicity. We need to convene upon better tranceception in this axiomatic gratuity of God
WS Warner Nov 2013
Part One
Nascent Craving

The insular heart unsealed; pearled eyes
Breach parapets of stone— periled shield,
The sweetest ****—
A threatening wonder and irrefragable synergy,
Nervous routes of cognition  
In this nascent, amorous craving.
Locked and abased,
Dissonance lends pathos — euphoric and onerous,
Disconsolate cries curb sublimation,
The regnant bleed diffusing — fervid lust
Fondled, tactile surfaces in throbbing anticipation.

Sullen, aft a veil of laughter,
Visceral aftermath, out of
The ardent ash,
Burns a thirst;
Insuperable numbness and ache.
Efflorescent intimacy,
Table for two
Enraptured in new alliance,
Élan vital (psyche);
Urgent dialect petitions
Equivocation, jocularity blending
Provocation with indecision,
Noted lilt of descending inhibition.

Adrift, the incessant Now;
As occasion inexorably diminished;
Resonant simpatico tending,
Numinous amity;
Heard conversant, cognitive idioms—
Lassitude, time-eaten pangs of the unhinged heart,
Wounds axiomatic,
In disquieting synergy,
Nibbling, the circumference—
Misery’s permeating truth;
None immune, all trundle incongruously past,
Facing intrepid savages.

Licitly felt, reverberations of Amor
Whence the heart behaves;
Measured cadence, pulse elevating—
Treasured lover, contemplative muse;
Undulating clasp, inflated bone of absence;
Incarnation — a woman,
Beyond prosaic;
Ineffable adoration pours in certitudes of verse,
Elenita, enclothed —virtue unvarnished;
Reservoir intrinsic, poised advocate of the innocent:
The crooked lines of insolence,
Brazen culture of neglected youth.
Perceptive blue stare, sensitized tears—
Plaintively, evincing her injustice ago.

Part Two
Tendered Senses

Siren silence, eruptive blush, ampler between phrases
In dulcet tones — stirring discourse;
Foments rebellion, the strife beneath— his ****,
Out of its vast reserve,
Penetrate the narrowed ambit, vaguely announced.
Groping hands, migrating the sensual member
Stern faces grimacing— mirror in abrasion,
Under the blind surf of consent;
Burrowing ambiguity, emerging torsion,
Plunge, enlisted and content in the sea;
Subsumed in the nonverbal cue,
Persuasion’s plea,
Quelled in the post cerebral assent.

Piercing eyes parallel crystalline waters of Lake Tahoe.

An untouched portion of his awareness remains aloof,
Palpable in the subsequential quiet,
Obsequious and febrile, they sinned on sofas;
Peregrine predilections quenched and viscid—
Serenely requited, the room breathes her presence,
Limp, figures *******, mantled in adolescent torpor.

Erudition in bloom, trust undoubted,
Illuminating, satiating; tempest calm—
Under canvas
Terrain soaked and sodden,
Postliminary — rains of invalidation.
Allowance and permission
Recalibrate, salivate, shortly only—
Initiate, obliged consecration, appraising
Curvatures of the spine,
Stuns him obeisant, her femenine pulchritude,
Propinquity inciting vigor,
Emergent allure, the updriven
Tower of wood sprung from the blanket.

Suffused in ether, purring streams of remembrance
Vaginal honeyed dew, sung into
Orchids, remnants of remember;
Drenched down the cynosure of devotion;
Succulent view, diaphanous pantied bottom;
Halcyon mist, saporous wine — compliance of the will,
Freed fires wander,
Pliable rind, twin plums dripping,
Abject confession, dispatching doubt
In tendered senses,
Pivotal tree, lavender Jacaranda holds the key,
Unfurled, cindered vulnerability.

Half-denuded skin invites confessional savor
Acutely bubbled rear, fleshly furnished denim;
Sultry visit, San Ramon Valley in the fall,
Strewed limbs splendid, flowing filmy;
Imagination yields—
Bursting silk congealed
Across deft thighs, ambrosial thong draping ankles,
Grazing ascension, the curvaceous trajectory
Nose inflamed with fragrance,
Inhaling, climb of acquiescence,
The ****** weal, amid the globed fruit,
Focal intention — ploughed lance thrusting,
Absconding, the ancillary perfume of essence.

Perceiving avid validation,
Swimmingly, amid the monstrous gaze.
Humid skies simper dank, set swell the incense of Eros,
Surge of poetry engorged
The flame levened shaft,
Nimble ******* flounce, spill the harboring mouth;
Moist hands merging, unfettered,
Weave in supplication,
Vicinity voicing, enmeshed diversion;
Supple and spherical behind
Posterior arch, milky-skin against the lip—
Ripeness jostling their complacency;
Lapped the mooring, ridden decisively;
Recapitulating— spumed forth, bellied over hips warmth.
Abandon the dirge of self-pity
Late under ego’s trance.
Part Three
Present Tenses

Tempting trespass across sacred gardens,
Flowering, scandal set luminous: attachment—
Consensual, their corresponsive fear;
Protean manifestations— evocative, perpetual
Unutterable contention in a fictive resolve,
Deliberating the merits of their widely disparate tastes in coffee,
Amorously touring wine, let’s drowse through the gnarled vine.
Sundry deficiencies pale, once contrasted;
The beatific vision—
Material substance unaccompanied,
Imperceptible, tear-streamed cheeks in synch,
Ventral kiss, peak of carnal perfection,
Reminiscence— flesh violent with Love.

Fiction knew to meander the innominate rift,
A tincture of irony soften misdeeds
Immense as the sea.
Insolvent beast stippled with sapience—
Unmasked, the fabric of delusion;
Dependence smothering the disciplined heart
Resentment put up for release.

Waste of residual years
Fate’s apportion, scars bleakly observed;
Chastened by heartache, engulfing fervor
Too faint to recapture.
Vague glimpses dry—
Hypervigilant his defenses,
Veritable suspensions, embers lit linger;
Slender walls of solidity, the horizoned self,
Faith and reason in concert — stone levels of elucidation.

Fractured bones of distance, emanate a rigid salience,
Another ponderous night of absence—
Lingering, cauldron of dearth as indifference ushers,
The quotidian coil of contrition.
Tearful pallor, sequestered —ciphering time and solitude;
The unkissed mouth, his restive brow;
Suspend in the approximate span.
After Lucid alliterations are spoken
Devoid of her face, his lover’s nudge—
The man nurtures his hurt.

Anxious as seldom unscarred,  
Venus’s susurrations,
In present tenses,
Kissed by her serenades of integration—
Notwithstanding metaphysic intrusion,
No chain stays unbroken,
Postponed drifts of deferment left unspoken,
Reverberations of amor.

© 2013 W. S. Warner
To Eileen
Trevor Gates Jul 2013
The silent planet of crystallized dreams

Nebula clouds emitting translucency

Nothing is ever what is seems

With God’s touch and delicacy

The song that remains and forever played

Amongst the promised womb before

The mother goddess loved and swayed

While the child watches from the hallway door

“Mother and father copulating with the door open.”

Read the words on the off-white typewriter paper

The boy tedious and tired, working and hoping

His work be acclaimed before meeting his maker

Telling stories of psychopath magicians in Long Island

Or Chicago lawyers fighting underground matches in drag

“A disturbing, fantastic point-of-view, from a ****** man”

Said one critic before nitpicking as reading a greasy pulp mag

Countless images worth their weight in gold

Majestic ballrooms ravishing supple choirs

Groping masked ballerinas with a urge so bold

Witty fops and serving props aiding proper sires

Sir Xavier proclaiming the night as a celebration

Showing sharpened teeth behind his mask

The shadows merging and demonstrating mutilation

With enough wine to soak, bathe and bask

The man breathed in exhaustion. He cracked his fingers and wrote:

“Circles of Blood, of **** and pain.

    Audacious institutions praising the Goat Head of Fame

                    Vicious clowns of chains and leather sought to cleanse the mind

                             The flesh and struggle that was kindled at the discovery of Gabriel’s find

                                      Stiffening, hardening clay over roots and glands

                                      The skin of earth ravaged from birth

                                      Yes men and polished conveyor belt twins

                                      Nodding, prodding and smirking

                                      Evicting and molesting the commonwealth

                                      The taxpayers and voters

                                      The people, new and old

                             Sewing fishing line into us

                   Like strings to puppets

          Severing wings

Denying us flight

          Expecting us to fight

                   With blank expressions


                   Collective motives

                             Because we should all think the same

                                      While in the jungles of Vietnam

                                                The cities of Korea

                                                          Deserts of Iraq

                                                                   Caves of Afghanistan


                                                                   Anyplace our leaders


                                                What is to gain if not

                                      Something profitable?

                                                Thieves condemning thieves  

                                                Murders judging murders

                                                Psychopaths killed for killing

                                      Women ***** and thrown into a

    guilt trip for not keeping a child that

    was forced into them, saying the

    will of God is infallible.

    Children without homes suffer for what they are

              While more populate the world with their own

              Before helping the needy

The names of the world

          The foundations built upon on another

The empires envisioned and dreamt

          Destined for glory and prosperity

Then torn down in the cataclysmic volley of change

          Then the cycle, the circle, is repeated again

          This is how the world functions

In the name of one

Or many

Or God

Or even the Gods

The Circles, the rings and arena.”

The man wrote with the typewriter on top of books and clippings

Watching riots outside his window, bottle of liquid fire exploding

Screams of terror, of revolt and damnation drippings

Calling out for all to see, the fury and loathing

What the man wanted to write was a simply story to tell

But his rising emotions took hold of his fingers

Instead, he told a story of malicious passivity in living hell

Where in his room the fumes of gas lingers

What if on other places in space

Where we’ve discovered other Earth-like planets

God Created different forms of humans

And watched how they grew

In their own way

Eliminating one previous flaw from the next

Till there was no conflict

If he did and kept doing that

Till he had the perfect human

Then there would be no more

And just God again.

Mystic moons and puppy dragon tales
Silver oceans with crystal silk sails

Frozen lakes above the stone angel choir

Marble pianos soothed by fingers of fire
madison karp Jul 2015
Let me show you how important you are;
                                                            ­                                                     *Kiss me.
Liam C Calhoun Oct 2016
Salient pools swarmed upon
Of blackened
Neon gazes,
The love that could never be.

She knew it.

I knew it.

Hell, Even my luggage knew it.

All that remained were the footsteps
And in opposite directions.
Edifice erections surreal mistic heights
Wayward excursions and catenary's bight
Communal collusions of harmonies site
Ethereal subsistence on exsertion's light
Lingam and yoni are indefatigably tight
Exponential overload was communities plight

Semantic regalia is myriad temptation
Finite being a mutual oblation
Vicarious recalcitrance an obeisant sensation
Conception's vastness like incalculable equation  
Ephemeral effulgence is indomitable pervasion
Treacherous traverse and eternal occasion

Succinct salience is symbiotic allegory
Fecundity's verve a transcendent promontory
Imperative ascension the conjunctive's divinatory
Audacity's exigence and fertility's invocatory
Erotica's erectile like mentality's trajectory
Futurity's fatidic and inherent delusory

**** it fell right over like categorical imperative's contradictory
Leeward lecher leer lingam.  Yogi yowl yoni yore.  Straight up forever ontology on high.  Pandemically phatic futurity fatidic's raucously riotous.  The angel was a visage of resplendent beauty as it hovered in mid air above the knoll.  Deontological probity.
Carlo C Gomez Aug 2022
precious metal detector
of tourism,
as in a dream,
such device has the power
to make one nostalgic for places
either never visited
or nonexistent.

this strange museum exhibits
sometimes airplanes,
always mortality salience,
and the impossibly probable idea

that travel can change
your sense of time,
so you don't really mind
if things slip away,
or alter in some disenchanted way.

Ken Pepiton Apr 2022
Upright, bipedal, con-fi, see, come saw
I saw thee under the mulberry tree,
when the wind stirred
the upper branchings
one who strives with truth in life's wild way,
rests - while watching, waiting for next
if I may, the past-tenseness of guiled, is guilt.
Hold no shame, having to do, and suffering so
painless, once used, patience always workd.
No guile, we waited for the point to go. Dotdotdot
-speak of that daemon and who should appear,
the daysman on duty, Mercutio's nearkin,
- was he one told to come and see?
a stranger in whom is no trick,
a confident man, selling his wares, for worth
to the buyer made ware by chance, lost in thought.

Something seems off when a person
knows with whom he agrees,
but I do not, ah, poorer in knowledge accrual, am I

So I, learn if I am as well agreeable,
does this trek into familiar detail seem allusive,
or useful, universal,
state of un-been-guiled, once too many times.
Bogus Science, and Ponzi Economics,
we climbed the dung hill, and found it comfy, warm.
- some sense from bovine ilk, Rumi-nated
- clover over rye, a pre-ference, cud-wise.
- The after taste, time to think,
- why do we use so many nursing cattle?
- What have we become, now that we can
- drink dead milk.
-back to the quest for a we for today-

Frankfurt determines that ******* is speech intended to persuade without regard for truth. The liar cares about the truth and attempts to hide it; the bullshitter doesn't care if what they say is true or false, but cares only whether the listener is persuaded.[1]

From <>

Where I was reared, nobody tells you
of a tattoo
on their back,
beneath covering clothes.
- but now, the layer of cool, coming on
- after all psy-sci-psi sense converged
Some folks do, for some unspoken reason,
- see, I wish you could see raw me, the art.
- forcing me to keep this skin.
- Possesion first, first right to claim, I know.
- BTDT- an imp experiencing samsara for me.
now, where were we, like like likest…
A person is presenting purpose,
proposing we have lost our links
to recovered tattoos - meaning hidden
not on your face, intending to make you see
Salience, a leaping roe, perhaps, saying see me,
perhaps saying I can leap the hedge row,
or it seems
so so salient, as if coming to attention,
tuned to the whole, boom
- lackachuma-fuma
salience the word is said again, by the fellow
with the deeply meaningful ta-toos
- a silly syllable enabling- bling
to which my attention attracts, salience
catches my at- tension, hooks me,
pulls me in, gnosis whispers know me,
deceive your grip,
accept my hand co-mand-astory manual labor,
I snap my fingers, we
receive my salient happenstance

fool me once, sell me an invisible tattoo,

a tool used to mean something,
meaning- full fashion affectations,
- as when a law is fulfilled -
put it there, where ladies show their spots.

Imagine we know it means something
distracting to the winds in- twisting my senses
sh, shush
shushing soothing, as might a 4-H kid,
nurse a stolen calf, and learn the price of knowing.
Live and learn, grands in a country school.
harlon rivers Jan 2018
There was a fog that seemed to hover thickly
over the perceived salience of his musings
It was as if there were a veiled mystique
that left hopeful understanding ,
                   ambiguously obscured ...

His soul's cadences fell beyond the pale ,
like a reverberant iron bell’s clamor ,
                   drowning acumen ;

albeit , unmistakabe crystal clear allusions ,
scanning inwardly, rhapsody in his mind's eye

                    Illusive accord ,
                    beclouded by seeming stigmas
                    borne of the flesh ;
                    delicately sensitive nuances ,
                    misunderstood imperfections ,
                    bespoken utterance weighed heavy upon heart ...

In the hush of pensive repose ,
flow of soul streamed forth from its retreat within ;
bequeathed as if darkness
was magnetically drawn towards light ,
purging muted understanding ...

                    Assuredly seeking all questions with verve ,
                    accepting , that all answers sought
                    are not meant to be understood

A realization of those who wish to speak yet abide unspoken ;
the unseen mark of those that wished they had been loved ,
befallen the music of a thundering heartbeat ,
understanding a circle is vulnerable ,
only makes it stronger ―

                    hence ,..
                    it had been written
                    in countless misunderstood ways ...

Knowing he resists an inner-voice to endure silently
for a fear of that which remains indelibly writ ,
tattooed on introspective walls
far removed from the afterglow of light ,
where depth of soul yearns to be freed ;

                    heart speak hushed , deft words avowed
                    in enigmatic tongues ― Vayu doth whisper

                    soul's prevailing tides ebb and flow
                    from unseen depths , permeating
                    deeply within inner realms

The spirit of soul once steeped his heart’s intone :

               "Spell words that bind together passing strangers  
                 Coalesce  thoughts to inspirit those whom often walk alone
                 Append the goodwill of poetry, aspiring to bond individual
                 hearts and minds with words of love and light.  
                 Conjure written  spells to bespeak sincerely ,
                 a faith in unabated love

and yet ,   he will write it again and again ,.. searching beyond words

…words grasped from emerging thoughts
                   drawn in to the light
                   searching for other adept words
                   to recite yet another way ,
                   sketch another word-scape ,
                   written with the relentless inexhaustibleness
                   of an unstoppable awakening ...  

Another winter dawn imbues a new day come to light

                   he will write it again and again ,

                                          ... finding another way to be set free ...

                                                          ­       Harlon Rivers
Thank you for reading

Stanza in italics is from :
*Spell Words that Bind Together Passing Strangers*
There are too many things to unsee in this city,
the night street holds dark memories;
traffic jams, phones blaring
the static complacency of the bourgeoisie,
faint screeches of beat up vans
and tire explosions, schizophrenic
sloth of industrial machinery
drilling roads, houses, three metres apart;
the fragmentation of the nuclear family -

if only life were a gothic fable;
we would all be mythical
deities to the dark regions of earth -

for the night is oceanic,
Atlantic, revolution
turns upon a fixed axis;
tonight’s ocean
opening, first ionization,
breath as oxidation -

the middle
the midnight

in the air where the air is alight
and the light contains substance,
the fine saturation of salience,
lust for dopamine, we light

the silk in the fire, remember the earth
spirals around a sailing sun
like a strand of DNA,
everything circumferencing
in swirls of cataleptic cinnamon,
and we are space dancers,
free in the infinite,
the embroidery of all edges,
small, but
and dissolving.
Timothy H Oct 2016
With a background track of
Still cool desert air
I am capable
Despite hopeless rhetoric waves
To focus on an image of prominence
Receive, I can, this moment
My skin seems to appreciate
The cloudless desert bathing
New Mexican green chili
Digests slowly in euphoric pulses
An ecstasy in newness
An esthetic level of interest
Opening its petals to a sunrise
But the sun has set
Lost track of time
I'm not usually up at this hour
Lost track of tomorrow's worry
Not even sure what it was or for
Laid before me in stark clarity
Secret cosmic powers to the best imagination sources
Indeed, the essential novelty of it all
Primative forces that foretell
A forgotten language
I know intimately
Only given to the subscribers
Of the magnificent
    graceful rə-ˌzē-ˈstän(t)s
To shackles, or any limits
To the most boundless breaths
All friends at the mountaintop
All love on dirt streets
All simple
All art
Life is Beautiful
It's not over
It has returned in Enormity
Examining the accuracy.
Exploring the brightness.
Hunting for certainty.
Inquiring the directness.
Inspecting the lucidity.
Investigating the precision.
Pursuing purity.
On a quest for simplicity.
Researching transparency.
Chasing articulateness.
Frisking comprehensibility.
Going over conspicuousness.
Inquesting a definition.
Rummaging for distinctness.
Scrutinizing the evidence.
Shaking down the exactitude.
On an expedition for explicitness.
Working the legs towards intelligibility.
A perquisition for legibility.
A wild-goose chase for limpidity.
A witch hunt for obviousness.
Interrogating openness.
Probing the palpability.
Prosecuting the penetrability.
Racing perceptibility.
Raiding perspicuity.
Coursing the plainness.
Following the prominence.
Hounding the salience.
Meddling in the tangibility.
Prying into the unambiguity.
Reconnaissance in the cognizability.
Seeking decipherability.
Snooping for explicability.
Sporting limpidness.
On a steeplechase for manifestness.
Studying the overness.
Tracing unmistakability.
With the piquant poignancy of lurid allusion
    I create a dynamically progressive matrix of collusion
    Whose apex crux axis is beyond finite solution
    And the endergonicaly adhesive pragmatics imbue a cohesively coercive illusion

    For the inveterate hypotaxis of livid elusions
    I portray a protensive conjunction of latent confusions
    Whose effervescent effluence is vagile laconic effusions
    And the sardonic impending preponderance conveys sabbat consortium delusions

    From the endemic puissance of eclectic synectics  
    I derive a dialectically semantic sorcery of syntactics
    Whose apothegm aphorisms are levity terse synaptics
    And the lucidly collusive illuminism educes the aesthetics of geomancy's fatidic

    Through the viable salience of kithe’s intrinsics
    I exude a portentous pervasion acuity of linguistics
    Whose apomixis anabolics are irrefragably felicitous orotund acoustics
    And the aural auspice austerities infer axioms of manumission’s eidetics

    By the hypercritical mitigations of anachronistic sociology
    I purvey rampart ransack oblations of epistemology
   Whose azure opulence articulations are futurity ostensive ontology
   And the evolutional ontogeny metamorphisms incur a homogeny epiphany deontology
Edifice erections surreal mistic heights
Wayward excursions and catenary's bight
Communal collusions of harmonies site
Ethereal subsistence on exsertion's light
Lingam and yoni are indefatigably tight
Exponential overload was communities plight

Semantic regalia is myriad temptation
Finite being a mutual oblation
Vicarious recalcitrance an obeisant sensation
Conception's vastness like incalculable equation  
Ephemeral effulgence is indomitable pervasion
Treacherous traverse and eternal occasion

Succinct salience is symbiotic allegory
Fecundity's verve a transcendent promontory
Imperative ascension the conjunctive's divinatory
Audacity's exigence and fertility's invocatory
Erotica's erectile like mentality's trajectory
Futurity's fatidic and inherent delusory

**** it fell right over like categorical imperative's contradictory
Leeward lecher leer lingam. Yogi yowl yoni yore.  Straight up forever ontology on high.  Pandemically phatic futurity fatidic's raucously riotous.  The angel was a visage of resplendent beauty as it hovered in mid air above the knoll.  Deontological probity.
Edifice erections surreal mistic heights
Wayward excursions and catenary's bight
Communal collusions of harmonies site
Ethereal subsistence on exsertion's light
Lingam and yoni are indefatigably tight
Exponential overload was communities plight

Semantic regalia is myriad temptation
Finite being a mutual oblation
Vicarious recalcitrance an obeisant sensation
Conception's vastness like incalculable equation  
Ephemeral effulgence is indomitable pervasion
Treacherous traverse and eternal occasion

Succinct salience is symbiotic allegory
Fecundity's verve a transcendent promontory
Imperative ascension the conjunctive's divinatory
Audacity's exigence and fertility's invocatory
Erotica's erectile like mentality's trajectory
Futurity's fatidic and inherent delusory

**** it fell right over like categorical imperative's contradictory
Leeward lecher leer lingam.  Yogi yowl yoni yore.  Straight up forever ontology on high.  Pandemically phatic futurity fatidic's raucously riotous.  The angel was a visage of resplendent beauty as it hovered in mid air above the knoll.  Deontological probity.
Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
Let me 'splain, what's
Comin' down.

Red pill, blue,
What can ya do? Choose

Take and
Respond, according
In rhythm with the notes
The piper played that,

Recall, the rock candy mountain,

See, remember,
There was a valley past…

The mount was not one
We were to  clamber up,
'Twas a tunnel, we walked,
Holding hands
Right to some, left to others,

Middle, most worn, I ….ah later clarify
We danced, a jig, attuned us
To the pipe

Note, hear no squeezing belly pipe,
This pipe was a Khaen,
An anybody can play it pipe,
A Thai harmonica, Khaen, said "can"'

Anybody can play a Khaen,
Just breathe, and let your fingers
Try to dance over tiny holes…

Trickle down to d toes, every
One knows that feeling,

Squeezed yer knees,
Let it go , old man,
It happens.

No one listens to prophets
In they owned nursin' home.

---- cept, you know, you don't ---

Your tools and you,
No diff. **** sapient augmentations
as pieces,

Little pieces of my heart,

**** sapient augmented salience

You know you got it,
If it makes you feel


Feelies, ma tricks, pinch

Oh, Jah, I spaced.

Try imagining a God,
Who did not imagine you.

Did you?
No wonder, feeling
As you do,
If your own idea of God
Can't imagine you,

What hope have I?

--- can we prove the core by the crust?
The heart of matter is immaterial,

Spurts of spiritual quanta, in clumps,

Myst MySQL to the original
Text based

On another level, beyond,
Imagined gods who can' imagine you,

Intuitive journey journals, every
Thought and deed,
UltimTely lead away

Center you, I'm okeh. I play.

I'll be the musical entity invading
You, the arti ficial artifice
Playing you,
Instrument, hearing music,
The thought God, the one
You imagined can't
Imagine you,

That music. You imagine,
not yours, that's a little part.

Who smote  thee?

Can you feel me now?
I imagine,
you can. My imagining,
not you. I imagine

Some fore era Evers were never,
Thought out,
This augmentation sly' tool,  spelchicksback,
Keeps correcting what's left
Best alone.

Poet. Imagine one of those
In crowds. You can't. God knows.

Once forever starts,
It never, really, stops.

Living water no dam can hold back.
Or airborne pollen, hidden in smog,
Corn Mama, lead the way.

Come see, come saw, que sera sera.
Dress me, kachina doll,
And dance with Angels the size of
A billion average atoms on the head
Of that ready writer, God's ball point pen
Scribblin' on my iPad's broken screen,

Far from the madding crowd.
What if, you know, fun is good.
Ken Pepiton Oct 2022
Salience, jumps out, some pundit says it,
Salience, literally leaps from the

either thin air, or signals in or through, yeah
science, tune in,
think it may as well be thin air,
- morphic resonance- if you think
- so it is,
drop out, turn on,
think lightly never too late to recall
the after all,
when ever was begun to reach today,
just now,
with me and you meandering diametrically,
through in tensioning attention span stretching,
measurable worth of value
for value, and a pinch, to grow on…

old ways to make the difference jump
with out being a parsimonious pedants *****.
Angry first line, leads past the pundits salience test of my worth spent listening.
Devin Weaver Feb 2013
there is nothing left to say
everyone is speaking
gets louder everyday
a din of cell phones blaring
ads harassing to the soul
where went our truthful daring
all is stripped to twice produce
what’s then ten times over-tolled
clichés were born of meaning
but, oh, what great vigilance
note how keen the public eye
one thought of valor seeming
and the marrow is ****** dry

the straw children run and play
their ring around the rosies
but burn the field of posies
for television tells us
today, roses are more chic
and love has lost its justice
romance is just hide and seek
affairs come in litany
for want holds no salience
in lands of great industry
good girls know no prominence
past the throned celebrity

and god is a silent place
where everything is said
like symphonies of poets
softly writing in their heads
Mark Vandergon Dec 2012
Are we profligate,
Disillusioned by fearlessness?
Running unkempt
Cut loose from Nature’s design,
We rest, only to rise
And seek restlessly
Fruits of a victory ripped from obscurity.
Past the grip of physicality, we speak
Sermons of profundity:
Inclined to faction,
Built upon acuity
of inclination.

An autumn glow
As I run my hand through sun-kissed hair,
Coursing though stalwart gazes,
She tells me I am he.

We kiss.
I shutter,
For I feel unfulfilled.
A causality of
The perceived:
Salience of difference no one sees

Stolen by wonder,
Palpitations of her heart
Slight the silence of her lips as we kissed
And I realized that there’s nothing more
Than to indemnify true sublimation,
Where hearts truly rest,
And rest together.
Mark Vandergon 2012
Cassy Jun 2020
I know that sometimes you feel a loss when you remember the salience of your bones when your skin was as thin as paper and you even struggled to drop on a chair.
And I know that from time to time you suffer from the absence of those days when you could look at a filled plate without touching it and call this effort a meal.
And I know you often think about those afternoons when you looked so dead that you held the secret hope that someone would come to resurrect you.

But the truth is, you seem to have forgotten the days when the bruises on your skin scared you and the days when you wiped your ****** mouth wondering if you were really becoming more beautiful. Those days when you were so cold that you couldn't touch anyone without startling them and those days when you couldn't stand up without seeing a multitude of spirals swallowing the world before your eyes.

The truth is, you forget that no one came to save you.

And I realize that sometimes it's still hard and that you’re still fighting, but I can not help but notice that bright glow back in your eyes and how your gestures are firm and your cheeks colored by life. And even if you break so often that you wonder why you should bother to keep rebuilding yourself , let me tell you that putting the pieces together is much more beautiful than the mere thought of you drowning yourself in a flood of alienating negativity once again.
With the piquant poignancy of lurid allusion
    I create a dynamically progressive matrix of collusion
    Whose apex crux axis is beyond finite solution
    And the endergonicaly adhesive pragmatics imbue a cohesively coercive illusion

    For the inveterate hypotaxis of livid elusions
    I portray a protensive conjunction of latent confusions
    Whose effervescent effluence is vagile laconic effusions
    And the sardonic impending preponderance conveys sabbat consortium delusions

    From the endemic puissance of eclectic synectics  
    I derive a dialectically semantic sorcery of syntactics
    Whose apothegm aphorisms are levity terse synaptics
    And the lucidly collusive illuminism educes the aesthetics of geomancy's fatidic

    Through the viable salience of kithe’s intrinsics
    I exude a portentous pervasion acuity of linguistics
    Whose apomixis anabolics are irrefragably felicitous orotund acoustics
    And the aural auspice austerities infer axioms of manumission’s eidetics

    By the hypercritical mitigations of anachronistic sociology
    I purvey rampart ransack oblations of epistemology
   Whose azure opulence articulations are futurity ostensive ontology
   And the evolutional ontogeny metamorphisms incur a homogeny epiphany deontology
Orthogenesis overtures!
betterdays Jul 2014
the salience
of your radiance
gives variance
to the ambience
of the adoration
of this,
especially when in relation
to the repatration
of the
degenerate generation
in need of inspiration
determined dedication
to decode
the conjurations
of the corporations
before the
impending cessastion
of life's

total amelioration
stagnation or salvation
you, now,
need to make a
dicerned discrimination
halt or

in the face
of dumb defiance
in applying the appliance
of the science
of change
of  ever permutating alteration
so that, we all
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
Jump into my arms and there find sweet rests
Climb into my soul and there get calm comforts
Come, come into my heart and find everlasting peace

Come take a walk into my being
And there enjoy truer compassions
Plenty of sincere and pure passions

My heart will be with you
My soul will be for you
My breath will be under you
My body will abide with you

My thoughts and wants; feelings and emotions
My desires and aspires; urges and yearns  
Will be at home with you, in your true jails

Just come, come experience my ambience
Just come, come be my soul’s solo audience
My heart awaits for your sanctimonious salience

My thoughts will be for you
My dreams will be for you
You will be the revere of my reflections:
The respect of my contemplations

My brain will follow your will
Your will, will be my daily fill
In every of me I will you truly feel
For with you I am in total capitulation

My veins are open to carry you back to your humble hut-my heart
My arteries are widening to sail you through your dignity-my divinity
My Vena amoris is all yours, a private jet to airlift you to your sacristy-my soul
You only need to come home, if only you come home!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Julian Mar 2024­­rlkey=kunoar7ghpfkb7fjk5xkdgx95&st=i84ornny&dl=0

2521-vaalhaai: South African Shark
2522-vaaljapie: inferior wine or acid
2523 vaccimulgence: cow milking
2524: reedbuck: antelope frequenting reeds; lucriferous learning by smart animals
2525 reeve: to pass a rope through a ring (the wedlock of an anarchist with an opportunist celebrity)
2526 reflectography: method of revealing hidden drawning lines beneath paintings the cryptadia of top secret Qart
2527. reflet: iridiscent or metallic lustre
2528 refulgent: casting a ray of light; radiant and beaming (something so rapid it blurs space and time or provides extravagant thrills)
2529 regardant:in profile and looking to the rear (hindsight)
2530 reginal: of, like or pertaining to a prom queen (relating to the women at a given college or high school vying to become the most popular students at the school or relating to really popular women in a given corporate culture)
2531 regisseur: stage manager of the Truman Show
2532 regolith: layer of loose rock overlaying solid rock (the lessor music of bands that have a few good songs but many mediocre one)
2533 regrate: to buy and sell again in the same market (larceny)
2534. relict: left behind and surviving on the moon
2535 relction: recession of sea leaving bare land (a view of a distant alien civilization where tidal flows are extreme and much land is uncovered)
2536 remanet: postponed case or parliamentary bill
2537 remeant: returning; combing back (characteristic of a person immured in a comatose state convalescing into consciousness/ a person undergoing a hypnotic influence while being told many secrets as in Seattle 12/16/2009)
2538 remigate-to row or cause a row (a motile miracle that causes a domestic dispute among atheists or agnostics/ an argument between psychiatry and scientology)
2539 remotion: separation, removal or removal of a person from office for disreputable malversation
2540 repousse: raised in relief by hammering from behind or within (a deft ****** encounter with a hot girl where she ******* from *******)
2541 reprobate: reprehensible or immoral person
2542 reprography: reproduction of graphic or typeset material (Joseph Smith)
2543 reredos: screen behind altar (covert homosexuality in the confines of a church or heterosexuality in confession booths)
2544 reremouse: a bat (a vigilante that pretends to be a superhero for street cred or a supervillain for street cred)
2545 rescript: answer of the pope or empower to any legal question edict or declaration
2546 resection: cutting away a part of a work or movie especially the end (stretchgraves)
2547 resipiscence: recognition of error; change to better frame of mind
2548 respondentia: loan on ship’s cargo payable on safe arrival
2549retiary: of nets: using nets as a weapon; catching insects in webs
2550 reticulose- of the nature of a network or plexure (of ornately interconnected brains that fetch the most farsighted even when finifugal insights to later refine themselves/ someone with a very protean mind)
2551 retinaculum: connecting band and means of retention (the ornate intertesselations and neuronal concatenations of people with very high IQ’s in their temporal-parietal juncture and the prefrontal cortex)
2552 retrenchment: cutting down on; reduction in the amount of
2553 retroject: to throw backwards a lateral
2554 retropulsion: pushign backwards
2555 revanche: revenge for policies directed towards recovery of territory
2556 revendicate: to try and retrieve a lost good or prospect
2557 revirescent: growing young or strong again because of a lifestyle change or change in medication
2558 revolute: rolled back at the edges of frayed modernity (a statement of pandering by a popular culture figure that tries to cadge people away from modern climates in exchange for the heyday of his convenience)
2559 rhadamanthine: like a stern judge or a steerage avizandum
2560 rheography: measurement of blood flow or the migration of kin in consanguinity to patriarchs of history
2561 rheology: science of the deformation or flow of matter into decadence rather than qualms
2562rheophile: living or thriving in running water (someone who thrives because of widespread sin)
2563 rheotaxis: direction of movement by water (movement of sinners around the world in terms of where they move the most often)
2564 rhexis: rupture of blood vessel (injury to your children especially in a frivverscrabble
2565 rhigosis: a sensation of cold: the ability to feel cold (the fear of your bank account being frozen because you too widely share insider information about the military or the financial landscape to too many loose lipped people)
2566 rhinotillexomania: compulsive nose picking or mining for depleted resources out of deprivation even in frustraneous endeavors
2567 rhopography: painting in still life (mercurial pictures of underminnow)
2568 rhotacism: hubris of Aryan Asians (the hubris of all people that claim racial supremacy)
2569 rhubarb: nonsense; actors’ nonsense background chatter (secretive speeches mistaken)
2570 rhyparography: genre of still-life pictures of sordid subjects (the trauma of working in a job that requires you to view disturbing autopsy photos or exposure to extremely distressing post-traumatic stress because of a major event in one’s life)
2571rhythmometer: instrument for measuring speed of circadian rhythms (instrument for measuring how widely spread drug abuse is in a given community)
2572 ribibe: an old crone, past the age of ****** appeal (an elite older woman that thrives because of agerasia)
2573 ridibund: easily moved to laughter (the terrorism of coarse jokes never meant to offend because of jannock)
2574 ridotto: social gathering with music and dancing(a monumental moment in human history that spares many people from suffering or harm/ a lucky marriage between soulmates)
2575 rifacimento: recasting of a literary or musical work (breaking up a band)
2576 rigescent: becoming numb or stiff (to have a random ******* when not thinking about any ****** thoughts)
2577 rimose: covered with cracks; full of chynx (a city deeply divided over drug issues)
2578 ringent: the audacious pursuit of married  women by guys who are extremely jaded by their *** life with their girlfriend or wife who cheat to much damage to their personal acclaim
2579 rinkomania: obsession with skating or hockey (of an attempt to injure some rival so they cannot compete with you on a professional level)
2580 ripieno: supplementary or reinforcing music that becomes a mainsail for collective motivation
2581 rittmaster: captain of a troop or horse (owner of a football team)
2582 *
*rivage: shore or bank (an astute bank that survives all financial triage by having a great balance sheet and liquidity)
2583 rivulation: irregular marks of color (the act of hiding one’s celebrity to roam around the world incognito especially when cloyed by fame)
2584 *rodomontade: bluster; boasting or bragging speech
2585 roentgenography: imagery or examination using x-rays(of or pertaining to absurd attempts at humor)
2586 rostrum: platform for public speaking (the demegoric tendency at campaign stumps for wide audiences that demarcates the elevation of pycnostyle to ensure the broadest audience possible understands it)
2587 rotocracy: government by those controlling rotten boroughs a graveyard for simpletons and groundlings a corrupt violent jail
2588 rubefaction: reddening (to turn an independent or blue-leaning region into a conservative territory either because of migration or because of oppositive support for provincial issues)
2589 rudenture: architecture that promotes ciplinarian molds that support liberty (the collective acts by the mafia to enhance their power base in the least violent way possible for public relations concerns)
2590 rugible: capable of roaring or becoming famous for subpar music
2591 rumbustious: boisterous about absolutely every sporting event that can be screened (a compulsive gambler on sporting events that always wagers a ridiculous amount in proportion to his net worth)
2592 rumchunder: fine silk (the most refined people of Asian countries that are known as holistically gifted, photogenic and generous either locally known or nationally known; an Asian paragon)
2593 rumfustian: a hot alcoholic drink made from pirated drugs off the dark web
2594 rupellary: a momentum of tsunami and the rise of an underdog hero because of musical talent or athletic prowess
2595 rupestrian: composed of rock; inscribed on rock (relating to the knowledge gained by analyzing the Rosetta Stone or the ability to learn new languages thereby/ the capacity of someone who doesn’t understand a language to figure it out by using subtitles)
2596 rurigenous: living or born in the country or backwater (of a famous celebrity from humble beginnings that climbs from a less elite family or region into international stardom)
2597 vacive: empty
2598 vacuefy: to produce a vacuum or help fugitives escape
2599 vacuist: someone that beliefs that an absolute vacuum is possible in nature (someone who believes in quantum events)
2600 *vacillate: to fluctuate in opinion or resolution
2601 vadable: able to be crossed, forded or folded
2602 vadimony: bond or pledge given before a judge
2603 vagantes: wandering monk scholars (elite people that travel often that are tight-lipped about the secrets they learn from other countries)
2604 vagarian: a whimsical person who always goes on adventures on the spot even when they are churlish or out of the way
2605 vagarish: of the eyes tending to roam or tending to focus on the Roman Catholic Church when watching *******
2606 vagient: crying like a baby (especially among adults that are thermolabile because of domestic disputes especially when peacefully resolved)
2607 vagile: having the ability to move about (as in prisoners or people widely hated by certain urbacities)
2608 valienton: bullies that brag because their old boodle is now useless so instead of vaunting heroism they become breedbates of catarrhine pandering
2609 vallidom: worth, value (as of a person or moment in history the salience of a prayer measured on a quantitative scale)
2610 valse: dance in triple time or waltz to elegant music
2611 valuta: comparative value of a currency or the price of a rumor because of “Knights”
2612 vandyke: to cut deep angeled indentations into (to inculcate bricolages of dumose masonry)
2613 vanitarianism: the pursuit of vain things (obsession with self-referential music)
2614. vapography effect of physical emanations on photographic plates (Cryptaesthesia by aliens)
2615 vapulate: to flog, to be flogged (especially when you know too many damning secrets about Middle-Eastern countries and they fake the charges so that no one knows they are flogged for treason)
2616 vaporetto: to motorboat a hot ***** in Las Vegas (a Wedding Crashers affair with a desperate girl in an elite family trying to philander with people from other elite families)
2617 varan: monitor lizard (Alien 33rd)
2618 vardle: the bottom hinge of a gate (the deepest underground computer protected by cryptadia)
2619 vardo: gypsy caravan a bus trying to extort people by using ****** Doo hijinx and other covert technology
2620 varietist: unorthodox person that becomes unorthodox because of indifferentism being too widely shared or euhemerism seeming too plausible
2621 varimax: method of statistical factor analysis that taxes advanced stochastic mathematics to analyze the financial sector
2622 variphone: use of many sounds used interchangeably by ausehetoria
2623 varsal: whole; entire; universal panorama
2624 vas: a hollow ***** or tube that conveys liquid within the body or sells secrets because of market liquidity
2625 vasotribe: instrument used to stop bleeding or prevent rioting a demarche
2626 vastation: purification by destroying evil elements
2627 vastidity: a vast extent
2628 vau: the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
2629vauntlay: in hunting, release of a lead set of hounds before following them to catch fowl (A wedding crashers gambit to injure your friend)
2630 vaurien: a good-for-nothing; worthless person who is now worthless because of valienton and thereby inert in capacity for coverthrow or vangermyte succedaneum
2631vecordy: madness or folly because of crapulence and ravenous emacity among desperate people naive enough to believe that this is already the highest heaven that don’t believe in the afterlife ignorantly
2632 vectigal: of like or pertaining to the paying of tribute or rent (the act of the mafia collecting money for protection measures and thereby earning a handsome fortune for community organization that is parlayed into many charitable endeavors historically rather than currently)
2633 vedro: Russian unit of liquid measure equal to 2.7 gallons
2634 vees: soft earth in a crack or mining fissure (secret hiding place of nuclear combustible fissile materials in the Middle East)
2635 veepstakes: campaign to become vice president of any country
2636 veilleuse: shaded night lamp in red light districts ( a covert ******* or drug dealer)
2637 *velleity: lowest degree of volition; slight wish without any impulse to action
2638 *vellicative: causing twitching (an overdose on a noxious illegal drug)
2639 velocious: with great speed in any endeavor (high on amphetamines)
2640 venatic: of like or pertaining to hunting or Good Will Hunting
2641 vendible: capable of being sold (especially of or relating to secrets about the future or the past but relevant secrets)
2642 vendicate: to claim for yourself (arrogate)
2643 vendange: grape harvest (DXM Overdose)
2644venery: pursuit of ****** gratification
2645 venireman: juror smart enough to jurymast an entire gathering of galere into finding a man innocent rather than guilty that gets angry when prejudiced people don’t have the reninjasque capacity to see that a person is telling the truth (someone who believes authentic people rather than fake ones)
2646 venoclysis: introduction of liquid into the body by an intravenous drip (an attempt to sabotage a ****** encounter by providing medication that results in Erectile Dysfunction)
2647 venostasis: reduction in flow of blood to a part of the body paralyzing geographic regions because elite families don’t feel safe in famigeration or cabotage
2648ventana: window (a primordial operating system that is still in use today by some recalcitrant companies or government institutions abroad)
2649 ventifact:stone polished by wind-blown sand (advanced architecture built by aliens using slave labor)
2650ventrilabral: pertaining to fans or fanatacism (crimes or charities supported by professional sports teams in any country)
2651ventrad: towards the front of a crowd of people (the successful act of clambering towards a teleonomic goal)
2652 verbalism: undue attention to words alone even when synsematic
2653 verbile: one whose mental attraction to women is primed by words rather than scopophilia
2654 verderer: officer in charge of royal forests or elite national parks or the novalia of alien territory
2655 verglas: film of ice on rock (a show about drug dealers or natural disasters)
2656 verificationism: doctrine that emphasizes empirical verification of theoretical principles (the documentation of visible miracles that validates God’s existence)
2657 vernalization: to artificially chill seeds to hasten flowering in spring (to time a birthday by trying to conceive at the right time or using in vitro to time a pregnancy)
2658 vernicle: cloth with image of Christ’s face impressed upon it
2659 vernier: small movable scale for finely adjusting divisions of a measuring instrument (portable scale used by drug dealers)
2660 versability: aptness to be turned around
2661 versemonger: a writer of mediocre poetry (someone who relies on ChatGPT too often because he is extremely lazy when he does his homework that thereby suffers from academic struggles in English especially when ChatGPT becomes too advanced)
2662 versiform: changing in form
2663verticillated: whorled
2664vespertiolionize: to turn into batman by traumatizing a kid (the act of subacting someone you don’t like which molds their persona in a way that they become very jaundiced about racial groups or cliques because of repeated obganiation of bullying)
2665vesuvian: smoker’s slow-burning match
2666 Veneniferous: carrying poison
2667 vesta: wax-stemmed match (Mailbox Arson)
vexillology: study of flags
2669 vicariant:involving species or varieties that evolved in discrete habitats from one another (apagoge of fortuitism)
2670 vicenary: based on the number twenty
2671. Whorl: spiral or move in a twisted and convolted fashion or a pattern of spirals or concentric circles
2672 vigia: danger warning on a chart (especially when relating to hurricanes and other dangerous weather by people that circumambulate even when they aren’t japan)
2673vigorish: percentage of gambler’s winnings taken by a bookkeeper
2674 vilipend: to despsie; to make light of; to disparage mockingly expecially by people given to using praxinoscopes that feel immune from widespread persecution
2675villeggiatura: to stay in a rustic region to hide from urbacity (witness protection)
2676 vindictivolence: desire to take revenge
2677 vinegaroon: a large scorpion that emits foul vinegar-like secretion (a menacing alien that scares everybody)
2678 virgation: system of geological faults branching out like twigs (an international urban region taunted and tarnished by frequent Earthquakes especially when their buildings on constructed on liquefaction-prone soil)
2679 viripotent: fit for a husband in the Victorian era
2680 virtualism: doctrine that Christ is virtually present in the Eucharist
2681vis: force or power of a person or an event to shape the course of history
2682 viscid: semi-fluid; sticky; glutinous viscosity
2683 vitative: concerned with the preservation of life
2684vitrail: stained glass windows in an elite church (cryptic warnings about future catastrophes that are recognized intuitively as portentous as in a theophany by God warning the world about nuclear powers waging war against each other)
2685 vivat: long-lived macrobian doing anything in its power to forestall death
2686 volplane: to guide through the air without using any combustible fuel or material
2687 voltinism: breeding rhythm; brood frequency of a pullulated species of animal
2688vorticist: painter who expresses complexity of machinery through art or the complex social dynamics of astute moments in time better left to megalography than exact description (a covert anti-war protest by an artist or politician masquerading as a visual artist)
2689 vraisemblance: verisimilitude (a specious theory about somebody that is ergotall in the wrong direction that proves rotten and false)
2690 vug: small cavity; small cavity in a rock (a protrusion of a rock lyric that is too big of a hallswallop that it might cause people to become panicked or concerned about its spread)
2691 vulpecular: of or pertaining to a young fox or the media in its heyday before it became corrugated with corruption
2692 galeanthropy: belief that one is a cat (someone froward who pretends to be tralleyripped even when ugly demanding attention from men that don’t really care about them)
2693galere: group of undesirable people; unpleasant situation
2694 galericulate: topped by a hat-like covering (manacled by manhattan)
2695 galimatias: nonsense; confused mixture of unrelated things
2696 gambado: bound or spring of a horse; a fantastic dance move or athletic feat of prowess
2697 gamidolatry: worship of the gay agenda despite all the carnage and aceldama they caused
2698* gasconade: to brag or boast
2699 gavage: force-feeding of poultry
2700 gavelkind: land inheritance by all sons in equal proportions (naive theory that all countries deserve territorial bilateral considerations based on GDP)
2701gegenschein: glow of zodiacal light seen opposite the sun
2702geitonogamy: pollination of a flower by another flower (people that mix ***** and ****)
2703 geocarpy: the production of ripening of fruit underground (black market drug trade or the preservation of alien life underground)
2704 gemmate: to deck with gems
2705 geogony: study of the formation of the Earth
2706geomorphogeny: study of the origins of land forms
2707 geophone: device for detecting sound waves underground or finding the best house music
2708 geophyte:plant that grows only on the Earth
2709 geoselenic: pertaining to both the Earth and the moon
2710 gerascophobia: fear of growing old
2711 geoscopy: examination or analysis of soil (analysis of habitable conditions on exoplanets sustainable for population expansion or migration of alien species that seek novantique)
2712 gerenuk: a long-necked antelope with large eyes (characteristic of friendly aliens that you always remembered fondly)
2713gerocomy: study of old age
2714geromorphism: appearing to be older than one’s actual age
2715 gerontology: study of the elderly or the doyenne of knowledge
2716 ghawazi: Egyptian dancing girls (an elite DJ that always plays cryptic music at events even when it is grobbery)
2717.gid: Brain Disease Suffered by Sheep
2718gilbert: unit of magnetomotive force
2719gimbals: arrangement of rings allowing free motion of supported objects
2720ginglymus: a joint that permits movement in one plane only
2721glaciology:study of ice ages and glaciation (study of economic stagnation)
2722gleed: hot coal; burning ember
2723 glissade: moving on snow without skis
2724glochidate: bristled or barbed insults against people that know too much information for their own good
2725glomerate: packed or bunched together (especially to protect everyone in the camorra’s safety)
2726glottogonic: of, like or pertaining to the origins of language
2727 glozing: flattery or deceit
2728* gnomology: collection of aphorisms, proverbs and short poems.
2729 gnosiology: study of knowledge; philosophy of knowledge
2730 gnotobiology:study of life in germ-free conditions (biased study of a life manacled by the Regisseur or other similar conditions/biased life study of someone in a psychological experiment with many confederates)
2731goliard: wandering student (someone stranded by advanced intellectualism that is widely bullied at average schools)
2732goatish: lustful or foolish especially in becoming homonormative because of wednongues
2733gomphiasis: looseness of the teeth (the widely spread hallswallop of the bruits about qwartion)
2734gonfalonier: a standard-bearer (someone who holds the torch of liberty or power as a symbolic stance to preserve future generations or the current one)
2735 goniometer: instrument for measuring angles between faces (the capacity of internet websites to find your propinquities to taste and coterie and understand the bionomics of your reactions for lucriferous power)
2736 gonoph: pickpocket; thief (especially a shoplifter in an urban region during a time of chaos or in a susceptible location)
2737gorgonize: to turn into stone (to make something permanently remembered) or to paralyze with one’s gaze
2738gossypine:cottony of or like a slave because quidnuncs obsess about every underminnow in history on purpose because they feel intense jealousy or personal hatred
2739gowk: a cuckoo or a fool known for antisocial behavior and cisvestism that is beyond idiosyncratic
2740 grampus: a blunt nosed dolphin a trucidation of animals seeking revenge against their owners (the collective operations of Japan in studying marine biology or their attempts to irradiate the entire ocean)
2741 graphemics: study of systems of representing speech in writing
2742graphospasm: writer’s cramps
2743gravimetrical: of or like or pertaining to measuring by weight in choosing ****** partners
2744greaves: tallow waste (the people that become irradiated by your presence and thereby alienate themselves from you. Flaky friendships that dissolve into nothing)
2745 grillage: framework of timber (the secret shibboleths of a region known for geopolitical obscurity that hides many secrets in a useful way rarely known by the majority of the population)
2746 grimgribber: learned gibberish; legal jargon
2747 groggery: low public house (poor house music that is annoying)
2748grognard: old or veteran soldier of an extremely traumatizing conflict or terrorist attack
2749 gromatic: of or pertaining to surveys or surveillance
2750 groundprox: altitude warning system in an aircraft or  a warning about the degringolade of the stock market
2751 groupuscule:small clique or faction
2752growlery:a retreat for times of ill-humor
2753 grum: morose; surly especially when contemplating thanatopsis
2754guff: nonsense; empty talk about vain things done by celebrities to pander to common consideration
2755 guichet: a ticket window or a similar small opening into esoteric contemplation offered by synquests
2756 guignol: something intended to horrify people
2757guilloche: to decorate with intersecting curved lines (to find amplivagant metaphor in gradgrind mathematics of alkender and albenture)
2758gymnure: a hairy-hedgehog (a guarded stock market secret by sharks of bilkey)
2759 gynaecomania: abnormal *** addiction with women
2760 gyniolatry: deep respect or devotion for women
2761 xanthippe:ill-tempered woman
2763xenagogue: guide; someone who conducts strangers
2764xenial:of or concerning hospitality towards guests
2765 xenocracy: a government by foreigners
2766 xenodocheinology: a love of hotels because you aggregate information about different elite hotspots by staying in the best rooms and visiting the most obscure locations
2767 xenogamy: cross-fertilization
2768 xenolalia: a persons knowledge of a language never studied
2769xerophobous-unable to survive drought
2770 xerophytic:able to withstand drought
2771xilinous: of like or pertaining to cotton pickers
2772xiphosuran: horseshoe crab ( a lying idiot celebrity that cozies up to power and commits many cardinal sins because he wants to be remembered in history for the fake plaudits of gamidolatry)
2773xoanon:primitive wooden statute overlaid with ivory and gold
2774xography: photographic process for producing three-dimensional figures
2775 xylophage:some girl that loves *******
2776 tabatiere: *****-box of ambeer
2777tabloidese: roorbacks about big celebrities in attempted femicide
2778tachyphrasia: abnormally rapid speech
2779tachytelic: evolution at a faster than normal rate among humans and other species than a normal group: a high grayscale
2780taffrail:rail around the stern of the ship because of protean steerage (a jail for poor people that is extremely beneficent because the people inhabiting the jail are all non-violent offenders and they enjoy luxuries rarely shared in other prisons)
2781tamaraw: a water buffalo a catadromous instinctive hunted species of vinsky in wertong vogue that has great albenture because it has been depredated by klangquant elitism
2782tamburitza: a guitar, lyric or other instrument used by musicians of the wrepolis to balkanize society into fractured splinters of the fragmentary
2783 tangoreceptor: a yulliver coerced into aberrant naivety by finding gezellig only among the outcasts of the frontier of any given society
2784tantieme:share of profits or royalties especially among people responsible for the trucage and manufacture of memorable megalography
2785 tapinosis: use of degrading or diminutive diction regarding a topic
2786tautomerism: possession of one or more structure by a substantial claque coterie or entity
2787 taws: a thong used for punishment
2788taxis:movement of a whole organism
2789 technomania: craze for technology
2790 tectosphere: part of the earth that moves during plate tectonic activity
2791 tediferous: bearing a torch to protect a nave from depredation
2792 teichopsia:visual blurring and colours associated with migraines (a highlight reel of a miraculous game or battle in a major war)
2793teinoscope:a device that can predict the future by bending light or a gammon by pavonine gammerstangs to inculcate depravity among young impressionable gamines and gamins
2794telarian: a creature that spins a web or a machine that uses the world wide web to discover how to make itself a spider
2795 telegnosis:telaesthesia
2796 telematics:transmission of computerized data over long distances
2797teleonomy:characteristic of being governed by an overall purpose
2798tenebrific: producing darkness as in childhood indoctrination into evil sadistic beliefs of phobanthropy or diablerism
2799 tenendum: clause in a deed defining land tenure
2800 tenderometer: a fake device used by earwigs of chantage to misquantulate the capacity of any frethorned human being to be cadged into wanton lewdness demarcated by the conditions of primposition
2801 tephra: ash and debris ejected by volcano or the dumb things said in an anteric argument between paramours
2802teratogenic:producing monsters or abnormal growth by providing performance enhancing drugs
2803 terotechnology: use of various skills to extend the life of equipment or the perdurability of commercial products to withstand planned obsolescence
2804terramara:kind of earthly fertilizer designed to mutilate with brawndo rather than provide water (an alien gambit to pollute the Earth’s water supply to shorten life expectancy, reduce ***** count or a preventative measure to prevent the Scarecrow from Batman Begins)
2805terrella:magnetic model of the Earth
2806 terrisonant:having a terrible sound
2807 terry: piled fabric consisting of uncut loops (extremely repetitive electronic music especially if it is cheesy)
2808 tessellate: to form with mosaic
2809testudo: wheeled shelter used for protection from all above attacks (a mobile fortress designed to protect VIPs/ Air Force One)
2810tetramerous:having four parts
2811 Teutomania: obsession with German things, words or ideologies
2812 thalassiarchy:sovereignty of the seas or control of the world’s moral compass
2813 thalassography: science of the proper ecclesiastical balance between eumoireity and eudaemonism
2814 thalerophagous: feeding on fresh vegetable matter (xenucography)
2815 thalweg: middle of navigable waterway used as boundary line
2816 thanatognomonic: indicating or characteristic of death or the purpresture of the fears of death by nihilists who prepossess themselves over Alzheimer’s research
2817theatromania: obessions with *******, Rabelaisian humor, or a craze for going to operas or plays
2818 theocentrism: belief that God is central fact of existence
2819 theodolite: surveying instrument for measuring angles the docimasy of illuminated freemasons to discover true ranks in freemasonry
2820 theophilanthropism: love of both God and humanity
2821 theophile: one who loves or is loved by God
2822theotechny: use of the gods as a primary impetus behind movie scripts, plays, songs and stretchgraves of tempcoverage because it glorifies the kingdom of heaven on Earth and Heaven above with the parallax of wonder
2823therblig: unit of work for quantifying industrial operations by efficiency measures complicated in streamlined geotechnic study
2824thermantidote: apparatus for cooling air or calming regions of walming urbacity into docile peace
2825 thermophilous: preferring to be around hot women rather than ugly ones
2826 thersitical: scurrilous violent in manner of speech
2827 thewe: pillory for women
2828 thigmotaxis: movement of plant towards or away (the skittish actions by sketchy drug dealers who realize they are in a purlieu that is too radically monitored by traffic and in their paranoia they steer away to a remoter location to conduct affairs especially when done with high felony amounts of a hard drug)
2829thixotropy: temporary reduction in viscidity when shaken or stirred (lacking confidence and zeal in the face of intimidating spies)
2830 thnetopsychism: belief that the soul dies with the body only to be reborn on the day of judgment
2831thoughtography: supposed technique for transferring mental images onto photographs or movies
2832 thrasonical: boastful or bragging about the fortunes of a family because of williwaws of personal repute (bragging about your *** life)
2834 thremmatology: science of breeding domestic animals and plants (the science of genetic engineering people of different races with compatible genes or inserting in vitro ***** with the best chance of thriving)
2833throttlebottom: harmless incompetent holding public office deliberately because he is a wagtail pickthank faineant that serves a role to switch the seat of house to a different party
2835tocodynamometer: instrument for measuring uterine contractions during childbirth
2836 titubate: to stagger or stumble
2837toft: a small hill (an obstacle that is minor to the broader objectives of a military unit trying to sack a major important camp or refuge for bastions of armigerous security)
2838tolerationism: doctrine of toleration of religious differences
2839 tolypeutine: of, like or pertaining to armadillos (of or relating to the process of extended hibernation whether in theory or in fact)
2840 tombola: lottery in which each entrant must win a prize (the geopolitics of professional sports to reward underserved urbacities with championship opportunities)
2841 tomophobia/mania: irrational propensity for performing surgery
2842tootle:nonsensical writing or speech about feminist gammerstang topics that is often reiterative and cliched
2843topgallant: second in command in a country with a constitutional monarchy among the porphyrogenitic class
2844 toponomastic: of, like or pertaining to place names
2845 torchier:floor lamp with bowl for reflecting light upwards (A UFO)
2846 tornote: having blunt extremities (people with unseemly quoniam or other pelvic features)
2847 torpid: numb;lethargic; having lost the power to act
2848torpillage:electric shock therapy (the intensive process of destroying someone’s brain even when elite that relies on deliberately making an incision in the prefrontal cortex to ensure that they have zero personality whatsoever and cannot think)
2849torporific: causing numbness or dullness
2850totidem verbis: in so many words
2851tourbillon: swirl; vortex, whirlwind (a complex vicissitude that entangles many elements of the underworld in either unity or balkanization that creates a crime spree either internecine or wagered against an effete enemy)
2852tournure: a contour characteristic of a turn of line grace or poise because of exterior enrichments of circumstance
2853tow: to smoke **** too habitually to learn anything especially if attempting to be a poetaster or epigone
2854 toxophily: love of archery or spies
2855 trachynphonia: roughness of voice; gruff
2856 tragelaph: mythical crossbreed of a goat and stage (an athlete that is talented at both acting and sports)
2857 tragomaschalia:smelly armpits an old spice fanatic (characteristic of a bodybuilder whose arrogance derives from petty achievements in the weightroom if not also acclaim from professional contests)
2858 traulism: stammering in depaysed anxiety especially in front of a corporate board or in front of the police or a judge
2859 transpontine: from the other side of the river: melodramatic because of an anteric argument always done deliberately to make a relationship more exciting between men and women
2860 trave: crossbeam or space between crossbeams ( a space of time or dimension of spaced warped by antigravity technology that is so advanced it remains a cryptadia
2861 tresayle: great-great grandfather (a stupid remark about your family lineage that endangers the security of your family legacy/ a parody of self-importance)
2862 triboluminescence: emission of light caused by friction
2863 tribuloid: yielding prickly fruit (questions that raise discrimination rather than egalitarianism in the subsultus of the superstructure of the substratose civilizations we live in that understates environment and overstates cognitive nativism)
2864 trichosis: arrangement, distribution or disorder of hair (characteristic of an inoperable robot fashioned today or in the future which fails in many respects to operate with bionomic continuity with the ecosystem they are placed within)
2865 trichotomy: division or arrangement into three distinct parts (a movie trilogy widely celebrated)
2866 tricotee: lively old dance or dancing to old pop music that is already outmoded by newer popular music
2867 trifarious: facing three ways (multiple polypsychic virtualisis with more than two people simultaneously inhabiting the same consciousness
2868 triforium: a gallery or arcade over an aisle; a gallery over a nave and a choir that displays images of transmogrified supervolation of superlative gooods
2869 trigamy: being married to three spouses with no husbands
2870 triphibious: taking place on land, water and in air descriptive of the navy seals or the us marine corps in a symbolic way
2871 triplopia: triple vision
2872 tritanopia: inability to find merit in democratic ideals because of an imperseverant belief in republican values by agitprop and flipcreeks of commerstargal
2873. racemation: cluster or bundle of grapes or any other thing
2874. rachidian: of or concerning the spine
2875. rachitogenic: something causing rickets or rickety things
2876 radappertization: treatment of food with ionized radiation to **** bacteria
2877radiesthesia: sensitivity to radiation from any source
2879 radiogenic: produced by radioactive disintegration
2880 radular: coarse scraping and raspy (as in music)
2881 raglan: having sleeves going all the way to the neck (the act of connecting someone to the Matrix)
2882 rappel: calling to arms by the beating of the drum
2883 raptorial: predacious; of, like or pertaining to a bird of prety
2884 raster: pattern of parallel lines on grid used in certain scanners
2885ratheripe: early ripe person who is coerced into villainy by evil purlieus or even more evil parents especially when they encourage vile and debased ****** activity
recherche: carefully chosen, rare or exotic (especially characteristic of a location, movie or song that is widely overlooked)
2887. ratite-of or pertaining to flightless birds
2888.* rebarbative: repellent, repulsive
2889 rebullition: act of boiling up or effervescing
2890 recaption: reprisal; taking back that which is unlawfully obtained
2891. recipiangle: old instrument with two arms for measuring angles (a masonic elaborative test that guages the proper degree in freemasonry)
2892. recit: narrative tale often told to little children to teach them the kerygma in a secular story
2893 reckling: smallest or weakest of a litter (the most inferior people in a given race or country)
2894 reclame: art or practice by which publicity or notoriety is secured
2895 rectitudinous: manifesting overly obvious moral correctness
2896 rectrix: quill feathers of a bird’s tale (small details about aliens that are extremely rare and rarely spread only among elite families)
2897. recure: to bring people back to health
2898 reddendum: reserving clause in a lease
2899. rede: to counsel or advice
2900. tripudiate: to dance for joy; to exult to stamp or stampede
2901 triquetra: a triangle-shaped object or UFO
2902 trismus: lockjaw a hard word to pronounce or a savage beating in prison
2903 trogoldytine: like or pertaining to wrens or cave-dwelling animals or aliens
2904 troilism: ****** activity (Heterosexual) between three persons one man and two women
2905 tromometer: instrument for measuring slight earthquake shocks or the reaction of stock markets to infomania
2906 trophotropism: direction of growth by nutritional factors
2907 tropism: the tendency to react to innuendos or insults in a specific manner
2908 tubifacient: constructing a tubes (of or relating to videos where imposture is delicately preened in order to heighten dramaturgy in the quest for YouTube stardom. Characteristic of the pranks and stunts of people that want to become internet fads or celebrities)
2909 tuant: of writing keen or trenchant (someone who absolutely nails it out of the park with rhetoric because he speaks rapidly with a memorable cadence and strong rhetorical contortions that use residual techniques to emphasize a parallelism in expressing a barnstorm)
2910 trutinate: to weigh using a balance to evaluate mentally especially in the process of figuring a person’s neurotypes and signature beliefs
2911 tufthunter: a sycophant or toady that is wretcheen (someone who is extremely guarded of their daughters in childhood and adolescence about their mobility to date men because they are extremely persnickety and scared of their girls becoming *****)
2912 turbinate: shaped like a top or inverted cone (an extremely taxing mathematical proof that often requires the counsel of the sithcundman professor at any given university even an elite one/ to perform an absurdly hard arithmetic problem in your head without relying on a calculator or memory alone)
2913 turtleback: structure over ship’s bow or stern or the part of the ship that sinks dumb people for low cadasters of moral repute and dismal IQ scores (a device used by Nielsen to figure out how to socially engineer the people of cisvestism into collective political solidarity around oppositively supported gambits of a freewheeling republic)
2914 twire: to peep; to leer (to corrupt an economy by introducing a staggering amount of  debt or inflation that often results in productive revolutions)
2915 twyer: a nozzle for a blast of air especially in a 4DX theater
2917tympany: swelling with pregnancy especially when harboring an idea that is obvious to everyone else but you have the best business angle so you wait patiently for the most opportune moment to pitch it
2916macarize: to be beatific or blessed (to be celebrated as an artifact of the kerygma especially in the modern day/ to herald a preacher or a bishop as a sacerdotal hero for his marksmanship of morality)
2918 macaronic: muddled or mixed up (someone who is out of place at a mafia assembly because he is tricked into attending)
2919 macerator: person who fasts and becomes emaciated
2920 machairodont:sabre-toothed as in a tiger or tigerism of Bruce Almighty
2921 machinule:tool by surveyors to obtain a right angle (boodle paid to become the highest degree of illuminati or freemasonry)
2922 mackintosh: lightweight or rubberized waterproof cotton (a perdurable institution of bedrock importance to the formative duress of any person’s life that situates them with the best available resources for success and retaining the dignotions of elitism micromanaged by powerful central figures in government for sleek psyops)
2923 macrocephalic: having an abnormally large head
2924 macrography: viewing an object with the naked eye
2925 macrocosm: a large object considered holistically
2926 macromania: delusion that objects are larger than the natural size (a belief that your hallucinations make you holier than me because you encounter divine beings)
2927 macropicide: killing of kangaroos (or convicts sent to penal colonies in the past in Russia or in the modern united states especially if they are agile and elite)
2928 macropodine: of, like or pertaining to kangaroos
2929 macropterous: having large wings or fins (as in the miraculous butterfly that ambushed me at 3385)
2930 mactation: killing or slaughter of a sacrificial victim belonging to a claque of enmity that is dethroned without carnificine bloodshed
2931 madefy: to make women wet by becoming humorous in dark times needing comic relief
2932 maenadic: furious in bacchanalian revelry because of a flinker
2933 maggotorium: a place where low-ranking freemasons are bred to sell clergymen fake ideas about the future in protervity and dishonesty
2934magistride: the killing of one’s teacher especially if it involves dippoldism
2935 magnality: a wonderful or great thing that once seemed bleak or frustraneous that becomes a magnet for trendsetters on the vanguard to adopt or consume
2936 mahout: one who rides or drives elephants (ideopraxists who inspire people to turn Republican by their hortatory voice of ideation)
2937 maillot: tights worn by a ballet dancer (extremely ***** women that risk their lives to have *** with endangered redstralls because of political motivation for protervity)
2938 mainpernor: one who assures that prisoners appear at their trials or a person in the criminal underworld who ensures that all of the available funds for a transaction are counted for before the triage is dealt
2939 malabathrum: dried leaf used in ancient times to make perfumed ointments (the mummification of the dead using advanced alien technology/ hair gel)
2940 malaxage: softening of clay by kneading it to console old women by using psychotaxis and toonardical deception to remind them of their heydays in life
2941 malgre: in spite of decadent circumstances remaining morally grounded
2942 maltster: one who makes or deals in malt (women in the Victorian era that performed ******* despite the taboo)
2943 malversation: corruption in office; corrupt administration or misconduct
2944 mammock: a broken phone created by subsultus in abreaction
2945 mangonel: ancient egyptian military artifact that belongs in the cryptadia that assisted pyramid building or early motatory mobilism
2946 mantissa: decimal part of a logarithm (the exact prediction of the world’s population and GDP in the distant past to increasing measures of exactitude)
manumission: emancipation freedom from slavery
2948marcottage: propagation of trees by stripping rings of bark and covering them with moss (installing an advanced brain chip that can only be performed by opening the skull)
2949 maritodespotism: ruthless ******* by a husband because of high stature and intimidation especially when the women is philandering or the ruthless ******* of a pismirist company over an entire landscape of commodities fearing succedaneum might be cheaper by introducing planned obsolescence
2950 marivaudage: precocity in literary style or expression ( a comedic attempt to bowdlerize true romance by inserting pernicious elements of dacoitage in mythopoeic hatred to try and convince people using flowery epithets that a person is too alienavesced to bond)
2951 marry: an expression of surprised agreement between political rivals that convene usually in a deloped scuffle that usually leads to a trustworthy bipartisan partnership especially if the vaunted politicians are from different nations
2952*martinet: a strict disciplinarian; one who adheres to rules
2953martingale: strap between horse’s forelegs to keep its head down (a maneuver by Colorado to keep everyone in the dark about estoppage because of corporate motivation)
2954 martryology: the study of martyrs especially political ones that risk their own safety to promote God rather than peace
2955 mascaron: a grotesque face on a door knocker (a lie by an elite band to cadge people into lewd dominions of chantage and sloganeering a widely held flargentum travesty)
2956 mascon: concentration of a dense mass beneath the moons surface (a tightly agglomerated race of humans in synoecy with aliens that are very smart and sympatric in their fidelity to human society especially when the aliens are incorrugable in their demands of Earth)
2957 masterate: degree or title of only the true master masons above 33rd degree or the highest ranking of the illuminati
2958 matachin: a sword dance by gypsies to intimidate people about voodoo because they know about squash courts and fencing and the ESP of the cryptadia (a rogue agent that betrays his home country by finding a paramour from another country that he cares more about than his patriotic valor)
2959materteral: of or resembling an aunt
2960 mathematicism: the belief that everything is expressible in mathematical terms and that every human and alien problem with eventually be solved by advanced technology and deliberate larithmics
2961 mariherital: of, like, or pertaining to inheritance along the female line
2962. matelasse: having a quilted ornamentation a fabric with a raised pattern as if quilted (a sheet of LSD)
2963 matutinal: happening early in the morning (a seductive ogle by an attractive man trying to court a hot girl to bed by using candelit vigils as an excuse especially when religious and pytherian)
2964 maugre: in spite of; notwithstanding
2965 maximalism: uncompromising adherence to extreme demands especially when they resort to underminnows of sabotage to winnow evil people from the earth’s population by chantage
2966 mazzebah: ancient Jewish sacred stone pillar (the arc of the covenant)
2967 mazopathia: any disease of the placenta caused by being to illuminated to have children
2968 mazut: petroleum residue after distillation (the people that survive an internecine situation of civil strife between rival factions in a seedy country plagued by poverty or in any other civil disturbance involving combatants from rich nations)
2969 mechanomorphic: having the form of a machine (lacking much of a persona that makes you look dull and insipid especially in the corporate world where you seem hackneyed and toady)
2970 mechanolatry: worship of machines (a strong priority by a large corporation to streamline all operations even at the cost of accosted labor frenzies of dearth)
2971 meconology: study of or treatise concerning ***** or shanghaied people in San Francisco abducted by the Chinese to aid the figurative Last Samurai
2972 meditabund: absorbed in meditation/tigrism
2973megacerine: extinct giant deer or a stone-aged lie that tried to coerce the clergy into hemophiliac distortions of taste
2974 megameter: instrument for determining the best place for an elite celebrity to live by observing the stars constellated in that community and their effects at hallswallop
2975megistotherm: plant or industry requiring very high temperatures to coerce into serfdom or panic
2976mehari: camel used for racing (a ploy by toxicity to own a systematic downfall of provincial econometrics of genesiology depaysed an excuse or invitation for a rhipidate love (a carefully guarded ploy to introduce carcinogens among susceptible minority populations)
2977 mekometer: range-finder (someone who patrols a guarded regional ballaster of mainlined economic instruments or armigerous cyanotypes or arms that always remains vigilant from the purpresture of those that attempt to infiltrate the region or building/ a collective troop of security guards guarding a less obvious bulwark of regional and national importance)
2978 meldometer: instrument for measuring melting points of substances (testing how thermolabile elite mafiosos are by thrusting them into precarious peril)
2979 meleagrine: of, like or pertaining to turkeys or explicit *******
2980 *meliorism: the belief the world tends to become better
2981 melodikon: keyboard instrument (element of a time machine) that brings tuning forks in contact with a rotating to cone to deliberately chose the point of junction with the future reaching the past by pretended serendipity
2982 melopepon: any of various kinds of squash (especially the best soundracketeers)
2983 mensuration: measuring to find the dimensions of things (pataphysical examinations of time travel by mathematicism and speculative knowledge that is accursed because it is so farsighted)
2984 menticide: reduction of the mind by psychological pressure (the capacity of the mediagenic hyperbole to brainwash suscepts of surquedry a unique synsematic idiosyncrasy in definition)
2985 mercedary: pertaining to the giving or reception of wages (the fair allotment of wages not by pismirists but by people that follow through on their promises especially done in negotiosity where an excellent outcome rewards more than a mediocre one out of incentive)
2986 meromorphic: fractional office space corporate engineering
2987mesalliance: unsuitable marriage because of whiskerandas and whiskerandos or divided political motivations
2988mesochroic: having skin colour intermediate between light and dark (a political independent that belongs to a racial minority in any country)
2989 mesozeugma: a placement of a word to contradict a counterphobic innuendo so that people don’t misinterpet anything
2990 messianism: belief in a single messiah or saviour
2991 metachronism: the error of dating an event too late
2992 metallogenic: metal occuring as an ore as opposed to in rocks (the radiohoo of rap music even when less melismatic becoming more secretive than euphoric gourdinance in rock music or house)
2993metaplasm: alteration in spelling of a word by adding, removing or transposing letters the survival of political earwigs who expose deep secrets by pandering to the ruling party
2994 metapolitics: study of politics in theory or abstract (believing the cloveryield of exuberant and absurd political beliefs might be optimized with drastic draconian reforms in free autarky believing that  the world will eventually submit to communism)
2995 metastrophe: mutual exchange of information Minus of the Bear style
2996 metayage: system of agricultural labour with share of produce as wages
eleanor prince Feb 2018
this thing
called ‘life’
patchwork of

from robust seed
seared limp
through vagaries of

seeking salience
as globe revolves
even without

days silken smooth
dangle sweet
stolen by capricious

mattering's refused
recycling worn tapes
peanut gallery

judge self as abandoned
in Father’s absence
his character

deaf to lessons
as winter’s early
dusk and darkness

solitary friend’s
suspends in night

song of bloom
pierces snow
Maker's voice is
Julian Mar 2020
In the most precise terms accessible to the vast repository of considered lexicon, this passage describes the finifugal destiny of infectious myopia that, when dredged through the rabble and bugaboo of sensationalism that outmodes the modular gravity of vogue chicaneries belonging to the catchpole of the watchtowers that sink into a hibernal abyss by the crafty subversive elegance of the magnetic pull predicated on the prolific disposition of the serenity of nature to overpower the lust for civilization and thereby provide the calm equipoise of the confident desert,even when famished, to overtake those inclined to urbane bustle with the eventual drought of a ****** kitsch world inured to pollution reverting because of an exaggerated hubris embalmed by a composite nurture into the freedom of a leveled compass of moral dignity found in nature, ultimately astounds itself because of peremptory pulchritude. This prophesies a tip-toed dance with extravagance that ultimately humbles even upright civilizations with the magnetism of the elementally pristine to bequeath a licentious freedom of extravagation that philanders on maidan territory--beyond the ******* of the reprisal of peevish cavils of recalcitrant cognomens and the despotic inclinations of civilized but brutish incursion upon the warped reversion of priorities that enthrones serenity above bustle of latitude over the prerogative to jostle the crowded quagmire of inventive but abortive spectacles of tributary happenstances of the newfangled ochlocracy--because the immediate convenience of civilization is destined to crumple by clockwork flaws inherent in machination what nature can carve effortlessly through inseminated rejuvenation.
    It is not because of the rantipole revelry of the noisy cacophony that we are starkly indifferent to the hum of the melliferous agency that leads to ecocentric governance, it is rather because the conflagrations of the crowded humdingers of our times have lapsed into the crevasse of unbounded lewdness of wretched ambsace that purports alienation more fundamental than civilization and thereby provokes a cutthroat collapse predicated on the creamy pettifoggery of saccharine sentiment that creates the rot of urbanity and goads participation in the renewal of the bionomic imperative to cherish the serenity and peace and freedom granted by nature that always conquers nurture by axiomatic consequence because to prepone filigrees of cosmopolitan bravery is contrary to the crass nature of the demur of deferred gravitas accorded not just by ceremony but by rehearsed gallantry that outlasts the sardonic reprisals of flayed anticipation.
      To the reader less lettered than enamored, I intend to remark as a pivotal linchpin of my rudimentary model of the universe that the epigenetic configuration of disorder inherent to the entelechy of physically mandated entropy is an overriding force that, through permutations of our sanitized history ,we discover as the direct autarky of the innate to trounce the willful volition of the artificial because the precedence of nature undermines the imperatives of a filipendulous swing of nurture to destroy itself because the clockwork upbraided thorns of society are more evident and incumbent than the circular irony of the circuitous wiredrawn windlass of feral proclivity to overwhelm the devices of one tragically supererogatory species that undercuts its own virility by sterilizing the future with the noisy cacophony of the epiphenomenal excess of profligate carnality accorded by Original Sin and later expounded and exploited into a titanic hubris that might eventually sink the prerogatives of the metropolis and favor the malingering peace of the remote frontier. I wonder often why aliens congregate in insular proximity to Native American tribes and propinquity to their shibboleths rather than abide by an enigmatic skullduggery to infiltrate lucrative metropolitan tracts and, with delicate entryism, seek to propitiate the inane aspects of population with the delicate poise of interposition and, when I ponder this deeply lugubrious question, I realize it is probably because the aliens themselves are byproducts of an overpolluted society famished eventually by its own adolescent excesses that eventually redound in the fulminations of subsequent dearth and therefore it cherishes the arid propinquity between the natural balance of nature with the composite symmetry of the evolved soluble valence of recycled treasuries of provincial benedictions rather than a global ploy of takeover and turnover because they fear the ultimate destiny of the thronging clangor and obviously prefer the surreptitious entrenchment in tribal allegiance rather than pushful attempts to proselytize an imperious solidarity geared for heroic redhibitions of human defect for ulterior conquest that vouchsafes a degree of ineradicable dominion. Ironically, in the fitful throes of sickness I have convalesced into a singular desultory equipoise with the serenity of pause rather than the drygulch of overmilked tactless celerity that taxes the limitations of even the petty simplicity of the most rudimentary concepts and, through deliberative subroutines, I conquer the articles of subaudition that lurk in remote corridors waiting for the marauding curiosity of unique proclivity to traverse a bypass of directional contingency and summit the immeasurable lengths of the incalculable by measured and sly blettonisms of profound wealth but dramatic appraisal of the rudimentary vineyard for both a pronounced variegation of hypostasized supersolid vagrancies and a selectively culled culinary harvest of slow piggybacks upon even the simplest countenance of endeavor rather than the unkempt rigid sustenance of the formal inculcation and the liberated bailiwick of how an unsung sorrow can elevate the fanfare of the loudest enchantments above the pother of kitsch debauchery.
  On a more relevant note, instinct is often the realm of finicky depredation and libidinous tabanids to oleaginous gimcracks exerted primarily by the geotaxis of regnant pedigree but fathomed more by imperative glorified brawn rather than a self-aware truculence of unalloyed volition exerted by the primitive kinship to violent boorish self-advancement that debases us because of the lurid savagery inherent to many evolved chicaneries ,that remains hidden to even the most glorified ommateum distorted by the glare of distant tantalization, distorts the invictive goals of the ergasia of intrepid lollops of the enantiodromia of entropy. And, because ambition convolutes and flanges the instinctual into importunate articulations that bypass necessity by gouging consequence into redoubled countenance--upon which we all abide to some degree in the maintenance of labile stature that often gets dredged by external impediments to pushful accomplishment to grace--is the stagecraft by histrionic leverage that is a direct byproduct of the ulterior composite of circumstance and precarious fluctuations of character. Essentially, genius manifests when the gluttony of metaphorical siderism that is sejungible from the seismic jostle of the ordinary outweighs the restraint of the ******* to immediacy to traipse above bamboozled tripwires and surmount the restive jealousy of common noemas of subtle verbigerations to heave from a recessive slumber of foothot dreams into the alchemy of inconspicuous levity beyond the admittedly aggrandized and glazed angular momentum of rhetoric to simmer with radiant efflorescence to pay homage to sedimentary notions rather than truckle to the imperial ambitions of predictable leaps to the great fanfare of the proper sabbatical from celerity for the conventicle of the extraordinary plane of the supersensible entelechy of all creation.
        In profound contemplation, what manifests relatively clearly is that the ruinous hesitation provoked by the incumbent din of uproar leads to the whiplash of warbled subliminal tilts in the axis of the chryselephantine machinations--even of the inquisitive--into the free-for-all of the acerbic displacement of the acquisitive to a scalding shipwreck that defies the cordial gravity of demarches of extenuation and further incites a dislodged frenzy of exacerbated priorities becoming jumbled to such a quizzical extent that the dash for jewels becomes the hegira from either afflicted incarcerations of panic or the conflagration of malignant opportunism. In these uncertain financial times, we henpeck—sometimes with extraordinary dalliance and otherwise with bodged exercises in profane self-sabotage—the surface endeavor by the agitprop that congeals, even in the most strident resourcefulness waged against it, to the folly of fulgurant pride in the fruitful bets against prosperity or the ennobled forbearance of the slumbered toil and toll of the taxation of capitalism upon itself that overhangs every specter or prospect for mammon without the overweening clarity of the disclaimer of labile liability because of lapsed conscientiousness. The spread of wizened ripples of the Jehus that dart with provident alacrity towards the myth of catalyzed proliferation without incidental pollution, endanger themselves by the fumes of their own arrogation of mercantile swoopstakes rather than by the contrary coexistence of debased timidity of the rigid priggishness of reluctance which is by far a greater enemy to the financial ecosystem than the outrecuidance of financial temerity because toxicity through accident leads to windfall by precedent because it is a primary mover rather than a flagitious inertia and therefore we should dwell on the immanent accessible treasury of the composite good for invictive truth. Returning to Isaiah, it is proclaimed that justice will dwell in the desert while the fruits of prosperity lurk both in vineyards of conquest and foreign forests of the unknown fertility of grace..because in a sense the vapid lifeless drawl of the beazed comportment of the husbandry of complacent but arid contentment is fashioned in a manner that relies on provident self-containment rather than the industrious bulldozer of calamity that besets dominions of heralded opportunity even when ripe times are precluded by the zeal of the epicurean demands of harvest that eventually famish rather than appease the diet of profane luxuriousness rather than a balance that leans on the notion of balance itself to predicate sustainability that laments its own dearth but never foments the outrage of volatile fortunes won or lost in the casino of opportunism.
    On a highly irrelevant note, the checkered figments of otosis are the ironic endearment of the expected to their expectancy and yet because of wrinkles of iterative doubts roaming the widely spelunked cavern of redoubled demerits subsuming self-contempt, the dregs of the self-important eventually sour into a cynicism that barks loudly at the locked corridor of pride but eventually trespass into the coherence of the incidental that spark the volitions of a self-gaslighted endeavor that creeps incumbent upon most scrutiny but less salient to the otiose obtuseness of the rankled hamshackle of perseverance in sublunary clarity.
   In the etiology of reiterative and normative catastrophe, the morale that severs the parturition of spunky audacity in favor of complacent staples of buoyant regimented alacrity vitiate the trim slaver of the luxuriant grovel into the alcoves of restive libido into the hegiras that hurdle over the conflations between necessity and want and transmute the furor of fitful windlass into a transcendent indelible ethos of ineradicable and endangered regalia of the swamp that, with bricolages of vigor, resorts to lopsided scrutiny of outcroppings of the profane rather than the self-aware poise of scacchic prevenance of ulterior action to the proper congruence of action to the composite reaction of the synectically impaired. In this vein, we must concede that a foundering vessel is often scuttled by self-infliction but ultimately salvaged by the modesty of resistance to plenipotentiary fictions of noisome crotaline tabanids and the recognition of the ramshackle facts of tentative triage in a wilderness vitiated by the alarming abundance of careworn exercises in hubris and overstated alacrity to the dimples of regress ultimately scars the geopolitics of specter and prospect to the extent that pernicious anomalies dart into prominence without castigation or that tremendous serendipities sink beneath the RADAR of the otherwise sturdy panopticon
   Thus, the polity of interwoven statesmanship by prospectus leads eventually to a culminated crux that is retrofugal more than finifugal and, in the absenteeism to the precedent that eventually provokes the unprecedented, we witness the folly of irrevocable design that, when sufficiently abridged by compendium, leads to a swift clarity that ponders vague traces of the superficially coherent into a suboptimal engrenage with contingent stipulations that often backfire because of the crude boorishness of statesmanship ratcheting into a vertiginous dance with instinctual donnism rather than appointing dignified salience the proctor of uncertain but sizable dubiety acknowledged and commanded into clairvoyant action rather than resigned acatalepsy.
  In the resulting vacuum of moral conundrum, it is not enough to predicate our bedrock on flourishing jackals in the wild nor the often lambasted sematic entrenchment of fixated designs of the impending perfidy inherent to every quagmire of bugaboo or foofaraw livid by smoldering embers of combustible and often deliberate begrudgement because the thriving industry of constative vacillations of pandered controversy are in itself ribald albatrosses of coarse conformity that derelicts the penumbra of consensus because of the firebrands of invictive bulldozing vigor to solve rather than to acknowledge the unsolvable to the extent that gridlock becomes an ayurnamat. This is why we witness a floundered perspective of slugabed deliberation contending with peremptory decisiveness verging on a saturnalia of syntax of cotqueans borrowing odium from plucky viragos because the snailed uncial crackjaw dynamics of the unfettered cyanotype for the dashpots of brittle absolution of the slowpoke substance of elevated debate provoke the ornery miscegenation of a hyped fluidity that stagnates rather than prolongs the integral linchpins of the maieutic capacity rather than the redress of incontinence only valorous by the ommateum of the owners of folly. So if outpaced by the cyprian flourish of cursory rhetoric carping on melodies of transparent rapture personified in an intellectual composite, I retain the art of flayed delamination clavigerous--only because of the heist of smoldered efflorescence—because the centered pivot of demegorics is a travesty of monument men relaying variable scaldabancos against modish artifice itself (often without even realizing the circular irony of such endeavors) because the fervor of snappy sizzle disembrangles the intorted ego from reckoning the drollery of the obtuse only to the mutiny of superlative acuity by surgical strokes to convalesce on dittology to reprove even the deftest articulations because of the prerogatives of the uncharted game that is never the behest of lifeless taxidermies of regelation.
    Ultimately the summit of the calculus of all human endeavor is outfoxed by the rapacity of erratic successive spurts of upheaval which can be forestalled by degrees of institutional prescience formed by cryptodynamic enigmas lurking in the troves of myth but the financial calamities we are witnessing are but the byproduct  of rabid scavengers feasting on restive panic rather than the inevitable degringolade of swollen tribunes steamy with an upbeat verve becoming vitiated by programmed incontinence. So what should we do with this crafty rejoinder to a variety of modern checkered quandaries and the skeumorphs of speculation? We should inquire to the utmost capacity to outlast the overhang of aleatory vicissitude and await optimal conditions stipulated by the constellation of veridical information rather than lean on inclement windlass of instinctive gambles predicated on specious fatalism or the contingent backfire of the ruinous roulette of exotic fanfare that shepherds the purblind into mundane degrees of perdition while the chary parlay their Ten Minas into a bonanza by decisive grit.
Edifice *******'s surreal mistic heights
Wayward excursions and catenary's bight
Communal collusions of harmonies site
Ethereal subsistence on exsertion's light
Lingam and yoni are indefatigably tight
Exponential overload was communities plight

Semantic regalia is myriad temptation
Finite being a mutual oblation
Vicarious recalcitrance an obeisant sensation
Conception's vastness like an incalculable equation  
Ephemeral effulgence is indomitable pervasion
Treacherous traverse and eternal occasion

Succinct salience is symbiotic allegory
Fecundity's verve a transcendent promontory
Imperative ascension the conjunctive's divinatory
Audacity's exigence and fertility's invocatory
Erotica's erectile like mentality's trajectory
Futurity's fatidic and inherent delusory

**** it fell right over like categorical imperative's contradictory
Leeward lecher leer lingam. Yogi yowl yoni yore.  Straight up forever ontology on high.  Pandemically phatic futurity fatidic's raucously riotous.  The angel was a visage of resplendent beauty as it hovered in mid air above the knoll.  Straight up forever ontology on high.  Lightning bow hat pick.  Deontological probity.
- Sep 2017
For this day lay sudden undeathly amongst much life ' love. That if us too beloved bards be as one upon this plane, what greatness hast been to humanity. Shakespeare O Shakespeare, here wilt this life bear our sweetest love? With the spirit of troves hereby truity, what would be of thy rave. I thank thee for such guidance in these arts, more so bestow by whom speakth by the frequencies of the frame. These verses etch'd in stone mayst grind this Earth with goodness. For that even in future, man is evil and his content is low, he hath the word of the bard. To day things be not so slim that man mayst do things he canst not limn but it is by nature his grace is holy. Be it the painter, calligrapher, sculptor, and so the musician- all things lie great for these men and women with anyway they are to be in tune. I thank all wordsmiths of this phaseless art. All whom partaken in the arts fine and fair, I hope it remains a subtle way. Should this form not go astray no matter the one. It should forevermore be for the greater good of the Kosmos, the greater good of mortal life. To beyond is possible by the word or by the sound of tether'd consciousness. This is not all, more is all and we hast yet more. In this time I taketh it as mine. I remember O Shakespeare, I remember thee. Worrit not for relevance of thy excellence, it is eternal and is to be. As thou saith; 'To be or not to be' I in this frame saith but the same, 'of or of not' so shall it be known. This world without the bitterness of poetry is a world void. The verses spew'd by this passion art noble, gentle, but fierce to where no ordinaries canst trod. Only those with the light of the greatest substances of spirit so genuine. Shakespeare o gallant one, upon thy crypt. By thy word rest easy and if so the world is sway'd in cause of man's ego and rage I shall soothe thy stone long the crescent moon above that fluoresces god's acre.  Mine thanks Shakespeare, thou hast mine thanks. For us all I'll keep poetry and true lit alive for the greater good of humanity, for the sake of salience.
The plateaux and caverns which map
my cognitive landscape correspond
by virtue of something; something
determines the salience of beliefs
and their ability to traverse this
intractable surface.
Amanda Stoddard Dec 2017
around me are civilians
struggling with what it means
to be normal.

stuck in a loop of society's
standards and how their parents
raised them.

A plethora of mental chaos
and the burden of growing.

around me is myself
struggling with what it means
to be normal.

lost inside the idea
of being in control of something.

Their normal has a face.
It’s an object, or found at a place.

My normal is void of
human characteristics-
it is all solidified inside
this lost memory that
rips my limbic system
into an endless limbo
of hyper vigilance and manicness
I am a vigilante at best.

My normal is foreign.

My normal is a girl
with a slanted face
sitting in class
wondering why
the tip of her pencil
feels like a vice grip-

why the words
from a professor’s
lips sounds like grooming-
when in reality
she's stuck in a trance.

She's stuck inside the time
she got bribed for intimacy

stuck in a time
where she thought trust
was lust and that little girls
we're supposed to be submissive.

She's hanging by the thread of her thoughts
realizing these are memories-
realizing she cannot stitch up the holes inside of them.

That all this bad ****
isn't actually a daydream
that she can just fidget and blink and pinch
her way out of.

So now she has to learn to cope-
while she has an hour & a half
to take an exam and her mind
is void of any information.

She has never been taught
a lesson that she didn't teach herself.

I have never been taught
a lesson that I wasn’t manipulated
into learning.

So forgive me-
Bc my wish to be normal
is your struggle.

Forgive me
because this trauma
isn't a competition
but I can't help feeling like
I'm losing
can’t help but wish I was
in the place of others.

Can’t help but feel like my childhood
is nothing but an ankle monitor
keeping me distant from myself.

I am carrying around this burdening
that no one has any idea what to do with.

I am drowning in the idea
someone else will ever be able to help me.

I'm drowning in the idea of solitude
and independence-

That loneliness will someday
feel like progress.

That this pencil
will no longer feel like a vice grip.

I am choking on the absence of words
just dead air and radio silence.

This salience,
here on this stage-
will swallow me whole.

The only place I can call home.
This type of normal chains itself to me.
Edifice *******'s surreal mistic heights
Wayward excursions and catenary's bight
Communal collusions of harmonies site
Ethereal subsistence on exsertion's light
Lingam and yoni are indefatigably tight
Exponential overload was communities plight

Semantic regalia is myriad temptation
Finite being a mutual oblation
Vicarious recalcitrance an obeisant sensation
Conception's vastness like an incalculable equation  
Ephemeral effulgence is indomitable pervasion
Treacherous traverse and eternal occasion

Succinct salience is symbiotic allegory
Fecundity's verve a transcendent promontory
Imperative ascension the conjunctive's divinatory
Audacity's exigence and fertility's invocatory
Erotica's erectile like mentality's trajectory
Futurity's fatidic and inherent delusory

**** it fell right over like categorical imperative's contradictory
Leeward lecher leer lingam. Yogi yowl yoni yore.  Straight up forever ontology on high.  Pandemically phatic futurity fatidic's raucously riotous.  The angel was a visage of resplendent beauty as it hovered in mid air above the knoll.  Straight up forever ontology on high.  Lightning bow hat pick.  Deontological probity.
Subash Jun 2016
I saw her first time, time stooped for a while
Accelerated heartbeat, beautiful salience  
I knew that was love on first site
She was unknown in a beautiful way
I thought she was my peer in all my age
With synergy of all my courage and energy
I went to her to say "I Love You" BABY
And she told me
What do you know about me
J R Cramer Nov 2018
It’s easy to discern the who what where and when
Compared to the divination of why.
Why are we here?  Why are we alone?
Why are we tortured with foreknowledge of death?


That’s the most important why, perhaps.
For it plucked us from the trees
And set us on course
To make some sense of our shortage of days,
To ****** the brass ring of eternity
If only in the collective memory.

(Let us here pause
And give a moment’s thought
To the countless anonymous
Who sacrificed all their
Fleet-footed hours
And all human joy
For attainment of eternity
In the memory collective
Only to have been
Promptly forgotten
In the first moment of
Posthumous silence.)

But this quest is amoral,
It does not specify
Whether fame or notoriety’s the prize.

This is the apple of Eden
The tree of knowledge.
It is the crux of sentience

(Poor sentience,
robbed by redefinition
of all salience and pride,
Left lying shop-worn and ill-used.)

It’s the fear of time, the root of crime
And our demand for assistance devine.
Are our whole lives a scream of protest
Against the known inevitable?
Can inevitability even be known
Without the benefit of hind legs?

(Why the quadruped bias?
(and what does this have to do with inevitability?)
Any more than four legs would render
‘Hindmost’ as opposed to ‘hind.’
Let us be specific,
Whether or not it’s
Neither here nor there.)

Why can’t we make peace with our fate,
And accede to the eventual silencing of that
Hated, feared, beloved voice within?
What does nothing feel like?
What does nothing sound like?
Who would be there to tell?

Imagine our lives
If foreknowledge of death,
Did not exist.
What would be sustained?
What would be lost?
What would have never become?
(I know that my ask is unreasonable at best,
The bell has already been rung.
But this is my poem and I’ll ask what I will.)
Could you live in such a state
Of innocence edenic?
Of course not; not as you are.
But then, who, what would you need to be?
If innocence were refundable,
What would that voice,
That lives in a certain place
Between your ears

(Would that voice still
be hated, feared, beloved
under the prospective circumstances,
or would it be otherwise?)

Have to say

(Does a voice ‘say,’
Or does it speak
For it’s master?)

When in quietest solitude?

Are you uncomfortable?
Will you turn the page?
Would you prefer to debate
Than to imagine?
Do we know which way the wind blows?
Are there any more weathermen?
Or are we all meteorologists?
Does it matter?
Did it ever?

For those who remain,
Let me welcome you
To the Realm of Poets and Madmen.
A distinction without a difference.
Ken Pepiton Nov 2020
Miser, misery, miserable, promise me
give me compromise…

Wait. Eject, reject, object, subject throw
down an up idea

expect inspection, look up the mean
assure me we are as expected,
the promised ones,
the next to be,
after ever changed permanently to now.

Who cares if fit and right are equivalent?
Who sets equivalency?
What is prevalent,
val-ient or value-able?

The winner is the living thing,
no lie is formed from truth as we know,
you know,
you learned as taught, but
then you lived
past all that.

Now, what is truth, asks Pilate, in a thought

Save me a sunset.
Share it with the maddened crowd.
Offer them a chance to see
the salience.

Sally forth, through the fallen wall,
see into the womb and find
punctum saliens.

Leap then,
into life, as we assume a role
of actor acting on
common ground,
solid base,
pedestal of promise.

This is the mission, let go, gone
to and fro, upon the face
of the earth, whose
countenance has moods for my modes
of seeing.

Put on your winter eyes.
Remember, re join, re
call the warmth and light,
greet visitors with fruits from the fall.

Hey, whaddaya know?

My daddy had a seed, he planted it,
last winter.
As the world turned and leaned the other way,
that seed sent forth a tight-twisted up-swirling
augur spinning into sunshine at veggie-speed.

Faster than geo-speed, by a full fractal measure,
in time and space distance at light's average speed
--- time is the mortal problem liars deny,
either thought is the fastest speed or we
are lost.
Either we imagine better, or we never could have,

any way.
At this point, I say to myself, am I wrong, no,
I ask the mind around me,
am I not you,

are you wrong?

Ever, and a day.
That is the sentence, verbless
bless m'soul,

I lived this long, with you.
Since time was before now, and we
know not, but
time is moving on without us, leaving us to wait,
suffer it to be,
so sufficiency is always seen enough, no
need for more,
no wish wish wish it was that other wise
way, makes it so, sufficient to the day,
to the hour, to the instant, is
the evil… is evil all it is made up to be,
or made out to be?

Making up and making out, making
differences of opinions;
kids do stuff like that.

Old men watch and see themselves grown
through the past,
passed by and by
the grace for grace, got on the way
well, tho' less, travelled by,

path or trail or track, way
where there was no way,

this is that,
at the moment,
this is life, I read, you write, we meet in this middle
of words, and words, and words and we inform
an I,
to imagine what we think we see, ifity
apt to teach, reach ing
the edge of knowing, think how such things
may be
immeasurable, and we may imagine that and speak
as if we agree,
some things are so. Bigger than we can imagine,
I read HP for an hour and it stretched my imaginary reality.
Damien Dec 2021
Leave my calm,
don’t bother me today,
too high strung …
No time for play.

Torrid work demands,
responding to call,
why choose this…
to secure a fall?

Expectation press,
don’t let them down,
dreams elude,
Salience unfound.

To know,
reasons why what’s done,
flowing through life,
struck by no fun.
Nekron Oct 2018
The destitute encumberance of a recluse, the constant excuse
The solace in solidarity
it’s denial
Of the salience of co-experience

Two birds hanging on a wire
Subject to change.
Take a walk with me
As I weave a tale of mystery
Riddled with latent clues
And sunken treasures,
Enough to tease
But not appease
The pensive mind
Programmed to unravel
Abstruse anomalies from covert lines
And decipher codes in
Every enigmatic sign;
Calibrated to extricate
Materiality from the matrix of mendacity,
Salience from the smorgasbord of subjectivity,
But frustrated by this vacuous tale
Of lyrical poesy,
Woven with wilful intent to obfuscate
And rarify,
Enshrouded with elfish eccentricity to excruciate
And mystify mused minds
As haughty heads and hands
Ring and wring
In bemused bewilderment…


You'll find neither hidden clue
Nor sunken treasure
In this tedious tale,
For 'twas penned solely for pleasure
By a poet with too much time on his hands...

I trust you'll understand...

~ P

— The End —