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Pyrrha Jul 2018
Love, why do you make my heart bleed?
It leaks thick red plasma that stains on my fingers
As I try to conceal the pain and hide it deep within
My own two hands reach up and take my breath away

The lies you speak catching in my lungs
Forget keeping appearances, I'm suffocating
The answers seem so clear
As I gasp for air

In shock I stare down at my hands in horror
As I find they are replaced with your own
This sudden display leaves me in disbelief
I don't want to see all the truth coming up to smother me

I wasn't smart enough to stay away
From those treacherous arms that promised safety
As they had planned from the beginning
To clench around my throat and liquidate all my strength and glory

Before we even said our first hello's
You planned the end before we began
Love, I will make your heart weep
What you give out comes back to you

I will get you on your knees
Begging for forgiveness
Till they become bruised and give out
I will break you down before you dare to believe you've won

If you are iniquity think of me as your karma,
You will never win
Matthew Sutton Aug 2018
There are conversations in which my mental frame leaves the
                               parameters of my body.

No longer can I fathom the concept of ‘being in love’
        I witness dates
        feel as an apprentice of such a trade might
        an inadequacy to replicate the models of those before me

Gone are my indefinite moments of sanity
        Childhood is laced in linens of silk
        Soft-spoken words
        Finely crafted spontaneity lacking responsibility

Ceaseless are the times in which I must conceal the thoughts I abhor
        Depravity seems to chain my soul
        which leads to
        a Resolution in pixelation
        due to
       a visual handicap which has left my eye blind to choosing right

My friends make me happy
        but as a glass transforms back-&-forth between half-empty &
        one glance across our wooden dinner is all it takes
My thoughts to liquidate into bars of gold
Telling myself I must exchange their conversation for my motivation
        heavy on the mind
        light keystrokes

Once i reawaken at 1 A.M. from my conscious-coma
i ask myself
What good is it?
        To be thoughtful
        Yet have no action
What good is it?
        To fantasize
        Yet refuse your own inclination for renovation
What good is it?
        To be dramatic
        Yet have no one at your performance

I do understand what it means to ‘be’

        Watching Tuesday suns burn in loops of ongoing weeks
                              -    lacking peaks    -
        As I continue to lay under clothes line
        Wrapped in a melody of melancholy

But I do not understand what it means to be ‘me’

        My mind feels as a lemon candy might,
        sour at first bite -
        hollow on the inside, then gone
        Without ever truly knowing what it tastes like.
Simon Nader Jan 2019
And it is now sold
Underneath the hands
A relished possession
In the pockets for the greed

Auditioning the green
While laughing at feeble ones
Everything here is made for profit
Whenever the darkness does hit
No care to this planet at all
Selling the shoot star's fall

From the breath
To the fire
Drink of water
And the turf to bury the dead
Everything goes green from the red

From the trees come the notes
To buy the beauty of lands
No more fighting
Just up-for-grabs


Going once - What am I to you again?
Going twice - How are you going to reign?
And gone - Taken by the man with the cigar


Everything must go
Liquidate this Earth
Paying the ultimate due
To our really final hour of death
Life and death are not for sale
Discounted down to our souls

For pleasure comes the pain
When the dollar signs blinding this world
Becoming enslaved to the symbol
The symbol of death
In which wars have been fought
The heights of the egos
Killing the eagles in the skies
Many shall fall as they die

The rain of the notes
Collected by evil hands
Just to destroy with
When did this land
A God-given land
Became a profit to the greed
We must take heed

There seems to be no hope in sight
What else are you looking for?
Humans becoming their own enemy
When the rich becoming the poor in the mind
In their own abyss, they become so blind
As they fall forever in their own holes

“Did you hear that?
Eden has been discounted

The riches of the Earth
Which used to be
Now, it is all become for greed
Since the new babe’s birth


Going once - What am I to you again?
Going twice - How are you going to reign?
And gone - Taken by the man with the cigar


Everything must go
Liquidate this Earth
Paying the ultimate due
To our really final hour of death
Life and death are not for sale
Discounted down to our souls

(Guitar Solo 1)

Cut the trees
Pollute the seas
All in the name of cash
Oil the skies
Smoke do rise
All in the name of cash

Paint with green
All in between
All in the name of cash
Extinct the wild
Trash the tides
All in the name of cash

Marketing overflowing
Burn the forest for your paper money
Which flies in the wind
To the east, west to send
Who care about the atmosphere
When the dollars are so clear
To the Scrooges devouring our world
Our would shall be stabbed

(Guitar Solo 2)

Mine! Mine! Mine!
Money! Money! Money!

Just the symbols of death
Roaming around the globe
With numbers and figures
And you… devoured by the glutton ones

No genuinity
No morality
When the flesh is been bought
From the animals to the human kind
“We want the coins for the daughters”
Children are sold
From hand to hand
Nothing is safe from the greed
Give me more
Give me more

Sing with me

Ours! Ours! Ours!
Money! Money! Money!


(Guitar Solo 3)

Swines of this Earth
Will sing their victory songs
Over the blood
And broken bones
Of the ones trying to survive

Asking the questions:
“Is my land for sale?”
“Is my soul for rent?
“How can I survive?
“Is what life is about?”

To pay money, money, money
To a world that is never enough

Without the phony riches

As we ask


Death is cheap?

How are we going to break the silence
When louder comes the cash flow
In which direction will this wind blow
Humankind shall resort to violence
After they reach for their pockets
With emptiness inside
As you are being going up to Heaven
Ha! Ha! Ha! No!
Are you kidding?



As we ask those questions


Going once - What am I to you again?
Going twice - How are you going to reign?
And gone - Taken by the man with the cigar


Everything must go
Liquidate this Earth
Paying the ultimate due
To our really final hour of death
Life and death are not for sale
Discounted down to our souls

Welcome to planet Earth, human!
sand dollars make you crazy
so liquidate your assets
the currency of the ocean
is in the depths of its devotion
and its arrival and return
is the ultimate paradox or koan
i see whales making out with octopuses
sending us their love
from outside their esophaguses
penguins in coattails dream of Spain
while Spanish armadas chase each other's sails
armed insurgencies upon armoires from France
silent eroticisms in the shadows
of daffodils dance
Michael Marchese Oct 2016
Drink it in
The sweat stain disdain
Dish soap dog bath
****** sewage soda sludge
Puke-splattered canvas
Baby bottle brisk tea
40 ounces of ice cold destitution
Brown sugar blood bandage
Unprotected immaculate *******
Salivating for salvation
Asphyxiated angel tears
Indigence reigns
Faithful floods
Swallowing prayers
Quench God's thirst
As he ****** indifference
K Balachandran Jan 2012
I drank deeply
from her dimpled cup,
focussed my mind,
that was jumping like a colt,
and made my
prophecies thus:

"you are the daughter
of a reclusive prince
(who could also be a pianist )
a dark power wanted
to liquidate him,
but his mind was luminant,
his will was so strong,

he fell head over heals
in love with a gypsy,
a wandering mendicant
who was a magician of love.
he loved the magic in life,
no wonder he was saved.

You will
lose your virginity
to a powerful man
whose power will not
harm this world a bit!
(powerful not harming us
is indeed rare!)

you will give birth to a son,
who could be a king
(though monarchy now is no option
kings by other names aren't rare!)
even if they make him king,
he would abdicate and in turn,
would  lead a life loving trees, rivers, 
all in the nature,
light, and darkness he considers alike.
he is brave, with a heart
brimming with love

you are a blessed woman
spirit of gypsy is alive still.
give  a hoot about money,
but be contended with
abundance of beauty you create,
in ways none can imagine!

you don't want to change
the world a bit as you like,
but let everything go
in the order it should,
and just walk past
the busy streets,
a breath taking sunset"

i heard an eloquent silence.
she jumped up from her seat,
took a swig of Champaigne,
and kissed me twice.
Ju Clear Nov 2016
Mr president
I have a conflict of interest
I am not keen on how you go about your business
I am saddened by your big banking boys with roles
I am not sure you can run the US like a business
I feel more empathy is required

Mr president
Am still conflicted with your reign
Not over joyed by your chosen minions rolling in billions
Having money don't mean you know how to govern

Mr president
For me too take you seriously I feel you should liquidate your assets
Invest in the bottom
So all can be on top
Be kind
Give it away
you have another holiday
Put kindness in charge
Make America kind again
Kindness rules
Listening to the 5 pm news while cooking Mexican food
Anthony Perry Sep 2015
I get too deep in my own emotions, I never even attempt to try and bring myself back because I know that when I’m depressed they just become delusions. It’s simple to say that friendship can keep you sane but honestly, it’s the comradery the keeps me sheltered in an uncomfortable silence. Hearing about the pleasures someone can indulge in makes my heart break, then to hear them complain about the small demons they face in life just simply makes it hard to agree with their outlooks when I’ve seldom ever seen my happiness at its peak. It’s hard to think of them outside of our time together when almost every moment of my time is hard to fabricate. I love them but sometimes it feels like I have to liquidate and make my escape before I create a situation where I will negate the comfort I’ve created with them, it’s so hard not to express the feeling to leave.
We don't fight against man,
but his nature,
not blood nor bone,
but against principalities,
against power,
against corruption,
against the bottom of the glass,
against human nature.

civilized man?


A world of tolerance,
malice in disguise,
the pen is mightier than the sword?

Not a chance.

It is the blade that kills,
the razor that releases the flood,
for history is not written by the objective.
Words may trigger the safety,
but neither written nor spoken word,
will deflect the bullet,
ricochet will always claim its prize.
It is not great men that bring about change,
but men willing to change,
gun in hand,
sights lost in the moral periphery.
Liquidate modern ethics,
burn the fibers of morality,
enlist their disease.

Dear oppressors,
here's a secret,
the weak can **** too,
and the day will come when man does not rule,
but man is ruled,
and on that day,
**fight back.
A.P. Beckstead (2013)
Terrin Leigh May 2015
meaningful investment, definite impact
genuine compassion, to you I attract
unofficial adoption; like static, cling
nonverbal given, jubilant I now sing
protective walls liquidate, you're in; shell cracked

if anything at all, tender soul distract
short but ever so sweet, fill the gaps exact
gently you hold me; heal and bind broken wing
...if ever I've tasted of love's glor'ous life

trustworthy provider, fix all I've lacked
maybe walk down the aisle, heart intact
constant and watchful, giving hope for a ring
as I on an optimist pendulum swing
tangible, real, felt, believed. love not abstract
...if ever I've tasted of love's glor'ous life
Holla when she sakes
King of hearts Ripples through the lakes
Making to brake
Dollars to take
simple or fake
Roll them dice as she shakes
Anticipate to elevate
Partpicate the wake
Passionate to wait
Overcoming overflowing overdose overloading
System flowing
holding the soal
shifting titonic plates
exspensive stakes
Misplaced mistakes
Expensive taste
Liquidate the place
Displaced Love
relocate hallucinate
darken hate
Tornado hurricane earthquakes
shaded pain
ashes brings
shadowed rain
Hank Roberts Dec 2012
I only spit shine our hikes
in the woods and I marinate rain drops
in melted wax so we can peal

it off our skins when we get bored later.
I only exfoliate on lost time while
maneuvering around false hope

you seem to deliver from an eternity
void, stamped and all. I must jump its
sound and skip a couple staircases

to find its Jonas Salk.  I only go mad on
the colors I write about the clown who keeps
his nose on a rounded cliff and

his acts in prepositions. I invest
verbs with the future and liquidate  
past futile nouns in denial.  

I plunge the toilet of the oppressed
monk who never gets the good and
rough *** those mornings the birds sing.  

I sew fellowship when viscosity
is at maximum and the sewage
ruptures four feet from the prince

of mercantile who ends up
building a wall to protect himself
and others from the foggy morning.
Christine Aug 2010
Your lips may be my barbiturate
But your words are my poison.

I need you to dissolve me
Liquidate my mind
So I no longer must suffer from the toxins.
You cannot hurt a liquid.

Quick, put your lips to mine!
Crash them together to calm me, sedate me.
Your kiss will melt my thoughts
Allowing me to pick out the solids.
To pick out your crystallized contamination.

I need to build up a tolerance
An amount of your fatalism that I can take.
But I cannot do that right now-
Your poison has sent me to a coma.
Your poison is coursing through my bloodstream.
ConnectHook Dec 2016
Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea?
or hast thou walked in the search of the depth?
Have the gates of death been opened unto thee?
Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth?
declare if thou knowest it all.

       Job 38: 16-18

Oh that the desert were my dwelling place,
With only one fair spirit for my minister.
That I might forget the human race,
And hating no one, love her only.

       Lord Byron,Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

I walked alone into the waste
in search of rivers—not a taste
of water could I find
to liquidate my mind.

Under the sun in vanished lakes
alive with scorpions and snakes
I sought within my soul
her limpid watering hole.

The mogollón once hunted here
as piñon pines disclosed the deer
but now not even bones
remained among the stones.

Scattered beads and the odd spearhead
my visionary soul misled;
the moment was my home
and I was free to roam.

Burial caves of ash and silence
spoke in tones of bygone violence—
grinding stones lay broken:
her archeological token.

I found a *** within a niche
still balanced well, despite the pitch
as if the owner’s urn
awaited her return.

Amidst the fragments, free at last
in potsherd patterns of the past
I followed ancient streams
through arid zones and dreams.

Exploring a dry riverbed
unraveling her golden thread
while stepping off a ledge
descending from the edge,

I almost trod upon a snake
and quick adjustment had to make.
Reluctant viper-battler,
I flinched. It was a rattler.

As my right foot continued down
I saw the scales and dusty brown;
Mere inches from its head
the imprint of my tread!

The serpent was too cold and slow
to strike a poisoned morning blow
The sun still in the east—
I swerved and missed the beast.

The desert’s charm advanced from there;
She showed me sights I barely dare
to tell lest I sound singed . . .
My mind she so unhinged.

I stood before the gate of vision
rapt in shadowed indecision
gazing in the maw,
unsure of what I saw:

A ruined mineshaft’s empty grin
that mocked and whispered: “Come within.
The words of Job are here
in wisdom born of fear.”

Necropolis; a gaping  portal…
Feeling less than weakly mortal,
deep I stared inside;
allured yet terrified.

A passage to the depths of dread:
the Book of Job, the sleeping dead.
I barely now recall
yet understood it all…

Still thirsting through her arid land
divining truths in shifting sand
I ventured on in vain,
beseeching God to reign

The javelinas mocked my quest
beguiled me onward, further west
where Dutchmen hide their gold
and Apache tears are sold.

Her rainbow shades and distant mesas
silhouetted, paint her face as
nobly as the lands
her presence still commands.

Her beauty smiled: a virtual face
of glyphic pre-Columbian grace
decentralized desire
in sublimated fire…

She led me to the springs of life
my moonlight maid and desert wife;
my nights upon the mountains
in search of spectral fountains.

Ex-nomad of the mythic west
my unfound treasure now confessed;
her deserts had me smitten…
for her my poem’s written.
ARIZONA ! (put on your rainbow shades...)
Pyrrha Aug 2018
I liquidate my words with love
As I drink and dine with you
To poison you with my perfect drug
The only stable cure for a world of webs
While you may be caught in mine
I'm no spider but a simple butterfly
Meant to drink the nectar bleeding from your genuinity
I'm writing this at 3 am and I have stayed up till 5am every night this whole month. I can't tell if my words are ready or if i'm delusional from exhaustion.
midnight prague Dec 2010
I feel the indifference like a numbing pain
I want you to feel how I let it put my soul to death
and liquidate my thoughts
they drip down like the paint of a artist
who has lost interest in his work

and I feel so uncared for by you
simple letting me fall with no proper land
I weep down like a loners lost distress
thrown out into carelessness
falling with no purpose

or maybe there is a purpose
is the reason too painful for me to know
I wish not to understand how you feel
I wish not to accept the pain that awaits me
within the petite seconds I shared with you
standing on a table of Marie Antoinette
gardens so beautiful that she built with the
selfishness of her femininity
with the lavishness given to her by birth
that is not me
I deserve nothing of this

unlike this fallen Queen
I believe
this pain also does not belong to me
I have felt with my heart
that I cant carry this burden

lift me from my grave
in which I have buried myself
under thoughts of your lost smile
my bird of tomb
my nails edge the sides of you
a skin made of white
the lines of red have faded
as I have from you

and I no longer see a residence
within your space.
O gracious beauty,
Which taketh
Liquidate me
sparklysnowflake Apr 2021
I keep close watch of the scars on my body,
making sure that their stories don't liquidate and seep out
like blood when I'm not looking,
that they don't fade and discolor before I remember
who I am without them.
I'm afraid of letting them vanish before
you let yours vanish too.

So I stare pigment into the blisters on my right palm and I
still remember
the first time you held it,
at Six Flags when we were both high on funnelcake and the fumes of late summer mixed with bus fuel and sweat.

I do the same to my shoulder,
where yours would always be after I missed the midnight shuttle
and trudged home with a scarf up to my eyelashes
in the nearly horizontal snow.

And to my ears, because
I'd always have more work to do,
and you'd carry your stereo to my room and play
that song you stained so thoroughly with your voice that
I can't bear to listen to it

I spend the most time re-burning the skin around my eyes
to precisely the degree that you did when you brushed the tears
from under them,
and that I did later when
I scratched away at the same flesh because you weren't there
to do it anymore.

I keep close watch of what I never thought would
turn into memories,
making sure that our story doesn't liquidate and trickle away
when I'm not looking,
that it doesn't fade and discolor before I forget
who I was when I knew you.
I'm afraid, too, that you've already long
Emmanuel Chikody Aug 2016
Alphabetic Avalanche! An Avidly Artwork Appraising Adonai Alphabetically. And Also Awaken All Asleep Amidst Advancing Avenging Armies.And Acting As Agent Against Agony And Aches

Beware, Because Boosting Breaks Bond By Bringing Barriers Between Brothers.But Brilliantly, Bible Basically Balance Brawls, Battles Between Bloods. Be Born-again.

Curse, Carnal-living, Chaos, Commotion, Catastrophe, Carnage, Causality, Certainly Cleared.Courageously Christ Carried Cross to Calvary Creating Captivating Convivial

Daily Deepen D Deliberate Demarcated Distance Dug for Devil D Deceiver.Devourers, Darkness & Demons.Diligently Despise Denominational Drape

El-Shaddi Effortlessly Evaporates Every Enigma & Enemies.Ending & Exodus Evil Exacerbating Entities.Everthing is Everything in Elohim.

Faithless Fellowship Fabricate Flippant, Feeble Followers.Faithful Fellowship
Factually Flourish Fantastically

God's Grace Grants Great Galvanizing Gift & Glory.Giving Generally Generates
Greatness.God is Gracious.

How Has Hatred Helped Humans? Habitual Happiness Hedges Hatred, Healing Hazardous Hiatus Harming Human race

Impeccable Insight Into Immaculate, Immortal & Invisible God. Instigate Intriguing Illumination Inside our Inner being

Jesus Christ the Just Judge, Jam Jungle Justice.Jailed Jeopardy, Jabbed Jezebel's Jinx & Juju Jolting Jealous Jesters

Koinonia Keeper, Keenly Keep Kneeling before the King of Kings.Keep Knocking on Kingdom's door

Listen, Learn, Light-up, Look Lively. Let Love Liquidate Loathsomenes. Least Little, Lowlife, Lazy Loathers Labouring Lengthily Limits your Level

Morning-Star, Most-High, Messiah, My Majesty, Mentor, Master, Maker, Mountain Mover, Merciful-One ,Milk & Maintain My Ministry

Nobody Needs Negative Nonconformists Nearby. Nevertheless, Neglect Notorious, Nonsensical, Narrow-minded Notions from Nihilist Nicely

One Overcome Obstacles, Only by Obeying Our Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Overall ruler Outcomes Of Obedience Outshines Offerings, Oaths & Other Opponents.

Proper Preparation & Plans, Plus Patience & Persistence Protrude Powerful, Progressive Prayer Performance.Prayer Penalise Problems

Quickly & Quietly, Quench Queasy Qualms, Quarrels & Quacking Quibblers.

Religionists Removing Restitution Rarely Recognise Real Repentance. Returning Reports Remains Relevant Revelation Regarding Repentance

Since Saviour's-blood Saves & Sanctify Souls, Sinners Seeking Salvation Sacrificially & Sordidly, Should Stop Searching. Selah

Thanksgiving Through Tough Times, Turns Trials, Terror, Temptation & Tribulations To Testimony

Understanding Urges Us Unto Universal Unity. Unfortunately its Unattainable.

Vengeance Vented Via Venomous Violence Vaguely Visualises Victory. Value Virture

With Worthy Word We Warn Women, Walk Wisely When Working With Watchful Workers


You're Young; Yield Yourself to Yahweh

Ziplock Zeitgeist Zapping Zombies (Zealously Zonked). Zoom into the Zenith Zone.Zero letters remaining
The first letter of the Alphabet 'A' is used to explain to reader what they find while  going through the poem.The  letter 'X',has only one word which means  'A dry habitation' and it chiefly explains to readers that the stanza for 'X' is dried with only one word
Oskar Erikson Nov 2023
boy math dictates
(id stay indebted to him.)
to be loved
(id gift it to him.)
is to settle up.
(id come knocking to collect for him.)
that to be
(id might be nothing but charity for him.)
(id liquidate any asset asked by him.)
is being willing
(Cash or Credit?)
to owe.
ahmo Nov 2016
in younger years, when my bare skin touched the cold porcelain, i would dance like an underpaid bartender on a tight-rope, and return to pockets of heat like nuclear winters.
but now i cannot find the energy to stand in the shower, and
i'd liquidate any inheritance from my last names and deepest loves to transform my thumb and pointers, molded into the shape of a magnificent pistol, into steel-

my fingers as a gun do not disintegrate my limbic system like a homesick child. i'm not capable of accomplishing any act of substance without outside assistance, explaining why every lover has looked into my eyes and seen enough thunderstorms to run and hide as fast as they ******* can.

i'm not sure there is a finite amount of broken clocks to convince me that time does not stop for anyone, and that for every vaccine you bring to their doorstep, there are seven more dead friends just outside the reach of your eyelids.

we keep our hands busy. we shift positions. if we can hide from the cosmos, we can quit biting our fingernails long enough to win Nobel Prizes. if not, we are pushing boulders up mountains, disguised as grocery stores, office parties, football fields, television screens, and pieces of paper just like this one.

there will be many more Nobel Prizes and one day, my hands will turn to steel. the final chapter of thunderstorms always contains some sanguine symbol, a motif mirroring soothing rain.
ConnectHook Apr 2017
The unstated part of the One-Party State:
non-compliant masses to liquidate.
Religions and tribes unwelcome to stay,
undesirable dissidents in the way;
when humans are resources—nothing more
selective reduction must even the score.
It’s a soft dictatorship: One-Party Lite
while global nimrods suppress the right
to our freedom of thought, word, deed, and speech;
our freedom to overthrow and impeach.
Stay late as you please. The party goes on
in the United Nations of Babylon.
NaPoWriMo #3

Globalist technoids:
data-drive yourselves to death.
Alex Jones still king.
Chapter X
Etréstles appears from Lepanto

From Lepanto; Greece. He appeared exhausted with his eyes reddened by the gassed atmosphere that greeted them in Battle. Of whose intraterrestrial castes it was the one that was in his iron spirit and floated in his cape as a gesture of his personality. He arrived cracking the ****** soils of Tel Gómel, when he arrived ... he was assaulted by a soldier who asked for mercy to extend his bad fortune.

Falangist: With his helmet in his hands and the Dorus on his cloak on the ground tells him; every single thing I tried the double edge of my sword stained him. The top sheet notified me that my family in Kalidona was in a state of irregularity, since my two older children were called to serve in the militias. And the second edge of my lower Dorus I bow to the meanest preciousness of that of observing with a good spirit to cooperate, now with the callousness of my soul that overcomes it exploiting and dragging my wife as easy spoil. I know that my descendants were buried under the effect of the cataclysm of Pompeii in the future. All will emigrate and then flee when they are devastated and the unwelcome comrades return to reintegrate into the Santa Mary festival. The patron saint who consoled me, but I prepare myself for the resistance of such bad fortune, that one day I would drop with my crops in the culture of peasant angels in fruits and devotions. I sobbed and sobbed rubbing my animals through my empty eyes day and night. They did it next to me, with the singularity of not affecting me, they went to the nearest stream to sob for me so that I would not be affected by the fatal annihilation.

Etréstles, moved by the tribulations of the Infant of the Phalanx, fell to the ground imposing nonexistence, after his words implored Hera for her benevolence to sponsor him as a parasite and reside with her. Thus they would be immune to progressive lives under the influence of the primary and secondary sharp edges of the Phalanx weapons. Hera's eyes sparkled as the Phalangist's soul entered the Goddess. They were not vanities, but for the advent of his vanity on the Acropolis thus reaching him.

Etréstles reacts and says to the Falangist: You will be able to leave earlier, my horse Kanti stretched him out of one of his legs by neighing in proportion, so from the suffix of Hera he took the comparative stelae of a hunter and manifested to the hunter; You are already a Phalangist, ride your steed, Sail to your lands in search of your wife and children and feel magnanimous, before the phalanx officer's frivolous arrogant whistle makes you feel unconsciously smaller.

Etréstles says goodbye and tells the Phalangist to get ready for the logistical combat letter promptly. After all the event, you will be reported back by Hera's command to your lands, to release the grasses by the vertical odes of the belly of the wet, presiding zephyr, and the germination of the warm aromas of your holy land in Kalidona next to your ***** family.

Etréstles de Kalavrita, cheers on the head, both temples and lavishly kisses the Tupe between Kanti's ears. The hyper beautiful sorrel eliminated sinuous vehemence gleaming through its nostrils, it jumped down the cliffs and ravines. They arrive in a rush to Tel Gomel, and appear before Alexander III the Great and Vernarth of the Reign of Sudpichi. They were fiddling with paragraphs of the strategy before meeting with the fifteenth commanders to review the Falangists, and outline a logistics letter.

Adhesion of love Cattle says: "Think of me, ...", stemming from the indefinite discomfort and outbursts of the undecided. The archaic traditions are only for kingdoms to conquer, to sleep like a peaceful dream that sleeps together with us. Do you know how many wars I have had to endure not seeing any gesture of the undaunted muscles of everyone's face and the Whole ..., if they knew?
Replica of Lost love adhesion: from hidden science I will unravel and unravel all my trades to recover what is lost. The magic was lost between my fingers due to its excessive impetuousness, for handling alchemical essences. After this had happened, any mirage or outburst of immortality vanished from all the cardinal points. In the city of Naupacto or Lepanto, it formerly had the best port on the northern coast of the Gulf of Corinth, whose entrance it dominated. The origin of its name is due to the fact that a heracid had obtained a fleet in this place before crossing the Peloponnese, or because it had been a place used to build ships, so Naupacto would have originated from naûs (ship) and pēgnymi (build). “City of Ships, from where Etréstles de Kalavrita came from the aggressive comparisons of the masked love lost and won. Palafrén, that mounts the destinations of the city with his eternal beloved Drestnia.

During the War of the Satagenisis and Deidagenesis, along with the Heosphoros and the Man of Valplacci with their heart Infarcted they continued to prostrate Lucifer., They refluxed with the wars of the Peloponnese, which was the headquarters of the Athenian fleet in western Greece. The Athenian fleet, led by Admiral Phormio, defeated the Lacedaemonians at Naupacto (Koumeterium Messolonghi, Ch. 45 - Palibrio USA).

From here the austere visions of the Charioteer, the genitals of the animal kingdom, and of the exiled human species, flew over all roofs. With his lasciviousness ambushing the females with his ******* pretension, he started towards his senses in his servitude.
When they approached the province of Nafpaktia, the Nome of Aitoloakarnania, the weightless musks that spread and crushed souls, who do not die with breathlessness or halite that extinguishes it submissive. This is how it could provoke some heartbreak and take it to the underworld of Hades. The castes of gods and semi-gods will free him from his chains and the furious Xenon and Lithium gases. Gasifications that will sneak down the drains spaces where no sword my spear will cross the atmosphere of Gaugamela. Only Vernarth out there has to be channeled through the unscathed pavilions of the immaculate back room of his heroic stock. Without any undulating or blatant blade cutting his sanctified and pure muscles acquired in the aforementioned sessions in the Bumodos with the drugs and potions of Medea.

Ellipsis in the Castle of Horcondising:
His mother Luccica were looking out the stained glass window of his main windowed pavilion. Through her she saw how her sons Vernarth and Etréstles met with the great General, to unravel the mysteries of the immaculate and intact pavilions of Vernarth where she commanded and nothing caused her any injury, neither by the edge of manipulated steel points nor by all the hands wrestling with a transfigured fate change.

Luccica says: Dear shoots. The last night of Solstice I couldn't sleep well. The forest of forests woke me up and I couldn't count its fallen leaves. What obedience to my expatriate will, to liquidate them I would gain strength to the intruder fatigue? I know that when I close my eyes I will dream of you. Hold on to the carnival close to the movements that are indescribable but visible. I look at the acacia trees that do not cause injuries to my night eyes, but they cut the necks of themselves like a sieve to admire them in the pantheon of Morpheus.

I will not move my arms to unsettle any vibrations that hinder my fusion with you, except on the vehicles that oscillate from the War to Peace. I move my feeling through my own numb hand of the uncertain living shadow of Luccica, your mother more than yours, forever presence of the dominance of the absence of my desires. All the others who are undaunted, I will mislead them from my national indulgences, which dispossess my ignoble body by weaving and embroidering here in the linen fibers. Evil beyond the stained glass window I saw abstracted, as the swords and spears misguided wielded each other, as if wanting to slice the air to pierce the curtain that divides reality with sub reality. Prisoners of a post-battle that would come to reopen the curtains on the sub reality of the fleeting children of Luccica, of the naive and dying curtains not yet stained with urgent blood in the unpoured vessels.

Son Etréstles Madalena arrived today from Florence; she arrived tired and very sleepy. I think he will sleep until you come back waiting for you! Arrival with some sisters sent by their mother Catarina de Pazzi, directly from the Chiesa di San Giovannino dei Cavalieri. Here long hours she told us without warning the news of her adventure until we reached Sudpichi to the Reign of Horcondising. Undoubtedly I passed the Apennines before crossing the gory viaduct, it has brought you an immolated Cross from right there. Then from Genoa I sail the seas to Valparaíso, brought directly by the merchant ship that came from Helmsman Strigoi, Vlad Tepes himself. On the surface, the float arrived without interruption or ceaselessly, as it had to be appreciated and done in the vicinity of the Mandragora, before arriving at the horcondising.

For you Vernarth, I know that you enjoy the company of Walekiria, who has surrounded you with the divine verb. That of the yellow grasses that walk along the yellow paths, none will be more path than herself. I will be with you very closely, as well as I will see it and you will revive in Gaugamela.

Hades says: with a human conscience I would like to alleviate the weight that breaks the bottom of the ships that invade foreign lands. But my origin sentences the soft abandonment of the labyrinths of thought and reason. For this I leave my punishments to the one who here with reason let his ideological tendency inhale perpetuate itself in Gaugamela without being supervised by my fury, overshadowing my administration of those who should not live or die in the ancient song, who sleep and sleep, but who my Dark prayer does not distract you.

To be continued / under editing
Sarah Kunz Nov 2016
This dimension of living is endlessly shrouded in mystery.
We are the midwives to our own platform of living and we have the authority to liquidate it and start upon a new tier at any moment.
I know but only what my eyes have unrobed  to show me.
All around us isolated winsome lives of their own fabric and hemming are kerneled into the crust of our worlds existence.
We are so distinctly separate yet intrinsically connected.
We tend to weave our lives in a way to circumvent the albatross that is free-floating and searching for a host.
It is so simple to sector yourself away from the things that pose fluster to your character.  
But we infallibly need each other, we must uncloak ourselves from the throttling labels.
Once you make peace with the construction of this world you are unfettered and free.
All of these sumptuous luminescent minds quarantined away serve no good.  Live your life with decorum and ease and let this light scintillate to invigorate others. This revolution is not rooted in vociferous speeches and affronts, but by merely emitting your unadulterated authentic self. Excavate yourself of the toxic of society and you will become the voltaic entity.
Make haimish comfort with the idea of uncertainty and live life simplistically.
Folks of the United States go out and vote!! You scrummy swell friends, the country yearns for your awakening!
Why...why do you look at me the way you do...
Disgust or mind wonders...

Though I liquidate my thoughts with the adult beverages of liquidity....expanding on what an adulterous may or may not be...

My soul grows like a rose beautiful but with pain that pertrudes from the stems of my very existence...

Shall I wilt? Or grow to a branch towards that which is called ecstasy...

Let my pedals wrap you in love and everlasting passion, all the while catch your moist dew that exudes from your ****** curvature...

Let my thorns remind you of the pain I once had from a stem of growth I previously had, so so sad...

Can this grow? Or can the soon to be a wilted soul gaze at the sun that glows with the rays of that which once grown to an imaginative fantasy, though a playful bliss of my imagination...

I yearn to farm such a harvest of bountiful happiness, though the crops seen to cultivate thoughts that once produced wetness on its skin that would moisturize the essence this isnt mine...

I'm still growing...whether it wilt or it flourishes, this garden won't be edaness, yet happy...
Noel Billiter Jul 2018
This vacuous space between
The words and commas that you speak
Liquidate what’s left of me
Disingenuous insults hurled so
Perfectly aimed and cherry picked
Precise and sharp and aptly wit
Like razor blades they cut a slice
Targeted malice but at what price?
To redeem this man his suffered worth
Or his self indulgent sense of birth
This big tall man of men
This giant, titan king of them
Bruised sore loser maniac
Faulty wiring physopath
You think you fill up a room
With all your charm that you exhume
Mr. handsome know it all
Has all the answers can’t be wrong
Every hair precisely in place
Matches the cold stiff smile on your face
The premeditated answers that you give And mannequin like movements as you shift
The others start to **** their heads
And their disbelief begins to spread
All of your false and fake  pretenses  
Come crashing down around the fences
The walls you built to hide the truth
Crumble down and can’t save you
All this in vain as you creep out
The room you ruled now filled with doubt
Masego Pitso Nov 2018
My spirit is unseasoned.

My body is an unwashed, used ,dark clay ***. Stars all over my world are enriched with insecurities, self hate, body shaming.

The dark cracks on my lower lip manipulate my mind. They liquidate and rush through the core of my imperfections.

Forming a mouth piece of total surrender that manifests and  speaks the language of the broken.

My dignity is amputated and walks on its arms. My legs are nowhere close to perfection.

Mirror mirror on the wall is praised to be the fortune teller of beauty.
My dear skin is cracked and has become a feeding scheme of maggots and vultures.

The body of a young goddess needs awakening.

Rush dear honey and bathe me in a tub of nurture. Scrub all insecurities and soothe my soul with a bowl of gold praise.

Pour your offsprings  onto the mirror.
Marinate my skin with love and joy. Entice my mind , Pierce through my longing skin and rebirth my veins.

Rush honey ,rush.
Yenson May 2019
The slow Death Program is
unfortunately experiencing delay
It's actually working a lot lot slower than expected
We anticipated it would be slow, but not this ******* slow

Heck, all our engineers have
been working flat out to make sure
all elements of the program are diligently administered
but thirty years slow is too ****** ridiculous, what the ****
maybe we should move to Quick Death Program
Somebody check if Special Branch can spare some Polonium

Keep it hush, hush, ok!
No point in all these wishful nonsense, he's broken, he's this
he's that, perception manipulation rigmarole claptrap ****
the ****** **** is ******* with us, after all these years
NOW, go get the ****** Polonium...I've had enough of this......
"Don't know where i'm going, my life
seems to be in the ninth inning.
Roller coaster ride's are riding, carousels
are spinning.
Will my mind be able to put on the
To liquidate the hidden tears, that are
about to accumulate?
Maybe a Daydream can place me in
a wonderland.
To a getaway with my feet slowly
walking through the beach sand.
I feel the ocean spray.
it's cooling to my face.
I look up at the sun, what a
terrific place.
Why does this have to come to an
Putting me back in the ninth inning?
Because that's where we all belong.
To hit that home run, and never
stop running."
Let my reason find its burrow
And sleep there ‘til tomorrow.
For too much thought has made me pale—
My wife did phone to weep and wail.

I admit to pleasant sins I shall not relinquish,
Duty, despair once so difficult to distinguish.
Now at night I sleep, a smile across my lips,
Knowing my ear is well beyond her churlish quips.

Married life can be a nasty business
When to spouses, locked in bitterness,
Endeavor with all their druthers
First to cheapen, then liquidate the other.

Now in this second month of my emancipation
I grow deaf toward such desperation;
Besides, the laugh and wit of my present mistress
Has tendered me free of that frightful mittimus.
james nordlund May 2020
"May we never forget the crippled, wind-beaten trees,
how they, too, bud, green and bloom.  May we, too,
take courage to bloom where (and when) we are planted".

Yes, the Tao has a metaphor for them, 'the useless trees',
twisted, turned down, bowed, not for the saw mill, of no 'use'.
Like my son, screaming ****** ******, after being crushed

By a Roman Catholic imperial, masquerading as a medical worker.
Same as I was, neutered as a newborn, for my father was given
a vision of my birth years before it by Thee, to protect it.

So, two of my older brothers were ****** to death in the crib,
For the psychic terrorism, 'the ****', thought they were me,
a molecule of the cross I bear, bear for Thee, to save Thee.

Were you not born of woman, and must you not protect yourself
as all life on Earth must?  Do the future exterminated quarter
of a million Americans, of which you might be one, not bear

that cross, responsibility to defend themselves, life?  What
must '...We(e),...' do to stop the criminally insane 'opening
of the country' way too early's plan to premeditated ******

the people en masse, to liquidate their assets and ases, as well
as cower the polity into voting more conservative, if not repub,
cowering the country to the global oligarchy's spearhead's, the

repub conspiracy's, agenda of humanity's extinction by the axe?
Do those climate crisis bent, useless trees, "Live To Tell", as I
have to warn you if you're not taking bullets you're making them?

(Thanx to Mohatma Gandhi's, BR. DAVID STEINDL-RAST's,
Madonna's (from her CD and song "Live To Tell")
above quotes and great worx, respectively.)
Technology used to be a tool in man's hand, to make life better, now it's the hand, man the tool, it advances in every way while the family of man devolves day by day.  Do not be a tool of man's extermination to extinction, by cowering to the technocracy's tool of the 'use' of corona virus; be the human, life, by stopping the too early "opening of the country" by ****, stay home, stay social distanced, wear masks and advocate, please?  Thanx for all you All do and don't; have an excellent eve'   :)   reality
Politics as usual, using the visual, why dont you dont vote, for the red and the blue,
**** that I'd rather stick to what I do,
Like glue, suckas stuck open, without a clue,  breaking mimics no gimmicks,
I'm in it to win it, see satan's dependents, minions as best, o yes,
I hit the sess, to keep my mind in a bless, a be less of stress, test
Any measures I'm on, I'll stand on, stronger than teflon, liquidate money crates,
Stacking like train freights, wait it's never to late, to conceal your faith,
Locked onto the gates, like bill peeping windows, watch the five o's,

Chafe my sins, close friends quick to do ya end, and in the end,
What do you have to consent, with I'm stuck with the drug embezzlement,
Whistles blown, from where the kettles went, over the stove,
Crack was cooking, looking, at my brothers from all colors, catching smothers,
From the fiend hovers,
At the front porch, tryna get a hit or a snort, I watch the blood sport,
Felt tears lying, from the hoods that's dying, too many souls frying,
In the depths of a government shell, will we ever get to see, freedom or hell well??

Yo I know, I already blew the fuse, dig these country blues,
I'm from houston, so it figures, they say we cant do figures,
Far from a *****, but I'll show ya, how we pull triggers biggers,
Welcome to texas, blades rolling on the 93 lexus, who could match us,
Army surplus, is sick watch where I lays my stick, suckas so quick,
To break away, and talk ****, I only walk that real ****, keep ya melons hit,
With the raw ****, I know yall feelin' it, politics as usual, I'm just a critic,
zebra Feb 2021
i'm as tiny as a fake something 
in the middle of nowhere
on the edge of nothing
with brazen teeth for grinning bites 
and the knee of listening 
howling into a phone
telling of hunger for food and herb
in a dream of diagraming sleep


she has no respect for the weak
hating her vulnerability
shrunken living in a cardboard room
stiff and dry the size of the sky
ranting tears in braids of rain
a five o'clock shadow of begging meditations
until deaths' lips formed the shape of O 
shaping a tunnel rimed in late afternoon
telling me her body is but metaphor
for orbiting angels
a fashionable estate of limbs
in apple fruited curved headlands
and demitasse islands of past desire
floating in pink glimmering heavenly clouds
licking the blue
where the emptiness of life used to be

she shimmers rainbow tranquilizers 
packaged by twos 
in shinny tinfoil marvels
slick as icicles
for the perfect dose 
you can feel in your hand like braille 

at tongues touch 
it folds into dark warm nothing
showing her that death 
has it's own special charisma
like calico tattoos
or syncopating neon moons

deaths mouth opens like an opera singer 
and eats her eyes 
till these sunken alters liquidate
and breath ascends distant from the ache of want
in the knee of forgetting
red and wet
black as crows
Amanda Shelton Jul 2020
You rise upon the sun,
you liquidate your life,
you poor blood and sweat
into strife.

Madness became my friend,
he sat for awhile, he strummed
my heart, played brother
and stole my future vision,
with such disrespect and passion.

The scars I bear the pain
I wear, its maddening,
it shakes the realms
of what you thought
was reality.

It dilutes your views,
and kills your passion
with depression and anger
burning deeply within
your eyes.

Madness came to settle
for awhile, plans delayed
and depression is on its way.

I choose to open the door
and let the light in, don’t
invite depression.

Liquidate the madness,
burn it down with strength
and togetherness.

The Lord be my will and grace,
he’s the king of this place.

Mercy be, and mercy by the hand
of God he strikes ones with a mighty blow, as madness fell into
the hole, bearing my grief with
heavy stone.

Be merciful my LORD!

I bow on hands and knees
please release me from
this depleting life,
I bear my strife openly.

I gave you my life,
not as baggage but
for survival, prosperity,
for my future and stronger foundations to uphold my
broken ideas and fix my
bruised life.

This was my struggle, my past
madness and my diluted plains
of existence.

© 2020 By Amanda Shelton
Fleur Mar 2020
Tulips tucked,
Prepared for breeze
Those April hours
The Wednesday wheeze

When all the pollen
And all the world,
Like milk that’s curled

No sour smell
Just tasteless terror
A fraction of them
Realize the error

They were first to fight
Or rather: to groan
The weary system
The lauded loan

They’re huddled hugging
By meters and miles
Like a Finnish bus stop
Spared the British Isles
A slice of life from the irrational side of March 2020
Bard Mar 2022
History made on the daily
Pandemics intravenously
Panic and terror in the citys
Red scare its war with commies
And what was that about the economy  
**** just hit me with the comet Haley

Six Six Six Seven Seven Seven Eight
Hit a spliff stayin even within infinite
Crucifix in politics they intermix
Bull session in recession in depression
Liberate Liquidate Lacerate

I am a product of the product lines
Born to be sold **** like Calvin Klein
Sworn to hold property above human life
So what's a felony what really is a crime

Sanction this **** blitzkriegs end quick
Fash is fashion peasants under siege it's sick
Cash stashin in the pockets of lieges and ******

No message no morals I'm just ******
I'm a vestige like our tomorrows we're ******

Haven't felt poetic in years wrote it all to shed tears

— The End —