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Eve May 2019
Everyone is always


What a



What a




But don't forget

That monsters can

Be beutiful

That war can

Be magnificent

And yet a sunset

It is still





Such a soft sight

Such a little snippet of



And it is

All those beutiful


But it is also


It is also


A darkness on that light

For, why treat the


Of a


Like a



And yet

We make an exception

(The humans we are)

An exception for this


Magnificent sight

As it bleeds

As it cries

Tears of


Just another


Of night

Pinks like watered


Oranges like

Funeral pieces

Such morbid


Such violent


For such a














The final words

Of a poet




Hacking out


Words like blood splattered flowers

What does he say in those







The answer

Why, it just behind that



Watching sunsets and thinking
Autumn Dec 2012
is humanity's ignorance pure disgustance or is it beautiful?
it very well could be beautiful how much pain one human could endure
yet its disgusting how humans thrive on the downfall of everything
Or maybe us, humanity, is simply eveything or is it nothing?
The voice Nov 2012
I feel asleep
I dreamed beutiful dreams

Dreams never dreamed before
Dreams hiden in the background
Dreams that opened my eyes
Dreams that helped me survive

I saw the ocean blue
I saw the blue sky
I saw the charming sun
I saw the colorful garden

I felt joy for freedom
I felt joy for happiness
I felt joy for opportunities
I felt joy to be alive

I fell asleep

With the fright of waking up
With the joy of felling life
With the fright of loosing everything
With the joy to know it hapened

Even if it was only because i was asleep.
the world is filled with beautiful things
others die just to allow their kids to dream
A boy is allowed to walk because someone dared to think
But a beautiful world is not in my dream's
Silence is deadly as far as I'm concerned
My minds filled with beautiful words
I write the truth nothing more
Cover up the deadly the sick and the depressed
All so you don't have a heavy heart inside your chest
you've devoted your time to playing video games
im sorry that I act this way
but my words do speak the truth
the world is beautiful
but I owe my beautiful world to you
kind as you are I don't know much
your catholic your not its not a big deal but
I know you like fallout boy
and your American flag pants
you wore your sisters shirt
and you wore a 1920's hat
your suspenders are red and you like to excel
You don't like drama and your kind of introverted
your eyes are brown
and you have no idea how bad im hurting
but ill put it aside all just to Keep you happy
because without you I don't know if I could keep lasting
You are my beautiful world. I don't know how much you know about me and I don't think you would want to. just know I left you alone because I knew you hated drama even though you love to be in plays  because I would rather be invisible to you than for you to not be happy I wouldn't be hear without you Chimney something ells
roumen Aug 2019
You are so beutiful
To me..
You are walking slowly
Beside me...
You are smiling happy
For me..
You are dreaming softy
With me..
You are living fully
In me...
You are loving unconditional
Like me...
Where are you?
Did I dream about you?
Did I walk with you?
Did I live in you?
Did I love like you ?

You are so beutiful to me.
To me.
Time is sleeping next to us.
To us...
You ..
..... are so beutiful to me .
OnjuliThePoet Jan 2014
We never hang out anymore
your allways with her
has she replaced me
as your true bestie
apparantly because when
she calls you run

We never talk anymore
We used to share everything
we used to share secrets
we used to  share jokes
but when she's here you go

We used to be like sisters
We used to stay up all night
We knew each other so well
we started off so beutiful
but when she says sister your gone with no words*

we arnt best friends anymore
like the wind she swept you away
that best friend stealer she made you go away
like a river she drowned you in lies
like the flu she spread rumors of me
and you listend

This was made for my ex bestie selena :'( I miss you
Brenten Hargrove Feb 2012
Me and Jagged Teeth usually dont take this path, but , it was an unusually hot day.
The shadows from the trees grew thick expelling most of the heat
She always had badluck , tripping on her own shoelaces , getting caught in every mischeveaous
act and even biting her own tongue as she spoke. there was a day unlike this one where she claimed dominion over
the forest we walked, only for  her to fall face flat from her throne , a trunk cleaved by lightning it seems,
and chipping her tooth on a very vicious rock.
forever since that day i've called her Jagged Teeth
"there it is" she spoke pointing towards the middle of the path.
A large filter of light from the sky fell upon the center ,
the sun seemed to have chosen this one spot where it would torture the wood.
"this is where the heart is"
she whispered. "they say if you make a wish here in the sunlight..."
"Who cares!!!" I yelled. It was beutiful enough without all of her fairy tales.
Never had i seen nature at peace with itself in such a way... No sound would echo
through except the chirping from the crickets and the buzzing from the gnats.
They did not swarm here or attack...Nature was at peace with herself.
"You dont belive me?" Jagged remarked
obviously not, i thought to myself . "How would she know"
"I'll show you then"
over where a patch of
flowers were swaying in the breeze she stumbled over a vine,
turning, to me and giggling at herself,
peculiar enough the flowers were taller than us
She moved them aside crawling on the soft
bed laden with petals and worms and other beuteous things.
She swept away some soil and dug her hand underneath  
and up she pulled a small white daisy, roots and all...She looked me in the eye
"Quick!, Before it dies"!!!
She bolts back out of the thicket of flowers i
stayed confused at how she knew so much about this,
from the corner of my eye , where she picked her treasue
a small snakes head rose up from the soil...
"Hurry" she exclaimed  i ran to her. "There was a-"
Just watch!
slowly she walks to the heart of this  Oasis and holds the flower at eye level. Slowly picking each petal one after the other ...
"so what " I thought but then, the petals flitted in the wind like a tornado was around them and each white petal
burst with color into butterflies one red, one green, one blue, one yellow , one black and one white
They flew around us growing larger and larger until they burst into hundreds,
flew up into the sunlight and exploded into petals each a color of those butterflies
I could only smile. Magic before my eyes and Jagged was the one to show me.
"How did you know of this place, Jagged?"
she skipped towards me and smiled. " I saw it in my dreams." She explained "BUt hurry before the sun goes down!!!!" "Make your wish!!"
Excited i ran towards the flowers taller than my head. Leaping i fell on the bed to my knees and reached deep through
the soil of this hallowed ground. I felt the emptiness
of this space and reached deeper my hand grazed something soft and i grabbed and pulled it out
A low hiss and a stinging sensation was on my hand. "Benjamin!!!" cried Jagged
but before i could turn to her i fell darkness came over me like a thick shadow...
As Benjamin fell Jagged caught him in her arms he convulses and shivers.
"Help!" She Cried and begged and pleaded
"Help, I dont want him to-"
"Die?" muttered a soft deep voice
"N-No...I do'nt...Where are you??"
"Beneath you." It hissed and from below the snake transformed into a figure reminiscent of a human in a dark robe it dressed and spoke softly,confidently and quietly.
"What did you think the price of the young life you took was?"
"Young life?" she queried. "The Daisy...But i didnt know!!"
"NO ONE EVER KNOWS!! They Come and mutilate and ravage this land like savages and expect no retribution!!" He booms causing the infinite chirp of the crickets to cease, the sun to sink lower and the flowers wither deep into their bed.
Jagged Teeth cowered before it crying and sobbing silently , gripping Ben tighter.
"But I'm sorry..."
"Sorry will NOT bring back the life you took selfishly ,Child...Now leave him here, the poison in his veins will soon end him leaving  him to become part of the Oasis..."
"No!!!"she cried
"YES!"Declared the spectre
"Now leave this place, and the LIFE that is the cost..."
"Take me instead!" She begged
I've already done this deed little one. I cannot reverse this..."
"You lie!.." she retorted "If this wood can grant wishes I'm sure you could..."
The shadow leaned towards her Smiling widely, grimacing its teeth blindingly white but eye deep and black.
"You would give your life for his and the little sprite you took?"
She kisses benjamin on the forehead and lays him gently on the bed of the forest.
Standing sloely looking it boldy in the eyes;
"FINE!" it hissed
Spininning the spectre turns bright white  and consumes Jagged Teeth...
"B e n j a m i n..."
I turn to see Jagged standing in the middle of the Oasis.
"J a g g e d!" I yelled runningtowards her.
I see behind her a figure ghastly grinning with darkened features...
I reach out towards  her and so does she.
The ground, thick like mud slowing me with every step. On my arm is a grasp cold and sharp. The figure is clutching
my wrist behind me but i keep running, the closer we get more of the spectres appear...closer and closer...until everything is black. The spectres ooze black liquid and i scratch to reach above them. I see Jaggeds limp hand and before i can clasp it in mine we are swept away by the black mass of the river...
"Jagged Teeth!"
I lurch forward and scream.
The room i awake in is white and a loud beep is blipping in and out. The door slams open
"Ben, Sweety its ok it was just a bad dream!"
"Where is  she mom, Where is Jagged!"
"Honey, Who?" she replied
My heart sinks into my chest and my head into her *****...
Behind her she closes the door. She did her best to calm him but he still seemed restless,distant even.
What was this Jagged toothed monster that haunted his dreams?
She motions herself around the corner and she sees through the window where her son is resting. The doctor is standing there looking confused with his charts mumbling about anomalies and other inconsistent data.

"Will he be ok?" asked bens mother
"Yes, But he seems rather Dillusional.."remarks the physician
"Its an act of God that we found him in time, the poison he was subjected to was more than three times the fatal dose...."
Bens mother clasps her purse and reaches into it to pull out a cigarette.
"Thank you doctor..."
She lights her cigarette and inhals the white fumes.
"When can we go home?"
"Well lets run a few more tests, I want to make sure he is ok, Physicallly and Emotionally."
"I understand.." She exhales violently
"Where was he found if you dont mind me asking...?"
"He was outside of the Forest, Hell i didnt know he was the adventuroud type...Hell inever even Knew that place existed until now..."
She drags one last time on her cigarette before ashing it in her hand
"Looks like he's been through hell."
Adria Maria Nov 2014
My fair lady,
Why must you compel me
To worship you
When I have so many and so urgent things to do?
Fine. So maybe it is not your fault.
So I'm just lazy. Okay.
But you are so tempting.
Lulling me away
from so many chores
(Or a death by boredom - who can really tell?)
Sometimes you offer me the prettiest of pictures,
Sometimes the funniest of videos,
Other times merely my bed and the ceiling,
But more often books.
Beautiful, beutiful books.
So why should I scold you
For taking my time
When those are the hours
I most lovely spent?

I'm mad. The Mad Scientist.
Fantasy worlds. Pure science.
I was put here. By myself.
And by myself. I stay.

God won't answer.
No magic is true.
But the world, this earth,
      Her sciences,
      Her knowledge,
roumen Jun 2019
The girl i like ...
is beutiful ..
Like a motorbike..
But not Ducati...
She moving softly
Like a motorbike
But not Yamaha .
Neither Harley...

She is more like
British bike.
Triumph ..
I like her sound.
I like her shiny armours..
And ride..???
Ooo...what a ride..
Smooth and silky..
And..what a bike..
God... is beutiful and shiny..

I know
she maybe like the man ..
The rider ..
Her own
Dark ...
Ghost rider..
Maybe ..?
jay wilson Nov 2012
You're beutiful in every way.
My love for you is never ending.
You're eyes are navy green.
You're smile is perfect in every way.
You are every thing I want in a girl.
You're dating someone that wouldn't treat you just right.
If you give me a chance you will be very bright.
But dont make me put up such a fight.
With the touch of you're lips will make my day.
Now lets just hope I behave.
If you give me a chance it would be you're greatest day.
I will make you feel like a wonderful princess.
Expescially when I get my liceanse.
I will always tell you I love you.
Every night and day.
I will kiss you and hug you until you tell me.
But just give me a chance and I promise you will never regret.
I wish I was in Zanzibar
to walk upon its sand
to feel the impressions of poems
that explode within my palms
and all the ink that baths upon
and calls itself anew
is but a shower of raging sunlight
that drags my heart askew
I wish I was in Zanzibar
to walk upon its sand
to feel his beutiful fingers
entwined within my hand
my arms stretch out above my head
I really do love him
But know that he is dead
I wish I was in Zanzibar
to feel its gentle waves
its foam like Can Can dancers
performing on a stage
and one day soon
I am going to have to go there
and then they all will know
that I am a boy, a mere pretender
in slow motion in the show
and here I will look for butterflies
as I make my way to school
and claim the part of intelligence
or perhaps that of  fool
I think in velvet red
and dream of the day it will be me
naked upon the stage
I wish I was in Zanzibar
to feel its gentle rage
and put my palm to ink and pen
and write upon its page
I wish I was in Zanzibar
its where I wish to go
to play all day upon the sand
and be in its strange and wonderful show
The Joker Oct 2011
He opened the door as so many times befor the old man not giving thought to a stranger

inside in wait.

His smell gave him away even in the darkness it's always that moment just befor that

excite's me so.

As his feeble hands flicked the switch he gave no thought  to a intruder

he only cursed the light.

Godammit!  I just bought that bulb!

His voice like a memory lingred within my thoughts of hatred.

The mouse was in the vypers cage and I thrived in knowing the strike would

be savage in nature.

He stumbbled his way to the kitchen and as he was met by only the promise of more darkness it was then he would hear my hiss.

Hello Jim it's been so very long.

His eye's were so perfect in there grasp of terror for he knew the devil well.

Who's there? Get the hell outta my house I'll call the cops!

I couldnt hide my laughter Oh Jim how can you call the cops

When the phones dead besides didnt you miss me?

I dont know what your talking about who the hell are you?

The fear was a drug I knew his heart couldnt take much more but much like the phone he fumbled for it wasnt the only thing that would be left dead in this house.

He staggred back blind was the mose that soon would know my fangs.

My arms around wrapped around the weak old fool he let out a cry but I muffled it

with leather glove.

Oh dear uncle Jim dont you remember me?

You said I was always your favorite you sick ******* *******!

How many were there ?

What's wrong are you scared good you ******* freak!

I felt his body tremble  just as helpless as he had made me feel

You know old man it's only fitting I should **** you for so long ago you killed me.

His withred lips began to speak my name but soon he felt the sting and the

blood choked the sentance from his mouth.

His throat slit I let the old man crawl painting his kitchen floor a crimsom of pure devilish delight.

I dropped the phone in front of him and enjoyed as he in a last effort to survive

dialed the numders the gurgling noise a sweet music to my ears.

What's wrong Uncle Jim you seem so unhappy?

He convulsed in the floor I watched my creator die in such a beutiful demise.

The sound so sweet to hear my memories were washed clean my past was dead with the

wrinkled old garbage in floor I drove the blade in agian thats for the past you

I drove it in again thats for that helpless disgusting feeling of filth.

I drove it deeper agian and agian blood painted me i was washed clean of his decay.

How i love family get togathers
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
thats what i want
feel the warmth
of my own blood
leaking out of my own body
knowing i went out
the way i wanted
sounds good
but thats just it
it sounds good
i could go with my wrists
id fell my blood
driping down my hands
i could paint a pice of art
let it happen slow
that sounds good
or my neck
i could choke on my own blood
drown in it
fell it fill my lungs
choking me slowly
but thats what life is right
it just chokes you
up untill that day
you give out
thats the day im waiting for
thats the day we all wait for
so should i cut my wrists
paint a beutiful picture
in my own blood
feel myself slowly slip away
or cut my neck
and drown in my own blood
so witch will it be?
i just want to die
but really
nobody gives a ****
nesrine ben Aug 2013
empty life , no joy no love
even all those friends in my empty life
till i meet one person ; felt so happy
makes me feel better ; makes me feel the life
we spent the most beutiful moments ever
he is my best best friend
he's like the sun shine..
he back the smile to me every time i feel sad
he back the love when i'm broken at two
he back the joy when i'm not fine
he's my best best friend
i promise that you are in my heart forever
i promise that i renember you all the time
i promise that i'll give  the world for you

because you are my best friend <3
kell May 2019
Clean cut and pristine, be what they want you to be
why dont you see?
if you follow their rules and regulations theyll never push you away
youll never be alone,never in pain, you'll be so happy my dear
dont be yourself youre hideous inside and out.
follow the leader its the best game to play
follow those perfect girls with there perfect ways in a perfect house
on the beach with the oceans waves.

D O N T   Y O U   W A N T  THAT?
No... I want my messy life and crazy hair with an okay house with breathable air with friends that know the real me and truly care,
I want an imperfect love and out of ordinary family
somthing real is more appealing then palm trees and fake weaves
I want to see the raw beutiful world no fake,plasterd on a tv.
beauty is what is right infront of me.
and i wont change
not for money,houses, cars, or fame
This is me a reckless beutiful mess
and im PERFECTLY fine with that.
use your pain for power
nesrine ben Aug 2013
shining star
in a beutiful sky
up my eyes looking at you
feel so high
i always try to hide my love
but you don't know
that you are my drug
very special drug
crazy but strong
i've never felt like this before
but i always want more
you tell me about what's in your heart
and i hope is true and right
you said or did crazy stuf
but i've never said this is enaught
when you smile
my whole world stop for a while
i love the way you are
i can't find the right words
to explain what i feel about you
but i have three honest words to tell you
that i love you
Alison Aug 2013
Tomorrow I'm going to the lighthouse
And I'm going to draw all the beautiful things I see
Because people don't take enough time to see it

They don't see the ocean as an enormous creature
They see it as a place to lounge and capture food

They don't see clouds as beutiful gigantic structures
They see a shield from their precious sun

People don't understand the beauty around them
People are so indulged in luxury and technology
That all they see are things they want to see
And the beautiful things are trapped behind the selfish human mind
JL Feb 2012
Dress of mist about a beutiful mountain
Where the grace around trees is only black
Where candles can glow a hundred miles
Standing in my doorway
I could see you dancing in the fog
The thread of spirit
Was lost in the fall of a rock
And winter made me wrap my coat about me
Where the shame of wind burns my face
And tears turn to crystal
Where fire makes my heart loose its grip
And the thick paycheck
And the handful of lotto tickets
Standing in the light
A cigarette turns to ash in my hand
Black in my lungs
Maul my heart
For fire
For the black
I twist your fingers in my hand
Bright enough to shine
Until the sun forgets
To turn the trees green
And tells a time of shattered sunsets
In which I am alone on my doorstep
And you dance like a spirit of green
Eric Martin Dec 2016
What is wrong with me?

Am I a fiend
Why is this the most beutiful thing I have ever seen
A body falling like a rose petal
Ending in a flower of twisted metal

A death so horrible it was a crime
Jumping of the tallest building of the time
What pain must of bin going through her heart
And yet I sit and watch her like a piece of art

The Dress
All the stress
All the finesse
All the chaos to make such a perfect mess

An image I will never unsee
**** what is wrong with me?
Nazmi Mahamood Jan 2011
crackers bursting across the earth
we heard the loud cries of his birth
it was just like yesterday
when you made our lives to bright from grey

i had the best time with you
which i not knew untill days swiftly flew
time is very cruel
everyone has to go someday,thats life's rule

every morning,i wake up
gaze at the morning twilght
"Isn't this so beutiful or is just my eyesight?"
Memories may haunt but still the best shall i highlight

chereished moments ere you left
was a unforgetable gift
recalling our lives together bring back happy and sad a tear
we did none be fogotten what together we share

They come yonder and leave
but thou art special
because thou art full of meaning and real
which forever shall i belive

I shan't see thou ever after
I shall tresure your every laughter
Now,I say goodbye, 2010
Wish the next is good as you, my dearest friend.
Autumn Dec 2012
some can say hope is beutiful maybe it is in times of when hope is your last reason for taking that last breath, or of not jumping off that bridge,
maybe it is in thoose circumstances,
but when you you hope for oh so long,
hope becomes nothing but you believeing in some pathetic idea,
and maybe when you tell someone this pathetic idea they say
" that's so normal though! how can you  hope for that?"
that's when you  know you arn't right anymore. That somethings wrong with you.
when relizing that hope for you is something the average person thinks is normal, something the avergae person feels every day.
expierences everyday.
when you relize hope, is truly some pathetic overused idea of your.
Your hope has turned into something disgusting,
when you hope for a true smile, one that you don't have to fake ,
a true laugh just once,
that is what hope does to some people. ey are at the end of their to short rope and they hope.
but you can only hope for so long.
and after you are done hoping what is left?
faking everyday for the rest of your life to fulfil someone elses idea's expectations for you?
inwhich at this point death becomes so exotic and wonderful.
and after you first think that thought, of death being the true answer,
you don't care anymore or you just start caring about EVERYTHING and every point off of a one hundred kills you,
when every inisult from him starts tearing at your flesh,
when evert thought of yours isn't "good" starts to ich ever so much more, when every glance that isn't a good one makes you feel o so ******.
death really does become your most faverable topic then, and people wonder why you are the way you are.
stop wondering and simply look at their ****** expressions,
simply listen to what they say,
simply try for them.
the things that come out of your peer's mouth's will truly amaze you.
You and I
Wove a beutiful tapestry
all the right colors
in all the right places
but there is this red string
of lie
that got woven in
unseen by me
and when I saw it
and pulled it
the whole tapestry
fell apart.

And part of me
wants to weave it
right back
from the start.
Falling apart. Wake me up. Please.
I hunger for your love, my love
But yet you feed me rocks
And other cold hard facts.
I thirst for your affirmation
Yet suffer the tyranny of
Mouthfulls of biast statements
Contradicting my hopes

I want to kiss you and,
Crawl into your bed at night
Listen to your euphoric shrieks
Because like your childhood bedbugs
I also sometime playfully bite.

But your scientific mind is
Veining over my beutiful
Dreams Of guns and roses
And other lucid stimulus.
I love you, okay
Three words not even your
Verbose tongue could complicate.

Maybe that's why.
Maybe love is a concept your
Rational mind feels threatened by
And thus conceals all pulsating
By diction and intelectual *******.

I hate you for that.
For killing my cat.
For raising my suspicion.
I hate you for not loving me.
And not acting normally.
Always being formally
... cold and undefined
Nazmi Mahamood Oct 2010
One day
you will not be same

One day
you will be the one reading this

One day
you will be judging the actions of others

one day
is just 24 hours
Time flies even when your with the most beutiful flowers

One day
you will think back
on the mistakes you did on your track
which made you correct them
and sticked to you like gum
to never again make that mistake
thats called experiece.
13-Sep 2010
Maxim Keyfman Jul 2018
Oh So beautiful World
Im like a sky
And a sea too
This is brilliant of the light
And this is brilliant of the God

Oh so beutiful World
Im like a moon
And  stars too
This is gold of the night
This is gold of the all Universe

Oh So beutiful world
Im like everything-
What do you create
Because i'm can live
Because i'm can - Be in love

Maxim Keyfman Jul 2018
Orange light
Orange light
illuminate me
Ooh ooh ooh
Stars and Planets around me
Ooh ooh ooh
Cosmos very beutiful
And his beauty **** me

Mars Mars Mars illuminate me
Ooh ooh ooh
Maars Maars Mars illuminate me
Ooh ooh ooh

I am getting graceful
It is moon night full
How feel breeze beams
Moonlit night what a scene
I loving your feeling
The moon light, like a dreaming
Ohh , i am gazing the stars
tearing the darkness the spark
Little sparkle having a great energy
A beutiful night feel a intoxication
Let's come to me
And get it hug me
I feel the cool air
Want to drink like cold beer
In this intoxicated night
I miss you , i miss you
Tark Wain Sep 2015
I can't help it
I guess
I grew up on screenplays
on all of the hidden meanings
the metaphors
they shaped my thoughts

you know I never dated in high school
and I was a looker too
I didn't do it because no girl was perfect for me
there was no princess charming
do you realize how stupid that was
four years wasted

one girl ruined it tho
lisa turner
oh my god this girl
this beautiful body
beutiful smile
perfect everything she was angel
but when she talked
dear god she had a lisp
how could that be
how could the perfect girl be

That's when I first realized
something was wrong with me
I discovered that people weren't archetypes
that events weren't symbols
but most importantly
I learned a happy ending was guranteed
Autumn Dec 2012
You got me smilen boy, the thought of you lifts my spirit and im excited,
you got me boy, im smilen when you arn't even present, and within the sight of you boy you got me blushing,
boy you got me to smile, after such a long time, it's actually a purely happy one, that has no tinged pain hideing behind my heart,
and i just can't stop cause this smile is not stoppen no matter how many people try to tear it off this beutiful face.
because boy i think you got me.
Michelle Long Feb 2012
Tiny midnight bird
                         alone in the sky,
                           resting after it's morning fly.
                       It begins to sing
                               a beautiful cry;
                                     preaching sigh.
                      ­ midnight bird,
                       flies past us,
                   flies past the sky,
                 to nest in the trees.
                    We wonder just why
                      he still cries
                        and flies
                       every day,
               upon every night,
             is he in pain,
          does he feel such fright?
             He, a beutiful creature,
                without a care,
              goes everywhere
                still alone
                   he sits,
                  wihtout a plan?
                      Possibly he has many,
                  he too could look upon-
                              look apon us below.
               He might think
          opposite thought,
                               why such?
                                   Why not alone?
                 Happier we would be
                 if we were like he.
This was written nearly four years ago. I don't know what I was thinking.
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
they say what a beutiful day

they say it’s always your way

but they never say it will always be the other way

looking out at the beautiful day

seeing it all shatter like glass upon my eyes

bright blue skies turn to dusk

bright days are now gloomy

dreams are only dreams

and stars are no longer worth wishing on

they say live it up

so give em’ a cup

pour the drinks let’s see your bodies move

but every movement is in slow motion

to escape would be to live

but to live you need to escape

the happy face turns into a frown

the bright happy eyes are now pouring down

warm waters rolling down the cheecks

splatters onto the ground and splash

all is quiet, you can almost hear it, you’re alone

no where to go or run or even trun

and then they say life is an amazing thing

— The End —