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Nat Lipstadt Apr 2017
A message heart delivered by a musing troubadour
left footprints upon a well weathered rivers’ rocky shoal

the lazy days of the summer’s simmering
ethereal breezes lazily waft astir

Unknown distance ‘tween yonder skies azure;
thoughts of nebulous distances fearlessly ignored to be sure,
connectedness sown and deference’s soar from high above,
yet beyond vast breadth afar the great divide

His brimful heart in hand fulfills passersby thirst

needing love here, hearts on sleeves sincere,
wellspring sensibilities handed out willingly here
voids filled by word of quill …
right now is the known needed time

Glasses half empty suffused to their half full brims;
do unto others you will reap just what ye sow,
a poet beyond the bounds of his own demure,
bearing immense understanding

The quintessential essence of family love
drips from heart like heavens rain,
testifies the heart's purpose for being

A poet’s voice speaks in soul’s timeless tongues
unknown breaths from another understanding realm
too deep for words;
yet the word sayer struggles to see his forest ‘s poetic beauty
for to see beyond the pendant beauty
within its magnificent grandeur
of his own gifted heart’s nurtured trees.


The Twist

This poem was not written by me.
It was written almost four years ago,
lying fallow in some passing cloud.

Writ for me by someone effervescently more talented than I,
and one of the poets whose quality of work, and command of our shared language is something to which all of us should aspire.

I post it now as yet another homage to the true author.

For in reading it, never was a poem was far more clearly,
an unwitting self-portrait.

It was written on August 21st, 2013
by Harlon Rivers

by Nat Lipstadt
one of us, his tongue Moses-stung, with a hot coal of language's divinity
this would-be poet,
weighty troubled by misdirected words
of a musing troubadour,
for if ever a reflecting pool ought be
a two-way mirror reconfigured,
this poem is deservedly reversed
and of him homaged

by time, well weathered the poem above,
it's simple elegance tips and tilts the scales,
double blinding the justices supremely,
binding them for honesty for the subject,
is the auteur, one who sees too well
and yet l!
cannot perceive himself in his own words,
when now needs the judgement of their verdict
and your worthy recognition

now I ken better distance 'tween artist and art,
I, a workingman's daily dallying in simplistic machine craft,
my works deservedly lost in the waterfalling
of the endless also rans

non-nebulous distances.between skies of
Oregon country blue
the worldy worn asphalt grayed words of a graying man aging,
then let clarity speak, in plainest harmony,
know my deference’s soars to the high above,
one of us at birth, god gifted,
not I,
one of us, his tongue, like Moses-stung
with a hot coal of language's divinity

blessings, the keenest of nature,
where they divide and how they intersect
his brimful heart in our eyes fulfills the passerby's thirst
for revelations, small shards of shared sensibilities

my voids filled by the words of his quill

"to see his forest ‘s poetic beauty
for to see beyond the pendant beauty
within its magnificent grandeur
of his own gifted heart’s nurtured trees"

This was written April 15, 2017
for Harlon Rivers
by Nat Lipstadt

behind the poems,  travels another world…
Amanda Jun 2014
My eyelids are so sleepy,

my soul is dreamy; bubbling effervescently.

Little pops of airiness,
those little gasps and slow breaths
fill the empty gaps
upturned lips.

And his fingertips kisses yours,
  your wrists
then the tip of your nose,

as if he is saying
"Yes, mine too."
Hello beautiful soul!
How are you doing today?
Let me introduce you to my bestfriend, Chris!
He is one of my oldest friends and pretty **** fabulous.
Our friendship began with a stolen chocolate croissant. ;)
He does a variety of stuff on his channel, check it out!!
P.S Good Morning Sunshine/Good Afternoon/ Sweet dreams to you, you and you, where-ever you are!
Cunning Linguist May 2014
We part ways,
& the paths that we take
Lead us back to each other

Oh, how I suffer,
My rediscovered lover
Won't you please smother me?

Every time we say we're done
We'll still return for one more bump,
Take a bad hit of our drug
Then run back like addicts

So let's give this one last try
While my lantern oil runs dry
& I run aimlessly in the dark
Trying to find you

Pensive, I stare into this hourglass
Remissive, and reminiscent
of forgotten ever after
effervescently iridescent
Like flowing light observed through a prismastic prison

As my grasp slips,
sand will filter between my fingertips
And Ill swear with every falling grain
Someday they'll meet and create
a famous work of art
putting even Mona Lisa to shame;
Forged in the flames, of our eternal love

But in the blink of an eye, I'm buried;
Cemented in the sediment of time
Oh how I wish you'd carry me to the brink
Just one last instance, so I can feel alive again


through meaningless semi-existence
I actually just rediscovered an early draft of this written in December 2010. Felt this deserved to be finished. The title is a sort of combination of the phrases "Such love" and "love once lost"
Amanda Feb 2014
According to Chemistry,

one mole = 6.02 x 10^23.

Equivalent to
A computer counting 10 billions times every second would take 2 million years to reach that number.

And that is what we are made of,
the things that we kiss, hug and live in.

We are infinite

universes ourselves.

Please, please don't let anything

The ones that glitters your eyes,
the subtle ones that effervescently lights your very soul.
And above beyond,
the little winks playing
Sunday Nights leads to this.
Hey-hi! :')
And for those lovelies who have read my poems,
this one is for y'all.
P.S Don't worry, if this is the very first time that you have read my nonsensical writings. It's for you, you and you too!
Poet B Lee Apr 2010
Just a whats rumblin' through my mind
I now have the space and the time to reclaim whats mine
I don't worry about those who don't know me
If you are an iron to sharpen the mind--then show me
Otherwise you just missing out on what is divine about my being
Its my life that I am livin', and oh the things I am seeing
Got me happy that I can share the way I live
and when I got it, you know to a friend I will give...
Give me a token from your mind, and call yourself a true comrade
But your affection is as explosive as the bombs were over Baghdad
Your ill reprieve is your number one ingredient
So I wrote that *** off-- to the Queen you fail to be obedient
Therefore there is no use for the waste that is You in my presence
Unless you can cherish my essence-- mind, body and soul so effervescent
I hope my words ***** your spirit, because you know your *** is fake
But its all good-- sit that *** on the curb-- stop trying to perpetrate...
I regulate the things that come and go out of my life
They don't know who I be--I don't lose no sleep at night
I got my life on the path I chose, and love those that have been able to stand by
So now I will share with them a piece of my Life pie
Goodbye to all that ******* of the past, I am blessed with no stress
And my legion of Angels protect me while keeping me at my best
No contest
Can't see me even if you had the light of His Holy Spirit
Dem cyant get close to the Queen I am, and so they fear it
But they hear it
Beating in the pulse, inhaling my energy is in the air
You could never replicate who I Am-- not even if you cloned my DNA from my hair
Effervescently vivacious
Yeah-- I am all the way live
And when I see you on the street-- best believe I'll walk on by
I bump up the volume as I dance to my life track
Peace to all you haters, losers and fakers
Because this Queen ain't lookin' back...
Queen Poetess B Copyright © 2010. All Rights Reserved.
Brycical Jan 2012
I look at your eyes
& can't help but gaze through
directly into your brain...

the silence speaks,                
                          our        thoughts
release            {{{{undulating}}}}        colors
      glowing through        our eyes
to          effervescently               coalesce
all over
               your subconscious
               ( (v i b r a t i n g) )
throughout           your          body
until we breathe
                azurite         dreams  
           from the incandescent heartbeat
                          of the      [plaid]       bliss
                  we have enveloped ourselves with....
A little thanks goes to Maighdlin Maureen Kelly for the assist with the ending...
Far too eager
Too  quizzically eccentric
for the rumbling from afar-
She traced the beauty of an atlas on her heart-
Taking the wanderlust that resided and embodying it into the pieces of each place that struck her

She grew into the vines of the earth with
Every word and perspective she had tasted on her tongue
And she lived effervescently as this

As more than just distant thunder.

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Tara Marie Oct 2014
The breath of autumn dawns
upon the stagnant, sullen ground.
Quaking oh so suddenly,
and spreading whispers round.
The scent of every color
changing tone to tone.
and falling, effervescently
beneath the moon's stark bones.
The silent metamorphosis
creeps from grass to tree,
not accursed or tantalized,
but ever now so free.
They're playing tag with color,
and shedding summer shade,
caressing grass with remnants
of winded leaves as graves.
Now, as the sun decides to set,
and beckon warmth awry.
A streak of color lights the earth,
and collapses in the sky.
Jake Gagne Jul 2010
It’s not singly your jubilantly playful smile
Or eyes that instill faith,
Faith that miracles exist in us
And absolutely not independently
The miraculousness that ever so gently
And tenderly
Sleeps on top of a face to which
No being can compare to, it makes such
Euphoric feelings kiss the world
And my heart, now zapped
By a current of life and flare
This miraculousness fabricates an image of
Your benevolent wind, light and sublime
Rolling softly over the waves and hands
Of the ocean, flowy and ecstatic
And the cause of my enamored state
Is not isolated by
The effervescently sanguine blush
Of your adorable cheeks,
Which regularly has exploded
A nervous, yet amazed smile
Upon myself
Although with the fullest probity
I may spew that these angelic virtues
Have spirited me to a place
Where Zeal is my name
And time with you
Has become my heroine,
It’s your energy, your aura
Your vivacious fire
That so happily bombards me
With laughter and excitement
It’s your poison, your wonderful stain
That’s colored my life
And shocked my heart
It’s you;
You are a poem
Amy Perry Feb 2021
Love is the universal element.
Attention is the universal currency.
Together we embark on celestial
Missions of ordinary urgency.

Gathering up mountains,
Effervescently iridescent.
Cloaked to me like thunder
Clasped to a forlorn crescent.

Details of blue,
Flashes of indigo,
Orbit the thoughts
That think through their howls.

Reminding us the wrongs
That we’ve fought.
With patience and wisdom
Of spiders and owls.
abp & icp
Poppy Johnson Dec 2015
her breathing was ragged and
like strawberries that stuck in my
sickly summers had never tasted
so divine.
her laugh burst effervescently; it
was lemonade
on my tongue. her skin was
her hair a soft toffee that wouldn't
my fingertips. i found her melting
on my hand.
like ice cream, her cold hurt my
but left me craving more. her name
somewhere between my jaws
and never
Mr Bigglesworth Dec 2012
She lived so effervescently, so vivid, so iridescent
The brightness of her life force knew no equal
She burnt like oxy acetylene a blinding, blazing, brilliance
But once extinguished there can be no sequel

For soon her radiant light grew dim
Like the flame of a candle dancing in a cold draft
Though vulnerable her spirit lingers
She knew her days were numbered
Like the doors in the hospital corridors
Her flame went out, like it was pressed between wetted fingers
I am pulsating with all my
Life I’m living,
Smiling so hard my cheeks ache at the way,
You look at me, you look that way,
Exuberant and gushing about the feeling
Heavy in the air grasping at my uncertainty
And pulling it down leaving behind something more revealing,
A more vivid vital version of myself,
I feel so grand right now,
Every bit of me living out the beat
I don't even understand why your here or how..
but It's perfect,
your smile says it was totally worth it
Effervescently setting free these wild feelings
I couldn't feel in me.
Moving through my limbs in perfect motion,
against your breathing, into
your irrevocable smile hidden in
your perfect aura tasting of ecstasy,
come closer be next to me.
share yourself
in this moment I know your quite a bit shy but,
let me feel your freedom.
I love the way I’m feeling and the sweet words when you say them.
I happily bathe in the subtle things your pouring over me,
And my rhythm, on my skin, and I like
The way you peek over my shoulder
Its nice,
How I feel you falling and
Just keep the beat,
Just keep mouthing the lyrics
Like a poem, every single one because you know em
Nodding your head with that smile on your face
Nothing matters more than that,
Don’t let me go in this moment
Seriously please
Just dance
Like this is our only chance
With all these feelings fleeting take the leap
Take my hand find the beat,
Just dance...
Pearson Bolt Feb 2016
i've gone through
hell and back again
to chart the skies of a
divine entity twinkling
intermittently against
the black abyss
of outer-space

fragments of life
light years away
effervescently evanescent
reminders of a faction
still vying for
truth and hope and love
in an apathetic galaxy of
snakes and liars and frauds

a meteoric rise that shatters the
atmosphere at just the sight of
hair dyed black as the darkest
corners of our infinite cosmos

pardon me if my breath catches
on the lip i bit subconsciously
if you think these cheeks have
flushed with pink you should
hear the heart that shudders
beneath my chest at
the manifestation of
beauty exquisitely expressed
in that solitary photograph  

more than a mere
image of memory frozen
momentarily in time
this snapshot simultaneously
sets you free and captivates me
a symphony of liberty marching
1,096 miles away to
the sure and steady beat
of your own drum

you look like a thunderstorm
and i am almost afraid of how
much i want your rain to fall
on me and your electricity to
tumble down my spine until
i'm deaf and dumb and blind but
even still
i'll chase the lightning
Elizabeth Burns Feb 2016
Beautiful people
With eyes so sad
Yet with faith displayed so bravely in their expressions
I watch you few
As you Congregate
After church
Sipping tea
Speaking of weekly squander
And I find you beautiful

You beautiful man with thick spectacles
Greying hair and eyes that tell tales  
I remember writing about you once
Turning your story into poetry...
Making you come alive to the world
In a few mere words...

I see you, dearest
As you dunk your biscuit into that sweet tea of the week
You speak so effervescently to your Sunday friend
You gossip about the latest news and you find entertainment in this beautiful chaos
Of this short weekend

Oh, beautiful people
Beautiful people everywhere
Simply beautiful
Not in how they look, but in the way they are
Perhaps I find her the most beautiful
The woman with laughing eyes, never allowing her age to catch her youthful spirit
She believes that hardships and trials make you stronger
'Without the bad, you wouldn't be strong. Without the good, you wouldn't know the bad. Without the bad, you wouldn't know the good. And I believe that's how we do it. You've just got to find the beauty in it.'

Oh, beautiful people
This morning you struck me
You moved me so
Your beauty is just so bright
And I will always love you and your youthful spirits
You Beautiful people of Sunday morn'
Brycical Feb 2012
Shapes coalesce
        in the liquid
iridescent upon contact
        with air.

As a drink,
      so shall the mind flower
   lotus glow--
feeding my subconscious
pleasant portraits
          painted atop
     Chrysocolla blocks.
Julia Brennan May 2015
It is on eves like these where
confinement to my quarters is perfection.
The crushing ideal to become the butterfly
who floats ever so gracefully
in the shadows of the neon lights
with fore and hind chitin
effervescently radiating towards
the heat source greater than my own
and pollinating each and every flower
gracing this beautiful Earth:

gratuitous metamorphosis

Tonight I will be the moth,
flickering near the light
and fluffing my feathered antennas.
My "drab" wings will shield me
from predators of land and sky,
an easy rest on this heart of oak.
Navigate me stars and Moon,
my essence attracts for miles round.

*placid animation
krm Aug 2017
In the dusk of August we remained separated.
Different lives lived,
wondering has the "best day of our lives" already come.
Riding home in your car;
I remember how full of life you looked in my eyes.
We both laughed about inside jokes & stories from childhood,
I never figured out how to stifle my guffaw that spoke of how lonely I am.
I promised you my honesty, always.
Referred to it as a curse,
but a fate much worse is-
the one where we never belonged to one another.

Sometimes, my head gets so heavy:
I never belonged underneath the sun.
I had stopped writing poetry for weeks because, I didn't feel I had anything worth saying.
Until August 4th.
I cried to you, poured my heart out to the waves.
Where I dreamt they carried us away-
in the mundane life I lived,
my bones could never be content in finding happiness within myself.
Last August we spoke like two children in love.
Becoming the lights that illuminated Gulf Breeze where my residency was.
My heart erupted into
smoke signals across Pensacola
that reach your window.

We spoke effervescently of a future we'd
be a part of together.
We spoke of intimacy and how it'd feel to be enraptured by passion.
I'm a fleeting thing, my love.
Like the rotting leaves through Autumn in another state,
I am the present time when-
destiny does not meet with fate.
I'm no longer here,
with a curtained heart outstretched,
loving me is dastardly,
and now it's too late.

nicole Feb 2021
welcome to my poetry page! i want to share with you guys all facets of my creative expression and interests so this is a little experiment and unlisted only, but in any case please remember this is my treasured and valued work and all poetry really is so subjective
<3 nicole


shoes on.
buckle, tie, a particularly satisfying snap.
foot out of the
door, heart against the world;
the pulsing beat feels like it might
hit the floor



When we were young
you told me you didn’t have a favorite place on earth
so you drilled a hole
In the dense black dirt
let down the rope ladder
made of fragile cares
i guess you didn’t make it back up here

you forgot to anchor it


store bought happiness, sterile words, plastic hearts; manufactured, you and i


THAT *****
you laugh that cold coarse laugh. tilt your chin and sigh- ‘don’t quote me when i'm high’  



you were an artist
with paint smeared over your face
the brazenness and colorfulness visible in your gaze
you’d stretch out your arm
trying to gauge the right perspective
stamp a finger on the canvas if were all too congruous
your mark: a line of staggered footsteps,
haphazard and drunken; sideways
determined to do it your way

you lived life resplendent- often slovenly
the mess and the mixture
of a palette of the brightest hues
the wind whipping your face
as you screamed a new reckless dare
the way you laughed at challenge
as if it could give you no greater cheer
mocking, mirthful, reckless, morally pure
if i didn’t know better,
id think you didn’t care

you had keen interest
in old tapes, odd books, and flowers
writing letters, discovering shortcuts, and ridiculous puzzles
I- logical and always present
wondered what you were trying to piece together
why you would venture off into distant times and seek ways of wasting time
but you had a way of preparing for the future
investing in it and storing a safe
‘cherry blossoms’ you sputtered
your favorite flowers were cherry blossoms
when you said that i was indifferent
but when you explained their meaning
i could only silently implore you to be mistaken
—two weeks
of life, ethereal and bright, two weeks of light

we stood at the sea’s edge
only rocky cliffs on our coast
you gazed into the far distance,
waves lapping the shore
seagulls croaking their cries

i was reminded of your often soliloquies
moments of imagined tragedy and despair
when you would explain your paintings with a knowing
and set entranced and conflicted there

but you turned toward me in faked oblivion,
that i know were not abluvion of thoughts
a warm smile crept into your eyes,
a playfulness gently settled on your lips
your being lit up with rays
an innocence and ignorance
dissolved into your air

you gave the ocean water its sheen
a marmoris of glittering creatures in there
of what otherwise was a graveyard, a cold air
a grey calm, a great unflinching stare

colors- why were you so determined to die
they were your best known tool
colors- why did you not have more time
how they mask and trick
this fool


the first breath
clockringcrowsalarmtoaster click!
Heavyfootstepsloudfights and
first kiss HAH i wish

star twinkling melodies

careful typing to you
(i hate wearing out my thumbs.)

the rush of the train

the toll of the bell

the raucous laughter of kids

cereal box shake

men’s loafer beats  

snip of hair 5 inches across

packaging tape unrolled

opening to go boxes

washing machine stop

bubble wrap pimples
water lapping my state
green lights to go  
homemade dynamite  
anvil clanging headaches
slow stirring of my thoughts
cycling my mind
silencing my heart



it was a swirling sky, so beautiful that beautiful could not begin to describe it, beautiful a word so overused that could not encompass our sky.
because it was orange around your head
you were gilded in gold by the flames,
glowing almost effervescently

It was cloudlessly blood red,
hugging your body fiercely
and flickering at the edges of you, like smoldered parchment

the blue, the blue stretched lifetimes and light years above us, it was dark and endlessly so, a black hole not because of the physical pull it exuded, but a gravitation beyond the guidelines of this world

beneath us, the lush grass cushioned our bodies and tickled our feet, not because it was particularly soft, but because we melted into each other and that made all the difference

you tilted your head and smiled at the boundless and infinite sky, painted in all hues, almost as bright as all the colors of you.

I could've sworn it was real

But the colors were a facade for the meaning of the moment, and it was almost as if you were color blind, blind to the beauty of the colors, because to you,
t o  y o u
the orange was a warning in front of your eyes,
the red was the blood you spilled last night,
the blue was the dark shade you always cried,
the green grass the prickling greed you could not hide

and I could not do anything
as I stood there and watched,
watched how you slipped into the sunset without a word
how you withered and shriveled at the hands of the sky
they strangled you and constricted
you just stood there, stoic, wordless
And fell backwards, tipping over the edge of the horizon, into the painfully beautiful sky.

it all comes back on the pillow of my bed
that day under the orange sun
i travel by train and plane, long days passing to meet you
and in that orange sun
We dance and dance
and it ends the same,
all too same.
a memory trapped in a prism, a colorful illusion.
the colors that fade, day by day

there was no goodbye at the end of our story
even though I try again and again.  
even so, I'll come tomorrow
so please come again, and meet me in this memory
for 8



this shadow does not follow me
step by step, now forward now back
it is ahead of me, extending a hand
beckoning forward to the pitfall lands
this shadow is not the little voice in my head
it is the ghost that speaks for the face in the mirror
the more i deny it, the more i agree
with the words that i dare never to speak

a room with four walls echos back
with no interference, a straight linear path
a room with shadows devours the pack

Sarah Jul 2015
There are dreams
within me
softly humming
never silencing
their songs
that feel like
the space between
the stars

I remember when you told me
the universe is me.
That I am every
hopeful thought
and your dream's

and I replied that you were
all the wild
in every
and every bright side of the moon
and the darker cast in shadow

There are dreams within me
softly humming
and their whisper never fades
out of all the things
you've roused in me
this song takes
the cake
Ree Bunch Mar 2016
As children we planted seeds,
Scattering them willingly.
Watering them everyday,
They bloomed effervescently.

We watched the wild flowers grow.
The flowers grew, as did we.
Thorny weeds killed our flowers,
And ignored our soil’s plea.

As years passed we grew apart,
The flowers left to wither.
We both planted timid seeds;
New soil in different weather.

We both found our way back home,
Back to our lifeless flowers.
We nurtured and watered them,
Watching them bloom with power.
Giuseppe Stokes Sep 2016
Enter discreetly, and proceed to take a pew;
Artsy fartsy culture camo lines the wall
like morning dew. A raptured window
sits atop a glazing gall, enthralling all;
As fetished hook propels, sinks in and pulls you through.

Decked obsequis with dire strands of self set, alight;
Mixing murmers; Churning, gurning grunts and groans,
stoking sight. Essence blossoms
effervescently, into warbled drone;
Symphony of souls, atoned, erupting, blood accrued might.

Dark set eyes behind the counter, counts another crop;
Foppish foolery as skin set sore adored
by boorish mop; Head of hair
aligned, entwined, principle annulled but ******;
Evoked Muse's invocation, released enormous slop adored.

Finally a noise devoid of touch, howls reified;
Chair despair sets into tumbled, mumbled call,
plea defied. Shoddy surgeon's hand
demands, gropes alleyway to shadowed hall,
Sits abreast infernal mechanites for deified brawl.

Creeping shadows come'a'peeping, Uncle Tom'a'weeping wonder,
blunders through the choice of sticky sheen
Resists the proper plunder. Whirring warrior
begins assault on castles primly stoked for seen;
Seams amended, blackened blood serene provoking chunder stream.

Followed Zeitgeist back to Black. Slow daunter back to blue;
Repairs conceptions of the Self within the mirror visored stew;
Anew the reckonings of where and why, Oh how freshly do they die
As left to see another in thyself, and loudly to decry:
Decry the aspects of bad health, no longer put upon the shelf
Stealthy pox and watermarks depart to leave aesthetic wealth;
Dealt in depths and crepts of cunning folk behind the trademarked lens
Obssessed with visibility, maneuvures us towards our end(s).
halle Apr 2018
i did it,
i finally got what i wanted

(or, what i told myself
time and time again
that i wanted
— because you're right
i was afraid).

i've never been able to write anything
beautiful about you.
not when i was happy with you
at least.

i'm not sure why.
i don't have a clue,
but maybe it was the universe
giving me a sign.

you're wonderful --
a sweetheart, really and truly.
i never knew someone's eyes
could shine so effervescently blue,
and deep too.

but you weren't the one.
you couldn't have been.

i wish i didn't
mistake someone who
liked me
and would put up with me
singing out loud in the car
and sleeping all day
with the one.

you won't come back.
i know it this time.

you blocked me from your memory
completely and wholly
got rid of me.

(it was my idea;
i have to remind myself)

i'll send your things
and you'll send mine.
this wasn't supposed to be
a love story for all time.

just another failed relationship
like the last one, and the one before that.
i was too much,
you not enough,
complications arose,
and we fell flat.

you already have someone.
he's wonderful too.
i lose them all, push them away.
i wish i didn't,
nut i do.

can we go back to the
snowy night where the world changed?
you don't sound like you want to
well — things can't stay the same

can they?
Elizabeth Burns Jan 2017
And that night
That wondrous, victorious night
We betrayed our morals
And we drank
Without an ounce of fear in our eyes
We laughed
And allowed the hazy liquid to
Smother our lips
Our lips quivered and shook
From its great immensity
Its strength and valour
As if this bottle was a knight
In a ****** battle
To the smell of blood
His vigorous effort to defeat the enemy...
Sober, the enemy
Was defeated before the night turned
Pitch black with whispers
Of pale yellow light

And we drove off...
Slowly into the night
As her sheer darkness kissed us

We laughed
The car shook from side to side
Like maniacs we drove

The sound of screaming brakes
I caught my breath
And we stopped
Our eyes bewildered
At the monstrous truck...
Bright terrible lights
That shined...

On our terrified faces
Of what could've been
Death on this road
On the tar pavement...

What could've been
But what was not

We were alive
Breathing heavily
Hearts dropped to the ground
With defeat

Defeated by the idea of life itself...

And our tongues rapidly swept the land
Of this new self discovery
Of a life that must be lived
Of a life
That begs and pleads
For us to live
To breathe
To have a story to tell from each day
To live fully
And effervescently

I say
I lived my early childhood and adolescent years,
Musing about how when I grew older,
I would accomplish anything and everything.
I was so giddy about living in this perfect world,
that all the imperfections flew right by.
Because in those fantasmal dreams of mine,
I saw bright swirls of colors.
Hues of green and blue.
shades of yellow and colors like cerise, pink, and orange.
They danced around me.
They stirred inside me in a halycon manner.
Bubbling up so effervescently
like soda pop tickling the back of my throat
Nothing could break me away from your high spirits.
That was until I turned a little older and received a soupcon of reality.
And for the first time I felt...lost.
Confusion began to nibble away at me and I became afraid.
Because one by one my dreams slipped away; out of my reach--my grasp.
And all the imperfections in this world that had once flew right by me--now hit me in the heart.
And I had no choice but to face it.
I wouldn’t be able to fantasize any longer.
Like I wanted to.
Because reality had arrived at my doorstep.
And as I watched my amazing dreams fade away,
Ashes began piling up in the back of my throat,
And  dark clouds of gray and black suffocated me.
I wanted to escape it all,
Maybe go back to the utopian like fantasy I had built in my head,
That was far better off than reality at the moment.
Because this moment was all too surreal
The navy currents swept me under and carried me away,
and these became the tints of my broken dreams.
Noah Nov 2018
Humbled by your grace
I am amazed at all you do for me
Stumbled in a daze
Upon your gaze
And into clarity
I fall to your embrace
Find solace in your ways
It might sound a little crazy
But believe me when I say
That you mean the world to me
My sweet and beautiful Trinity

My heart beats effervescently
When I feel you next to me
My mind begins to wander
Whenever you’re away
I hate to say goodbye
Because I’m desperate to stay
It hurts to let you go
Because you are a part of me

When I feel the darkness creeping over
You are the light that guides my way
When I feel the pain of being sober
You let me know that it’s okay
And when I feel the weight lift off my shoulders
You are the only one to blame
Because I know my pain is over
When I stumble upon your gaze
Dedicated to my Flower. My love for you is forever blooming
MsAmendable Nov 2015
Today, I'm a little lost
A little aimless wandering
A little stuck between here and there
Drifting effervescently
Ghostly, almost
Arabella Sep 2016
midnights are for highways
for empty roads and fast cars
and no destination to think of but away.
chatter and backwards looks will only get you so far in the race you're running slow down take it all in and remember if you're still alive there's still something to live for.
midnights are for running away from your troubles with the aid of drugs or sleep
midnights are for encountering places in your mind so dark you'll wish you'd never met yourself
running with the devil through wet grass littered with shards of glass from broken promises and people
from squeezing so hard that everything cracked into one thousand pieces that shine like diamonds even in the dark
midnights are for hollow eyes staring back at you someone just as dazzled by all the black and burning as you are and getting lost in their tired gaze like they weren't just a stranger, they were an old friend
midnights are for hunting ghosts that try and take your sanity away skeletons in your closet whose bones won't settle down an empty casket waiting for the last of your head to fall into oblivion and get caught swirling in the wind.
cool to the touch and hot to the taste a boy and a girl a lullaby of saints and the symphonies of sinners all evaporate into the stars and become as divided as conflicting desires.
tension growing across a crowed room two pairs of eyes locked on two doors topped with exit signs she telling he let's get out of here with nothing more than blinks and stares a morse code designated for the fraile of heart only.
midnights are for chasing what you want while no one is looking, for writing poetry about your lips and songs about the way your tongue dances so effervescently stories about a kind of romance they all think is dead.
midnights are minutes and hours and seconds and more than just the time from twelve to one they come and go as often as you wish they wouldn't or would
they will eat you alive and spit you out and then brush your hair with the most delicate strokes of moonlight
they are the reason people keep staying up past their bedtime and why they are tired in their corporate hours because even in a perfect world nothing is right when a midnight goes wrong.
Hazel Redwood Jul 2017
Skin pale as a lily,
Eyes dark as the night,
Raven's hair blowing beyond my sight.

Lay with me you plead,
A devilish grin dancing upon your face.
My heart skip-s beat
as we lay under the darkened trees.
The wind whispering gently.
Moonbeams dancing on the leaves.
Grabbing my face gently,
Like a midsummers breeze.

The kiss you leave upon my lips,
Gently starts to warm me.
Leaving me unexpectedly pleased.

The Grace of the Gods' have called before,
My darkened lord I am placed before.

Hands of fire awaken my skin,
Enveloping my Soul.
Gazing upon you like a crystal ball.
Lost in those eyes.
of obsidian.
I have never felt like this.
My body writhes with the ecstasy of potentially more.
Responding effervescently.
I reach my hands unto your supple face.
Still gazing in those orbs.
I get lost in your graceful soul.
Never have I looked this deeply before.
As you take my hand,
to your darkened kingdom.

Hand to hand,
Heart to heart,
Soul to Soul
Kiss me as My lips do part.
as we shift into your darkened realm,
Knowing we are forever bound.
Janal Rajput Oct 2019
You fell into my roots willingly;
In the summer haze my flora shone effervescently,
But winter came, my pink petals died
And without your rose tinted view,
You saw my roots for what they were,
Scars of what I was going through,
You fell too deep, and I couldn't save you.
Butch Decatoria May 2018
In a pool of cool memory
Time gets no love

A quiet friend
Who seems indifferent
Most unnoticed
Just a bit a passersby

Always beginnings
At the ends

Time stands still
Where Love is
We raise we rise
Every morning
In the dark of


Time’s distances
Each freckle.       Sparks.
Each a window to

Lively, lovely

Life, the gardens
of God—you
           Never fear naught or not...

In time
We grow, Love sows
Rivers of
Like my soul
A Seed
A Throne.

Oh My Goodness
How we’ve grown

Champagne Kisses

My Ohm!
Jonathan Jul 2019
Her voice
Is smooth as silk
Soothing as a rainy haze
The stunning force
That collected the stars
in the night sky
before my eyes and ears

Her smile
Bright as the moon
Effervescently flows
through the emptiness
between the stars
Making the sky whole again
Making my  sky

Her music is a breath of fresh air

I’ve been suffocating so long
I’m finally taking a moment to
Slow things down
Soak in the beauty
she shows me
so effortlessly

Her voice
Is what my words aren’t capable of

Her smile
Is infectious

Her beauty
Is flawless
I would fall for her any day

first in the "electricity meet rubber" series.
Fionn Sep 2021
It starts; a fading pink glow in the distance, tucked behind violet clouds. And the white puffy ones float by as night begins its familiar course, creeping up from behind the brick buildings and settling over the sky, in deep shades of cobalt and navy. It (night) pushes away light to make room for stars and darker things, shrouded the in gray mist of 7pm clouds. The few stars, faded from light pollution and tired eyes, twinkle effervescently, frothing and churning in an endless black sea. I watch them as I orbit myself. Faster and faster I spin, swinging my arms languidly, and the earth catches me as I collapse into the grass, whilst my stomach churns. Beyond those pale specks of light, a plane soars by, its green and red lights glowing in my eyes. My body stiffens as its engines growl like feral animals. Now night has fallen, and all that once crawled under the light buries under earth, taking cover.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
People are fascinating, but the world in which they exist is more so because they entertain it in their living.

I live to explore the social and personal roles of humanity.

I live to create art.

I live to inspire others in my defined ways.

I live to evolve effervescently.
Jelisa Jeffery Oct 2020
The puddle of penitence is milky and murky,
Fermenting and gyrating,
Effervescently mutating,
A reminder of berating
Within your grasp the very backbone,
The very impetus of another
The sanction you receive,
You can’t un-bleed a calloused wound
You can’t undo
A lie like a slow perfidy
Why live a life double-taking
Painstakingly paranoid,
Glancing worriedly, walking treacherously
Living in a void,
There’s nothing you avoid but a choice,
To know true bliss,
But an action can be handpicked
One slip and the framework un-clicks
Undone like the thread of a waistcoat
A waisted blow, too late to know
Don’t follow the notion below
Before you know, it’s too late
A thorny gate of ruin,
Where as soon as you pass through:
Too late to chase facts
Too late to undo, too late to retract
Too late to set intact the fractured past
Down a long distorted path of sin
Where it’s too late to take it all back
And who wants that?
Just a race you’ll never win.
Travis Green Aug 2021
I write enrapturing poetry
With thoughts of your goldenness
Flowing in sereneness
Effervescently in my heavenly vessel
My fingers feeling the smooth surface
Of the poetical page, so sweetly scintillated
Impeccable diction, devoted emotions
Cosmic warmth, transports of delight

It is you that is within my bone and body
Softly singing sensual tunes
Over my fascinated flesh
Such a pleasurable invitation
That guides me into widespread gateways
Where your exuberant innocence greets me
Holds me, rubs me, loves me for me

— The End —