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Life's a Beach Jan 2015
First comes the flush
Then the rush of horniness
A splash of pain
Droplets of scarlet rain
and the ****** of lingerie
Sobbing at roses
Yelling at trays
You're spotty
and bloated
and splayed on the bed like Cleopatra
drugged up on

And the cocktail that humanity spiked with hormones

Travis Green Dec 2018
Last night I cried myself to sleep thinking about you,
the ******* chemistry that we used to share over
the midnight campfire, our sleek bodies rising in passion
with each bursting flame, deep shifting fingers pressed
up against thick sheets, as our ankles and thighs
harmonized and smiled, glossy green eyes filled
with lust and immense thoughts.  Your soul was
calling out to me in the nighttime sky,
vibrant skin sifting inside timeless climaxes
and rewinds, shimmering lights and hypnotic
gleams, an ocean of water and poetry gliding on
booming beats.  The world began to sink inside
our romance, the horniness of our hot flesh sizzling
in sparking temptations, deep designs and glimmering
patterns.  And as our nations made music over earth’s
creation, brilliant escapes and captivating depths,
you were the magnificent star inside my kingdom,
the purest existence that could illuminate the fire
inside eyes.
Snehith Kumbla Jun 2016
On a mythical Mumbai weekend,
of no serene start or dubious end,
with imaginary beauties, invisible friends,

I stepped out of a puffing train,
my long unkempt hair a lion's mane,
getting used to my twitching tail,

Posing on the Gateway of India,
the extraordinary explorer pose,
took a boat to Elephanta (sans the hose),

and when my shivering co-passengers
had finished feverishly taking pictures
and started screaming holy mothers and sisters,

I took off from the starboard end,
and became the first man-lion to
cross the polluted Indian channel,

surviving to make the news channels,
my scientific name listed as a brand new mammal,
my mating call recognized as a gushing gargle,

On a mythical Mumbai weekend,
of no serene start or dubious end,
with imaginary beauties, invisible friends,

I devoured deep-kissing lovers for lunch
at Bandstand's low-tide on a hunch,
to the delicious sound of munch! munch!

even as Shah Rukh Khan watched disgusted
from his big big bungalow by the sea,
and as the city sharpshooters came after me,    

and later when they brought me down,
from Nariman Point building, like KING KONG,
I tuned a dusty guitar and sang a melancholy song,

on the death of adventure, love and reality,
dangers of delusions, lethargy and self-pity,
repression, horniness and too much TV,

down in a shower of bullets when I went,
sky like the coming of rain, godspeed, godsend,
in a mythical city, where nothing is really meant,

On a mythical Mumbai weekend,
of no serene start or dubious end,
with imaginary beauties, invisible friends...
Mumbai - A crowded, stuffy, over-populated Indian city.

Gateway of India - A 1924 monument by the British to commemorate built to commemorate King George V and Queen Mary's 1911 visit to Mumbai.
Anais Vionet Apr 2022
The Batman Movie (a review). The clues part was cool, but the end of it got boring. I liked that Batman kept a journal - I like the idea of men keeping journals, because, do men have many thoughts they share? Men’s thinking seems so ephemeral.

In this Batman resurrection, Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne & Batman are Kurt-Cobain-like emo and that seemed to work. Didn’t you just want to take your hand and get his hair out of his eyes? I think guys should have hair - I like hair on guys, not buzz cuts. I liked the muscle-car Batmobile.

I liked Zoey Kravitz, she was girl power, but not in a hot girl way, she had her own motivations, she wasn’t just in danger and served up to fuel Batman.

The movie is too long though. They need to bring back movie intermissions - I’d vote for that. As usual, I drank my giant slurpee and ate ½ my popcorn before the twenty minutes of previews were finished.

It’s a three hour movie. I had to *** so bad by the time the movie was ¾ over that I was grinding on my popcorn bucket to keep it in. I finally had to make a dash for the bathroom - I was afraid I’d miss the KISS scene. Argh!

Let’s talk about Robert Pattinson, the actor, and his arch from Twilight to Batman. Of course, doesn’t every vampire turn into a bat? (joke) but it’s always Pattinson being moody, being hot, figuring himself out and the introspective man - the broody man.

Are broody men ****? I don’t like broody men in real life - I feel that only one of us gets to be moody in a relationship - and it’s going to be me. Pattinson seems almost zany and cheeky in RL so the brood is his method act. I Like that Pattinson didn’t buff-up for the role - I think the buffed-up muscle-man as superhero perfection somehow relates to capitalism. Pattinson’s American accent was good.

What was missing from the movie was horniness. Batman didn’t seem HOT for Cat-girl - he just stood there for her to kiss. What’s boy-girl attraction if it’s not horniness? Where has the horniness gone in movies? Sexiness is missing from ALL the superhero movies - I guess the age demo is too young.

I give it three out of five stars
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Resurrection: means "revival, resurgence rebirth”
where do old people go to find ***? their sagging wrinkling barnacled skin easily torn or bruised thinning wispy hair dry tongues raspy voices gray teeth wobbly legs malformed brittle spines rickety stance shaky hands misshapen arthritic fingers foul stale odors itchy scratchy orifices ***** stained underwear where do old people go to find ***? their vanishing generation locked away in reclusive lonely dusty rooms creaky dim apartments when i was young i thought old people were unburdened of lust no longer bound by libido urges somehow grown free of base desires needs this constant horniness i suffer where do old people go to find *** is it wrong to politely ask or beg a younger person indecent to plead for a little charity where do old people go to find ***?

there is a wooded area outside Paris where some couples drive and park man behind the wheel woman in passenger seat her window down clothed anonymous men approach with exposed penises in hand staring at woman’s fingers massaging between her thighs spread as she watches the men stroke themselves sometimes she kisses licks even ***** these strangers' erections the driver sits composed empowered sharing his companion amused aroused admiring her lasciviousness oh the French they are so ****** with their stinky cheeses pate de foie gras rich sauces refined wines briny scented ***** tresses seductive lingerie licentious literature DeSade Zola Rimbaud Foucault Derrida Deleuze Deneuve Belmondo Goddard Truffaut Depardieu

the oppression of money in every gulp of air we breathe all the secret arrangements sick crooked associations complicated deceitful ***** deals the great divide between gated community and ghetto slum how can we feel proud knowing our insatiable self-absorbed hunger greed oil carried in ocean channels spreading evaporating into atmosphere air rain groundwater rivers lakes vegetation animals us poisoning killing off everything the oppression of money i hang my head

the oppression of time memory longing for that which we once knew felt i remember running into a very **** pretty girl whom i had not seen in a year carrying bag of groceries in her arms on street asking why didn’t i call her back she repeated why didn’t you call me back wide smile tempting eyes ***** blond hair dark roots enticing bush exquisite floppy lips lanky cowgirl physique narrow hips i did not know what to say said nothing simply stood there looking with sad eyes at her i remember several different girls hinting to take them more seriously i thought to reveal i am too weird tainted ****** up do not want to ruin your life each one of you with my wounded heart troubled thoughts twisted feelings searching stumbling soul my uncertainty do not know what to say said nothing just stood there looking in stupid silence the oppression of time memory longing for that which we once knew felt where do old people go to find ***?

dance with me lift your spirit listen to your heartbeat rhythm of your breath lift arms roll shoulders flutter fingers loosen hips wag **** bend knees tap toes make animal sounds pretend we are young with time to waste whirl around until you feel dizzy forget gravity imagine bliss dance with me
Irate Watcher Jan 2015
I don’t know you well enough
or I’d read you this poem.
I don’t know you well enough,
though your quite handsome.

I don’t know you well enough
for you to care about my interests,
I don’t know you well enough —
we haven’t reached that level yet.

I don’t know you well enough,
but if I did I wouldn’t want to.
I don’t know you well enough,
please keep playing elusive.

I like your life, but
I don’t know you well enough
to like your instagrams —
it could seem stalker-ish.

We’ve talked about dinner,
but I don’t know when
or if we’ll actually go.
I don’t know you well enough.

I don’t know you well enough,
but text you regardless,
you invite me backhanded
to your friends' plans.

I don’t know you well enough,
to hold your glance,
you buy me a beer,
my hands fold between my legs.

I don’t know you well enough,
but I know when your drunk.
Your friends leave
and I give you a ride home.

I don’t know you well enough,
but you invite me in,
your cat treats me like
a familiar friend.

I don’t you well enough,
but I know when we share spit,
it just lubricates comments
on our horniness.

I don’t know you well enough,
but I know your apartment —
your couch is too squishy
and your bed is too close.

I don’t know you well enough.
I ask if *** will ruin this,
but don't know what this is.

I don’t know you well enough,
but I sleep in your bed.
Your rolling-over motion
was disappointing,
but not unexpected.

I STILL don’t know you well enough,
but I know three unanswered texts
means your not interested
in telling me.

Or perhaps,
I don’t know you well enough.

I don’t know you well enough,
but I’m getting to know me
and I know that naiive
isn’t who I want to be.
Descartian Damsel in Distress
Glenn Currier Mar 2022
Even the most devout Christians
accept that Jesus was a guy
guys get ***** as do gals.

Yes, all of us have a creator in us
life-creating energy
and prose.

Maybe Jesus didn’t have the kind of darkness in him
that we have
the kind of drag
of pride and self-centeredness
that I have,
but by God!
he was faced with the same choices
between fidelity and desire
between horniness and selfless love.

Yep I fail in ways he did not
but he failed to get rid of lust just like I do
he failed to avoid selfish desires.
Of course, I act on them
and ***** up in ways he did not.
But do you think he didn’t feel ******* up at times?
Of course he did.

All of this humanity
is what makes me like him.
Jesus was a guy.
That he was more
is what makes me love him.
My mama had pictures of Jesus with rouge and a pretty face in our home. I never did like those pictures of him. Then I saw a picture of Salvadore Dali's Christ of St. John of the Cross. That's the kind of Jesus I could relate to as a teenager and young man. When I got my own apartment I got a print of that picture of this man on the cross. It captivated me and set me on a path to pursue this guy who was human and hairy like me. At that time in my life and for the rest of it, I did not like an overly divinized Jesus, a Jesus that made him less than human.
Alan W Jankowski Nov 2011
Hornier and hornier all the time,
I'm lucky horniness isn't a crime.
Checkin' out the new girl at work,
She probably thinks I'm such a ****.
Trying to think of something to say,
Anything to get a lay.
I offer to take her out to eat,
Someplace quiet, where the people meet.
Later we can go out and dance,
Thinking how to get in her pants.
I take her out and ply her with liquor,
It's true what they say, it really is quicker.
I start making conversation, casual and trite,
I start thinking, this is going to be a long night.
Hoping that something will relieve my gloom,
She suddenly suggests 'Let's get a room.'
We get inside and my mind does a flip,
We are all over each other as we start to strip.
We ****** each other and start to kiss,
My **** is hard, I'm in a state of bliss.
My ***** points north as my hand reaches south,
She takes my member and puts it in her mouth.
My hand working her over we continue to pet,
I know it is working, she becomes quite wet.
I pull out of her mouth and put it in her mound,
I get my back in motion as I begin to pound.
Legs in the air, lying on her back,
I start to punish her sweet little crack.
Her soft moans turn to wild screams,
Just like I imagined in my dreams.
When it's over we say 'goodbye'.
Happy to share this natural high.
When we meet again at work, we have nothing to say,
Just smile and ask, 'How was your day?'
It is nice to have a job related perk,
Makes me happy I went to work.

Sometimes it pays to go to work...
kyle Shirley Jan 2015
I fell in love with a stripper, is that wrong? society tells us that they're not even people, "oh they have diseases" "look at her shes not even smart to get a real job" well I have talked to a beautiful soul and it came from none other then a stripper... "gasp" she changed me, yeah shes a freak like me, but shes smart, out going down to earth, nice, and she likes me. Out of all the guys she chose me. Someday you have to actually get into trouble with the girl next door... I wake up, I find that my stripper is karma, that my sins indulge in more abuse to my head whilst dreaming, for I have no control. I have my own personal movie theater... I close my eyes and take in what a **** show is upon me. Am I careless to my insanity? I think not, the crazy pills only make me want more of the horniness exposure to my eye lids I drug for. My stripper, my karma, my not so in love... love.
Debra A Baugh Feb 2013
his voice beguiles me, weakening me
in whispered warmth of breath, fingers
trace trembled want of hungry lips

tasting me...

Closing my eyes; I arch into need of
his touch, his voice of seduction breathes
against skin, teasing me

licking my tremors...

I moan in ache, my ripple upon his tongue,
my essence rises lingering within his mouth;
roughly kissing me and I kneel before him,
taking him in slowly suckling; tasting him tip
to pearls licking his veined pendulum swirling
in warmth, vigorously in out

loving his shudder...

he whispers as his fingers tenderly tweak ******
softly, inebriating my senses; aroused horniness,
entering my paradise, firmness weaves flesh in
breathless swells, igniting our twine; like tongue
licking heat of mouth

pulsing in wetness...

searing between open thighs, I ache for his plunge
engraving me, knotted within his arch; deluged in
fluidities flush as lips brush, tongue trails taut nips,
I blush beneath his fiery breath, still teasing

rocked to my foundation...

unraveling me in utter passion, our bodies aching;
assuaging yearn, calming quivers in wet want;
shuddering each abraded ******, loving its aftertaste
in trembled release enlivening; our lust still entwined

within wet ecstasy...
Nathan Burgess May 2014
Fun under duress

Chemical Warfare over those young precocious girls.

Assuming slabs of history for fanboy waste under my nose.

Cause he don't hide his sweat
Cause she don't hide her sweat

I don't want to write but I want to be a writer, regarded and treated with the reverence which is inversely portrayed by a liar.

Some practical purpose under the surface of this romantic veneer.

Rhymes for dimes

Race for impression

Don't identify your neurosis

Big scary life

Things for the sake of themselves (are my favorite?)

And now we've got to settle with the fact that death isn't some glorious encore.

like I've already felt all my youth

Not so ego driven

And a grain of salt

There's still a tree limb hanging above with a dog whining at the road.

So your skin looks dead in that blouse honey but I can't blame you. Baldness under duress sends me swirling away from the action that you sow. I'm really sorry for what we've done and I think I've run out of ideas on how to let you know. It must be exhausting keeping your composition tied to the image of a doll, an oozing thing re-purposed to pose as crystalline overuse. It sits in the growing pool when I kiss your eyes from cold impulse to shut you up because I'm sick with culture.

For Some petty sense of animal wellness

Stuck in your addictions you forgo all that luscious thought. Losing sight of that purging of traditional fear you wont even miss it that shiver in silver water down your spine when she whispered in your ear, cornered in warm salt you fall face first and scream for your life but only the subtle bark on an unwanted friend can react.

A childhood full of hopes that stranger can want from you anything but what they can show.
False wood has a special smell in my head, since all of that basement love.
And its all just part of the warmth in snowy veils overhead when my desire for a life without need surges through my gut. A memory of subtle lavender and small words in big worlds. Sad a hearts acceleration move in different space.
But when I find the peak that's kept me going in the dark with my habits on my ankle the sky might turn away when misconceptions of a mind catch up inversely with a shrinking bough.

Cruder vowel can cut and I'll find myself running the mile backwards through thorns mockingly gathered. I covet this sense you seem to have says you So my solution says ******* but I'll never let the peel roll back from my eyes anywhere but behind your back.

Strangers live in a constant state of fear from one another, tense that the guy across from you might take everything if given a moment to react. So straighten up and flood yourself because there isn't any room for understanding or a kiss of mutuality.

Loneliness and horniness don't make a good mixture.

It's fine to think you might learn something from me as long as i ***** it before too long and we're back in equilibrium to the present.

Tongues and penises.

I may be miserable now but I have hope that life can be like a newborn opening his eyes in the forest for the first time.

Dusty attic scent from past crime or ascent is sordid now dictating response. Salty water knees from slowly branching trees are cut quickly from a mind past caring. Walking justice way can implode a simple desire defining conversational restriction thoughts.
Sienna Luna Feb 2017
wanting your arms around
my torso squeezing and

sleep deprived caused by
fantasies of you late last night

but i wish you'd wish
lips like ours could touch


but better
be smoother and slower
and sweeter like Max & Sylvie

and it could be delightful
if only you'd make more

time for me and it's

painful to want you so much
so visceral, so intensely that
my want is grimy and slimy

dragging my inner ****
in sloppy circles cut
to your exact shape and build

if only, if only
you knew how much i
drooled underneath the covers
last night, shrouded by hunger, blanketed by invigorating horniness
a longing that never seems to go


whenever i'm around you

and it's exhausting
Sean Banks Apr 2013
I take notes
And the things I wrote
Were never thoughtless
But more part of the process
Of falling in love
And bliss
Broken apart
Above this
Divided by horniness
Sure causes a mess
Breaking something is never clean
It seams
Pieces aren’t always puzzles
Don’t always go back together
That stick together aren’t always magnetic
Let it
Go to show
That watching from a distance
Is easier than to know
Blue Flask Mar 2017
fooling around
in the rich heated pool
of your life
vague words
lead to a vague eternity
waiting for the
upper middle class
wannabe rich kids
to get over their horniness
and ******* orer dineer
becuase i am hungry
and i want to be free
and i am free
i want to be happy
and i am happy
and the other side of of giving a ****
is being happy
with the ***** you give
wanderlust thirsts for earthly scents
the farewell of a soul allowed without fear
for gratitude becomes unnoticably purer
on cracked lips above ****** sandals
and searcher is the silent word in my most
valuable friendship with this kingdom
we feel the temporary darkness trembling
and point at birds that refuse to stay
despite our crossing footprints despite
the black hourglass of our history
full of secret horniness

I would prefer to distillate your tears
drink them with a smile for everyone
and sadly point out the sparkles of hope

what keeps me from doing so
some call wisdom
dominic rocky Apr 2012
far too nice outside
to be cooped up
in my cave
normally that’s where
you’d find me
the sun is out today
warming my face and
the bricks my bare feet
are resting on
it is spring time finally
and that means everything
is in heat
the squirrels are *******
the birds are *******
and i assume the reason
i hear so many dogs barking
is because they wish
they were *******
what a lovely season
spring is
with all it’s warmth and horniness
although i know
in good time
i will long for the cool weather
and warm colors of fall
as i always do
every year
if i could only just make up
my mind
that is
if i am able to find the **** thing
Joyous rapture awoke sleeping animalistic giant:
carnal, feral, gonadal horniness in deed, when defiant

this primate crossed figurative
   paths with a stunning woman
older than a spring chicken freed
   via ma hen nah paws van
jealous (of casual suitors),
when I figuratively crossed urban
paths with delectable dame.

   This hedonistic mwm veritable tan
tin nab buell lay shun caged in rein
   mister experienced euphoric San
ta Claus gifted encounter merely
   approached a female stranger ran
king as absolutely beautiful asper
   Samson recounted Delilah, Qan

i.e. qualification assurance notification
   within this poetic blurb. Pan
dum money yum (does not come close)
   upon entering a nan
oh meter times a gazillion equals
   scope of super sized ALDI's, every man
woman, and child could be housed.

   This supermarket (anchored lan
did at one end of a string of bungle
   low slung businesses conveniently kan
struck ted adjacent to popular stores,
   which aligned buildings a haven come Jan
ewe weary, these newly constructed
   bricks and mortal portals along Ian

eyesed, seen as primary corridor
   i.e. Ridge Pike (linkedin with Han
sill and Gretel recently rural gingerbread
   cookie cutter communities). Gan
a mead by Jove, said affordably priced
   food store noticed as a fan
tass tick location along the driver side
   heading towards Limerick, ean
at dark hours within Pennsylvania).

   This patron (me) of aforementioned Dan
dee nofrills modestly priced franchise
   espied an available card soon after Can
Nudda entered this outsize place
   to buy groceries. Another shopper (a bon ban
Joe plucky strung string apetite
   slip sans attractive gracefully aged gal) anan

entered said market seconds later,
   and dye motioned (to her) as she sigh
lent lee reached same idle sturdy cart,
   which ordinarily requires a quarter to pry
loose from a train of chained property.
   I unthinkingly, reflexively, and blithely my
deferred politesse she took possession of cart.

   Within instantaneous affirmation je
nais sais quais consent given for her
   to load groceries in sought after cart, this guy
noir got fast impression immediately formed,
   whereby visually this chic chica to die
for spurred enticement as very pleasing
   Halloween eye candy, hence desirable allie

madamoiselle in question totally tubularly
   unaware of lovelorn spate. Minutes before
tardy reaction (and perfect comeback
   ex post facto) momentarily preoccupied chore
viz reviewing mental check list, my intent
   to act with courage and acknowledge a door
quick to close.  Her (unbeknownst)
   attractiveness to me. Upon inadvertently
   froze me like Eeyore

glancing at thee beautiful doll female human,
   an aggregate of positivity arose. That four
tut hood toward slender youthful looking chica
   figuratively took my breath away. She galore
re: us lee ranked topnotch on my register
   of aesthetic delight. Thus, while this jackfrosted ****
frosted flake ambled up and down aisles,
   an aim sought to relay pleasant physiology while Igor
Stravinsky – Flight of the Bumblebee buzz

   within every square inch of my anatomy bon jour
quivered with cockiness, covetousness,
   and craveness without resorting to Dumble Da lore
for guidance, hence indecorous, impetuous,
   or idolatrousness loosed rampant as more
consideration asper jimmying bold, daring do
   hounded (Lo and Behold) luck did not ig nor.
A nod in answer to prayer ready set terrific
   wonderful chance arose pondering how to mine ore

and coax a major outcome addressing this ambition,
   which unceasingly pecked, piqued, dirt poor
**** lee  pricked thy noggin about sudden revelation
   presence pretty lady Upon quor
tar number of minutes passed,
   whereat her increasing proximity, an unflagging score
begging akin to patriotic duty and appeasement
   sans uttering a compliment recognized roar
ring optimal (once in a solar eclipse) chance
   to corral, field, and invoke latent obligation that tore
per regaling unknown xwoman a dollop gratutity.
   Whether embarassment ensued possibly war
temporarily shunted aside, cuz if no propensity
   to risk testing cab age comfort zones of yore

if awesome stroke ignored, a disappointment
   toward self would manifest irking conscience.
For the rest of eternity. So without missing
a beat (and reckoning with nary a spare off fence
guess not to turnip ma nose), a apple lick able amicus
   brief pickle this complimentary gents
dare devilishly egged, finessed, gambit regarding
   how gorgeous (a veritable stranger) kents
humed and appealed to me, whence squashing
   regret at a costly emotional ex pence.
Scott T Nov 2013
The moon is half full tonight
My spleen is twice as big tonight
And in my horniness
I hope for a nondescript passerby
To knock on my door
And wrestle the sadness away with me
No questions asked
But no one comes
And I wonder how many others feel so hopeless tonight
since I pledged my troth with thee –
   at times wondering if the decision amiss
my affinity, cupidity, fidelity
   and integrity hardly contributed to wed did bliss
blithely paying lip service
   to birthday hardly enhances the marriage, thus miss

stir Matthew Scott Harris
   makes this overtures to acknowledge your day of birth
the years spent with you
   overlooked acknowledging july sixth, and such a dearth
does emotional/spiritual injustice,
   and undermines warmth felt at home n hearth

thus I set before myself the task to attempt some semblance alack
of recognition per your existence, which exercise harkens back
contra dancing at Summit Presbyterian Church
   coupled with tension and flack
at that time (decades ago)
   diving rod nada so sterling induced pants to jack
late lee with a bulge – at that stage of my life hormonal secretion
   owner of a hyperactive ***** horniness da schmuck did not lack
simian sentiments summoned woody to wedge with a wick whack

into tulip pinkish curtains that parted to usher my nada so sterling rod
though frequently premature *******
   found ***** hairs like clump of sod
where ma screwy tool (fueled
    with fur n zee for finger lick kin fricassee) trod
upon a carnal, feral, infernal landscape
   as a limp biscuit re: dough like wod

whereby whoosh spurted *****
   from excitable minute man – a prickly chum
diminished satisfactory ****** ******* when geyser of sticky gum
expelled forth geyser like – rivaled old faithful spewing genetic ***

yet despite predilection toward ******* hair trigger –
   betwixt us we begot
deux darling daughters –
   wove from the warp and woof beginning as a dot
yet fertility brought womb – supposedly, a self cleaning oven just hot
enough to massage each “bun in the oven”
   until gestation *** pleated plot
though now progeny young women themselves –
   I ponder if ***** may rot
and atrophy into a shriveled mummified tartan pattern matted splot
since testosterone
   took torpedo kamikaze nose dive e’er since ***** did trot

into the vaginal vortex and managed to cashier from mine ***** bank
fire off from the mint at least one non blank
when phallus retained an ******* juiced long enough to crank
out gooey gunk from me miniature frank
hence twas grate of ye to spread yar legs a task I thank

without your participation this anniversary of abby robin harris debut
two prized offspring
   (both born during winter) fatherhood he thankfully knew.
Poetic T May 2014
I arrived home early to  surprise, but
the surprise was on me, a car in the
drive who could that be. I went in
quite not knowing who could it be.

I stepped in cautious not knowing
what would await me, I looked in the
living room no one there, but ladies
shoes and two bras different sizes
laying on the floor discarded quickly.

I heard a noise up stairs, and off i went
to see quietly, I went finding discarded
clothes a trail to follow for me. who was
this man was he big small i was about to see.

An ear to the door moaning heard, rage
did flow and I kicked through the door,
to my amazement a woman down on
my wife carpet munching like a king.

Rage and horniness both flowed through me,
as she moaned and screamed as i had found
her deceit she had been keeping from me.

Her friend did turn, Jesus she,s hot, NO
I'M ANGRY no, this is turning me on
they can both see. We were waiting but
had to much drink as you can see, this
is your birthday present from me to you
this is my friend she like both sides of the
fence as you can see.

So all ended well, naked were all three,
My wife orgasmed by a woman,  four by
me. I came home early and caught her in
the act. But I just bounced my wife and
got swallowed by her friend this is my
best birthday, I got a smile from ear to ear..
Life's a Beach Jan 2016
and Fending off
Your love poem to that girl
Felt like your declaration of gay
For her ex boyfriend
Zee Jan 2021
The ghosts inside the hearth and the house
Screaming out
Cries for help
Reaching out
Another time for calling names
They're rushing in
And the cockroaches doth profane
This place inside this eden of my own
Award the akutagawa prize to another oppenheim'
I don't know, I've lost my mind
Death have I become? for seeking glum inside this prize
I've lost time and leads to nothingness to hide in-kind some little ****
And puddles forming most of this there is no way to disguise how
much I've found chasing dreams in the guise of a clown
Dont look for me where I can't can't be found
I'm setting out in empty clouds
And between thighs of lovers cave secrets cave I keep in
and I'm caving in the things I never said, that hollow side of the bed
That you call your own, you call uh-oh, you callous scone
with blueberry edges and
razorblade dough
I'm losing oh no
I'm losing oh no
No no
No more time for butterflies
and no more time for shallow lies
You love me not fist *****
and hollower than this wrist cuffs
Taste me in everything he ever
did to you
But to *****
My head back into the bulb socket in the pocket of a man who never knew where he was going nor began and the pain inside his head nothing less than every scratch you left
Bleedin' through his corneas, your ****** and the horniness
Seldom does a pin get pushed quite so deep
Beneath the birds and extinct bees
But watch and you'll see
The scratches on the walls
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2021
it has taken me... exactly... 3 hours and 24 minutes
to wake up proper...
oh... i was awake from half past 10 this morning
only having gone to bed at 7am...
maybe i'm getting the numbers wrong:
i'm writing this at 6 minutes 2pm:
                                      that's two in the afternoon...
i think i could write about time, like this,
         over and over again...
this mediocre language that: nonetheless allows me
the theatre of the mind encompassing
the entirety of last night: this morning...
                       something in between...
she did tell me her name...
she didn't speak much english...
i asked: vide cor meum?
                      she taught me the Romanian words
for mirror, eye, ear, bottom-lip, upper-lip,
neck, hand... ring...

hmm... oglindă...
           i even tried to teach her some of mine:
oglądam... i'm watching
ochi: oko... oczy...

                     i think i'm still dreaming...
we shared stories about our tattoos...
she had the name Nicolas somewhere on her arm...
and something major on the entire upper-to-fore-arm...
she wouldn't stop caressing my mark of
Cain on my right shoulder-blade:
that almost complete numb part of me...

she ****** me off for about 5 minutes
while i started to admire her legs and feet...
but... 3 years without any intimacy...
i wasn't going to turn into a Duracell bunny....
i wasn't going to pop a blue V-pill either...
all this *******...
                       yeah... you wonder: but not really...
come to think of it...
most of the performers make it into a 30 minute slot
machine of genocidal ***** leftovers...
self-genocidal: some atheist purpose for genes: continues...
so i was at the brothel and sure
as **** i wasn't there to make a ***** flick to later
stream... i wasn't with some cam-girl either...
i guess it must get tiresome to...
play around with guillotined silicon ******, no?

just asking because... if the affair of some shrimp **** limp
"burdened" me: i had to unburden myself
in some other way... those £120 weren't coming back
and that hour wasn't going to just be spent
on talking: she didn't understand 7 8ths of what
i was saying: ****... i can still taste her...

we smoked a cigarette together...
at first she implored me for some blow...
imitating that ghastly snorkel and gargle
or whatever you want to call it
for the magic dust...
                            punch up her horniness?
i was, then i wasn't...
i almost knew this would happen...

what was left? pretending to be blind...
working around all the details of her body...
obviously stealing a kiss...
come to think of it... several kisses...
asking her timidly if she's into the French school
of snails... slobbering over oysters...
fit a ******* piñata in between the pair of
you while you're at it...
no... she wasn't... tip of the tongue to the lips
was enough: when you don't get a reply
to reciprocate using the tongues...

obviously i cycled to the "house of the rising sun"
so i implored to take a shower first...
which i did... a shattering bliss of cold water...
when you're gasping for air or rather...
to the memory of tadpole me...
or me... via foetal route... no...
    like a fish gasping for water...
this cold shower...

                          i guess both of us didn't know
where the hour went...
one last attempt at some ******* frivolity...
no... again: i was in the mood but then wasn't...
it's not like i can just turn on
a switch...

and then... four of them...
sitting in the antechamber
                          with the t.v. on and some pretzels
and me asking for 3 cups of water...
one Turkish... two Romanian...
the third i didn't catch a drift of...
a conversation about names...
   where i was from...
- Lachistan?
- well... you're turkish... Ottoman... we shared
a long history... Lach...
- where?
- Poland...
- oh, good people from there...
- i wouldn't know...

                                   it's not that i hate my fellow
countrymen... but i'm strapped
to about 5 miles shy of little Bangladesh...
i don't suppose you know that...
we're not good at congregating on foreign
soil... unless there's a football match...
like that time in Cardiff....

whatever it was... am i bragging am i gloating?
about what... the size of my *****...
come to think of it... i might as well have been
juggling three raw eggs
when touching her body...
   always with the outside of hand...
the more tender skin of the pair...
                                   - it's not the first time
i allowed myself to steal a kiss from a *******...
i never understood that taboo
they have in cinematic flicks about:
oh the sacred mouth of Jezebel...
that she'll sooner blow than kiss...

anyway... spectacular... spectacular...
after a 3 year drought of absolutely no intimacy...
to this day...
   my favourite movie characters has to be...
Lester Burnham...
                 now i feel like...
cycling to the east end of London and spotting
some cousin-******* beauties...
           or just being an absolute tease of sweat
and pulsating arteries...
if there won't be one chance of eye-******* through
a niqab... there's bound to be one
with a secular-rag-a-muffin' and a hijab...
so... win win... either way.

p.s. did i mention sniffing her raven hair...
that's another thing... ah... those Romanian girls.
i promised the Turkish one
that she could have me...
although she implored: stay one more hour...
one more...
with the one i was with just minutes prior
i told her: you can't have more than one woman
per night...
obviously thinking of king Solomon's harem...
kiss on the hand...
kiss on the hand and the cheek...
kiss on the forehead...

lover-boy o lover-boy...
too bad those English girls only give it to Pakistanis.
Travis Green May 2021
He felt like an earthquake
Shaking and exploding in me
Thunderous sounds
Rumbling rhythms
Rising through the air
Quaking my nation
Feeling his raging bassline
Surging through me
Like blazing electricity
I was shuddering, stuttering
Embracing his violent thrusts
The awakening lust
The accelerating motion
Breaking me open
He cruised through me
Like he was driving a coupe
Making me burn for his yearning verbs
Hear his sound waves
Circulating my membranes
Feeling his melodic kisses
Upon my gorgeous back
He was a melanin vibe
So dazzlingly delicious
In all conceivable ways
Such dancing masculinity
Discovering the hotness in me
Such horniness hammering my hard drive
He was vicious, so hypnotic to watch
Flipping it, reversing it, kissing it
Making my *** feel his flames
Of carnal pleasures
He kept working me
Going harder and harder
Holding my shoulders
As I moaned to his seductive tone
He was a gallery of magic
That pushed me deep
Into vast oceans where
I couldn’t control the situation
I just watched him
Attacking my galaxy
Claiming victory over my body
where amble lances
hurled with the might
of off fish hull seductress dances
setting figurative stage to take a bite
from canoodling beastie boy best eaten alive
or just after freshly being killed.

oblivious to the ramifications
courtesy the deafening ear splitting sound,
nor mindful of the devastating emotional fallout
lurking within outer limits of dark shadows
ineluctably drawn into ****** pacification,
yours truly surrendered
to the atavistic call of the wild.

heedless where "still thelassic waters run deep,"
I set the prow of skiff
christened Matthew Scott Harris
unbeknownst of the
shark and piranha infested waters
far from the pseudo sanctuary of safety
(way out of eyesight
and earshot of being rescued)
forsook being availed
from self destruction
courtesy the rocky shoal
littered with the detritus
flotsam, and jetsam
of lovely bones devoid of flesh
tell·tale sign of ferocious,
malicious, and vicious
maneaters particularly satiating
young stud muffins buffed
in the prime of their life
although if slim pickings occur
even old Norwegian Bachelor
spinning yarns about fictitious town
of Lake Woebegone, Minnesota
'where all the women are strong,
all the men are good looking,
and all the children are above average.'

Rather, I succumbed to primal urge
head over heels
far as the eye could see
barenaked ladies
blindsided yours truly
into a false sense of security,
where nymphs cavorted, sported
and particularly exhorted me
to forego sense and sensibility
and to ***** rationality,
where misfortune signaled my demise.

I insouciantly ignored a sixth sense
warning me against further trespass,
nevertheless overpowering temptation
for carnal desire
(read a strong longing
for physical or ****** pleasure
this despite being a married male,
albeit celibacy gripped ***** -
quizzically hardening prickliness
into test easy rider of decadence feeling
conflict against sacrosanct pledged troth
vows upended The vows:
"I, _, take thee, _,
to be my wedded wife/husband,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for none the richer, for none the poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death do us part,
according to God's holy ordinance;
and thereto I pledge thee my faith"
entreating, kickstarting, and readily
zapping sacrilegious oath)
dwindling horniness linkedin
pacified tactile ******* zeal
to the point where ****** horns trumpet
voice of a castrato, a male singer
who castrated before puberty
since taking prescription medication
to quell generalized and performance anxiety,
especially when premature *******
compromised potential ******* ******
immediately tempering hormonal secretion
by **** tat videre licet limp libido
superseded voyaging into dangerfield
strewn with deadly landmines.

— The End —