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Flo May 2016
T** rying to spread the word
W hich remains to be untold
T rying to reach out
W ithout knowing a single soul
T rying to stand my ground
W hen nothing is beneath my feet
I guess you could say I'm quite ambitious...
yúyīn Jul 2018
A nother ****** day
B inging, then throwing up; Hunger
C rying, as usual
D eath sounds comforting
E each day is a struggle
F orcing smiles
G one too soon? Not soon enough
H eaven isn't for people like me.
I nternal struggle—i want to
   die//i want to live ..
J ust one more cut .. Oops, too
   many to count
K ill yourself, my thoughts say
L iving is exhausting
M ore scars
N othing inside. It's hungry. Being
    eaten alive
O h, I woke up this morning, I
    wanted to die
P ain .. So much pain.
Q uit  it!
R est in peace [RIP]
S hut up!
T hese thoughts will be the death
   of me. Tired
U nder the facade is a corpse. Im
    a walking dead
V ery soon i will end it.
W hy should I stay alive? Should
     I **** myself?
X friends, x lovers, goodbye
Y es
Z ero thoughts
26 days since my last failed attempt. I will be successful next time. I have to.
elaine Oct 2018
d o you want me to leave you so soon?
r eality can be a deadly thing, do you want to leave this dreamworld?
e scaping me can be hard
a nd loving me, even harder.
m aybe we can live in harmony, me & you
i magine the possibilities.
n othing can replace what we have,
g ot that?

i hope you don't take me to
s eriously, it's all just a game, laugh along.

m y oh my,
y ou really are a freak, lighten up *****, it's just a game.

o nly a crybaby would cry over something so small.
n arcissist *****, you think you're actually doing something great?
l ies are all they tell you, don't feed into their stupid postivity.
y ou're only as good as dust.

e ven as you write your pointless poetry hiding that you're
s cared to be alone,
c rying because you have no friends
a nd living up up in your head all day like a ******* idiot.
p lease, give me a break from your madness
e veryone can see you're just as pathetic as me.
what else is there to do when reality is screaming at your door?
Marian Apr 2014
Blessing from God came to this
Universe to fill my heart with love
To you I write this poem
Trying to show you I care
Ever shy of my presence
Rosy, posy little feline angel
Came to me to be my little friend
Unicorns dance just for her in fairyland
Pouring my words on paper just for you I write

Dedicated to my shy little cat, Buttercup!! :) ~~~~<3
She is such a beautiful little feline!! :) ~~~~~<3
Hope you enjoy this poem, my HP friends!! :) ~~~~~<3
NitaAnn Dec 2014
There are so many things that I regret
The list is longer than I can write here
Each day brings more regrets
I regret that I do not learn from past regrets.

I regret not saying I am sorry
I regret not forgiving and moving on
I regret not being fully honest
I regret not letting you in
I regret...*

Reminders of past failures
Ever in the forefront of my mind
Getting lost in the confusion
Reality that I live in
Trying and failing
Leia R Oct 2016
your love is so artificial
i feel as if i'm choking on plastic
there is such a wall between us
you never could get past it

Unhappy with the life I'm living,
Not finding anything to
Wash my ***** slate of emotions
And to keep me from crying.
Nothing to turn to when I cannot
Take anymore of this pain.
Each tiring day I 'm getting thrown
Deeper into the rainstorm.

Trying to find a peaceful way to
Escape contention and get
Away from this tribulation. I
Refuse to cry anymore.
S**unshine doesn't stay with me for long.
AavelinaJaden May 2014
weeping *willows
crying cedars
sobbing sycamores

a forest of depressed shrubbery calling out for help
Swords and Roses Apr 2015
Screaming in silence
Urges so strong
Inside a whirlpool
Crying for so long
It becomes clear
Death is here
E**very step of the dark, dark way
OnlyEggy Jan 2011
Four to the right...
More of the wine tips itself
I indulge myself a little more
Not forgetting to watch you sip away
Days stressed melt with a lipstick stain

Healthily imprinted on the side of a glass
Eyes glowing exceptionally in the candle light
As I run my fingers through the finest
Radiant, silky hair that slips through
Trembling fingers of a man with class
          Three to the left...
S miling brightly, your lips start to beg
Ovations to success as your eyes close
Ushering the urge to lean in, I pause
Listening to your slow desperate breathing
Startled by my own confidence
Pursed lips slowly collide in fashion
I am struck by the aggression of the action
Running fingers down the back of a dress
I can feel the tingling sensation of the skin inside
Trying to scream out in needed satisfaction
          One to the right...Click!
By the pressing of your body against mine
Oscillation of rhythmic breathing ensues
Drunk off the softness of my touch
You slowly drop one ******* your black dress

     *Let Us Begin...
(AIP)- From Tough Guys Wear Pink
Nina McNally Apr 2011
May I begin to say, "Now I lay me down to sleep,"                     as
You just stand there staring blankly, "I pray the Lord my

Soul to keep,"                      and as I chant these words
Out of these painful lips.                      You begin to
Understand this silence, and pain.                   And
Longing to find any truth left in this trouble world.         You join me with

Trying to figure
Out why people are always running. Running to nowhere-land.            STOP!

Take a breath.             Take a moment for yourself.
And "if I die before I wake"...                I will
Keep this positive mind, because In. The.
End; Positive thoughts will conquer all! And ..."I pray the Lord my SOUL to take."


Now I lay me down to sleep,
                                                 I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
                                                           ­                                         if I die before I wake
                                   I pray the Lord MY. SOUL. TO. TAKE.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
title/inspiration from
Wes Craven's movie, the well-known bedtime prayer, and Metallica's song.
Trying to find a way, to
Retreat from this world i call
A** home. Stuck with no source of
Peace to clear my mind, all this
Pain has me chained to the
Earth. I'm forever here,
Damned to this earthly existence...
Ryan Aug 2021
ruh roh raggy
re taliban ris taking rover rafghanistan!
rey say rey want reace
i rink they're rying, raggy!
Nina McNally Jan 2018
Everyone has a story to tell; An-
Xiety is a "fickle *****," but one that --
Possibly- tell you when something bad might happen.
Each day that goes by
Never stop dreaming, never
Stop saying "you can't,"
Instead say "you can" and make your dreams come true.
Victory can be your's and
Everyone's, you just gotta believe!

I* became such a strange shape,
Such a strange shape From
Trying to fit it."*
Kindness will win all!
Everyone has a story to tell,
So please listen to them. (Just listen.)
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Quotes (italics) from LOST and Fall Out Boy-- my biggest inspirations.
Everyone needs someone to listen to them,so just keep an open ear and be their friend they can lean on when their in need and maybe they will return the favor for you when you need someone to listen.
Nicole Potter Apr 2013
Prying into the heart of the unknown when you realize
Oportunities are endless if you create them.
Tedious work that results in glowing pride,
Endless discoveries if only interests would show.
Nothing seems to matter, nothing worth my
Time. Yet all this passion has to go some where, those words cannot be an
Illusion. There must be a purpose. I feel it
All around, this pull that I can 'do', like there is something more for me.
L**ingering desire to explain.
bryn Apr 2017

All On The Internet


All On The Internet


All On The Internet

Some Hate

Some Love

Some Don't Care

Some Care Too Much

I s   i t   a   g o o d   t h i n g   o r   a   b a d   t h i n g?

T h e   i n t e r n e t   c o n t r o l s   u s

B u t   i t   a l s o   g i v e s   u s   a   w a y   t o   c o n n e c t


it may not make sense, but neither does the internet
don't want to do this any more
nd I am sick of falling asleep in class
ore times I think about doing other things
rying to do the best I can
want to give up but I cant
eally pushing myself day and night
verything that I do I feel like it is not enough
ealing with what is going on in my life still learning how to deal with it
Sanch May 2018
(H)ow could I be both happy and sad?
(A) paradox neither I could understand
(P)ity me for being nothing other than a
(P)iece of memory inside your blurry past
(Y)earning for the years where I’m only happy, not sad
(B)affled by somebody who’s supposed to be there for you
(I)nstead of playing the game you hated much
(R)ecalling a single day of different years
(T)rying to trick myself that I’m the one you’re celebrating with
(H)ow I wish I was the last one
(D)ancing the girl with the most beautiful eyes
(A)way from grief, you drifted me with this great ill(us)ion
(Y)oung lady, forgive me for loving you this long
Phanuhel Nov 2014
S urely you know there's no
C onversations to be had but you're
R elentless as ever.
E veryone wonders why you bother
W ith your sad, sad attempts.

U ninstall your hope and stop
P rying at carcasses with a silver spoon.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
Christian family searching for the truth.
Happy family playing games at the kitchen table.
Righteous members going to the temple.
Inspired parents helping children.
Sinners still, but finding forgiveness.
Trying hard to be the best.
Instead their daughter goes the other way.
Not seeking truth and righteousness.
A**way from the church and the family values.
Sara Leal Sep 2015
She's Rude.
She's Acting.
She's always Crying.
She has a Heavy heart.
She doesn't Exist.
She's a Lie.
English version
Riddhi Thakkar Jun 2020

S: (S)acrifice yourself
U: (U)tter no words
I : (I)n person alone
C: (C)rying silently
I : (I)nside Left with pain
D : (D)ie
E : (E)veryday
The hidden love
C rying all the night through

R inging our the pillow case

Y ou haven't come home yet

I doubt that it with ever happen

N ever felt like this before

G o away. I know of you lies
A nice little acrostic for my ma who's going through stuff right now

— The End —