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Lawrence Hall Nov 2017
Remembrance Day / Veterans' Day - 2

Would You Like a Downgrade?

“Everything I own I’m carrying on my back,”
A shipmate said wonderingly that last day
In the recruit barracks.  And it was so:
Two sets of dungarees, one pair of shoes,
Two sets of Undress Blue and then one set
Of Dress Blue B, one pair of sneaks, one pair
Of this, more sets of that, a ditty bag
Of Personal Hygiene Articles,
Officially and carefully approved,
All in a new seabag.
                                       It was enough.
How much does a man need in order to die?

And now we carry mortgages, jobs, books,
Televisions, cars, hunting rifles, clocks,
Lawnmowers, bills, Sunday suits, Monday shoes,
Plastic boxes that light up and make noise,
Fences that need repair, cats to the vet,
Air conditioners, chainsaws, queen-sized beds,
Closets that need sorting out, chests of drawers
Of things we never needed anyway,
Cameras, clawhammers, pens, reading lamps,
Scissors, and writing paper.
                                                   It is too much.
How much does a man need in order to live?
Ekuu Sep 2014
It's a throwaway age for one and for all.
Nobody wants to hear the heart's call
Society around us is falling apart,
Things just go wrong right from the start.
Friendships appear to be a disdain,
Instead we use others for personal gain.
Running for cover, from  storm rain,
Feelings for others slaughtered and slain.
Already the price is being  paid.
Society gone and relationships frayed.
It will only get worse as standards downgrade.
Are we numb to the slide, or really afraid?
We can change it all, its not too late.
Bring on the love instead of the hate.
All is not lost if we'd communicate.
Destruction should never be our final fate.
A change of perception is all we need.
Philly James Dec 2013
We see ourselves as an individual,
The person people see as an equal.
Your opinion about self might differ,
Sometimes causing the heart quiver.

This courage we build up within,
Can be demolished by one true sin.
You need not have eyes to see,
The thing you were blessed with; beauty.

We are often called ugly,
And sometimes we are addressed as pretty.
One can really affect your self esteem,
Your pride and appearance slowly dying.

We are always told to listen to others,
But rules are to be broken, so are orders.
Just staying there and being insulted,
Is something hurting and really complicated.

Don't downgrade the looks of an individual,
You're not any prettier doing so at all,
What's inside is what truly matters,
Remember, don't judge books by their covers.

We see things wide and clear now,
Why saints to their masters bow.
There is one thing you must be told,
Find the reflection of the soul.
Dragon* – a reference to government or a leader with such great powers.

Economics can determine the future?
The decision making, which can force millions to abide to the law established by government, can determine the future. *That’s it.

An extension of affluence for all,
But where is the long term?
Poverty and high unemployment,
Now an argument?
With two years to educational progress,
Juan Dela Cruz drew back and recoil.

Humankind’s race,
With such declining economies..
A need for taxation of the working class
To stay number one, or should I say, the Top 10?

For those capable to success,
No full-time salaries.. No livable wage..
A further education..
Would it be worth it when a full-time was offered?

For the move of the dragon,
Is there a downgrade forecast for the nation?
GDP has been calculated, water dragon may not be drown..
Meagre realm’s tyro – for their incomes deduction.

(4/2/12 @xirlleelang)
The Pioneer 2012
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2012
Universe we know—
God's one grey hair on black head,
All else, dark matter.
Nadia Liana Jan 2015
We have been invited to a masquerade
We take a moment to halt this crusade
In life There are ups and downs, side to sides, like plaid
In order to find the good inside of us, we must get through the bad

We have been invited to a masquerade
Even though we may feel as if we are being betrayed

Rivers that separate rich folk, poor folk, your folk, my folk
I think it’s time the world finally awoke

We have been invited to a masquerade
We stare, never moving, without a choice, like the milk maid
Dance, sing, anything! I shouldn’t have to persuade

We have been invited to a masquerade*
This is not a time to maim, blame or downgrade
We no longer spit our deadly lines
These life lessons should be taken as signs

Be careful what you think, because your thoughts are not your own
“Where did you get this inspiration?” You ask,
Well dear, from my home
Raphael Uzor May 2014
I read the book of Samuel
I read the story of the Israelites
Of how they rejected God
“We want a king!” they demanded
“We want to be like other nations”
Rejecting God’s kingship.

The same God who brought them up
Out of the ******* of Pharaoh
Out of slavery in Egypt
The same God who gave them victories
Over many nations and wars
The same God who had fed them
For forty years in the wilderness
Same God who had proved
Beyond reasonable doubt
That He is the King of kings
A Lord above all lords
They chose to downgrade!

I was swept away in a mind journey
As I thought of how it must have felt
To be rejected by your own children
Repudiated by your beloved
Disowned by the very people you love.

My heart bled!
The heartbreak was unimaginable
The pain was excruciating
As my mind pointed fingers of accusation
I couldn’t find befitting words
“Foolish Israelites!”
“Unrepentant idiots!”
“Stubborn generation!”

And as my mind went awry
Heaping insults on God’s people
Raining accusations on them
Judging an imperfect people as myself…

His still small voice whispered
“You are all the same”
“You have done worse”

Then it struck me
Like a lightening of a million volts
I am the Israelites
I am the very people of God
I am the same ones I condemn
I have betrayed God repeatedly
I have chosen sin above my maker
My iniquities know no bounds
I have trivialized His blood
I have made a mess of the cross.

I am the “foolish Israelites!”
I am the “unrepentant idiots!”
I am the “stubborn generation!”

My heart melted into tears
Shame covered me like a cloud
My head was bowed in ignominy.

Unable to speak or move
I lay there, weeping at my wickedness
No words were spoken
But I felt His arms embrace me
In acknowledgement of my repentance
I never deserved it
But He loved me nonetheless.
I pointed one finger at them
But three pointed back at me!

© Raphael Uzor
Seán Mac Falls Jan 2013
Universe we know—
God's one grey hair on black head,
All else, dark matter.
C S Cizek Nov 2014
I suckled my mother's Bluetooth breast
while my father built me a bassinet
of series circuits with high, motherboard
I've got that artificial baby glow.
But Mom put my ****** on Facebook
at four weeks and I still haven't re-friended
(forgiven) her. My upgrade's in nine months,
but I want my downgrade now
'cause all I get are social invite excuses
from Facebook fuckfaces. We pack
our lives into little boxes that we're
not even allowed to open.
We drink to technology, keep our lazy
eyes on our news feeds, and recycle
ideas like their owners would even
want to see what we've done to them.
We misquote Confucius and credit ourselves
with mangled Robert Frost stanzas.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I think
it's awesome that Pepsi used to be blue."

Reblog, revine,
retweet, FaceTime.
Folding chair fold-out on someone's lawn.
White-out Yeats, Keats, Byron, and Auden,
and write John ******* or Tom Whatever.
We're caught in the chicken wire of an LCD
fruit basket so neat, orderly, and brushed
aluminum. How can people write in Starbucks?
The cooler's too ******, music's too shy,
and the sugar, no, not just the sugar.
THE PEOPLE are too artificial.
The carpet-suit inlay I'm standing
on has pencil lead, sock lint,
and receipt shred lapel pins.
Even corporations play dress-up.

But what happens when Y2K kicks
in tomorrow?
Lives will be lost even before
the missiles **** us.
And the planes that drop
from the sky won't even come close
to when the bough breaks your little
girl's heart, baby, because your phone
can't raise her anymore, so you have to.

And based on your search history,
tweets, and recorded dreams,
she's better off in the warm
embrace of a hard drive.
The poem for my Color & Design final.
Faridah Aug 2017
I feel, invisible
Was I born for decoration?
You say I'm important
But your actions contradict
Your words - no
Your lies
That you want me here
Because all you have done
is destroy the trust, that,
To be honest
Never existed in the first place.

You say I never listen
But when last did you look at me
Really look -
Through my angry disguise
And realise, you are the disappointment
I tell you what you have done
And you tell me what I have done, wrong
I was trying to change;
Why should I change
For somebody who will never change, ever
Because you are right, I am wrong,
And stupid for ever trying
To convince you.

All you have done
Is made it worse
In turn
My anger has erupted
Is my genuine happiness
supposed to be
a side effect of yours?
Because I think I have become immune
And you have been feeding me this medicine for too long
If I put you first
You downgrade my actions
and turn them into dust, somehow
If you put me first
I must have asked.

Can you admit
That what I want is not
What you want
Can you respect that
Or do you enjoy complaining
And over
About things that
You don't try to prevent
But now I don't care
Because you didn't - don't care
That I cared
That I tried.

You resent my actions
And complain
Denigrating who I am
But that is your opinion
And your opinion does not
Dictate my life
when you never even listen to mine
If you do not want me here
Why did you bring me
Just so you can show me off for
One hour
One hour of fake
And downgrade me
For the next five
Stop trying to change me
Because you made me who I am
Whether you like me or not
Even if you are never
really here.

You are going to say the same
For me
I am trying to change
But you are not
Because you are using me as
An excuse
To justify yourself
And your actions
I am not vouching for your acceptance -
Frankly, I resent who you
Are turning me into:
The opposite of who you
Want me to become.

I walk like
I talk like
I look like
A decoration
I say why
I shout why
I stop myself -
Now I'm in trouble/
At least, I'm no longer
But what do you expect
When you treat me like an obligation
What do you expect
From an ugly decoration?
Never mind
After reading this you'll just get angry
And punish me for having feelings
And shout at me for having feelings
And say I'm wrong, discard my feelings,
Replace them with yours

And I'll say I'm stupid
For believing you would listen
For once.

Did you notice, I always stop talking
Because I will end up saying how I really feel
And waste my breath
So I wrote it instead;
Paper listens to me
in a way
You never have.
It's like you care because you have to, not because you want to. You can't just throw food and money at me, and then say, 'I didn't raise you like this'. You raised me, and changed me, who I am - tainting your perfect image.
Chloe Cresse Nov 2013
Be yourself. Stand out and Shine
But this saying has became a crime
To shine is to beautiful on the inside out
Though some are too afraid to let it stand out
Bullying and hate is what we seem to anticipate
Yet love and compliments is what we downgrade
We have trouble accepting what is a flawless mistake
and put our very own lives at stake.

Standing Out shows too much personality
Love is love no matter the gender, race, or nationality
We judge the things we are ignorant about
Everyone is human. Everyone is God's creation, yet we still doubt.
Love is love. No matter the gender, race, or nationality.
PJ Poesy Mar 2017
Starving for meaning, an agnostic
bruising grey and white matter,
choking on maybes and half-truths,

finds indifference too easily. Never
pushing further through, cloudbursts
condensate but never conceive rainfall.

Something and always something
more gives pause, upon bathroom wall.
Scribbled as an epiphany lightening bolts

eye-opener, and its leakage capitalizes.
Each tagger finding more prophetic
words to denounce anything mystical

or godly. So, what's being fertilized
beyond the tinkling drain of insistence,
slumps downgrade to ebb of sewage

reaching sea. There amidst flotsam,
aeon's class of power perceived become
one with Supreme Being, an ocean.
The larger meaning of things.
pcbzzzt Sep 2009
Modern man unpacks his woes
He'd have us call it progress
The way back to our cave is paved

Several million ante-deluvians
drowned under the same delusion
How high do you need the ziggurat?
Asks ****** at Babel

Time wasn't ripe back then for God
He disabled their default accord;
their demon intent to destroy His plan

Three thousand years it's taken to regroup
Time enough for His time to be right
For the time of the end of the curse

So please, can the clever caveman thoughts
next time you imagine shuttles in space
a reflection of how superior we are

He'd downgrade us again in a flash
if it wasn't just about the time
we get to blow ourselves up anyway

Wiseup weasels, remember the reason
our playpen was restored in seven days
from Lucifer's null and void revenge

We have seven milenniums to learn to love
To take up our parts in Father's plan
or blow away like the wind

Six of them are practically over
Six billion souls in six thousand years
Created on day six, the number of man
We're at point six point six point break

Day seven's about to dawn.
The number of perfection and rest
Tormented earth groans anticipation

Mushroom clouds and lawlessness
pose no threat to YaHWeH's timeline
Null and void is on His Just In Time list

Every eye will see Meshiach come
Every knee will bow for
The Ancient of Days
Dr Strange May 2015
Why can't "1" be an alphabet
I mean it looks just like the letter "L"
And so does "I" but no one ever goes there
All "3" is a backwards "E"
"7" looks like "Z" missing it's tail
But "1" still can't be an alphabet
That's kinda messed up don't you think
Why can't the order be "A" "B" "C" "1" "D"
That sounds pretty catchy to me
It can be changed
And if you dare say it can't think about poor little pluto
All my life they were telling pluto was planet
Then one day out of the blue they want to say it's not
That pluto dwarf planet
What a downgrade
Bet pluto back there crying his small tears away
But still "1" can't be an alphabet
That's hysterical if you ask me
So let it be
let "1" come after "C"
And wave your hands if you with me
drastic Jul 2016
I’ve been told a lot of times to lower my standards because I might become a cat person for the rest of my life. First, thanks for the concern. Second, why should I? Im not afraid of cats; I love them with every inch of my being. I too have my mom, my siblings, and everyone in the family is filling my days with love. Also, does anyone think that there is no such person who is smart, has depth, God-fearing, and is good looking? Is it really rare? Unrealistic? Of course not. I can’t date someone who does not have all of this. Sorry not sorry.

When I say that I set my bar high, it doesn’t mean that Im looking for someone who has no imperfection. Let’s stop that misconception about people who just want to respect themselves. I am worth the effort. YOU are worth the effort. How you let them treat you is actually the reflection of how you view yourself. Truthfully, I’m not scared of being alone. You know what’s wrong? It’s when you let them treat you less than your worth; when you downgrade yourself in exchanged of a temporary romance. Don’t ever underestimate your capabilities. I believe that the only way you could really love a person is when you value yourself first.

It is true that I could be alone for a very long time and it’s totally okay. I don’t get a **** that I’m cold nor I’m confident of myself. I have my preference. I have goals. I will never lower my standards just to be liked by someone. I am not a member of the hookup generation. Trust me, you can enjoy life with a cup of coffee and a comfortable bed.
Lucy Tonic Sep 2013
They say I’m graduating to a life beyond this one
But will I start over, or repeat the third grade again
Cause we all suffer without friends, freedom or fun
And there must be something we carry over when it’s done
And my baggage can’t fit on anyone else’s shoulders
The sins we know of and the ones we forget, don’t die as we get older
The hierarchy of needs is a battle of survival for some
But will my next challenge or obstacle drop me to level one?
Will I find myself in Africa- fighting off flies and government lies?
Or will I be born in America, with the same family and troubles inside?
So the real question is, what does graduating mean?
Does it push evolvement to the highest degree?
Does it downgrade you, and send you back into the sea?
Does it upgrade you on the universal tree?
Is it all a secret process, where few have the keys?
I think next time I’ll major in theology
Carrey Adele May 2012
There you are
Sitting at the counter
With a girl.

A girl, the girl-
She's not that pretty.
She's a downgrade
From me, how could he.

Look at her-
With those stupid glasses and
Elaine Benes Hipster clothes.
After me, why would he.

Oh look-
A DSLR camera that I
Bet she doesn't know how to use.
Instead of me, why would he.
Anita Daniel Dec 2017
Everytime I think of relationships my soul dents
We are stuck in societies where boys' glistening hormonal hunger are mistaken for love

Where is the passion?
These days men have gone through underground classes about how to lure women into believing that it is all about love meanwhile their plan is to only get in between women's legs so that their ego is enhanced
He tells you how beautiful you are and gives you a full description of how you make his heart beat fast and his palms sweat
He tells you that only you complete him fully
And asks to meet up with him not even on a proper date like in the days of our parents
You go to his place and the setting screams : Pleasure!
He whispers all sweet nothings into your ears that excites your body and you believe that he truly loves you
Before you know he has gotten what he wanted and wants to get rid of you as soon as possible
The next few days he ignores you and texts you the next time he "misses" you
He types a long paragraph narrating how busy he has been and you fall for it again because of the effort he took to type a long *** raudy paragraph

Where is the passion?
Men no longer send you notes that circulated around the class when you were in 7th grade that read : " You look beautiful as the sky" " Yellow makes your eyes pop" " Mom taught me how to make lemonade I thought you'd love some" "I love you, yes or no"
They no longer secretly protect you from the bullies that always made fun of you in high school down the hall
They no longer want to know what your favorite book is and why
They do not pick flowers from Mrs A's garden to present to you
They don't make jokes about relevant matters
All they know is ****** jokes that downgrade your value as a woman
Men don't want to hear all about your day and the conversations you've had with your girls or the argument you had with your mother
They are all about your paradise
When they look at you they uncover and undress you in their minds
They measure the size of your ***** and behind

Where is the passion?
That boy from next door who always came over to study with you because he knows you need help with maths
That boy that your parents always saw as your elder brother who protects you from evil creatures
That boy that your dad would allow to take you to the movies because he is well behaved and has only blown a kiss to you
That young man who respects you and your values and is concerned with how you will achieve all your dreams

Where are all these boys who are now handsome men
Show yourself for we are exhausted of all these boys that are dressed in men's cloaks...

Young lady I urge you to rise up
Open your eyes and stand your ground
You are worth more than cliché pickup lines from the internet
You are a well crafted diamond
Have high standards that not just any man can approach you
Do not be loose
Your are the carrier of life
Make it clear that you do not entertain hormonal boys
You desire a man that will build an empire with you and raise your family with you in due time when you have achieved most of your dreams and his too
You are that backbone of this earth
Know your worth and do away with mediocre.
passion over lust.
Dev A Feb 2021
I refuse to be a checklist:

A ✔ for those three little words
A ◻ for flowers
A ✖ for a gift
A 〰 for my time

I refuse to be a checklist
When my emotions are at stake

I refuse to allow you to downgrade me
To a piece of paper
To be written off
As nothing more than a 'to-do list'.

A scrap of paper
To be thrown away
Once you've ticked off each box

I refuse to be a checklist:

A ✔ for those three little words
A ◻ for flowers
A ✖ for a gift
A 〰 for my time
Ayllon Chalif Oct 2013
I know I make more mistakes then most people do
But unfortunately do to circumstance I wasn't raised like you
Yes I had a house
Yes I had a mouth
But I didn't have heat
And I had no food to eat
So I may have many under lining mental problems
But no matter how many drugs I take I can't solve them
Why am I the odd one out?
For doing what I did to survive
It's not my fault this society makes 13 year old sell coke to strive
So I did things i may regret
But I was stickily looking out for my own neck
I have anger problems
I'm an addict
A drop out
A failure
An *******
A liar
But in alive
I stayed alive when life wanted me dead
But unfortunately it ****** with my head
I'm a awful person
A downgrade
I hurt the world more then I help
Though I stayed alive
Should I have gone to hell?
Cookieman Jan 2015
An easy pattern almost seeming consecutive
You see it again and again as the original was relative
To what had occurred before the first choice was made
As looking back seems to have become a downgrade

So you pick up speed hoping not to get left behind
Seconds that should take hours as your time travel unwinds
Running and gasping for air as you began struggling to respirate
Unaware of the true speed you were going, moving at a high rate

Now wanting to stop, seeing your path's end up ahead
Sweating with regret from the path you chose to be lead
Begging for help, now that you are in desperate need
Now knowing that you can't grow a plant first before you sow your seed
Take life one step at a time. No need to rush.
Zambra Gutierrez Sep 2010
Hatred that fuels passion

Love that restrains resentment.

More of a balance,

there is none.

Even more of an irony

When to risk everything if we must,

we’d gladly do. But one more trip

and over the cliff


of us goes.

Though both of us know,

insignificant others will no longer signify us.

Future pain

out of the question is.

Though the remaining one


with every silenced complaint masked with trust:

We mustn’t say,

We mustn’t show….

Both of us have ending arguments.

Both of us win.

Both of us lose.

Both of us surrender.

After so many tears,

after so much steam and anger –

the experience doesn’t fail, to

show us human.

Doesn’t fail to let us

downgrade pride.

and value every breath-taking moment.

Let our sight take care of past feelings.

We deliberately forgive

…do we forget?

We never forget.

We repress.

Repression that hurts


but also prevents us from the

almost inevitable end.

Where do we fall?

Where do we combine,

repel any sign of despair?

A place where we can never go when mostly desired

– but always arrive in the

neediest of times.

A place where unconsciously we drown

into each others eyes - just once more.

Time non-existent.

Never will we understand

for never will we need to.

The plain fact is there,

And when there,

rationality suddenly becomes irrational.

My frustration to your ways.

Your hatred to my actions.

Our compassion for our love.

Bliss may come

when words of it are spoken no more.

Both of us

in mutual eternal exhilaration.
Sometimes I catch
Thinking about your

Where you are.
Where you're going.
If you're missing me....


I don't miss you.
I don't regret you.

But I know,
that sometimes you
think about me too.

Where I am.
Where I'm going.
If I miss you....


The answer is no.
I love you, but no.

She can have you're
hollow heart.
You're just a shadow of the
boy I loved.

I'm not jealous of her holding you.
My heart doesn't break at her seeing your smile.
You are not the person you used to be...


She can have the cheap
You can downgrade for her.

I'll move on like I do.
On and farther away from you.
I don't need who you've become...

I wish I could feel this way everyday, but I'm getting there.

Rachel Brooke Nov 2015
A miscommunication of the words that I'm preaching
Little boys and little girls finding comfort in words with a deeper meaning
Extra extra extra read all about
My friends claim I'm not the same girl who they once knew
And I must admit its the truth
Every since I decided to become bigger then my own idol
Its been a downward spiral
Words thrown at at me left and right
People put me down with words rooted in hate
All because ive turned into a seeker of the truth
And because i refuse to downgrade myself to be societies fool
I sink to my knees for no one but my own God
And im stronger then the swords used to attack me.
if you can't handle the truth feel free to leave
I'm Just another girl trying not to conform
Trying to make it without losing my sense of self
No one asked for this life
but everyone seems to play the governments fool
to bad for you
I'm prosecuted for my beliefs
I have people who prefer to spit in my face
it's not my fault you can't handle the truth
Don't get me wrong
I'm not saying I'm better then you
I'm just  saying
I know things you will never know
because I'm no fool
I fight
I cry
call on God when things aren't right
I listen
I see
I know what's really going on
a world divided is a world that's conquered
I'm only trying to give society a wake up call
Janoortje Mar 2016
Care to explain
the reason for being angry
for swearing at me
tell me what I did

I might say sorry
If only I knew what I did wrong
you don't have to disrespect me
just use words I understand

******** too
for making me feel bad
for I don't know what

I don't need friends who use me
and downgrade me because of their own jealousy
******* too
Kara Jean Jan 2015
How ******* dare you
downgrade something so lovely;
can't you see your worth?
You're so **** important
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
These long time friends of mine
Make me shine
God assigned
He did a good job
picking these  three of mine
I am proud and  
would never decline
Sent me three of the most divine
"Bottom Line"
Even still today
Making me always fall into line
Keeping me from the criminal minds
I was no angel  
No doubt there were times they wanted to strangle
If you messed with me the three  would be ready
to tangle  
No problem if you came at  us with no angle
We have all moved away
One a thousand miles
Two just maybe an hour away
Sad we all four could not stay
Even though we have strayed
We would never or could never betray
It's our way
Never is it  expected to be repaid
The coed of brotherhood and sisterhood
always obeyed
We will always be at each others aide
These three my mom and dad made
We have now been together for decades
I would never trade
Anyone else would certainly be a downgrade

Alex Harrington Feb 2012
Voices, they're everywhere, telling her she's not good enough.
They call her disgusting and a downgrade from everyone else
She listens intently wondering if what they are saying is true
She wonders even if the voices she hears are real
They call to the girl, wanting her to join them
At first she resist knowing the regret that would result
But as the voices feed her information about her self
She realizes it would be better for everyone if she just disappeared
The voices, they tell her what to do, but she is hesetent
She tells them she can change, then she could stay
They say that the girl will fail, that her happiness only exist with them.
She try's to change, try's as hard as she can but the voices they we're right
From the beginning she realizes the voices were right
She was better off leaving, then ruining people's lives
She calls to the voices, wanting to hear them again
But all she hears is silence
The quiet, it kills her
She wants to leave more then ever before
But the voices they stopped
I needed them to say something, I needed them to tell me what to do.
I scream to them as loud as I can, but still I hear nothing
Thinking to myself I realize.....

                    I am useless, I am nothing, but ****** I am scared.....
Louis Brown Oct 2014
[One of my favorite studies in human nature.  This isn't written to downgrade mankind in particular.  I find most men to be pretty good guys.  This man is a pitiful awful exception.
He also hacks PCs and ruins them for using computers for what they were invented for].  He virtually ruined my song writing business.  May plagues and pestilences follow him each day of his life.

You let me see the worst in man
The rotten in his soul
His evil just a root from hell
His center of control
I grant he does not hide it
Invites my eyes to see
The evil he is caught up in
Yet strangely happily
He spares few gifts of kindness
It stays inside to fester
He and Lucifer are friends
And work so well together
He goes to church I guess to see
Some pilgrims wear a smile
He can't assimilate such love
It's poisons his own bile
He's wickedness on man's two legs
Who'd turn all good to bitter
God sees his handiwork go forth
And now might reconsider
This cannon loosed upon the world
This creep He has created
A hemorroid of mankind
So driven,  constipated
A feces of a fellow
A buzzard full of pukey
Don't step in none on Evans Mill
That chartreuse jinx is spooky
Haley Greene Jun 2017

speak of her
when we all know
i'm just a downgrade
from the one who got away
and you're the one she left
to find the one she decides to wake up to
each morning
Robert Guerrero Jul 2013
Haha jokes on you
I'll never miss the ones
Who so easily turned their back on me
Ran when everything was all too real?
You have to be ******* me golden logs
I'll miss you?
Apparently you never knew me
I did tell you however
If you hurt me
I would be your worst enemy
I rather be your castle walls
Keeping you safe
But you abandoned that dream
For something you thought was better
Guess we all have something better
You're a downgrade from what I have already
Which happens to be nothing
So if you think I'll miss you
Think again...I just told you I wouldn't
Austin Heath Dec 2014
Chaotic ***** lover,
skin made of cyanide
a princess made of man.

I get anxious at silence and wait.
How can you love someone you
give so little effort too.

I don't hear whats so beautiful anymore,
so I revel in the filth that I've become.
Taking time to cough out
fragments of clockwork,
carrying cracked lips that
sway in a breeze
beat on a broken ankle.

Are you somewhere lost at sea?
Are you riding on a storm?
Do you feel lonely when you
turn over and there's another
cold spot in the bed?

I don't expect much anymore.
I want to sit in muttering silence and enjoy
the quiet in my head.
You aren't real to me.

I relish the chance to yell you into something small;
a field mouse or the belly of a great monster.

Love is tearing me into ribbons,
but with care, they become banners and streamers
for a parade held in honor for a martyr
who hasn't died yet.
The reality is smeared into the genes.

Downgrade in technology.
Lost in your own eyes.
Always paranoid.

Sleep in for
a couple months.

— The End —