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brandon nagley May 2016

Fret not, mine antediluvian maiden,
For thine lid's art ladened with the
the encumbering of this last age.


Awakest, ariseth, mine filipina
of aureole fushae; for the
óres art numbered.


Yahweh's knocking at the
ventricles of ourn being's;
We knoweth the wisdom
That God giveth, which
Many hath searched-
From king's to Queen's.


For we art his offspring-
mine overwrought baby,
For there art none if's
nor maybe's; in his
Righteous path.


Verily, yea, the Moon
Wilt turn ichor, the
Waves as of now art
Rising fast, the fish
Art washing to the
Shore's, the fowl of
the heaven's art
Falling to the earth.
As spoken in Hosea
Four-verse three.


Believeth in Yeshua
mine lady, as the thousands
Having visions and dream's;
Like me, im a testament to
The prophecy coming.


Don't be afraid of the mockery that
Mayest come, for thine
Blood like river's run
Into the kingdom of
the most high.


Soon O' soon we
Shalt fly, like sparrow's to their abode; fly-free-spirited
Gliding soul's, into the Dominion wherein we shalt know
All, wherein the bomb's wilt not fall, and destruction doesn't
Exist. A place of sworn bliss, where kisses art created
By soulmates of the creator's making.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
antediluvian- of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood
Maiden- a girl or young woman.
Lids- eyelids
Art- are.
Thine- like thy- meaning yours.
Mine- archaic for my .
Ladened- burdened, loaded down.
Encumbering- restriction or burden ( burdened)
Age- distinct period of history, when I say ( last age) I mean that literally.
Awakest- archaic form of awake.
Ariseth- archaic for arise.
aureole-a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, especially as depicted in art around the head or body of a person represented as holy.( same as halo pretty much).
fushae- a word I created ( meaning) fused enlightening, also meaning- one who brings light from heaven to earth ( enlightening those of earth, with spiritual knowledge... God's knowledge...
óres- means ( hour's in Greek tongue) as óra means hour.
Yahweh- a name of God of many names for God in bible in Hebrew tongue, just like Jehovah, Elohim, the great I am.
Ventricles- left and right side main chambers of heart.
Overwrought- in a state of nervous excitement or anxiety.
Ichor- bloodline flood... ( blood).
Verily- in truth, certainly.
Hosea four three- before Christ calls up his saved in him- happening now all over world startling scientists who don't believe in God- hosea 4:3- ( Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away).
Yeshua,meaning Jesus in Hebrew, or Yeshua ha'mashiach- means Jesus the anointed one or Jesus the Messiah in Hebrew tongue.
Mayest- may.
Wherein- in which.

Am going to download this as spoken word poem in about twenty mins on SoundCloud under my name Brandon Nagley.
If wanna see there can check out to. (: thank you

Title is based on 1corinthians- chapter 15 verses 51 and 51 main ones speaking of rapture as many other verses show. Like this
1 Thessalonians 4:17 - Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord)

Also Luke 17:34-37

Luke 17:34-37King James Version (KJV)

34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.

35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.
Also -

1 Thessalonians 4:16 - For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
Also showing were gone before the 7 years of tribulation coming that I've dreamt of seeing the fireballs plummeting the earth three dream's like thousands of others seeing prophetic rapture dreams, Christ dreams, prophetic dreams, tsunami dreams in visions there seeing it, dreams like me, and death by thousands!!!! As Joel 2:28 tells of of the last days-
Matching now and me- Joel 2:28-32King James Version (KJV)

28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.

32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call!!!
I am giving you prophesy I am prophesying to you truth many others want to shut their eyes to because Satan is the great deciever blinding many. Though as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be today. It sais that in our bible! And our world is exactly how it was as back in days of Noah!! It's all a reality many eyes and ears are closed to whether because Satan is blocking them. Or because by their own fears they choose not to see harsh and awakening truth though truth you must hear... I'f you don't have Christ I'm not scared to tell you, he is the only way truth and life and no man comes to father ( God ) but by him. He died for you and me on that cross and was the lamb without blemish meaning without sin and spot the only son of God our bible speaks there is NO other name under heaven by which men must be saved but through Christ... Can I ask you have you accepted Christ as Lord and Savior? You want peace and joy not just in this life? But in the next when Christ calls up his chosen ( coming soon) right before an Antichrist rules this world with a one world gvt and one world religion and. Chaos and terrible things happening all over your world and hell to break loose!!!! You want eternal life in heaven? With a personal Savior not some faraway false diety and with a personal God called Yahweh God! Jehovah God! The great I am! The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob! The true living God!! Christ said ( I am the way truth and the life, and no man comes to the father God, but by me.) Christ said he went to prepare a place for you and me in heaven if it wasn't so he would have told you... This is a reality...and he's ready to call his bride ( the church) up to him called the rapture or catching away. The harpazzo. The snatching away! Where does rapture come from?
Rapture is a state or experience of being carried away. The English word comes from a Latin word, rapio, which means to seize or ****** in relation to an ecstasy of spirit or the actual removal from one place to another. In other words, it means to be carried away in spirit or in body. The Rapture of the church means the carrying away of the church from earth to heaven.

The Greek word from this term “rapture” is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated “caught up.” The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to ****** or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea (Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul’s experience of being caught up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven.
Want to accept Christ as Lord and Savior? Wanna know more of him and his truths and the peace he gives you can always write! He is the only way to God. Our righteousness will not save us. Bible tells us our righteousness is as filthy rags to god. As bible speaks it's not by works we should boast. But by gods grace through Christ he saved us. Meaning works won't get you to heaven! Doesn't matter how ( good you've been in life) yes doing good for others is an amazing thing. Though Christ died on the cross not so our works can save us! But by his shedding of blood you can be saved if you ask him to be Lord and Savior of your life... Word tells us. Romans 10:13
( for whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord ( Jesus) shall be saved...)
Wanna accept Christ as Lord and Savior maybe you got ?s you can write me but if want this opportunity of truth and peace. And to be in a real heaven when you give your last breath , and be caught up or taken away off earth before destruction will hit and prophecies are showing now by dozens worldwide we are in the last times and Christ will soon call his church up. Don't you want to have peace through Yeshua ( Jesus) eternal life?
Say the sinners prayer if want salvation in christ then after that get a bible find a God preaching church who speaks on prophecy hell and heaven! Not watered down church theology of just feel good and money churches there are many of those... Who don't preach of rapture hell ( which btw Christ spoke more on hell then heaven because he wants noone to go there,) if want salvation say this sinners prayer- close eyes, kneel or now head- say this prayer and mean it in your heart and soul... Praying to God the father christs father-
( dear God, I come to you right now, to ask you to forgive me of all my sins, I admit I'm a sinner God, and I ask you cleanse me of all my sins, I believe your son Christ Jesus died on the cross and rose for me the third day. I accept your son Jesus Christ today as my lord and Savior dear God, and I thank you for saving me by your son Jesus Christ alone... As your word tells me I can't be saved by my works but Christ alone. I accept Jesus today( or tonight) as my lord and Savior, and forever will serve him. Thank you God...

End prayer -
In Jesus name Amen
Always end prayer in Christs name. You pray to God the father in Christs name.
Thanks for reading. Hope you seek truth while truth is here friends...

1 Corinthians 15:
51Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 55O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 56The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
The snow shivered in the heat
Tears fell from crystalline eyes
so white . . .
. . . the mountain gathered them up
and let them roll down his back to
the river . . .
. . . the river said ,"I'm overpool but I will make room for one more . . . or thousands  . . .
The crystalline tears mingled with the red mud and became blood brothers . . . and they flowed to the mighty sea . . .
. . .  "Welcome to my domain my little one's . I knew your forefathers and mothers from long ago . Here you will do my bidding as long as you stay . Here my windy friends will make froth out of you . And my big brother Sun will bake you and my sister Moon will entice you with dreams that can never be . All are here to test you , burn you , pull you apart , toss you around until you are ready to follow in your parents footprints . . .
. . . so the Sun scorched and the wind blew hurricanes in the east and typhoons in the west and the moon by night gave false hope in the way of impossible dreams and the ancient Sea watched all without saying a word . . . .
. . . then came the day the Sea was satisfied and said ,"Leap up my little ones , your day has come , ride the clouds to your new home . Some to the north , some go to the south , the rest go east and west . Take your precious gift to the land who is dying for your taste ." And one by one the tears lept into the clouds and ladened it's burdens and the winds cartied them away to the Plains and Forest and Valleys and to the Mountain Top . There the tears fell and froze and collected on the north face of the
mountain and the mountan was was glad .
"Welcome home my lost little one's . I'm so happy I could cry ." . . .  and he did .
Anais Vionet Jun 2023
There was a homeless lady,
one afternoon, outside the hospital.
Was she homeless? I don’t know.
She had a ladened shopping cart,
which, on TV, is kind of a signature.
We were inside, waiting for an Uber.

She was outside, in chiaroscuro relief.
Dressed in bright, multilayered, mismatched
florals and brocades, she reminded me
of a gypsy. There are still gypsy caravans
in France. Are there gypsies in America?

She wore boots and long strings of beaded jewelry.
They would have had to have been glass, I supposed,
but tinseled with the glitter of those pop spangles,
she looked, en bloc, the richest and the poorest of us.

She wasn’t young and she wasn’t old. She sat alone,
on a short retaining wall, her cart within guarded reach.
I noticed her because every time I glanced over, she
was watching me with the dark unblinking eyes of a bird.

She had an easy confidence, in the wild, sitting safe
and protected by her clam, obstinate shell of boredom.

What must I look like to her - with her tangled hair
and unwashed face? Me in my permanent pressed
hospital wear, diminished by over-washing. A doll
behind glass, whose whole life is patterned by plans?

Our Uber pulled up, the number matched and as Lisa
opened the car door, I gathered my things and looked
back but the gypsy lady was gone, leaving a blank space.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Obstinate: "stubborn people who refuse to change in spite of reason.”

chiaroscuro = an art style using strong contrasts between light and dark
en bloc = at once, both

*I used the term Gypsy because it’s the most instantly recognized. In the UK, Gypsies is a legal term used for their protection act. The French say ‘gitans’ but they are more popularly known as the Romani people or Tinkers, and Travellers. I’ve read that the term “Gypsy” can be used as a slur but not in the context used here.
Fah Oct 2013
I am still healing ,
sped up by , loves muse ,
without the meeting of kind hearts,
~ all over ~
there would be no respite.

It's the collision of old and new that continue to disintegrate in my mind ,

there seems no end to the mysteries that lie innate within us , just waiting to be opened.

Like presents in christmas wrapping delivered in the middle of july.

and all these reflexes :  of cutting off love when it's the most pure , is just left over imprints , of times when there was no other option, but to make armor out of tears and black out the rest -

So i hope you understand when i say , i don't mean to be mean or to seem cold ,
or to ask for more then you could possibly give ,

(it's just the way i love , love)

i'd hold you in nightmares and make sure the daemons stay away (or at best , tell them a bedtime story so we can run the heck out of there)  , make sure you get your daily doses of meditation , daily shot of imagination , daily hugs and kisses , daily pep talks...whatever...i just love, with open eyes , yet every time i seem to have done that , to love ~ to grant uncensored access to my soul , i get ladened with disappointments. So , now you know , it's with a humble fragility that i would dare say i love you.

I have learnt though , with much caution does the word love need to be used.
In the short time it takes to say , already a million worlds have ended and a million more begun ,

And love is best tasted , when there is nothing expected
so it is with caution i lay any plans ,

but heck.

(over the edge and over again)

So , i throw caution to winds domain ,
and if caution returns

i'll know

it is best with caution,

but until then,

i bow humbly to the wounded healers who run still , who have ran their races , who leave trails of blood on floor and heal others

someone once said
'love is purpose'

but it's true ~ sometimes i wish i was a porpoise.
this is not a love letter per-se ..............dust blows in from eastern shores , western winters soon to be exchanged for tropical beaches once more , and still on the horizon ...snowfall and mulled wines i'm sure....
Kaitlin Evers Jan 2021
Wishing on a star
See my falling heart
Love seems very far
Wisdom, do impart

Cupid must have a sense of humor
Or perhaps he is very evil
We're moments away from a rumour
About to witness an upheaval

My heart is exhausted
And ladened with guilt
I should be accosted
I just want to wilt

I'm falling in what I should fall out of
And wondering what has happened to love

This is unfamiliar terrain
Everything inside is sore
I don't want to be the villain
Is all fair in love and war?

I have analyzed all our transactions
You're the one puzzle piece I'm missing
I don't want to misinterpret actions
The truth is hopeful or heart wrenching
Ander Stone Feb 2024
don't lie to me.

I've heard those echoes
with every setting of the moon.
I've heard those whispers
with every sunrise
that's ever kissed
the parchment of my skin.

don't lie to me.

I woke up with the constellations,
remembered in the silken threads
of mother time's embrace.
I cleansed my eyes of the gossamers
when starlight was but a distant promise
of a reality yet to burn itself into existence.

don't lie to me.

I couldn't cut it as a weaver
of honey ladened words
heaped upon the nebulae,
derelict between the flowing stelar algae
and that roaring darkenss from which
all things come.

don't lie to me for I have bathed
in the cold light of eternity.
HRTsOnFyR Jan 2016
The sleepy, starry eyed sky of night
Retires in an odd violet surrender,
Making way for a swiftly emerging dawn
As the viscous black blues of Midnight's celestial shore is waning,
They ebb into waves of apricot, magenta and tangerine hues
A solitary meadowlark perched about the ash grove sits quietly
Watching the remaining vestibules of fog drifting upwards, only to burn away in the heat of the sun
A cool wind blows in from the mountainside, whistling through leaves and rustling tail feathers
The scent of the far off sea tickles the old birds nostrils, holding the promise of silver backed sardine and beach scattered ***** legs
He feels the call of the spirit beneath him, arching his wings he leans into the breeze
A cerulean blue, cloudless skyline illuminates the eyes as he soars amongst evergreen hilltops and pine ladened mountains
His flight pattern as seamless as the air on which he moves,
His mind and body becoming one with the soundless synergy of the skies and the senses,
Bones among feathers,
First was winds, now is breathing.
He is the eternal
Infinite bliss indefinable
Ancient and etheric, a consciousness made complete
Victor D López Dec 2018
Just the two of us,
Champagne, grapes, turrón, TV,
Quiet, sad good-bye.

May the year to come,
Bring some cause to celebrate,
As this one has not.

Broken hearts do heal,
Memories of happier times,
May help hide the scars.

And the seeds of joy,
Sown in tear watered ashes,
May grow shoots of hope.
Carol Huizinga Mar 2011
Inside I am empty and drained
My tears flow like fallen rain
I see the pool of water at my feet
As I look for the sign of the next street
I am trying hard not to be bitter
Not clogging my head with litter
I do not want to trip and fall
Hitting my head on the walls
It hurts and cuts way too deep
The downfalls I refuse to reap
I will surely take the higher road
I don't want extra baggage on this load
I can untangle the web I have weaved
In this I am truly relieved
My feet ladened move on ahead
For I refuse to live as if I am dead
Beyond I see the crossroads before me
Continuing forward I see what is meant to be
Street lights make my way bright
For future steps to take flight
Soon the trail of tears will cease
Then I will feel the true release
I will again walk on sacred ground
Inner peace again the only sound
Then others will follow in my prints
In the eyes I see the sparkling glints
Rain no longer falls down our cheeks
We now have only beauty and light to seek
Written 2010
Pat Rooney Mar 2014
Before Morning Breaks
   Theres a time before the dawn,before the first spark of the sun weakly glows
    Its the time your not sure if your awake or still in sleeps dreamy  flows

    You open your eyes and a merger of thoughts, fears, and hopes rush in
Ideas, memories , regrets,people, loves.Theres some you  lose theres some you win

       As another spark of light , maybe two, emerges, begining to speed making its mark
The suns rays still have not won the  everlasting daily battle of brightness and dark

      Your head begins to settle down it begins to rationalise the truths and the fakes
        But still the dark is in it's zenith, in control. its still the time before morning breaks

       Now the Sun begins to fill the dark hidden corners of your mind and  room.
       You move your ladened  head  and begin see the glowing rays of early morning loom

        The thoughts that were running through your mind seem to scatter from the light
        As if afraid that it may revel the secrets that are best pondered in the dark of night
                       Pat Rooney 2013..
Ciel De Verre Jul 2021
I notice that flies circle my movement,
They rest on my hands, my arms, the extensions of my legs
They swarm around the cavities of my chest
Where my lungs lay blackened, and my sickened heart beats slackened
And the occasional fly lies on the flesh that
Surrounds my ladened heart
I wonder whether they realise that my soul
Has decayed, that my heart chips down each day
And breaks, festering beneath the weight of my sins
I wonder whether they sense that I am rotting within
That I am a corpse standing still
Awaiting judgment
Ifeanyi May 2017
Aggressive buzz of an alarm,
a new day is born.

Gentle touch of the morning breeze,
sending cold shivers up my spine.

Numb timid darkness, entangling with the golden rays of the sun.

And with such inharmonious beauty
comes a friend unfriendly – Time.

 My feeble bones arise, exhausted from its daily struggles.

An occupied mind strives for sanity, away from its daily bustle.

Clothes creatively decorated with patterns of odorous sweat.

My heart ladened with  problems and i'm not married yet.

A memory ******, nonchalant of such sacred hour.

A project overdue and an angry boss comes to limelight.

The walls reverberated with the sound of a sigh
and the words "na wa".

Amidst this chaotic subconscious,

more time

– is my only plight.

The End.

© 2015 - Ifeanyi.
"Na wa",
Also means "what the ****", in some places :)
Joshua Dougan Mar 2018
I run and I run away from those feelings.
I drug up my lungs, I pray for soul healing.
But I'ma mute, it's truth with shady dealings
I recuse and lose, it is my daily beatings.
It's got a grip on my throat, my heart in a vise
And I trip over my goals with hardened advice.
A charcoal ladened vice and a pardoned crime.
It Leaves me crippled, like im charting high tides.
If you need me to spell it out you won't understand.
You see me in hell, a self inflicted somber glance.
An argument with one helluva colder trance.
A trance that has me blundering over chance.
You can try to help me but you will fall short.
Cause this monster is huge, with a long cord
Wrapping it around my neck, tears drawn.
Drowning, all around while these fears spawn.
Generalized anxiety with obsessive compulsion and silent depression.
B Dec 2014
You are in the cracks in the sidewalk
I dare not step upon
You are in the leaf ladened winds
I care to listen to
You are in the way I tie my shoes
Or the way I don't
You are in the lock and the key
I don't know which  
You are gone but you are here
And I don't know which
Ander Stone Jun 2024
I remember that day we met.

I remember that spark
that ignited the kindling
of my hollowbark heart.

I remember how much
your fire grew, engulfing
the forest in smoke.

I remember that forest fire.

I can see the thunderstorms
overhead, as your soul grew heavy,
ladened with all the sorrow and heartache.

I can see the rain drops
hit the burned leaves and ash.

I can see the storm darken the horizon.

I can see the stormlight
shine through the murk
of your weeping mind.

I can see the sparkling.

I remember that forest fire.

I remember when
you wanted to burn it all down,
all that we built in the forest.


I remember that first spark.
AmazingsanPoetry Dec 2021
As the wind of glad tidings blows the ladened cloud whither and thither. So shall, my worries, my Laden's of current and on  substitute to drench my path will be blown to a far desert land where nothing sprung and no soul paves,  there it will lay waste, no aught to cast it's misery upon
#prayers for the ladened
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
Little Light Leaches past Lock tight Lids
Lampshades Laid over Living Lenses
Like pulled tight Laces Looped as Lattices
Letting Lingering Lies Loom
Late nights illuminated by Lunar Lampposts
Lighting a Landslide of Lopsided Lemons
Like those Littering Liberated Lands
Lacking any Lucid desire to Leave
Loose Lip type Lexicon Literates the Last Link Left
Leading to Literal Lemmings
A Legion of Like-minded Livestock
Leads to a Leap before you Look Livelihood
Lambasted but Lucrative
Due to Lavish Liberties that Life's were Laid down for
Lacerating all Links to Larger than Life Leaders
Becoming a Ludacris Laughingstock
Just Lowly Lackeys that got Lucky
Lambs in a Lions clothing Line
Ladened with Laminated Limitations
Rooting through and Looting the Leftovers
Lacking any Long-term Learned Lessons
I Lunge and Let go for the Last time

Alexander Coy Oct 2016
the evening rolls
off my tongue like
a spanish R,

a click, hop,
and a jump
away, my mouth

makes a noise

in the midst of all
this silence

'you're right'

is not something i want
to hear, and it's feels
like hell holding it back

the spine crinkles

like an ******* of potato
chips that we kept
between the cushions
of the living room couch
for the entire winter

remember that day
when i promised i'd go
swing dancing with you?

i said my legs were tired
after my jog around the school
by our apartment, i ran

10 laps straight, remember that?

i lied,

i sat behind a tree
and cried

my eyes squeezed dried,
into a ****** pulp
and fried

my allergies, dear
they're acting up again
can we go next year?

you took it, like you
take everything, buried
it six feet deep,
next to the resentments
and regrets

labeled it,

under rather not

you were right
all them years

said i'd limp my way
to your heart, and drag
it along the bowls
of an unnamed river

can't we just
burn our losses like
stars and start over

find each other
in the tangled webs
our ancestor's
blindly wept?

suddenly, doesn't
feel so sudden
when you're loved one
is no longer ladened

she's free of the
significant other

and i remain
a distant memory

the false beginning

of my own sincere

this cocooned heart
of mine, so free, free

free of the precious
metal container

called misery
Keith W Fletcher Oct 2023
...Something so familiar
seemed to be hanging
just outside my periphery...
like an annoying honey bee
Suddenly I popped up
from a languid moment
of heat driven exhaustion....
knowing something
had to be done.
So I grabbed my official hat
out my office door I...hobbled along my left leg being asleep
"wake up you fool"
I muttered as I angled
past the front desk
that new deputy stood playing on some little box
"Is that an IPOD?"
No sir! what's an Ipod ?
never mind
just keep people off that bridge
till I return and tell you different! Is that clear?
Yes sir Danial...uhhh chief ...!
Good now get going.

I got to go talk to the D. A.
then out I went to the most oppressive sept heat seen in decades

"NO! No way! That's not possible!"
You think so...? the chief asked
well just look out there in the streets.
Where are the kids-
home studying for school when it's still 2 days away?
Raymond Frazer D.A. for Upton county + 2 more back in the hill country.
so you coming?
"Yeah chief...but just to prove you...
can't and won't
overstep your authority."
And who would determine that? Judge.... Willoughby?well let's go see what he has to say then.
If you can get him
to approve your overreach
I won't say another word!

Hello Judge my dispatcher call you?
"Yes. She did and ,I must say...lunch?sure ,but it sounds like a walk down memory land lane
We might as well! gonna get some good bbq and cold beer out on the hiway.
10 minutes.
We will pick you up
after you get done with Betty Lou

oh and write this on a sheet of of cardboard and post it. .*** the judge chuckled
be there to pick you up in a jif.

Who's Betty Lou? And where we going now?
Find that Deputy of mine give him a special assignment.

County ordinance or 2
So ....
we were trespassers
By all truth of right, wrong or law...but
No harm meant by the rules
we bent
Telling too many seemed the major flaw

That overbearing, solar flaring, heat streak
summer of desperation turned inspiration
When seeing people instead of watching people
Gave me different ways of creating separation

From what I see and what I'm shown
What I'm told and what it is
I actually hear
What I say and what I truly believe
And how somethings really are...just as they appear

Amazingly enough this cyber shift implosion
Crashed thru the outer me
careening around within my fragile core
While crouching down in a clump of bushes
Staring into caramel brown eyes of a girl...who was
Just as naked as me

It blew through town back then  like a hot dry wind on a July day
When people were melting like long stick candles   bowing
like an emissary to a King
In any window where the aftenoon sun shines bright
As it is the stupid cruel rumor

A rumor that a farmer broke a water main while plowing

Literally what else would it take to break
That fragil overbearingly irriatatingly ******* monotony
that held the midwest
American small towns dying summer that
a near-death grip
Except.... maybe...if
the rumor had
turned out to be phony

The trail of misfit cars, pickups, motorcycles rolling North
must have looked like the jailbreak/ carnival parade it was...that
seemed to gather stragglers like a magnet gathers iron filings
Soon on saddle bank road 120+ kids
Naked and as innocent in the fact...
That one might think that today was the day
they were born and in some ways...
they were! Fully fledged
in exodus
from the womb
of pure monotonous ladened
claustrophobic morality... have way to languished hedonistic daydreams

Static groups of slow-melting apparitions
Unaware uninspired unintended refugees
Of homes...
of family...
and abject boredom
of that sad summer of high petrol- low crude performance and
Summer jobs never blooming and now... add a drought.

As the final Saturday wilted on the absentee mind
Before the Monday rises to drag them back in... the ritualized killing of all who found
The looming tedium  of lessons and tests
unbearably cruel to have school begin its pull
Without ever even having a glimpse
Of the dying ghost
of a summer break that never was.

Until...that steady drone
rose from a distance
Those 90cc pistons
spitting hope as its frantic echo
to somehow announce
from 3 miles away
"help he's killing me!"

Razer was making that hybrid bike scream
then...right down main he came shouting thunderously
But to no avail... every word

"...daughter shake
common shop..." was the word that ppl heard....

...then it died
PISTON ROD took off over the barbershop
Headed for the moon

Razer stood over the smoking carcus
Spit on it ...kicked it... then saluted it ...
Before saying hey common nowz its flowing and growing
Quicker than quick ...
and that was how summer came to a glorious end.

with a ten acres puddle
Water spraying 30 ft high and by gawd we took to it like
butter to hot biscuits.
until that is
the cops arrived!

And we all run to hide.
.. so here's where
I started this tale

Shhh.. I said
to this *******
beside me
Flesh-colored and glistening ...
We better stay put
you know...
... till it calms down
Hey!  I don't believe I've ever seen you around...the town before...
do you live here... in Braeden  I mean?

We just moved here
she said.
Hi, I'm Joy-Ann Hope
And she surely was at that!
  forever  ...well
Until I changed her last name and she became Joy-Ann PAYNE.
9 MONTHS  later we
met a little girl
named Summer Dawn Payne!

We know all that Daniel...but you cannot expect us...the DA and Chief judge ..not to mention members of the school board and...
Shut that up Judge Willoughby...
and be Mickey Willoughby and Ray Ray ...not D.A.Frazier for a second so you can remember.
Think back 38 yrs and how that line of dried out ,dusty, forlorn kids suddenly came alive that day ...the horns honking, bicycle tires spinning and Ol Joey P his soul on that horse of his as it clattered along the concrete and clopped by the lead car by galloping along the grass shoulder.
Beat us all to the puddle and I will never forget what we saw when we got close
Him and the mare neck deep ...ha haha ha Yes. Joey P and Nantucket Grey were good people. Rest in peace old friends.

Okay ...the heck with it say the judge mickey to the sad moment of revered silence ...I'm about ready to retire and as I recall that day now I realize 1 thing
Crystal effen clear now
I saw Mary Hortons ...uhh Who that day..and that I somehow got old.
I'm sold Chief ...Sorry, Daniel what do we do?
Well Ray Ray County DA what do you not have to say now?

Just Question guys...shall we go get a tractor or sledge hammers?

Oh come on guys this is the 21 century and I am chief of police with ... well army surplus courtesy
of the fed gov and everything we said we would fix when we got "growed up"
Maybe today we help the next gen or two know what freedom really feels like.
Ray .. call the sheriff " little Bobbie Jones " and tell him
- and them-
to stay the f away.
Judges order.  
Hope wins again.
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2021
High minded but low brow,
and living the contradiction
of a greater truth
I’m caught between transcendence
and pontification
my pockets ladened
with a traitor’s silver
—in search of gold

(Dreamsleep: December, 2021)
Jamison Bell Dec 2017
Those brilliant fireflies of winter.
Hovering about trees, bushes, and snow ladened gutters.
Some yellow
Others green, blue, and white
Until snuffed out by their hosts
Even the reds
The embers
The frost creeps up and collapses on my car
My hovel
Not as fortunate as the fireflies
I fade off
In hopes that Luna makes haste tonight
It is cold

— The End —