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hanaz Apr 2018
Earth is my name, what shame people,
I want you to Save the trees and not shave them of my skin,
Bcoz these trees help me breathe,
You build houses with these trees,
Guess who is gonna be homeless, its me.

When you plant a tree, you give hope not only to me,
But the generations to come,
So, plant ten trees when you cut one,
Bcoz remember the free oxygen we give,
Lets make a better world with clean air so all the people can breathe.

Save a tree and get Oxygen free for life!
Allan Mzyece Nov 2016
It was as if I ran out of saliva, when the girl I didn't like told me she's in love with me. Wanting to **** myself because of ugly hearted girls
"That's why the bible was made" I said, to protect us from our evil deeds
which are increasing as we live.
Well, not all dreams are good (I MEAN COME TRUE!)
bcoz of things like "POVERTY" the girl that fell in love with me
She had striked my Dad when young, he used her before he passed her on to me.
I Inherited a ***** from my father of which I hated, so broke; that the devil wont dare to tempt me
(CAROBLEND WILLIAMS) son of a rich lady (I MEAN *******!)
My name is an Italian one which means "FAULTRESS OF AFFECTION"
Demn he who cant understand!
Bcoz everyone no matter who likes me, hates my behaviour
I h8 some women bcoz they make me sad
My mom had 5 children, whom all had a different Dad
3 yrs ago Mom was killed by Dad's hands
now, he's in a death spice
hail poverty one LAST
I Wrote this when I was 14, and it does not get old
Jimmy Hegan Sep 2015
Why someone hiding their faces
bcoz they guilt for their own deeds
bcoz they cheated their own relatives, brother's , sister's.
Why you run away from your beloved one's.
bcoz you are engage with girl friends
bcoz you love more towards girlfriends.
Jasmin jazz Oct 2018
I remember the day that
we travelled together.
At first I was very nervous
but I regained myself.
He sat on my left and my
heart began to beat so fast
We locked our hands together.
There was a deep silent(in my mind)
all around in that busy town.
''Speak babe'' he  said
But I kept quite.. He realised
that I'm nervous and he
kissed on my left hand..
I felt a snow fall in my heart..
I smiled.  He gave me a hug
but I didn't noticed it...bcoz
I was nervous.. We sat together
for few minutes.. For me
it was too long bcoz he
was with me.. He asked for
a kiss but I realised that
I reached my home
I wished to give one
but I couldn't.
Now I'm waiting for our
next meeting to give him
the kiss that he deserved.
Now my heart says 'Miss you babe..
See you soon...'
I wish that our love should
never end. ''JE VOUS AIME....''
This incident took place inside a bus. It was after 1 year the lovers meet..
They sat together for the first time in their 3 years of love.. They are amazing lovers.. They rarely contact each other coz their situation was like that... But their love is a true love.. hatsoff lovers♡♡♡
Mark Rubilla May 2010
I remember the last time
When I stepped out from the place
Were I have been settle in
My feet was trembling that moment
But I stand and talked to you

With tears falling from our eyes
You began to speak life to me
And truly, Im so enlighten
Later on, you embraced me with joy
A fire from above resided in me

As the day came forth, until now
There is still struggle and plagues
Which keep on holding my place
I cant see whats ahead of me
I sigh, hoping the grace of God

Summer came and summer says goodbye
You are still the girl that i admired to
The graceful one, a year ago
Up to now, beautiful in my heart
Hope you read this love letter

This is what I am, inspired bcoz of you
Your voice seems a lullaby to me
That keeps on singing at night
Even when sometimes its like annoying
But dont really care about it

Hold me tight, in this thin line
For I know that this hardships
In a wonderful forms and figures
One day, the door to exodus
Will welcome us into safe haven

O my miss maybe, dont ignore this
Bcoz this is my sweet happiness
In a shape of a whole heart
May you will be blessed
And thank God for what He did

I will not climb to the pedestal
Just to win your heart and love
I will dress up myself with simple man
Carrying this paper, pen and my faith
And wait upon the open doors
Ishshita Chanda Oct 2014
Bow Bow Bow!!!
Here comes my brother

We met when I was a kid
bt when I grew up
the relation between us has taken another form
from a dog to my brother

As both of us were growing up
both behaviour changed
both were not liked by anyone
but nobody couldn't throw me bcoz
I was born from a human body &
you were treated as a neglected creature with no emotion

And our solitude was never understood by anyone
I could speak, but you couldn't
I speaked about my  ache to you , you listened quietly & you blink your eyes that you understood
But I never understood your pain
Your tears
I didnt knew what you wanted
maybe because I m a human with less capacity of emotion & to think about only oneself

Everyday of my busy schedule,
when I m away from you, at times I forget about you
your loneliness of which I took the responsibility & I failed to fulfil it,
but you never complained & everyday you are lying like a deadbody in a solitaire

Sometimes I understood , but I forgot
Sometimes I played with you, the other moment I m gone
But you are all alone in a single haunting room
Scratching the floor to escape
being aggresive towards others
Bcoz nor I or anybody could see your pain &
we took you as a pet servant to serve us but in return you only wanted our love, a companion and a patner
Your eyes are full of depth, where nobody cares to look into it,
but when I looked into your eyes
I cud see your pain , which made me transform & I became compassionate towards you

And in you I got my brother
Whch I always wanted
You gave me everything, but I couldnt give you anything

And now I am leaving this place,
giving my responsibilty to someone else,
but your eyes said me something which couldn't be put into words,
And I am afraid that I will not be able to  see you again when I am back
But with a teary smile I left the place in a hope to meet you again .....
Drishty Chopra Apr 2014
They say You are my world..
They say You meant a lot..
But when some hurdles are thrown on them..
Their whole Love is gone..

So, this time when u say u love me..
Unturn urself and then behold me..
Set your priorities first and then fix me on them..
Bcoz I don't think I m the one on top ten..

I don't want your time, nethier want your calls..
I want U to share things, when something falls..
I know U are busy..I know someone is around..
But I want to care, as I knw smething is pushing u down..

Set your priorities first and then fix me on them..
Bcoz I don't think I m the one on top ten..
Jonna Adam Sep 2019
I didn’t knew you too was missing from me....
That you were my childhood fragrance...
How l lost you...
I don’t know...
I remember the times where I hated sweet smell of perfumes...
How the smell of flowers irritated me...
How it brings up a headache....
And you came back to me again after a long long time...
Thanks to my better half that he bought me your fragrance soap...
I didn’t realise it that then...
Suddenly I started to carve for your fragrance...
That I bought perfumes and powders of your fragrance....
Still I didn’t realise that you were with me before....
Only when my sis heard my pondering thoughts about you....
And told it’s bcoz you were used to it for years...
In your childhood days...
Made me remember you...
How I waited for my father to get your perfume on my dresses...
Don’t know when I stopped using you...
As it was still there in many more years...
Still I didn’t touched you...
And forgotten....
I don’t know whether to be happy that you came back...
Or sad and angry that I missed one more thing in my life...
May be I  can be both...
And I do hope you will be with me always...
The sweet fragrance of Lavender...

— Joanna Adam
solEmn oaSis Nov 2015
on the 6th day of January
a baby boy were born namely
Solomon E. Sicio,
he was the 7th child as recorded too.
5 years later,,,he learned how to write,sing and the eagerness to listen
1 day,,, bcoz of his thirst and hunger..he roved around to the kitchen
HEY ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ? voiced over by his eldest brother
Oh Kuya come and look,how should i cut this lime? I GOT WONDER!

kuya Sonny took the knife- begun to talk and started to demonstrate.
so he'd enlightened from then on and used to love playing such a mind game,
times gone by,he uses 2 nickname--"Sol or MON" on his 3rd grade.
But he hates the feeling when he is already 8 years old.Less than a decade
.............has just past again-he decided to grew up and be matured enough!
Until now----out of 9 of his brethren ,,,don't know his caliber for being tough
,,,,but 4 of his best-friend really knew how he draw the character named
san Goku
and he finally entered to the nation of hp world,,and want to say............
special thanks to Hidden agenda for the poem of its own
entitled Am I Thirsty or Hungry?
when i read that.. i just wanna share also, some sort of bedtime stories
i've been doing to my son and daughter
:a seven and six years old children of mine without their mother
because me and my wife are currently living in seperate lives !
Why u always act like u care abt me
When u just wanna know how bad I feel
Do you really think ur words comfort me
Bcoz it's cutting my wounds deeper
Stop acting like a friend
Bcoz i know ur my fake friend
I was a joker who made u laugh
A toy who obeyed ur rules
I thought u understood my pain
But u were just smiling at my situation
Stop acting like a friend
Bcoz i know ur my fake friend
Pls let's stop this forever
Now i can't takes this anymore
Your memories breaks me into pieces
Knowing that were only ur acting skills
Stop acting like a friend
Bcoz i know ur my fake friend
Jasmin jazz Nov 2018
You are the one who loves me most.
You are my heart and my heart beat.
You are the soul whom I loved most.
You are the one who won my heart.
Babe I'm gonna stop everything.
Bcoz I'm not satisfied.
But I'll begin on another.
May be this is my last poem or
The last day of my creative life.
I can't continue anymore.
I'm depressed
Baby hold my hands forever.
Bcoz I don't wanna loose you
Hold me. I don't wanna miss you...
Mad Jazzz....!!!!!!
Akta Agarwal Mar 2021
Freely giving unconditionally to the unknown person
With the thought of helping them
To give some peace as per our own status
And as said to give without the think of receiving something in respect of this is the pure hearted love
But am not that pure
But I want to help them in my possible ways
It's really the kindest thoughts of giving them something from your own store
And when got to know bcoz of my utmost help they got their life and the children can able to fed his / her family
And no needs to beg
It will be the priest feeling that anyone can ever get
By giving them I didn't have done charity I had buy peacefulness and happiness with this.
It's not charity
It's thought of letting them developed.
Helping someone didn't means charity always
Mark Rubilla May 2010
Walking in the pitch black road
Anyting in the way were no light
I easily bump into both side
And didnt notice that there is a sharp object

There was love inside, gribbing for air
But bcoz of deep darkness the essence was gone
Everything was lost and wreck
All eyes were blindfolded

The shape of the normal heart
Was all the different and difficult
To comprehence and seems confusing
Where do i find the haven in this place?

Inside this gyrated ambition and hopes
Its really impossible for me to escape
They were wearing mask and camouflage
In fact, inwardly they were greed and pride

So search me in this room of sadness
Direct my senses to draw me to exit door
Everything in the dark has seen by You
Whether into a cave or in the deep somewhere
Jasmin jazz Mar 2019
She loves to be a family...
Her heart longs for it.
But fate doesn't allow her.
She had both mom and dad.
But they threw her away.
Bcoz she is a GIRL.
Tears fill her eyes as
She think of her parents.
She tried to end her life.
But the word 'Amma' stopped her.
Her heart beats for 'Amma'.
She breathes in for Amma's scent.
She yearns for Amma's touch.
But all her searches ends in darkness.
You are the reason for
She is being an orphan.
Why don't you take her home?
Why don't you give her
love,affection,food and shelter?
The word 'Amma' means 'Mother'
Akta Agarwal Mar 2021
She gave life ,
She is a wife ,
She is a mother,
She is a friend,
She is a sister with whom all the secrets are safe to the end.
She is strong, smart, sensual, caring, giving, surviving, tolerant and powerful.
She is a woman,
She sometimes do swallows her pride bcoz of her children's happiness putting her feelings aside.
She is a gentle and sweet person who cheers people up whenever they're feeling down.
She is a class clown that gives people reasons to smile everyday.
She can sacrifice her smile and happiness bcoz of her loved ones.
She is that power to whom we have given the name goddesses shakti, kali, bhawani e. t. c.
Her power can't be able to defined in words.
She is someone so beautiful from her heart's ♥ .
She is not only beautiful from outer side but she have beautiful talents.
she is so sweet as sugar, cold as ice, hurt her once and she will break you twice .
She is so sweet and soft as per situation but she can become hard as stone and sour as bitter gourd as per the situation also.
She is a woman.
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Rose is the feeling of love which can be felt from heart
That love doesn't only mean life partner or girlfriend - boyfriend
It's define love of all type may be it of sisters, brothers, friends, parents, teachers etc
It's petals is so soft Which defines love, happiness and innocency
It's also have thorns which protects rose petals means innocence Otherwise anyone can hurt it Everyone hate thorns bcoz it hurt us But it protect that rose petals from hurting
Thorns define struggle,pain and hard work
This rose may it rose petals or thorns it not only define the expression love but it also define our life
bcoz our life is not different from this things
Love is beautiful emotions and that's why we love rose.
Without thorns there will not be any identity of rose petals
where as of course there is no work of throns without rose petals which means innocenceness.
Rose and throns
teju Jul 2019
I want you to regret...
But I will let you live happily
I want to forget you...
But I will keep you as a good memory
I want to scream and shout at you...
But I will  just remain silent
I want to cry bcoz of you so badly...
But I will smile always!
Apoorva Jan 2014
Standing in the rain
thinking about you
I'm just missing you

i dun want you back
i hate you
thats what i said
it was a lie
thats the reason today I'm dying
i wish you understand
i wish i could get you back
bt i can't bcoz you are the only 1 reason behind my sorrow
bt i still i will love yew today and tomorrow
i can't forget you
em just mising yew

Standng in the rain
thinking abt yew
nd ol d moments v shared
em just missing yew, missing yew, missing yew.....
Akta Agarwal Feb 2021
May be for the outer world we broke our relationship ,
But we know our heart relation can never be broken .
We were ******* with our heart .
I know now we became strangers for each other as we don't talk and don't have any idea about our whereabouts,
But somewhere we are together in our innocent memories
or may we can say our childhood memories.
Our friendship didn't need to meet or talk
Our heart do that for us .
We know we have to broke our relationship bcoz of some conditions and bcoz of differentiation in our family,
But no one can broke our heart apart,
This is the relationship which is broken but actually not broken yet it can't be mend
It is our unique relationship.
Friendship, feelings and Love can never die
It doesn't matter where we are.
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Living a good life is easy
Living a regretful life is simple
Bcoz we are alive to experience that good and bad
But what if we are not there to experience the life we
hoped for
What if death comes with harsh experience
And takes away all emotions
What if someday bcoz of someone's death we become
And loss of all emotions, But death is reality it's comes in
a second
And takes everything, And we lost everything which we
What if death comes in a very happiest moment
And took away every happiness
And everything precious which we have
Death is a reality which no one accepts,
But no one is going to stay alive forever and ever.
Death is the reality of life
Molantwa Mmele Dec 2015
I Can right de way I want
Bcoz I tok de way I WANT
TeLL me I’m rong
I ekspress my fillings through poetry
I can rite about everything
Without feaR
Poetry daznt allow me to supress!
I no this is not kompellinG
With eras in my spelling
Don’t ASK mi y
Jast REED my eras
I’M taryard of yu piple
Traying to tell me wat to du
End wat’ not 2 du
Kontroling mi lyf
While yours is folling apart
Eye don’t really liv mi lyf
To pruve piple’s perseptions
.Write or rong
Abawt my lyf
Mind yo own business
End liv mi lyf alone
Kip quet and read Mi eras
Is rong
Im eva rong to you
NoTHing beautifull;
Yu eva tell about me_
So suit yourself/
(End reeD mi erAs
people won't appreciate you for who you are
they will always talk when you do good and talk when you do bad
its simply how life is
Aaina khan Jul 2018
To All those Heart Broken lovers

You Spend your Entire life,trying to hate that one person,who doesn't even care.
Why don't you just use that energy to love all those people who care.

You get Depressed and start hating your life just bcoz of a person who doesn't even love you.
Why don't you just start loving your life for the people who love you so much.

We always Waste our Efforts in the Wrong Direction.
The Ratio is one:many. And that one person isn't worth it .
Kabelo Maverick Feb 2015
Hardly months,
and it seems like you were never here…
A breath from my lungs...
As I stare into the scenes of this bitter air

You brought out the best in me
A mysterious mixture of shenanigans and selflessness
Only you, out of the rest…could see
What I felt for you was tantamount to cheating
I fell for you bcoz’ you reminded me
of something paramount I was seeking

Sharing our pedigrees like War Stories
I remember those times and your advice, Souljah
Caring about my debris in life...
I’m sorry I never saw the signs of your demise
…So far…

I call this Candle here Badbye
Seeing how your closest peers
Just go by after your passing,
gives me a bad vibe…
But everything soon comes full circle…
Coz’ every King must overcome loop hurdles

Souljah on, Shero…!!
I remember how you used to
tell me to sober up before…
A dedication to my friend, Zodumo Msane, died 2014/11/06
My soul if release, or something happen.
U will be searching, I will be in heaven.
Crying is of no use, remember the time when u abuse.
Give again the care nd do the best, like a bird in the nest.
World is round nd I will be around.
Blessings be with u, bcoz I love u...
Things will not end, u have a long future ahead.
Love again not as way u did, care the girl and respect a bit.
Time will come back and so am I, ending here I say goodbye.
Akta Agarwal May 2021
Dad have never think about his dreams only to fulfill his child dreams
but he never complained about it
He have forgot to sleep
bcoz he want his child to sleep with smile
He is the backbone of the family
He never wasted a penny on himself
so that he can fulfill all his children wishes
He is strict also
but only bcoz he never want his children to be hurt ever
Whatever he do he always comes after mother
because it's hard to see his unsaid struggles
It's said he is stonehearted because he never show his love like a mother do
but they never understand this only for their children's best future
Mother always being like a friend
and father's like being a teacher
both guide their children in their own way
but what's an irony a mother's have given a name motherhood for her struggles,love and sacrifices
but what for father,
Why do he always left alone
because his unsaid struggles can never be seen by anyone
and he also never said that
if he never cries it'd doesn't means he is not hurt or he do not love his children
It's just he himself don't know how to express it
Desirinne Mar 2017
Before I die, I wanna cherish every moment of my life
look into the silhouettes that brought by the light
the shadows that casted and curved into the dark
from the back end of every stars on a night so bright.

Before I die, I wanna see the smiles in your mouth
your smirk and laugh, so loud
happiness in my heart, no limit, no bound
it's the harmony that's safe and sound.

Before I die, I wanna travel the world
be fulfilled my eyes of beauty, no words
the ambiance of perfection all in all
driven with vast passion, taking risk of any road.

Before I die, I want people to remember me,
not totally me, but the significance of my presence
bcoz those things will last, it all makes sense
stays forever, will never fade and ends.

Before I die, I want to tell people that don't cry
when they see me laying on my coffin
that's not what I want before I leave, it's rippin'
I just want a good goodbye, a goodbye I will bring before I die.
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pinoco Oct 2015
Long gone are those words...Long gone is the Time..
This is the story of My life by making few words rhyme.
Extremely anxious are my nights and every day is a fight,
Who used to make others day now himself searching Light.
Trying to stand n fight again after that knockdown hit,
I am giving my everything to climb up this bottomless pit.
A bestie chopped me into pieces with his Knife,
Now its time to put pieces together n rise bcoz Its My Life..

Still my feelings are mixed,I love you and its you whom i hate,
I dont want to feel anything..locking down each n every gate.
Around that corners of the road, Touching glossy lips of your..
Sometimes i really miss those moments, knowing Sweets are now turned sour.
A gal who stopped me from boozing by giving swears of all,
****** n smoke are not meant for any princess, Dont let your tiara fall.
Mixed are my feelings, So Mixed are the lines of the above verse..
Finally i am trying to live...Its My Life Turning better from worse..

Everyone plays some part in your life, Some go and some stay,
some memories remain close to your heart, No Matter she is close or away.
i wish you to say again "Set you bed calling in 5 Mins" n then sleep together,
Look, I am almost through to my dreams, Happy But something is missing rather.
I am looking at those 3 stars, under which you used to hold me n hug,
You still have it or thrown away that Awesome-Kitty Mug.
Holding that sweetest pic of yours in my arms and hugging it really tight,
Its Enough for today, Its time to say "Good Night"and.....Yes Baby This is My Life...
thanks for reading
2day I've showered my face wth tears
N so i feel sad,bitter n salty
My wounds burn 4rm all de salt of my tears
My eyes r dry frm all de tears they've lost
N my soul is torn apart by de pain i feel
2day my day was an incline...started out gud only 2 get worse.
Dnt call m ok, dnt ask me abwt it 2mrrw, i wont feel lyk tlking abwt it, i preffered texting bcoz its better than tlking...
Notes (optional)
ghalya May 2019
It's 4 me, 2 let u know
I am so glad that I have u
through all these years
I am so thankful.
now that ive grown
I'll always be
thinkin' of you
w/all the things, you taught
me so, always remember.
I'll be alright, I'll be okay
I will be good ('free'), Learning all the way
all from the heart these things I do
I'll make u proud, bcoz I <3 u
this note is the only thing that keeps me going through rough times.
I am glad you are somewhere, out there happy. Your happiness is my happiness.
Akta Agarwal Jun 2021
Dream even if world says not to
Bcoz dream can give you that
which reality can't
They fill your life with hope and positivity
They give you aim and confidence
to fight for yourself
Surely this world never want your success
But your dream can only give you success to achieve
The dreams may be never ending
But don't keep mum
Don't stop because of anyone
Go and try hard to get your dream successful
Because if you have the courage to dream
then you do have capability to make it come true
Kabelo Maverick Mar 2015
I like to put on new clothes
bcoz’ I don’t believe in death.
I just put on new coats…
plus I don’t believe in stealth.
Akta Agarwal Mar 2021
I always run out of words
Whenever I try to describe your beauty,
Your eyes are so pure that I always got lost in it,
Your smile is so beautiful that I could dive in,
You are so handsome and beautiful like greek god,
You are so special and kind,
If I ever try to put you together in words then I can write thousands of love books,
Your brave soul always protects me from evil,
There is no end of your beauty,
And there are no boundaries to our love,
I love you a lot and will love you forever,
You are only the reasons bcoz of whom I got to know what's the love is,
Thanks for being in my life and loving me a lot and making my life worth living,
You are the best thing ever happened to me.
Love is the purest thing
Jonna Adam Aug 2019
Hai love and Rain,
Somebody told me that both of you are like alike....
Is it true???
I don’t know as I have never been in love...
Or I think so...
May be it’s bcoz you both can be viewed differently...
To someone in love...
You are pouring out of joy...
And brings the happiest moments...
And the belongingness...
To to a broken heart...
It’s sadness...
And the lost love...

— Jonna Adam
Jonna Adam Aug 2019
It’s my promise to myself...
That I won’t let you hurt me....
Your silence or shouting will never hold me back...
If you thought my silence is my defeat..
You thought it wrong...
You broke me once...
More than my molesters have...
They broke my happiness and smile...
But never my self esteem...
But you broke that...
Only bcoz I let my guard down...
And trusted you to love me...
But the day you broken that...
I promised myself...
I won’t let you win...
I didn’t fight back not bcoz I can’t...
Because you are not worth it...
You became someone I just met in between the journey of life....

—Jonna Adam
Jasmin jazz Apr 2019
I will never promise you
A thousand colors in
Your life. But I can give
You a rose flower that
Melts all the problems
Between us. We were born
In different culture and in
Different surroundings...
Problems may arise.. but
We should conquer it with
The love we share each other.
It said that ''Silence is better
than Politeness''. Let's not fight...
I love to be with you....
You are my best friend, my
Love and my every thing..
I am in you bcoz you lives in me..
Don't shut me out coz I'm
Afraid that you'll be out from me.
You are my soul and the fire that
Ignites me to go forward....
This is dedicated to the one whom I love sooo much❤
Jimmy Hegan Sep 2015
Expressions of heart are many to show to our loved & beloved one's,
but  there is  no  one  who understand our expression and feelings.
Expressions  are important for our  ****** moves,
when we are crying,
when we are shouting,
when we are in anger,
when we are smiling or happy.
There are various expressions and moods of human nature,
that no one can understand us, bcoz we are lonely planets.
Where to show ,where to apply ,there is no one to reply.
Akta Agarwal Feb 2021
Not only you have broken my trust,
but also you have broked our broken relationship,
not only you have broken my trust,
but also you have broke me,
I know I was at fault to trust you,
but that doesn't mean you have destroy me.
I am the one who never be destroyed,
I broked the trust of my love ones
but am always in there heart,
and bcoz of there love I can never be destroyed by my enemies,
I know I hurt them
And I challenged you I will won all of them back
Yes may be its hard
And I have to work hard
But it's my challenge
I will mend my broken relationship with them
But you will be left alone in the wish of making someone alone.
I will booke my all relationships with you right now,.
You will be left behind with this broken relationship
that can never ever be mended,
And am promising this by taking oath on our broken relationship .
Trust is easy to break but very hard to built
Madonna Suchak Sep 2015
Sometimes a person who always tries to make everyone glad is only the loneliest person in the world....

Pls never leave them alone bcoz they would never say u that they need u
Madonna !
Support # glad them #

— The End —