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Ete Dec 2011
We are consciousness, and only consciousness.

The consciousness that is somehow bound to the body, is conscious of everything.

Thoughts are like people moving around in the market place. Thoughts are everywhere and when we give our attention to thoughts, when our consciousness looks at thoughts, which are everywhere to be seen, which are all around us, we experience thinking.

It is very important that we understand that we are consciousness and only consiousness.

This way we can free ourselves from the prison that we are in but yet don't know we are in. Humanity is enslaved thanks to the mind. Not just because the mind exists, but because of the believes that we carry in the mind, which are believes that keep us limited. We believe things that are not truly true, and this keeps us in a kind of prison.

When we are born in a body, we are free and we are just consciousness, purely conscious.

As we grow, all the information that is already here in the world is ingested into our mind. As we continue to grow, and as all this information continues to grow in our mind, we start to forget that we are just pure consciousness. By the time we are teenagers, and by the time we start to become adults, we have totally forgotten that we are just consciousness and we live our lives in a little box because we limit ourselves with the believes that are inevitably conditioned upon us. We believe that we are this body and we are not this body. When i say we, i am talking about the consciousness, the pure consciousness.

And the problem is not only that we believe we are this body, but we grow the habit to think compulsively.

Anything in this world can become a habit, and for the mayority of humanity , thinking has become a habit.

So what happens?
The pure consciousness that you are is never pure, is never silent, is never fully conscious because first of all, we are taught to believe that we are the body-mind, and second of all, we grow the habit to always think by always having to judge ourselves to see if what  we are doing is right or wrong, to see if we are to be punished or if we are to be rewarded. And this supports and strengthens the believe that we are the thinker, that we are the body.

When we don't allow spaces of no-thought, of no-thinking, we forget that we are an empty sky.  

My effort on leaving behind all these words is to wake up as many people as possible.

People are missing a great opportunity.

People stay living in a little room when they can be living in a huge palace.

All that has to do be done is to find a little distance between thoughts, between feelings, between everything and always remain a watching presence. Now, we are always this watching presence, we are always consciousness even if we are unconscious about it. Even if we are unconscious about the fact that we are consciousness , we remain consciousness. For example, all animals are consciousness, they are awareness, but they are unaware of this. Their body limits them because it lacks intelligence. They are not fully and totally free and they can not be either. But at the same time they don't have to be. By nature they  don't have to be intelligent, they are fine just how they are and they are in the process of one day becoming conscious like we are, like the humans are. Still, there are many humans who remain unconscious of the fact that they are consciousness and only consciousness. Without shape, without form. Just consciousness, awareness, everywhere. This whole universe is consciousness and when this consciousness is merged to a body, the body is simply a contact point of the consciousness.

At some point, when the body of a baby is being developed in the mothers womb, a little spec of consciousness enters and binds to the body of the baby and this happens because through the human body, through a human experience, the consciousness is capable of becoming aware of itself and this realization is possible in any one life time, in any one human experience. But, it has not been so. It has taken many many life-times and many many people have not yet realized this. People can't even believe that they had a life before this life and that they can have a life after this life as well. People can't even conceive this. But it is true. People have been going life after life, obviously and naturally not remembering the past life, but going life after life not going beyond life. Not going beyond the human or atleast not even understanding, discovering, learning , what life is, what the human is. People remain ignorant and afraid because of the conditioning that they receive.

All conditions prevent the being from trascending their lives and consciousness because in our true nature we are totally unconditioned- free-beings. Any condition that is imposed on us goes against our very nature and anything that goes against nature is bound to have problems.  

And so my reason for saying these things that i have discovered to be true in me, is to help people remember or to atleast give people a new idea that there is the possibility of something more, of something greater than life, something with no limitations, something with no death, something that can not get sick, that can not feel pain, something of pure joy and peace , of pure love.

Every single human being is searching for this something, every single human being is searching for themselves. And they are searching because they remember. They have been themselves before. They are themselves right now. They are consciousness right now, but there are so many things in the mind that they forgot and they dont know. And when they hear something that is true, when something is said that points to that consciousness, automatically something is felt inside, something is triggered.

This whole search for truth or for enlightenment is a search for our own selfs.

It is a remembering process that happens.

Go into this search as empty as possible.

The less conditions you carry , the less knowledge you carry, the more simple and humble you are, the easier it is to remember who you are, because it does not take knowledge to know that you are consciousness, that you are awareness, it simply takes consciousness and awareness.

So it is important to be aware of everything, of every single thought that comes in and out. Be aware of the believes that you believe and the believes that you don't believe.

I don't know if there are people who for some reason are not ready to awaken, even though they can, even though every single human being can awaken, but,  there are people who have put too much into their believes, too much faith, and who can not even concieve the idea of dropping these believes, these investments. Now, the funny thing is, that even all these people who are unaware, are consciousness themselves. And it makes sense that these people who are unconscious , are here in the world so that other people can wake up, so that other people can learn from them, so that other people can see their unconsciousness, can see their behaviors, and use them towards their journey, towards their enlightenment, towards their shift of consciousness.  

"We are itself the consciousness presenting itself as human nature" - Mooji.

We , the consciousness, invisible consciousness that can not be seen nor touched, which one day was before Earth was created, that consciousness that is everywhere like space, over time has manifested itself in the world of form, in the world of matter and eventually through the movement of what appears to be time, manifested itself as a human being.

It is an invisible yet conscious phenomena that has managed to make a form out of atoms and elements, managed to make a form out of itself, out of elements of itself, and managed to create the world that we can see today. And seeing the vastness of the universe, we can see the many possibilities that exist, the many possibilities of consciousness to keep growing, to keep creating, to keep expanding, to keep evolving.  

One day i am not going to be able to express myself through Esteban, yet i will be expressing myself through other bodies, with other names. And i have been expressing myself through other bodies also, like for example one of my favorite man, Osho, Bhagwan. Osho is I. Osho is the same consciousness that is in Esteban, expressing. Now, we look different in the outside, our voices are different, our accents are different, but it is the same consciousness trying to express the same thing. Once we know that we are this limitless consciousness, we can start focusing on creating things. But right now what is important is that everybody realizes that we are this consciousness, because if not everybody knows this, then we can not create, we can not work to our full potential. Once we know who we are, once we know WHAT we are, we will know exactly what we have to do, what we can do, and we would do it with a quality that has not existed before. A quality of super consciousness, a godly quality. So before we focus on the outside world we have to focus on the inside world first. Before we can create beauty outside we have to create beauty inside, because the outside world is a reflection of the inside world.

If the inside world is not pure, is not balanced, then the outside world will not be pure, will not be balanced.

If inside of us there is tension, anxiety, fear, hate, anger, violence; this is what will be expressed outside of us. If inside of us there is love, wisdom, peace, joy, beauty; then outside of us there will be all of this as-well.

The problem is not whether we are thinking negatively or positively, the problem is that we are thinking unconsciously.

That we think negative or positive thoughts does not matter as long as we know that we are thinking. And not because we are the thinker but because thoughts are passing through the mind and here the consciousness that we are , "thinks". But it does not think as in it is doing something, it simply sees the thoughts. The consciousness does not even move, does not even blink, does not have eyes like these eyes. The consciousness just is, and the consciousness sees thoughts moving, occuring.

The problem is not that the consciousness is seeing negative thoughts, the problem is that if the consciousness is seeing negative thoughts, it believes the negative thoughts.

You forget that you are the awareness that watches thoughts, totally separate from the thoughts.

You are simply giving attention to the thoughts.

Like i said before, thoughts are moving all around you. You can not see or grab them because they are so subtle in their manifestation, yet they ARE energy in movement, they exist but in different frequencies of existence. And they are everywhere.

When we experience thoughts, what ever category of thoughts, it is because we are giving our attention to those thoughts. Every single thought is available to us. The mind is not just your mind, my mind; The mind is one universal facility, available to all.

And so, the problem is not that you are thinking negativily.

The problem is that you are thinking unconsciously.

Become more conscious of your thinking. Become conscious of thoughts. If the thoughts are negative, watch them. If the thoughts are positive, watch them. But don't judge them as negative or positive, dont judge the thinking. If negative thoughts are percieved, don't start saying to yourself  "oh why am im always thinking negatively? ;( " because this IS another thought and you are not watching it. Usually THIS is the thought that is not watched.

You watch a thought, for example, you watch a negative thought. This negative thought brings out negative emotions because thoughts are the cause of emotions. Emotions are energies-in-motion. You watch your thinking, you watch the negative thought and then you say, "oh this thought is bad, why am i thinking these thoughts? I should not be thinking this way, what is wrong with me?" that right there is a thought also and you are thinking, believing, that it is you!

Any judgement is a form of thought.

Anything that consists of words or symbols and even images are thoughts. It is all mind and the problem is that there are thoughts that are not being watched, observed, and this is keeping you unconscious and troubled.

There are many thoughts that we are not aware of.

For example, we watch a negative thought , we percieve a negative thought, but then the next thought that talks about that negative thought, we don't see because we think, believe, that we are the one who talks instead of remaining the watching consciousness that we are.

We are not the one who talks because we don't even have a mouth to talk through. We are simply and only consciousness. We use the human body as an instrument to talk and express ourselves but we remain the conscious awareness.

Those thoughts that are not being watched are keeping us from going deeper into life.

These unobserved thoughts are keeping us traped in the mind.

So if you ever ask yourself the question, what is life?
What is my purpose in life?
What should i do?
What should i not do?
If you are not out of the mind, you will not get the true answer because the mind is limited to these questions.

The mind will only give you that which has already been given. It will not give you originality.

Simply try this out:

When ever you are experiencing thinking, let the thoughts be, don't judge them as negative or positive thoughts, as good or bad thoughts, just watch them. If you do judge them and you say "*** why am i thinking that?! " watch that, watch that judgement. Keep watching, just simply watching, purely aware of every single thought, keep watching and you will start to feel a distance, a silence, a space.

See how long you can go from thought to no-thought to thought.
See how long you can remain in a silent gap between thoughts.
Watch your thoughts, watch your thinking and see how the watchingness slowly expands.
See how the silent gaps become longer.
And see the peace that these silent gaps bring.
softcomponent Nov 2013
Waterborn water horse upon shutter drawn blades,
in the form of these blinds in your face
as you peek beyond peaks in your ability to see..
pixels in the mountaintop, drippity drop drop on the cottages embalmed moss roof,
and a beautiful day, and a beautiful day, and a beautiful thought that told me to say
I felt it in the air when you said that you cared through your fair molten hair on that blonde summers day on top of the rock of Eli, in relay for the slight elegance
upon and underneath irrelevance, and shelf Imams in books on Islam..

Shabat Shalom on Hanukkah.. celebrate the stars insofar as Andromeda,  
my mommas thumb on her 13th year, her 16th beer, the work-man's clear intentions with the way he mentioned words in tension, clenching marbles in his startled glance,
***** minds rubbed upon his work-man pants as this city grows bigger prose in the rows and roads of goals never reached upon the age of 70,
plenty see this creed as Cree in nature,
ship-shaper upon white paper, written in natures hip-hop hater,
forests are erased here.. drugs are never laced here.. I feel like I'm 8 here.. but I'm 8 with a career in thinking intangible all-honesty's on unity..

I see God as the groove master.
I'm just a disco disaster, looking to plaster a little bit of dissidence upon the fence in recompense for the densest chessboard invasion of Kicking Horse pass,
but alas, I broke my arm, wearing a cast you can hope to sign if you wish to charm the devilish sin of sugar-gin, open in to relig-IN.. as in I no longer ****, I Pope..
I wanna take a Pope of every single religiounana,
and see what they saw, and believe what they want, and concieve of their god and impede on their laws..

crows caw, upon a cross and there's a JEEzz-- static discharge.. he interrupts me..
he says to look.. and when I look he tells me to see see see see see, please see, I see what you see, it's not Jeez-me like the Bible Belt.. it's Jeez-US,
we must realize what I meant to grasp as the cusp you have teetered on since before the common age.. each and every all of us is a sage in the same way..
we're all God, and.. we're all God, and.. we're all God, and.. we're all God, and
shake the hand of the rainbows faint glow.. merry old isotope, Santa Claus hippy hope, never tethered hemp rope, old Egyptian space probe, great globe goddess..
**** decimated Odessa, I guess us was lest we forget this or get us to pinch out the **** of a historical era of error.. concentrated terror of terrorists in concentration camps..
an oil lamp burning upon sand saddled socks and snow-covered rocks and an old Buddhist templed temperament held in this mountain of tea and honey..
wearing my runny nosed halted-horrific, all-it-every-and-us is this terrific..
my distance from hand to hand is still as prolific, get the gesture? or am I just a cosmic jester?

lesser is best, so lest we forget the rest all congested in bread and butter covered brain matter,
rain shatters flames and her face was the place I escaped for a hit of false tragedy.
an older poem.
What crippling weight is this?
You bear upon my chest.
You, a rusted anchor beneath my breast.
Too many years at sea,
I think,
the depths we've gone
failing to sink.
We set course to find pleasure
never knowing just how deeply
we'd come to treasure
a fool's dream.
Reality breaks,
a howling wind,
the treachery of consequence
& my soul grows weary.
We put our hopes into the mast
sailed far away from any past.
But old habits did not stay ashore
& a storm is raging in the North.
Now this ship is breaking down.
I feel you dragging in the deep.
I see the plank beneath my feet.
I am breathless.
I can't concieve the darkness it would be
to dive in & cut you free.
Charles Smith Dec 2014
The love that has no name.
                                     A fiery force so strong yet forbidden.
            The most honest love can be divided in to two.                             Those who can’t concieve, blame it on greed.
                               They also accuse of acting on whim and fancy.
                                         Mrs Evans, down the road, thinks it’s for lust.       Hidden on the bookshelf, locked away, descent into dust.
                    I'm not promoting dishonesty, I'm not defending adultery.

                                 But we few, we true seers into our souls, confess.
For you can love more than one, what man could not?
A little controversial perhaps. Just a thought, because we were all thinking it.
I live a life that's far from normal
Normal as you all do see
My world is...well, more nocturnal
Look real hard and you'll find me

Living life like I do's different
It's not a life I recommend
It works for me, but I'm not normal
My life is somewhat at loose ends

I'm off the grid, I'm a non-person
I'm a statistic and nothing more
I'm just a shadow in the shadows
I'm looking for my next big score

You pass me as you walk the city
You think you see me, but you're wrong
You see just what I want to show you
Just look again, and I'll be gone

Under bridges, in old buildings
In the subways far below
I'm living life as I concieve it
Into the light, I rarely go

I'm off the grid, I'm a non-person
I'm a statistic and nothing more
I'm just a shadow in the shadows
I'm looking for my next big score

I see you coming from a distance
I'm gone again, before you're here
I've hiding places you won't discover
I'm on my way when you are near

I live a life beyond the reaches
Of those who want to know my name
I live my life the way I want to
To me it's only just a game

I'm off the grid, I'm a non-person
I'm a statistic and nothing more
I'm just a shadow in the shadows
I'm looking for my next big score
RCraig David Apr 2013
When do we start feeling hope?
As is with most complex emotions,  
babies do not feel hope‘s notions.  
As children, we feel our need to construct the foundations of love and  fear.  
The fail and the fall more painful each year.
Once we have a simply grasp on either or both of those,  
we then begin to form basic concepts of hope, I suppose.
As a child , when I hoped something would come to pass,  
I left my heart open to trespass.
What is possible?
What can be achieved?
Hope forms ideas about what our future life will look like and what we believe.
Who will love us?
What fears we will have to overcome or even concieve? 
This hope is not constructed in a time frame, day, month or year.
Hope is a whole concept of our future before it appears,  
before the way it will become a reality is clear.  
This formed hope, despite is origin, can subconsciously influence every major decision we make.  
Where we live, the jobs we chose, the reasons we work and live, who we date.
When in our lives does our hope change from things for ourselves vs. things for the greater good.
Why is the difference important and are we responsible once it’s understood?  
If you have never been suppressed, stripped of freedom, knock on wood.
What if we ignore our human need to be motivated by hope?  
What if we never established the construct of hope or struggled to keep it afloat? Hope’s value is tied to physical and emotional pain, hurt and sufferings.  
Complex constructs about Hope for the greater good born from the worst things.
The greatest accomplishments after starting with nothing.
What does this mean?  
Societies suffering under the rule of a ruthless dictator that don’t but could,
will have the highest number of people hoping for the greater good.  
Freedoms forsaken, worth taken, wills shaken, Conclusion…Revolution

by R. Craig David-Copyrighted 2012
Written about the riots in Turkey
shahzeb k Jan 2016
She calls on you
like the blisfull
the is reconing doenst bother
who is where
she is but the start of an unformal affair
the wife of many and the truth
she is but a mermaid
staring in the distance the long lost love
awakens a shinning bright spark
of another prey
she is the worst of all predators
you do not know my dear
what is the wrongess and the darkness of the matter
the vengeful is still at large
the bliss is atlast come to the poise of unconditional salvage
the attorney of the sage is but his past
the wise tell you to take retreat
in the shell of death
the sage tells you to step ahead
for the moses of times
is just blind by the rage of the matter
is a customary shatter
the bliss is real my friend you see
you are not involved in the pscychopath drama
they have crafted your nerves so well you become the cup the drama the morphine to your pains is but another tragedy a bigger one to ease the pains of the past lives
you are the serendipitous archive of the documented torture a mind can concieve or relive in the lonliness
the shutter of the blind called eyes may not blink but the urge to put inside a prickly object to bleed your self out
at least somthing should come out not a word not a sound but more and more profund silence a more psychlogical war fare
a more deadly hit
a more angered adversary
the more precise path
is that of forgiveness
your choices lead you here
you can choose a new destination
your sights must not fail
you are but an unanswered prayer
you are but an unanswered prayer...
my wounds are my words i hope to turn them to flowers  with practice i hope sure soon
Merry dear Dad his Inner Kevlar endure
And allow my Years to promote his Prove
For Right-Side's Heal let his Honour be Pure
And mirror the Big Hand in Sky's Glory
For if it be this Son, sullen by Age
Of Desert Years twice-score he should Wander
Would share his Bread; To patient Sky quench Rage
And emulate our Saviour's Mercy ponder
Yet you. Still you. Be my Foundation's Best
Apart from Powers I could Un-Concieve
That Feigned but Guiding Hand; With all Lime's Zest
Harness it ever from Sugars too Sweet.
And yes, dear Dad; The Five-Pronged Bot did die
Yet withered their Ghosts to greet your Day by.
KnudsonK Dec 2013
I'm not even the ahadow of the reflection
I'll never know what I could have been.
What you stole from me....
Who I was meant to be.
The rage that you could not  contain....
should have been enough to put  you in chains.
You weren't even man enough to give your real name.
A coward who fled.. and for years it was I who was punished instead,
For the burden of my life when I should have been dead.
I wasn't born this way, like you always said.
All this time, deep in my heart  I knew...
that I didn't deserve the things you would do.
But no matter how cruel...I truely  loved you.
It's funny how we hide
deep  inside
these things that are true.
And even though
  I know
It's your big thing to deceive...I couldn't conceive....
I didn't want to believe... That the same who was supposed to love and protect....whose features I reflect....that my own blood...
could hate and reject.
And how could everyone who knew
You'd continue to do
what you do.
Could they not concieve....didn't want to believe....Just what did youy all achieve???
How insane,
the place  from which I came.These people with my name...
Have you no shame?
You probably thought,
you would  never get caught.
But despite your  doubt,
I found out.And now I know what  your all about.
Truth is so pure.
When we know for sure-
and now that I know,
its time for you to go.Give me peace!
Just leave me alone.
There's no way to atone...There's no relief
In my grief...You stole my life
You Effin Theif.
Stephanie Lopez Jan 2014
This thing they call life is seemlessy worthless, hiding from the world and it's making me nervous. I'm running so fast I'm forgetting my purpose, discourage from the fact that I'm living in secrets. Pain deep in my heart is when I try and conceal it,  anxiety building oh god I can feel it. Tip of my tongue I try and concieve it, deceiving this life I'm finding no meaning. I'm eating but satisfied I'm not feeling,I'm hungry but reasoning with the fact that I'm greedy, probably the best but not getting noticed is leaving me stressed. but still I want rest untill the day I'm seen as the next no I'm not blessed, had some rough stuff happen that I try to forget, only 19 and I work for everything I get. Yet I'm not asking for sympathy, don't need to pitty me. I love my enemies might sound backwards but there basically friends to me i love that they envy me, it makes me try harder to make it. I know what's at stake and I don't care what ya say man. No need for a break man, I keep it discreet. There is no feat I can't leap. Won't stop untill the day I'm deceased, and my soul is released. God uses gravity to keep me beneath. So the day of my death it's the devil I'll meet. There's a reason I'm breathing it's cause I'm leaving a mark on this earth. Ever since my birth my worth has rising, blinding me from the disguise of the once feeble minded that I left behind. The new design of my mind is complex. You can see it in the context of the text, that I manifest. Just the day in the mind of a kid that was nameless.
The Measure of None. Such Brisk Term persists
With such French Smile point heavily Define
For better Candidates this Room consists
Rebuke my Head his Sentiments consign
Though Red in Growth would my Adventures be
To catch one day his Heart-Fulfilling Flame
Burn Palms in Silver Trays he would concieve
Then Rebuke once more was ever the same
Or else if Dare to draft another Muse
One on Levelled Papers my Songs endorse
Would Models beware for Standards I choose
Then pay the Pauper by Mercy enforce.
To Open the Eyes such Cool Variants ply
Then Accept their Heavenly Patterns sigh.
‎#tomdaley1994 ‎#tomdaleytv
Quinn Jul 2014
And it is love's great triumph
That in our bones we feel whole
The illusion leaves us warm
And the impression that spring and summer will never fade
In these eternal seasons the blind wonder content in the world
Silently fearing the inevitable
But in this cycle we exsist
With emotions both hungry and primal
We crave the lie that we concieve in selfish childhood
thulvni Jul 2015
I had to call and concieve inter
Or I had to receive and be a intern
To concern about my contacts
Let me call and join the concerts
Stand for something or fall for anything
J. W. Jan 2010
Maybe i am the tainted dust that settles beneath
that infinite evening sky, and
Perhaps i am the winter ground that lay hard
Between the living and the dead
Could i be the orange sands that stretch
outwards into a vast sea of fire
Is it possible these arms, hands and legs
are all fabrics of immagination
If i, Myself am this mighty tree reaching outside
itself, high above those lofty branches
Am i then in need?

I can not live forever, and i am surely
no God or prophet

The barelys gold fingertips brush inder mine
I am transformed, Transfigured, movement
occurs in realms i am not to concieve
Simple nature leads me from my flesh, it
Carries me adrift in its vaporous arms
I am unobserved above my form
If nature were to set its motions suddenly against me
dropping me back into a skin prison
if i were to offend with empty phrases
and a crazed loose sword lunging forth between teeth
Would she ever take me back under her intangible wing?

Time beyond us and time before us
As though we were ghosts, beginning at an end
And ending at a beginning, we posses elusive forms
Where within oneself life i hidden, waiting
To burst forth into some bright and glorious day
It is of too little significance to a world
A world such as this, that i should die
And soon become less, and soon become more

Dream more? what substance lay between bone walls?
Live less? Being, Thinking and doing is all you really have
Chose life, life for a penny, for a song, life outside hands
Just out of reach

Simply musing
time spent, time worth losing
These are lifes finalized ending distractions
Uncountable introspective golden reflections
And so if my soul be carted away tonight
I end with love, with life and joy
So much as to being with an end.
Mercy B Sep 2014

    Of bed each morning and attempt to embrace whatever the world may throw your way.

Try honoring  our nations diversity ,because  like it or not, its here to stay.


The old and bring in a new line of thinking towards the betterment of human kind.

Rid ourselves of our inhibitions to concieve another's dreams , release the shackles inclined to bind.


Of the way if you are set on your ways, because for growth change is a must.

Not here to judge, I have my own demons, but instead of casting stones you can simply just....

Brenten Hargrove Feb 2012
i know the culprit ive made the mistakes
but i wouldnt have it any other way
i know its late
move on
I know the solution
I know who to blame
But if you wont have me or even look my way
i know its late move on
maybe i can wish you away
Maybe i can accept defeat
maybe i can wish you away
But that just wouldn't be me
Apparently nothing
the lies, i admit were made for this specifically
this is what I wanted it to be
Force your hand and made me see
Destiny in your mind at least
you were so easy to deceive
apparently nothing
I am the culprit iv'e made the mistakes
But i wouldn't plan it any other way
Everyone saw all along
but if you would let me
it wouldn't have gone this far
I know its late move on
And maybe you will see me again
But who knows how right i'll be
Maybe you will see me again
But thats something i cant concieve
And that just wouldnt be me.
Everyone knew all along
If I could find the Proverbs
arranging them accordingly
Inside these lucid creases
I would die happy, just to
concieve metrical composition

... for all time

I'd scribble heartbreaks and
rescue missions of my soul
to clarify empathy of baptism
that my love is more than love

If I had a key with a heart
bleeding at the crown
I would unlock the poison
So much I allowed myself
in suffering
I am languishing
rib cages, shutting in
all my reasoning to breathe...

where to be found another day

I'd scribe in scrolls
of my 15 yrs of sorrows
hoping your eyes can see
I am just as damaged as
a vehicle wreck
Yet a mother of 1
who was lost
on a sad occasion

3 yrs ago when I first
decided to bare my deepest
and thickest out pour
of my poetry,
I wrote about you

Mathias Ti'avasu'e

..I became the whipping
motherless girl beneath Zues..

Conveyed the impression
at first glance
Writing my storms delicately
as when mommy first held you
helped me describe my
inner workings
so that you might understand

… exactly the mother I
could have been

I love you in all of your grace, your
purity, and your precious life.
And when that time comes that
I may write of you
I could find the words I need
to create heavenly for you
and to conquer

... and if this makes perfect poetry,
then why does it still hurt so bad?

© S.T. Rebel of Eden
for unborn lil one.. say hi to you brother for mommy.
Arcassin B Jun 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

With the shaking and silence,
Cold swear freezes up,
Like helium in balloons,
Passing through skies when they've been let go,
An author would like that concept,
Tensions are very high in the room of pleasure,
Not a *** to **** in,
But she doesn't care about my wealth or measures,
Get it,
Basic people get a basic foot in their ***,
Kissing of breast and stomachs,
Feelings like breaking glass,
I know she feels the same to say I haven't lost my touch,
But with this extra amount of affection, I would love her so much,
Twice as more as what I do when she gets back,
Rubbing my brow,
Please concieve me a child,
Her elemental style,
Generated transmission,
Love when we go for miles,
She loves my craft,
She says be gental okay child.
Michael John Oct 2018
let me see
let reality
caste the wily
from and
the way
out this
see your beauty
and blast my
old eye free
of pre
sly habituality
redeem me
let your lack
let nothing
let time
be the first time
let me see you
without another
to die
to fall
at that exact
let moment
see you a first
when you sweetly
smiled and said hello..
brandon nagley May 2015
(crazy indeed i believe) by me.....

Forensic friar,
frigid liars,
arent we all the forecast over overnight paintings?

Packs to be handled,
monstorious scandal,
Murk with no lighted candle to show you thine way!!!

Merry making believers believe,
concievers concieve only to turn around to be fooled once again!!

Minced meat poison to drain thy wearied inner,
thy eyes sink in thinner,
as the sharpened mirrage stares back at you.......

indigence canst only grim so much,
doth thou haveth any more meaning without your Mr or Mrs special touch?

cacoon hustles muffled to trotted maturities,
where conspiracy takes strange,
taketh realism in full pains!!

tear away at these cut patches,
where bought blotches are nearly detailed!!

Crusade of all Majority,
spare from this speared destiny,
where old timing recipe's become thine old time Menu...........
Nigel Obiya May 2010
I'm random, I know
But random is something that I appreciate being... and that's why I grow
As I maximise my verbal flow
Without thinking, much more powerful than speaking
This written stuff never fails to show
That I can go... to lengths
No poet has ever gone before
More for the sake of being real to myself, than for show
Different is how I go about it
Hard to concieve just how I would ever be able to flow without it
This 'random'
This thing that I do
As I put forward my thoughts to you
Always true, never overdone
I would emphasize on two true points, before I ever trip over one
Infact, I would never trip over one
Because I don't lack this... thing they call skill
Product of a combination of practice... and ill will
Crazy is what some may call it
Phase me?... No, none may foil it
My plan
Still remains greater than
The majority... words dripping with controversy and personality
On another level, who's talking equality?
I don't overthink
And still express it to the brink
My idea
With no fear
Get it clear
It's real poetry going on right here.
uv Apr 2019
With all the troubles around me
There is a pattern that surrounds me
At a point when it all weighed down
I couldnt breathe, it was a mind drown.

Then isnt life about the suffering?
Things that bring happiness also come blustering.
Fullfilments of Expectations are a fantasy
We hold too much on wants that are not thought rationally.

This world is a field of alchemy
Its in your hands to not make your pain into a tragedy
But it is in HIS hands to turn your affliction and give you purity
In ways you cannot concieve, just thank for eternity.
chip carter Oct 2010
You had me blinded, I couldnt see
All the lies you told to me
All the things that you would say
Always mentioning about that day

Telling one thing, doing another
Little did i know, it was a cover
You did a good job of covering your tracks
But in the end i discovered your acts

You were a good liar and you knew it
But even you didnt know, you had blew it
I heard the truth and wouldnt believe
I couldnt see it nor could i concieve

That you were fake, i was real
You said you'd be honest, we had a deal
We'd always be truthful on how we feel
If you didnt want me, you would tell me

Now its my time to just move on
I'm alot better now that your gone
Viper Jan 2011
South of Heaven is where I dwell

a place called earth, a sububerb of Hell

born a sinner even as an infant so helpless

babtism washed the sin from my soul and now I'm blessed

been told from the day I could understand that I was made in the image of God

funny thing is everyone who assured me of this fact had never seen him and I find that odd

taught to love, worship and respect the unseen diety

told that his spirit resides in everyone, including me

as I have grown to think on my own I find myself on the fence of what I believe

I cannot disprove his existance but the blind faith it takes to except it is hard to concieve

so here I am south of Heaven available for all demons and angels to see

only in death will I find what truly awaits me

until that time I will struggle with the notion

and hope if there is a God he will understand and forgive me for my lack of devotion
copyright/Viper 2011
jeremy wyatt Feb 2011
What hides behind all the words we read
past broken hearts that still can bleed
fear and grief I can barely concieve
that you continue I hardly believe
some people who suffer are so full of light
it gives them the power to love and to fight
all the world's women bear so much of its pain
they do most of it's healing again and again
so glad to be here at this place and this time
drawn here to write and to listen to rhyme
blessed by the presence of you who live here
with your life and your poems that move me to tears
glad that you have the wee folk to watch over you
I'll send you an Angel so she can watch too
Quinchet Sep 2016
It can be quick or slow
But Onion Peels got me ready to flow.

I write to read what emotion I live in my path. Who I am. whats been acomplised. It's all just perseption you know.

I a free moving soul. Dancing on a 70 degress breeze, moving through galexies. While my feet sink deeply into roots. I am all of this on my own two feet you are just as I living your peace. Love and hate swirling to mate. But can never be one. So they create friction that sparks dust fate. We are but star dust seeking its source. Forever living in cycles of form because our minds can't concieve being al(l)one.
janet chavarria Aug 2015
what went wrong here?
was doing clear,
then suddenly -
my fall's ugly.

i am not sure
when i got poor.
all i recall
is joy's forestall.

smiles turning down
friends to foes frown.
and all for what?
left alone to rot?

i felt empty.
somewhat lonely.
but deep inside
the Lord will bide.

He will answer.
He's my anchor.
could not concieve
why He wouldnt leave.

He has the voice,
mindful rejoice.
got it all wrong
held out too long!

this is a stage
and brings out rage!
but deep in mind
the Lord does find.

He's all around.
from sky to ground.
patiently waits
for prayer of debates.

walks by my side
his love i denied.
he's all ways there
hears ev'ry prayer.

the Lord'll help you
He's reaching, too.
prayers'll bring answers
to real matters.

tired of it all?
His name you'll call.
open the door!
weary no more.
Devin Ortiz Jul 2016
I've not known the feeling

Nor can I even concieve

The notion of being whole.

Selling my brand months at a time

Interested parties holding auctions

Unaware, or unwilling to acknowledge

The stock in future  endeavours

So now I exist in 2nd hand memories

In the back of the mind, or the attic

Covered in dust, overexposed

A monument to my regrets
thulvni Feb 2015
Life and death breathe in my state of immunity death brings fate to calamity wisdom is outstandind it makes you stand our from the crowd exceedingly , I forbid but the dark still proceed I just wana dwell in the ark and suceed am a seed rooted beside the see of greatness and recrouted prosperity

My heart pumps twice for winter and summer for ****** and osama B or martin luther choose what you wana breath detect and eject any pathogen that might bring a disease

What does your heart concieve as it proceeds to pump use both eyes to see but if one misleads you its better to receive life in one view than to swallow a nife and never go trough
#life #death
As long as we don't think about
what we're not supposed to think about
We'll be ok

That's why they don't like
people with good imaginations

The ones that search the inner boundries

It's not necessarily how smart you are
but what you can concieve of

It transcends race and gender

What are you open to?

If i can imagine this
Then i can imagine them

Status Quo fear
is their must

No inner expansion here
No finding out the truth here
No fathoming here
No forward thinking here
No rogue sheep here

Status Quo fear here
I remember when she would always chase me....
Like the times she would never let me be....
I remember she was a problem an obstacle to fun.....
When she would ask me why she wasnt my number one....
Oh i didnt have time... Ill be right back....
Then she would call crying... What a baby a hack....
I told all my friends  that she was a joke....
Another clinger only good for a poke.....
Then I got no call... To tears beating on phone....
I guess she got tired of being left all alone....
I only  thought that she would always be there....
Even if she left what would i care...
Turns out I pushed her way too far....
Never told her that she was my bright shining star....
My sun.... My world..... The reason I breathe....
Now i get it... A pain I could never concieve...
Just like sand she slipped through my hand....
All she ever wanted was for me to understand...
That she was rare.. A diamond among Stones....
Now i guess its me the one left alone...
She gave me my shot...  My one time chance....
At a love that compares to the greatest romance...
Then  it was too late.... to her house i ran...
But she had the look meant for me... In the arms of another man...
Now I know im not dumb... Im actually very smart...
I can accept that this was never  her fault....
Im to blame... I broke my Heart....
Its been a while... Since words could play rhythym to my mind
forgotten is a word remembered but left on a thought
So i could express the minds melody with vocabulary intelligence
But I havent changed the letters and vowels all lead to the same disaster
Just a keyboard scientist at work in his lab of chaos
Being the monster he zapped with too much knowledge and education
Rhymes dont make enough sense to say I TRIED
But beauty is a sentance away in the mind of a poet.......
And tears are streaming from the face of most....
Our words dictate the world most cant see or concieve....
To write is like a breath our words beat like a heart....
They cant be translated into anything but your understanding.....
but being understood is not why I write
This is my soul left somewhere with a pen or a spreadsheet....
I have nothing to hide..... Open book seems too cliche
But as you read the poems in my mind
I cant say you dont know the real person behind them......
ZWS Feb 2015
Hotter than a two dollar pistol
On the wake of an eve
The sun burns orange on your eyes
With a thousand tons of divinity
You try to define
But you're only faithful when you can't concieve
When the moon comes 'round
So will all your lies and ***** deeds

Whiskey on the rocks
Colder than your own heart
Casting shadows on your regret
That's the only way you get past
After the sun sets

You kept asking me if this was a test
But you're the only gambler in the family
So what's your best bet
You turn into a different person
At the turn of the moons crest

But who could ever blame you
You are who you are when you're at your best
Trying to take the bad with the good
Till you drink yourself to death
And I am the one to carry your burdened cold body to It's final God ****** rest
MaddHatterQueen Feb 2018
If I could find the Proverbs
arranging them accordingly
Inside these lucid creases
I would die happy, just to
concieve metrical composition

... for all time

I'd scribble heartbreaks and
rescue missions of my soul
to clarify empathy of baptism
that my love is more than love

If I had a key with a heart
bleeding at the crown
I would unlock the poison
So much I allowed myself
in suffering
I am languishing
rib cages, shutting in
all my reasoning to breathe...

were to be found another day

I'd scribe in scrolls
of my 15 yrs of sorrows
hoping your eyes can see
I am just as damaged as
a vehical wreck
Yet a mother of 1
who was lost on a sad


3yrs ago when I first decided
to bare my deepest and thickest
outpour of my poetry,
I wrote about you

Mathias Ti'avasu'e

..I became the whipping
motherless girl beneath Zues..

Conveyed the impression
at first glance
Writing my storms delicately
as when mommy first held you
helped me describe
my inner workings
so that you might understand

… exactly the mother I could have been

I love you in all of your grace,
your purity,
and your precious life.
And when that time comes
that I may write of you
I could find the words I need
to create heavenly for you
and conquer

... and if this makes perfect poetry,
then why does it still hurt so bad?
© The Madd Hatteress
For my Mathis.. mommy loves and misses you.
tom krutilla Sep 2014
remember the sadness you bare
hallow eyes, distant stares
words coherant, then to scared
hoping for someone to care
listening in a diminutive state
gathering the pieces from your plate
thoughts query, am I too late
to rescue, this ill concieve fate
Esmena Valdés Mar 2020
i had a time for me to wash my disease
like warriors do
under music shields,
between hugs of my loved ones,
trying to sing lullabies
to help me concieve
the joy of dreaming
Sindi Kafazi Jun 2018
Poem, poem I wish I had you in the palm of my hand,
Sometimes I read each word, with this hunger
Devouring it, quickly

Sometimes I gaze at each word intently, looking for eyes, windows,
Maybe to the soul of the one holding down the pen
Or beating the keys

But most importantly, I’m looking at the shape of the words, the font, the way the word looks happy or sad, the feelings the word describes. The soul of the word.

Some words are thrown into the notebook, computer screen, broken iPhone screen
Fortune cookie,
You name it...
Randomly like
when babies have babies

Some words are carefully thought of,
like settled down rich folks bound by their calendar, scheduling their love making to hopefully, fingers crossed* concieve the perfect child.

However, once they end up on that page, they become their own person.

They see themselves one way, they show themselves another, maybe a reflection of their creator

But the world is free to read between the lines
Judge them
Analyze them
Or fall in love with them....

I’ve done
But really for the most part reading poems is like taking.a warm bath in a cozy home,
While the bitter winter lives on
Reading poems is to go for a long walk
For some

— The End —