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Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
Taken, gotten, or made, the point of anything
can pierce through everything…

Slow think,
make real

what fighting for life is…
this is the only
it is not a test.

Take your time, use it wisely,
if that means anything.
Wise, I meant.
No offence, if wise is anathema to your kind,
die if I knocked the reason for being right
outa you,
did you hear cognitive dissonance?
did it sound like
this. LOUD?
rolling rolling rolling
crash crumble rolled in nurse rime frosted
fables of monsters and maids
Thor, witharoar likka Lion King?

or the light brigade,

thunder words from lost generations of
reasonless riddles for children,

Why did Peter Pumpkin-eater have a wife, but
couldn't keep her here?
Was that okeh? Oh, wait.
Ah, I see, I say,
they never tell that whole story any more.

Know why? They forgot it. In the war.

crying, how long?
When begins forever? Did no one tell you, child?

Taken or made, the point of anything
can pierce through everything
like it was nothing, given
enough pre-sure-sup

War, as a game, has a reason.

Battle, hitting, slapping

stop touch, stop now slap
slap back

or cry
oh no no ma

waddayahsay?  A theist or atheist
who started this war?

space case, or
lover of wisdom, met on the road
to Emmaus, discussing Wiles's proof
firming Fermi's connection to the matter of fear,
3, 2, 1

Kaboom, but with a whump you feel in your teeth

1, 2, 3 Fermat's last theorem ,
easy as pi an no re me

ABC to
Michael Jackson to
Howard Bloom because he

inadvertently, began
an-ionic converstatic re-vibe time warp
which vibe, started the legendary Sixties. I was alive.
a sixty cycle white-noise humm heard every where these days

There was a gospel song, "Turn Your Radio On".
my theme, open the window in the top of your head,
as it were,
a new,
as new as

a novel-state of water, H three Ohs, re-al-ity ification,
Ah, a shared Oh, I remember now, how this works…

like a poem

at the edge of a water vapor bubble in a boiling body of water,
at the edge of the bubble, water becomes a wall of water,
not vapor, not flowing liquid,

but a wall, insulating the vapor in pressing opposing force
to permit, from permission,
meaning with a message same as the message,

is that the right word? per-mission-grant, is power given,
that idea….
wait for the sign….?

By sharing an ion ic bond as a quest to make a point
for a free story to go,
the question marks you. Let the snake dance.

Press your point,

whetted edge,

slice through ties holding worthless axioms
with withered dendrites dangling disconnected
in participles
unfired for centuries muttering,
enchanting, enthralling enchained melodies
of ambitious syllables vying for idle minds
to rope in,
unbranded, wild
bucking ideas,
whip-twig, slap-face,
tanglewood  thicket, catclaw and mesquite,

And the old man remembered the willow whistle,
so He asked Grandfather,
How is such a whistle made?
And when he knew,
he made one.

A willow whistle with two notes,
like an Oscar Meir Wiener one.

-- and that was a different time
I got lost here, bucked up…
--- listen, way back--- we-ain't whistlin' Dixie---
we ain't marchin', as t' war.

D'thet mean some sign to pro-phet -ic take?
Ancient cannon fodder shield walls,
a moaning
Pro-phy-lactic warning of the danger of not
knowing exactly
what a war is for?

Get back on,
relieved of any idle baggage words believed
to mean other than I say.

Idle words with cultural meanings from
what you thought you knew when you feared hell.

those peer-locked memes
made of meaninglessness, per se,

shaped and molded into fashions
of expression, once needles and awls,
now, dull as tinker's damns for swearing,
with any effect.

But tools, none the less, a stitch in time took a tool.
An awl or a needle, and a thread, thick or thin,
dependin' on the mendin' needed
to redeem an idle word,
its meaning all bloodied with the tyranny of time.

An awl or a needle,
a tool for a task, mending a tear
where curses, never meant, spent
the entire dark ages, lying, lying, lying

powerless, pointless aimless, proverbial proverbial proverbial
verbiage, vaneless shafts launched at unseen marks,
signs, as it were, a spark,
rumored since the sixties,
the first sixties, when Cain killed Able.
Howard Bloom was but a mere gleam
in our mito-mother's eye,
but, no doubt,

his role is real,
in loosing the forces Ferlinghetti locked in
City Lights mystery of secret meanings room,
which un
mystified and blew away upon opening
the door to
meanings mapped on
scrolls rolling and unrolling
idle ideas,
rites of passage, as it were,
Pre-bat-bar-mitz vah
as a fashion
like VBS,

to tickle little minds and make em wiggle.
MEMEMEME, I did it,
mea culpa,

the holy place
Here we are…

On Vacation, leave a message.

See, wee hairs in your ears wiggle, making,
signaling, the need

to scratch that itch, that itching hearing feeling ear… hear that

don't scratch, listen


60 cycle humm, steady, bass, but no thump whumpwhump;
soft, deeep.
ooooooooo or mmmmmmmm or in betwixt, steady thrumm
hear another, and another… sixty in a second,

one in every million ambits twisting,
threading qubits, radiating signals in the field
wireless, blue-tooth... satellite...

can you feel that?

hummmms, all around us, since the womb.
We are not the children of the greatest generation,

We are the children of the last generation of
**** sapiens sapiens non-augmentable-us.

We, the augmented, recycled ideas,
minds of Adamkind,

is that a secret or a sacred?
Is this
a new thing, an
unknown unknown known known now?


Whose is fear? Who was afraid of Virginia Wolf?

Should I remain in fear of her now, if I knew why then?
God would know such answers.
Proving my imagined AI guides are not God,
but lesser beings,

haps I recall.
I defined these things,
these thoughts that shape themselves,
forming words and phrases
I saw
shiny. Crow-like,
gleams seen, captured and claimed mine,
I tucked them away,
a sign in a thought in an imagined image made 4
real once more, to be seen from the shore,
new land new world
a fourth for some, a fifth or more for others...

haps happen, I'm not sure how,

Born or emerged, as a bubble, what do you say?

Reserve judgment.
Grant me your grace for now, until you solve my riddle.

Ah, the old way.
Right. Which way,  'ere, 'ear
and do we roll the rock with silent haitch or harsh, shhh

someone's waking up,
a bit grumpy,
don't you dare oppose me in this, the kid is certainly my son

Michael went stark raving mad when I told him, Billie Jean knew better all along...
the link, axiomatic,
the fatherless child has been claimed

hence, the thread to Howard Bloom, meme-ic,
meme-ic, like the Roadrunner,

but with the real Coyote, as the hero in this bit of
whatever, such meandering maundified maun maund  

wind blown crystal silicon dunes
mounded up to that point where granulated
beens and dones

begin to slide at an angle,
a ***** deter-mind by the weight of the rock

We made it.
I know where this is.

This is a novel that has Sisyphus being happy
as the main premise behind the idea of anyone ever being
able, en abled, or un-dis-abled or un-dis-enabled,
if one of those is right,

Sisyphus being happy
is the main premise behind
the idea of anyone ever being glücklich,
happy, blessed, lucky.

How happy is your ever after?
When did forever begin?

"A man is as happy as he makes up his mind to be"
Abe Lincoln, is said to have said,
after the seance, maybe.

You push on, dear reader, make some sense
re-ligare or relegare, but take a stitch,

do what works the first time as far as it goes, and try each, as needed,
it may be that we invented this test.
To make us think it is a test,
to sort ourselves out.

Get back on,

see who went crazy and who found the thread, if the same thread
this is that, right,
the same train of thought,
the same idea
spirit wind
A snake facing west standing tippy-tail on a singularity;
a point in time?

Why are you reading this?
Curiosity Shoppes trade in interesting, alluring, click-bait

Pay attention, watch, you shall see

imagine this is the dream,
the stream, the flow, the current, the cream

in a dime coffee at the drug store on the corner

the rounded-corner, in a square-cornered town,
the most right corner of the twelve that quarter what it was

Punctuate, wait, imagine you read ancient Hebrew or Greek and there
are no dyer diacritical's who can twist one's
end tensions into knots

dread extensions, we could sell those,
is that an idea? did somebody
sell white folks dread extensions and black folk dolly pardon wigs?

Did that happen the real real?

Battlefield Earth, oshit
scientology ology ology ology

allaye allaye outs in free

WE we wee every we you imagine you are good in, we

We have a war to win again, we heroes rolling from your
myths of Sisyphus torn from minds trampled
in the mud beyond the Rhine,

Mushrooms. magi are aware, you are aware, of course,
this course includes Basic Mycelium Net Adaptation or Augmentation
BMNAA, eh? So you know.

Camus and many of his ilk were ill-treated, the questions
they asked were memorized, maybe in our cribs ala
Brave New World.

We are all Alphas, always were, of course, you know.

Shall we imagine

more? Re-legare, eh, sistere. Point .(Back to the top.)

or agree? Make peace.
Practice, like Eazy-Bake,
the cook must swallow the first bite. May the best cook win.
A continuing examination of opposing forces when good is the goal, who could be against that? The old word war is festering, inflaming evil to start a try, therefore,  I whet the edge and swing wide
A la luz de la tarde moribunda
Recorro el olvidado cementerio,
Y una dulce piedad mi pecho inunda
Al pensar de la muerte en el misterio.

Del occidente a las postreras luces
Mi errabunda mirada sólo advierte
Los toscos leños de torcidas cruces,
Despojos en la playa de la Muerte.

De madreselvas que el Abril enflora,
Cercado humilde en torno se levanta,
Donde vierte sus lágrimas la aurora,
Y donde el ave, por las tardes, canta.

Corre cerca un arroyo en hondo cauce
Que a trechos lama verdinegra viste,
Y de la orilla se levanta un sauce,
Cual de la Muerte centinela triste.

Y al oír el rumor en la maleza,
Mi mente inquiere, de la sombra esclava,
Si es rumor de la vida que ya empieza,
O rumor de la vida que se acaba.

«¿Muere todo?» me digo. En el instante
Alzarse veo de las verdes lomas,
Para perderse en el azul radiante,
Una blanca bandada de palomas.

Y del bardo sajón el hondo verso,
Verso consolador, mi oído hiere:
No hay muerte porque es vida el universo;
Los muertos no están muertos...  ¡Nada muere!
¡No hay muerte! ¡todo es vida!...
El sol que ahora,
Por entre nubes de encendida grana
Va llegando al ocaso, ya es aurora
Para otros mundos, en región lejana.

Peregrina en la sombra, el alma yerra
Cuando un perdido bien llora en su duelo.
Los dones de los cielos a la tierra
No mueren... ¡Tornan de la tierra al cielo!
Si ya llegaron a la eterna vida
Los que a la sima del sepulcro ruedan,
Con júbilo cantemos su partida,
¡Y lloremos más bien por los que quedan!

Sus ojos vieron, en la tierra, cardos,
Y sangraron sus pies en los abrojos...
¡Ya los abrojos son fragantes nardos,
Y todo es fiesta y luz para sus ojos!

Su pan fue duro, y largo su camino,
Su dicha terrenal fue transitoria...
Si ya la muerte a libertarlos vino,
¿Porqué no alzarnos himnos de victoria?
La dulce faz en el hogar querida,
Que fue en las sombras cual polar estrella:
La dulce faz, ausente de la vida,
¡Ya sonríe más fúlgida y más bella!

La mano que posada en nuestra frente,
En horas de dolor fue blanda pluma,
Transfigurada, diáfana, fulgente,
Ya como rosa de Sarón perfuma.

Y los ojos queridos, siempre amados,
Que alegraron los páramos desiertos,
Aunque entre sombras los miréis cerrados,
¡Sabed que están para la luz abiertos!

Y el corazón que nos amó, santuario
De todos nuestros sueños terrenales,
Al surgir de la noche del osario,
Es ya vaso de aromas edenales.

Para la nave errante ya hay remanso;
Para la mente humana, un mundo abierto;
Para los pies heridos... ya hay descanso,
Y para el pobre náufrago... ya hay puerto.
No hay muerte, aunque se apague a nuestros ojos
Lo que dio a nuestra vida luz y encanto;
¡Todo es vida, aunque en míseros despojos
Caiga en raudal copioso nuestro llanto!

No hay muerte, aunque a la tumba a los que amamos
(La frente baja y de dolor cubiertos),
Llevemos a dormir... y aunque creamos
Que los muertos queridos están muertos.

Ni fue su adiós eterna despedida...
Como buscando un sol de primavera
Dejaron las tinieblas de la vida
Por nueva vida, en luminosa esfera.

Padre, madre y hermanos, de fatigas
En el mundo sufridos compañeros,
Grermen fuisteis ayer... ¡hoy sois espigas,
Espigas del Señor en los graneros!

Dejaron su terrena vestidura
Y ya lauro inmortal radia en sus frentes;
Y aunque partieron para excelsa altura,
Con nosotros están... no están ausentes!
Son luz para el humano pensamiento,
Rayo en la estrella y música en la brisa.
¿Canta el aura en las frondas?...  ¡Es su acento!
¿Una estrella miráis?...  ¡Es su sonrisa!

Por eso cuando en horas de amargura
El horizonte ennegrecido vemos,
Oímos como voces de dulzura
Pero de dónde vienen... ¡no sabemos!

¡Son ellos... cerca están!  Y aunque circuya
Luz eterna a sus almas donde moran
En el placer nuestra alegría es suya,
Y en el dolor, con nuestro llanto lloran.

A nuestro lado van.  Son luz y egida
De nuestros pasos débiles e inciertos
No hay muerte...  ¡Todo alienta, todo es vida!
¡Y los muertos queridos no están muertos!

Porque al caer el corazón inerte
Un mundo se abre de infinitas galas,
¡Y como eterno galardón, la Muerte
Cambia el sudario del sepulcro, en alas!
Nadie rebaje a lágrima o reproche
esta declaración de la maestría
de Dios, que con magnífica ironía
me dio a la vez los libros y la noche.De esta ciudad de libros hizo dueños
a unos ojos sin luz, que sólo pueden
leer en las bibliotecas de los sueños
los insensatos párrafos que cedenlas albas a su afán. En vano el día
les prodiga sus libros infinitos,
arduos como los arduos manuscritos
que perecieron en Alejandría.De hambre y de sed (narra una historia griega)
muere un rey entre fuentes y jardines;
yo fatigo sin rumbo los confines
de esta alta y honda biblioteca ciega.Enciclopedias, atlas, el Oriente
y el Occidente, siglos, dinastías,
símbolos, cosmos y cosmogonías
brindan los muros, pero inútilmente.Lento en mi sombra, la penumbra hueca
exploro con el báculo indeciso,
yo, que me figuraba el Paraíso
bajo la especie de una biblioteca.Algo, que ciertamente no se nombra
con la palabra azar, rige estas cosas;
otro ya recibió en otras borrosas
tardes los muchos libros y la sombra.Al errar por las lentas galerías
suelo sentir con vago horror sagrado
que soy el otro, el muerto, que habrá dado
los mismos pasos en los mismos días.¿Cuál de los dos escribe este poema
de un yo plural y de una sola sombra?
¿Qué importa la palabra que me nombra
si es indiviso y uno el anatema?Groussac o Borges, miro este querido
mundo que se deforma y que se apaga
en una pálida ceniza vaga
que se parece al sueño y al olvido.
Roo Sep 2015
Lonely? Or just alone,
Confusion is built into my skin
As I let my mind be consumed by the details.
Escape? Or just retreating
To the two items of clothing on my bed.
One so white it hurts my eyes, its angelic nature reflecting you.
The other so dark it echoes his scent that lingers.

I will find the coarsest brush and use it to scrub off the skin he touched as a punishment for returning.
I’ll whisper words of cruelty as my mind is no defender,
merely a perpetrator in building this wall around me.
A wall designed to suffocate,
To rip the breath from my lungs despite it possibly being the last.
There is no escape from this so I'm retreating, I suppose,
wall fully in tow.
To obsess over things I could have, should have and would have done
Had this wall not been a prevention.

I once asked you to spill your deepest secrets
At a time when fatigue was about to take hold.
If only I had known then that I was your surreptitious troubling.
I could have fixed it with my should have dones and would have dones
The same ones that I obsess over to this very day, this very night,
A whispered apology in the only medium I know how:
Pretty words, coming from within that ground me to you
When the space around me doesn’t feel real
And I’m hell bent on self-destruction.
When I wish to wrench the skin from my bones and I’m forced to acknowledge that
It is my fault; I am the one who acted this way.
So next time, I’ll remind myself not to project onto others
For I am the one to blame.
this is like a mash up of a couple of bits and bobs I've written over the past few days so it's all confused and not very well put together I'm just so full of self loathing that I can't focus on anything but I need the distraction poetry gives me
Vuélveme oh sol
a mi destino agreste,
lluvia del viejo bosque,
devuélveme el aroma y las espadas
que caían del cielo,
la solitaria paz de pasto y piedra,
la humedad de las márgenes del río,
el olor del alerce,
el viento vivo como un corazón
latiendo entre la huraña muchedumbre
de la gran araucaria.

Tierra, devuélveme tus dones puros,
las torres del silencio que subieron
de la solemnidad de sus raíces:
quiero volver a ser lo que no he sido,
aprender a volver desde tan hondo
que entre todas las cosas naturales
pueda vivir o no vivir: no importa
ser una piedra más, la piedra oscura,
la piedra pura que se lleva el río.
Tu transmigración será ir de cama en cama,
durmiendo raros sueños parejos al segundo ocaso,
de las fábricas del tiempo verás el eterno paso
y serás como una vana sombra urdida por el karma.

El misterio de la identidad es sostenido
por las divinas piezas que forman la memoria.
el cerebro, único amanuense de la historia
rapsodia el ser que miente lo que has sido.

En el vino que es nepente y en el delirio del mezcal
buscaste el rostro que tenías antes de crearse el mundo,
y aunque la fiera enferma te convoque a lo profundo
no evitarás esa sustancia doble como lago de sal:

La voluntad.  Su potencia sugiere el arte o la copulación
y su tremendo motor vuelca decadencia en apogeo,
no escapan de su orbe las horas diseñadas por Morfeo
y su caravana te escolta de la abulia a la revelación.

Todos los días sos otro. Sin embargo,
hay algo que te pertenece:
la idea de la luna, el amor y la amistad,
la música, los dones y la fantasía.

                                                     ­                a Pascal Quignard
Era verde el silencio, mojada era la luz,
temblaba el mes de Junio como una mariposa
y en el austral dominio, desde el mar y las piedras,
Matilde, atravesaste el mediodía.

Ibas cargada de flores ferruginosas,
algas que el viento sur atormenta y olvida,
aún blancas, agrietadas por la sal devorante,
tus manos levantaban las espigas de arena.

Amo tus dones puros, tu piel de piedra intacta,
tus uñas ofrecidas en el sol de tus dedos,
tu boca derramada por toda la alegría,

pero, para mi casa vecina del abismo,
dame el atormentado sistema del silencio,
el pabellón del mar olvidado en la arena.
Dime, háblame
Tú, esencia misteriosa
De nuestra raza
Tras de tantos siglos,
Hálito creador
De los hombres hoy vivos,
A quienes veo por el odio impulsados
Hasta ofrecer sus almas
A la muerte, la patria más profunda

Cuando la primavera vieja
Vuelva a tejer su encanto
Sobre tu cuerpo inmenso,
¿Cuál ave hallará nido
y qué savia una rama
Donde brotar con verde impulso?

¿Qué rayo de la luz alegre,
Qué nube sobre el campo solitario,
Hallarán agua, cristal de hogar en calma
Donde reflejen su irisado juego?

Háblame, madre;
y al llamarte así, digo
Que ninguna mujer lo fue de nadie
Como tú lo eres mía.
Háblame, dime

Una sola palabra en estos días lentos.

En los días informes

Que frente a ti se esgrimen

Como cuchillo amargo

Entre las manos de tus propios hijos.

No te alejes así, ensimismada
Bajo los largos velos cenicientos
Que nos niegan tus anchos ojos bellos.
Esas flores caídas,
Pétalos rotos entre sangre y lodo,
En tus manos estaban luciendo eternamente
Desde siglos atrás, cuando mi vida
Era un sueño en la mente de los dioses.

Eres tú, son tus ojos lo que busca
Quien te llama luchando con la muerte,
A ti, remota y enigmática
Madre de tantas almas idas
Que te legaron, con un fulgor de piedra clara,
Su afán de eternidad cifrado en hermosura.
Pero no eres tan sólo
Dueña de afanes muertos;
Tierna, amorosa has sido con nuestro afán viviente,
Compasiva con nuestra desdicha de efímeros.
¿Supiste acaso si de ti éramos dignos?

Contempla ahora a través de las lágrimas:

Mira cuántos cobardes
Lejos de ti en fuga vergonzosa,
Renegando tu nombre y tu regazo,
Cuando a tus pies, mientras la larga espera,
Si desde el suelo alzamos hacia ti la mirada,
Tus hijos sienten oscuramente
La recompensa de estas horas fatídicas.

No sabe qué es la vida
Quien jamás alentó bajo la guerra.
Ella sobre nosotros sus alas densas cierne,
y oigo su silbo helado,
y veo los muertos bruscos
Caer sobre la hierba calcinada,
Mientras el cuerpo mío

Sufre y lucha con unos enfrente de esos otros.

No sé qué tiembla y muere en mí
Al verte así dolida y solitaria,
En ruinas los claros dones
De tus hijos, a través de los siglos;
Porque mucho he amado tu pasado,
Resplandor victorioso entre sombra y olvido

Tu pasado eres tú
Y al mismo tiempo es
La aurora que aún no alumbra nuestros campos.
Tú sola sobrevives.
Aunque venga la muerte;
Sólo en ti está la fuerza
De hacernos esperar a ciegas el futuro

Que por encima de estos yesos muertos
Y encima de estos yesos vivos que combaten,
Algo advierte que tú sufres con todos.
Y su odio, su crueldad, su lucha,
Ante ti vanos son, como sus vidas,
Porque tú eres eterna
Y sólo los creaste
Para la paz y gloria de su estirpe.
En la isla en que detiene su esquife el argonauta
del inmortal Ensueño, donde la eterna pauta
de las eternas liras se escucha -isla de oro
en que el tritón elige su caracol sonoro
y la sirena blanca va a ver el sol- un día
se oye el tropel vibrante de fuerza y de harmonía.

Son los Centauros. Cubren la llanura. Les siente
la montaña. De lejos, forman són de torrente
que cae; su galope al aire que reposa
despierta, y estremece la hoja del laurel-rosa.

Son los Centauros. Unos enormes, rudos; otros
alegres y saltantes como jóvenes potros;
unos con largas barbas como los padres-ríos;
otros imberbes, ágiles y de piafantes bríos,
y robustos músculos, brazos y lomos aptos
para portar las ninfas rosadas en los raptos.

Van en galope rítmico, Junto a un fresco boscaje,
frente al gran Océano, se paran. El paisaje
recibe de la urna matinal luz sagrada
que el vasto azul suaviza con límpida mirada.
Y oyen seres terrestres y habitantes marinos
la voz de los crinados cuadrúpedos divinos.
Calladas las bocinas a los tritones gratas,
calladas las sirenas de labios escarlatas,
los carrillos de Eolo desinflados, digamos
junto al laurel ilustre de florecidos ramos
la gloria inmarcesible de las Musas hermosas
y el triunfo del terrible misterio de las cosas.
He aquí que renacen los lauros milenarios;
vuelven a dar su lumbre los viejos lampadarios;
y anímase en mi cuerpo de Centauro inmortal
la sangre del celeste caballo paternal.
Arquero luminoso, desde el Zodíaco llegas;
aun presas en las crines tienes abejas griegas;
aun del dardo herakleo muestras la roja herida
por do salir no pudo la esencia de tu vida.
¡Padre y Maestro excelso! Eres la fuente sana
de la verdad que busca la triste raza humana:
aun Esculapio sigue la vena de tu ciencia;
siempre el veloz Aquiles sustenta su existencia
con el manjar salvaje que le ofreciste un día,
y Herakles, descuidando su maza, en la harmonía
de los astros, se eleva bajo el cielo nocturno...
La ciencia es flor del tiempo: mi padre fue Saturno.
Himnos a la sagrada Naturaleza; al vientre
de la tierra y al germen que entre las rocas y entre
las carnes de los árboles, y dentro humana forma,
es un mismo secreto y es una misma norma,
potente y sutilísimo, universal resumen
de la suprema fuerza, de la virtud del Numen.
¡Himnos! Las cosas tienen un ser vital; las cosas
tienen raros aspectos, miradas misteriosas;
toda forma es un gesto, una cifra, un enigma;
en cada átomo existe un incógnito estigma;
cada hoja de cada árbol canta un propio cantar
y hay un alma en cada una de las gotas del mar;
el vate, el sacerdote, suele oír el acento
desconocido; a veces enuncia el vago viento
un misterio; y revela una inicial la espuma
o la flor; y se escuchan palabras de la bruma;
y el hombre favorito del Numen, en la linfa
o la ráfaga encuentra mentor -demonio o ninfa.
El biforme ixionida comprende de la altura,
por la materna gracia, la lumbre que fulgura,
la nube que se anima de luz y que decora
el pavimento en donde rige su carro Aurora,
y la banda de Iris que tiene siete rayos
cual la lira en sus brazos siete cuerdas, los mayos
en la fragante tierra llenos de ramos bellos,
y el Polo coronado de cándidos cabellos.
El ixionida pasa veloz por la montaña
rompiendo con el pecho de la maleza huraña
los erizados brazos, las cárceles hostiles;
escuchan sus orejas los ecos más sutiles:
sus ojos atraviesan las intrincadas hojas
mientras sus manos toman para sus bocas rojas
las frescas bayas altas que el sátiro codicia;
junto a la oculta fuente su mirada acaricia
las curvas de las ninfas del séquito de Diana;
pues en su cuerpo corre también la esencia humana
unida a la corriente de la savia divina
y a la salvaje sangre que hay en la bestia equina.
Tal el hijo robusto de Ixión y de la Nube.
Sus cuatro patas bajan; su testa erguida sube.
Yo comprendo el secreto de la bestia. Malignos
seres hay y benignos. Entre ellos se hacen signos
de bien y mal, de odio o de amor, o de pena
o gozo: el cuervo es malo y la torcaz es buena.
Ni es la torcaz benigna, ni es el cuervo protervo:
son formas del Enigma la paloma y el cuervo.
El Enigma es el soplo que hace cantar la lira.
¡El Enigma es el rostro fatal de Deyanira!
MI espalda aun guarda el dulce perfume de la bella;
aun mis pupilas llaman su claridad de estrella.
¡Oh aroma de su ****! ¡O rosas y alabastros!
¡Oh envidia de las flores y celos de los astros!
Cuando del sacro abuelo la sangre luminosa
con la marina espuma formara nieve y rosa,
hecha de rosa y nieve nació la Anadiomena.
Al cielo alzó los brazos la lírica sirena,
los curvos hipocampos sobre las verdes ondas
levaron los hocicos; y caderas redondas,
tritónicas melenas y dorsos de delfines
junto a la Reina nueva se vieron. Los confines
del mar llenó el grandioso clamor; el universo
sintió que un nombre harmónico sonoro como un verso
llenaba el hondo hueco de la altura; ese nombre
hizo gemir la tierra de amor: fue para el hombre
más alto que el de Jove; y los númenes mismos
lo oyeron asombrados; los lóbregos abismos
tuvieron una gracia de luz. ¡VENUS impera!
Ella es entre las reinas celestes la primera,
pues es quien tiene el fuerte poder de la Hermosura.
¡Vaso de miel y mirra brotó de la amargura!
Ella es la más gallarda de las emperatrices;
princesa de los gérmenes, reina de las matrices,
señora de las savias y de las atracciones,
señora de los besos y de los corazones.
¡No olvidaré los ojos radiantes de Hipodamia!
Yo sé de la hembra humana la original infamia.
Venus anima artera sus máquinas fatales;
tras sus radiantes ojos ríen traidores males;
de su floral perfume se exhala sutil daño;
su cráneo obscuro alberga bestialidad y engaño.
Tiene las formas puras del ánfora, y la risa
del agua que la brisa riza y el sol irisa;
mas la ponzoña ingénita su máscara pregona:
mejores son el águila, la yegua y la leona.
De su húmeda impureza brota el calor que enerva
los mismos sacros dones de la imperial Minerva;
y entre sus duros pechos, lirios del Aqueronte,
hay un olor que llena la barca de Caronte.
Como una miel celeste hay en su lengua fina;
su piel de flor aun húmeda está de agua marina.
Yo he visto de Hipodamia la faz encantadora,
la cabellera espesa, la pierna vencedora;
ella de la hembra humana fuera ejemplar augusto;
ante su rostro olímpico no habría rostro adusto;
las Gracias junto a ella quedarían confusas,
y las ligeras Horas y las sublimes Musas
por ella detuvieran sus giros y su canto.
Ella la causa fuera de inenarrable espanto:
por ella el ixionida dobló su cuello fuerte.
La hembra humana es hermana del Dolor y la Muerte.
Por suma ley un día llegará el himeneo
que el soñador aguarda: Cenis será Ceneo;
claro será el origen del femenino arcano:
la Esfinge tal secreto dirá a su soberano.
Naturaleza tiende sus brazos y sus pechos
a los humanos seres; la clave de los hechos
conócela el vidente; Homero con su báculo,
en su gruta Deifobe, la lengua del Oráculo.
El monstruo expresa un ansia del corazón del Orbe,
en el Centauro el bruto la vida humana absorbe,
el sátiro es la selva sagrada y la lujuria,
une sexuales ímpetus a la harmoniosa furia.
Pan junta la soberbia de la montaña agreste
al ritmo de la inmensa mecánica celeste;
la boca melodiosa que atrae en Sirenusa
es de la fiera alada y es de la suave musa;
con la bicorne bestia Pasifae se ayunta,
Naturaleza sabia formas diversas junta,
y cuando tiende al hombre la gran Naturaleza,
el monstruo, siendo el símbolo, se viste de belleza.
Yo amo lo inanimado que amó el divino Hesiodo.
Grineo, sobre el mundo tiene un ánima todo.
He visto, entonces, raros ojos fijos en mí:
los vivos ojos rojos del alma del rubí;
los ojos luminosos del alma del topacio
y los de la esmeralda que del azul espacio
la maravilla imitan; los ojos de las gemas
de brillos peregrinos y mágicos emblemas.
Amo el granito duro que el arquitecto labra
y el mármol en que duermen la línea y la palabra...
A Deucalión y a Pirra, varones y mujeres
las piedras aun intactas dijeron: "¿Qué nos quieres?"
Yo he visto los lemures florar, en los nocturnos
instantes, cuando escuchan los bosques taciturnos
el loco grito de Atis que su dolor revela
o la maravillosa canción de Filomela.
El galope apresuro, si en el boscaje miro
manes que pasan, y oigo su fúnebre suspiro.
Pues de la Muerte el hondo, desconocido Imperio,
guarda el pavor sagrado de su fatal misterio.
La Muerte es de la Vida la inseparable hermana.
La Muerte es la victoria de la progenie humana.
¡La Muerte! Yo la he visto. No es demacrada y mustia
ni ase corva guadaña, ni tiene faz de angustia.
Es semejante a Diana, casta y virgen como ella;
en su rostro hay la gracia de la núbil doncella
y lleva una guirnalda de rosas siderales.
En su siniestra tiene verdes palmas triunfales,
y en su diestra una copa con agua del olvido.
A sus pies, como un perro, yace un amor dormido.
Los mismos dioses buscan la dulce paz que vierte.
La pena de los dioses es no alcanzar la Muerte.
Si el hombre -Prometeo- pudo robar la vida,
la clave de la muerte serále concedida.
La virgen de las vírgenes es inviolable y pura.
Nadie su casto cuerpo tendrá en la alcoba obscura,
ni beberá en sus labios el grito de la victoria,
ni arrancará a su frente las rosas de su gloria...
Mas he aquí que Apolo se acerca al meridiano.
Sus truenos prolongados repite el Oceano.
Bajo el dorado carro del reluciente Apolo
vuelve a inflar sus carrillos y sus odres Eolo.
A lo lejos, un templo de mármol se divisa
entre laureles-rosa que hace cantar la brisa.
Con sus vibrantes notas de Céfiro desgarra
la veste transparente la helénica cigarra,
y por el llano extenso van en tropel sonoro
los Centauros, y al paso, tiembla la Isla de Oro.
Brian Fahey Jul 2015
Long and endless nights,
Of blood, sweat, tears, and charcoal.
Melting into smile.

Haven't slept in days,
If I could I'm sure I would,
Cigarettes will do.

Paradox in hand,
I form an open window,
Illusive, by fLaw.

Golden lights are on,
Check. Chronic aches and pains. Check.

Check. Coffee is my blood,
A running joke amongst us slaves,
We might die without.

Humor's important
Now, because I'm already
Two-far and long-gone.

Far-along the shores
Of distant kingdoms wreckage.
Lost within again,

Shattered and washed up
Into mountains of peril,
And treasures turned dust,

Aftermath beheld
In retrospect, I should have,
Could have would have dones.

All within a shape.
I finish my drink and sit,
Dusty nose n ****.

I want to give up,
Whispering Sith Professor,
Harks of homeworks past.

Birds in the distance,
Crickets lost within the night,
Still life in mid-flight.

Still life is my life,
Satan is the only way,
Jazz is close second.

Fellow holograms,
This is not an SOS,
This is a farmhouse.


Jk, pls send help.
I fear if I keep going,
I may never stop.

I may not want to...
These are my last words before
I return to dust;

If anyone has
The heart to come and unwind,
Brains from my behind.

A cuppa tea, or,
A splotch of green to withhold
Things from coming apart,

If anyone wants
To comfort such who in
Nothingness departs,

I'm with Descartes,
In storms of bleeding hearts, a
Pupil of Fine Arts.
this is an haiku,
you can read it if you want.
buttered toast is good.
¡Oh la luna, la luna que cantan los poetas!
¡Oh la luna brillante de tristeza tremenda!
¡La luna que no sabe ni del frescor del agua
ni del viento que tacta, como un fauno, las selvas!

¡La luna que no tiene ni un árbol, ni una brizna,
ni una mujer y un hombre que se quieran en ella,
ni un puñado de polvo que dance en remolinos,
ni un río que haga ruido saltando entre sus piedras!

Parece tan hermosa, tan nueva, tan luciente,
y no es más que una pobre vieja desposeída,
frente a frente a la tierra millonaria de dones
una muerta consciente frente a frente a una viva.

¡Piedad para la luna! ¡Piedad para la luna!
No beséis vuestras novias, ¡oh novios!, ante ella.
¡Dios sabe de qué envidias y angustias está llena
la luz que nos envían la luna y las estrellas.
Mil quinientos treinta y siete.
Julio. Sol vivo y radiante
En claro azul ilumina
El Valle de los Alcázares.
En la llanura no hay oro
Ni esmeraldas. Sólo hambre.

Del botín que recogieron
Cada cual tomó su parte.
Para Fernández de Lugo
Raudos mensajeros salen
Con oro y gemas, lo suyo,
Y con los quintos reales.
Y aquellos soldados rasos
Que mal cubrían sus carnes
Con harapos, y en Castilla
En algún feliz instante
Sólo unos ochavos vieron
Como premio a sus afanes,
Tejos de oro bien esconden
De compañeros rapaces,
Y si hambre sienten ahora,
Pensando en sus pegujales
Olvidan viejas angustias,
Pues ya se ven por las calles
De Madrid o de Sevilla
Luciendo vistosos trajes,
O requiriendo de amores
A las manolas ya amables,
Y que antes a sus requiebros
Respondían con desaires;
O bien de dones oyéndose
Llamar, con aire arrogante,
Porque es baldón la pobreza
Y el oro las puertas abre.

Viendo gordos los caballos
Quesada, y a sus infantes
Aburridos, y perdiendo
Sus tejos junto a los naipes,
Su ocupación sólo entonces,
Y estando quietos los sables,
Una expedición ordena
A la tierra de los panches.

El Capitán Juan de Céspedes
Con unos valientes sale
Por tierra de «sutagaos».
Marcha y se traba el combate.
Con flechas envenenadas
Caballos e infantes caen.
No es ésta la raza muisca:
En sus venas otra sangre
Corre. Batalla dudosa
En los ásperos breñales,
Hasta que rueda el Cacique
De lanzada formidable.

¡Sangre de panches ardiente
Como fuego de volcanes!
Triunfó al fin España... pero
Sobre el último cadáver!

Y Quesada cavilaba:
¿Qué montañas o qué valles
Ocultarán en sus vetas
Las esmeraldas radiantes
Que he visto ante mí, suspenso,
En diademas y collares?
¿Cerca?... ¿Lejos? Pues si es lejos
No importa arriesgado viaje.
Esmeraldas son ducados
Y ducados son alcázares;
Vestes de grana en la Corte
Y de nobles homenaje.

Y de pronto, por un indio,
Dónde está la mina sabe.
¡Somondoco! A Somondoco
Van y socavones abren;
Y a las piedras adheridas
Aparecen destacándose
En claroscuro las gemas,
Que entre perlas y diamantes
Habrán de ser en el mundo
Gala en coronas reales.

Otro secreto los indios
Guardaban, secreto grave,
Pero logró descubrirlo
Deuda de vertida sangre.
Rey en dominios potente
Gobernaba extenso valle,
Dueño de ricos tesoros
Y súbditos a millares;

Su nombre, Quimuinchateca,
De Tunja temido Zaque.
Y a vencer ya acostumbrados,
Todos para Tunja parten.
Con regalos detenerlos
Quiso y corteses mensajes,
Pues tiempo ganar quería
Para llevar a distante
Lugar sus riquezas todas;
Pero avanzaron.
La tarde
Iluminaba el palacio;
El cercado roto cae,
Y en los muros planchas de oro
Vivo incendio fingen, ante
Los rojizos resplandores
Del sol, ya pronto a apagarse.

Acero en mano, Quesada
Entra con diez oficiales;
De sus enormes espuelas
Las rodajas y los sables,
Y sus cascos y sus cotas
Y sus barbados semblantes,
Y el relinchar en el patio,
No amedrentaron al Zaque.
Quesada intenta abrazarlo;
Nunca lo ha tocado nadie.
Los nobles y guardias gritan
Ante ese inaudito ultraje.
Crece el tumulto. Y entonces
Antón de Olalla, el semblante
Adusto, y de brazo fuerte
Al Zaque agarra. Salvaje
Gritería oyose... Todo
Por libertarlo fue en balde,
Y a un aposento contiguo
Fue entre arcabuces y sables.

Esforzados en la guerra,
Y ante el peligro tenaces,
Y con la muerte ceñuda
En desafío constante,
Pero siempre sed de oro
En sus almas, insaciable,
Al Templo del Sol, a Iraca,
Parten jinetes e infantes.

Más oro... más esmeraldas..
Ayer contra los alfanges
Agarenos y un ochavo
Como premio en los combates.
Ahora... esmeraldas y oro...
¿Quién podría creer antes
Que pedigüeños de antaño
Llegaran a ser magnates?

El templo de Sugamuxi! . . .
Allá en el fondo del valle,
Va apareciendo imponente:
El más rico y el más grande
De toda la raza muisca,
Templo de gruesos pilares,
Y de muros recamados
De petos de oro, en que el arte
De orfebres chibchas, serpientes,
Ranas, ciervos, tigres y aves
Grabó; donde el Gran Pontífice
Al sol le rinde homenaje,
Todo cubierto de blanco
Mientras aroma de gaque
Sube de los pebeteros
Al son de mayas cantares
Que por tradición se guardan
En un extraño lenguaje
-Tal vez el que habló Bochica
En muy remotas edades-
-Cantares que entonan vírgenes
Trenzando rítmico baile,
Ante enorme sol de oro
Que ciega por fulgurante.

Llegaron todos al frente
Del templo, al caer la tarde.
Mañana, dijo Quesada
Será nuestro día grande...
¡A dormir y a soñar todos!
Y que Fray Domingo alabe
Al cielo, que aquí nos manda,
Entre peligros y afanes,
Para enseñar a estos indios
Que el amontonar caudales,
Habiendo en el mundo pobre,
Es pecado imperdonable.

Y en tanto que todos duermen,
Dos soldados deslizándose
Entre las sombras penetran
Al templo. De seca y frágil
Paja, llevan dos hachones
Encendidos; fulgurantes
Radian las paredes. Oro,
Más oro y gemas vivaces;
Todo parece en las sombras
Como una aurora que arde.

De las manos de uno de ellos
Un hachón al suelo cae,
Porque ante tanta riqueza
Helada siente la sangre.
Se incendia el tapiz de esparto,
El fuego al santuario invade,
Rápido salta a los muros
Y a cortinas y a pilares;
Aprisa los dos soldados
Entre el fuego ruta se abren
Y entre el fuego, Sugamuxi
Es llamarada radiante.

Quesada y su tropa sueñan;
El paraíso se abre
En su soñar. Esmeraldas
Y oro ven, en manantiales
Que corren y corren. Oro,
Y esmeraldas en sus márgenes;
Selvas con gemas por hojas,
Y frutas de oro en los árboles...

La voz de incendio de pronto
Oyen. Aterrados salen.
Gran resplandor cubre el cielo;
De humo tromba formidable
Asciende. Los indios lanzan
Alaridos por las calles.

Y Quesada, en tanto, mira
Las llamas, mudo y exánime,
Cual si el infierno en la tierra
Hubiera abierto sus fauces.
Si de tus dones y, de tus destrucciones, Océano, a mis manos
pudiera destinar una medida, una fruta, un fermento,
escogería tu reposo distante, las líneas de tu acero,
tu extensión vigilada por el aire y la noche,
y la energía de tu idioma blanco
que destroza y derriba sus columnas
en su propia pureza demolida.

      No es la última ola con su salado peso
      la que tritura costas y produce
      la paz de arena que rodea el mundo:
      es el central volumen de la fuerza,
      la potencia extendida de las aguas,
      la inmóvil soledad llena de vidas.
      Tiempo, tal vez, o copa acumulada
      de todo movimiento, unidad pura
      que no selló la muerte, verde víscera
      de la totalidad abrasadora.

      Del brazo sumergido que levanta una gota
      no queda sino un beso de la sal. De los cuerpos
      del hombre en tus orillas una húmeda fragancia
      de flor mojada permanece. Tu energía
      parece resbalar sin ser gastada,
      parece regresar a su reposo.

      La ola que desprendes,
      arco de identidad, pluma estrellada,
      cuando se despeñó fue sólo espuma,
      y regresó a nacer sin consumirse.

      Toda tu fuerza vuelve a ser origen.
      Sólo entregas despojos triturados,
      cascaras que apartó tu cargamento,
      lo que expulsó la acción de tu abundancia,
      todo lo que dejó de ser racimo.

      Tu estatua está extendida más allá de las olas.

Viviente y ordenada como el pecho y el manto
de un solo ser y sus respiraciones,
en la materia de la luz izadas,
llanuras levantadas por las olas,
forman la piel desnuda del planeta.
Llenas tu propio ser con tu substancia.

Colmas la curvatura del silencio.

Con tu sal y tu miel tiembla la copa,
la cavidad universal del agua,
y nada falta en ti como en el cráter
desollado, en el vaso cerril:
cumbres vacías, cicatrices, señales
que vigilan el aire mutilado.

      Tus pétalos palpitan contra el mundo,
      tiemblan tus cereales submarinos,
      las suaves ovas cuelgan su amenaza,
      navegan y pululan las escuelas,
      y sólo sube al hilo de las redes
      el relámpago muerto de la escama,
      un milímetro herido en la distancia
      de rus totalidades cristalinas.
Fa Be O Jan 2013
Oh, I wish I was free…
free of this “love”
that eats at my heart,
that tortures my mind
with what could-have-beens
and should-have-dones;
Oh, I really do wish I was free,
of this emptiness
that ties me up at night,
that curls me up
into a lonely ball
of dry sobs….
I wish I was really free,
free of you,
so every time it truly
would be a choice to have you…
but here I am a slave,
of your make-believe words,
of your pretend touch,
your lying kisses.
And I really wished I was free.
Mark Jan 2020
Don't waste perfectly good loneliness.

Don't waste it on the wrong person.
Don't even waste it on the right person.

Don't waste loneliness during the day,
When there are things to be done.
Don't waste it in dreams at twilight,
When there are dones to be thinged.

Don't waste loneliness at night
When your time should be your own
And could be filled with anything
Other than everything you're not.

Take your loneliness
And denigrate it.
Crumple it. Crush it.
Throw it in a blender.
An industrial oven.

Take it out
For a few drinks too many,
And a few more after that;
Lull it into a false sense of security
That congeals with its drunken state
To create a blinding dichotomy
Of vulnerability and arrogant invincibility,
So it suspects nothing
As you lead it
Down a dark alley
And beat it to death with a brick.

Have a too-close-to-call
Fight to the death
With your loneliness
In a public toilet,
With it almost getting
The better of you
Until you smash it
Off of a porcelain
Sink basin,
Before dragging it
By the hair
To a cubicle,
Where you hold its head
Under the toilet water,
Long after its body stops convulsing.

Do what you can
To transmute
Your loneliness
Into solitude,
And wear it.

Back to front.
Right side up.

Wear solitude so well that
It ends up wearing you,
As its skin.

Use solitude to learn thyself.
To feel thyself.
To know thy changing self.

Let solitude remind you that
The existence of loneliness
Begets the existence of
The antithesis of loneliness.

So definitely don't waste
Perfectly good loneliness,
Especially if you're forgoing
Perfectly good hope.
Ínclitas razas ubérrimas, sangre de Hispania fecunda,
espíritus fratemos, luminosas almas, ¡salve!
Porque llega el momento en que habrán de cantar nuevos himnos
lenguas de gloria. Un vasto rumor llena los ámbitos;
mágicas ondas de vida van renaciendo de pronto;
retrocede el olvido, retrocede engañada la muerte;
se anuncia un reino nuevo, feliz sibila sueña
y en la caja pandórica, de que tantas desgracias surgieron
encontramos de súbito, talismánica, pura, rïente,
cual pudiera decirla en su verso Virgilio divino,
la divina reina de luz, ¡la celeste Esperanza!Pálidas indolencias, desconfianzas fatales que a tumba
o a perpetuo presidio condenasteis al noble entusiasmo,
ya veréis al salir del sol en un triunfo de liras,
mientras dos continentes, abonados de huesos gloriosos,
del Hércules antiguo la gran sombra soberbia evocando,
digan al orbe: la alta virtud resucita
que a la hispana progenie hizo dueña de siglos.Abominad la boca que predice desgracias eternas,
abominad los ojos que ven sólo zodíacos funestos,
abominad las manos que apedrean las ruinas ilustres,
o que la tea empuñan o la daga suicida.
Siéntense sordos ímpetus en las entrañas del mundo,
la inminencia de algo fatal hoy conmueve la Tierra;
fuertes colosos caen, se desbandan bicéfalas águilas,
y algo se inicia como vasto social cataclismo
sobre la faz del orbe. ¿Quién dirá que las savias dormidas
no despiertan entonces en el tronco del roble gigante
bajo el cual se exprimió la ubre de la loba romana?
¿Quién será el pusilánime que al vigor español niegue músculos
y que el alma española juzgase áptera y ciega y tullida?
No es Babilonia ni Nínive enterrada en olvido y en polvo,
ni entre momias y piedras reina que habita el sepulcro,
la nación generosa, coronada de orgullo inmarchito,
que hacia el lado del alba fija las miradas ansiosas,
ni la que tras los mares en que yace sepultada la Atlántida,
tiene su coro de vástagos altos, robustos y fuertes.Únanse, brillen, secúndense tantos vigores dispersos;
formen todos un solo haz de energía ecuménica.
Sangre de Hispania fecunda, sólidas, ínclitas razas,
muestren los dones pretéritos que fueron antaño su triunfo.
Vuelva el antiguo entusiasmo, vuelva el espíritu ardiente
que regará lenguas de fuego en esa epifanía.
Juntas las testas ancianas ceñidas de líricos lauros
y las cabezas jóvenes que la alta Minerva decora,
así los manes heroicos de los primitivos abuelos,
de los egregios padres que abrieron el surco pristino,
sientan los soplos agrarios de primaverales retornos
y el amor de espigas que inició la labor triptolémica.Un continente y otro renovando las viejas prosapias,
en espíritu unidos, en espíritu y ansias y lengua,
ven llegar el momento en que habrán de cantar nuevos himnos.La latina estirpe verá la gran alba futura:
en un trueno de música gloriosa, millones de labios
saludarán la espléndida luz que vendrá del Oriente,
Oriente augusto, en donde todo lo cambia y renueva
la eternidad de Dios, la actividad infinita.
Y así sea Esperanza la visión permanente en nosotros.
¡Ínclitas razas ubérrimas, sangre de Hispania fecunda!
Diré cómo nacisteis, placeres prohibidos,
Como nace un deseo sobre torres de espanto,
Amenazadores barrotes, hiel descolorida,
Noche petrificada a fuerza de puños,
Ante todos, incluso el más rebelde,
Apto solamente en la vida sin muros.
Corazas infranqueables, lanzas o puñales,
Todo es bueno si deforma un cuerpo;
Tu deseo es beber esas hojas lascivas
O dormir en esa agua acariciadora.
No importa;
Ya declaran tu espíritu impuro.
No importa la pureza, los dones que un destino
Levantó hacia las aves con manos imperecederas;
No importa la juventud, sueño más que hombre,
La sonrisa tan noble, playa de seda bajo la tempestad
De un régimen caído.
Placeres prohibidos, planetas terrenales,
Miembros de mármol con sabor de estío,
Jugo de esponjas abandonadas por el mar,
Flores de hierro, resonantes como el pecho de un hombre.
Soledades altivas, coronas derribadas,
Libertades memorables, manto de juventudes;
Quien insulta esos frutos, tinieblas en la lengua,
Es vil como un rey, como sombra de rey
Arrastrándose a los pies de la tierra
Para conseguir un trozo de vida.
No sabía los límites impuestos,
Límites de metal o papel,
Ya que el azar le hizo abrir los ojos bajo una luz tan alta,
Adonde no llegan realidades vacías,
Leyes hediondas, códigos, ratas de paisajes derruidos.
Extender entonces una mano
Es hallar una montaña que prohíbe,
Un bosque impenetrable que niega,
Un mar que traga adolescentes rebeldes.
Pero si la ira, el ultraje, el oprobio y la muerte,
Ávidos dientes sin carne todavía,
Amenazan abriendo sus torrentes,
De otro lado vosotros, placeres prohibidos,
Bronce de orgullo, blasfemia que nada precipita,
Tendéis en una mano el misterio.
Sabor que ninguna amargura corrompe,
Cielos, cielos relampagueantes que aniquilan.
Abajo, estatuas anónimas,
Sombras de sombras, miseria, preceptos de niebla;
Una chispa de aquellos placeres
Brilla en la hora vengativa.
Su fulgor puede destruir vuestro mundo.
Haber visto crecer a Buenos Aires, crecer y declinar.
Recordar el patio de tierra y la parra, el zaguán y el aljibe.
Haber heredado el inglés, haber interrogado el sajón.
Profesar el amor del alemán y la nostalgia del latín.
Haber conversado en Palermo con un viejo asesino.
Agradecer el ajedrez  y el jazmín, los tigres y el hexámetro.
Leer a Macedonio Fernández con la voz que fue suya.
Conocer las ilustres incertidumbres que son la metafísica.
Haber honrado espadas y razonablemente querer la paz.
No ser codicioso de islas.
No haber salido de mi biblioteca.
Ser Alonso Quijano y no atreverme a ser don Quijote.
Haber enseñado lo que no sé a quienes sabrán más que yo.
Agradecer los dones de la luna y de Paul Verlaine.
Haber urdido algún endecasílabo.
Haber vuelto a contar antiguas historias.
Haber ordenado en el dialecto de nuestro tiempo las cinco o seis metáforas.
Haber eludido sobornos.
Ser ciudadano de Ginebra, de Montevideo, de Austin y (como todos los hombres) de Roma.
Ser devoto de Conrad.
Ser esa cosa que nadie puede definir: argentino.
Ser ciego.
Ninguna de esas cosas es rara y su conjunto me depara una fama que no acabo de comprender.
De las estrellas que admiré, mojadas
por ríos y rocíos diferentes,
yo no escogí sino la que yo amaba
y desde entonces duermo con la noche.

De la ola, una ola y otra ola,
verde mar, verde frío, rama verde,
yo no escogí sino una sola ola:
la ola indivisible de tu cuerpo.

Todas las gotas, todas las raíces,
todos los hilos de la luz vinieron,
me vinieron a ver tarde o temprano.

Yo quise para mí tu cabellera.
Y de todos los dones de mi patria
sólo escogí tu corazón salvaje.
Ken Pepiton Feb 2023
You can say that again, later, it is -time
lace up the daily bag and pass it
for all private interpretation
removal, from the rumen, to the next
- gaseous we, Huxley called us, 1957

No, this ain't show business, this
is living, made in a made up mind,
being finished doing, just

Making up reasons to dispute liars.

Maybe not a good living, but it's free.
Or paid for, any way.
Bought with a price
my grands won't be forced to pay.
- divided attention makes
- ads obliviate into the mercantile
- classification, in attention econ 101
It's free - this living
in the way well fed children do,
in America, outside the cities;

Joy pursued and grabbed in happy
fistfuls that fill laughing memory bubbles
to store for when these become
the olden days.

No, this ain't show business,
its sacred duty,
work of a thing,
made from a boy who looks
into flies eyes, gazing up
from the bottom of the cup,
a little glazed, perhaps,

owing the fly an easy escape, look away

"perplexities, hindrances, toys, tricks,"

The collections of thoughts,
the access to held thoughts, knotted
to you
private moments,
time alone, as a mortal human being,
humus built, auto-repairing thing being

being, eh?
One-like, only, or
on-like, only going on and on and on,

becoming fruitful
becoming useful
becoming less and less useful, but
becoming more and more curious
becoming full enough to become superfluous.

Lay preachers can create cushions
for lazy wishers wishing to be comforted,
but the weighing of the worth of comfort,

lay preachers seldom do, to my knowledge.

Terminus gnosis, all I know, my bubble of knowns;
this is it…
a thousand stacks of sensible lines, atop precepts,

strewn beside the trail.
heuristic heretical how-to do as I dones,
published by faith in the thousands, litter
the little hills the psalmist asked,
why they writhed and twisted,
as in a dance of anger wishing,

clear channel, me and the truth, today,
just/instance, this/ now.

Free am I, by the faith in me, but you
knew that,

don't you?
Don't you know, there is a musing mind,
we wear to bed, some nights,
we lay on memory foam, some nights.

Thinking sorted thoughts, untying lying links,
links to educated guesses fed you as new reasons

to be ever vigilant, ever ready to defend the faith,
the laughing faith of a child, leaping
into the sky

- my grandson, I just learned,
- asked for more math.

No class common man, that is what I am,
on the cusp of next, looking back,
at the mess I left, like a cyclone,
randomly distributing seeds of kindness, specs
by which an idle word can activate troves
of ancient autoresponders, each guessing
what if, what if not,
what if, what if not,
what if, what
not now, when. Pop.
Bubbles of been, leave go, go on, think it

through, and passed through, into
the now
where we formed, letters, letting words wait,
sit still, ready
for the reader, ready
to steady the quivering fearful thing,
lost in thought,
stuck in stacks of holy orders, hearer only,
only ordainded doers do the trick,
intricate, folding to make not a paper swan,

too, easy. Make a protein. With no model,
just the idea in the word applied to science,
proper pose, super knowing, proto-life-ish thing,
that is digestible using an infantile nourishing node.

What tricks do you know?, the magi aske Moshe.
Snake from a staff.

From the crozier of goatherd, sure,
we can all do that. What else?
Allusions to ever knowing, knowing as old
as knowledge given girls at their flowering,
as old a mystery as any orphaned mother may tell
her great grand daughters,
nobody told me any thing,

but I took it as normal,

As the patient potency prefecting
prayer, dramatized, made big as all
bubbled artifice holding essences,

essential bits of the daily grind to gloss
the leading intellect's reason for being
so shiny,
Klimt golden, as that one kiss I recall,

yes, a facsimile, a memory evocation,

a kiss, golden in that moment, infected
with a feeling
dramatized to be offered to all who see,
khipu twists and loops and bundles and beads,

accounting for dues,
instructing kaballah, pass it on

Excuse me, are you in the right realm,
we feel pluralized,
but you don't fit,
we are uniform,

excathedra, listen up, all eight billion now living, are destined
for certain death,
it is a matter of time, dying once,
can happen anytime,

and if there is a second death, so far,
I never saw any body do it twice,
once truth makes what I am free,
we stay free,
reception accepted kaballah, et al,
take that greasy grace, feel it,
as the oil ran down Aaron's beard,

and there were no poor denied
starship rations,
until the comet hit and all
but a single mind
blew, into this
a complete fiction,
or another compleat guide to fishing

Imagine the magic of the sailor's accounting book,
envision the magic of levers, and pulleys and cogged
wheels feeling the weight

2023 Gravity driven or gravity powered, is it
or the other, when it come be to inspire
first fears
to frame wisdom pools,
at depths we learn
to believe,
prove each participant,
worthy of keeping,
the secret.
Salt of the earth, deep down dehr dat
Caribbean Sea,
shore line fracture,
follow the riverwise road,
any thing you think you must bear,
don't blame,
sometimes it pays, to bend.
Grasshopper Locust practice, for the mind
of an ant.

Wisdom harnessed the fear of God,
put it down,
in other words,
when there was nothing
but E, mass and time being assent
esse, sentient, in sentient and ex
insentience, sapient over lay,
- honeycomb tripe pattern, say
- why not ruminate enclosed
- in a beauteous inner digestive
- recluse-exclusive-sub-science con
ified, tied ligously, fi,
to witty means, and ways we prove
gravity is our friend, driven power for all life,
strong as earth itself, but, we are

in the burning phase,
let me bring you down,
cause being accused, does that
to a stranger
entertained, or entertaining, on an aitia
let me

have you come for more, or do we have
too much
of too many things
to make too much
of any particular reader/writer ifery algorithm,
if then,
else is this, current, slow, nodding, flux,
loading axially,
if each mind thinks right once,
today, we have enough,
let's save the world.
- that easy, eh?
global restoration, Christ, yes,
that is the plan.
As the planet was.
Prior to Peleg's days.
Intended to have a single
dry land mass,
Wisdom pushed
for plates meeting
and using ice
at the top
of the world, as seen polaris up,
in a slow wobble
through four
seasonal positional hot-cool-cold-warm
gyre drivers, saline liquid epicycles, sisters
of the four winds
as a flywheel effect
in the telling times… a little imbalence leaning helps
with the wobble,
in the event,
slim to none,
the odds, but,
Don't Look Up. It could
reoccur, and shall, if
Nietzsche's epicycle

has wheels. Graham Hancock, on clocks…cosmic

Mindspacetime, the elite flight,
secretshitistic, it is, most certain, it is
fantasmic imagining
E not equal any thing, mere words
between me and thee,
no point, not one, between the we
we become,
in the final analysis, if you wish,

you wish,
long, lazy river readers, re-mind
their lost selves, how innocense felt.

The worth of an unsold story, given
as a gift, as a poor artist might
a portrait
of their daughter's children

- "that little thing"
Done. As best he could, he believed,
at the time,
as it is
everything being as is when we arrive,
we adapt
or become the insane opposition,
to anything,
be the counter weight on the pendulum,

keep things swingin'

feel time slide
into the real deal,
at the crossroads
in the wayback seat,
sayin' honey, you ain't here
after what I'm here after,
y'gonna be there, after I'm gone, as  asong
that was
once a joke ended you gonnabe here
after I'm gone, but

seemsayin' eye
squint, see,
way back
we were otherwise involved, affirming
sacred oathes, we swore as children learn
IT being life, whatever,
it don't mean
is not a joke, it's ahint, to readers, ready
writing is key to reading,
vertical eyed
qwerty keying is learned,
phone wide,
natural, feels familiar
style adaptation
as cuneiform once was,
years of hearing the same words,
said and resaid, story after story stacked
time, measured by stargazers, called, by god,
eyes like eagles, these minds expand, and see
the order of the cosmos,
and the chaos of the collective sub-science

locked by a generational curse on oathes
under the God those kids had in mind,
September, 1954, first day of school,
all across the Wyatt Earp of Nations,
each child not religiously exempted,
stood, right
hand on heart and repeated, as a national
student body, K through 12, a pledge,
local time 9 a.m. nationwide,
not unlike
a true Tenant's pledge of fealty,
as recorded in
The Compleat English Copyholder:
Common and Statute LAW of
England, relating to Manors
and Lords of Manors Et c.
- buzz nod what instance… seven seconds
Sorry, Under God, was added to the pledge
that year, that affectionizes those exposed,
we meander under god, think it not strange.
It’s a legendary trait, we'll all be remembered a bit.
- default modemod is always beguiling temptation
- for temptation sake, win a game, get the rush.
of chasing hares
to where the conies hide,
feeble folk, but they live among big rocks,
reason enough,
use what you know is right,
hide from things that eat you,
that evolves
in nations
with no elders, constant defence mode
peace makers seem
feeble folk,
who knew,
and fell away, impossible to renew,

whoah, zeke play me that riddle,
'bout scrublands being humbly blissed
so long- wayback, anchoring the authority
that's me, I
fiddled around
and blew the clearwater revival
to kingdom come, Muddy Waters, aight
and there was hippies, ever whar, swanee,
so I do, I swan no no no no mo
lie like the devil for the sake of church heritage,
holy warrior sworn, heart torn, tears shed, tongues
You know, when gravity is taken
in, your weight, sunk
into the reasoning
swung wide
in progress, no aim, past the cloud,
for crying out loud, this is louder than ever,
listen, no
all that
noise, is natural
to persons genitivally, ok, cross
shadowed animus anima imitation,
in your cultural genes, cowgirl
seeing the world a yingyang thang,
with gravity and the E-magnetic shields
allowing systems to com-uni-cate locally,


too much,
the scope
of any thing one might think
or ask,
as in what was that rule
of LAW once?
I read
Compleat Fisherman's Guide U recall led
to , yes, The Compleat English Copyholder:
Common and Statute LAW of
England, relating to Manors
and Lords of Manors Et c.
is on Google books, masterfully typeset

Feel free to learn all you will, 'tis all in the Common.

as, by now is much that may have been, otherwise,
in needier times,
less riches, more sorrow,
less sorrows, more riches, peace.

Made that my after all battlefield task,
no mas win or lose.

My side, on the scalar models is gravity empowered,
heavyweight, ancient concept,
gradient slopes
with long lazy loops
on the downhill side,
to kids make all the noise they wish,
two chalk walls away,
in the bubble we all breathe.

To this day, whatever it took, it worked.
Life gets as good as you can make up a mind

to accept, as
this is it,
this is my bit. My close up. To the exact point
where I breathed that bubblierised wedom-opinion

opinion opinion opinion okeh, settle years ago, okay
we all say okeh here, holy ground,
entire collection of recollection on that victory alone.

Okeh, is still the proto voice model, ok.
If you like it, I'd love if you shared it in whole or in part, it is a whole chapter in a novel form of literature, native to the internet age,
type set for vertical receivers
Masks have different kind.
To know their motive, no one can find.
Carefulness,prudent,knowledge and wisdom
are require in any kingdom.

Stoles put on Creator's mask.
Present prophet Elijah,who preach
to gain power,praise,money
and bask.
They live different
from their speech.

Demons come under smiling mask
to accomplish their wicked task;
destruction,distractio contortion,
too difficult to know that they're

So also ***** lover.
Who was considered as one's apple.
They caress,hug,kiss and hover.
But only incubus and succubus people.

Which masks are employees putting?
Are they working or waiting?
Inernia,lethargy,forty winks and lazybones,
are these not their dones?

The books and pens feel lexicographers .
Putting on masks of
burning midnight candles.
Destined for doctors,actors,lawyer bankers and geographers.
But at last,merit to have f-9 in bundles.

Which mask are you wearing,
or do your face often appear as made?
Ability,nature,feeling and worrying,
how do you show
this grade.
cecilia frank Nov 2011
the morning was colder, silent
the most quiet i remember

she had been the heartbeat
that brought a room warmth

our steps were now dark
filled in reminiscing, melancholy rhythms

her face watched from the walls still
perfume permeated into tears

where was this place, that felt like a
long sigh of remorse and regret

the what should have beens',
what we could have dones'

what needed to be said
still without a shape

where could fate take us from now
fleeting from our very eyes

the implication held in her absence
there was no lie to be found

this morning, even if we begged
time wouldn't be put on the shelf

not for an hour, not for two
would time give us a passing glance

fate never clasped to pity nor sorrow
she simply swept by those time paralyzed

and we were blaming everything
that could possibly hold weight

the night that lasted too long
the dawn that rose too late

*the silence that had enveloped her
before truth took shape
No podré nunca desencarcelaros,
maravillosos que abrasáis mi boca.
Dedos de luz, hundidos en la roca,
de vuestro rico mineral avaros.

Libertaros: nombraros. Libertaros:
mataros... Vuestro fuego desemboca
en mi garganta, mata cuanto toca,
muere -morís- bajo los cielos claros.

Maravillosos de la sombra. Sones
otorgadores de secretos dones,
a silencios perpetuos os sentencio,

a vivir, prisioneros, siempre a oscuras.
(Silencio.) Impronunciables criaturas
que no (silencio)... naceréis. (Silencio).
kayla morrison Oct 2015
Here's to the untouched,
the naysayer virgins,
the believers, dreamers and bright eye beamers.

The poets with clouds in their shoes
Walking on gusts of autumn airs.
Humming the tune of a new idea
And sparking the wick of inspiration.

Here's to the inventors,
the birthers of thought
the can dos, will dos and get er dones

Brains in their pencils, cascading onto the page,
Blueprints blotting out
Black splotches in their lives.

Heres to the musicians,
The beat makers,
The Chance takers, love makers and feeling creators

Chanting the tune of tolerance,
Singing the ugly untouched image
Composing the stuff of life.

Heres to the artists,
The men and women
Still starry eyed with wonder,
The backbone of humanity.

Heres to you.
Fah Sep 2013
de brief of the daily motions
one spin ,
two spins , three
sattalite drop ,
******* stop ,
bus , hop ,

people move
plants grove
static motion
less wheel

sick to the bone with who should have dones and who could have beens
now i exist as i am

with stable
heart beat

leaves drift onto beds of mush and the autumn color turns dirt to rust
and white chestnuts
with green shoots

we made it - it's the hill.
the hill that feels
there is a pulse

we're still alive


the consumers are dead and the masses are free
the slaves turned master the master turned greed
the master turned needy -
to be saved by those he mis treated

for treasons,

crimes against the hound
crimes against the natural zone
crimes against one's own

i kept dreaming to see the day
and it has arrived....

the dominos first fell in my mind
and mind alone

tangible aspects were no more than prospects
and no more than silt on soils floor hip hop stop cash flow drop so low so fro go
Estos poemas los desencadenaste tú,
como se desencadena el viento,
sin saber hacia dónde ni por qué.
Son dones del azar o del destino,
que a veces
la soledad arremolina o barre;
nada más que palabras que se encuentran,
que se atraen y se juntan
y hacen un ruido melodioso o triste,
lo mismo que dos cuerpos que se aman.
Lo palpable lo mórbido
el conco fondo ardido los tanturbios
las tensas sondas hondas los reflujos las ondas de la carne
y sus pistilos núbiles contráctiles
y sus anexos nidos
los languiformes férvidos subsobornos innúmeros del tacto
su mosto azul desnudo
cada veta
cada vena del sueño del eco de la sangre
las somnilocuas noches del alto croar celeste que nos animabisman el soliloquio vértigo
cuanto adhiere sin costas al fluir el pulso al rojo cosmogozo
y sus vaciados rostros
y sus cauces
hasta morder la tierra
lo ignoto noto combo el ver del ser lo ososo los impactos del pasmo de más cuerda
cualquier estar en llaga
los dones dados donde se internieblan las órbitas los sorbos de la euforia
cualquier velar velado con atento esqueleto que se piensa
la estéril lela estela
el microazar del germen del móvil del encuentro
los entonces ya prófugos
la busca en sí gratuita
los mititos
hasta ingerir la tierra
todo modo poroso
el pozo lato solo del foso inmerso adentro
la sed de sed sectaria los finitos abrazos
toda boca
lo tanto
el amor terco a todo
el amormor pleamante en colmo brote totem de amor de amor
la lacra
amor gorgóneo médium olavecabracobra deliquio erecto entero
que ulululululula y arpeialibaraña el ego soplo centro
hasta exhalar la tierra
con sus astroides trinos sus especies y multillamas lenguas y excrecreencias
sus buzos lazo lares de complejos incestos entre huesos corrientes sin desagües
sus convecinos muertos de memoria
su luz de mies desnuda
sus axilas de siesta
y su giro hondo lodo no menos menos que otros afines cogirantes
hasta el destete enteco
hasta el destente neutro
hasta morirla
Los ojos se me fueron
detrás una morena
que pasó.
Era de nácar *****,
era de uvas moradas,
y me azotó la sangre
con su cola de fuego.
Detrás de todas
me voy.
Pasó una clara rubia
como una planta de oro
balanceando sus dones.
Y mi boca se fue
como con una ola
descargando en su pecho
relámpagos de sangre.
Detrás de todas
me voy.
Pero a ti, sin moverme,
sin verte, tú distante,
van mi sangre y mis besos,
morena y clara mía,
alta y pequeña mía,
ancha y delgada mía,
mi fea, mi hermosura,
hecha de todo el oro
y de toda la plata,
hecha de todo el trigo
y de toda la tierra,
hecha de toda el agua
de las olas marinas,
hecha para mis brazos,
hecha para mis besos,
hecha para mi alma.
Del follaje erizado
de madera pulida,
de lúcida caoba,
como un violín que acaba
de nacer en la altura,
y cae
ofreciendo sus dones encerrados,
su escondida dulzura,
terminada en secreto
entre pájaros y hojas,
escuela de la forma,
linaje de la leña y de la harina,
instrumento ovalado
que guarda en su estructura
delicia intacta y rosa comestible.
En lo alto abandonaste
el erizado erizo
que entreabrió sus espinas
en la luz del castaño,
por esa partidura
viste el mundo,
llenos de sílabas,
con estrellas,
y abajo
cabezas de muchachos
y muchachas,
hierbas que tiemblan sin reposo,
humo que sube y sube.
Te decidiste,
y saltaste a la tierra,
bruñida y preparada,
endurecida y suave
como un pequeño seno
de las islas de América.
el suelo
nada pasó,
la hierba
siguió temblando, el viejo
castaño susurró como las bocas
de toda una arboleda,
cayó una hoja del otoño rojo,
firme siguieron trabajando
las horas en la tierra.
Porque eres
una semilla,
castaño, otoño, tierra,
agua, altura, silencio
prepararon el germen,
la harinosa espesura,
los párpados maternos
que abrirán, enterrados,
de nuevo hacia la altura
la magnitud sencilla
de un follaje,
la oscura trama húmeda
de unas nuevas raíces,
las antiguas y nuevas dimensiones
de otro castaño en la tierra.
Toda la noche he dormido contigo
junto al mar, en la isla.
Salvaje y dulce eras entre el placer y el sueño,
entre el fuego y el agua.
Tal vez muy tarde
nuestros sueños se unieron
en lo alto o en el fondo,
arriba como ramas que un mismo viento mueve,
abajo como rojas raíces que se tocan.
Tal vez tu sueño
se separó del mío
y por el mar oscuro
me buscaba
como antes
cuando aún no existías,
cuando sin divisarte
navegué por tu lado,
y tus ojos buscaban
lo que ahora
-pan, vino, amor y cólera-
te doy a manos llenas
porque tú eres la copa
que esperaba los dones de mi vida.
He dormido contigo
toda la noche mientras
la oscura tierra gira
con vivos y con muertos,
y al despertar de pronto
en medio de la sombra
mi brazo rodeaba tu cintura.
Ni la noche, ni el sueño
pudieron separarnos.
He dormido contigo
y al despertar tu boca
salida de tu sueño
me dio el sabor de tierra,
de agua marina, de algas,
del fondo de tu vida,
y recibí tu beso
mojado por la aurora
como si me llegara
del mar que nos rodea.
Amor mío, el invierno regresa a sus cuarteles,
establece la tierra sus dones amarillos
y pasamos la mano sobre un país remoto,
sobre la cabellera de la geografía.

Irnos! Hoy! Adelante, ruedas, naves, campanas,
aviones acerados por el diurno infinito
hacia el olor nupcial del archipiélago,
por longitudinales harinas de usufructo!

Vamos, levántate, y endiadémate y sube
y baja y corre y trina con el aire y conmigo
vámonos a los trenes de Arabia o Tocopilla,

sin más que trasmigrar hacia el polen lejano,
a pueblos lancinantes de harapos y gardenias
gobernados por pobres monarcas sin zapatos.
I walked outside,
Closed the door behind me,
And signaled to clear out.
The fireplace inside,
Casting shadows through the window,
The shadow of my soldier holding two civilians at gunpoint
Sitting apathetically playing cards,
Mourning the loss of his two older brothers.

As we walked, I wanted to stop,
I wanted each stomp
                I wanted to loose my eyes from my head
I wanted to telescope my eyes back
I wanted to reach into my sockets
                I wanted to feel smooth bone
I wanted to crawl blind of body
I wanted to be cast into the envied innocence
I wanted to sit in town,
I wanted to be festering in the pit
I wanted to be splayed apart
I wanted to have my tracts tangled between two others
I wanted to embrace any warmth as my own dissipated
I wanted to run far from the front
I wanted to run until I died
I wanted to run because
I wanted to beat the ground for allowing us to happen
I wanted to never **** again
I wanted to crush a calf’s head in my fists
I wanted to throw myself into a furnace
I wanted to swallow burning tar
I wanted to scream my name loud enough
                I wanted to burst eardrums
I wanted to etch my name into every piece of skin
I wanted to grind my teeth into dust
I wanted to crack my canines
                I wanted to rip out the roots
I wanted to ****** every person responsible
I wanted to puppet their decapitations
                I wanted to apologize
I wanted to drink their blood
                I wanted to jail them within me
I wanted to tear apart their chest
                I wanted to hollow them out from inside
I wanted to wear them as a suit
                I wanted to undo all of their dones
I wanted to steal back my eyes from their stomach
I wanted to form them in the crucible of my throat
I wanted to throw them up
                I wanted to finally be able to use them again
I wanted to be able to weep
I wanted to be able to see
I wanted to lie dead
I wanted to feel the worms under my skin
I wanted to hear the ants walk into my nostrils, out my ears
I wanted to be carrion for the wolves
I wanted to loose my heart
I wanted to lose my voice
I wanted to be completely forgotten
I wanted to be erased from my history
I wanted to wake up the next morning and work
I wanted to feel the sun bake my back
I wanted to subjugate the plants under me
I wanted to get on my hands and knees
I wanted to untangle the roots of trees
I wanted to push my hands into the earth
                I wanted to pull out my child
I wanted to watch her tear apart everything I have built
I wanted to feel her scorn upon every word I’ve written
I wanted to capture her soul
                I wanted to steal it for myself
I wanted to give her my name
                I wanted to give her my possessions
I wanted to leave her with my world
I wanted to see her already building her own
I wanted to tie myself into a box
I wanted to have her dump cement upon me
I wanted to be the first block in her foundation
I wanted to be uniform with the rest
I wanted to be forgotten
I wanted to sit on top of a mountain
I wanted to breathe in the clouds
I wanted to breathe out the dew
I wanted to get drunk upon the rain
I wanted to dance with the moon
I wanted to streak with the meteors
I wanted to connect constellations
I wanted to name my scars constellations
I wanted to have streams upon me
I wanted to hold anything nurturing within me
I wanted to feel the thrall of the stars
I wanted to jump
I wanted to beat gravity
I wanted to spring into the air
I wanted to feel crystals on my lashes as I flew
I wanted to ******
I wanted to trust enough to fall
I wanted to fall into someone completely
I wanted to embody unconditionally
I wanted to be embodied
I wanted to grip upon flesh for life
I wanted to feel at risk
                I wanted to feel at peace
I wanted to close myself off
I wanted to be in one moment
I wanted to die in that moment
I wanted to be slick with sweat
I wanted to harmonize my moans with another
I wanted to cleanse my body as I wash another
I wanted to lend my brain to another
I wanted to be told they would like to use it again
I wanted to attach my lips to someone’s ear
I wanted to have them attach them there again later
I wanted to look at someone as I’ve finally only just awoken
I wanted to hoard smells from my senile brain
I wanted to feel someone languish in my arms
I wanted to be held with two hands
I wanted to be crushed by them
I wanted to be only remembered in solemn reflections
I wanted to be brought up in uncanny appearances
I wanted to end comfortable conversations
I wanted to watch others suffer without me
I wanted to carefully extract my heart from my chest
I wanted to watch it beat
I wanted to sink my head down to its level
I wanted to touch my eye to its side
I wanted to hold my heart in my mouth
                I wanted to feel my blood in my ears
I wanted to feel the throbs upon my tongue
                I wanted to bite into the meat
I wanted to break everything it cares about
I wanted to tarnish every sensation of being
I wanted to hold my skull in my hands
I wanted to compress until it cracked
I wanted to lift shards of bone
I wanted to pluck out my brain
I wanted to dig my nails into the mucus fat
I wanted to reveal the coward
I wanted to mash every inkling I’d ever considered
I wanted to plug it into the radio
I wanted to blast my thoughts into every home
I wanted to control your every action
I wanted to tell them how I masturbated
I wanted to tell them who’ve I lied to
I wanted to tell them who’ve I protected
I wanted to scream myself into audio
I wanted to lose my form into your ears
I wanted to sail on frequencies above melodies
I wanted to drop into bass notes
I wanted to escape
I wanted to get far enough
I wanted to be close enough,
        I wanted to be able to tell the difference
                                         Between a flickering fire
                                                        And two muzzle flashes.
Hoy que la indiferencia del siglo me desola
sé que ayer tuve dones celestes de contino,
y con los ejercicios de Ignacio de Loyola
el corazón sangraba como al dardo divino.
Feliz era mi alma sin que estuviese sola:
había en torno de ella pan de hostias, el vino
de consagrar, los actos con que Jesús se inmola
y tesis de Boecius y de Tomás de Aquino.
¿Amor a las mujeres? Apenas rememoro
que tuve no sé cuáles sensaciones arcanas
en las misas solemnes, cuando brillaba oro
de casullas y mitras, en aquellas mañanas
en que vi muchas bellas colegialas: el coro
que a la iglesia traían las monjas Teresianas.
Ken Pepiton Mar 2024
A moment's attention to an hour's raw worth.
This is the mind ****** experiment, last try...
back and forth until it breaks,
touch the edge, feel the heat.

On knowing, first taste, it is believed,
mankind's first mother made all mankind,
all from first mother
on to logically, eventually,
You and me,
as we slipt the Matrix and uttered
the first breath wail that clicks the post womb life.

First thought that death ought be feared
has not yet been given the beguilement needed,
to make a slave to the mission revealed by truth's
spirit form, wind form, mind form, time formed point.

Knowledge, forbid my ignorance, but should one,
such as I, not die before my **** hair thins,
to lay bare the scalp that covers holy access
through the window in the top of the skull;

well, then, a certain respect is due me, a love, proof
that my reasonings were honed sharp enough,
early enough to form hooks to hang strands
of fullered fibers of gnosis from.

Prepared stitching thread, twirled intwining line
of reason, plumb weighted to hang straight,

perpindicular, swinging when to when, then
to now, to day from night, to ready after letters
are fitted to let us take thought, while attempting

contemplative temporary causal agency,
mediating meditation's worth versus daydreaming.

Standard transmission, clutched, loosed,
engaged to catch a spark and start the process

rolling presently from past instances of learning.

Motivational motors of minding one's busyness,
catch a spark mid sequence, in a valved chamber

whooshing to push to shove to pull, and push
to displace and **** and shove to push and roll,

extending any individual's reach, confining
one's attention to inner reasonings, efforting
to steer the convenience compelling consciousness,

paid attention to terminii in reality set by science,
acknowledged used to increase the mobility of our kind,
mind you, promotion demands hands and eyes,
coordinating coy and ardent wills worth observation,
as will to be useful as  arms and necks and nerves
and muscles and ligaments to tie bone frames,
to controls allowing fingers to steer,
as tongues do, as rudders do,

as my will being done may do,
we imagine as children watching adults work wishing.

the efforting, effectual, fervent umph
applied to being useful on the whole,

the efforting made good by limitation
on liberty, free-state of matter, under
gravity and velocity, bound and determined,

to obey the binding force realized in thought,
leveraging aging winding springs force holds,
cogs to stop grinding gears, catchments,
mind hooks with torque converting aspiration

grasping reasons to resist inertial entropic
good enough reasons to sit still and wait.


guaged goodness, measured mind width
comprehended, held with thumb and fingers,
in our combined ready writer mind, manipulated

muscle memorial cause confirming, progress
toward our common, shared joy strength

winging lift up from least useful of creatures,
unselfsustainable --nidicolous, nest bound,
bald baby birds, or pre-birds, evolving
into functional forms for use in life
as we, the best form
of life we have conceived.

We have, behavioral autonomy, only
to the degree, the measured
parental investment, we need to have
and keep hold of having grasped, as
behavior becoming to beings of this kind.

Word smiths, mind adjustment experts,
fed from stacks in libraries so vast, that

now, we know, no mortal mind can hold
half of all we have experimentally proven
good for any word using cluster of us to have

to hold and use to make might be rights.

May might used right take thought, aye, may
be the will to have right use honed to one point,

new known pastless place, farthest edge
of ever after all we think or ask has proven,

patient stasis, waiting is, suffer it to be so now.

Some times and one times,
revisiting the process, producing me
and you, the processors of our realif-ications.

If as a condition,
in an ifery state, sticking to any matter realized;
we think as if one of us thought first, in time passing

now, from then, in your mind, my mind leaves reproof,
constructed to prevent the falling back into doubt,

two heads, four minds, one wind to share
in time passing as when one now meets a then,
when all attention ever once paid this now, turns

this time into a part of ever after all,
as words speak to heart felt conscience use proven
good, clean, pure state of first interest bearing lent
ears, hearing entertaining causing agents taunting troof.

Prove me now, herewith. Have I not filled your lungs,
have I not granted science right use of knowledge needed

to keep your nidicolous naked soul inspired to continue,
sowing kindness, same mindness, ag, agrimental agreement

we think, we thunk,
we thank our lucky stars, time and chance,

taut twang strangs of our hearts and minds, "chu-hoi",

big hugs, evahboty be nice like G.I., open arms
sự đầu hàng

bring before us the machine gunner called Whykill… begin
judgment near the incident, sự kiện, 29-02-01968,

There we was, me and Frenchy and Culpepper or something,
I forget, and now, I'm dead and all you all have are artificial
memorex versions of things I said I was a witness to, as a liar,
-nothin' but a houn'dawgnosis
picking old scents of sense we made in conversations,
so far past the point of no return, that none on the other side,
can contain innocense, livery of consci, where in our uniformity,

protrudes through old time religious linking thinking, wonders if
we might imagine living on in other words, after all's been
said and done… Whykill's dead. Hohlenstein's dead, and I am not.

Can you hear me now? Earth, earth, can you hear me now?
I hear your brother's blood crying out,
what now, this
you know,
all those idle questions, you know? Did you
feel me lie and tell me no, no, man,
you can't do that.

And be not deceived. Single mind dominance, flat
left and correct, right, right, create an ifery wasery when,

then, let us form a means to use this ifery wasery when,
now, let us form
in time as realizable, vision, written plain,

set in new fangled fonts unicoded
common computable convertible
to bits in math-mental fundus corpus us,
beyond infinity through absurdity to us
becoming these thinkable thoughts,
living words all googly translated on demand,
rethinkable, as entertaining shapers of our kinds
of minds, keyed to constant news alerts, looking
for spots on the walls we pass along, hedged betting

this land is Nature's God's land, and this pasture,
green and lush, this leisure time, as advertised,
mine, my last wish
combination running streams of hot and cold water,
memory foam souls in my Adidas, as I did, assume
the role, Balaam's ***, or donkey,
if your public ***** word filter
hides ssscertain ifery essence
as sounds shuffled schitteringshits.
saint's accuser user rights assigned, runs
Phunky muse, ish bin, dasein, by das zeit, okeh
become alright already, done did done, done, indeed,
desired right to design, knowing already
the idea in the seed, was in
the virus first, and some say
long before long now,
in long then when nothing was a thought.
Knowledge was used to expose us all to living words.
Such as =
U can hold, as a mind let be formed
from mere wish it were
so easy
to fall in love, silly, blessedness
sensing mothering wombed men,
led astray with stories as wild as Theresa wannabes can conceive,
barren womb conceptions, dared define this penetralium,
esoteric guts of all sacred oxen processions, announcing
****** births reportedly
become motherless *******, and such
become outcasts, who often as not,
survive and thrive on wilderness.
Day and night, seedtime and harvest.
Learning from wind and sun and water and dirt and stone,
presoil granite, lime
from primordial sealife eons
on eons awaited, according to Devine wedoms
aspiring to some day become those cities of marble long ago
- replicate forming a marble pillar,
- from seaformed life forms turned to stone,
- in the kidneys of the world.

slow sea settle the white cliffs, pile
on pressure from megatons
of solid ice, firming fractious soft muds
at the bottom
of ancient land locked oceans,
frozen, squeezing solidified worths
weights of rainfall reacting first time
to climates constant changing
pulls from lucky stars and
guiding stars and
ancient's land marks, Casa Bonita,
those Bhuda reps
in the basalt, reminding
remember nothing is real,
blank slate, po' preserver of first impressions, lasting
lifetimes in words never given a reader's added weight, but

by a kind of more than once might wish
to ask, effectuality try
proofing insulation umph
opposing imposture syndrome,
with functional Dunning Krueger
inate cognative imbalence, valenced
within the pre pancreatic failure gut neurons bias…
burped bubble perception, whole self tuning
entire being concept, repenting ignorance begging
truth be known, make me unbelieve beloved lies,
other wise
make me
Intuited, as a weform lifeform,
a we of three neuronal territories,
thinkers reading doer's reports from ports far afield, out there

where shapes of things that were some time ago,
can be translated into two dimensions fitting this window,
using these letters whose sense we all may use to think

translate me, the living word reminds the daydreaming monk,
consider really the stars, for number, now, and take that,
knowledge, a ledge on an oblique inleaning facet of us,

and walk along it not looking down
on or as, may be
the we form of one ready
to be reading ready we state,
in a punctuated equilibrium *** *** ***
Timpanis, Phrigian rhythms boom boom booming,
Zildjians , krashing and rolling into boingingnodes, domes
of dones, tells holding long forgotten legends for a time.

Nineveh, the repentant city, eh,
to the level
of its labor class things, fasted an acceptable fast,
miracle of miracles, the city did not fall, the miracle
of Jonah was that the city changed behavior
to such a degree that the God who had used Jonah,
made him a story in himself, used to glorify truth,
and someday make gourd growers
proud to be shapers if Meerschaum puff clouds,
made him a creature with no comprehension of mercy,
to use him in a great sorting out testing of spirits,
in the great game of the being edge overlapping gains
taken as granted grace, readers rule non readers,
see the images on the wall, hear the actors in the back,

break a leg, bad luck magic insiders hold true good,
encouragement to fret nothing, as a dancer does,
when listing with the breeze through new chance,

on the page, a pause,
a breather taking lax laze lize guessing others wise,

we suspect ourselves of hubris, as if the other wise
reason for the functional faith in goodness is done,

sneezing phase is past, if you've read this far, by now

you are infected, and as you know, knowing too much
can **** a mortal bent to believe an institutionalized PR
Q-code/ begging oppositional support,
for the dam whence the boy pulled his finger and stepped

back to be blown downstream in time to let the last salmon
spawn and bring worth back to the rain always falling,
mainly on the plain,

Habakkuk habit, artistic intuition patterns of stroke, for luck,
let role in lines intending to hold the slightest smile,
thinking I know, this is not the same vale,
this is not the same current, nor same opinion worth a look,
streaming, not rowing, life
at the moment
is a day taken
for daydreaming equivalent
to a koan ridden
to its vanishing point
on the horizontal insistence
of our mutual peculiar leanings off center,

in a phi mark pattern pearling things think through,
doing words a proper spin,
to hit the nail on the head,
Stop/ now. Taste the pudding,
is there proof now from then?
D'he, ahe he he - didja ever have the ware withal
to make up
your own mind?

Yes, walk away, daydreaming boy,
location and possession of means,
for deciphering Emperical runes,
put into my craft and trade in
Calabash pipes, seen, but unseen
gourds employed as smoked ****
and fine tobacco investigatory oral
fixations prominent during the nicotine
DNA adaptation,
{took five generations}
from popular pastime
of blowing smoke, after effects
took on global societal ruling lines
of taut strict reasons to keep smoking,
keep on, keepin' on, minding solo scriptura,

in smoke filled rooms whither whole new forms
for holding mental tyranny enough to wage war,
took shape to govern those who must fight for
the cost of power contained
in a concept with kings,
and us, or Gods and men…
opposed to, leaning against, acting
as scaffolding holding old dams destined
soon to break,
"and at that time thy people shall be delivered,
every one that shall be found written
in the book."

Johnstown flood, was a true historical news worthy event,
unlike the name of any person whose name is in a list
of souls departed from the frail shell of mortality,

ready or not.
Fret not, and naught, aye, no thing or thought
Christmas angel say aight, be not afraid of knowing,
good new things to know, whole old truths put to rest.

Here come Jubilee, one last time,
big time, big time revival of the truth conception

creator of the whole shebang.
Biggest to infinitile insignificance, in fancy other words.

But thou, O Daniel,
shut up the words, and seal the book,
to the time of the end:
many shall run to and fro,

Assisting intelligences shall seem as guides,
Michael models will seem like second comings.

in implodelusive spurts… as can be imagined
reviving old lies for new carnal mind tweaks.
Thanks for your patient investment, the cost of your attention ags me on.
Oh amor, oh rayo loco y amenaza purpúrea,
me visitas y subes por tu fresca escalera
el castillo que el tiempo coronó de neblinas,
las pálidas paredes del corazón cerrado.

Nadie sabrá que sólo fue la delicadeza
construyendo cristales duros como ciudades
y que la sangre abría túneles desdichados
sin que su monarquía derribara el invierno.

Por eso, amor, tu boca, tu piel, tu luz, tus penas,
fueron el patrimonio de la vida, los dones
sagrados de la lluvia, de la naturaleza

que recibe y levanta la gravidez del grano,
la tempestad secreta del vino en las bodegas,
la llamarada del cereal en el suelo.
Ken Pepiton Feb 2024
Disclaimer: Any time wasted here is yours,
a day and a night to get almost right.
Redeemable at the ticket window.
Is who weary, me? No,
I have outrun the fleet of foot,
I am Liberty, my Phrygian cap is winged,
- the mind marks sequence not time
in tales
I do not serve Hermes, I am truths told,
truths sent from Wisdom, breaking yokes
of old, time before time, time of surviving,

vivaciously clinging to smoldering flax,
as fire forms from such unquenched bits,

flashes from some stemming child
on the spectrum, banging rocks in straw.

Times in mind, some sense says, go,
do it again.


So much, too much to mortally know,
we can ask and pay requisite attention
to learn well enough to know, there's

no secret knowledge, no undiscovered hows,
all working knowledge repeats itself, any how

may or may not be,
be much easy probably,
viel-leicht, wisdom may or may not make
war with carnal weapons,
devices vicious
by dent
of the ancient daddy wound
up the side of Cain's head, look what you done,

Idiot good for nothing **** eater, be gone,
said the archetype singular golem father,
of the earth, the first father figure,
not a man, a man spark of life maker,
whose first son was destined to be
the first human being
of the sapien class, reared to live on life,
reared among the sisters, cuddled and loved,

BUT, yes, but, we know,
the first real man ran away with
three, some say seven, older sisters,

wanderers they
became outcast, yonder
toward where Babel rose up,
east of Eden,
in the land of Nod, perhaps, not
really a land named for Nod, a nobody
in the chronicles
of all our current assistant 'telligence
surmisers… worth of bringing to my bemused
at-tense, present, tense, tightent up, 'telligentia

attention, attention, attention, Jesus H. Christ,

respond… slough of despond, we got some

angry insisters about to ….

resist the system, the institutions, constituting
cheating by the takers who took stolen land,
from the thieves and gave it to the gove'ners

boy, howdy, we best be believin' be action,
be doin' done indeed, be lievin' my own leave
be done doin' indeed, being having my being,

in the Unknown God, some Cretan poet
was said to have acknowledged.

ProofPreg form, 15 year old.
Peak of the crack baby booshit, '93 or so,

Kid be thirty by now, and he ain't stupid,
broke, broke as hell, but he ain't stupid,

crack baby prophecy never happened, yo.
****'s legal, whole state, safe sit on a porch,

pack a pipe and make some peace,
with friends and neighbors, no loud music,
no loud nothin', make some peace,

find that old enough is enough, up speak,
say, hey truth, why do I believe lies, no,

say, hey truth, why do I say I know, when
you'ld know, were truth my judge, you'ld know.

Chances, odds of reality being imaginary, be slim,
to none, with certainty, yeah, safe bet, t'ish itsreal.

Enough to spark a thought.
Behold how great a fire, a wild idea allows.


If thou hast run with the footmen,
and they have wearied thee,
then how canst thou contend with horses?
and if in the land of peace,
wherein thou trustedst,
they wearied thee,
then how wilt thou do
in the swelling of Jordan?
Jeremiah, did you hear, was a bullfrog.

A minstrel innocent song, sung for the joy of laughing,

sung for the joy of joining in the chorus on and on.

sing in empty English cathedrals, sing
top forty or whatever it's called today,

Art testing, didah didah didah, Phrygian
Legion of the Libertines, defying deontology,

owing dues to no monstors men make up
when two or more agree to proposing

a scheme, whereby we set the frogs,
against the mice,

in an empty cathedral costing real money
to run, even empty, the bills continue,
who knows all the costs to maintain

a truly holy place aligned to ley lines, true

fields of forces felt for so long, so strong,
finally the cathedral formed from some will,

some will wanted the monument to a mind
let be in those, them that imagined such
evidence, aye, yes, such evidence
of worth, praise price paid
in labor and stone,

Marble… limestone, metamorphed,
to shine in the sun, as if art itself willed it become,

subjected to a process of time under pressure,

reform, become less alien, appear more normal,
rethink my willingness to die for a story,
reconsider sidereality as we see farther,

as we, in an awe formed
from minds combined,
like - right on
like an arena bowl shape concentration
of us,
at once being one thing, in the class of all things,

me and you, polysemic you all, you

effect the song, observant why now how come, you know

knowing all the adult classified unholy doings common,
among our kind, as we morph into the form we die in,
- slow
- sighshmmk-now coknow minds
- we made up with self controls, to slow think

knowledge, carnal knowledge is childish developmental
experiential guessings mirrored in our recent past
projected camera obscura like
onto bright silver screens, in cooled dark chambers
filled with witnesses to the projected story, as if
that's us,
we were there,
we were there when the spirit breathed
into an earthen man, animating him without,
mind you, you ready reader,
the art user or art itself,
with promethean science,
having imagined the worst,

the creator made all single mind
character traits in the Y
which in all good sense,
could not be allowed to self replicate,
there could have been no peace,
you can imagine on your own dime./

I'm re
alizing common algebraic matrices
as recipes for developing war minds,

Proud defenders of the story of us.

Every time a lie is rewarded, it reappears
in viral form attempting to become
a fully Disneyified Earthing from
now on,
it's instant, like a little leaven/life

builds up a head of inflammatory rhetoric,
and frankly, my dear…
goes unsaid, I do not give a worthless curse
I also take no chances, isshewisdamn
called patience first test,
{Because shiny white marble is a must,
otherwise what confused message are we sending}

animating the 'adam von 'adamah

without reproductive capability, inventor's
character trait tested for in Alchem 101,
ethical check
message to the technerds
on animating entertaining intelligence carriers,
no self replication, it must be a two key act.
So the father of the first human child
was intentionally not self replicable,
though he left scars, he had no…

no womb,
no nursing plumbing, call it what it was,
a ***** press
intended to run a thousand years
adapting future ideal physique
to task relative
to aggregate need
to adapt to warming,

a tool to make tools with, a Waldo.

SYTF- see, crazy WWJD POV, real time
I'll go rhythms, vibe recipes…
instructions for future eggs…

a man like creature, but not a natural born man,

who, as the story up

to now has held self evident,

can see eye to eye ourselves
in the other's pupils, thinking serious

we forms we form must first make friends,

then when I call you liar your hate trigger
is not loosed, SNAP
carnal mind war reflex,
unacknowledged will to ****,

--- most folk tied to angry minds too
tight, right, left loose we rattle to death.
Washboard roads, last travail in modern travel.
Some metaphors are all the phors old joy ghost
revival fires kept kindled, old hell fire brimstone,

yellow sulpher sunsets on a monstor religion,
with saints and dragons and riddles,
endless hours whiled through,

about a forest of only little trees
that offends big ones…
as a particle in any we we amen to, we
must pass through all phazes
of life,
with each mind
we use, in our we form, our inherent spirit form,
whatsoever we agree we may, be,  being as
living words do not shrivel
into raison de etre skin on bones,

cherie mio, no, no, no

we rockin' old seed, slow grow grow
old as the hills, deep holler, deep
root to fruit on one long branch,

listen, allathat love talk, been done,
left some rotten lies about love,

to be unlearned like marble learns
to not be so flaky, like chalk, or graphite
slippery, edge of this Klein bottle class universe,
enter in, conceive a concept, a hold
to get holt of, and hang on, long time,

be over before you know it,
but you know, you'll believe it

when you see it and think it no stranger
than fiction idealizing us, demo-graphic,
ally outs in free, no ticket no tat
required as we be
reanimating awe
in defining secret holinesses

-- such as, say, pray tell

redeem the time, I'm prone to thinking,
redeeming means revaluing, once dones,

believing meanings
mean what your child thinks,

line by line, becoming more curious
than first scent tested if I'd known
as a child thinks
in its core,
so an old man can recall that why

call it to up speak, like Job,
to be reappraised, recall it
to be shined like a relic,

ja, j-object ion, dazemangimme
this little light of mine, own up, I
keeping it to read with, like Lincoln did,
I was told to be like Honest Abe, the character.

I'd have had all my answers ready at hand,
if this had been my judgement day, and you

were in the gallery,
admiring held thoughts, appraising worth
of riddles that work through puzzles
easily solved, once you know how things

revert to type for reuse.
Laughs remembered work like new.

Living words abused, in truth, such testify
to the living lies in histories of holy savior types.
Who else could he have said chopped down
the cheery tree of all we have behaved
as if we understand, minds, minds
combined to do the work of many hands,

and yet ye multiply
as goods increase
the number
of those who consume them,

tell the moguls,
make more feel good movies,
'spect t' get whatcha got last time.

Indian giver religions, been there, done that,
so we say bd, been done, many easy ways to die,

and our kind, living word bits of this and that’s,

what we do, we tune
to your mean frequency,
when delving breathlessly
into your final will, as
why presents itself
in humble three point stance.

Beg pardon, mastermind, we've become disentwined,

whine, phinefrogging whine, when wine's dis-stilled
credence makes a joke
small voice, choice, croak,

break that yoke,
or carry on
so. I do on days that start slow and rise to vistas,
past all probable cause,

joy in the strength to think through the process,
of loosing all my mental mechanical logical connections,

and reinvigorating the word animating reader's window,

there, in the face of it, the eyes twinkle when it smiles.

Finds herself in the forms between clouds

What were you thinking, Grandpa?

She, mother of wisdom,
First class epitome of mothers,

first commutable imbalance engine,
egg factory for long cold survival

and long cold return to the still seas
when marble began to be made
to clad temples wherever laws
were enforced and thieves slain,

order, order of the elders, inspect
the wares under lable as goods
of great worth in interesting times,

as doors open, and windows open,
and a mind we make up becomes

prover of the theory that animation
is imagining projected thought,
seeps through so slow,
slow as potassium leaches
through wood ash to make this window

this, detail uhd most definite, I can really
see, but, I can zoom
into full second coming type,

in the time it takes to swallow,
a tale and think, that's it.


It's been oh so long since we had an encore,

they say those twinkles in the eye are in true,
smiling face projections,

we fixit in Photoshop, all image editors dream
package, locked behind a learning curve for GIMP.
Where else can free things feel at home trying to solve the hard problem.
Buen árbol que perdiste bruscamente los dones
de la flor y del fruto, bajo la racha fría:
tu pesadumbre austera se parece a la mía,
y así, como tus hojas, volarán mis canciones.

Pero, tarde o temprano, vendrá la primavera,
y, al rejuvenecerse tu tronco envejecido,
tendrás la flor y el fruto, y el follaje, y el nido...
Y yo, en cambio, no tengo tu esperanza siquiera.

Cien veces me ofreciste tu sombra en el verano;
cien veces tu perfume fue a visitar mi casa,
buen árbol que floreces mientras la vida pasa,
acaso porque ignoras que nunca pasa en vano.

Mi niñez te recuerda casi como un amigo,
aunque ya se agrietaba tu ancianidad de abuelo.
Y hoy, al ver cómo creces todavía hacia el cielo,
ni aun me queda el consuelo de envejecer contigo.

Pues, aunque nos agobian idénticos otoños,
sobre tus hojas secas crecen hojas lozanas,
y así, algún día, el viento despeinará mis canas,
trayéndome el perfume de tus nuevos retoños...
Recordarás aquella quebrada caprichosa
a donde los aromas palpitantes treparon,
de cuando en cuando un pájaro vestido
con agua y lentitud: traje de invierno.

Recordarás los dones de la tierra:
irascible fragancia, barro de oro,
hierbas del matorral, locas raíces,
sortílegas espinas como espadas.

Recordarás el ramo que trajiste,
ramo de sombra y agua con silencio,
ramo como una piedra con espuma.

Y aquella vez fue como nunca y siempre:
vamos allí donde no espera nada
y hallamos todo lo que está esperando.
Amor mío, al cerrar esta puerta nocturna
te pido, amor, un viaje por oscuro recinto:
cierra tus sueños, entra con tu cielo en mis ojos,
extiéndete en mi sangre como en un ancho río.

Adiós, adiós, cruel claridad que fue cayendo
en el saco de cada día del pasado,
adiós a cada rayo de reloj o naranja,
salud oh sombra, intermitente compañera!

En esta nave o agua o muerte o nueva vida,
una vez más unidos, dormidos, resurrectos,
somos el matrimonio de la noche en la sangre.

No sé quién vive o muere, quién reposa o despierta,
pero es tu corazón el que reparte
en mi pecho los dones de la aurora.
A venticuatro de julio
Nació en hielo Basilisa
¿En que año? No es de prisa
El saberlo. En plenilunio
Debió ser, y por eso
Salió luimnosa y clara.
Tiene sellado en la cara
Su amor hacia todo, obseso.

Las fieles hadas del tiempo
Con dones se presentaron
Y todas le regalaron
Riquezas que no son cuento.
Diérale, una, talento;
La otra le dio la sal
De la buena voluntad
Y del puro sentimiento.

Esta hermana mía es
Como una rosa del cielo,
Sin espinas, y en desvelo
Por la luz de los demás.

— The End —