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Alexa Sz Apr 2010
My List of inspirations:

The sun that shines on me
it rises and sets
creating inspiring colors of the unknown.

The flowers that grow, bloom, share joy,
and sadly die away.

The Birds that sing, and fly in the wide open sky
making people want to sit and enjoy the outsides.

Music that surrounds me with joy
beyond belief and picks me up
whenever I pick up my guitar.

Stories and Books written so descriptively
the variety is never ending.

Horses and when they graze
such a calming soft sound
and when Horses whinny when they see you
and push up against you as if to say,"Oh, it's nice to see you again"

People and their strange ways, looks,
and personalities, no one is exactly the same
an inspiration for sure.

Family and Friends and their love for you
standing next to you even if the world isn't.

The ocean with it's waves and foreign creatures
so much more than land and so much more unique.

Dolphins and their kind eyes and playful ways
twirling out of the water making their exotic language.

Mantarays and Sting rays and the graceful flow in the other ocean creatures.

Beaches and the sand so smooth getting everywhere
it's in your hair, food, and all over your towel.

Summer even though it is short it is beautiful
and lively. Warm air and soft breeze.

Leaves, fall and summer they are still beautiful
with their colors.

Learning, history has our success and our mistakes
and people who are important.

Art, beauty in the eye of the beholder. The artist has the paintbrush
the creativeness creates strokes.

Wisdom, it is whatever you believe it to be. Wisdom comes in many shapes, sizes, and ages.

Peace, one thing the world has not held on to...yet.

Love, when there is love in the air all is well. Love is expressed in many different ways.

Imagination, Dreams, and Creativeness a land that is yet to be
discovered more.

Teachers, they something more than just school work.
They teach you how to survive life.

Poets on this site, I have learned so much from all of you.

Smiling and all who dare to share this joy! The most contagious thing known to humans!

This List will be ongoing and I will write something more when I find more inspirations.
Anyone who wants to make a list of Inspirations don't be afraid to join me!
C F Tinney May 2017
I dreamed a dream so perfect
of white and pureness found
Of swimming pools of happiness
and creativeness unbound

Where I was king forevermore
and you could not invade
With all my joy in full display
and all true feelings laid.

You entered not
for it was you who feared
Me! You feared me
and dare not ever neared.

So beautiful.  Magnificent.
Yet slumber comes to end
and soon I found myself returned
into your lap again.

Until I can once more escape
in sleep where truth is gone
to places you shall never know
nor ever gaze upon
escaping through slumber where one cannot be touched
Genevieve Apr 2014
What is originality anymore?
The pop songs we listen to day in day out,
That are only updated remixes of
Songs that our parents
Already know every lyric to.

Is it the pranks we play on each other at school,
Poking holes in the top of water bottles,
So we don’t get caught when we try to catch our class mates.
Drowning them
In carbonated energy drinks.

Don’t think you’ll get away with it.
The teachers already know,
About flicking elastic bands at the backs of girls knees,
So they scream a little louder
And turn around to see
Boys smirking faces,
Because they have been there before.

Define originality.

. /əˌrɪdʒɪˈnalɪti/
1. the ability to think independently and creatively.

•the quality of being novel or unusual

synonyms: inventiveness, creativeness, creativity, innovativeness, innovation, novelty, freshness, newness, imagination, break with tradition, resourcefulness, cleverness, daring, individuality, unusualness, unprecedentedness, uniqueness, distinctiveness

Is it smuggling ***** in water bottles,
Or sneaking down to the back garden
To have one last cigarette with your friends,
At 1am
On New Years
When you have had more to drink than your parents
Yet you are only 15.
Watering down whiskey from your parents liqueur cabinet
With apple juice.

Getting caught drunk
After being out with friends, Stumbling in at 2am
On Sunday morning.

Storming up to your room
After having a row with your parents.
Slamming the door,
Screaming at the floor,
Calling a friend,
And ******* about the people who brought you into this world.

I’m not as good with words
Than I thought I was

O r i g i n a l i t y I s D e a d

Your parents Grandparents
Aunties and uncles
Have seen it all before
It’s a fact of growing up
And one day
You will too know
Exactly how it is
Idk I was just thinking too much
Edited because I didn't like itt
Brandi Nov 2013
Two men have given me books in my lifetime... up to this moment. I wish more had. When I graze my fingers horizontally along the spines of each story shoved into my shelves only two books cause them to stop and linger. A book is such an underrated gift.
The first boy to give me a book knows a side of me that no one else does. I talk to him constantly despite the distance, yet I can't save him. He has an addictive personality. It's the drugs, it's the alcohol, it's the sadness, it's the tortured creativeness in him, it's the live life fast anarchism of **** the world. I've been careless with the book he gave me. It has sat neglected for a long time, I haven't even finished it. I've tried but I just can't get into it. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, as you can tell from the title it is all about taking mad amounts of LSD while living during the 70s and following around a bunch of now famous bands and being wild and being untethered from social constraints. He gave me a piece of his freedom fetish that intimidates me because I know deep down that if we're together we'd tear through the world in a feverish pace. So fast that there's no way we could live a decent life without having burned up everything we could ever do that it'd have to die tragically and quickly.
The second boy gave me a bittersweet love story set in a world filled with magic. It's characters had tattoos of protection symbols, strange powers, and a girl in love with a boy who ****** her off but was gorgeous in a bad way. The boy who gave me this story hid behind his tattoos and made me promise to not fall in love with him during our first date. I read the novel nonstop and finished it two days later. He gave me the sequel with the stipulation that I give away these books whenever I was done with them to someone I thought would truly appreciate them. I cried after the second book and like the story's main characters we couldn't get pass our self-made obstacles to make our love work. For a year I refused to pass them on for it was one of the few things I had left of this boy. Until the day I sat by an army officer on the plane home and he was almost done with the first novel and I coincidentally had the second novel. It was just too coincidental to pass up on so I gave the man a story to carry with him. A story he didn't even know was deeper than the words on the pages. I still have the first book and always will just like the tiny, faint, tender pink scar he left in my heart.
**** diamonds, **** flowers, **** songs, **** baby animals, **** anything trivial you could ever give me as a girl. **** all that **** other women like. Give me a book, a story, a poem, a letter, and i'll remember you forever.
With my poetic words, I’m looking to breathe Life
into the souls and spirits of others to prevent…
the conditions that lead one to a spiritual Death;
with directness, my messages’ clarity is clear,
as instructed in the Great Commission from Christ.

Temptations of head-scratching, clutter, confusion
and being overly clever are avoided, when Biblical
references are supplied; hopefully, my personality
shines through, despite my analytical thinking and
my spiritual creativeness of expressing Salvation.

My idealized thoughts are evident and recognizable;
now most of my readers, can easily detect the sound
of my inward voice, with its straight-forwardness
and consistency. Finding a resonance of Faith, they
can identify and love poems… that are analyzable!
Inspired by Marie Forleo’s instructional video
“The Copy Cure”; learn more at:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Amazon (dot) com

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
Jack Aug 2014

From the cinders and ashes of exhausted flame
Came a wonderful truth that is not one to blame
For this feeling of love that brings forth its weight
Which we gladly present in the form of debate

On the darkest of night not a star above shone
We hear of the plight his decision alone
For the heart of this woman true love would reclaim
From the cinders and ashes of exhausted flame

And this knight you will see just a few steps away
Had decided to take with the band on this day
Whilst knowing full well that his Lady would fear
The thought that her armor clad knight was not near

He played till the hours, well into the morn
His heart between song and his lady were torn
But still he continued till the sun called the day
And this knight you will see just a few steps away

As he knocked on the door, crooked smile on his face
He called out her name as he stood at her place
Ignore him she did for twas easy to know
Where he had been, what place he did go

He hadn’t a clue that she waited her chore
And watched from above on the very next floor
His attempts to gain entry to this her own place
As he knocked on the door, crooked smile on his face

As she moved on the balcony, eyes gazing down
Watching his antics without making a sound
And thought to herself this was really a shame
It is his love of music that is surely to blame

Then her mind turned to songs he had written for her
As the love that she felt for him began to stir
Wonderful feelings inside her spun round
As she moved on the balcony, eyes gazing down

She decided to forgive and forget would be best
For his feelings and love he soon would profess
Through the entry she walked, quiet feet on the floor
To the base of the stairway that leads to the door

A moment to breathe, a glance at the clock
No longer she hears the sound of his knock
She would let him in, allow him some rest
She decided to forgive and forget would be best

Dejected, no answer, he turns now to leave
To lose her, this Goddess, he surely would grieve
Why had he made such a mess of this thing
By playing guitar, by wanting to sing

He knew that he loved her much more than a song
Then why did he play with his friends all night long
She warned him no longer his words she’d believe
Dejected, no answer, he turns now to leave

The door is now open and before her eyes
A sight that is not often called a surprise
I terrible dream, she thought this must be
This sight that I see right in front of me

Why would this happen, why do such a thing
Knowing he loved her as he loved to sing
Don’t do this my darling, the words that she cries
The door is now open and before her eyes

A burning guitar, burning songs on the ground
Fanning the flames of this inferno mound
Her Knight as he tells her this act is to show
He loves her much more than a song and a show

I’ll sing nevermore, not a chord will I play
To be in your arms with you I will stay
Know now this sign of my love so profound
A burning guitar, burning songs on the ground

She could not believe it as she stood there and cried
Such sadness and sorrow had built up inside
My darling this is not the course I desire
To see your creativeness go up in fire

I understand not why you’d go to such means
Never, not ever in my wildest dreams
This is not a way I would have ever implied
She could not believe it as she stood there and cried

Weep not my love, the decision was mine
It should have been done such a long ago time
For here at your side now I never shall part
And sing you the song that you’ve placed in my heart

These ashes were pages and wood and some strings
Nothing much more than material things
So therefore I say we’ve the rest of all time
Weep not my love, the decision was mine

She was his Queen and he was her Knight
With her blonde flowing hair she would pull him in tight
She sat on the ground, he fell to his knees
This moment of love they were sure to seize

Her long gown of violet, his suit of steel
Their passionate kiss, they way that they feel
This perfect love the whole world would delight
She was his Queen and he was her Knight

From the cinders and ashes of exhausted flame
Came a wonderful truth that is not one to blame
For this feeling of love that brings forth its weight
Which we gladly present in the form of debate

On the darkest of night not a star above shone
We hear of the plight his decision alone
For the heart of this woman true love would reclaim
From the cinders and ashes of exhausted flame
Ok, sorry, this is a long one. Just playing around with a slightly different style.
Arlene Corwin Mar 2018
Sitting in the bath once again, small blue pad in hand, bit of plastic as support, I write this poem.   Albert Cat demands a bit of attention and pad slides into the water.  I grab a bit of toilet paper to blot it.  That makes it worse.  So, blurred and vague, I reconstruct it, using magnifying glasses (2!) while watching the evening news.  Here it is:
             I Like Facebook

I like Facebook. I don’t know exactly why.

I like looking at the pictures,

Friends I’d never meet another way.

I like friendly messages,

Passages of verse I’d never read

If not for Facebook’s lead.

I like Likes and Comments kind,

Find in comments rich expressions.

Possibly I’m one of few - or few new millions.

I’m inspired when tired, fired up.

Even when I’ve written ‘crap’

No one’s there to trap me.

Some reviewer always sees my views,


Someone always sends

Me praise; ends with a Like.

I’ve never had a spikey word;

Cordiality is all I’ve ever read or heard.

Commonality forever somewhere, there

Where someone wants to start a group.

Always somebody to whoop de whoop:

Somewhere folk who populate;

A troupe with common passions.

Then there are the monthly Happys:

Happy Birthdays, Christmases and Easters…

Never had one word rescinded.

Reminded gently daily:

Classmates, playmates

I’d forgotten, dovetailed,

Blazoned on the psyche;

Friends and places,

And of course, the faces -

It is Facebook, after all; the key, the glee,

A source of history.

As for weaknesses I’ve read about –

Never think to route them out,

Going ‘bout my business,

Focused on creativeness,

The lofty and the small.

I like Facebook.

Happy Facebook to you all!

I Like Facebook 3.31.2018 Our Times, Our Culture II; Arlene Corwin
The notes are in the intro.
Alexa Sz Apr 2010
here are the main ingredients to my poetry:

Words, fraises, rhymes sometimes, inspirations, creativeness, LIFE, emotion, education, facts if neccessary, IMAGINATION, character, uniqueness, thought, impulse, opposites, TRUTH, symbols, patterns, and most of all my poetry contains a bit of ME in them.
Smoot Oct 2010
I have detailed memories of occasions I'd like to forget
While I can never remember things I'd like to never dismiss.
Never miss this,
How emptiness kissed my closed lips as I concealed emotions I wasn't stable enough to
feel yet.
Happiness gets,
No place in a crowed room yet full of space
Full of thoughts I hadn't had time to think yet.
Keep me pressed for time while I have not a dime to spend
on costly relationships with mankind that seem to let my soul sour
every time I can recall.
While I spend my time writing poems of sorrows I realize that I can never again
relive the time I've wasted thinking about what could have beens or what should be's
funny how the lack of emotional space seems to burn like honey bees stinging my expressionless face.
I ran races of foot dreams for maybe if I made one last step to a finish line I had no idea to where its destination  could possible be I just new it had to be somewhere far away from my inner self so it had to be the perfect place for someone as spaced out yet completely glued to one spot craved to be.
Like cravings for cookies sprinkled with life was a treat I hadn't yet baked in ovens of temper felt skulls
made with love by the one who composed this distress into the perfect picture of a cloudy gray yet colorful mess.
This life helps me dress myself as I picture my thoughts as organized as yours
My ideas of greatness neatly folded into perfectly hand crafted drawers and my creativeness escapes to the next nut case that could handle my beliefs better than me.
Package my soul and send it right back to me for I want to wrap my uncanny way of places words onto pages to stay
I wouldn't know how else to survive if my life was anything but this way.
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2010
Moments fly and phrases die
Like thistledown in breeze,
Creativeness evades
The minds capacity to seize.
Shadows of vast portraiture
Do beckon from within
Just to dissipate like gossamer
When almost penciled in.
Sequences of magnitude
Dissolve upon the lips
And laughter’s spontaneity dies
As vapoured humour slips.
To fancy pearls of rapture
Emanating from the brain
Would tax ones capacity
To ever fantasize for fame.
Frustrations of the frantic day
Those rushing points of call
Where interruptions, interrupt
In fleeting moments all,
Where focusing, just shatters
In the face of crass demand
Where inspiration’s stillborn babes
Are delivered cold to hand.
Tragic are the losses
To the mortified’s dry pen
And jubilantly, Satyrs claw
Creations’ prize …to them.

Victoria Park Tunnel
28 June 2010
maybella snow Jul 2013
males (maybe just from my experience)
      seem to hide their pain in anger
females (maybe just my experience)
       seem to not try and show the wrong people

              male poets (maybe just my view)
   show their pain in creativeness that evokes hurt
              female poets (maybe just me)
   show their hurt in words that evoke understanding

      male poets (just what i've noticed)
           express love
       female poets (just what i think)
           express love

   maybe that's why i fell for a poet
                he expresses love, shows his pain
      maybe that's why he fell for a poet
                i express love, tell my pain right

we just understand eachother well
apologies if this makes no sense
Heather Moon Aug 2015
Who is the person that you call an artist? A man who is momentarily creative? To me he is not an artist. The man who merely at rare moments has this creative impulse and expresses that creativeness through perfection of technique, surely you would not call him an artist. To me, the true artist is one who lives completely, harmoniously, who does not divide his art from living, whose very life is that expression, whether it be a picture, music, or his behaviour; who has not divorced his expression on a canvas or in music or in stone from his daily conduct, daily living. That demands the highest intelligence, highest harmony. To me the true artist is the man who has that harmony. He may express it on canvas, or he may talk, or he may paint; or he may not express it at all, he may feel it. But all this demands that exquisite poise, that intensity of awareness, and therefore his expression is not divorced from the daily continuity of living.
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
[ edit poem ]
Night Verses
It's at night and when i'm shutting off,
I'm tired,
seeking something soft, lay upon...

:You'd think i'd be de-energized,
feeling groggy as i close my eyes:
my creativeness lacking size.

...It's that special  time of day:
the repettitive hour in which i lay,
:that i find gold.

My thoughts add up to an endless sum,
Collective lines, begin to thrum,
Bright  and bold, they always come: my head.

...It's too bad though:
My night verses,
you guys will never know.
They're gone by morning ,
no pure gold to show.

© J-d S. J
Look around what do you see?/
No matter what endeavor
was dream up by an artist
They create the world
Which we live
aesthetic visions/
entice thee
television shoes clothes
Cars and homes/
Think about it?
it's an artistic scheme/
optimistic exquisite
An articulate scene/
Step back take a view
Coppistetic articles/
clothed What ensues /
Open your eyes
enclosed in false truths/
Artesian the currency
Naturally Flows through/
Eyelids down/
an optical torrent/
I've been drowned/
in surround sound torment/
cinematic pictures that
Visually pour in/
Articulate with in particulars
Such a beautiful song/
The rhythm of the words
Guide me and carry on/
Music to my ears
The universal art-form/
In a cold world storms
Keeping our hearts warm/
Auxiliaries the art of war
silly me/
Addicted to creativeness
abstract attract
In fact an artist
Art of Art artifact/
Trent Sackenheim Oct 2011
I'm falling back asleep again

Dreaming of the greenest grass

Violently I'm woken up

I realize that I'm still in class

I'm wondering what I'm doing here

As I'm staring at the clock

The hostility seems to grow

With every tick and tock

As I'm walking through the hallway

I hear a little cough

"That shirt don't say Badin kid

You'll have to take it off"

Then I see a balding man

The source of my despair

"It can't be in the middle kid

You'll have to change your hair"

"And what's that writing on your arm

No, that just won't do

Go over there and wash it off

And also change your shoes"

My creativeness is leaving me

It's coming out as drool

"But Open House is coming up

You must promote our school"

My hair is almost all gone now

You can't recognize my face

Why'd they make me do this

I think I hate this place

I'm waking up from class again

The teacher calls my name

But he's looking at a different kid

We all look the same

What have they done to me

I wonder as I hear the bell

I'm not an individual

This place might just be hell
wordvango Jul 2015
I write with flowery sharpness
my pen and ink the stem and juice of natures
creativeness, the sugar flowing energy enriching
the light of millions of years of synergy
posting on the back of a root
the highest leaf
an expression felt
the veins of silken feelings waving in
the sun breeze the selections of
our creator.
wordvango Nov 2014
Night, the sky is at times brightest.
Cries, the loudest.
Clowns can be funniest,
darkness may flourish,
unrestrained by sight.
in still, needs are fed
unseen, waterfalls
of poetic creativeness crash and flow between
streaming, down rocks, down dreams.
Plays, romances
are written.
Life, is renewing by rest. Or dark seeing.
Days are awaiting,
in the darkness
julian pirtle Feb 2017
I'm a ******* crow. And I love it. I'm Black ,unique ,feared, and above all I'm misunderstood. I am a epitome of fear. A symbol of the unknown. Which makes perfect since considering I am unknown. Most think of birds and  think of colors. All colorful birds are thought to be different because of their colors and their physical attributes,But appearance means nothing. They are different on the outside but on the inside they are all the same. No matter how different they look. Most of their attributes are beautiful. From their vibrant colors to their interesting looking beaks. But I'm different, I look plain. I look dead. I look boring and scary and people never look past appearance. They never have and they never will. If they did then crows like me would be a symbol of poeticness, creativeness, and pure brilliance.  My sub songs misinterpreted by all that hear them. They think they are obnoxious and rude. While I see them as sentimental and beautiful. I sing my songs out of tiredness of oppression brought to me by society and neglect-ion brought to me by my peers. But it's okay I will always fly. And even when the terrible twisted world I live in takes my wings I will still be heard. Either because my sub songs annoy the **** outta you or cause you look past the screeching sound and find the true Beauty to my madness.
Alex McQuate Mar 2022
Oh Gygax,
If you could see what you've made,
What it's become,
To those you've touched,
With simple dice, paper, and pen,
You'd see a community you've helped,
A people inspired,
Of joys you bring everyday.

You introduce to some a world of creativeness,
Of fantasy and dragon slaying,
To others you've helped provide a creative outlet,
Something they thought they'd never have again.

You've helped people make friends,
Some lifelong,
Connecting them in various ways,
But through it all,
It will have all started,
With a 20 sided dice,
And a simple question;
"Would you like to play?"

You've helped some through some rather dark and rough patches,
A form of escapism that can't compare,
To others you've provided a fun weekly activity,
To decompress from the toils of the day-to-day.

From the starry eyes of our most youthful,
To the slightly hazy eyes of old,
Entertainment you've brought to us,
From your average joes,
To famous folk,
The touch of your creation enraptures all that it beholds.

My friends and I gather again,
On this Friday night,
To fight zombie hoards, Kobold warlords,
Even a Black pudding or two,
And for a little while,
In those fleeting instants,
They're great hero's of Valara and Altour.

So thank you Gygax,
for all you've done,
as we sit down at this table,
from the noble adventuring group known as the Assless Chaps,
(Exasperated Sigh)
And their beleaguered Dungeon Master.
Danilo Florenzio Jun 2018
The worst of pessimists, covered by his own mist,
Does it really have to be like this?
He has an open mind, but his motivation’s blind
Can’t he just stand on his feet and switch the disk?

Trading his love for life for creativeness
Waking from his dreams, he wish to stay like this

Walking on his own, he has turned his records on
He knows all things will get better
He’s all right and always wrong, he knows where he has come from
But this only makes him sadder

On his path to self destruction, he is on a roll
Right or wrong, on his malfunction, he’s got no control

Moaning about his own life, for sure he won’t make things right
Does he really needs to be like this?
Why does he has to be mad, why does he wants to be sad?
Why does “he” needs to actually be “me”?
Self struggle
Kathryn Irene Sep 2018
Perfectly beautiful
Imperfectly heartbroken
Entirely talented
Wasted creativeness
Full of potiental
Waste of space

Utterly and completely perfect.
View more poems on my instagram
Marvin Paul Feb 2019
An array of flowers.
Your tears like showers.
Your heart like a masterpiece created.
Your shoes gold plated.
There is no certainty.
When you are happy
The grass turns green.
Like a queen on the front page of a magazine.
Fate had other ideas.
Your heart's music plays for different reasons.
Be wary of those who trespass.
Your beauty shown in creativeness.
Go either left or right.
Beauty is every womans birthright.
Hank Van Well Jr Jan 2015
The reason

A truest friend , an inspiration for all that is good in the world , she's held a piece of my heart for as long as I can remember ,
A reason to love at all ,
Her fingerprints are on the seeds.
Planted by her wisdom , fertilized with direction.
She ,churned the creativeness into my soul by her example.
Her own blood courses through my veins, as she watches the gardens I have created with my words.
Landscapes , paintings , travels.
Sunshine and storms.
Nourished from the roots embedded from the foundation she had instilled within me.
For she is the reason I can write , she is the reason I can see the good in all there is.
She is the reason I have hope.
For without her , I just simply would not be.
I close my eyes and prepare to pen again , paint another world , another scene , another story , and give thanks to the reason i can ,
through love and heartbreak , highs and lows ,
She was always there ,
She is always there
Different words , and different times, decades later
She sees herself in my world,
She is the reason ,
Planted seeds , and simply passed along ,
A writer
A mother , to her son
Sometimes we have to sit back and just think ....
jeffrey robin Dec 2014
)              ^            (
(                               ^                             )
  ////  • ||
  /    \
  /        \

   (    )


Will to create !

In the lonely depths we yearn for real power

We long to know within each other

The virtue that is strength


We are the only story

Ours the purity

The poetry

The scripture

The song


Your love !


One every street corner !

Pimps and ****** and johns !

Do not be among


The world is love

You are Loveliness


Come let us undress

Let us bathe in the holy waters

In eternal embrace with our creativeness
Kathryn Irene Sep 2018




          Full of potential
Waste of space

          Utterly and
completely perfect

- SkullsNBones
View more poems on my instagram
Arlene Corwin Jan 2020
As much as one hates to use the pronoun “I”, writing or speaking, there are times when ‘I’ is the middle point and of the essence.
Arlene (see footnote).        

  Now & Then, How I Miss…

I practice living the Now.
But now and then
I miss the old Arlene
Who had ten
Who could play arpeggios
With ease:
Adagios, capriccios,

Un-nostalgic, chanced to see
And old Youtube of Arlene-me
Singing, playing“All God’s Chillun” speedily,
Gleeful, musical and jazzy.
Wound up teary-eyed.

With just three left to play with:
Thumb and index on the left, only lonely thumb the right,
Filled with weakness
I can play a swinging bass
With Monk-like dissonance between,
The right thumb not at all a small dumb finger.

The trick will be to sow creativeness anew.,
Augment, stretch, grow and not go into
Any other place than Now
(if Now at all can be referred to
                                        as a ‘place’.
I rather think of it as space).

In any case,
I was a little sad today;
The old Arlene who cannot play
The way she used to,
Caused by nature’s vagary.

Dear reader, please forget  
This sentimental, reminiscent “…How I Miss…”
A useless business at the very least.
Now &Then, How I Miss…1.6.2020 Vaguely About Music; Pure Nakedness; Arlene Nover Corwin

Arlene Corwin collapsed on August 3rd, 2019.  In a coma for a month, when she awoke, there were 4 fingers missing on the right hand, 3 half fingers on the left,  and two catheters in one kidney   The cause: Blood poisoning or sepsis (from the Greek ‘sepin’ make rotten).  After two months she was home.  Muscles shrunken, walking with help she began a regime of sit-ups, pushups, yoga…and using every object inI the house as tool now is fully flexible and growing stronger with each day.
But the hands, those hands…We’ll see what happens.
Travis Green Aug 2018
I saw your brilliant poetry inside the moonlight
its explosive beat composing its harmonies
on my framework
a jazzy scenery blazing outward and upbeat
a seamless balance
between spectacular art and exhilarating English
more like a collection of captivating dictions
leaving its imprint on the core of the universe
a slow contemplation of rich rhymes
rotating in circular motions
drumming inside my angled chest
smooth breezes drifting in the glimmering air
folding and unfolding into a starlit scenery
a patchwork of rivers rushing down a sloped stream
of electrifying passion
beyond bridge and bone
beyond commas and semicolons
drunken in stillness and creativeness
exquisite without reason
a strong sensation rising in the atmosphere
in stunning dreamwork
every delicate design wearing an extravagant frame
of blossoming attraction
Star BG Jul 2017
With pen and pad, I script
fine lines with mountains of words,
passion and intent,
laughter and creativeness flow

With pen and pad, I create
where ink is my mortar
and words my bricks.

With pen and pad, I etch
stanzas strong that become well polished floor
for eyes to travel in

With pen and pad, I persevere,
until poem is complete,
and skylight reveals great light.

Light so one runs with song
into visions of an artists mind.

StarBG © 2017
inspired by Tyler
Arlene Corwin Jan 2020
As much as one hates to use the pronoun “I”, writing or speaking, there are times when ‘I’ is the middle point and of the essence.
Arlene (see footnote).        

  Now & Then, How I Miss…

I practice living the Now.
But now and then
I miss the old Arlene
Who had ten
Who could play arpeggios
With ease:
Adagios, capriccios,

Un-nostalgic, chanced to see
And old Youtube of Arlene-me
Singing, playing“All God’s Chillun” speedily,
Gleeful, musical and jazzy.
Wound up teary-eyed.

With just three left to play with:
Thumb and index on the left, only lonely thumb the right,
Filled with weakness
I can play a swinging bass
With Monk-like dissonance between,
The right thumb not at all a small dumb finger.

The trick will be to sow creativeness anew.,
Augment, stretch, grow and not go into
Any other place than Now
(if Now at all can be referred to
                                        as a ‘place’.
I rather think of it as space).

In any case,
I was a little sad today;
The old Arlene who cannot play
The way she used to,
Caused by nature’s vagary.

Dear reader, please forget  
This sentimental, reminiscent “…How I Miss…”
A useless business at the very least.
Now &Then, How I Miss…1.6.2020 Vaguely About Music; Pure Nakedness; Arlene Nover Corwin

Arlene Corwin collapsed on August 3rd, 2019.  In a coma for a month, when she awoke, there were 4 fingers missing on the right hand, 3 half fingers on the left,  and two catheters in one kidney   The cause: Blood poisoning or sepsis (from the Greek ‘sepin’ make rotten).  After two months she was home.  Muscles shrunken, walking with help she began a regime of sit-ups, pushups, yoga…and using every object inI the house as tool now is fully flexible and growing stronger with each day.
But the hands, those hands…We’ll see what happens.
Travis Green Apr 2023
He is the hottest masculine lad
That takes my breath away
That makes my mouth water
When I stare at his red-hot masterful splashiness
His majestic pleasant appearance

Hot tasteful brick
With hella lit and sick slickness
That gets to me deeply
Such a studly scrumptious ****
That has me so in love

With his untouchable ***** ruggedness
So rude and smooth wit
So kissable and suckable
So lickable and grippable
Such a badass magnetic rarity

He has me all over the place
So obsessed with his mantastically
Freshalicious and prodigious exquisiteness
How he plays with my flabbergasting traffic stoppers
Mesmerize my exposed glowing points

Give me an extraordinary magical
And incomparable rubdown
Make me feel his brutal loving manhood
Kiss me until my homoness explode
Make me moan hotly and softly

I welcome his impressive devilish handsomeness
How he envelopes my heart and soul
Makes me slip into the boundless depths
Of steaming hot ecstasy
Treasure the incredible length
Of his invincible thickness

Delectable broad-chested heavy-hitter
I love the formidableness and thrillingness
Of his magically effervescent heavenliness
Bobbing on his mad hot throbbing sausage
**** my mouth, follow the route to my dope throat

Make me slurp on it, thirst for it
Make indescribably hot saliva drip from my glossy chops
Make me gasp and grasp his splendiferous shimmering ***
Make me lick his fingers
Inhale and exhale his creativeness

Rock to the rhythm of his electrically
Charged and hypnotic machoness
Lost in his infinite resilient energy
Fill me up with his titanic and thunderous words
Marvel at me down on my knees

I ache for him to feed me more
Of his thick heavy equipment
Make me speechless as ****
Filled up with so much uncontrollable raw lust
Touch me deeper, shock me with his flaming sensual electricity

My feelings for him grow stronger
Kissing and ******* his bright eye-grabbing crown
Enamor the base, taste his sheer superb fur
Massage his extravagantly handsome thighs
Move my mouth along his lovely robust legs

Feel him ****** his seductive love muscle further down my throat
Make me take all of his ****
Make me feel it to the maximum extent
Make me relish his **** more than ever
Converse with me poetically

Make me explode like brilliant magnificent fireworks
Amazed by every all-pervading and exhilarating sensations
I feel within me when he flexes
His transcendently pleasurable and gratifying grandeur
Apply considerable continuous pressure with his turgidity
And squirt his delicious **** milk
Everywhere on my brown and jovial face
Arlene Corwin May 2021
Going On Forever

I don’t want to disappear,
But stay here
Growing, learning,
Watching its eternal earning
With a quiet eye.

Yet and yet, not able
To face label Death,
There is a daring me - preparing,
Filled with stashes of creativeness
That make up for
The fear of disappearing.

Without forethought I find notes to play;
Better than before or ever.
Unpredictable the throat, but I don’t care
Because inventiveness is there.

What might have been a vanity,
Self-consciousness and worry,
Is an energy of nonchalance
Letting in pure chance
And taking in delight
In finding just what’s right
In word or song,
As if the wrong-est word
Ought still be heard by others,
Thanks to confidence
That smothers fear of being judged;
That if I’ve fudged a phrase expected,
Anything can be corrected.

Hence the fire of desire
To go on forever,
Bedded in indebtedness
Going On Forever 5.20.2021 Birth,Death & In Between III; The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II; Arlene Nover Corwin
Deovrat Sharma Oct 2020
means creativeness
Mother is solacement
in sadness

Mother is the
basic nature of existence
Mother is synonyms of

Mother is the
symbol of strength
Mother is

is entirety
Mother is

Travis Green Mar 2023
Everything about him turns me on
I fall madly in love with his brawny chocolate rearguard
The way he moves makes me lose it
The way he bends over makes me so bowled over
By his extraordinarily delicious machoness

My tall, rock-solid, and showstopping big shot
I relish his flawless wondrous pecs
He flexes his manliness to perfection
Makes me sweat when he rubs his indestructible abs
Grabs my underconsciousness with his awesomeness

Cause me to slip into a state of mystification
Make me exhilarated and intoxicated
Steadily gazing at the creativeness
And engagingness of his breathtakingly
Salient and flamboyant manfulness
His distinctive and commanding sensualness

He infatuates me with his enchanting melanin presence
A bright, sparkling Adonis that draws me to him
With his ****, compelling fragrance
My firm hairy Zaddy, his game is so tight as ****
His massive tattooed chest is so dope and soldierly

My macho, broad-shouldered Romeo
My delicious wolfish lusciousness
Tall, solidly built, and mystical slickness
He is a golden glowing paradise that enlightens me
More immersive and legendary than Hercules
More badass and dangerous than Ares

I wanna worship his smooth newsworthy beauty
Consume him like scrumptious soul food
Bask in him like black velvet cognac
Feel his ****** blood-red hoodness
Rooted deeply in my existence

Gander into his divine night black eyes
The most memorable treasurable gem
Fresh, delicious, and sufficient like honey
The finest refined delight that leaps out at me
His hella crunk yumminess intrigues me

I can’t stop fantasizing about him
He is my favorite flavored milkshake to savor
My robust honeyed stunner
He makes my head turn
With his flawless saucy artfulness

I yearn to merge our internal worlds
Feel his powerful striking force
Of immense, stunning glory
The hottest enthralling sauce god
Emanating intellectual and masculine perfection

— The End —