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Sarah Meow Apr 2012
I asked my mother for a glass kaleidoscope,
but instead she handed me three shots of wine
and a field guide to running galactic bases,
which I guess is her way of selling dreams
at low prices. I have yet to understand a coffee shop's symmetry,
so I embrace the scrupulous company of a dragon-riding-a-butterfly.

One spin around the Milky Way leaves the butterfly
with holey wings and the dragon vomiting in my make-shift kaleidoscope.
The apple tree in the corner of the living room ruins the symmetry
of the space and I have to chug another glass of wine
to make up for the peach tree I couldn't dream
about and another wrong note sung by the basses.

The song's in too low of a key, which is the basis
behind the evil chinchilla's plan to mass-produce butterfly
farms as part of a larger goal to pillage the dreams
of dreamers. Luckily, we all have a handy-dandy kaleidoscope
and a bag (or two) of bitter-tasting wine
stolen from their boxes -- too much symmetry.

My brother put a block on local news; the symmetry
of our county's border was too much for me to bear. He bases
his action (when mother asks) on the wine
he didn't drink, so I throw the broken butterfly
out the window where it lands on my nephew's spinning kaleidoscope.
He doesn't know it yet, but that drum he's banging will envelop his dreams.

A hike to the top of the cliff (a leap) re-energizes my dreams
and I still can't relate to the maple leaves and their symmetry,
but at least I can look through a lampshade at the kaleidoscope
of trees dancing below me. There are seven thousand bases
yet to run and they still haven't caught the butterfly,
so a boy yells, "Drink!" and I take another sip of wine.

The dragon and chinchilla are tipsy from the wine
at this point and discuss the difference between dreams
and electricity while my mother sautés the butterfly
in ice cream and abstract ideas. The symmetry
of my right ankle is still a bother, so I tell the basses
to sing a quarter tone flat while I collide a scope.

Off goes dragon-with-butterfly (once again) and I finish the wine.
I make my nephew a chinchilla-skin kaleidoscope and rinse the rocks stained with dreams.
My mother comments on the apple tree's symmetry while the trees below keep running bases.
Wayne Pritchett Nov 2010
im stuck in this reality
that either way i go
nightmares will come to life
worst fears leaving the dark
coming to light in one side
on the other one the happy
heartfelt dreams from years
of courtship come true.
living in this maze
of decisions i could make
leave me sick on a good day
and others pretty blue
cause breaking hearts
never was my thing to do
its happened to me
in the past till recently
now im in the seat
to stop someone's heart beat
a sad proposition
my mission nonetheless
the very thing i hate
smashing a heart
thats in my possession
is now my task to fullfill
believe me theres no thrill
in makin a woman cry
cause the woman she
once aspired to be
my future wifey
is something she wont
witness first hand
dont think for a second
that im a bad man
i just fell twice
the second time left a wound
a bad case of heartburn
that would bring certain doom
from my girl named Spice
girl could shoot some dice
gamblin wit my love
twistin it to seem right
suckin me back in
time and time again
with seduction at a new height
*** therapy like no other
like a poison poppy
lulling me to a stooper
till i get a picture
then mouth gets sweet
cause i remember
the night one November
when my Sugar came to me
that my bestfriend
my homie of all homies
i was sittin in her car
i leaned to the drivers seat
kissed the sweetest lips
both pair believe me
then i smile
from cheek to cheek
she gives me relief
like pepto
but she looks better in blue
shes my little smurf
that turns my heart to goo
the strongest power
a woman can ever hold

now i have sugar and spice
two polar opposites
i stand on the equator
migrating from the later
cause i love hot food
so i slid back like a fool
ended up with a stomach ache
acid reflux and an attitude
something i havent suffered
since i distanced myself
i started feelin brand new
shootin for galaxies
farther than science can see
cause the sky aint the limit
thats what my sugar believes
as she energizes my soul
with sweet bursts of encouragement
Pure Seduction from Vicki's Secret
turned to ultimate attraction
her scent makes it happen
my mouth begins to water
strawberries dipped in chocolate
her flavor is what i savor
pleasing her is what i enjoy
thats what i plan for life
we have a mutual understandin
i do me and she do her
but when she in town
or when i come around
our teeth are super sweet
and Sugar is all i can eat
the greatest thing to me
is i can feast with no crash
no indigestion or gas
but ill take the cavities
thats what the dentist is for
having sugar and spice
is far from anything nice
its time to choose
lifetime of loving lust or
eternity of love and trust
no brainer
Sugar is the one for me
cause in the end
she still can get spicey
Spring is the season of new beginnings .
Surrounded with beauty that energizes you.
Green meadows , cool breezes and the Purple Moors ,
Lush blooms that take away the winter glooms.
Enticing you in an array of colours !

Narcissus ,Hyacinths ,lilacs Irises and Freesia , present a string of floral amnesia .
Like a pollywog when you are scampering through ,
Oh !  dear spring you are a welcome view.

Wear your gadoshes , head to where the valleys and the skies meet , Robin's and swallow's tweet ,
The bright rays of the sun spread the warmth and rainbows present a colourful  greet .

Bid  goodbye's to winter blue's ,
Welcome the "VERNAL EQUINOX" hues .

Course of spring #brightness #Love for spring season summoned in poetic format...
20 02.2019
KT Sep 2019
Love, such a big word
Creeping for years around
With presumptions of its meaning
Floating around
With emotions far from disjoint
In a flurry
Through your body, mind
Momentarily present
Yet timelessly thrown
Into your toddler meaning of love
From your empty Bayesian trap
That builds you whole
Until your end you've met

So many different versions
Certainty will never be met
Yet trapped in a single word
It doesn't do it justice
But that just might be alright
For love
Is not meant to be spoken

You start out in a fairy
Unscathed from reality
After a mother's love
You think the world is kind
Without a mother's love
It's cold but you still have hope

You throw your youth outside
Into the gust of eyes
Where you catch a glimpse
Of a girl or a guy
That makes your blood boil
And you're still flying
Throw all your *****
Without thinking of dying
And no matter if it lasts a moment
A reciprocated month
Or an unrequited year
You come out shattered
Reality didn't care
Nothing after mattered

But there you didn't know
That that guy or girl
Is a girl or guy too
You're not the only one
There's everyone else too
Your initial lust
Or a try at a shell of love
Is selfish at base
How ever much
Your emotions
Pointed else

But that did pass
And the several next throws too
Whether months or years
Summer or winter or summer
A cloud followed you there
The cloud carrying
Your void of attention
However big or small
Your loneliness sharp
Whether seconds long or
Weeks on end, quiet yet loud
Your need to be loved,
Recognized, understood,
To be acknowledged present
To be accepted, alive
By a person
Rattling your lust

However above,
In the cloud where you placed
Every next spike of passion
Of a guy or a girl
As bright as the sun,
For the moment
Their face on the idol shone bright
Following your daily life around
And with every next crack
Of reality's peckered constant tap
Your idol cracks
It falls down
Your heart it smacks
The sunshine is over
Your cloud is empty again
The idol faceless remains,
Yet follows you still

Time on end,
Time, it goes blank
Faceless the oddity remains
Your concept of love
From solid, to liquid, to the cloud
It migrates - shapeless, formless,
Horrid, repulsive, addictive, banished
But hey
But hey!
Another glimpse
Lights your fire
Puts on a face
Energizes into matter
The shapeless concept, of love
Quicker than an arrow
Throws down its mollusc, fiery and sparkly
Tentacles, now into form
Grabbing your whole body
Obsesses, possesses
Choking your insides
Paralyzing you whole
"Oh hey
It's you
I liked a thing you did
How you look
A thing you said
You formed into my eyes
And now you're in my head
And oh
That thing you did, how you look, what you said
Repeats every day for you
I want that"
Paralyzed there you stand
Seconds you shared turn into hours
Time stretches
Your mediocrity devours
But wait a second
This world of yours ain't the realm we live in
That person is its own
With all the background it comes with
As heavy as your own
Much richer than your conception current
And not richer than the sunshine you imagine
But in reality that person weighs
However uglier the truth it makes
However much real hurt
To your table brings
An amalgam of truth and desire
You idol feeds

You go home
Maybe you create
Something out there
As a proof of your time
Spent in that oily chokehold
No matter if you get close to that person
Or not
No matter how much time is spent
How much sunshine you think you got
You'll learn your idol
He or she, is not
Your concept of love
Still selfish

But maybe
Just maybe
A random person walks in
A friend
Of mutual ****** preference
Of course
Someone you'd not write poems about
Someone you'd not draw in your thoughts
Someone your lust smolders at best at first
Someone that sticks by your side
Someone your idol accepts not
While there your idol
Faceless or not
Slowly fades away
Your voids are filled
By giving
And having being given in return
Equally self-less
Your base is solid now
Out of the dead molusc
Your meaning of love,
With the speed of a supernova
With the frequency of a pulsar
With the density of a white dwarf
Blasts into you like a shockwave
Lights into you like a furnace
Is finally thrown into your Bayesian experiment
A meaningful, concrete test case
That you can rethrow however much again
And even if you reach its last throw
You've learned to self-lessly accept
Whatever comes next
For it's grown on you
And it'll never leave your side, till your end
And your model now knows
Where true warmth lies
Even if the coming days
Shiver in the void's cold grasp
Remember the light

For it has once grown on you
In its countless shapes and forms
Real, true love

Let's hope
For nothing does truly last
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
when I close my eyes...
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
as I'm starin' into
the brightness of a new day...
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
as I'm gazin' into
the darkness of a new night...
I've been askin' myself why-
still I'm not sure if
I'm gettin' any answers!
We've only met once-
face to face, several months ago.
But, since then, we've spent
many hours a night;
talkin' into the early mornin';
buildin' our friendship!
As I'm listenin' to your voice
while we are talkin'
or you are singin' to me-
I'm realizin' its effectin' me
in different ways-
it soothes and calms me;
yet, energizes and awakens me!
When we can't talk-
I feel this loneliness
that I can't explain-
and there's so much I'm wantin' to say!
Then knowin' when we can again-
I feel this anxiousness,
almost over-takin' me!
And an odd-sense of happiness
practically consumes me!
Which is confusin' me...
Cause I'm not sure of what I'm feelin'
or if I'm feelin' more than what
I'm admittin' to myself...
But I'm seekin' answers-
I'm wonderin' over and over again,
if I'm tryin' to deny somethin'
that I shouldn't be...
And if you are maybe doin' the same...
I think I'm feelin' more here happenin'
than just friendship;
as if we've got this connection,
somewhere along the way!
Is there somethin' more
than what we yet to admit or know...
All I know, as of yet-
I'm Somehow Seein' Your Face,
when I close my eyes...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Eyes on the ball
Sweat falls to the ground
Be ready to move
In my own little world, there is no sound

But all around
are people

The adrenaline spikes through my blood
Stronger than it ever does

All of this
fuels me
energizes me
readies me
for the game

This is why I play
This is why I play

Meanwhile, all eyes are on the ball…
What mists are these

That grow heavy in the palm

Making bruises weep

These mists that place themselves

By treaty or inheritance

With such ferocity

Embalm the soul with tears

Announcing their pleasure

To be resurrected

These mists that represent a tragedy

An imagination that beholds a bleeding

Yes, a bleeding from mine eyes

A conflagration of blood

That flares a collaboration of turmoils

With effortless deployment in the mind

Erratically as if impediment does not impose

Itself upon their mortal breach

An unresponsive pace that energizes

The tragedy of my great lament
Nat Lipstadt Nov 2015

the wind of correction

*those invisible currents
for which we create labels
like most everything,
comes in shades of vagaries,
colorations of fierce and gentil

some bear the names of hurricanes,
gale forces, and those, the knotted stiff ones,
welcomed by man's power mills and sailing ships,
and the softest of summer breezes,
caressers of my isle sheltered,
for which I must winter~survive,
that have far too short a half-live,
those summer winds that rejuvenate my sinking soul

but the wind that gets no acclaim,
is the wind behind us that straightens the hunched,
the wind that has no illustrations of its un-famous name,
'tis the wind of correction
that lifts
the wings of the becalmed,
the bewitched, and the downtrodden,
the one that lifts chin from chest,
the one that energizes,
cures the curvature of our spines
to make us sally forth, clear eyed and optimistic,
leaving behind the residue of debris of destruction

when blown off course, be patient,
for a course correction by a kinder kindred force
will set you aright, push you into flight.,
for this wind comes to everyone,
someday, sometime

you do not know the wind of correction?

unfamiliar where and when it blows?

perhaps you call it something else?

I have heard it said,
that its other,
truer name is
K Balachandran Feb 2012
simmering fires within,
bring body, mind,and soul alive;
fire in ***** is desire, digestive fire-
energizes; *soul, a solitary flame.
Philipp K J Jan 2019
Hello, this is my missing Mistress
Always she is for catching buses
Only for me its a physical stress
Clearly, she and me, 'musing bugs.

She handles it all on her own ways
Blooming face lighting little smileys
Like moonlit shining water waves
Laughter lighten her burdened dailies

A master lonely in friendly choirs
Shuttles merely from workplace to home
A king for cooking and child cares
Scuttling honey bee, nectar to comb.

Fancies mesmerize her failing frame
Work energizes her smiling game
Jessie Feb 2014
Dirt and Soil are two very different entities:

Dirt ruins sidewalks with villainous hieroglyphs
Tainting mounDs of snow betwIxt blackenEd dishonor,
Staining calloused hands with failed attempts at beauty.
Soil energizes budding stems of life
Beautifying chiLd-rIdden parks along suburban aVenuEs,
Painting hard work and dedication on weathered fingertips.

Everything around me is glimmering with the remnants of a luxurious Soil bath at a ritzy hotel,
While I am clutching my shaking body, sitting in a puddle of mud amidst a ***** tsunami.
SøułSurvivør Jul 2019
I take in the
Taste of prisms
With a tender tongue

Blue,  violet, verdant green
Magenta marvelous
Yellow, mellow light
The flavors of the sun
Shining through crystal
Covering my lips
Cherry red

The Taste Of Prisms
Enervated inspiration
And the ecru canvas
Comes alive with color!

I've joined several artist's sites on Facebook and I'm getting very inspired to paint and draw. I want to see my canvas coming alive! Thus this poem...
Ma Cherie Dec 2016
How do I love you?

I love you like the moon,
must be in love with the stars,

The light that brings me home,
& comforts my weary heart,
it stimulates my mind,
& gives me a needed start,

Energizes my tired spirit,
while illuminating my soul...
it's a hot & burning ember,
just a lonely coal,
loving you my darling to me,
a noble goal,

It's like how a poet,
simply loves his empty page,
& how an out of control fire,
just loves to rage & rage,

It's like that lovely combination,
of rosemary,
thyme and sage,
it's like a well beaten bird,
freed from,
a long and binding cage,

It's every single memory,
handed down,
throughout the winding age,
imparting the needed knowledge,
from a wise imparting sage,
as I check again,
my trusty weather gauge,

I set a course directly home,
  to your,


Cherie Nolan © 2016
Sorry poets I've been away hope you're all well I have just been dealing with stuff hope to be back soon but at full capacity I'm not sure. Anyway hugs from Vermont ❤ from the vault
Punk Rock pulses though my veins while it energizes my soul.
I can feel it as it fills my soul, giving my a great boost of confidence.
In my hair, I can feel it weave its way through in loud pulses.
My heart beating with the bass in perfect, rhythmic harmony.
kaija eighty Feb 2010
there she is: a glimpse of purple in prehistory
highlighted on the bluffs like an exhibit of magnetism.

a zooming highway energizes the distant panorama
making the evening surge like a crowning infant against her back.
it fills the canvas sails of her muscles in gusts of bravado, daring her
propelling the stiff mechanisms of her legs and arms

9000 stars shatter her cheek bones
as the sun severs its main vein making her
just another small boat to crash on an undiluted shoreline
Elle May 2020
Your senses come alive
The aroma waking your soul
The brim gently touched by your lip
As you take that first sip.
You smiled at me as you said,
"It's amazing how it energizes you
When you take that first sip."
You don't even drink coffee
You said you do now because I do
I love drinking coffee
But there's nothing I would love more
than doing things with you.
Solitaire Archer Mar 2010
The Power Enfolds

Its dark now and the silver light of Luna coats everything with a gilt edge
the air is cool , not yet summer warm and it softly bites my skin,
Still shy after all this time aware of the marks of time

not vanity really ... but the awareness of being a Crone now

Slowly/quickly the shush as silken robes fall to the ground with shy smiles
and giggles of proud young Sisters skyclad for the first time

Softly The Lady's Maiden calls us to the Circle

Brushed/Caste and Invited all the same as decades gone past

Hands clasped laughter replaced with solemn purpose
The drum beats to keep time the heartbeat, , , the Mothers heart

Candles shimmer drums throbs a warm breath .... She is here now ...with us

The Lady's Maiden smiles and our steps now fly
Smiles and hands now entwined ... The Power Enfolds

Voices now calling chants old and ancient beyond time
Luna's silver light enfolds, encloses and energizes

Now we dance on the drumbeats
Blue smoke sends our chants spinning high

Firelight flickers blue and orange higher now snapping crackling
Sheer white light the sheen covers the dancers
as though we were all gilded in The Lady's light

Tresses swinging braided , twisted , oiled and unbound crowns
Halos of colour and curls ... clouds of shimmering tresses
Our only cloaks floating now swinging in time

And the drum slows
and the fire dies
and at once all the dancers feel the cool night air

Soft voiced the Lady's Maiden gives our thanks and dismisses the corners
and the Circle is severed and time again begins

Quietly robes are once more worn and voices rise "Do you need a ride?"

And everyday life has resumes though the air is redolent with power

Sisters glowing with power called down, soft and gentle smiles
show that The Lady's soft touch...has blessed us all

The Maiden greets and blesses each Sister
a few quiet words and the soft touching of hands
fingers softly entwin and eyes dark with Power and Secrets

This has been a Ritual a Calling a Rejoicing Reaffirmation
And we are once more connected Sisters, Elders, Teacher, Mentors

Woman all .. Sisters all.. in The Lady's Light we are once more one

Solita Shadoewalker - 2007@Copywrite
- From And The Circle Cast
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2022
Shelter Island,
Sat Sep10

on the south west edge of the isle,
the slowrise sunrise just behind the trees,
so early day yet, no full frontal of a sun
bathing to wake up woman, babes asleeping, but the
animals know exactly this hours early

indeed, the crazy squirrels are random
hither and dithering in spurts of energy,
only stopping to observe a viewing of the humans
nest~resting through the glass doors with their
inquisitive, self-possessed, bedside reckless manner,

the suns pealing gleaming gleanings picks
out any shiny reflective surface that enhances
its low-rise greeting, with a chorale of living objects
singing “Hallelujah orb, what’s in store for us today,”
river~bay, wake-less, its becalming, marbling surface, again,


I’m mugged by the perfection intersection of
my eyes-scape, first coffee, the holy quietude, only
the regular soft breaths beside, lend a counterpoint
to these thoughts and the litany of chores the iCal happily, annoyingly,  prematurely but with certainty lists, resistance (Walk!)
perfectly ok.

ok not to move an inch, watching this daily movie rerun,
that energizes hope, a contemporary localized contented without the
humdrum of blaring headlines, talking heads, and the
infiltration of the guilty unfulfilled responsibilities demanding a due,
then heavens signal me, Donovan, earbud singing Colors, confirmed
perfectly ok!

Yellow is the color of my true love's hair
In the mornin', when we rise
In the mornin', when we rise
That's the time, that's the time
I love the best

Sarafina Nov 2018
If there were more swings you could join us,
So you get back some childhood memories
Enjoy the feeling of flying highs,
As well as the breeze in your face.

The beautiful landscape pulses the heart
It dress embodies health and longevity
From above everything was illuminated
By light which energizes the flowers.

The view of the sky has always amazed me as a child,
The freedom of swinging helped me gain self confidence,
Swings were my favorite in the playground,
And they will always be a part of my memories.

When swings are parallel their mouths are on fire
Their laughter as birds on a tree
Their coming together means “the world” to them,
and they’ll always be grateful for this.
My first poem
Stephan Sep 2016
In a destined voice I shall speak my heart
beyond waning sunsets with colorful smiles
and fields of dancing sunflowers,
waving at me in the breeze like they know me

Standing here above all else,
feeling taller than I should
builds a certain strength in my soul,
energizes this tired, once worn out man with new life

Breathing the altitude’s wintered air,
a rush of splendor entices a gleam in my eye
For whatever beauty I may see, there is always her
and I can truly look nowhere else

I have climbed this peak, fought the terrain, the cold,
clawed and scraped on this day
so that the world below, humming autumn tunes,
meandering like ants performing their duties

Would know what I am about to say,
in this moment of peaceful serenity,
eyes wide open, conquering my fears,
pulse racing in fevered flow as anticipation swells, is true

Taking a deeper breath burns my lungs, but in a good way
as I move two steps closer to the edge, gather my balance
and shout from this apex of the world,
“I love you more than anything”
in hopes my desperate echoes find her listening
Emma Mar 2015
I’m dying in the dark doldrums,
as the endless winter drags on.
I thirst for sun, it’s engaging reach,
without it I wilt, crumble to the earth.

Like a plant in spring I reach for sunshine,
rise through covering dirt stretching tall.
Opening my arms as leaves, I absorb it,
every drop of gold energizes my being.

Summer brings warmth for growing,
I bathe in the pouring sun beads.
No more dreary winter nights,
fresh and green, healed, my spirit ablaze.
Steven Forrester Jan 2011
Ever since the day I met you
I felt that I had always known you
And knew that I would do
Anything to have you
In my life
As time goes by
I realize
My life would be empty without you
You smile
For a while
And my heart leaps from my chest
We're not a love like the rest
All peons and serfs
Without a single shred of worth
Compared to your vibrance
You had me in a trance
I can hardly wait for that dance
that symbolizes
and energizes
A love flowing through my lingual art
On this our wedding day
A day of hearts
I vow to love you
I vow to hold you
I vow to hurt you
I vow my life to you
And i hope we will always remember
This heartfelt endeavor
Forever and ever
Until time takes its toll
Where i hope we may take a stroll
In a vast beautiful green park
And remember our wedding day
On a day of hearts
(c) Steven Forrester
Miriam Jul 2017
it will happen.

you will meet him. you will finally get to look into his eyes. feel his skin. see the slow lift of the corners of his lips as he smiles. it will no longer be pictures, no longer short video clips, no longer just a voice through the phone.

no, you’ll see him, you’ll experience the presence of his whole being.

you’ll feel electricity running up and down your spine, adrenaline rushing through and through, but you’ll feel a warmth and peace washing over you. you will be amazed at the rarity of this connection–how so many people you have encountered only leave you feeling drained, but this soul energizes you. refreshes you. and leaves you curiously wondering why that is.

and he will feel the same.

everything will unfold in a strange beautiful way. peaceful, yet you will feel its intensity. the most quiet explosion.

you’ve always believed there’s a higher love, a connection formed simply by being–not by convenience, not by looks. it’s just there, just like how the mountains are always there, or the sky, or the sea. it’s something natural. it’s something that just is, and we just discover it.

you’ve always believed it, and darling, you won’t be proven wrong.

it will happen.
Maria Mitea Apr 2021
Today I want to draw you
(Yes, I can draw you. It's all about starting.)

With the black pencil, I draw a cross on the white,
I cut the white, you're done, you're not white,
You would have been a bride dressed in white,
but you are not,
Then I wonder, what another colour,
I jump joyfully and choose the yellow pencil,

I draw your eyes with yellow, you start shouting at me,
The black cross is cutting the white of the paper
from one end to the other,
again, you are screaming out your lungs,
your screaming energizes the colour,
yellow comes out on the lips, on the nose,
it brightens the thickness of the eyes.

The room is full of golden light
fighting with monochromatic egotism.

Your yellow is absorbed in me,
I become a dandelion that draws you în autumn leaves,
jasmine, chrysanthemums, butterflies, bees,
all small insects invade the room, the paper,
my eyes enter your eyes.

You scream at me ”stop! it hurts”

Greedily I consume all the yellow from the sun,
You keep screaming at me  ”do not **** me in flowers”
I  get more excited
and I move with the joy of a child who discovered the pleasure of scribbling,

The yellow from the drawing grows your head big like an asteraceae,
I start seeing a smoky red, invasively yellow navigates towards red,
red is growing in an orange,

The orange rolls under the golden layer, it touches the cross.
The cross gives birth to multicoloured roads,
gardens and orange orchards are growing  from the desire to shape your face,

You stopped shouting. I sketch your profile.
With a husky voice, you ask me if I can draw an orange,
I draw an orange.
Tell me, who doesn't like oranges.
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2016

snippets 'n' clippings
(one cent poems)


I well recall the
rare, early days here,
when communitas was the
only guiding principle,
seldom was heard
a discouraging word,
how sharing each other's
the most,
the finest,
expression of the ultimate humanity
that we choose to accept,
when wearing the
poetry cloak,
was to possess
a notional emotional
in a shared world heritage site,
that best that one poet could ever hope to obtain


true quiet

is reinterpreted,
better understood,
it is a locale precise, a
terminus finale
where calm intersects, perfects, blends,
with a certain warming temperature,
both being,
natural noise suppressers,
both beings,
a combination reflection,
viable only in a
singular coupling

the ending
a realization
true quiet comes best
in pairs,
when the heart and mind are
synchronized with


there is some
softener within
all this disappearing ink

recalling that you knew yourself
well enough,
to give up,
when to walk away
so rightly so,
when you heart knew
what wasn't left,
wasn't just quite
to be

fair superseeded implanted desire,
and you
left-leaving, left-leaning,
the right stuff

here you sign off,
almost forgiving certain sins
so flawed for being so
such as contemplating,
the wonder of wonderment,
the fragility of frailty,
the knowing of never
perfectly knowing


no finale,
no solution,
to our rooted rutted
hated fate

yes, ours,

for am I not too
numerically wrist-tattooed?

guilty for praising God and
seeking favor with all the people,
the Lord counts me in our numbers,
every day by day,
these present and souls past,
living mated with
despotic hatred

be ever sophisticated,
cyanide cynical,
no news here, this too
shall pass,
parse a new year approaching,
and none the wiser


*but the wind that gets no acclaim,
is the wind behind us that straightens the hunched,
the wind that has no illustrations of its un-famous name,
'tis the wind of correction
that lifts
the wings of the becalmed,
the bewitched, and the downtrodden,
the one that lifts chin from chest,
the one that energizes,
cures the curvature of our spines
to make us sally forth, clear eyed and optimistic,
leaving behind the residue of debris of destruction

when blown off course, be patient,
for a course correction by a kinder kindred force
will set you aright, push you into flight.,
for this wind comes to everyone,
someday, sometime

you do not know the wind of correction?

unfamiliar where and when it blows?

perhaps you call it something else?

I have heard it said,
that its other,
true name is
snippets 'n' clippings from some re-one-cent poems
Josias Barrios Aug 2012
I can still feel you in my arms, the warmth of your breath agains my face, the sweet scent of your skin.
Your smile that brightens my day, the laugh that energizes my soul.
Every second that you are away from me I yearn for the moment that you will return, hold me and tell me you will never leave again.
There have been moments that I felt like giving up and cry till my eyes ran out of tears, but then I realize that there is no one else I want to spend the rest of my life with, that I need to be strong for both of us.
To make our dreams become reality I need to be there for you the same way I know you will be there for me.*

I know it's you, standing near your warm sensual body, trying not to show the excitement you provoked, those endless nights discussing our dreams, hopes, fears and disappointments we opened our hearts and cried our pain away to let love heal all of our open wounds.
Jack Apr 2014

In echoed voice I shall shout the truth
beyond waning sunsets with colorful smiles
and fields of snow covered poppies in blooming dance,
waving at me in the breeze like they know me…maybe they do

Standing here above all else,
feeling taller than I should (but small in the grand scheme of things)
builds a certain strength in my heart…
energizes this tired, worn out man with new life

Breathing the altitude’s winter’d air,
a rush of splendor entices a gleam in my eye
For whatever beauty I may see, there is always you
and I can truly look nowhere else

I have climbed this peak, fought the terrain, the cold,
clawed and scraped on this wondrous day,
so that the world below, humming their own tunes,
meandering like ants, performing their duties oblivious to all

Would hear what I am about to say…
As it is in this moment of stillness,
this peaceful serenity that I conquer my fears, eyes wide open
pulse racing in fevered flow as…anticipation swells

Taking a deeper breath burns my lungs, but in a good way
as I move two steps closer to the edge, gather my balance
and shout from this apex of the world…
“I love you”…in hopes these harmonic echoes find your ears
Jennifer DeLong Feb 2021
Do you want to know what she dreams
Do you want to kmow what she listens to when shes alone
The music that energizes her magic
The food she craves on a cold day
Her favorite perfume
what drives her wild
What makes her laugh
What she loves about you
I hope you really do
Cause thats what loving her
is all about and so so much more
If you dont want to know or even think about it
Then let her go
She deserves more
If you feel it and want to
Then why cant you
Thats a ? your gonna need to
Shes a beautiful soul
magic and fire flow through her veins
She is strong and has a lust for life
Shes truth when you need it
She fight for you
When your weak she will muster up her energy and share it with you
So tell me do you think about her ?

© Jennifer L DeLong  🦏2/20/2021
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
A kiss from my sweet
energizes my morning;
coffee's love can wait
Neville Johnson Jul 2018
Lawyers aren’t all bad
Some do a lot of good
Advocates for the public
Fighting for your rights
With justice the crucible
Fraught with difficulty
Conflict is the norm
Determination and cleverness required
I admire these colleagues of mine
Their spirit energizes and inspires me
They make a difference
A big one, in the lives of many
All for our common benefit
God bless them
Julia Brennan May 2016
She waves  
and thunders      
the infinite's jaws        
                slurp Her in.
And she careens   and          
levitates in delicate  spirals
eternally falling    
                  into nothing.
                free from
until dawn  
   peels open
Her dreary eyes
catatonic visions.
derick gibbs May 2014
dear heart...

death is not necessarily a fact of love
but if you trace most drama back to the root...
and where there's a fortune to be had
there will be conmen and back stabbers
out to body your joy
no one ever thinks to break each other off evenly
so if you trace most drama back to the root...
you'll find discolored seeds of greed
that have forgotten to grow
fighting for the most sunshine
but everyone can't have the most
and no one will stop trying
this is usually where you'll find yourself
trying to find yourself

adultery is not necessarily a fact of love
but if you trace most drama back to the root...
study the stem
hasn't it been neglected
a single rose doesn't feel like winning
two was always better than one
but someone will always have one more
a thinking man would follow his heart
and not shy away from the concept of one love
citing public perception
but at the end of the day
you're still whipped
and playas still get lonely
i try to break mine off a piece of everything i feel
and evenly
usually, your flower...
all it needed was any indication
that there was joy in the teardrops
you could have used to saturate the soil
to offset that ugly brown
brittle now
because real love withers away
without the magic in your fingertips
you never wanted it
if you won't keep up your garden
I'm embarrassed
and here comes the pain...

we took one through and through
I've been shot

if 911 can't be dispatched to this block
you're all we got
like it or not
and your beat is still an exclusive
but loves still not as elusive
as a world premiere
I took advantage
when we burn
there's lyrics
simple as that
and love is forgiving because
this is not the first time that I fell
and needed to be caught
two left feet
always looking to land
in the softest spot

dear heart...

artificial affection is good for decoration
but love is not furniture
real love withers away without the kind of sunshine
that energizes your spirit
I did that...
I treated our love buds like fake plant leaves when
there was more than enough joy in the teardrops
you could have used to saturate the soil
I'm a (hu)MAN
I cry too
I have a good heart
I trust you with my life
I should listen harder
I feel the burn
if I keep my eyes closed we spin less
I won't slip away
I don't sleep anyhow
and I've been hit before
but never this close to my lifeline
just keeps coming
and her aim is improving
you're all we got
like it or not
we took one through and through
someone called about the shots
someone always does;

911 dispatched stat to a hood love crime scene
we must be something worth saving
but I only just now feel the yearning
more than embarrassed
that I forgot about the fire
mike dm Apr 2016
i know this
high vibrational elf
she energizes me, sooo good.
The Broken Poet Jul 2015
There is something comforting in a simple graze
I have always felt alone
But the touch from another person energizes me
It lets me know I am not lonely
Touch will ignite a fire up and down my soul
It will warm my heart
It will let me know I have not been deserted
I love holding hands with strangers
To feel their warmth against mine
To make them and I feel welcomed
When flesh touches flesh
The warmth of their skin will forever burn
When the soul collides with another soul
You will forever be accompanied
The flames growing and yearning for more
I love touch in the most simplest of ways
Whether it's a hug, a hand shake, or a kiss
Touch is something beautiful and sacred
It lets me know I am not alone
But once we touch for the very first time
My skin will forever remember the touch of your embrace
The burning that you have left
The love that still stays and will never fade
Touch me as if you'll never love another
Hug me as if you'll always stay
Kiss me as if you'll leave forever
My body burns for the touch of another
The simple comfort that comes with it
The innocence I love
Oh, what a wonderful thing touch is.
teenageoverdose Dec 2016
I wanted to sum up every addition problem you ever thought was too complex to prove that someone has enough time to understand how beautiful your heart and mind can be.
I watched you at what you say is your most unpleasant time and couldn't believe how completely captivating it is to see you be you.
In no way do i ever try to step over the line. But if you asked me to skip jump or run I'd probably trip into you.
My eyes are forever weary but your smile energizes more than my pupils to expand  and  my mind to explain to my heart what it's like to have wings.
I once took a breath of you home and my mom questioned exactly why my smile smelled like heavens kiss. I knew why but could never express it.
I hope to one day feel how amazing your lips will sting against my mess of a body.
To interlock our fingers in a tangle while walking through life as one.
I was made to be that half of you that completely annoys your soul. And yet you keep wanting more.

— The End —