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May 2018 · 380
Aug 2017 · 885
kellie scranton Aug 2017
You wound me up like a spiral staircase
Predictable like my weekdays
Fluent in enticing my reactions
I forgave you of toxic infractions
You could draw my body freehand
I sunk into you like quicksand
Jul 2017 · 11.4k
"Ever After"
kellie scranton Jul 2017
We were a strange kind
your mind ignited mine
we grew on eachother like a fertilized vine
& crashed and burned before our time

ours is a tale I long to rewrite
let ink spill out, 7 chapters in a night
regretting words I hissed in spite
forgiving ourselves for ending the fight

I'd start back before I knew your name
slip into to a less polluted time
before I cried after drinking red wine
back when our souls were intertwined

before contracts of our destiny were signed  
before my heart was forced to resign
once upon a time,
I was yours and you were mine
check out more of my poetry on Instagram @dirtyblondepoetry
Jun 2017 · 654
kellie scranton Jun 2017
She exuded an east coast essence
She was dripping in party girl pearls
Her looks weren't her only weapon
She was closer to heaven than most girls

She smoked outside, all Bambi eyed
Decadence running through her veins
The one she loved so tragically died
She left claw-marks on his remains

If you looked deep into her eyes
She'd forever be your muse
She was a beautiful enigma
A shot of your favorite *****

She could predict your future
Along with tomorrow's news
Suitors tried to consume her
But none of them sparked her fuse

No one discovered the depths
Of her beautifully abstract mind
It takes a certain hunger
To conquer a spirit so unrefined

Tonight she makes an entrance
One like your never seen
She's chain-smoking, and ego stroking
Surrounded by local fleas

She has them wrapped up in conversation
They're hanging on to her every word
To find someone more charismatic
You'd have to scour the entire earth

She's gods proudest creation
She's critically acclaimed
A coastal variation
In an ocean of the same
May 2017 · 735
kellie scranton May 2017
My mind was on holiday
It couldn't quite take me far enough away
To escape your moral decay
I was always lured with bait
It took a decade to turn to hate
I'm sorry I left the party
I gazed into your eyes and saw tomorrow  
Only time will tell
If I broke the spell
It's not easy to leave you
In your rendition of hell
May 2017 · 999
Chemical Burns
kellie scranton May 2017
She said;
Once I heal from all these chemical burns
I'll exude forgiveness
You'll be impressed by my emotional stability
And my lack of vulnerability
I'll be such a gentle *****
You lose sight of when our roles switched
I have another dimension to my soul now
All the knives are out of my throat now
All the stories are rewrote now
It's impossible to detect the dishonesty in my voice
May 2017 · 10.7k
kellie scranton May 2017
Even when the ink started to run
You helped me find the meaning in the verse
Your cologne smelled like September
And I knew even if we both got lost out there
The sun would still rise and set
I took a lesson from the darkness
I never scorch my tongue on hot coffee anymore
I read the words I used to ignore
May 2017 · 915
kellie scranton May 2017
I've lost you more times then I've
lost my keys
And for years I've prayed to that saint
You know, the one who finds things that are misplaced
Can you tell by my expression
I stashed away all the maps and clues
And lately I can sleep at night
It feels strange to cherish a vacant conscious
May 2017 · 1.3k
"Sharp Clavicles"
kellie scranton May 2017
When you can't go outside in the cold
Cause it hurts your bones;
And you've caused self inflicted mayhem
On every surface of your skin
When the night is your only cherished friend
It comforts your deceiving soul
And sings you a fast tempo lullaby

-Kellie A Scranton
Diary of a night owl
May 2017 · 5.7k
"My Alter"
kellie scranton May 2017
Seek out the skeletons on every surface
Your no fun if you go to bed first
Those days were dark & merciless
You recited lies to my pretty face
I forgave you;
Lord knows we both sin
My fortune predicts I won't win
Cause you're already tasting that drip;
And you crave the bitterness

You can't cure him with charisma
And your love won't liberate him
So say your prayers till your voice is strained
100 Hail Marys won't alter this game

-Kellie A. Scranton
May 2017 - Lippincott days in moorestown
May 2017 · 617
kellie scranton May 2017
We were stuck in a downpour on Locust

Shadowed with good intentions 

Your vices smothered your virtue

They exist on the coastline of your mind
Follow the glow of the neon signs
Turn right when you feel your chest convulse  

Born cursed with impulse

Sanity leaks from the ceiling in your mind

Your gleaming with dishonesty

You curated needle graffiti on my walls
You disappeared liked clockwork

Down every shoddy alley

To fill your lungs with manic choas

Just another suburban stray 

With calico bruises
Trying to find the glamour in its grip

-kellie scranton
Old Friendships &a Doomed Generations

— The End —