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come on now hap
i have to go into the pound
shop-one of these days!?

h-yeah.. dystopia is a head
gp-we never had pound shops
when i was young-

h-o god!
and a young brando in
a street car-materialism was

the kindness of strangers-
not-look at cosmetics-!
all we had was brute-

or west for the more sophisticated..
now look at this land fill-
now,what did i want..?


a home and a happy family
i suppose-sir...sir..!?
your dog is urinating on the floor..

happy?!sorry i lost it there..
outside..!your grounded mister-
h-que sera,sera..
i will just fasten you here ,
while i return these-

won´t be long now,
you be good-
good boy..!

outside the library-
(hurry the apocalypse)
ah..the single half-hitch..!?

(a piece of cake-
black forrest but i
am quite unsophisticated)

And away and in!
past an electronic door
past the computer

past the surveillance cameras
past the latest fiction-newspapers
books for sale-50 p..

past the winding stair
past the coffee machine
past the screen

past the future
past a teacher and
laughing children

past the photocopier
past the librarian bending
in gardening

past grumpy boots?!

what are you doing here ?!
bad dog!-he is collared

and lead away..
and out side..
no,no-one is innocent
you can dream
you can twitch
but the lovely day

the performance
is  last night
today the long walk
the price to be paid..
come on happy?!
let´s go for a walk-
it´s a lovely day!
-though you don´t
deserve it
after last night´s

leave it out!
passive/aggressive xxxx
the state of my!
i can hardly wag my tail..
you go-
i´ll dream of the innocent..
i´ll lie and twitch..
a price to be paid
let the punishment
fit the crime

tell me who is innocent
lily said
time is out of mind..
down at the pickled gherkin,
grumpy chats with lugrubious ***
the doorman, and buys a raffle ticket..

happy sees his chance and in
past the exclamations!
past the snake skin and silver spur-

a blur of paw-the chase is on..
under the tables
under the chairs

a sleight pause for
a ham and cress
and past the slots

past the snug
around the waitress
past the dart board

past the band-
johny crash and the sad
past ernie

past the bar
past the kitchen
past the television

past the raffle prizes
and champagne
past the past-

the authorities gaining
but onto the dance floor
and clasps lovingly

around a cow-girls gyrating thigh
and some fancy footwork
where he is finally and rightly

collared-literally..amid acrimony
and apology
he is led away..

but for a swan song
he drops like a stone
to a puddle of larger

immovable but for a long
pink tongue

scene three-
mum-he did it again?!
happy but a price to pay..
same time next week then,
doctor, come on hap!-
(well,i never paid so much
to feel so unhappy
but i was never married)
let´s catch the bus..!

(scene two-a modern day
odyssey past urban waste land
graffiti of fray
the grey canal of hades-
the rain and cloud..
bricks and cement-it is
our stop..)

hello!mum?! we´re back-!
o how did it go?!
i laid out your cowboy suit-
all in black-it is line dancing
down at the gherkin-
dinners in the micro!?
he is bad, but happy is worse..
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