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1.1k · Jan 2019
Trelon Grant Jan 2019
Why is it so cold in summer?

Oh god I miss you on my lips.
Love, sad, hope, she, her, nature
954 · Apr 2019
Hush and Listen.
Trelon Grant Apr 2019
For the ones that have ached; listen to me.

Know that you are loved.
Know that you are forgiven.
Know that no one is perfect.
Know that mistakes are okay.
Know that losing people is a part of life.
Know that you can make it.
Know that it was all for a reason.
Know that you have someone.
Know that God is good.
Know that regrets are normal.
Know that it will get better.
Know that you will overcome this.
Know that you don’t need to live to please another.
Know that you are love itself.
Know that you are you, and that is okay.

Hang in there,

I’ve been there.
Most have as well.
It’ll be alright.
It’ll be okay.
You’ll be okay.
And I’ll be here for you.

IV Winds: A diagnosis of love - R.E.V/ Tre’lon Grant ©️
Let’s begin the poetry book. A road from hurting to healing, a diagnosis of love.
873 · Jan 2019
Maybe it’s just me
Trelon Grant Jan 2019
Maybe it’s just me
But I once thought you were the sun bright, a necessity for living; you rode in the sky’s like Hera
your hair gliding, grazing the clouds as wisps of nothingness in which I found my everything, but like everything else, it would seem a mirage, fantasy portrayed in my head despite the words that you so redundantly speak with no fruition. I’ve supposed the end before, but like reincarnation there is no end for this heart seems to never get enough of the addicting pain that it is fed. So now what? Take a look. It has a name; we call it numb. A persona where I feel nothing and feel everything at the same time. I would have climbed the tallest tree for you. Took the bullet for you, for it seemed that cupped in your hands was me, the moon that orbits the sun. Except that now the sun has darkened with white lies, and more lies that I choose to ignore because just maybe....just maybe there’s something left of you that I can tether to. You give me moments. Such sweet moments, addicting, and poison after. But it seems you’re a mastermind at the game, for, whenever I muster the strength to speak you give me more candy and again, I am addicted. If I could I would jump in the ocean and drown to escape the pain you constantly give me; but let’s face it. No matter how much I say, think, or write, the cycle you’ve conditioned me to will win and I will choke in my own absolution, laced with withdrawal from you
Sad, depression, love, faith, happiness, family
746 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
Sometimes I feel,
As if I’m lost.
Perhaps — I could,
Live under innocent white and blue skies,
Adoring pink fescues and red saccharum,
tangerine sunsets that
careen lavender and ivory,
aroma candied
arousing the birds, but rather
I am
Mending memories within the black nimbuses
within my cerebrum
Attempting to occlude unhappiness
But with the zephyr
The castle walls drop
The crows intrude, and ignorance floods
I am drowning,
Grasping onto torched remnants of
A people that I once enjoyed,
Until their eyes were forced shut
from the stinging salts
and their words became
as venomous as mambas.
Remaining positive in a growing pessimistic world is pernicious for cognition.
Trelon Grant Apr 2019
The Hurting, - they say some things are worst than death and this is one of them.

Sometimes, in instances of grueling
I think
of being
with the                 clouds

you made
that decision
you’d have
no idea
How much it
hurts.. where
Was your              judgement
*** this hurts
More than anything.
I’m sorry, you had to
go that way.
The clouds lament
your passing on
clear, sunny days.
They overshadow the
very demon you
tried to escape from.
I’ve made a promise
To live for you.
To show you
that it didn’t have
To be this way.

You’re gone forever.
Lost within the fabrics of time
I’ll carry you as a lantern -
inside of me
till the end of the days.

I hope you finally can rest.
For once.
                                      Bao Bao
We miss you already.

Bao Bao - 2000-2018
Suicide........... I want to rip the word from the fabric of time, set it aflame. Erase it from the memories if anyone contemplating it. I know it hurts... but pain is temporary, even when it feels like it’s not. Please, talk to me, talk to anyone. Your life isn’t worth it. And trust me, it hurts the people who love you and there are those that do LOVE YOU even if you don’t believe it. Please don’t. You’re so important. You are.
616 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
Emulsified one,
Standing under nebuli
When will it be time?
Being lost is far from easy, but patience is rewarding.
588 · Apr 2019
Break the Cycle
Trelon Grant Apr 2019
Embodying love
In a world of hate
From a family of love-hate
to a people who are bred for love and still hate
Is incredibly tiring
And yet,
With blackened eyes
I will still continue to love
I will never truly know
how much I am needed
by someone who is dangling
over the same edge
that I once fell over.
Choose love with your heart
and with your mind.
You never know.
578 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
Why is it that you,
Whisper you aren’t beautiful?
Such a falsity...
547 · Apr 2019
Tire of a Yes Man
Trelon Grant Apr 2019
with the rain comes realization
and with realization comes change
the clouds beckon the lamentation
the lightning beckons the thunder
the tornado extirpates the innocent
but especially the blind
to their actions
their effects
their afflictions
even with the sun
eyes remain closed
ears deaf
spirit unwilling
to move
you’re comfortable
on your tower of contenting
But I am the foundation
The brick
the steel
the glue
and I am about to move
Lack of assertiveness in life and people will walk all over you - but I’ve had enough.
481 · Dec 2018
You are worth more
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
They tell you, you are
Nothing; expendable tools.
Tell them, save the lies.
401 · May 2019
Trelon Grant May 2019

waste your time on
Chasing familiar silence
is like drowning in oxygen.
Move on.
and with growth you will learn
of rather they were there to
Love you or
Use you.
At your worst -
you will quickly learn
who sits at the table;
do not be afraid to excuse them.

loss is an attribute of growth & possibly one of the hardest lessons.
383 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
Dear Caleb,

The sweet smell of caramel
dripping from the ocean
                 my words
As I stir my coffee
Tears careening my already
wet face,
There seems to be no fix
But to end it,
Blind to all else
I cannot wait to -
Take that next leap
Into the raging waters,
that will suffocate
Swallow me whole
As my lungs
Fill with water
And my sight is
Nothing but haze
A hand on my back guides me
To shore
Words perform CPR
Until my heart starts beating
And I am back on my feet.
Lifted from the sands
Carried on,
As if horseback
Into a sky of cerulean;
If only I knew
Your name..
Then I could thank you,
No matter how
Many times you say
It is unnecessary.
You’ve said it a thousand times,
Why can’t I hear it?
What is it about
Such true friendship
That a self destructive person
Cannot understand?
What is it about love
That I seem not to understand?
This poem highlights the relationship I have with my best friend Caleb. Someone who, no matter the day, time, or situation, is always there.
349 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
Blank disposition,
Is this who we have become...
People blanketed scarlet?
340 · Jan 2019
Trelon Grant Jan 2019
And this year, a toast
To those that lost. May your heart
be returned to you.

You deserve better
than the cycle of heartbreak.
So end it. Today.

And put yourself first,
center on your own love, faith.
For that matters most.

Those that hurt you are
underserving of your love,
Love them with distance.
Happy New Year! To new beginnings! Four haikus; something new haha
330 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
Are you that person,
that forgets to cling onto
the ones that love you?
Never forget to love.
327 · Mar 2019
The Runner
Trelon Grant Mar 2019
Oh dear,

Stop and breathe.

How did you forget

To breathe?
stop and breathe -

You don't exist to solve everyone's issues. If there was a person who could do such a thing, our world wouldn't be what it is now - and you wouldn't be so stressed. Trust me darling, stop. I've tried.
320 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
This is the brim-rose,
Celestial zephyr, storm
Withers on the lawn
Even with the comfort and love of others, internally we can be displaced
281 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
He gave the people life; they took it.
He gave the people sustenance; they took it.
He gave the people knowledge; they took it.
He gave the people ability; they took it.
He gave the people strength and reason; they took it.
He gave the people direction; they took it.
He gave the people blessings; they took it.
He gave the people passion and expression; they took it.
He gave the people relationships, ***, and feelings; they took it.
He gave the people Himself; they denied Him.

And yet, His refusal to abandon the love that He holds for us no matter the insinuations is incomprehensible.
Our God is such a giving one.
232 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
Inconsistent one,
Must you disguise your diction?
As you, the maelstrom?
229 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
I'll be on Oak Lawn,
Awaiting your presence, Queen
I pray I don't see shadows.
225 · Dec 2018
Trelon Grant Dec 2018
Sapphire glimmers all around, closed gates on another way,
She stands with her back turned, hair midway half-up half-down; black and brown, celestial, a star,
But she’s out of reach, my hand lightly grazes the breeze her persona casts and I lunge for more,
Heart racing, I sprint at Olympic speed, she’s right ahead of me. I’ll catch up soon.
There’s a tram on 41st labeled Silverpine. As the ear-shattering whistle bellows, and comes to a stop I jump on.
I see her, she’s just ahead, seating a few rows up, legs crossed, black stocking, leather boots, there’s something ethereal about her.
Unbalanced, I dare myself to stand, and so I do, making my way to the celestial.
I can see the back of her head. My breathing accelerates; my lips open. Should I call her ma’am? I ask myself. No, miss..
But as soon as my lips part the noise and my hand runs down her shoulder, she is gone.
I step back.
What happened.. was it all a dream?
I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around.
A hand is extended and she introduces herself as Jess.
Confused I shake her hand before she waves goodbye and disappears into the expanse.
Was it all a dream?
I don’t think so.
Could the woman I saw in my dreams become reality?

— The End —