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Chris Aug 2022
These feet that walk beneath me
Have seen roads underneath
Catastrophic tragedy Raining supreme
Over happiness
All the sadness in a world uncertain
I am a man treading his path by a woman so perfect
From the Philippines to this country I call home
A stranger can still feel the same
In a country he was born
Purity speaks
Pushing down negativity
From a unicorn only some have known
In the past it's hard to see the future & how much you can grow
Chris Jan 2022
Who can travel like song

Whispering from galaxies

She has sung & he sinks
Deeper & deeper into love

Following in the fall
Bleakness to brightness of the brightest sun

Bathing by purity across the world
Lucky cultures aren't the same & I am from a different one

Kindness can be the morning dew
Kindness is what she is to you

Here and there conflict body warmth & hearted
Holding hands colliding
Squashing crashes avoided

Overcome & overthrown
Positivity is more powerful
Than anything he's ever known
Once in a lifetime
You meet someone that amazes you in a way like no other.
Everyone is good at something
Chris Jan 2022
Nights have me up
I'm awake with memories
Casting spells on a good night sleep

Life holds so many chapters
Telling these stories
Sometimes forgotten laughter
Sometimes it's so much better
Battling the days saying
Today would never be
Chris Jul 2020
The age that creeps through finger tips

Deep secrets

Darker than a watch stopped on the underside of a wrist

Veins hang from novel bracelets

Eyes travelling the mane
On top of fabric sewn bouquets

Flowers don't touch the beauty that teases from beneath
Inspiration transcends through ways unimaginable sometimes- inspiration comes & goes-
Chris Jun 2020
I sit here alone
While perfection waits outside the door
Thinking of sending songs
Momentum only comes
If our loneliness collides
Two signals on telephone wire
Coiled up over time
Chris Jun 2020
We all wear metal veins

The rumblings from skeletons

Crushing weight
Heavens gates

Tell me with cars pressing against
The back of a bridge standing on a man

Life is
Two of us holding hands
Withering away

Way down the tunnels

Medicine candy
Makes you feel god

Good times become hard times
And vice versa
Chris Jun 2020
Black family
Thin girl anatomy

Hands by side
Thighs with curtains covering

Lust & creative love
Heart break through trying times

Freedom through shaded eyes

Boots to push against gravity
Stomp the earth away
Thin lips that don't smile on stairways

Secrets behind cigarettes

Smoking uniform
This dress has been worn before
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