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Adi N Sep 2020
Earth- it's a speck on a speck on a speck,
Stunning place nonetheless,
One of creator’s grace and my address.

I am a Human Being,
The most advanced mind-body machine,
We dominate life on Earth,
But, miss life’s worth.

We are a slave to our physical senses,
Trying to find you through scientific inferences,
But I know you are out there,
So, get in touch with us, through love,
Break the light barrier, make us vibrate higher.
792 · Nov 2020
Diwali 2020
Adi N Nov 2020
Festival of lights,
New beginnings,
Divine blessings,
Joy without strings.

Let’s drench in the boundless light,
From the sun, the moon and the stars,
Let's light up from within,
Make everyday a festival of lights.
376 · Sep 2020
Adi N Sep 2020
It's a chilly autumn evening,
I sat for dinner with my gorgeous wife, leaning.
She turns of the artificial lights
and fires up a unimpressive wax candle and sighs.

The candle sits majestically on a hand made wooden stand,
My attention switches from her to it, like the seconds hand.
What's the story I wonder? Some of it melts down the stand,
some of it vanishes, ceases to exist, like dreamland.

It burns to give light and warmth
and yet asks nothing in return.

Wish I could be like a candle.

Back to dinner now.
310 · Sep 2020
Adi N Sep 2020
A tiny daring spider built a gorgeous circular web
on my window pane. It's in my view
again and again. I reserved
that spot as my look-out-to-think pane. But now
the spider has taken it, dare I complain.

Rain, wind and sun have blessed the spider’s dwelling,
as I watch him hide in the web’s corner wrapped in silk
and pouncing on his prey. He clearly is not scared
of me and uses the glass as god’s grace.

I ask him everyday-
But why that pane?
Do you have calendars or time constraints?
Are you in bliss, sadness, or pain?

He finally came, in my dream last night,
Dressed in a beautiful white silky robe, very bright,
and said in a husky voice-

Just like you, I am the creator’s creation,
Here to fully blossom in this incarnation ,
But you and I very different,
All life is relative, it's an illusion.
307 · Nov 2020
Leafy Rain
Adi N Nov 2020
Autumn is ending,
And the stragglers who held on,
Are now raining down on the ground,
In earnest, to dissolve, before the winter chill.

Where it not for the rain and wind,
They might have held on for a little longer.

For it's not about being the first to drop,
But growing to your full potential
and letting nature call the shots.
306 · Oct 2020
Adi N Oct 2020
She sat on the park bench
basking in the afternoon sun,
when a brown ripe oaknut landed on her lap.

She gazed at it without distraction,
Its colour, shape, symmetry-filled her with immense satisfaction.
The English Oak tree had crafted it with perfection.

Clearly, it was there with a message-

You will take a lifetime,
to truly know my nature.
How could you ever get bored,
when there is creator’s magic everywhere.
297 · Sep 2020
A park
Adi N Sep 2020
It wakes up to the warmth of the morning rays,
The dew starts evaporating from the grass blades,
when the first joggers and pet dogs make their way.

As the day progresses, it becomes a playground
for young lovers, artists, birds and nature’s sounds,
Kids join the drama after school, and many more *** around.

My park is loaded with innumerable memories everyday
but all that is left is trash and dog poo at the end of the day,
Only to wake up again to the warmth of the sun the next day.
284 · Nov 2020
Adi N Nov 2020
You are an act of the Creator,
But your ego makes you feel superior
-a tragedy of the human mind.

You can't outrun a Cheetah nor
can you outlive a Banyan tree.
Observe other life far superior than you,
and perceive the higher force all around.

Become humble while there is still time.
274 · Oct 2020
October Carpets
Adi N Oct 2020
Autumn is in full swing
and the streets are lined with carpets.

Carpets in yellow, red, and brown
made of fallen leaves and twigs.

Walk on them, cherish them
before they dissolve into the earth.

One day, you will also dissolve,
so live consciously while you have time.
268 · Sep 2020
Forgive me
Adi N Sep 2020
Hello cosmos,
I ask for forgiveness
for every act of compulsiveness.
260 · Oct 2020
Hey White Flower
Adi N Oct 2020
You caught our eye,
sticking out
in a bed of old red and pink flowers.

What's your story?
Perhaps you were just a red or a pink flower
who chose to be yourself.

Or perhaps you were put there
by forces beyond,
to blossom into a messenger.

Thanks for making us think,
and offering a choice to change
while we still have time.
244 · Sep 2020
Adi N Sep 2020
The more you have, the more you want
...that's your trap.
The less you are, the more you have
223 · Sep 2020
Forgive me dear Frog
Adi N Sep 2020
You hopped into the courtyard minding your own business,
I was so intrigued and driven by impulsiveness.

I was a kid ignorant of life’s way,
I deeply regret taking your life away,
Please forgive me, life has made me pay,
You must have been reborn, I hope you are okay.
219 · Oct 2020
Dear Tree
Adi N Oct 2020
What you exhale, we inhale,
a transaction that costs nothing
but one that keeps us living.

We have been busy exploiting,
So keep forgetting
that life cannot exist without you.

This forgetfulness could end us,
but you will rise from the ashes again
to nurture life in the future.
Its time now or else it will be too late for humans. Each and everyone must show their gratitude to the natural world and live in harmony with it.
208 · Nov 2020
Mind [1] vs [0] Me
Adi N Nov 2020
Sleep breaks, body awakes,
Still dark but it's too late.

Thoughts rush in, old and new,
I lose control, toss and turn.

I try hard, but the sleep is gone,
The mind has won.

But there is time, to still the mind,
I will try harder next time.
204 · Oct 2020
Adi N Oct 2020
What to believe,
What not to believe
You ponder.

Life is relative,
so don't get deceived.

Only that which you
experience and perceive,
must be believed.
201 · Sep 2020
The Act
Adi N Sep 2020
Creator acted,
Unmanifest became manifest,
Life evolved, we happened,
Let's enjoy the act.
193 · Sep 2020
Adi N Sep 2020
Everyday, I see myself in you,
But not a single day you do anything new,
Aren't you sick of the same poses too?

Sometimes I wish you were a different mirror,
Showing me my true inner, for me to consider.
Aimed at the mirror on your wall and/or the people who truly matter to you and aren't doing a good job of showing you who you truly are.
190 · Sep 2020
Adi N Sep 2020
There is no breeze this evening,
and not a single leaf is dancing.

Bird songs fade in the distance,
Everything is still in its brilliance.

It feels like nothingness-
Wish I could have this within me.

For that which is still
can only act consciously.
170 · Sep 2020
Full Moon
Adi N Sep 2020
There she was, full and bright,
A beauty in the night sky,
Making our oceans dance right,
Getting us drunk with her light,
But tainted by our myths and fright,
I loved her, as she was around all night.
164 · Sep 2020
Adi N Sep 2020
You appear and disappear,
Blocking the sunny glare,
Travelling in the windy sphere,
Wearing a cotton like veneer,
Dancing in a misty love affair,
O clouds, I will capture you one day, beware
151 · Aug 2020
Adi N Aug 2020
My bare feet touch the morning dew,
The grass feels so new,
Air is cool and the sky majestic blue,
The worries are far and few,
I bow down to you.
133 · Sep 2020
Adi N Sep 2020
Carry a big ego,
And the Universe won't give you a go.
130 · Sep 2020
Story of leaves
Adi N Sep 2020
I saw leaves on the ground,
Some yellow, some green, some brown,
What's their story, I ask around,
Nature answered- don't judge, just observe, its my playground
111 · Sep 2020
Adi N Sep 2020
Only when I realise, that I am an utter fool,
I can truly learn and sparkle like a jewel.
87 · Sep 2020
Corporate buffoons
Adi N Sep 2020
Gossip and powerpoint slides,
They chase the next pay rise,
Driven by insecurity and competitive overdrive.

They speak a language not even god can understand,
Very little of their work truly lands,
They are the corporate buffoons.

Not everyone is useless you say,
To those in it, drop the *******, I say,
All life on earth needs some corporate buffoons free days.
77 · Aug 2020
Adi N Aug 2020
While on a stroll a beautiful Dahlia caught my eye,
Its petals and colours made me cry.

I was struck by its perfect symmetry,
Held in place by nature’s geometry,
Wish I could write an equation to capture the mystery,
As mathematics is the language of god’s flattery.

But symmetry is everywhere,
In a pear or a hare,
With flaws of course, so don't dare,
Nature created this with deliberate care.

— The End —