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Aug 2022 · 177
Chris Aug 2022
These feet that walk beneath me
Have seen roads underneath
Catastrophic tragedy Raining supreme
Over happiness
All the sadness in a world uncertain
I am a man treading his path by a woman so perfect
From the Philippines to this country I call home
A stranger can still feel the same
In a country he was born
Purity speaks
Pushing down negativity
From a unicorn only some have known
In the past it's hard to see the future & how much you can grow
Jan 2022 · 1.2k
Whispering from Galaxies
Chris Jan 2022
Who can travel like song

Whispering from galaxies

She has sung & he sinks
Deeper & deeper into love

Following in the fall
Bleakness to brightness of the brightest sun

Bathing by purity across the world
Lucky cultures aren't the same & I am from a different one

Kindness can be the morning dew
Kindness is what she is to you

Here and there conflict body warmth & hearted
Holding hands colliding
Squashing crashes avoided

Overcome & overthrown
Positivity is more powerful
Than anything he's ever known
Once in a lifetime
You meet someone that amazes you in a way like no other.
Everyone is good at something
Jan 2022 · 1.6k
Tidal wave
Chris Jan 2022
Nights have me up
I'm awake with memories
Casting spells on a good night sleep

Life holds so many chapters
Telling these stories
Sometimes forgotten laughter
Sometimes it's so much better
Battling the days saying
Today would never be
Jul 2020 · 200
Chris Jul 2020
The age that creeps through finger tips

Deep secrets

Darker than a watch stopped on the underside of a wrist

Veins hang from novel bracelets

Eyes travelling the mane
On top of fabric sewn bouquets

Flowers don't touch the beauty that teases from beneath
Inspiration transcends through ways unimaginable sometimes- inspiration comes & goes-
Jun 2020 · 122
Coiled Telephone
Chris Jun 2020
I sit here alone
While perfection waits outside the door
Thinking of sending songs
Momentum only comes
If our loneliness collides
Two signals on telephone wire
Coiled up over time
Jun 2020 · 134
Demon Candy Love
Chris Jun 2020
We all wear metal veins

The rumblings from skeletons

Crushing weight
Heavens gates

Tell me with cars pressing against
The back of a bridge standing on a man

Life is
Two of us holding hands
Withering away

Way down the tunnels

Medicine candy
Makes you feel god

Good times become hard times
And vice versa
Jun 2020 · 162
Chris Jun 2020
Black family
Thin girl anatomy

Hands by side
Thighs with curtains covering

Lust & creative love
Heart break through trying times

Freedom through shaded eyes

Boots to push against gravity
Stomp the earth away
Thin lips that don't smile on stairways

Secrets behind cigarettes

Smoking uniform
This dress has been worn before
Apr 2020 · 142
Better Not
Chris Apr 2020
A knot of wondering thoughts
Climb in high pressure
Beating hearts seem forever

Across open seas & down to earth
Feet to each phalange
From bronchial to flooded lungs

Inspiration is hard to find
When you're really happy in life & your writing comes from a dark place naturally..
Sorry people
Notes are added at the end
Feb 2019 · 294
Chris Feb 2019
Love sparks & cries & bleeds
Love opens doors & supersedes
Love dies by bedside
Love lives forever
Love minds
Love is careless
Love is heartbreak
Love is blind
Love enjoys to watch & love participates
Love relaxes
Love replaces lot's of things
Love is mesmerizing
Love mends brokenness
Love beyond this list
Love honestly is
Feel free to comment your answer
Thank you...

-inspired by a quote on FAWNS PAGE...
Feb 2019 · 317
Chris Feb 2019
Tender lips speak as silence hangs
Black & grey picturesque

Beauty so natural
Brilliance upon the crescent moon

Feelers hold up chain link
The crime is endless

To punish me without windows
Eye's have seen everthing
Except eyes looking back at me

Marriage is committed
To find & concur
In concert of unbridled affection
Effecting every move forever
Feb 2019 · 791
Then & Now
Chris Feb 2019
Oh how I feel the love
All full of blood & mess
Oh how disputes over nothing
Don't seem to mean less

Wondering in deep snow
Avalanches creep through

******* of untouched skin
Soon feel a second heart beat

Though this tempo
Won't last forever

Because of broken laziness
Vinyl grooves on needle pin
Dancing with revolution

Then stops by chosen routine
Cut & Bleed
Photo floor pressed
As a bed for fallen knees

At this point
Oh I see now
I am weakness

Awakened by
Undesired reality
An open lid

A chest full & uninspired
Crawling out to feel desired

Oh I feel
Jan 2019 · 199
Two Hands
Chris Jan 2019
Earth sound
Memories of big bang creation
Cremate the moment

It was born
With these words

Meant for earth worms from soil
That you can't ever seem to find
With hands dry
Emptiness of holes burrowed

Searching to be continued

Wait for the rain to come & the days after
Two muddy hands & a full bucket

Constructed carry of warehouse machine
Plastic pellets & hardened beads....
Feel free to post what you think this is about.. Thank you to everyone that has commented , liked, loved and or viewed my writing
Jan 2019 · 266
Chris Jan 2019
Knuckle crown of anger rage
Blood broken upon the face

Trembling fear
Kind of likes the taste
She sits here by bedside of womb child to protect....

Providing a future on carpet plate ....
Where a dead father now rests his head...
Jan 2019 · 365
Chris Jan 2019
In the darkest place of my mind
In sinner skin by the crevices

Unwinding this love lively
It's likely while alive in this

All of the darkness
Seeping through
Laughter of waking cadavers

Carving memories
Mesmerized by fading fault
We're both adults

Or whatever you in the mirror & you in the stone cold temple of my head are
Jan 2019 · 211
Chris Jan 2019
Shut the lights out
In happiness the smile

Years turning over
Burning passed before

The entire he is gone
In little bits of pieces

Knowledge has him for the future
Now waits at a different door

With four walls that look the same
In this changing world that never changes

Who am I to blame
When this man looks at me
Dec 2018 · 371
Narrow Heart Beats
Chris Dec 2018
Inside concave

Marrow clavicle cage

Heart beats narrow

Life aged

Wrongfully pleasing

Situations made by one

Altering moments of change

If they affect you
They affect some
Dec 2018 · 303
Sea Foam
Chris Dec 2018
Time of crashing seas
Salt of foam in breeze
Breathing in sand gritt
These teeth grinding amidst
Words of lava flow
Have never meant so much
To us as letters touch

Then come on everyone lol ADD TO IT
Dec 2018 · 249
Chris Dec 2018
Shall we speak in silence

Say goodbye to then

And Now hello is waving

While Today traces
The heart inside your chest
Dec 2018 · 214
Worst Nightmare
Chris Dec 2018
A glass of water
Who is it

With love fetch
Turn on the faucet

In palm puddle
As the serpent sips
Before death

Subtle faint
As the scale slips

This case is too late to rebuttal

60 units from an empty system

Temple unknown
If ever pure
Is now a filter cut

Searching for mountain peaks
That you never reach

Who am I to stop swimming

Napkin wrapped devil hand in pocket kit

We are the one's with one
This is it

The rest will be lost by the time we find ourselves again
Dec 2018 · 252
Farm City
Chris Dec 2018
I never thought
That I'd end up like you

One wish that I had
In my home city

Sits here in my mind
With the best and worst years

Have taken the best
And worst years with my sanity

Left on the first train out of here
Passing through

Like childhood dreams
Wishing for immediate
Family to be together again
For Christmas

I'll hold my breath till this ride stops
Sit aboard
Just waiting
Passing time
To all broken hearts of broken family connections in one way or another...
To all
Dec 2018 · 231
Chris Dec 2018
I hope to wake up

Next to you
With the sun
In my face

Your beauty is heaven
Your skin is candy
Your eyes are my escape
Dec 2018 · 201
Hook Line
Chris Dec 2018
She comes back to me

Like all hearts broken

By hands and a mind
Carelessly unraveling

On chards
Of glasslands

The words so pleasant
In sound waves

Traveling amongst tunnels
Where my guages used to hang

Exfoliate this given temple

When the feeling hits
And the meaning contradicts
The action shown

Dig a hole
12 feet deep

Cover a body
Bathe him in dirt

Fate says we're all deserving
Dec 2018 · 1.2k
Friendly Smiles
Chris Dec 2018
Friendly smiles
Doors closed
Plenty shadows
In isles

Pride in selfies captured
In fraud moment
Once rendered out of order

In a snap of crushing sound
Living life & we drown

Inside eyes of audience
Supple lips repeat
The memories & time lines
The bullet points of life
If you have lived as an introvert at any moment in might have felt the envy of popularity in social media...try to experience life in reality & not just for a photo to talk about later...

Thank you to all that have loved or liked my writing...means alot
Dec 2018 · 594
Chris Dec 2018
I'm lyrical
Vocabulary wreck varies
Some words twisted meanings
I ate the cherry

Spit out disease
With these words I'll thrive

Not to be the best
To be noticed

To protest
Dreams into reality

From underground
Love hates war days

To waking life up
To the end of days

Until my last breath
Until I can breathe

In this moment of time
On my music you'll feed

In this mind you'll find my days were restless
Lyrically inclined ecliptic miracles it's nothingness

To the hearts ear
You want them to hear
Dec 2018 · 168
Chris Dec 2018
There isn't a light
As far as I can see
But through these glass walls
There's something brighter


The questions unanswered
The answers
They turn to fear

There is sin
Deep in the skin

Of who I am
Dec 2018 · 220
Lion Heart
Chris Dec 2018
She has a face like lion heart
The rebel in her sight

Instant depth in her gaze

One body standing in broken glass sand
Feel the stinging of her distance
While she lets the thickening pain set in..

Listen to her sing like fire

With piercing eyes & embers that undo the essence of time..

Teasing mother earth
It's like angels when her feet touch the ground...

It's bitter sweet when she starts *******
This air that I breathe

Will hearts ever become prey
To hope, love & Destiny

Four letters make the name
That give rumble to my knees

I'll eat your skin like survival

To a lion on the prowl

Coasting historic open promises

Adding all the days & nights until now A drug for this fiend
That has tasted heaven
All your heavenly love

Black space beauty a delicate balance

A time traveler is ,on a journey of your body
Closing windows to view fingerprint ridges
As he surrenders her subtle grin

She finds happiness.
Dec 2018 · 606
Chris Dec 2018
This is just the beginning

Soaring high
Oh so high
Strung out for days

Till the comedown cries

Lay back a ton
of my body parts
I weigh a ton

Spark a fro

Give myself the head change
This color stained

The river under my skin
Strong willed would be nice
Overcome now

Everyday cravings
Got me going crazy
Got me willing
Thinking to myself maybe
Just maybe
I'll make it
Passing thoughts of suicide
Closing doors
Open my mind
A human that is at war with addiction of any at war with their innerself....
Immersed in the struggle & the fight for ???
Dec 2018 · 190
Chris Dec 2018
Lost it all and I had it all
Never enough to change though...

Been gone for so long
Changed to this point
Still feels like

I'm back at square one..

Acting like there's no hope
And What's the point to go on..
When this cycle seems like a Paris circle

Gazing into this
Look inside to find
Me changing shape
In this Kaleidescope of life..
Dec 2018 · 1.4k
Trust Peak
Chris Dec 2018
I don't trust you anymore
I'd have to lock you up In a f cage.. Weld the door shut..

Give you water to drink & give you food to eat...
Blanket box Covered sheet

So I could know that you'd be your only temptation..
******* And **** disease...

Lust must start somewhere...
But you will stay locked up
For my mind to be free...

Tried deceit
Tried trust
Both failed
Trailed off n left us...

Tried death
Tried lust
One came back with vengeance
The other came back laughing...
It's not over yet...

I'll come home everyday
To lift your shielding cover
I'll reach my loving ,trusting hand In To show you I still love her...
This piece came from that moment of the tip top " peak " of one trusting another...
Dec 2018 · 206
Mountain Ground
Chris Dec 2018
I float
Inhaling the words that I speak... Living in these four walls..
On the floor
Is where comfort Seems to always find me...
Look over as I turn to My Mountain... Peacefully chaotic, amazement & I see the book of memories, that you made for me...
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
Seek It
Chris Dec 2018
Seek it and Don't resist it
Say more
Seek it and don't resist it...
Fate..Say more

Except for people you can't save.. Mislead yeah..
The rhythm and diamonds off
And there all flamed up

Don't need em to make a hit
Metaphor Metaphor
Let's run this ****..out..

No weary rest....
Unless ending it
They are who
U should be fine.

Off with the wicked...

Cause in the minds mind mind
Yeah that's right
I'm in the middle

Now you should accept the fact
This is how you reach the stars now..
If ur sure they serve the mark
Ill show the passion...
Dec 2018 · 165
Begin to end
Chris Dec 2018
We walk the brick wall
Nails scrape the mortar
Delicately creating
Destruction Of this
beautiful Creation..
began with a first step &
will end in a second..
Dec 2018 · 437
Entangled Fingers
Chris Dec 2018
Entangled fingers
Passion laced
Skin toned ribbons
Esophagus constricted
Mirror image

The strength of this love
In bloodshot white..

Eyes will see devotedly
The truest moment

If beauty is truth
When there's no more life..

Unblinded in the fade..
Pass with honor ...
You are flawlessness
From beginning to end
Dec 2018 · 1.6k
Chris Dec 2018
Venomous retina
Attracted me like a trap

Brillo copper in the glass
Seventeen on the couch

Call my best friend
Share the minds thoughts

Curiosity got the best of me
And the trust
I put into my idles hands

Heart beat
Vanes thumping
Down down down

Mind is up
Thinking what the ****

This is my life now

Future you crying
Hanging his head low

Cooks up rocks in the *** death reborn

Resurrection of death
Being cloned over and over again

Yellow cake on the menu
As the flame kisses the pan

Ain't supposed to be done
But not for the father
Not not for a mother brother sister or son

******* smoke
Heart dancin
Tunnel vision
Two steppin
Jaw gliched like a movie disc
Crack walk
Leg locked in this ****** house
Home is if this is where the cake is...
Home is if this is where the cake is...
A seventeen year old son & his idle cross the threshold....
Dec 2018 · 350
Chris Dec 2018
I'm going down

These illustrated roads
Limbed pain no gain
March breeze
on goose skin

Coming out for old time sake
Feelers reaching into
the skeleton
Organs feed the
bleeding hand

Caught up in auras of isolation
Religious Sunday's
This is the working man

Addiction for addictive change
Replacing the untraced
Falling back on blackland hills
Iron creased

Aerosol starched in
Real time sneaking in
Frenzied reality
The fantasy
The fight.....................
Dec 2018 · 289
Chris Dec 2018
Of everlasting wars

Bleakness surrounded by
Weakness in blackest form

Serpentine flows of
Glowing rivers by waterfalls torn

Rebirth in broken heights
Take this body thrown
Plunging off the edge
The state of mind
Individuals blind & bound

— The End —