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as twilight set in
crickets began chorusing
a sameness of song
in their nature its innate
to be well synchronized
Nigel Morgan Jul 2013
For Susan on her birthday*

At a distance they appear
so unexpectedly red,
a vivid vermillion strip
in a growing green field.

We walked up the farm track
to view a few stragglers
lost on their way to their
Red-Together meeting.
They were intensely red
with liquorice-black centres,
free from that dustiness
of poppies in swathes.

and too red to be real,
their stalks too tall
ungainly, anorexic even.

En masse,
nodding variously,
a thousand-strong Red Army choir
chorusing their hearts out.
Nigel Morgan Oct 2012
We are tired after a hot day; its separate frustrations,
expectations and disappointments they weigh down on us
Separately, separately.

We come to bed, we do not hold each other, even briefly.
We do not read, the heat says no, best not.
We sleep: despite the endless turmoil of traffic
Endless, endless
On the Finchley Road.

At 4.0am I wake.
There is this spell of quiet to allow those mid-summer birds
Their due chorusing for an hour.

I lie still, so conscious, so conscious
Of the exquisite fall of your right breast on the cotton sheet,
The rich curve of your upper leg and bottom,
Of the almost-pout of your dear lips
As you burrow into the pillow.

I can’t begin to imagine what you dream:
As for me if dreams have been, they have vanished
With the sight of your naked self I so adore, I so adore.

And lest my desire gets the better of me.
my hand reaches out to stroke that layer of air
Floating above your quiet form.
I fan this passion’s fire until it
Slowly dies, slowly dies.
Olivia Kent Jan 2015
Alley ways and alley cats all allies in the darkest nights.
Unsleeping children call to their mother's closest hand.
The alley cats are chorusing, looking for a lover.
Their kittens come their kittens go, in and out their pussycat minds.
The infant in the cradle cries out for mother's love.
A life long attachment borne.
Forever days and never nights, the lights go out the queen cat cries.
Another litter of kittens wanted so that queen cat yowls.
The husband laying in his bed, gets angry as he lays his head, calling cats and screaming kids, prevent the closing of his lids.
The child calls out as only he can, mother moved to sort him out, as only mother can.
Alexandria Hope May 2015
Death walked up to me one night,
Slipped me a cigarette
We sat beneath the stars beneath my dorm room window,
Death said, “I haven’t touched you yet”
The next day I heard the church bells toll,
My colleague from theater, swung free of her bonds
The whole campus chorusing, their Kyrie Eleison
Who could’ve known? Who could’ve known?
I knew, Death walked in her just as it did me,
I watched Death take her aside and haunt her as she desperately tried
To find an anchor, to find solace, well hers and mine became the theater
When I saw Death with her I envied her the company,
Our morbid fixations sought through our scripts, both of us cast
The same character,
Both of us popping pills carefully hidden in little soap boxes,
Boxed up with wine and razors in care packages from the same lover

Death sat with me the other night,
Held a bandage to my wrist and lay me to bed
He lifted his hood, wiped the tears from my eyes,
Begged me to dance again, on ankles slit,
Caressing me as Elisabeth

Now I’ve been kissed,
Kyrie Eleison,
We shared the same stage, once,
Tell me what's waiting there for me
Beyond the mist of Chapel Hill
This was pretty heavy when I wrote it but then I saw the German Musical "Elisabeth" and now it's like, hey Death is pretty swanky let's revisit this poem.
#butseriouslythough #whereismyglitteryDeathsuitor #HurryUp
KathleenAMaloney May 2016
This Evening
Your Words

Flirtations of
Echoing Heartbeat
By Another Time

Drifting Downward Now
So Sunderland
As To Merge
In Still Waters

Lights Shooting Star
Moonlit Waters


Of The
Nat Lipstadt Jun 2016
no more morning glory

the cells want to refuse,
purported pseudo-deniers
of the man's compulsion

not yet six am,
the old house,
the summering congregation of birds,
correspond with each other,
their words unintelligible to the man-ear,
no doubt talking about the interlopers,
the come-and-go humans,
or perhaps,
just the lousy weather

the sunroom's lace curtains,
a patterned flower filtering viewer,
another impediment to what is out of sight,
for the fog surrounds but can't suppress,
the exterior & interior
combo of noises,
birds uttering their morning prayers,
accompanied by the sabbath choir of chorusing
groans from the untrodden, creaky floorboards,
complaining of aged back pains
from forty years
of desert wandering
and over use

they confirm the man is not alone,
and perhaps, even,
among the living

the bay's water's color,
a small hint now comes visible,
colored from the same paint can
as the surround-sound from which the
fog's discoloration was morning-drawn,
wider brush strokes cover this,
the man's small world

the brains complains, not again!

how many times will you compose,
drawing from the molecules of
this view,
no one cares,
but composition compulsion,
****** for what makes
the man breathe,
denies the deniers,
praying in the loudest thought voices,
to the principle that best defines
the moment,

human, give thanks,
on this, the seventh day,
for the feast of life provided,
(even the reasoning atheists go respectful, humble silent)
as the man-poet acknowledges here the


who remembers,

is faithful to,

fulfills the covenant and promise,

by making fresh daily,

the works of creation

Silver Beach,
Shelter Island
June 4th, 2016
Rivaldi Prasetyo Mar 2014
there comes the wave in the rainbow
then they're gone into beautiful life
as it was loosing binocular
you spell the world clearly up of your tone
and you are getting awake
you are shading out of blue
you are getting out of town
out of this vivid universe...

and spinning the time
and make sounds
like a train that cross the hills of quiet
but covered by thunder field on high
you're chorusing all the songs of grave
the grave of mind in the cave of life
and then it come over

and you are changing the name of silence


life is up in the darkest blue
and how you brake yourself into some colors of your life
once more you let me down
and see, see what I've become indeed
you cross the wall
then see what I've been through


There comes waves into the night
then they're gone into shade of life
and I am Loosing binocular

I am Loosing Binocular
Marly Apr 2014
the rain outside sounds like paper being crumpled,
the winds similar to pages of a book being turned.
descending planes become the way one strums a guitar;
all of the strings vibrate loudly,
and sl o w l y l  o  s  e  t   h   e   i   r    v    o     i     c     e    s.
i hear the stars singing,
their lonely songs echo through the darkness that is space.
empty space,
full of distant planets,
lonesome, chorusing stars,
lost meteors,
and long forgotten space debris.
at last, the rain and winds have ceased.
i have never considered silence as an absence of noise,
because silence itself is something you hear.
i often hear silence as a siren.
someone, somewhere, somehow,
is asking for me,
begging for my help.
someone is wishing for their desperate pleas to be heard.
i hope they know that they are not alone.
sometimes i think about how divided people are.
but darling, this world is compressed in more ways than one.
the only things that divide us are thin plaster walls,
thousands of footsteps,
and clothing.
do not forget that.
called it flow because there is a flow between each subject and none of it made sense, buuuuut.
martin challis Dec 2015
for Dennis Lee*

By the river
at night

burned stubble
of sugar cane
feathers the air with a lick of caramel

a quiet earth underscores
crocus and chorusing cricket
as curlew weep their distant sonorous calls

******* the stillness
we pluck a string of starlight

to pull a gentle breeze closer
we tug on orbiting moons

in the darkness of deep
we become motionless
intent to watch worlds
and enter the symphony

MChallis @ 2015
Nigel Morgan May 2014

As he sat watching the shadows
flicker across the beige carpet
the morning air explored
the room, caressed his unsocked feet.
She appeared, briefly:
to walk to the window
to be reminded of the view.
Turning purposefully,
she sent him a wave of turbulence
out of the folds of her long
patterned-blue skirt.

Wild Swim

but not yet dark in the Slad Valley.
Beyond the village they left the road,
and down, down a woodland way walked
into a gentle polyphony of birdsong
that is the evening chorus;
a more considered singing,
an equal music and exchange of song
far from the wild chorusing at dawn.

High above, the delicate traceries
of ash leaves;
at their feet, the chocolate-brown fall
of beech flowers.

His hand sheltered her fingers
lightly placed into his folded palm,
but ready to unslip: to observe, to touch
to wonder at the trackside vegetation.

Down, and further down into the valley,
the setting sun illuminating golden
corridors between the tall trees,
they came upon a presence of water
in the air and before the water seen;
a lake, a rhomboid reflection of sky
and still, sun-stricken pines.

Feeling his body wish the caress
of its earth-coloured water
he walked the lake’s line
gazing down into the opaque stillness
seeking to judge its depth.

He might swim; he would swim;
he would feel the water
kiss his body, his feet discover
a hidden floor of mud,
of stones, of vegetation.
Yes, he would lower his naked self
into that cool texture of fresh,
untroubled water.

He undressed before her,
placing his glasses into her care,
each garment into her arms.
Removing his sandals he stepped
into the water until its cloudy surface
covered his thighs, his ***.
He lowered his body and swam,
a few strokes at a time, stopping
then to test the depth,
for his feet to feel the tangled
floor of the underlake.

He turned,
and still in his depth walked back:
to see her standing bemused on the bank.
Out, and in the evening air, he stroked
his hands over naked flanks,
stomach, arms and ****,
brushing the wet away from his body
until a sense of being dry prevailed.

It had not been cold, he thought;
it had been gently invigorating.
A full freshness enveloped his body.
It would stay this passionate longing
he so often felt when alone in her presence,
and in the unconfining space
of the natural world she loved.
It remained with him until hours later
when, regaining the presence of his body
as it stretched itself in their generous bed,
he slept, dreaming of water’s kiss and touch.

Newark Park*

Turning into the drive
a lake of  buttercups
floated in the blue morning
on islands of grass green
between parkland trees
where peacocks called.

Entering the shallow house
barely two rooms wide
light flooded and warmed
the cold stone flags
of this hunting lodge
saved from ruin
by an itinerant American
who searching on a motorbike
for a manored home found his domain
high on the brink of a limestone
escarpment. With a view to die for,
most certainly to live for,
he was captured, captivated
and later confirmed
to all its Englishness,
its history, and despite
its cold, cold comforts.

Most certainly a man’s abode,
long-ago ladies but not wives
would gather for a grandstand view  
from behind its rooftop balustrades,
there to observe the hunting
in the forest far below
and then to entertain,
be entertained
far away from prying eyes
and wagging tongues.
KathleenAMaloney Jul 2016
This Evening
Your Words

Flirtations of
Echoing Heartbeat
By Another Time

Drifting Downward Now
So Sunderland
As To Merge
In Still Waters

Lights Shooting Star
Moonlit Waters


Of The
Devon Baker Aug 2011
Air stained in a bitter salt hovered through a mist grasping the calming shore. My eyes squinting at the light spray of sea and wind curled as you, the figure fading in the mist, took to hollow steps as the sands, grey and moist, softened at my feet. The waves pounded as beats ragged, like drums chorusing behind my ribs. You the phantom, the girl lost at my company and forgotten within my reach was feet away. The sky a mass of gray and storm tore at my clinging feet. Footing gave way to pristine silence as I began to take to heaving steps clothed in a metal cloth.

Feet away you the ghost, shimmering in paling skin and flowing hair, halted as my steps grew. My sand cloaked hand flew toward your image begging you to succeed to move, to walk from the shadows and dimming mist. Your paper face reveled within the erupting mist, like a frightened child trapped at safety’s door. The shadowing waves grew ravaged fangs at the tip, and bristles at the turn.

Refreshing mist choked out the sky like a blizzard smothered in ash. Our cries reverberated within a starling chaos, trialing as your eyes grew blue, and my heart dripped black. Our arms met like birds lost at storm and sea, as echoes ravaged between you and me. Arms shielded backs as hands gripped shoulders. Our faces buried within each other’s skin, as death’s silhouette sailed through the flowing mass of black sea and pale sand. Your frantic skin shook at death’s chilling touch, his hand wrapped at your shoulder was still as the moon gapping in the sky. His form moved as the mist and his lips whispered silence into your perking ear as the rain. Nerves softened as arms withdrew and, like a phantom heading in the mist, death left me and took you.
samantha neal Mar 2014
I crave you in the most innocent of ways.
You're like my morning refreshment,
that pulls me awake in a single thought of what's to come.
However, you're also my nighttime procrastination,
attempting to not think of time spent before drifting into slumber.

I indulge in the memory in the bright morning,
when I imagine that it is your sleepy smile pressed against mine,
instead of the lipstick stained rim to my coffee mug.
I imagine that it is your breath I am breathing in,
instead of the steam rising from my small cup.

And as I prepare myself for the day ahead,
I envision your arms wrapped meticulously around my hips,
instead of the sweater you always loved to see me wear.
I envision that it is the warmth I used to feel radiate through my inner body whilst watching the slight curve to your smile as you would greet me every daybreak,
instead of my car heater, striving to produce comfort in the early Texas winter.
I envision that it is your voice chorusing along as you strum an assiduously memorized Hallelujah on your guitar
instead of Jeff Buckley emerging through my worn out speakers.

And yet, I spoil myself with the memory of you as I yawn through my afternoon work;
I compromise: just one cup of coffee will keep me mindful.
But I also begin to deplore these sedulously laid out fabrications and daydreams when it's 3 in the morning, and the sun is still asleep and I've just brewed my second cup of you're sweet quality for the day.
sorry for how sloppily this is put together, i've been writing out little parts of it on random pieces of paper throughout the last 2 weeks and tonight i just pulled them all into one quickly.
Jennifer Mar 2020
concrete castles, brick battlements,
chimneys billowing black smoke.
sky, leaden and forever dull;
this is the city of the guls.

perched upon red brick walls
and slated rooftops
they unleash their cries of battle
and dive, strafing as they fly;

gutting wheelie-bins, squabbling
over human trash and muck.
this is treasure to the guls,
their feathers diseased and their

necks sporting plastic trophies.
they ****** from grubby human hands
and swallow all they can;
their gullets hold no guilt or shame

for the human filth called 'man.'
the guls know their city: every cranny
and every nook. they have always ruled
from their royal perches:

ruthless, ***** and proud. they look
upon human men with beady eyes
as they leave humble offerings,
and they cackle

chorusing with their high-pitched
squawks. for humans are
mere pests
among those mighty guls.
haven't written in a while! go easy on me ;) thank u to Jolyon for supporting my poetry n for helping me with this one <3
Sydney Mar 2014
Past the time of day ,
when modern things are put away,
when the forest of the night,
swallows whole the waking forests light
with an exulting mass of chorusing wishes
a delicate hush of silent kisses;
Plays gentle on the ears of sin,
and rejoices in the gentle din,
of mother natures flowing wings

If you could only hear
the wistful natter
the softly tread patter
of charming creations, their tiny beams,
that carefully waltz the verge of dreams

you would understand the peaceful throng
of dusky crawlers, their gentle song
their deafening cry, your soothing balm
as nature hold you in her palm

So stand, gentle brother
soft and calm
hold loving near the peace and charm
and wander now
the streets of dark
and let her dreams
engulf your heart.
Ysabel Klara Dec 2018
A gossamer pyramid of dark tainted leaves
suspended into boiling baptismal water,
releases in a cathartic outburst-
golden whirls of deep, resonant colour;
Transformation begins from within.

Water chooses stubbornly to adhere to its form,
but the vigorous leaves retaliate and
gloriously rise upwards in merrymaking,
chorusing in unity as they are
drowned out with a splash of cold milk. In the
heated silence of a compacted moment,
a cup of tea is pushed forward into her cold palms.

she sips-
pursed honey stung lips
part with a curious subtlety as
Robust reverberations:
notes of strong black tea, tickle
dormant spheres of her tongue, waking them up
to celebrate the song of new life.
the bright sunny morn
induced birds into loud singing
the bright sunny morn
their chorusing rousing of horn
as if they were message ringing
a day replete in much shining
the bright sunny morn
Sam Hawkins Dec 2019
Was this your farewell to me, my friend?

You had crossed my mind today while driving
the counter-clockwise road,
that you were leaving (had left)
this world.

The Hospice place we knew
was hid behind the hillock.

And over its sign across my path just then
came a raven flying, caress cut the air
in a long glide.

In morning sunlight--there was green,
shimmered across its back and wings,

as if to announce eternal verdant springtime
and you -- as if you were chorusing to me,

hey **
waving good-bye.
ghost queen Jun 2021
summer days
under a tree
iced tea
to cicadas
Don Bouchard Apr 2020
David felt the emptiness
Of his bowl,
The House,
His kitchen sink,
Felt the weary settling in.

On the table
After the dish and fork,
His Bible, worn,
Lay open:
"I will never leave you,
Nor forsake you."
The pages, marked and stained,
Seemed dry
In the after-dinner hour.

Echoes in the house tonight:
His bare feet skiffering the floor,
The water running in the sink,
The creaking bed and rustling sheets,
The refrigerator sighing below,
Echoing into the bedroom
Through the empty hall.

Her side,
His side,
The old rules of halves:
Empty now
Either side his.
Yet shuffling to the far side
By the window,
He let himself in,
Slid his tired weight
Between sheets.

Once in,
Let his leg,
His foot reach over
to the emptiness
Of cold sheets
And a flatness
Lonely for her indentation.

Arising sleepless
He wandered out,
First to the toilet and sink,
Then to the kitchen for a drink,
Then to the window,
Then the door,
And out into the yard.

The lowland bog alive:
Spring peepers chorusing,
A nighthawk veering air,
Crickets cheering to stay warm,
Beside, before, and all around,
The night was filled with sound.

"Where have you taken her?"
His eyes searched the stars,
Silent in their astral lofts.
"Where have you gone?"

Chill of night - Mid-eastern spring,
Night air pungent - earth and rain
His woman gone - this lonely man
Hopes for rest - perhaps a dream:
Of them together - balmy weather.
Thinking of long-time family friends, David and Esther Scoville. This is his third night alone. Woke at 2:30 AM thinking about those first nights alone, after the going, before the funeral, and the journey onward....
Rabiu Ameen Aug 2024
From a small coven
To a large overwhelming crowd
All clustered under the burning oven
With our voices chorusing and loud

In the heat of a brooding chaos, behold! The guns and boots
Spouting warily with nictitating crocodile eyes, marking for some kills
As other swarm of hoodlums rejoined with their loots
The breath of rightful deeds felt clogged like diseased mackerel gills

We must ward off this harsh rule in one massive anguished buzz
We must stand with one beating heart yet unresolved
With defiance or blunted zeal, not just a mere fuzz
Despite scattered dust mixing with the oozing off tossed canisters, we marched undissolved

We have tolerated enough to inspire many hunger wars
We are refusing to let our voices be contained in an enclosed stage
Be silenced, nor be put behind bars
Like some hunted wilds stocked away in a zoo cage

With such unbearable vultures' cry hovering around hyenas' feasting pile
With such rebellious act, yet justified with empty belly sense
"Where are the truckload of palliatives?", Someone alarmed with a stone projectile
In retaliation, a series of warning shots poked the skies, perhaps to flaunt firearms license

If not let to roar with animal rage while wagging its jungle tail
A hunger protest still; To what end, If not let to march towards the banquet gate of hell
If not let to bring down the profoundly deaf mushroom walls with a molotov cocktail
So sickening till dawn, yet we await the political butler to ring the broadcast bell
Yenson Oct 2019
In insular paleness
drunk on indulgent arrogance
sloshed in jingoism of limeys incandescent with entitlement
they scribbled their scripts and laid tracks for their memorials
chorusing punk songs for punks while standing in sightless mirages
seeing is not theirs in this drama of madmen, dogs and the midday sun

In this isle of Dogs
birthed in fevered mental omissions
the witless cooked arsenic pie and mash feeding their kit and kin
we are pirates from the streets rings out in rallying calls shamelessly
while another deranged faction chorused 'we are Robin Hoods we are
and we see the dark Ages in the twenty-first century as Neanderthal minds frolic

In the green and pleasant fields
the sheep are fed hallucinating grasses and lying lilies
Simple minds sing Ballard of the Streets and Ghost Dancing, on loop
the rabbles, the Protection Money Racketeers, the Thugs and Pirates
with all the sheep became members of the Trade Union Congress
and in the bay of Pigs they are minting badges to honor and praise
People power
Anybody caught smiling or laughing or smiling will be shot, this is a serious piece on Revolution and extinction of Royal parasites is more important than climate change. Though this revolution is Crooks and Protection Money Racketeers' inspired, I have you know that Criminals rule the world, only yesterday,  11 hours ago - Ovidio Guzman Lopez — the son of jailed Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman ..was captured during a gun fight in the streets, , confirmation came that Ovidio had been freed from custody when his gang made an offer the Colombian Government could not refuse. Go check it up if you do not believe.  CRIMINALS RULES OK!
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2020
Dusk across a severed sea
Immortal tones impaling me,
Dulcet grey striated lines
Across horizon’s luscious wines,
Of setting sun in huge refrain
Melting into falling rain.
Exulting in this feel of brine
A-washing curling toes of mine,
This gentle wash on seashell shore
As wavelets surge in even score,
A symphony of tidal sound,
Enveloping in sense-surround.
And chorusing from arrowed flight
Of seabirds, overhead, As night
Advances with a first stars’ hue,
Imbued with velvet dreams of you.

May 1967
Yenson Aug 2019
They are spinning in their bunkers
while reciting the gripes of wrath in self limitations
being bolshie forecasters and white oracles in green slime
they know the know of nothing and chorusing from flat *****
a revolution by pumpkins in barracks of unused opportunities
while chasing their tails and spinning yarns in vain all to no avail
snowflakes snowing the wisdom of those without depths in sorrows
mahogany is the priciest, unfazed and worthy of all attention noteworthy
what have you achieved if not parading that many are ignoramuses
that your paymasters are liars
that many does not mean strength or even unity
but merely symbolizes the cowardly minds of fakers
who sing themselves to sleep while cream quietly rises always
while you all spin in a tizzy barring things I do not want or crave
you...are the prisoners of your needs and wants, you are the jailers
in jails
trapped in your mindless freedom, sharing your diseases 'freely'
I am glad to be left out, glad to be my own person, my own counsel
Yenson Nov 2021
the tales of bygone sliming into the tales
of today and to come
same moves different movers

the nearest and dearest you've now divorced
as they denounced you renowned barbarians
with the selfish hops and scotches

So now you're still scramble with trade bags
from pillar to post retrograde
down the well trodden waves of afore

carrying your baggage's of tricks and illusions
flicking forked fangs in romantic allures
remember how we bonded dispassionately in our unequal union
all those yonks' ago

the spawns of Machiavelli now adorns in fluorescent jackets
emblazoned front and back with the capital M
chorusing same anthem as before the before the before
we divide to rule as we rule to divide

our bullies of disrepute now without the gunboats
aims colonising the minds bodies and spirit
same ole same ole intimidate lie manipulate and control
repeat repeat repeat the ancient songs have faded
your begging bowls now cries in needs

in your shallows the mystic afore is lost
the myths of bravery is but the truth that's cowardice
the cheap demeaning sleights of hands denounces you
clever clowns sings La bohème but the audience are laughing
how we fool ourselves to fool others in fooling foolishness
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2020
Hold catches charity chastising morning
Forenoon sees sanctity assigning shame,
But no one caught evening whispering secrets
For that was midnight who shouldered the blame.
Shall she wear criticisms chill of morning?
Is she entitled as spokesman of throng?
Savouring rumours that snicker from new light
Or roaring, pedantically, dark dawns song.
Such is the chorusing catcall of caution
Such the disharmony ebbing from soul
Coughing suspicions embedded in discord
Entrusting it all to a miscreant’s fold.

30 March 2020

— The End —